Planning Motivation Control

Personnel assessment methods examples. Personnel assessment methods. A qualitative method for assessing personnel in an organization

At the present stage of development of business technologies, the key resources of any organization, along with financial, informational, technological, are human resources. Enterprises compete, including at the level of professional development of their employees - their knowledge, skills and abilities. For the most reasonable and effective use of this resource, it is necessary to properly evaluate it. Various systems, methods and techniques for assessing personnel make it possible to identify and unlock the potential of each employee and direct this potential to the implementation of the company's strategic goals. In this article, we will help you navigate through their diversity and choose the ones that are best suited for your organization.

Evaluation in one form or another is carried out at each stage of work with personnel:

  • selection of a candidate for a vacant position: assessment is necessary to establish the compliance of the candidate's skills and abilities (both professional and personal) with the job requirements and corporate culture of the company;
  • during the test (trial period): the purpose is to additionally assess the level of compliance of the employee with the position held and the level of his adaptation in the company;
  • in the course of current activities: at this stage, the assessment is aimed at clarifying the plan for the professional and career growth of the employee, making decisions on bonuses, revising wages;
  • employee training (in accordance with the goals of the company): it is necessary to determine the current knowledge of the employee and the need for his training, it is desirable to carry out a similar procedure after completing the training;
  • transfer to another structural unit: it is necessary to determine the capabilities of the employee to perform new job duties;
  • formation of a personnel reserve: assessment of the professional and, first of all, the personal potential of the employee;
  • dismissal: at this stage, an assessment is required to identify the incompetence of an employee, and in this case, only the results of certification can serve as the basis for dismissal.

Formalized personnel assessment systems

Personnel assessment is not always clear and formalized. However, with the development of business process analysis, a more attentive attitude to the strategic development of companies, formalized assessment systems began to appear based on the strategic objectives of companies. These scoring systems are known by several variant names:

  • performance appraisal - performance appraisal;
  • performance review - performance review;
  • performance evaluation - assessment of the work performed;
  • performance assessment - assessment of the performance of activities;
  • performance management report - performance management report;
  • performance survey - performance appraisal;
  • performance summary - a brief summary of work efficiency;
  • performance rating - determination of the level of work efficiency.

A little later, a more detailed (based on the evaluation of the effectiveness of each employee) system appeared. Management by Objectives (MBO) - performance management. The essence of this approach is that a list of key tasks (work criteria) is formed for the employee in a single standard. This standard, as a rule, includes the name, description and weight of the task, as well as the planned and actual indicators of its implementation (indicating the appropriate units of measurement) in the general list of tasks of the control object. In this case, it is very important that the performance of each task is measurable. At the end of the approved period, the employee and the manager evaluate the implementation of each goal (usually in percentage terms) and the entire personal plan of the employee.

Gradually, more and more emphasis in the evaluation of personnel was placed on the consideration of the personal and professional qualities of an individual employee. So, one of the developments - performance management - is a system more ambitious than MBO, as it is aimed not only at evaluating the result, but also taking into account the "means" by which this result is achieved - the personal qualities of employees.

System "360 degrees" was created in order to increase the objectivity of the assessment. It is assumed that during the evaluation procedure, colleagues, managers, subordinates and clients of the employee are interviewed; this leads to a decrease in the subjectivity of the assessment. The procedure is carried out in several stages: assessment criteria are determined, questionnaires are compiled, a questionnaire is conducted, at the end the results are analyzed and a plan for the development of underdeveloped competencies is developed.

It is important to correctly define the evaluation criteria, which cannot be the same for different positions. For each position, its own range of competencies is determined with pre-developed indicators for evaluation - behavioral examples. The advantage of this scoring system is its relative simplicity. However, it should be taken into account that when conducting a large-scale study, the process of processing the obtained data becomes more difficult. In addition, clearly defined evaluation criteria are needed. In addition, it is necessary to properly organize the collection of information, informing people about the goals of testing.

Assessment Center - involves a comprehensive assessment of an employee in terms of competencies and, consequently, a more attentive attitude to the personal and professional qualities of a particular employee. This procedure most often includes:

  • an interview with an expert, during which data is collected about the knowledge and experience of the employee;
  • psychological, professional tests;
  • a brief presentation of the participant to experts and other participants;
  • business game (under the guidance of an observer, a group of employees or candidates plays a business situation according to a pre-prepared scenario);
  • biographical survey;
  • description of professional achievements;
  • individual analysis of specific situations (business cases);
  • expert supervision, the results of which are recommendations for each employee.

For Russia, the traditional assessment system is attestation . It was used at enterprises in Soviet times. Unfortunately, attestation is greatly underestimated as a system of assessment. In fact, it is very similar to Performance Management, however, being an extremely formalized and regulated procedure, it lags far behind in terms of the methods used - the legislation does not keep pace with the development of evaluation methods. In addition, employees who hold positions enshrined in the regulations of the Russian Federation, subjects of the federation and municipal authorities are subject to certification. As a result, in the current conditions of the absence of a single standard for positions, certification becomes possible only in budgetary institutions.

Methods and techniques for personnel assessment

Conventionally, all methods of researching an organization can be divided into three main approaches: humanitarian, engineering and empirical. Personnel assessment methods are most related to the empirical approach, as they are based on the dissemination of successful industry or functional experience, the use of precedent experience in decision making. In most cases, evaluation is a comparison of the characteristics obtained during the study with the characteristics of a “reference sample”. Empirical research methods are usually divided into quantitative and qualitative ones.

Quantitative Methods

Quantitative methods can be characterized as formalized and massive. Formalization is expressed in the focus on the study of strictly defined analyzed variables, set in advance, and their quantitative measurement. The high level of formalization of quantitative methods is associated with their statistical processing.

