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Folder travel for parents day birds. Intellectual game "Bird Talk" in the preparatory group. Where do the birds live when they return home?

Nina Gorelenkova

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten of combined type "Teremok" Fokino

Intellectual game

« Bird talk»

in preparatory group No. 2

Educational area: "Cognitive development"

Gorelenkova Nina Grigorievna


Grishina Irina Vladimirova

musical director,

2014-2015 study. year

Program tasks:

Expand children's knowledge about different types of birds, develop the ability to quickly find the right answer;

To intensify the cognitive activity of children.

To cultivate a humane attitude towards the outside world.

Materials and equipment:

Music center, laptop, sound recording of bird voices, multimedia projector and screen; emblems (sparrows, skvorushki, contours of birds, colored paper, glue, felt-tip pens (for the competition "Dreamers"); electronic - interactive didactic multimedia "Riddles about birds"; multimedia didactic a game"Pick a bird by rhyme"; tables, pointer; music "In the animal world".

Preliminary work:

Conversations about birds: "Secrets bird world» , "What kind of birds are there", "Birds of different countries"; bird watching; reading stories, fairy tales and memorizing poems, riddles, proverbs, sayings about birds. Examination of illustrations depicting birds (flight tn: a bird incubates eggs on a nest, parents feed chicks, birds get their own food, poultry and their cubs, wintering birds); educational film for children "Birds"... Listening to music works: Vivaldi "Seasons", Tchaikovsky "Seasons", song "Lark", "Dance of the Birds", the voices of birds. Creation presentations: "Birds are our friends"... Folder decoration - moving in the parent corner "What have we learned about birds"... Movable " games: "Owl", "Kite and hen", "Flight of birds", "Storks"; musical games: « Bird regiment» , "Whose voice"; finger: "Blackbird - blackbird", "Starling", "Magpie - white-sided", "Woodpecker", "Birds"; didactic: "What a bird", "Finish the phrase", "Guess for yourself", "Who knows more birds"; game - dramatization: "Starling and Sparrow".

Leading: Good afternoon dear friends. We are glad to welcome everyone who has gathered in this room. It is difficult to imagine a spring without starlings, a sea without gulls, a grove without a nightingale. Birds bring a lot of benefits and joy. We are delighted with their amazing singing, wondrous plumage and the magical art of nest building. And how many pests of gardens, forests, vegetable gardens and fields are destroyed by birds! Therefore, we dedicate our game to the International Bird Day, which is celebrated in Russia on April 1 since 1994, annually, for 19 years now.

May this holiday discover something new for each of us and interesting, may the smiles and jokes be remembered, may the friendship between people and birds become stronger! So we start ...

Leading: Today we will see a wonderful KVN game.

All children: We are funny guys,

And we do not like to be bored

With pleasure today

We will be in KVN play!

Leading: two teams are competing. And you will find out how they will be called when you assemble a picture from the parts.

Leading: What is the name of the bird?

Team 1: (Starling)

Leading: And your bird, what is it called?

Team 2: (Sparrow)

Leading: now we know that our teams are called "Sparrows" and "Skvorushki".

Leading: Our game will be evaluated by jury:

Leading: Greetings jury:

Team: (Skvorushki)

Glory and honor to you!

We all love accurate counting!

Team: (Sparrows)

You have been entrusted with a lot -

Score fair!

Leading: Winning is not important here

Children: We need justice!

Leading: Teams take their seats

Leading: Team attention are you ready to play?

1 Competition. Greetings from teams.


We answer amicably

And there is no doubt about that:

There will be friendship today

The mistress of victories!


Let the struggle boil stronger

Sharper competition -

It is not fate that leads to victory

And only our knowledge!

The word of the jury is to sum up the results of the 1st competition.

2 Competition "Who will name the birds more".

The members of each team name the birds in turn.

The word of the jury is summing up the results of the 2nd competition.

