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How to make money if you don't know how. How to make money online if you don't know anything. proven ways to make money at home

It is difficult to understand remote earnings when you first decide to try it. There are so many ways and advice on the Internet, and scams are actively advertised. You need to be extremely careful not to fall for the bait of scammers. You can easily earn money, the main thing is to use proven sites.

How to make money online if you don't know anything? Each user has the minimum knowledge. Surely you know how to register, put likes on social networks, download files. These skills are already enough to start working on the network. Of course, with such knowledge you won’t earn millions; it’s realistic to collect several hundred rubles during the day.

How easy is it to make money online?

The best option for a beginner is tasks on click sponsors. Through them, other people order different cheats. Someone needs visitors for the site, someone wants to collect reposts, votes in the contest, and so on. They pay real money for help. You can execute such orders around the clock, there are no restrictions.

As for quality sites, it is better to use the Wmmail or Seosprint mailer. They have the most jobs, and competition forces advertisers to raise prices. On the first site, the minimum payment is 1 cent (about 50 kopecks), on the second site there are tasks with a payment of 25 kopecks. After the usual registration on one of the sites, you need to go to the appropriate section:

Surfing sites and writing, these are paid visits to sites, they bring up to 7 kopecks, you won’t earn much there. It is better to pay attention to instructions. You can choose any order from the list, each of them needs a lot of executions, so there is no competition. The work is carried out immediately, no applications need to be sent. Just read the terms carefully:

This is the simplest example of a task, it asks you to join a group and put a couple of likes. Do not go directly to the specified link, first you need to click on the green button. A new tab will open and you need to insert the address of the group into it. Then everything is simple, we enter, like and return to the task. Instead of a green button, a report form will appear, we are asked to show the Vkontakte page from which the task was performed:

We inserted the link and sent the report, that's all, now you can take on other tasks. Difficult? I don’t think so, but experienced performers carry out over 100 such orders per day. Just do not wait for payment, some advertisers check reports for several days. The received money is withdrawn to different electronic wallets:

If you use Wmmail, you can withdraw funds to your phone balance. There, the account is kept in dollars, the money is automatically converted into rubles when you order a payout.

Other earning sites for beginners

In addition to mailers, there are other services that help beginners figure out how to make their first money. A lot of intelligence is not needed to perform the simplest tasks. By combining several methods and systems, it is possible to earn even more:

1. Teaser - users of this system who have installed a browser extension earn on the machine. It adds a small banner when visiting any sites. Advertising does not appear constantly, they pay a few kopecks for viewing it. There is also a section with simple assignments.

2. CashBox - there are easy tasks on this site, but most often they use it to complete work on social networks. New tasks are constantly appearing, they are completed quickly. The system also offers part-time work on surveys and installing mobile applications.

3. VkTarget is the best project for making money on social networks. Immediately after registration, you must log in through all social networks. networks. Offers will start coming in to like, join a group, add a video, a friend, and so on. Having collected only 25 rubles, you can order a payout to wallets or phone numbers.

4. Advego - a copywriting exchange brings serious money to those who write articles. Try this, you might like it. Newcomers in the work section are offered orders for writing comments, reviews, and so on. For inviting friends to the VK group, you can really get up to 50 cents.

5. Rucaptcha - you will not find earnings easier than on this site. Professionals connect the system to their programs and bots so as not to enter captcha. That's what performers do. They are tested for a robot and get 1-3 kopecks for it (learn to work quickly).

Any of these sites will be dealt with by a beginner. They bring not so much money, but it is not difficult to collect them. You will receive the first 100-200 rubles today, but not just like that, you will have to work hard for them.

Now you know how to make money, take the first step and register on any site. It is worth trying work in different directions to find what you like more. Also, sometimes change the type of earnings so that it does not bother you.

There are always skeptics, but sometimes without even trying, they begin to express their opinion. A lot of articles have been written about making money online, and some users have already got the impression that it is impossible to collect even a couple of rubles while sitting at home. Myths appear all the time, anyone posts articles, but everyone has their own opinion.

You can't earn anything on the Internet, true or false? If you sit all your life and solve captcha or surf sites, then the income will be, to put it mildly, “small”. Simple ways to earn money do not lead people to wealth, however, they cannot be written off, because someone has to do easy activities, not everyone wants to do hard work.