The most common quantitative method is questioning . In the process of questioning, the employee/candidate for a vacancy is asked to answer in writing the questions presented in the form of a questionnaire. Due to the ease of use and processing, questionnaires can be used both separately and as a component of almost all types of a comprehensive personnel assessment system. According to the form, the questions in the questionnaire are divided into open, requiring a free answer, and closed, the answer to which is to select one (or more) of several statements proposed in the questionnaire. One of the many options for using the questionnaire is to collect information about the real business and personal competencies of an employee within the framework of the 360-degree assessment system. In this case, the survey of his manager, colleagues, subordinates and clients significantly saves time for both the respondents and the employee who processes the received data.

One of the types of surveys used to assess personnel are personality questionnaires - a class of psychodiagnostic methods designed to determine the degree of severity of certain personality traits in an individual. In form, they are lists of questions, while the answers of the subject are presented quantitatively. As a rule, with the help of this method, features of character, temperament, interpersonal relationships, motivational and emotional spheres are diagnosed. For this purpose, specific methods are used. Here are the most popular of them:

  1. Multifactorial personality questionnaires (designed to describe a wide range of individual personality characteristics):
    • Cattell Questionnaire (16-PF): the main factors are the general level of intelligence, the level of development of the imagination, susceptibility to new radicalism, emotional stability, the degree of anxiety, the presence of internal tensions, the level of development of self-control, the degree of social normalization and organization, openness, isolation, courage, attitude towards people, the degree of dominance - subordination , dependence on the group, dynamism;
    • MMPI Questionnaire: the main scales include somatization of anxiety, anxiety and depressive tendencies, repression of anxiety-causing factors, the realization of emotional tension in direct behavior, the severity of male / female character traits, rigidity of affect, fixation of anxiety and restrictive behavior, autism, denial of anxiety, hypomanic tendencies, social contacts;
    • FPI Questionnaire: this questionnaire was created primarily for applied research, taking into account the experience of constructing and using such well-known questionnaires as 16PF, MMPI, EPI, etc. The scales of the questionnaire reflect a combination of interrelated factors. The questionnaire is designed to diagnose mental states and personality traits that are of paramount importance for the process of social, professional adaptation and regulation of behavior;
    • Leonhard's characterological questionnaire: the test is designed to identify the type of accentuation (certain direction) of the character. Accentuations are considered as an extreme version of the norm, which is their main difference from psychopathy - pathological personality disorders. The following types of personality accentuation are diagnosed: demonstrative, stuck, pedantic, excitable, hyperthymic, dysthymic, anxious-fearful, affective-exalted, emotive, cyclothymic.
  2. Questionnaires of motivational features:
    • Rean's Questionnaire: the motivation to achieve success and the motivation to avoid failure are diagnosed;
    • Pedantry Test designed to diagnose the level of pedantry. On the one hand, pedantry is the desire to follow the accepted forms, jealous and stubborn observance of various trifles, and loss of sight of the essence of the matter. On the other hand, pedantry is also manifested in diligence, responsibility, conscientious attitude to duties, rigor and accuracy, striving for the truth.
  3. Questionnaires of mental well-being (the level of neuropsychic adaptation, anxiety, neuropsychic stability, neuroticism, social adaptation is assessed):
    • Methodology for determining stress resistance and social adaptation of Holmes and Rage: Doctors Holmes and Rage (USA) studied the dependence of diseases (including infectious diseases and injuries) on various stressful life events in more than five thousand patients. They came to the conclusion that mental and physical illnesses are usually preceded by certain major changes in a person's life. Based on their research, they compiled a scale in which each important life event corresponds to a certain number of points, depending on the degree of its stressfulness;
    • Heck and Hess's method of rapid diagnostics of neurosis: preliminary and generalized diagnostics of the probability of neurosis;
    • Spielberger Reactive and Personal Anxiety Scale: identification of the level of personal and reactive anxiety. Personal anxiety is understood as a stable individual characteristic that reflects the employee's predisposition to anxiety and implies that he has a tendency to perceive a fairly wide range of situations as threatening, responding to each of them with a certain reaction.
  4. Questionnaires of self-attitude (the features of the employee's attitude towards himself are studied):
    • Personal self-assessment methodology (Budassi): the level of self-esteem is determined (overestimated, underestimated or normal);
    • Stefanson's questionnaire: the technique is used to study the employee's ideas about himself. The advantage of the technique is that when working with it, the subject shows his individuality, the real "I", and not compliance / non-compliance with statistical norms and the results of other people.
  5. Temperament Questionnaires:
    • Eysenck's personality questionnaire: the test is aimed at diagnosing personality parameters, neuroticism and extraversion-introversion;
    • Questionnaire Strelhau: the strength of excitation processes, inhibition processes, mobility of nervous processes are diagnosed.
  6. Questionnaires of values ​​(used to study the value-semantic sphere of the individual):
    • Rokeach test "Value Orientations": the technique is based on direct ranking of the list of values.
  7. Questionnaires of emotional features:
    • Test "Emotional burnout": the degree of psychological protection is revealed in the form of "emotional burnout" (this technique is especially relevant for workers involved in the field of interaction with people);
    • Scale for assessing the significance of emotions: the technique proposed by B.I. Dodonov, is aimed at identifying the emotional states of a person that give him pleasure.
  8. Behavior Activity Tests:
    • Methodology "Out of difficult life situations": the dominant way of solving life problems in a person is determined.

It should be noted that many of the above methods were originally developed and used in clinical psychology and only then began to be used in enterprises for personnel assessment. However, these methods, for the most part, have not been sufficiently adapted to assess employees, therefore, in order to use them in organizations, a specialist with a fairly high level of knowledge in the field of psychology is needed.

Another important method of staff appraisal is ability tests . They are a specially selected standardized set of tasks that serves to assess the potential ability of a person to solve various problems. Any kind of intelligence test can be considered an ability test. To identify specific abilities, for example, for certain types of activities (medicine, technology, law, education, etc.), special tests are being developed. Perhaps the most common among the methods used in personnel assessment are those aimed at identifying the professional abilities of employees. The most proven methods are the following:

  • Amthauer Intelligence Structure Test : designed to determine the ability for abstract thinking, memory, spatial imagination, language sense, mathematical thinking, judgment formation, etc.
  • Guilford test: allows you to measure social intelligence, which is a professionally important quality and allows you to predict the success of teachers, psychologists, psychotherapists, journalists, managers, lawyers, investigators, doctors, politicians, businessmen.
  • Raven test: allows using progressive matrices not only to evaluate the intellect itself, but also makes it possible to get an idea of ​​the employee's ability to systematized, systematic, methodical intellectual activity.

