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Honesty is the ability of an individual to express his true position (thoughts), to speak the truth under any circumstances. A person with honesty knows how to admit his guilt, is able to avoid lies and omissions in judgment when communicating with others. Honesty is a sign of a conscientious person who is able to control actions and words, be sincere, and not cross the line. A person with the quality of honesty avoids deception in any situation, without selfish motives to misinform the interlocutor. In contrast to a truthful person, an honest individual is capable of telling lies, but it is believed that at the same time he retains his property of being honest, since he himself believes in lies.

What is Honesty

An honest admission of guilt or wrongfulness is often difficult even for the most truth-loving person; it is tantamount to an individual performing a feat. Being honest is not easy and not always convenient. This is a moral quality of character, the basis of human virtue, reflecting the most important requirement.

As a property of an individual, honesty contains some other qualities: fidelity to established obligations, conviction in actions, in their correctness, adherence to principles, sincerity regarding the motives that guide the individual.

Honesty to people is considered to be directed from the depths of the human psyche - the appearance of honesty (often used as a synonym for the word sincerity). Self-honesty is referred to as an internal type of honesty. Being honest with yourself seems like a simpler kind of honesty. In reality, this property of an individual is very insidious. It is human nature to create things around oneself and sincerely believe in them, entangling oneself in a network woven from lies and injustice. So the subject, who invented the illusion of a faithful friend, found it in his acquaintance, who simply successfully took advantage of the subject’s sincerity. A person tries to do everything for his friend, trusts him, helps him, sincerely supports him, and then becomes disappointed in a second. All this time, the person was honest with himself, believed and acted fairly, but it turns out something completely different - he sincerely deceived his personality.

Honesty and justice to some extent are the qualities of highly moral individuals who strive to create harmony and perfection in the world. The special task of honest people is also to eradicate lies - to prevent other people from enjoying the benefits created by falsehood, to achieve justice at any cost.

Everyone decides to take the path of honesty independently, and comes to this in completely different ways. Believers, relying on the scriptures in the Bible, live according to God's laws and thereby push themselves to be honest and fair to everyone. For a non-believer, but living according to the principles of a person, honesty acts as a way of existence, otherwise he cannot live. For such individuals, the concept of honesty does not mean revealing all their secrets, where and how much money an individual has, where it is hidden, and how to find it. An honest individual has the ability to distinguish between boundaries: where one can tell the truth and when it is better to remain silent. His conscience does not allow him to throw away kindness and forget about the experiences of others. It allows you to focus first on kindness, then on being honest.

The concept of honesty implies that an individual is able to see other people “through and through”; he does not look for dishonesty in people and, with a pure soul, believes only in their benevolence. At first glance, one gets the impression that an honest person can easily be deceived. If an individual uses his honesty wisely, it is not too easy to deceive him; his ability to scan others allows him to stay away from people with evil thoughts.

Honesty problem

Honesty and decency are a stable inclination of an individual to fulfill important moral standards, the incorruptibility of an individual. Honest people are aware of the differences between right actions and wrong actions, between fiction and lies. People who have succeeded in the economic development of their life activities highly value honesty and decency and attach importance to them as factors of success in personal development.

Honesty and integrity are the basis of trust. One of its main manifestations is expressed in a respectful attitude towards individuals who are absent at the time of the conversation. A person who is capable of discussing and speaking poorly about the qualities of people behind their back does not deserve the trust of those present. A two-faced individual who is unable to follow the canons of decency and honesty will never achieve high trust. Even if he tries his best to adapt, fulfill his promises, be attentive to every little detail and strive for mutual understanding. Decency involves following the same principles of morality, of course, in every situation with every individual. It is possible that such behavior will initially cause misunderstanding and conflict. But later, when a person is able to prove the sincerity of his intentions, such behavior will develop into absolute trust in him.

The concept of honesty is narrower than decency. It is often said that integrity covers the quality of an individual's character - honesty, but is not limited to it. Honesty is the truth in words spoken and deeds done, when words correspond to actions. A decent person is able to adjust his actions to match his words.

Honesty and justice of an individual depend on even the slightest choice made every day. Therefore, only painstaking work aimed at self-development can bring a person closer to these especially valuable qualities of an individual. By bringing love into the environment, creating harmony, a person is able to quickly earn the trust of the people around him.