Leading: next 3 competition "Proverbs and Sayings about Birds".

Leading: Are the teams ready?

The word of the jury is to summarize the results of the 3rd competition.

Leading: And now it's time play for us kids.

Movable a game« Bird regiment»

Leading: Our 4th competition begins "Guess whose voice".

The teams guess the bird from the soundtrack. (Who quickly).

The word of the jury is summing up the results of the 4th competition.

Leading: next 5 competition: "Pick a bird by rhyme"... I call you words, and you call a bird.

1. Joke is a duck;

2. Nightingale is a sparrow;

3. Match - titmouse;

4. The crown is a crow;

5. Toy - cuckoo;

6. Russia is a goose.

The word of the jury is summing up the results of the 5th competition.

Leading: Attention to screen next 6 competition: interactive game"Riddles about birds".

Children guess the riddle and choose the corresponding picture on the screen.

The word of the jury is to sum up the results of the 6th competition.

7 competition "Blitz-tournament".

Teams answer questions on the topic "Birds" and for each correct answer they get 1 point.

1) Where do starlings arrange their nests if they did not have enough birdhouses? (In the trees. Under the rooftops);

2) What bird breeds chicks at any time of the year, even in winter? (Crossbill)

3) What are the benefits of tits? (They eat harmful bugs, larvae);

4) Which birds have a very long tail? (Peacock. Pheasant. Magpie);

5) Over the fields, over the meadows in the sky flies, sings a melodic song loudly (lark);

6) This bird is not too lazy to look for bugs in the tree all day (woodpecker);

7) And crawls up and down the trunk until it finds food (nuthatch);

8) In winter, you can see it perfectly: you can't hide in the snow the color is bright red (bullfinch);

9) A bird of peace and goodness, an inhabitant of the city (pigeon);

10) All the worms will be found on the arable land by this nimble daredevil (starling);

11) In winter, wherever rowan berries are preserved, you can hear it trill (waxwing);

12) A girl lives in a hollow - a bright bird (tit);

13) Builds a house under the cornice and lives happily in it (Martin);

14) He will find food anywhere, and if necessary, he will steal it (Crow).

The word of the jury is to sum up the results of the 7th competition.

Leading: And our last 8th competition "Dreamers".

There are silhouettes of birds on the tables of children, children need to learn and create a similar image of a bird using visual means (glue, colored paper, felt-tip pens) by tearing paper.


Sweet songstress

Dear swallow,

Has returned to our home

From a foreign land.

Curls under the window

With a song alive:

"I am the spring and the sun

Brought with me ... "

This bird with will power

He visits the field a hundred times a day.

The bird has no time to be lazy,

A titmouse carries food to chicks.

Leading: our game ends, we will ask the jury to sum up the results.

The word of the jury to summarize.

Rewarding of participants.

Leading: T. Evdoshenko "Take care of the birds".

We know a lot about birds

And at the same time, little

And everyone needs: both you and us, -

So that there are more of them.

For this we coast

Your feathered friends

Otherwise, we will reduce to zero

Our winged singers.

Will eat trees and fruits

Insect larvae,

And all the gardens will thin out

Without our familiar birds.

In winter, put a feeder for them

Give lard to the tits;

All sparrows eat millet,

Add it as little as it gets.

They will reward the labors

And the gardens will bloom all around.

Among those green foliage

You will hear their song.

Folder moving spring for kindergarten helps kids to clearly see what changes are taking place in nature. The child already knows more about spring , and is already beginning to observe all the phenomena. He sees the birds, and realizes that they are his friends. Knows the names of colors, and Pictures help him associate these names with the appearance of plants.

Folders help crumbs find out what else is going on in spring months ... If download a number of such visual aids, you can make classes with crumbs more interesting. Junior group and even older toddlers will perceive any information with linear illustrations more efficiently; as if we are telling kids about spring in a language that they know and understand much better.