It should be noted that many of the known ability tests do not provide enough material to make predictions based on them. They provide limited information that needs to be supplemented with information from other sources.

Qualitative Methods

As opposed to quantitative, qualitative research methods are singled out, which are informal and aimed at obtaining information through an in-depth study of a small amount of material. One of the most commonly used methods is interview .

The interview method is distinguished by strict organization and unequal functions of the interlocutors: the interviewer (specialist who conducts the interview) asks questions to the respondent (estimated employee), does not conduct an active dialogue with him, does not express his opinion and does not openly reveal his personal attitude to the questions asked and the answers of the subject . The task of the interviewer is to reduce his influence on the content of the respondent's answers to a minimum and ensure a favorable atmosphere for communication. The purpose of the interview from the point of view of the interviewer is to get answers from the respondent to questions formulated in accordance with the objectives of the study (the qualities and characteristics of the person being assessed, the absence or presence of which must be identified).

Based on various parameters, it is customary to distinguish several types of interviews. The following types are most used in personnel assessment.

Biographical interview focused on the candidate's past employment history. When it is carried out, it is assumed that the behavior in the past is an indicator of the behavior in the future. Biographical interviews focus on the work experience and work style of the person being assessed. Jobs are collected in reverse chronological order. The interview assesses the degree of importance of the employee's current work for the organization and his competence in terms of meeting the requirements for a particular position. At the same time, you should ask correctly selected questions and observe the same conditions for all the assessed. In practice, the questions come from “employee requirements”, which list the individual characteristics necessary to successfully complete the job. The advantage of a biographical interview is that it meets the expectations of the candidate (employee) and gives him the opportunity to perform at his best. However, this same factor can cause bias in the assessment. The effectiveness of such an interview also depends on how correctly the questions relate to the job criteria.

behavioral interview contains a structured list of questions designed around experience or ability in specific areas or job-related criteria. These criteria are identified in the process of analysis, the subject of which was the work and behavior of successful employees. The main advantage of the behavioral approach is that it deals with the skills that are important to the job. On the other hand, such an interview can take a lot of time, since during it it is necessary to discuss all the important aspects of the work. In addition, due to the fact that the interview is focused on the process of carrying out a certain work, it is easy to overlook important questions regarding the general professional background of the candidate/employee.

situational interview is based on the construction of certain situations and the proposal to the assessed employee to describe the model of his behavior or way out of this situation. In the evaluation process, the employee tries to give socially desirable answers, that is, those that he considers socially correct. During the interview, it becomes possible to assess how these perceptions correspond to the values ​​of the organization, accepted behavior patterns, as well as the work that the employee performs.

Projective interview is based on a special construction of questions in such a way that they offer the employee / candidate to evaluate not himself, but people in general or some character. Projective techniques are based on the fact that a person tends to transfer his life experience and attitudes to interpreting the actions of other people, as well as to fictional situations, characters, etc. In a projective interview, an employee is less likely to give socially desirable responses. However, the process of conducting a projective interview is very lengthy, and the data obtained is quite difficult to process. In addition, the professional and personal qualities of the interviewer will have a significant impact on the result.

One of the main qualitative methods of personnel assessment is also the traditional document analysis . It is believed that documents are or can be reliable evidence of phenomena occurring in reality. In many ways, this applies to official documents, but it can also apply to unofficial ones. The analysis of documents means the transformation of the original form of the information contained in the documents into the form necessary for the personnel appraiser. In fact, this is nothing more than an interpretation of the content of the document, its interpretation. In the process of document analysis, resumes, letters of recommendation and cover letters, educational documents (diplomas, certificates, qualification certificates), research and publicistic works, etc. can be examined.

There are methods containing features of both qualitative and quantitative methods. First of all, this applies to business cases . A business case is a comprehensive description of the situation in which a real company once found itself. The case, as a rule, describes the external environment and the internal environment of the company, as well as their changes over time. The events faced by managers, as well as the actions of the latter, are presented in the order in which they actually happened. But the most important thing is that the case formulates the problem that this or that employee of the company had to solve. The accuracy and fidelity of the choice of a typical working situation and the professionalism of creating a business case determine the reliability of the forecast when using this method. On the one hand, the method is based on the pragmatism of the proposed options for solving business problems, on the other hand, it is possible to identify a system of non-standard approaches to solving typical situations, which determines the degree of employee creativity.

At the current stage, most personnel appraisers are striving to create comprehensive systems for assessing the personnel of an enterprise, including a fairly large number of methods in order to minimize errors in the assessment process. However, first of all, it is important not only to bring together several methods, but to adapt them to the conditions existing in the organization, and often - when it comes to foreign methods - to the conditions of Russian reality. Of great importance here is the professionalism and experience of the specialist who manages the assessment process, since the fulfillment of this task, in addition to relevant personal qualities, requires knowledge and competencies in the field of psychology and understanding of business processes, goals and specifics of the company's activities.

Personel assessment

1. The concept and types of personnel assessment.

2. Stages and methods of personnel assessment

1. The concept and types of personnel assessment.

Personel assessment- a purposeful process of establishing the compliance of the qualitative characteristics of personnel with the requirements of a position or workplace.

Evaluation of the results of the work of specific officials differs in their tasks, significance, indicators, and the complexity of identifying the results.

Business appraisal of personnel can be carried out according to two directions:

= evaluation of labor results for a certain period of time;

= assessment of the employee's competence, the effectiveness of his labor behavior.

Evaluation of the work of personnel performs a number of functions and is aimed at achieving three goals, respectively: administrative, informational, motivational.