You can earn money online, it's true

You can talk about this topic as much as you like, write beautiful words, but it’s better to show what you yourself have achieved. Not the first year I have been surfing the Internet in addition to real work and have tried work on many sites. It makes no sense to talk about Forex and similar methods, beginners will not understand this anyway, so I will share statistics from sites for simple earnings:

1. Wmmail - when I first found out that you can earn money through the Internet, I started with click-through sponsors. In my opinion, this is the best option for a beginner to work. There are a lot of small tasks on this site, you can sell articles and earn money on a 5-level affiliate program. Compared to other mailers, here are the most generous commission rewards:

2. Seosprint is a similar site, only there are more tasks here. They are all as simple as clicks, registrations, comments and more. I registered on the box when I had already created a blog, so the income statistics show only profit from the referral system. By the way, it is profitable here, there are 2 levels, and the percentage of deductions depends on what rating you have:

3. VkTarget - the system helps users to wind up any indicators in popular social networks. After connecting the accounts, new orders begin to arrive constantly. It takes a couple of seconds to complete them, so the rewards are not big. Here I also actively earn on an affiliate program (they give 15% of income and expenses). Beginners are actively registering, since they can work from mobile phones and pay money to the phone balance:

4. Golden Tea is an economic game that many did not believe in. For all the time of its use, all the money was paid on time. What should be done here? Plant bushes and collect leaves from tea trees. Everything has been done for beginners, only the withdrawal of funds is available after inviting new participants. With this, 8 ways to attract referrals will help you:

Don't believe anyone who says you can't make money online. This is usually stated by lazy users who thought that they were handing out money on the network just like that. Some skeptics are offended people, they were deceived, they tried to earn money by deceit, or their level of knowledge does not allow them to do something serious.

This page does not list all the sites that I personally use. If you plan to succeed, consider all the possibilities to make money on the Internet. You need to lay the path yourself, only you know what is closer to you.

The desire to earn extra money on the Internet appears in thousands of people, but only a few begin to make a profit while sitting at a computer. The fact is that the majority considers such an activity too simple, but when they try to earn at least 100 rubles, they understand that there is no freebie.

I want to make money online, what should I do? There are many ways, so you have to choose the right activity. The choice is so wide that it is impractical to advise any one option. In addition, each person has certain skills, knowledge, talents, so you need to select online work individually.

What to do if you want to make money on the Internet?

You can always use typing - working from home is not difficult and is suitable for specialists from a wide variety of fields. Just write texts and put them up for sale through special services. Site owners buy materials to fill their resources, and if they like your work, they will definitely come back for repeat purchases.

There is also earnings in photographs, where instead of texts you will need to take high-quality pictures and add them to special systems in the same way. Not only webmasters become buyers, high-quality images, for example, often come in handy for marketers. They are added to advertisements, banners and so on.

There is a lot of simple work, however, it is not so profitable. If you have serious plans, and you are ready to spend time on development, it is better to find better options. Sitting at the computer, you can even start your own small business, all that remains is to figure out what to trade or what services to provide.

Make money online with Skype

This messenger is installed on almost all computers, and you can use it as a tool for making money. Every day, thousands of people go online to take advantage of the help of professionals. What can you offer them? Consultations on a wide variety of topics, from psychology to mathematics and other sciences.

To promote your name, you will need to actively advertise services. For this, thematic forums and groups on social networks are suitable. You will need to establish yourself as a first-class specialist. Over time, the client base will grow, and more and more users will contact you.

Through Skype, you can earn in other ways, for example, by getting a job in the support service on some site. You can conduct collective webinars and trainings. Brave girls even make money on intimate communication or private dances, which also cannot be excluded from the general list of options for part-time work.

How to make money if you don't know anything and don't know how

If you are interested in the option with consultations, and you are an expert in some field, be sure to register on Liveexpert. This is a specialized consulting service. Thousands of professionals are already receiving orders from there, and to join their ranks, simply open a profile.

Every day, search engines process the request "I want to make money on the Internet." A huge audience of users is trying to find suitable options, but not everyone succeeds, since development is required for a solid income. This article presents far from all the ways to start working on the network, for example, you can use the earnings on the Internet for musicians, where certain skills will also come in handy.

Every year more and more people begin to earn money through the Internet, and not all of them are programmers, advertisers and computer graphics specialists. Teachers, office workers, students, anyone can start working online, and home work without investment on the Internet is available to everyone.

I want to make money on the Internet, but I don’t know how to do anything - topics with similar content are often found on different forums. Beginners from all over Russia are trying to find remote work, but this will definitely require at least something to learn. The “Freebie” button does not exist, on the Internet they pay for doing work.

Home work without investment

There is one great option that you can use to not do the work yourself - mediation. Offers for remote work appear on the network every day, and there are also a lot of freelancers ready to fulfill any wishes of the customer. If you can organize a relationship between these people, then keep the price difference for yourself.

Making money on the Internet through freelancing mediation is not so easy, because you need to find customers. You cannot be sure that they will agree to your candidacy, so the best option to get their order is to freelance yourself. For example, you can start writing articles or drawing banners, and after some promotion, attract other performers and share orders with them, making a profit from this.

How to organize all this?

Today, many people want to make money on the Internet, while they do not use freelance exchanges, but create topics on forums. Using various forums about e-commerce, you can find a lot of customers and performers, it remains only to organize the relationship.

To put such a thing "on the conveyor" you will have to create your own team. This is not so difficult to do, you will need to establish a connection with a group of performers who will be ready to fulfill your order at any time. After that, you only search for orders and transfer them to performers. For example, this is easy to do in the field of copywriting, and in order not to arouse suspicion, you can declare that you are an optimizer and simply share customers with authors.

Where to look for orders?