How else can you show the crumbs that spring is red ? If you make your story as clear as possible. And what is more understandable than pictures? With the help of pictures, you can tell the crumbs that birds in spring they fly home, that the Sun awakens both plants and insects, that in the spring people become happier (it's not for nothing that they celebrate the Day of Happiness in the spring).

Folder travel spring for kindergarten about migratory birds

Riddles about migratory birds

  1. I am agile, light-winged,
    The tail is bifurcated like a pitchfork.
    If I fly low
    So the rain is somewhere close. (Martin)
  2. Everyone knows her, of course,
    They meet in their courtyard.
    This is a mischievous bird
    Called ... (Tit)
  3. Who is the bird? Never
    Doesn't build nests for himself
    Leaves eggs for neighbors
    And he doesn't remember the chicks. (Magpie)
  4. Variegated fidget, long-tailed bird,
    The bird is talkative, the most talkative.
    White-sided witcher, and her name is ... (Magpie)
  5. Who is without notes and without a pipe
    Trills are best of all,
    More vociferous, more tender?
    Who is this? (Nightingale)

Why Birds Fly and How They Do It

Some birds fly away as the bodies of water they live in freeze over. Birds can starve to death if left over the winter. But many of those who live in the fields and forests are also deprived of food: some animals they feed on hibernate, and insects hide deep under the bark.

And now whole flocks are forced to fly over great distances. In the spring, all the birds return. They fly:

  • Wedge;
  • Twisted flock;
  • Jamb;
  • Straight pediment;
  • Arc.

It depends on the breed of birds and the weather conditions.

Where do the birds live when they return home?

Many birds that live in forests, fields and water bodies return home to their hollows or nests. But there are birds that live near humans. Among them are starlings and swallows. If the swallows prepare their own nests, they mold them using natural material. We can help the starlings. We can build birdhouses. These are such "apartments" of birds with a hole-entrance. These houses are tied to tall trees or poles.

When the starlings settle in, they put things in order, bring dry grass and feathers. And then the birds begin to loudly sing their songs, calling on the companion to settle with them.

Why do birds fly home?

It would seem that if the birds feel so good in the places where they winter, why do they return? In fact, the most favorable conditions for raising offspring are in the homeland of birds. There (before the cold weather) there is enough food. You can live in the “house” that suits the birds best: weave nests, live in hollows, settle next to people.

How to help those birds that are returning

Birds are our comrades:

  • They help us by tending the gardens.
  • Beautiful bird songs help us enjoy life.
  • Birds know how to be friends with each other and with people.

How can we help our friends:

  • Build birdhouses.
  • Install feeders and add food for birds to them.
  • Protect from cats and children with slingshots.

We can also help by researching the fauna of our native land and learning the names of birds.

Folder travel spring for kindergarten on the theme of spring legends about flowers


In France, snowdrops are called snow bells. According to legend, the goddess Flora invited all the flowers to a festive masquerade ball. Snow also wanted to get to the holiday and began to ask flowers to hide it under his tunic. But the flowers were afraid of the cold, and only the white Snowdrop decided to hide the Snow under his cloak and secretly take him to the carnival. Since then, Snow and Snowdrop have become friends and now Snow shelters Snowdrop from the cold.


The legend of the tulip says that it was in its bud that happiness was contained, but no one could reach it, since the bud did not open, but one day a little boy took the flower in his hands and the tulip opened itself. Baby soul, carefree happiness and laughter opened the bud.


Throughout the long winter, the heavenly Lada languishes in captivity of thick clouds and fogs. But in the spring, the goddess of love, sun and harmony, washed by the spring waters, appears in the world with generous gifts. Where the first lightning fell, primroses grow to open the earth's interior with their keys for the lush growth of grasses, bushes and trees.


An ancient Slavic legend says: "... If you heat the nectar of twenty pink and twenty purple flowers of the lungwort, then your heart will become healthy and kind, and your thoughts will be pure ..."