1. The administrative goal is achieved by making a reasonable administrative (personnel) decision (promotion or demotion, transfer to another job, referral for training, dismissal) based on the results of the assessment of personnel performance.

2. The informational goal is to obtain objective and reliable information about the work for employees and the manager to improve and make the right decision.

3. Motivational - assessment itself is the most important means of motivating people's behavior.

Tasks of personnel assessment:

= assess the potential for promotion and reduce the risk of being promoted by the incompetent;

= determine the cost of training;

= maintain work motivation;

= organize feedback on the quality of work;

= develop staff development programs.

The main task of personnel assessment is to provide the organization with the necessary accurate and reliable information about its employees.

Personnel information is a collection of all operational information, as well as their processing processes for personnel planning. She must answer the following


≈ simplicity - information should contain as much data (and only to the extent) as necessary in this case;

visibility - information should be presented in such a way that you can quickly determine the main thing, avoid verbosity. To do this, you need to use tables, graphs, color design of the material;

unambiguity - information should not be unclear, in their interpretation one should follow the semantic, syntactic and logical unambiguity of the material;

comparability - information should be given in comparable units and refer

to comparable objects both inside and outside the organization;

continuity - information about personnel submitted for different time periods must have the same calculation methodology and the same forms of presentation;

relevance - information must be fresh, operational and timely, i.e. provided without delay.

Assessment elements

labor results


Line managers Employees of the personnel management service

Employees Independent experts

Employees Groups of employees

Subject of assessment

Personal qualities of employees Labor process Labor efficiency

Assessment Methods

Management by Objectives Graphic Rating Scale Method

Internal selection Descriptive method. Estimation method by

decisive situation. Method of questionnaires and comparative questionnaires. Method

behavioral observations


Place of assessment Frequency of assessment Sequence of assessment

Subjects can be:

line managers and subordinates;

employees of the personnel management service;

colleagues and other employees;

other persons (independent experts and specialists of assessment centers);

self-evaluated person.

The subjects of evaluation are divided into formal and informal.

Formal include managers and employees of personnel management services.

Informal - colleagues, independent experts - give an opinion, which is taken into account by formal subjects when making managerial decisions.

The object of evaluation is the one who is being evaluated - an individual employee or a group of employees identified on a certain basis (for example, on a professional basis).

The subject of assessment is the personal qualities of employees, the process and productivity of work.

To obtain reliable information about an employee, you must:

highlight the indicators and criteria by which the assessment is made, common equivalent for all employees of the organization and specific standards of labor and behavior for a particular workplace or a particular position;

choose the optimal frequency of assessment: it can be planned (current) and unscheduled, that is, carried out to solve certain operational tasks (when selecting candidates for a vacant position, to perform certain functions);

determine the place of assessment (employee's workplace);

establish the sequence of evaluation - a set of activities carried out to obtain information about the object of evaluation.

Personnel assessment criteria

An objective assessment can be obtained by establishing clear and thoughtful criteria for assessing personnel.

The established criteria can be very diverse, but they should always be tied to the subject of assessment, be targeted.

There are four groups of criteria that are used in any organization:

1. professional criteria contain characteristics of professional knowledge, professional experience, skills, qualifications, results of work;

2. business criteria - responsibility, organization, initiative, efficiency;

3. moral and psychological criteria - psychological stability, ability to self-assessment, honesty, fairness;

4. specific criteria - are formed on the basis of the qualities inherent in a person and characterize his state of health, authority, personality traits.

The results of the work of managers are determined based on the results of production, economic and other activities of the organization or structural units.

The results of the work of specialists are determined based on the volume, completeness, quality, timeliness of the performance of their assigned duties.

When evaluating labor productivity, two groups of indicators are used:

direct (or quantitative) are easily measurable, objectively quantifiable, and predetermined; on their basis, the degree of achievement of the goals set is determined;

indirect, indirectly affecting the achievement of results; they cannot be quantified.

When evaluating the performance of employees, two groups of criteria are used: "hard" and "soft" indicators. "Hard" indicators are easily measurable, can be fairly objectively quantified and are always set in advance. "Soft" indicators, due to the impossibility of their quantitative determination, differ in some dependence on the subjective opinion of the appraiser.

2. Stages and methods of personnel assessment

Assessment steps:

1) description of functions;

2) definition of requirements;

3) assessment by factors of a particular contractor;

4) calculation of the overall score;

5) comparison with the standard;

6) assessment of the level of the employee;

7) communicating the results of the evaluation to the subordinate.

The main actor in personnel assessment is the line manager. He is responsible for the objectivity and completeness of the information base necessary for the ongoing periodic evaluation, and conducts an evaluation conversation with employees.

The task of the personnel service, which evaluates candidates for employment, is, in essence, to select such an employee who is able to achieve the result expected by the organization. In fact, assessment upon admission is one of the forms of preliminary quality control of the organization's human resources.

Despite the fact that there are a large number of different approaches to assessment, they all suffer from a common drawback - subjectivity, the decision largely depends on who uses the method, or who is involved as an expert.

Requirements for personnel assessment technology:

objectivity - independence from private opinion or individual judgments;

relative freedom from the influence of situational factors (mood, weather, past successes and failures;

reliability - the real level of skill proficiency should be assessed, how successfully a person copes with his work;

predictive capability - the assessment should provide data on which species

activities and at what level a person is potentially capable; ♦ complexity - not only each of the members of the organization is evaluated, but also the connections and

relationships within the organization, as well as the capabilities of the organization as a whole;

comprehensibility - the evaluation process and evaluation criteria should be available to assessors, observers and assessed, that is, have the property of internal evidence;

integration into the general system of personnel work in order to really contribute to its development and improvement.

Personnel assessment methods

Depending on the subject of assessment, individual, group methods and self-assessment are distinguished.

On the subject of evaluation, methods are distinguished that are used to assess personal characteristics, labor results, and the labor process.

According to the means of presenting information, verbal (verbal), formalized (sign, graphic) and combined methods are distinguished.