Cultivating Honesty

Honesty as a character trait is not innate, but acquired in the process of raising an individual. This property must be formed from the early years of personality development. The child’s entire environment should be aimed at raising him to be an honest individual with a mindset of fair living. It is in childhood that it is worth showing a little person how to be as sincere as possible, openly express an opinion, admit to committing actions, not be afraid of punishment and not be embarrassed to be exactly like that. A person must be taught to be responsible for his actions, and not be afraid to feel guilty and awkward. A child from the cradle is not able to show secrecy and cunning, or deceive. All his actions are the experience he has gained, thanks to the adults around him. Accordingly, truthfulness and honesty should be formed by the example of the actions of people in the environment of his life. An impetuous baby, ready to absorb like a sponge everything that an “immaculate” adult does, first of all, focuses on authoritative individuals: parents, grandparents, teachers or kindergarten teachers. Therefore, when choosing an educational institution, parents must adequately assess what their child can learn there. After all, it is directly in these institutions that the child first becomes acquainted with moral norms, responsibilities and rights, with examples of honest and truthful behavior.

Experts give some advice for successfully instilling honesty from childhood. First of all, it is trust in the child. If the baby feels the trust of adults, he will behave the same way towards them. In addition to trust, parents must honestly share events happening in life with their child. You shouldn’t lie even for the good, it will be difficult for the baby to understand. When raising a child, you need to show him that truth is what the world is built on, that it is useful for others. When communicating, there is no need to use the method of interrogating the child. At the same time, asking ambiguous questions that seem to push him to choose a lie rather than tell the truth, and subsequently receive punishment.

Explain to your child that he must be held accountable for bad actions committed. And the child should be rewarded for honest confessions: make his punishment conditional in order to show that a bad deed has bad consequences, at the same time, a sincere admission of guilt will show parents possible solutions and give the child the opportunity to correct his offense. Severe punishments, beyond the requirements and pressure on the baby indicate a misunderstanding between parent and child. As a result, the child begins to tell lies out of fear of being rejected. Therefore, the most important thing in instilling honesty in an individual is one’s own example and the love of parents.

Lately I've gotten the feeling that most people do not understand the value of the concept of “honesty”. That is why I decided to write this article.

In ordinary life, it is not very welcome (it is considered old-fashioned, something with which success will never be achieved). But when you begin to develop spiritually, honesty becomes the basic and main puzzle in the mosaic of life.

Gradually you realize how important it is to live honestly - to maintain purity, not to form karmic knots and cut old ones.

Read what the real strength is, the value of honesty.

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How I learned the value of honesty

I wasn’t particularly good at lying before. But only in the last few years have I begun to live consciously honestly. This concept has taken second place after love.

And very quickly my life changed: I got married, changed country and profession, there were people around me who sincerely treat me and with whom I feel comfortable.

My space has expanded, filled with light and happiness at times.

The transition from a simple worldly state to a state of honesty occurred gradually, over the course of 2-3 years.

Before that, I was just a good, gentle and kind person, I didn’t want to offend anyone with a careless word, I tolerated being used, smiled and said nothing, so as not to spoil the relationship, even if I internally disagreed with something.

The fear of misunderstanding of loved ones wins, forcing you to lead a double life, hide your true feelings and point of view. Find out how and when dependence on other people's opinions appears and how this fear hinders your development.

But the more I engaged in spiritual practices and studied spiritual laws, the higher my awareness became, and it became clear how important it is to live honestly with yourself and with others.

I realized that the root of any problem is a lack of love and honesty in the soul towards oneself and others.

Unfair situations create problems that become karma. And karma can stretch from generation to generation for many years.

One situation leads to another, another to a third, and so a ball has spun, from which it is quite difficult to get out.

What does it mean to live honestly

Based on my experience, I have drawn several conclusions: what does it mean to live honestly.

Living honestly is:

  • Accept yourself as you are, with all your strengths and weaknesses.
  • Openly and courageously look at problems and within yourself and acknowledge them. At first it is difficult, but, believe me, there is nothing terrible or deadly about it. Only your own ego may suffer, but it is good for it.
  • Act in accordance with your internal understanding of the situation, which, by the way, may not coincide with the opinion of most people.
  • Maintain a fulcrum, a core, the basis of which is resentment or something else destructive.
  • Be honest with yourself, that is, do what you like, be sincere with life.
  • Be honest with your partner, relatives and friends, be able to admit when you are wrong, be able to apologize and ask for forgiveness, be able to give thanks.
  • Say “no” to people when you feel uncomfortable or uncomfortable.
  • who want to play with you and take advantage of you. Why waste time and energy on them?
  • Cut off people who think they know better than you how you should live and are trying to control your life without having any right to do so. Whoever they are: parents, friends or any close people.

