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Motorcycle club business and enterprises. Starter set "Criminal organization" for GTA Online - is it worth the money? How to create an organization in GTA 5

With updates for GTA Online « Finance and Felony" And " Bikers and more“The positions of robbery as the fastest way to get rich have been shaken a little. " Heists” still takes pride of place on the Olympus of pharma, but for many, the next robbery of Pacific Standard causes vomiting. Offices and Clubhouses add a bit of variety to the process of accumulating GTA money. But in order to better understand the process, you need to understand the numbers.


Organizations have already been written in order, so here without any analytics. Only numbers.

Price purchases one box of goods $2,000 .

Price sales one box of goods $10,000 .

Net profit - $8,000 .

The mathematics of organizations is quite simple: the larger the batch, the more expensive each box. This applies to both purchases and sales.

The cost of one box increases from $10,000 before $20,000 , depending on the batch size. Of course, the final profit depends on how many boxes you order at a time. Here is a brief table of price ratios. Costs in parentheses:

Clubhouse and enterprise

The main advantage of this way of earning is that it allows you to diversify the farming schemes that are already fed up. Unfortunately, this method is not very suitable for amateurs. Clubhouse enterprises are designed for a company of at least three people.

The cost of clubhouses - from $200,000 before $495,000 . For example, let's take the middle option located on Del Perro Beach - $365,000 .

We will buy one production. The most profitable of the five is cocaine. There is a reason to buy an enterprise closer to the clubhouse. The nearest cocaine production is in Morningwood and stands $1,389,375 .

We immediately buy production upgrades (everything except for video surveillance, because it is of very little use).

Equipment upgrade - $935,000

Staff upgrade - $390,000

Total we have:

$365,000 + $1,389,375 + $935,000 + $390,000 = $3,079,375

A cocaine warehouse with upgrades installed gives a profit in $420,000 (subject to the sale of goods at a far point + bonus for players in the session).

We divide the amount $3,079,375 on $420,000 = 7,33 . This is the number of complete production cycles required to reach zero. There is no mention of earning money yet.

That is, in order to recoup the enterprise, you need to sell a full warehouse 7 times at the far end. The condition is taken into account that you do not buy raw materials, but steal them, and that dashing people on hydras will not smash you a batch or two.

Of course, enthusiasts may argue that this is passive income and does not prevent you from doing other things at the same time. One cannot but agree with this. Here are just numbers, and planning free GTA-time is a personal matter for everyone.

The profitability of each enterprise ( with improvements already installed) is listed below.


It is impossible to say which is better, offices or enterprises, because the methods are different, and each has its pros and cons. Biker enterprises are more suitable for lovers of passive income, because, unlike an organization, you don’t have to painstakingly collect goods.

The ideal (in terms of profit) option is a combination of these two activities.

December 1, 2016

3 comments to “Offices and enterprises. Numbers"

    Ray, This happens, especially during periods of discounts. Try to sell what you have, stop production and restart it.

    There are personnel and raw materials in the coke warehouse, but they do not produce products, the enterprise is active. What could be the problem and how to solve?

    Agree. It is best to alternate. But don't forget about robberies!

biker businesses

After acquiring a clubhouse and founding his own motorcycle club, the player, in addition to completing clubhouse tasks and club tests, becomes available with a laptop with a network The Open Road through which he can acquire biker businesses.

These businesses produce some type of product, which the player can then sell for a profit. First of all, you need to understand how it works. When entering any business, the player will see three options on their screen:

There are 5 types of production in total:

  • Printing house

    • Product: fake documents;

    • It is strongly not recommended, since the proceeds from this enterprise are very small, and there is almost no profit;

  • grass farm

    • Product: marijuana;

    • Unlike other enterprises, when starting production, the farm needs time to grow the plants themselves, which will subsequently produce marijuana leaves, so one piece of raw material is spent at start-up;

    • The profit is not the biggest, but there is.

  • Printing counterfeit banknotes

    • Product: counterfeit banknotes;

    • Brings more profit than a farm.

  • Methamphetamine brewing laboratory;

    • Product: methamphetamine;

    • In terms of profit, it is second only to the cocaine packaging shop.