Some researchers classify assessment methods:

by goals: prognostic and practical;

according to the results - into descriptive (qualitative), quantitative and combined;

for the object - on methods for evaluating the activities of managers and methods for evaluating executive personnel.

The most complete is the classification according to the object, subject and subject of assessment, according to which traditional and non-traditional methods of assessment are distinguished.

Traditional assessment methods. They are aimed at the individual employee and evaluate him outside the organizational context, are based solely on the assessment of the employee by the manager, are focused on the results achieved and do not take into account the long-term development of the organization and the potential of the employee.

Traditional assessment methods include:

scaling methods: forced choice method, descriptive method, graphic rating scale method, behavior observation scale method, standard rating method;

comparative methods: classification method, pairwise comparison method, predetermined distribution method, goal management method.

The advantages of this group of methods are their simplicity, low costs, uniformity of assessment and general availability, no special training is required, the ability to compare employees with each other, and track the dynamics of their changes over time.

However, these methods also have a number of serious disadvantages:

subjectivism and one-sidedness of the assessment - the assessment is carried out by one person leader;

the personal qualities of the employee and the potential that he has are not taken into account.

Non-traditional assessment methods focus on the assessment of the employee by his colleagues and specialists. Unlike traditional methods, it is not the results that are evaluated here, but the potential of the employee. These include: analysis of specific situations, the method of programmed control, business and role-playing games, the method of expert assessments, various

psychological methods (with the help of special tests, interviews, exercises, the presence and degree of development of certain characteristics of an employee are assessed).

To The disadvantages of these methods include:

expanding the composition of the subjects of evaluation can cause a number of conflicts between the employee and colleagues who evaluate him.

the complexity of assessing the potential of an employee and the inaccessibility of the results of the assessment, which can cause resentment and conflict.

expert method. Its use is productive in stable, long-standing organizations where people have known each other for a long time and have an established opinion about each other, which allows them to listen to the recommendations of colleagues, in particular in the matter of selection and certification of personnel. Expert assessment is aimed at determining the current level and past merits, does not provide information for predicting the effectiveness of a person's future work, his potential.

Evaluation based on written characteristics. A written reference is usually given in preparation for certification, when deciding on the preparation of a reserve for filling managerial positions, and when making appointments and moving to other departments.

Write method. During the period for which the performance of the employee is assessed, records are kept, which are then presented during the assessment. An example would be an employee self-photograph card.

The method of management by goals is based on setting goals for the performers that must be achieved over a certain period of time (month, quarter, year); suitable for evaluating the work of specialists and managers.

Ranking methods. Allows you to compare employees with each other. There are several types of ranking: direct ranking; ♦ rotating ranking; ♦ pairwise comparison.

Other assessment methods include:

= assessment of the employee's potential;

Business valuation.

The methods for assessing the potential of employees include the following:

1. Personnel assessment centers. They use a complex technology built on the principles of criteria-based assessment. The use of a large number of different methods and the mandatory evaluation of the same criteria in different situations and in different ways significantly increases the predictive value and accuracy of the assessment. It is especially effective in evaluating candidates for a new position (promotion) and in evaluating management personnel.

2. Aptitude tests. Their goal is to assess the psychophysiological qualities of a person, the ability to perform a certain activity.

3. General aptitude tests. Assessment of the general level of development and individual features of thinking, attention, memory and other higher mental functions.

4. Biographical tests and study of the biography. The main aspects of the analysis: family relations, the nature of education, physical development, main needs and interests, features of the intellect, sociability.

5. Personality tests. Psychodiagnostic tests to assess the level of development of individual personal qualities or a person's relevance to a certain type. Rather, a person's predisposition to a certain type of behavior and potential opportunities are assessed.

6. Interview. A conversation aimed at collecting information about the experience, level of knowledge and assessing the professionally important qualities of the applicant.

8. Non-traditional methods:

= use a polygraph (lie detector), psychological stress indicator, tests for honesty or attitude towards anything set by the company.

= some types of psychoanalysis in order to identify the skills of candidates for possible work in their organizations;

= astrology, graphology;

= alcohol and drug tests.

Methods of individual assessment

1. Questionnaires and comparative assessments. Comparative questionnaires are completed using predetermined choice methods and a rating scale.

2. Method of a given choice - a questionnaire in which the main characteristics are set, a list of options for the behavior of the person being assessed.

4. The descriptive evaluation method consists in the fact that the evaluator is asked to describe the advantages and disadvantages of the employee's behavior.

5. Evaluation method according to the decisive situation. To use this method, specialists prepare a list of descriptions of the "correct" and "wrong" behavior of employees in certain (decisive) situations. These descriptions are divided into headings according to the nature of the work.

6. Behavior observation scale. To determine the behavior of the employee as a whole, the appraiser fixes on the scale the number of cases when the employee behaved in one way or another.

Group assessment methods make it possible to compare the performance of employees within a group, to compare employees with each other.

1. Classification Method: The evaluator should rank all employees in order, from best to worst, according to any one general criterion.

2. Comparison by pairs - comparison of each with each is carried out in specially grouped pairs.

3. KTU (labor participation rate) was distributed in the 1980s. The value of the base KTU is equal to one.

In the process of applying certain methods in practice, the so-called “problems of standard assessments” may also arise, associated with the dissimilarity in the perception of different people by such concepts as “excellent”, “good”, “satisfactory”.

The impact of the problems listed above, related to the peculiarities of human perception, must be taken into account when preparing personnel assessment procedures and strive to minimize them.

Personnel evaluation centers in the personnel performance evaluation system

Evaluation of the results of personnel work - one of the main modern forms of work of personnel management services and one of their main management functions, used both in public institutions and in private organizations, is currently being developed by the activities of personnel evaluation centers, but in general it still has only partial distribution in the context of the development of the Russian labor market.

Personnel assessment center (assessment center) - a testing unit, functioning both within the organization and independently of it, whose activities are aimed at carrying out the entire range of activities related to personnel development.

Among the main activities of personnel assessment centers, there are several blocks.

The first is related to the definition of the social need for personnel assessment and the formation of a social order for their training.