Fears and obstacles along the way

It may be scary to take this path. Being Honest Takes Courage and often brings discomfort.

After all, it’s scary to admit to yourself that you’ve lived in illusions for a long time, it’s scary when your old life collapses and friends leave, it’s scary to admit that there is darkness inside, and that you’re not white and fluffy as you want to seem, it’s scary how other people will perceive you.

But, believe me, it is much worse to live with your eyes closed, stall for time, pretend that the problem does not exist, or wait for everything to be resolved someday.

But in reality, precious life time is wasted, a lot of strength and energy is wasted.

Take a meditation that will help you get rid of your own illusions in order to start building your life from scratch.

I know people who live as if in a karmic circle, and do not understand that it can be opened simply by honestly looking at the situation and taking certain steps.

For a long time, I myself, idealizing my bright and pure image, did not want to admit to myself, let alone to others, what was painful and shameful for myself. I didn’t even want to look there, it was so unpleasant and painful.

I wanted to close my eyes and repeat - I’m not like that, this is not me. I am very good, I am bright, I am clean. I couldn't do that.

But, unfortunately, if something happened, it was already imprinted in eternity, in your field, in your history. And it affects you, whether you like it or not.

And if you want the past to stop influencing you, you need to look at it honestly, acknowledge it and let it go with gratitude.

Self-acceptance is key if you choose to live with integrity.

Without recognizing myself from the inside, condemning me for wrong actions and deeds, I could not solve one problem for a long time. And everything moved forward only when I took the first step towards accepting myself.

The first step is always difficult, but each next step is much easier.

How to take a step towards self-acceptance:

  • Understand what you as an individual and your soul it was necessary to go through negative experiences to grow, for good. Without going through bad things, it is impossible to understand what good is.
  • Forgive yourself. When we did something in the past, we were unconscious. Now, we consciously choose the light, and we have the right to let go of this pain and forgive ourselves for the experience of past mistakes.
  • Accept that you are light and you are darkness. Without darkness there would be no light. We are all made of light and low frequency vibrations that keep us in darkness. But without them we could not incarnate on this earth and gain our extraordinary experience. And now the time has come for their release.

One of my friends, a beautiful and kind girl, could not get married. She had everything with her: beauty, intelligence, and kindness, but there was no happiness in her personal life.

Outwardly, she seemed very carefree and happy with life and never admitted that this was a problem for her.

When we talked, I understood that she was afraid to look honestly at her problem, to admit it, that she essentially lives with her eyes closed, hoping for positive thinking and that everything will someday be resolved.

Positive thinking, as strange as it may sound, often works to its detriment. Because a person convinces himself: “I’m fine, I have a small problem, but I will think positively and everything will work out.”

Yes, it happens that things get better, if the problem is not very serious, on the surface. But if its roots go deep (usually into pain or fears, the subconscious), it must be addressed. Because changes will come sooner or later, but through a big crisis.

Which is what ultimately happened to her. It has not yet come out of the crisis. He is on pills and goes to a psychiatrist. And if I wanted to, I could have changed the situation a couple of years ago.

Yes, it would be painful, scary, unpleasant, there might be cleanings, but there’s no way without it. But it's not fatal.

And having gone through this, discovering new facets of herself, looking at them honestly and recognizing them, she would free herself and space for new events in life and a new round of development.

By looking honestly at yourself and your problems, you are doing the highest good for yourself by letting go of what has held you and your soul in a vice for many years.

Having gone through this, you become cleaner, stronger, wiser. You become closer to yourself and your soul.

Download the brochure. The main secret of positive change is complete self-acceptance. But how to accept what you don’t like?

Find out why it's so hard to accept yourself, what the difference is between acceptance and rejection, and how to learn to accept yourself.

What the practice of honesty will bring to your life

  • Karma will be cleared;
  • Energy will circulate correctly;
  • Difficult situations will unravel;
  • Your energy will no longer be wasted on the problems that an unfair situation creates;
  • Your nerves will be calm, your head and soul will be clear;
  • You will live with a light heart and an open soul;
  • You will no longer have to do anything you don't want to do. At the same time, you will have the strength to act as you think is right, in accordance with your conscience;
  • The space around you will clear, the circle of friends and insincere people will thin out. Only those who sincerely love you and value your friendship will stay with you;
  • You will have the strength and chance to start living a real life, sincere and courageous, to be yourself in any situation, to live openly, purely and simply.