  • Cocaine packaging shop;

    • Product: packaged cocaine;

    • Most profitable business.

Please note that a motorcycle club cannot own two businesses of the same type.

Purchase of an enterprise

You can buy businesses through a laptop in the clubhouse. The site will have many buildings with different prices. They differ:

  • By price;

  • By location.

    • This also leads to a difference in the methods of sale:

      • If the business is located in the city, then the farthest - more profitable - sale will take place in Blaine County;

      • If the enterprise is located outside the city, then the distant sale will take place in Los Santos.

Otherwise, enterprises of the same type are completely identical.

Enterprise launch

Having acquired the enterprise, the president of the motorcycle club must arrive at it. After a brief briefing, you need to bring materials and equipment with which the staff will work. For each type of enterprise, the mission will be fixed and differ only in the place of action:

  • Printing house: pick up a bag with stolen passports;

  • Print counterfeit banknotes: pick up an armored van with cash;

  • Marijuana Farm: Pick up a wagon with crates of weed;

  • Laboratory: pick up a truck with equipment;

  • Cocaine packaging shop: pick up the muscle car with cocaine.

Having delivered the equipment and listened to a more detailed instruction on the principle of operation of the enterprise, the president finds himself in the production room, and the enterprise's raw material stocks are filled to capacity. After about 10 minutes, personnel will arrive at the enterprises and production will begin. When the raw material runs out, Lanky John the Knucklehead can call the president of the motorcycle club, informing him of this. After that, it is highly recommended to check the enterprise and update the stocks of raw materials.

Enterprise upgrades

For each enterprise, you can install:

  • Updated equipment - reduces the consumption of raw materials, increases the speed of production and the cost of goods;

    • For printing: 550,000 GTA$;

    • For Grass Farm: GTA$990,000;

    • For Counterfeit Bill Printing: GTA$800,000;

    • For the meth lab: GTA$1,100,000;

    • For cocaine packaging shop: GTA$935,000;

  • Staff training - increases the speed of production and the cost of goods:

    • Printing: GTA$195,000;

    • For Grass Farm: GTA$273,000;

    • For counterfeit bill printing: GTA$273,000;

    • For the meth lab: GTA$331,500;

    • For cocaine packaging shop: GTA$390,000;

  • Increased security - adds additional security to the enterprise:

    • Printing: GTA$285,000;

    • For Grass Farm: GTA$313,500;

    • For Counterfeit Bill Printing: GTA$456,000;

    • For the meth lab: GTA$513,000;

    • For cocaine packaging shop: GTA$570,000;

Business attacks

From time to time, while in Freemode, the President may receive a call from Long John. He will report that the company was attacked or that someone is going to hand him over to the police.

If attacked:

    • It is necessary to get to the enterprise as soon as possible;

    • Destroy the police attacking your business;

  • PLEASE NOTE: if at least one of the members of the motorcycle club dies, all its members will be arrested, and the stocks of raw materials and goods of the enterprise will be confiscated.

If someone wants to hand over the enterprise:

  • It is necessary to get to the place of transfer of evidence;

  • Kill the rat and take the evidence;

  • Hiding from the police to return the evidence to the enterprise.

PLEASE NOTE that the death of a member of the motorcycle club here also means the loss of the enterprise.

Sale of goods

Produced goods can be sold in territories near factories or in remote areas for an increased price.

  • Sale in nearby areas is equal to the value of the goods;

  • Sale in remote areas is equal to 150% of the value of the goods.

Below are the price characteristics for each enterprise - under the address of each, the price of the enterprise is indicated, below is the proceeds for the sale of the entire warehouse in the format "near sale / far sale":

Happy trading!

Organizations - gameplay element added in the update"Big Men and Other Bandits" . Players have the opportunity to create their own organization asboss/chief to do various tasks. The head of the organization can for protection.

What is this?

Organization- a group managed throughSecuroServ. Organizations availableonly in free mode and controlled by bosses or chiefs.

What is the difference between a boss and a boss?