The second block is technological. It is associated with the urgent need to develop modern technologies in relation to the domestic labor market (selection of assessment methods and assessment procedures, training and special selection of experts and consultants).

The third block is the creation of reliable measures to protect the specialist appraiser, the head of the customer of the appraiser himself. The assessment center specialist must be protected from pressure from both the customer and the person being assessed. In turn, the customer must have guarantees against unprofessional evaluation of the employee. Most importantly, employees must be sure that they are protected from the disclosure of confidential information and that it will not be used to their detriment.

Evaluation of personnel using various principles makes it possible to clearly identify any aspects related to the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to them by employees, to determine the characteristics, personal qualities of the employees of the organization.

The principles of personnel assessment are based on a study of common criteria, 25 of which are sufficient to identify the qualities of a person. Among them may be the ability to generalize orally or in writing, management, career motives, internal standards, including ethical principles, self-esteem of a person, his organizational and creative abilities, organization, reliability, etc.

Often, the personnel assessment system at an enterprise involves the use of an assessment center method or a universal integrated method. If the goals and objectives of personnel assessment are correct, then it is possible to effectively evaluate the work of employees, taking into account:

  • current control of work results;
  • the possibility of carrying out activities for certification;
  • results obtained in the process of current control and certification.

It is very important to bring the results of current control and certification to each employee in a timely manner.

The concept and objectives of personnel assessment are associated with a purposeful process that allows you to establish the compliance of all the qualitative characteristics of an employee, including his skills, motivation, abilities and character, with the requirements of the role he performs.

Assessment and development of personnel allow achieving the following goals:

  • identify the level of professionalism of the employee (knowledge, skills, abilities);
  • to investigate psychological readiness (motives of personality behavior and its orientation, employee's temperament);
  • evaluate the employee's labor efficiency related to the productivity and quality of labor, the desire for rationalization and invention;
  • develop appropriate recommendations for the development of personal and professional qualities of employees;
  • identify the degree of correspondence between the level of remuneration and the efforts made by employees, the level of performance and the expected result;
  • establish directions for staff development;
  • form an effective mechanism for motivating employees.

Methods on the basis of which the employee is assessed

Qualitative (descriptive) methods allow you to evaluate employees without using quantitative ones. The most common among them is the matrix method, which is based on comparing the characteristics of an employee with possible ideal criteria corresponding to the position he occupies.

It is possible to single out the achievements of the stronger and the mistakes of the weakest workers by applying the method of a system of arbitrary characteristics, which involves comparing these indicators with each other. Using an elementary method, they evaluate the activities of an employee of the organization as a whole. Often, the use of the “360 degrees” method allows you to assess the employee from all sides by other employees, from management to the company's customers. The prospects and results of the work of an employee are discussed on the basis of a discussion method conducted by experts and management.

Combined or descriptive methods are based on quantitative aspects. For example, testing or a method of summing up scores. Each of the characteristics is evaluated according to a specific scale, followed by the determination of average indicators for comparison with ideal ones.

Quantitative methods make it possible to evaluate the qualities of an employee with the greatest objectivity, fixing each result in numbers. The rank method is the most common quantitative assessment, which is a rating of an employee's characteristics compiled by several managers. After that, the ratings for all employees are reconciled and those at the bottom of the table are reduced. If the scoring method is used, then the employee can receive a predetermined number of points - they are summed up at the end of the entire period.

Comprehensive employee assessment indicators

Using the criteria for assessing personnel, it is possible to obtain a characteristic of indicators that are equivalent for all employees. Since information about the employee must be reliable, this will require objectivity and accuracy of indicators. Therefore, a comprehensive assessment of the work of personnel is carried out on the basis of clearer criteria.

The criterion or a certain threshold affects what the indicator will be: satisfactory or unsatisfactory - in relation to the established requirements of the organization for employees. They are both planned and standardized.

Personnel assessment technologies involve the use of groups of the following criteria:

  1. Professional.
  2. Business.
  3. Moral-psychological.
  4. specific.

Professional criteria include characteristics related to knowledge in the field of professional activity, skills, abilities, professional experience of a person, etc. Among the business criteria are: responsibility, organization, efficiency, initiative.

Moral and psychological criteria are associated with justice, honesty, psychological stability, the employee's ability to self-esteem. Forming specific criteria are the qualities of an employee that characterize his authority, state of health, personality traits.

The system of indicators should be formed on the basis of:

  1. Indicators of all 3 groups, which are equally important. If the criteria of a certain group are recognized as priority, then this will lead to the neglect of other types of activities by employees.
  2. Indicators that should not only cover all the necessary aspects of labor activity, but also not form an overly cumbersome system that will require a lot of time and money.

Personnel assessment automation system

The enterprise has a subsystem that facilitates the work of the personnel manager, labor engineer, heads of departments for organizational development and personnel management. The work of employees is evaluated by the above specialists and heads of departments on the basis developed by 1C - a personnel assessment program based on special methods.

The product includes the following modules:

  1. Professional and psychological testing.
  2. competency models.
  3. Evaluation of work results by KPI.

The functional areas of the program 1C: Enterprise in the subsystem "Personnel Assessment" are:

  1. Certification of personnel and analysis of labor results.
  2. Monitoring the socio-psychological climate in the team in the process of implementing new or risky management decisions.
  3. Study of the strengths and weaknesses of project and management teams.
  4. Creation of teams of professionals, taking into account the individual psychological characteristics of each employee.
  5. Selection and admission of candidates based on the analysis of assessed qualities, holding personnel competitions, personnel rotation, taking into account the compliance of employees with job requirements.
  6. Implementation of a system of personnel competencies, predicting the behavior of employees in typical situations in order to identify potential risks associated with the activities of employees.
  7. Launch of automated processes, including assessment and certification of personnel.
  8. Evaluation of the work of employees in the system of performance indicators (KPI).

The algorithm of all actions for the assessment and certification of employees is shown in the figure (PICTURE 1).