It is important, when making any decision in life, to ask yourself - where does my decision come from? From what emotion? Out of feelings of love and honesty towards yourself and others or resentment, anger and something else?

Think, see, can your relationship with your husband (wife), relatives, parents, children be called honest? Why do you do what you do?

How do you deal with people? What guides you when making this or that decision in life? Look at any unpleasant situation in life. Where do its roots come from?

Your life belongs exclusively to you, it is YOUR choice and YOUR responsibility. Don't be afraid to act honestly, don't be afraid to lose something in the process. Later, everything will be rewarded to you a hundredfold.

Know, every time by correcting the crookedness in your life, you straighten your path, clear it, and as a result, your path will lead you to where you should be.

And there will be happiness. Necessarily. I know this for sure! HONESTY to everyone!

Lately I've gotten the feeling that most people don't understand the value of honesty. That is why I decided to write this article.

In ordinary life, it is not very welcome (it is considered old-fashioned, something with which success will never be achieved). But when you begin to develop spiritually, honesty becomes the basic and main puzzle in the mosaic of life. Gradually you realize how important it is to live honestly - to maintain purity, not to form karmic knots and cut old ones. Read what the real strength is, the value of honesty.

How I realized the value of honesty. I wasn’t particularly good at lying before. But only in the last few years have I begun to live consciously honestly. This concept has taken second place after love. And very quickly my life changed: I got married, changed country and profession, there were people around me who sincerely treat me and with whom I feel comfortable. My space has expanded, filled with light and happiness at times. The transition from a simple worldly state to a state of honesty occurred gradually, over the course of 2-3 years.

Before that, I was just a good, gentle and kind person, I didn’t want to offend anyone with a careless word, I tolerated being used, smiled and said nothing, so as not to spoil the relationship, even if I internally disagreed with something. But the more I engaged in spiritual practices and studied spiritual laws, the higher my awareness became, and it became clear how important it is to live honestly with yourself and with others. I realized that the root of any problem is a lack of love and honesty in the soul towards oneself and others.

Unfair situations create problems that become karma. And karma can stretch from generation to generation for many years. One situation leads to another, another to a third, and so a ball has spun, from which it is quite difficult to get out.

What does it mean to live honestly? Based on my experience, I have drawn several conclusions about what it means to live honestly. Living honestly is:

Accept yourself as you are, with all your strengths and weaknesses.

Openly and courageously look at problems and within yourself and acknowledge them. At first it is difficult, but, believe me, there is nothing terrible or deadly about it. Only your own ego may suffer, but it is good for it.

Act in accordance with your internal understanding of the situation, which, by the way, may not coincide with the opinion of most people.

Maintain a fulcrum, a core, the basis of which is love, and not fear, resentment or anything else destructive.

Be honest with yourself, that is, do what you like, be sincere with life.

Be honest with your partner, relatives and friends, be able to admit when you are wrong, be able to apologize and ask for forgiveness, be able to give thanks.

Say “no” to people when you feel uncomfortable or uncomfortable.

Cut off all the games and manipulations of people who want to play with you and take advantage of you. Why waste time and energy on them? Cut off rescue people who think they know better than you how to live and are trying to control your life without having any right to do so. Whoever they are: parents, friends or any close people.

Fears and obstacles that arise along the way.

It may be scary to take this path. Being honest takes courage and often brings discomfort. After all, it’s scary to admit to yourself that you’ve lived in illusions for a long time, it’s scary when your old life collapses and friends leave, it’s scary to admit that there is darkness inside, and that you’re not white and fluffy as you want to seem, it’s scary how other people will perceive you. But, believe me, it is much worse to live with your eyes closed, stall for time, pretend that the problem does not exist, or wait for everything to be resolved someday. But in reality, precious life time is wasted, a lot of strength and energy is wasted.
I know people who live as if in a karmic circle, and do not understand that it can be opened simply by honestly looking at the situation and taking certain steps.

For a long time, I myself, idealizing my bright and pure image, did not want to admit to myself, let alone to others, what was painful and shameful for myself. I didn’t even want to look there, it was so unpleasant and painful.

I wanted to close my eyes and repeat - I’m not like that, this is not me. I am very good, I am bright, I am clean. I couldn't do that. But, unfortunately, if something happened, it was already imprinted in eternity, in your field, in your history. And it affects you, whether you like it or not. And if you want the past to stop influencing you, you need to look at it honestly, acknowledge it and let it go with gratitude. Self-acceptance is key if you choose to live with integrity. Without recognizing myself from the inside, condemning me for wrong actions and deeds, I could not solve one problem for a long time. And everything got off the ground only when I took the first step towards accepting myself. The first step is always difficult, but each next step is much easier.