Lily of the valley

There are many legends about the origin of the lily of the valley. An old Russian legend connects the appearance of the lily of the valley with the sea princess Magus. The tears of the princess, saddened by the fact that the young man Sadko gave his heart to the earthly girl Lyubava, fell to the ground, grew into a beautiful and delicate flower - a symbol of purity, love and sadness.


Once off the coast of Holland, a Genoese ship sank in a storm. Its fragments washed ashore. And a few weeks later, the children playing on the sandbank noticed almost at the very edge of the surf an unprecedented flower: its leaves were like the leaves of a tulip, and the stem was completely planted with many beautiful flowers, similar to small lilies. The flowers smelled unusually, and no one could explain where such an outlandish miracle came from.

Folder travel spring for kindergarten about how nature wakes up

Spring comes so quietly, almost imperceptibly. And only the calendar says that spring has already arrived.

Who came so quietly - quietly?

Well, of course, not an elephant,

And of course the hippo

I couldn't go quietly like that.

And none of you heard

As a leaf from the buds came out,

And you could not hear

Like green shoes

Quietly came out of the ground.

And the snowdrop quietly left.

And silence is everywhere.

This means, this means:

Spring has come the quietest.

Signs of spring

Of course, some characteristic signs also appear:

  • The sun is shining brightly
  • The snow begins to melt, thaw patches appear.
  • The birds are returning home.
  • The buds on trees and bushes swell and turn green.
  • Drops begin, icicles melt.
  • Streams appear.
  • Snowdrops, crocuses and hyacinths bloom.
  • The day is getting longer.

And even people began to smile more.

Proverbs about the arrival of spring

"Water flowed from the mountains - brought spring"

"April with water, May with grass"

"In the spring, the sun is like a mother, and shines and warms"

"March ends winter, spring begins"

"Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with pies"

"Everything beautiful on earth is from the sun, and everything good is from man."

Changes in animals with the beginning of spring

What changes in the animal world with the arrival of warm days:

The hibernating animals woke up.

Many people change the color of their fur coats: hares, squirrels.

Many animals have babies. For example, a bear has babies.

Both animals and insects rejoice in the warmth.

How plants rejoice in the warmth

The earth comes alive. Everything around is rejoicing and awakening:

  • When the snow just begins to melt, primroses are already peeping out.
  • Daffodil and tulip leaves make their way through the snow
  • Swollen buds say that foliage will soon appear on bushes and trees.
  • The aromas of blossoming flowers soar around.
  • Some trees produce fluffy buds.

And around the plants bees are already buzzing. Even the rains are getting warmer and bring rainbows with them!

Folder travel spring for kindergarten about the most unusual spring holidays

I will definitely prepare this folder a little later. Your comments will motivate me to make it faster.



Children holidays

And even though in spring only one holiday is directly related to children, in fact, a lot can be connected with children, their essence, character, hobbies and their chosen profession.

For example, on March 8, we congratulate all the girls, but isn't the Day of Happiness on March 20 the most children's holiday? April 1 - Holiday Fool's Day - the most childish !!! Who, if not kids, love and can sincerely laugh! And what about King's Day on April 27? Isn't it a children's holiday?)

Nature holidays



Birds Is a song and flight! These are the voices of our forests and fields. The songs of birds are heard on Earth all year round, their voices are heard day and night.

Birds - children of the air, conquerors of the air ocean. They can rise above clouds and mountains, fly over the desert and the sea.

Birds - children of the rainbow. Their feathers shimmer with all imaginable and inconceivable colors.

Birds - our faithful helpers, defenders of forests, fields, orchards, vegetable gardens from harmful bark beetles, moths and rodents.

Birds Is a mystery and beauty. Birds are our childhood friends. Beautiful poems, songs, tales, legends have been composed about birds. Many artists painted birds.

We cannot do without birds. It is impossible to imagine our Earth without birds!