Rules for the development of an organization's personnel assessment system

The personnel evaluation system can be developed as follows:

  1. The assessment system, which is adopted in another organization, is copied.
  2. Developed an evaluation system independently.
  3. Consultants are invited to develop a system that meets the selected requirements.

If the management instructed a personnel management specialist to develop an assessment system, then it may not get the desired result due to the fact that there are practically no absolutely identical organizations. At the same time, this moment can positively affect the further promotion of staff on the career ladder.

If at one enterprise the requirements for employees are high, then at another they are average. In general, building an effective personnel assessment system in any organization will allow each employee to improve their status and qualifications. All specialists of the same profession and equal qualifications in different organizations perform different tasks, have different needs, etc.

If an organization needs to evaluate the results of the work of those specialists or workers whose activities are regulated by established standards and regulations, then clear indicators can be obtained. These include the number of customers served, sales volume, etc.

A comprehensive assessment of personnel is associated with the establishment of not only the required level of indicators, but also certain conditions for the behavior of employees, allowing each performer to achieve a high level of efficiency of their own work. If there are no clear indicators for evaluating the results of labor, then they are working goals set on the basis of the employee's job functions.

As evaluation tools are selected and procedures are defined to evaluate the work of employees in an organization, different enterprises can develop and impose completely different requirements. This affects the effectiveness of the indicators obtained: they will be relevant only if the staff correctly perceives their work results.

To get the maximum benefit from the operation of the evaluation system, it is necessary to correctly determine its goals, since very often it comes down to issues related to bonuses and remuneration.

Stages of building a personnel assessment system

The main purpose of personnel assessment procedures is to obtain objective information on the following indicators:

  1. The results of the work of employees.
  2. The effort required of them to achieve these results.
  3. Employee satisfaction with working conditions.
  4. Satisfaction of employees with the remuneration received.

The first stage involves identifying the needs of the enterprise when assessing the performance of employees. The following are the goals to be achieved. They are pursued in the evaluation process.

What is staff appraisal?

Personel assessment– assessment of the current state of knowledge, skills and abilities of the company's personnel in order to design and develop measures to optimize them.

Purpose of personnel assessment at the enterprise - carrying out targeted and coordinated changes in the current personnel management system, which should ensure an increase in labor productivity, product quality, production culture (operation and maintenance of equipment), corporate culture, etc.

Assessment objectives in "wide" use of the procedure

  • Recruitment, competition for a vacant position
  • Formation of a personnel reserve
  • Personnel rotation
  • Determining the readiness of personnel for changes during the reorganization
  • Downsizing
  • Definition of development potential
  • Determination of training needs
  • Formation of a motivation system for promotion

The objectives of the evaluation in the "narrow" use of the procedure:

  • Evaluation of the current activities of employees.
  • Agreeing goals for the next period.
  • Staff development.
  • Administrative decisions
  • To help the heads of departments of the company evaluate human resources and the effectiveness of their use.
  • Help employees understand the requirements for their position and be able to find out exactly how they meet these requirements and what needs to be developed.
  • These assessments are designed to assist in making strategically important decisions, improve the organizational structure and adjust job responsibilities.
  • The assessment allows you to answer the questions: “What to teach?”, “How to teach?”, “Whom to teach?”, to plan training for certain employees, to identify the most promising of them, in the development of which the company will profitably invest.
  • Conducting an assessment should help make relations in the company's team more businesslike and transparent; eliminate misunderstandings between managers and subordinates.

The introduction of a system of certification and assessment of professionally important qualities is an important mechanism of the personnel management system that allows you to control the state of professional training, functional skills of employees of the enterprise. The implementation of a comprehensive mechanism for certification and evaluation of employees of the enterprise, allow the use of a wide range of tools for material and administrative incentives, professional and personal and social motivation

The assessment of the company's personnel is the basis for:

  • Systems of material and non-material incentives for personnel
  • Personnel selection and adaptation systems
  • Personnel training systems
  • Personnel development systems
  • Formation and work with personnel reserve
  • Self-motivation and leadership development of personnel
  • Performance Improvement Systems

Based on many years of experience in conducting assessment activities by A-Range Solutions experts, in order to implement a comprehensive personnel assessment system, we suggest that you carry out its clear regulation, providing appropriate procedures and documents, which will minimize personal and subjective factors in personnel assessment. At the same time, it makes sense to immediately develop two areas of assessment: official certification (in accordance with the requirements of the law once every three to five years) and qualification assessment to determine the directions for the development of personnel and its mobilization, analyze the results of its activities, focus on shortcomings and existing problems (annually). In addition, it is necessary to streamline and regulate the procedure for evaluating candidates for vacant positions.

When does a personnel assessment become necessary?

Even before the development and implementation of a personnel assessment system for a clear measurement of the quality and quantity of work in the assessment process, it is advisable to answer several questions:

  • How to measure indicators? How to build a rating scale?
  • How to collect reliable information in order to build an assessment?
  • Who will be the appraiser? Are the evaluators competent enough to carry out the evaluation procedure?
  • What to do with process instability?
  • How to deal with the immeasurability of a number of important aspects?
  • How to avoid "bazaar relations," love - do not love ", binding to pay for each step?
  • How to link the valuation to the payroll in the face of uncertainty about future payments, from a “pilot project” to implementation throughout the company, avoiding payroll overruns?

Most often, an enterprise thinks about the development and implementation of a personnel assessment system if:

  • There is a stable staff turnover
  • There is no personnel assessment system in the company in principle
  • It is necessary to make a management decision in the field of HRM of the company.
  • Investments are planned in the development of key areas of the company's activities
  • A change in the management team of the company is planned (or has already taken place)
  • A change in the company's strategic goals is expected (or has already taken place)
  • It is necessary to form a project team to solve a strategic business problem
  • The legal basis for the movement of employees within the company is a high priority
  • Reduction of staffing, staffing structure
  • Introduce optimization processes in the enterprise
  • Enterprise restructuring is being prepared
  • The formation of a training plan for the company's personnel requires an understanding of the level of competence of the personnel
  • Requires the formation of a personnel development plan and the formation of a personnel reserve at the enterprise
  • There is a downward trend in labor discipline indicators
  • Significant decline in productivity
  • There are constant conflicts
  • Appeals of employees with complaints to the inspecting authorities were recorded
  • “Ripened” is the need to form or change the system of incentives for personnel at the enterprise.