How to take a step towards self-acceptance:

Understand that you, as an individual, and your soul needed to go through negative experiences for growth, for good. Without going through bad things, it is impossible to understand what good is.

Forgive yourself. When we did something in the past, we were unconscious. Now, we consciously choose the light, and we have the right to let go of this pain and forgive ourselves for the experience of past mistakes.

Accept that you are light and you are darkness. Without darkness there would be no light. We are all made of light and low frequency vibrations that keep us in darkness. But without them we could not incarnate on this earth and gain our extraordinary experience. And now the time has come for their release.

One of my friends, a beautiful and kind girl, could not get married. She had everything with her: beauty, intelligence, and kindness, but there was no happiness in her personal life. Outwardly, she seemed very carefree and happy with life and never admitted that this was a problem for her. When we talked, I understood that she was afraid to look honestly at her problem, to admit it, that she essentially lives with her eyes closed, hoping for positive thinking and that everything will someday be resolved. Positive thinking, strange as it may sound, often works to its detriment. Because a person convinces himself: “I’m fine, I have a small problem, but I’ll think positively and everything will work out.”

Yes, it happens that things get better, if the problem is not very serious, on the surface. But if its roots go deep (usually into pain or fears, the subconscious), it must be solved. Because changes will come sooner or later, but through a big crisis. Which is what ultimately happened to her. It has not yet come out of the crisis. He is on pills and goes to a psychiatrist. And if I wanted to, I could have changed the situation a couple of years ago. Yes, it would be painful, scary, unpleasant, there might be cleanings, but there’s no way without it. But it's not fatal. And having gone through this, discovering new facets of herself, looking at them honestly and recognizing them, she would free herself and space for new events in life and a new round of development.

By looking honestly into yourself and your problems, you do the highest good for yourself by letting go of what has held you and your soul in a vice for many years. Having gone through this, you become purer, stronger, wiser. You become closer to yourself and your soul. Your life belongs exclusively to you, it is YOUR choice and YOUR responsibility. Don't be afraid to act honestly, don't be afraid to lose something in the process. Later, everything will be rewarded to you a hundredfold. Know that every time you correct the crookedness in your life, you straighten your path, clear it, and as a result, your path will lead you to where you should be.

And there will be happiness. Necessarily. I know this for sure! HONESTY to everyone!

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ESET Russia's corporate values ​​are an organic complement to the interests and qualities of our employees. These values ​​not only unite us, but also define us - who we are, what we believe in, what we do and how we do it.

Honesty and openness

We are always honest with ourselves, our clients, partners and employees. Honesty is the key to openness and a guarantee of transparency in our work. Honesty and openness allow us to maintain trust and a friendly atmosphere.

Enthusiasm and caring attitude towards work

We welcome energy and initiative that help solve complex problems, overcome the fear of the unknown and constantly move forward. We also believe that work should bring joy. Love for one's work makes a person's life complete and harmonious. Love for work combined with enthusiasm allows you to move mountains.


We believe that together we are stronger than each individual. The ability to communicate, cooperate and make friends is important to us. We are a team of like-minded people, we learn from each other, recognizing everyone’s contribution to the common cause.


We recognize the value of each person in the company, respect his work, time, freedom and own opinion. Respect for our business partners allows us to cooperate successfully while maintaining trust and openness.


Our business is related to building long-term and systematic partnerships. The quality of products and the level of service that the client receives directly depend on the quality of work with partners. Properly structured work with partners allows us to convey ESET’s high quality standards to each user. We always try to do more than just deliver solutions, which is why our clients stay with us year after year.