April 1 - International Bird Day.

Since ancient times, birds have been predictors of the future. They noted what kind of harvest to expect, what kind of weather and what changes in personal life.

Folk omens about migratory birds

    Jackdaws gather in large flocks and shout strongly - for clear weather and frost.

    A turtle dove is cooing - it won't rain that day.

    The blackbirds scream before the storm.

    Cranes fly low - in bad weather.

    Larks high in the sky sing for a long time - for the weather, and if they are silent in the morning - wait for rain.

    A cuckoo on a dry tree will get colder.

    The finch flies away - to a cold snap.

    Swallows fly high for good weather, and low for rain.

    Herons scream loudly in flight - in good, clear weather.

    Kites circling in the air and shrieking - before bad weather. A swallow knocks on the window - there will be news.

    After the arrival of blackbirds, there are practically no serious frosts. If different migratory birds arrive almost at the same time, this promises a friendly and short spring.

    If the geese returning to their native lands fly low, there will be little rainfall and, conversely, if the geese are flying high, expect a rainy summer.

Folk signs of wintering birds

    If a migratory bird flows in flocks - to a friendly spring.

    Birds build their nests on the sunny side - this is for a cold summer, if on the shady side - for a warm one.

    Migratory birds cackle - to bad weather, arriving in the spring, they do not chirp for a long time - to the cold, suddenly they fell silent - to a thunderstorm.

    If sparrows sit quietly on trees or buildings in winter, there will be snow without wind. And chirping together - to warming.

    Sparrows climb into hiding places, under roofs or heaps of brushwood - in the frost or before a blizzard.

    If the tits fly off to warm regions early, this will lead to a quick cooling.

    If the crows arrange round dances in the sky, it will be snowing.

    If rooks fly straight to the nest - friendly spring

    If the cuckoo cuckoo, when the forest has not yet dressed, there will be a hungry year.

    Lapwing shouts in the evening - to the clear sky; flies low - to prolonged dry weather.

    I saw a starling - spring is at the porch.

    If a bullfinch sang - be a blizzard.

    The bullfinch chirps under the window in winter - to the thaw.

    The black woodpecker cries for the rain in summer.

    The owl screams - to the frost.




Tatiana Ponomarenko
Folder for parents "Bird Day"

On the eve of the holiday " Bird day", which took place on April 1, I made folder for parents.

"International bird day»

- an international ecological holiday, which is celebrated annually on April 1. In the Russian Federation, he is the most famous of "Avian" holidays. international bird day celebrated since 1906, after the signing of the International Convention for the Protection birds... For the first time in the USSR "International bird day» celebrated on April 1 in 1927. In 1928 « Bird day» walked across the country of Soviets, having gathered more than 60 thousand participants, who hung about 15,000 birdhouses. Gradually, the holiday came to naught. And only in 1994, thanks to the efforts of enthusiastic bird watchers from the Union of Conservation, created in 1993 birds of Russia, the holiday got a second life.

In Russia, they have always treated birds, considering them a living symbol of freedom, beauty, happiness.

Why without birds we cannot do? Birds friends of our childhood. Birds are heralds of joy... Every year they bring us spring on their wings. With the arrival of spring, our friends return to us - migratory birds... They attract with their bizarre plumage, singing, movement, flight, and, of course, a mysterious way of life. Birds- our faithful helpers, defenders of forests and fields, orchards and vegetable gardens. Birds is beauty and mystery. It is not for nothing that wonderful poems and secrets, songs, legends, fairy tales are composed about them. They are an integral part of Russian nature and culture.

Birds are dear to us not only for the great benefit they bring, but also as an adornment of our wonderful Homeland... We need to protect them and increase the wealth of all nature so that our entire planet is a beautiful, huge garden.

Spring walks through the courtyards

In the rays of warmth and light

It is a holiday today!

Holiday birds!

And we are pleased with it!