What methods of personnel assessment are there?

  • Document analysis– study of resumes, written recommendations, reviews, documents on education, etc. The reliability of the data presented (education, qualifications, work experience, responsibilities, functions, achievements) is assessed.
  • Analysis of established standards and regulations— there are certain requirements for the processes within the company, such as standards and requirements for product quality, technological schemes of production. The personnel in the company adheres to the established procedures, norms for development and production. Under these requirements, standard assessments are developed.
  • Psychological testing- allows you to get in a quantitative and descriptive form the results of the assessment of personality traits. Quantitative results allow you to compare employees on certain qualities. A specially instructed specialist can conduct an assessment using personality questionnaires, and only a specialist who knows how to use a particular questionnaire can process the results and make recommendations.
  • Evaluation of work behavior and assessment interview
  • Professional tests- are developed for a specific position and test key knowledge and skills for it. They can be created by the immediate supervisor to evaluate the employees of their department, as well as external experts from consulting companies, specialized specialists.
  • Business essay method - h and for a certain time, the assessed person must describe a real problem, offer an algorithm for solving the problem / task. This assessment method allows you to identify the presence of an integrated approach to solving problems, a strategic vision.
  • Evaluation scales- characterize the desired parameters of skills and competencies and a description of each division of this scale. Scales are selected for a specific grading system.
  • Ranging– comparative analysis of personnel within the division and between divisions of the company, building a “chain” of rating according to pre-developed criteria.
  • Competency assessment- a set of individual characteristics expressed in behavioral indicators and determining the quality of work performed in a given position in a given organization
  • 360 degrees- this is the receipt of data on the actions of an employee in real work situations and on the business qualities shown by him. At the same time, information is obtained from people who communicate with this person at different levels: boss, colleagues, subcontractors, subordinates, clients.
  • Assessment center— An integrated competency assessment method is a multiple assessment process, reflected in 5 main properties: a group of participants performs a variety of exercises under the supervision of a team of trained observers who evaluate each participant against a set of predefined, work-related behaviors. Decisions are made by joint discussion of all received data
  • Goal Management(MBO from Management by Objectives) - begins with a joint (employee and his manager) definition of the employee's key goals for a certain period (from 6 months to 1 year). There should be few such goals and reflect the most important tasks of the employee's activity for the next period and be: specific, measurable, achievable, meaningful, time-oriented.
  • KPI(Key Performance Indicators) - evaluation by key performance indicators - in order for this type of evaluation to work not only for monitoring results, but also for improving the efficiency of employees, it must, on the one hand, take into account the strategic goals of the company, on the other hand, be clear and understandable for every employee.
  • HR audit– diagnostics of the current state of human resources and the effectiveness of the functioning of the personnel management system for compliance with the strategy, goals and objectives facing your enterprise, identification of risk zones and development zones
  • Certification- this is a procedure for a systematic formalized assessment of the compliance of the activities of a particular employee with the standard for performing work at a given workplace in a given position
  • Test - cases- this is a structured description of the economic, social or work situation, proposed for its analysis and the search for possible solutions for the purpose of training or evaluating subjects according to given parameters. Determination of the current state of professional knowledge, skills in the subject area and the level of expression of professional subject competence and personal characteristics.

How is staff appraisal done?

Standard list of works carried out by A-Range Solutions expert consultants:

  • introductory meeting with the client. Definition of a problem situation
  • preliminary assessment of the conditions for carrying out work on personnel assessment: approval of the goals and objectives, deadlines, labor intensity of the work, as well as the budget and composition of the team of experts - consultants. When determining the cost of work, the amount of the project is compared with the expected effect from the implementation of measures to improve the system of selection and adaptation of personnel
  • formation and approval of the work plan, approval of contact persons by the customer
  • definition and approval of the methodological part, including the choice of methods and assessment tools. It includes work on the issuance of internal orders, orders regulating this work in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, personal notification of the assessed employees before the start of the assessment.
  • obtaining permission from the customer to collect and process information, conducting interviews with the personnel of the enterprise. Collection, systematization of information. If necessary, by prior agreement with the customer, expert consultants of A-Range Solutions develop questionnaires and questionnaires.
  • development and approval of the staff assessment structure. For the implementation of these works, it is important that the customer provides verified, reflecting the research problem, reliable information, ensuring data comparability.
  • carrying out the evaluation procedure itself
  • development of recommendations based on the results of the work carried out, a preliminary draft report of the work carried out is formed for discussion and agreement with the customer.
  • formation of the final report. The entire course of work on the assessment of the enterprise's personnel, the results obtained, as well as conclusions and recommendations are described.
  • selection of experts implementing the implementation of the results of personnel assessment at the enterprise.

What is the result?

Depending on the goals, objectives, issues, you get a systematic structured view of the state of human resources in your company:

  • understanding the current state of knowledge, skills, skills of the company's personnel
  • compliance of the qualification level of human resources with the strategic and tactical tasks of the company
  • assessment of the professional contribution of the employee(s) to the efficiency of the company
  • compliance of the qualification level of employees with the level of their remuneration
  • compliance of the official duties of the employee (s) with the area of ​​​​assigned responsibility
  • functional imbalance of the enterprise (in the context of human resources)
  • development zones and risk zones of human resources of your company
  • analysis of the management structure of the enterprise (in the context of HRM)
  • analysis of existing procedures governing the personnel assessment system
  • description of possible legal risks (occurrence of labor disputes, penalties on the part of inspecting authorities) with reference to a normative legal act
  • recommendations for elimination of violations
  • priority of tasks in subsequent work with the personnel assessment system
  • work plan for the implementation of the results of personnel assessment at the enterprise.