The main difference is the presence . The boss has an office, but the boss doesn't. . In this regard, there are a number of conditions and restrictions for bosses when creating an organization:

  • The future boss must have in his bank accountat least1,000,000 GTA$. When creating an organization, theywill notwritten off and will remain in the possession of the boss, but without them, SecuroServ will refuse to register the player's organization.
  • The future boss must haveonlyoffice. Availability 1,000,000will not affect to the organization.
  • Boss organization registers on4 real hours. After four hours, the boss automatically retires for12 real hours - re-registration will be available only after 12 hours. These timers have exceptions:
    • 4 hour timer runningonly in free mode . If the player left the game / plays in single mode / goes through work, robberies - the timer stops until the player returns to free mode;
    • 12 hour timer runningAlways- regardless of the actions of the player, it will work.
  • The chief's organization registersbefore being disbanded by the chief And Not has restrictions for re-registration.

What can organizations do?

Depending on the head of the organization - boss or chief -, the list of opportunities varies.The boss's organization can do more than the boss's organization. Both types of organizations are availablework And tests.

Job title




The organization must eliminate 4specially protected* persons, moving around the city in armored vehicles;

Rivals must defend targets until the end of the timer;

*NPCs - personality guards - have sniper accuracy in this mission;


The head of the organization must hack the network to determine the locationthree cargo and collect them; Partners must protect the head, asonly hehas access to network hacking;

Rivals must kill the head of the organization before he collects all three packages;

Robbery raid

The organization must steal case from a protected* area and deliver to drop point ;

* NPC - guards - have deadly accuracy in this mission;

Return of assets

The organization must steal from the police station car and deliver it to the owner breaking away from the police;

Rivals should intercept automobile and deliver it before the organization;

Air freight

Cargobob to delivercontainer with cargo to the reset point ;


There must be players outside the organization in the session;

The organization must delivertrailer with cargo to the reset point ; Rivals should intercept trailer and deliver to the drop point yourself;

There must be another organization in the session;

Organizations fight to the death;Every organization must kill chapter rival organization10 times;

Fight against piracy

The head of the organization must haveyacht;

There must be players outside the organization in the session;

The organization must protect the yacht from entry pirates; Rivals must seize upper deck yachts until time runs out;


There must be players outside the organization in the session;

The organization must protect leader organizations while he is in a certain area;

Rivals must kill the leader organizations until time runs out;The leader of the organization must stay alive until time runs out;

Keeping the defense

Only for chefs;

Availability Armored Boxville in the office garage;

The organization must protectarmored Boxville from NPCs and hostile playerswithin 10 minutes;


Only for chefs;

Availability Rocket Voltic in the office garage;

Driver Rocket Volticmust drive around the city at speed without stopping60 mphwithin a certain time;

Other members of the organization may collect checkpoints scattered around the map to lower the time limit;

Full set

Only for chefs;

Availability Ruiner 2000 in the office garage;

The organization must useRuiner 2000,to destroy 1 0 cars with weapons mounted on them;

Opponents must defend attacked vehicleswithin 15 minutes;


Only for chefs;

Availability Wastelander in the office garage;

The organization must useWastelanderto deliver transport to the drop point;

Rivals must destroy transport loaded on Wastelander;


Only for chefs;

Availability Phantom Wedge in the office garage;

The organization must usePhantom Wedgeto destroy three cargo groups the enemy, located throughout Los Santos and Blaine County;

Rivals - NPCs and players - must destroyPhantom Wedge;


Only for chefs;

Availability Blazer Aqua in the office garage;

The organization must collect40 boxes with cargountil the time expires usingBlazer Aqua;

Rivals must destroy boxes ;

Landing attack

Only for chefs;

Availability Ramp Buggy in the office garage;

The organization must collect20 boxes with cargo using Ramp Buggy;

This task requires at least two members of the organization - the driverRamp Buggyand motorcycle driverSanchezwhich will collect boxes ;

Boxes can be picked only on a motorcycle;

Rivals must destroyRamp Buggy;

Gaining momentum

Only for chefs;

Availability Technical Aqua in the office garage;

The organization must have at least one partner;

The organization must destroy9 boxes with cargolocated along the coast, usingTechnical Aqua;

Opponents must be destroyedTechnical Aqua;

Test name


Goal number 1

Players compete by trying to last as long as possible with a wanted level of5 stars;