Moral- a Russian word derived from the root “nrav”. It first entered the Russian language dictionary in the 18th century and began to be used along with the words “ethics” and “morality” as their synonym. Moral- there is an acceptance of responsibility for one’s actions. Since, as follows from the definition, morality is based on free will, only a free being can be moral. Unlike morality, which is an external requirement for the behavior of an individual, along with the law, morality is an internal attitude of the individual to act in accordance with his conscience.
Moral (moral) values- this is what the ancient Greeks called “ethical virtues.” The ancient sages considered prudence, benevolence, courage, and justice to be the main virtues. In Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, the highest moral values ​​are associated with faith in God and zealous reverence for him. Honesty, loyalty, respect for elders, hard work, and patriotism are revered as moral values ​​among all nations. And although in life people do not always show such qualities, they are highly valued by people, and those who possess them are respected. These values, presented in their impeccable, absolutely complete and perfect expression, act as ethical ideals.
Moral (moral) regulations- these are rules of behavior focused on these values. Moral regulations are varied. Each individual chooses (consciously or unconsciously) in the cultural space those that are most suitable for him. Among them there may be those who are not approved by others. But in every more or less stable culture there is a certain system of generally accepted moral regulations, which, by tradition, are considered mandatory for everyone. Such regulations are moral norms.
It is clear that moral values ​​and ideals, on the one hand, and moral regulations and norms, on the other, are inextricably linked. Any moral value presupposes the presence of appropriate regulations for behavior aimed at it. And any moral regulation implies the presence of a value towards which it is aimed. If honesty is a moral value, then the regulative follows: “Be honest.” And vice versa, if a person, by virtue of his inner conviction, follows the regulation: “Be honest,” then for him honesty is a moral value. Such a relationship between moral values ​​and regulations in many cases makes their separate consideration unnecessary. When talking about honesty, they often mean both honesty as a value and a regulation that requires one to be honest. When it comes to characteristics that are equally related to both moral values ​​and ideals and moral regulations and norms, they are usually called principles of morality (morality, ethics).
The most important feature of morality is finality of moral values ​​and imperativeness of moral regulations. This means that the principles of morality are valuable in themselves. That is, to questions such as: “Why are moral values ​​needed?”, “Why strive for moral values?”, “Why should a person observe moral standards?” - one cannot answer otherwise than to admit that the purpose for which a person follows moral principles is to follow them. There is no tautology here: simply following moral principles is an end in itself, i.e. the highest, final goal and there are no other goals that one would like to achieve by following moral principles. They are not a means to achieve any underlying goal.

The meaning of human existence

Philosophical ideas about the meaning of human existence are very diverse. In the most general terms, they can be divided into two branches. Some philosophers look for the meaning of life within itself, in some visible forms and manifestations of life: in love and goodness, in pleasure, in achieving power over the world, in improving the mind, etc. In this case, life has absolute intrinsic value. Others go beyond their own limits of life in search of meaning and see its purpose in serving some higher, ideal principle - humanity, Nature or God. In this case, life is seen as a means of acquiring other values, such as achieving happiness. In addition, some philosophers argue that life is completely meaningless, since it is finite. If death exists in existence, then life is absurd and turns into waiting for its natural fate. In this case, philosophical discussions switch from the topic of the meaning of life to the problem of the meaning of death, for example, among the existentialists (Kierkegaard, Camus, Sartre). In the same vein, the idea of ​​life as a means of achieving immortality in various forms is developing - symbolic (social) or, on the contrary, literal (physical).
Philosophical understanding of the problem of the meaning of human existence complements the modern debate in the field of biological ethics - about the admissibility of euthanasia, suicide, abortion, organ transplantation, cloning, etc. with new aspects of the understanding of human freedom to dispose of life.
Freedom and responsibility. The free expression of the individual’s will is not only limited by social norms (morality, law, etc.), the individual hierarchy of values ​​and principles, but is also closely associated with an awareness of responsibility. In legal science, responsibility is interpreted as a measure of coercion associated with various kinds of deprivations and restrictions. In the philosophy of M.M. Bakhtin understands responsibility as an act of an individual who asserts himself before another. The responsibility of an individual’s actions is always associated with the manifestation of free will, which does not violate the freedom of another. It is also a response to the challenge of being - the birth of our Self. In the philosophy of E. Levinas, responsibility is the “burdening” of the Self with its Self, i.e. the need to correlate one’s actions and the freedom to express them with a sense of duty and personal conscience.
The category of responsibility can be understood in two ways: as external responsibility, dictated to a person from the outside - by other people or social institutions, and internal responsibility, duty to oneself, usually called “conscience”. The contrast between these two forms of responsibility is relative. A sense of duty and conscience are, in fact, nothing more than the norms of external responsibility internalized by a person. Thus, in the process of educating the individual, various forms of social activity, including moral regulations, become norms of individual behavior.
Human actions can be dictated either by his own self-awareness and will, or by social norms, which sometimes come into confrontation with the first. The contradictions between the individual and the social in the manifestation of freedom are partly resolved through various types of responsibilities.