The player who lasts the longest wins;


Players compete to deliver and sell as much stolen goods as possible transport;

The player with the highest sales amount wins;

Market fraud

Players compete trying to rob as many as possible stores for a period of time;

The player with the highest amount from robberies wins;

point to point

Players compete by trying to get to the destination as quickly as possible. points , designated by the head of the organization;

The player who reaches the finish line first wins;

Collection of taxes

Players must collect as many packages in a certain area, marked with flares;

The cost of the first package is 100 GTA$, each subsequent package is 100 GTA$ more expensive than the previous one;

The player who has collected as much as possible in a period of time packages , wins;

To search for packages you can also use Trackify;

Courier Services

Players are looking for bag with moneyand try to deliver it with as little damage as possible;

The player who delivered bag , receives everything that is left in the bag at the time of delivery;

Cash out

Players hack into ATMs, stealing from them cash; The player who steals as much cash as possible over a period of time wins;


Players equipped with breathing masks must gather as many boxes with cargo . The player with the most boxes , wins.

There are a couple of notes for testing and work:

  • After completing a job or test, a timer is activated for this type of activity - 5 minutes for all tasks of this type, and 10 minutes for the task just completed - that is, when completing “Goal number 1”, you can complete any other test after 5 minutes, namely, this - after 10. At the same time, you can start any work immediately;
    • Anti-Piracy has an extended timer - it can be restarted only after60 minutes;
  • When taking a target - a suitcase, a case, a car, a box, etc. - all players in the session are notified about your actions and get the opportunity to complete the task, ahead of you - by selecting the target and delivering it with your own hands, while receiving part of your reward, leaving you with a nose.
Chapter Capabilities

The leader of the organization also has access to a number of powers available in the organization menu:

Service name



Request Helicopter Suite

5,000 GTA$

Appears next to the leader of the organizationSuperVolito;

Available only to chefs;

Throw BST

1,000 GTA$

A package appears next to the leader of the organizationBull Shark Testosterone;

Throw away ammo

1,000 GTA$

An ammo box appears next to the leader of the organization, upon selection of which the ammo for the selected weapon is replenished;

Throw away body armor

1,500 GTA$

A super-heavy body armor appears next to the leader of the organization;

Hidden organization

12,000 GTA$

Hides organization tags from other players on the map;

Bribing the authorities

15,000 GTA$

Resets the current wanted level;

During 01:30 the police ignore the crimes of the organization -nevertheless, if the organization starts causing damage to the police, the timer will be reset and the police will start chasing;

Thug Watching

Switching to the mode of monitoring the members of the organization;

In addition, the organization leader can order SecuroServ transport. Members of the organization can also order it, but only if the leader has purchased a specific vehicle, or partners can pay for it if their leaders meet all the requirements of SecuroServ.




Armored limousine

20,000 GTA$

Baller LE LWB (Armored)

5,000 GTA$

Free if the head of the organization purchased it;

5,000 GTA$

Available only for chefs;

small warehouse for transportation of goods;

Free if the head of the organization purchased it;

BeeJay XL

For free

Assault Buzzard

25,000 GTA$

Free if the head of the organization purchased it;

Cognoscenti (Armored)

5,000 GTA$

Free if the head of the organization purchased it;


9,000 GTA$

Available only for chefs;

Available only after purchasea large warehouse for the transport of goods;

Free if the head of the organization purchased it;

Rumpo Custom

7,000 GTA$

Available only for chefs;

Available only after purchasemiddle warehouse for cargo transportation;

Free if the head of the organization purchased it;


5,000 GTA$

Only available in water; Free if the head of the organization purchased it;


10,000 GTA$

Available only for chefs;

Free if the head of the organization purchased it;

Schafter LWB (Armored)

5,000 GTA$

Free if the head of the organization purchased it;


For free


For free


For free

super diamond

5,000 GTA$

Free if the head of the organization purchased it;


10,000 GTA$

Free if the head of the organization purchased it;


For free


For free


For free


For free

Available onlyif the head of the organization purchased it;

note : after ordering a vehicle, a new one can be ordered,If:

  • 2 minutes have passed since the previous order;
  • The last vehicle ordered was destroyed or is too far from the members of the organization.

Other benefits for organizations:

  • Brute and Organization Leaders will have access to Brute and Leader coloring pages respectively onFlick knife And Heavy revolver. They can only be purchased from the Ammu-Nation if the player is in an organization.
    • After the purchase, the coloring will be displayed even when the player is not a member of the organization;
  • In the organization menu, the head can:
    • Change the name of the organization - for 50,000 GTA$;
    • Customize the clothing style of the organization;
    • Hire or fire thugs;
    • Enable / disable friendly fire;
  • As long as the player is in the organization, any of his profits - withtesting outside the organization, free roam events, store robberies- goes to the head of the organization. But the profits from the assignments and trials of organizations will go both to the head and to the members of the organization;
  • On the other hand, every 15 minutes an organization thug will receive a SecuroServ salary of 5,000 GTA$ every15 real minutes ;
    • However, for each death of the head of the organization, the goon will have 250 GTA$ deducted from the next salary;
  • When near the head of the organization, the brute will receive 200RP every minute;
    • The amount of experience will be more if the brute is the driver of the chapter;
  • All members of the organizationcan notuse passive mode while in the organization. The agency will refuse to register an organization if the head tries to create it while in passive mode.

The New Adventures of Bandits and Rogues update has added a whole host of new gaming features to GTA Online. You can now buy and sell smuggled goods as you expand your empire in Los Santos. This material in two parts will reveal some secrets and subtleties, with the help of which you will become the main criminal boss and the invincible boss of the corporation.

You are offered a choice of four office knowledge, the interior of which can be replaced if desired.

In order for the money to flow into your pocket, you first need to purchase an office that will become the center of your criminal activity and give you the status of a boss. Visit the Dynasty8 Executive website with your iFruit phone and purchase one of the four offices available in Los Santos. Their prices vary greatly. Decorate it to your liking, add your organization's name, and purchase additional options: a safe to store your funds, a seating area (so you can sleep and change if you're working late) and a gun cabinet to equip your most appropriate weapons before how to get down to business.

In the office, there are a number of other features that make everyday work easier: a meeting table with a 3D map showing all potential warehouses (green icons indicate warehouses you already own, red icons for those that are still for sale), an entertainment system with a huge screen and a classic network hit "Do not cross the line" for the Degenatron console, as well as a computer with access to the SecuroServ network to conduct business.

Together with the office, you will also receive a personal assistant who will report on how things are going in the organization, provide transport (whether your own or Pegasus vehicles) waiting for you at the office, return cars from car impounds, send a helicopter for you to quickly return to office and even deliver fresh snacks for free.

Choose the size and location of the warehouse based on your development strategy: large warehouses are suitable for rapid growth, while small ones allow you to create an organization from scratch.


Once you've set up an office, sign in as a chef to the SecuroServ system using your personal menu, or go to the computer on your desk and sign up on the login screen. Unlike bosses, the chief does not check the balance of the bank account upon registration, there are no restrictions on how long he can stay in this status and there is no delay before he can become the boss again.

To manage the illegal business, an extensive supply chain is needed, which, among other things, includes warehouses for storing illegally obtained goods. Warehouses are small, medium and large. You can keep up to 5 warehouses at the same time, while neither warehouses nor offices increase the number of properties you own. When buying a warehouse, choose the one whose size and location meet your needs. Warehouses, as well as offices, can be exchanged at any time for new ones of the same or larger size.

The warehouses also have workbenches that allow equipment involved in special cargo operations to be equipped with special devices, such as armor and jammers for homing missiles.

Be especially careful on missions to buy special cargo - they don't always go according to plan.


Special Cargo Buying Operations are dangerous missions divided into several parts that require the coordinated work of your partner team to complete successfully. Purchasing missions range in difficulty and scope, from simple police ambushes to wild chases, helicopter attacks, and more. You can purchase cargo consisting of one, two or three boxes. Large loads increase the complexity of the task, and you may need to attract more partners. Such tasks are associated with great risk, but they bring a lot of money and allow you to quickly fill the warehouse, which means that you can receive orders from potential buyers earlier.

Not every deal goes according to plan - you'll have to deal with Los Santos gangs, the police, rival organizations of other players and other troubles. Time your mission carefully, remember the way to your warehouses, make sure you hire enough partners depending on the size of the cargo (remember: each player can only carry one crate), keep your assistants' phones close at hand, prepare to use the chief's abilities and, perhaps most importantly, remember that the reward is directly proportional to the risk.

Once you get the box, get ready for trouble. Keep an eye on the assistant's notifications - you will be warned if something went wrong. The time allotted for delivery is limited, and the more boxes you buy, the less it is. In general, efficiency is the key to the success of any organization.

After successfully completing several purchase tasks, the boss can try to complete the delivery task special cargo. Special cargoes are several times more expensive than ordinary ones. On such missions, there is always one box, but when you get it, you will face fierce resistance ...

Choose the right equipment for the task of buying or selling special cargo using the weapon cabinet.


To sell the cargo, use the laptop in the corresponding warehouse. Depending on the number of items you have, you will receive up to three offers to buy and a message from someone who wants to buy a special load, if you have one. Sales missions allow you to raise money for goods obtained by blood and sweat, but here, too, the benefit is directly related to the risk. The larger the lot you sell, the richer the buyers, but the greater the risk. During transportation in Los Santos, the cargo faces various threats, and if it does not reach its destination, you will be left without income.

Maximize the value of your special cargo by choosing the best time to sell it. Accumulating cargo in warehouses, you attract the interest of wealthy clients, but a warehouse full of valuables will soon be talked about. Get ready to repel the attacks of local bandits who covet your piece of the pie.

It is best to gradually fill a large warehouse one crate at a time, as this reduces costs, but it will waste a lot of time. By buying large quantities, you will fill the warehouse three times faster, but spend more money. Decide which method best suits your leadership style. It is also worth noting that the more players in a session, the higher the risk, but the higher the shipping bonus when selling goods.

You will receive payment when all boxes arrive at their destination.


I just want to be the boss. Why should I become a partner?
In addition to the regular base salary, partners receive cash rewards for completing multiple delivery tasks in a row, a bonus to RP and health recovery if the boss is near them.

How can other players interfere with my organization?
When an Organization receives a Special Cargo during a Buy Job or sends it for Sale, all players and competing Organizations in your game session will receive an alert indicating the location of your Special Cargo. The delay before sending a signal depends on the batch size. Competing organizations and other players will be able to earn extra money by destroying your goods, so be always on the lookout.

Can I participate in special cargo delivery missions if I am not a member of any organization?
Players who are not in Organizations and are active in Free Roam can participate in Special Cargo Delivery missions. The current task for the delivery of special cargo will appear on their map as a red box. This means that the organization has loaded the goods and is trying to deliver it either to its warehouse or to the client. Other players and competing organizations that are not busy with their tasks can attack the owners of the special cargo and destroy it, receiving ammo, money and RP in return.

Why can't we buy and sell special cargo in private sessions?
A successful leader must navigate the perils of Los Santos' ruthless free market, reaping the rewards even when everyone wants to put a spoke in his wheel. Tasks for buying and selling special cargo were created specifically for open sessions. Don't forget that the more players in your session, the higher the bonus for the successful sale of special cargo, and partners receive a salary increase if they manage to complete several tasks in a row for the same boss. If you are worried that other players are roaming near your office or warehouse, try to find a good time to sell. Hire partners and order them to eliminate the players who are spying and waiting for you to make a deal. It will not be superfluous to hide your team with the Hidden Organization ability and go on a mission from the helipad.

Why can't I take on the next Special Cargo Buy/Sell task?
The waiting period in each warehouse is 5 minutes after the completion of the buy task and 30 minutes after the completion of the sell task. If you just sold cargo from one warehouse, you can freely sell something from another.

What should I do if I am annoyed by a player in an organization?
The boss can fire employees using the "Management" function of the interaction menu. Unfortunately, the chief does not have the right to fire personnel during special cargo delivery missions. If a Partner deliberately destroyed a Special Cargo during a Sales Mission, the Boss can punish the Partner by firing him from the organization and forbidding him from becoming a Boss or Partner for half an hour.

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