Register on all freelance exchanges, as well as thematically relevant forums:




Where to look for performers?

Depending on what orders you will consider, you will need to look for performers on different sites. If this is writing articles, then the best option is large content exchanges:

If this is a separate project, then again you can use the forums and freelance exchanges. Separately, I would like to say about the Wmmail mailer, which has the Arbor section. The users of this system are newbies in the field of earnings, and in the gazebo they communicate quite actively, offer them a job and you will definitely find performers. Of course, you are unlikely to get high quality, but you can seriously save.

Working from home without investment through mediation in the provision of remote services is a great option to make money on the Internet. Start the path of an intermediary with the activities of a freelancer, if you score a high rating, and orders will literally “crumble” profit from mediation may exceed income from work.

I do not hide from my friends that the Internet brings me profit. Now many are interested in remote earnings, because this is a great opportunity to improve their financial situation. Serious knowledge is not required (if you use simple methods), and you can start without investment.

I want to make money online without investment, what should I do? I have heard this question many times. It’s impossible to answer it specifically, because it’s the same as a person asking what job I should get in real life. The network also has a wide variety, so you need to consider the available options individually.

What can you earn without investment?

With the help of the Next Invest blog, thousands of people find their purpose and start using the Internet for financial gain. I have posted thousands of different articles describing the most interesting types of work. I don’t know what suits you, so consider the available methods yourself to find the best direction:

  1. Online work for tutors - good knowledge in some science will come in handy to conduct lessons directly on the Internet. Now online learning is considered convenient and is gaining momentum, and you can teach any subject online. Not necessarily from the school curriculum, you can share your experience in some position, make a training course for marketers, accountants and other professionals.
  2. Selling photos on Etxt is an easy and not the most profitable way that fans of taking beautiful pictures will like. An image store has been operating on the copywriting exchange for more than a year. There are not so often buyers drop in, nevertheless, there are sales. The main advantage is the ability to start working without complex verifications and without passing tests, as in popular photo stocks.
  3. Earnings on signatures from forums - for part-time work it will be useful for those who like to communicate. Each profile on the forum is rented, or rather, places in the signature under the messages are rented. The user sets the price on his own, the money is charged for each day of placement. By the way, a lot depends on the popularity of the forum and on how many messages are left from the account.
  4. Real earnings at home with YouTube is a promising option. You don’t need any money to open your own channel, but you will have to record a bunch of videos. They must be interesting, otherwise you won’t get a lot of views. The easiest way to monetize a channel is by installing ads. Although there are other options, such as direct advertisers and affiliate programs.
  5. Easy money on Odnoklassniki - in this social network, many people already receive money for classes, joining groups and other actions. Cheat services do not bring a lot of money, but everything is elementary. If you want to raise income, start promoting accounts and communities. Having gained a lot of subscribers, you can take good money for advertising posts.

Activities must be chosen based on their skills, interests and wishes. If it’s hard to take the first step, keep repeating to yourself “I want to make money on the Internet without investment.” Sooner or later, your desire will force you to take some action, and then everything will go like clockwork.

As a parting word to beginners, I would like to remind you that no freebies are distributed on the network. If you thought that by spending 5 minutes a day, millions will appear on your accounts, then you were deeply mistaken. You will have to work no less than in a real job.

Virtually no one has enough basic income to cover basic expenses. This forces people to look for part-time jobs, and sometimes take loans. It would be nice to play it safe and think in advance about creating additional sources of profit. The Internet is the perfect place for this.

I want to make money online, what should I do? All roads are open to you, so you need to start by choosing the right way. Everyone has their own preferences, opportunities and interests, so you need to consider options individually. YouTube video hosting brings good money to the authors of the video, consider it as an opportunity to launch a full-fledged business.

Where is the money on the Internet?

There are many simple ways to earn money, when using them, neither investment nor serious knowledge is required. See how to make money on the Internet without cheating, there are several worthy options. Even without starting capital, you can start, and if you have at least a little money, you can put earnings on the machine.

Now many users pay attention to earnings with YouTube. This is a really good idea, as you can promote the channel and consistently get decent money from it. Do you think that popular video bloggers record videos only out of interest? Whatever the case, for every 1,000 views they make about a dollar, just through official advertising.

Especially for novice video bloggers, an article has been written on how to promote a YouTube channel. Stop underestimating your abilities, everyone is able to record videos that collect thousands of views. Of course, it's not so easy and you first need to choose a good topic, but it's better to spend time on it than mindlessly work for a penny.

What channel can be created?

This is the main question of all beginners, since many sites have already been created and almost all topics have been selected. In fact, good ideas are in the air. You can take a ready-made format and simply transform it. Quite often, video bloggers succeed by copying foreign channel owners. Nothing comes to mind and too lazy to look for a decent idea? Here are some great options:

1. Hand-made - golden hands and talent to create something exclusive, must be used. Sculpt from clay, sew, knit, forge, do anything and record it on video. The option is excellent, as it will be possible to find buyers among the audience.

3. Cars - a well-worn but good topic. In order not to be lost against the background of reviewers, come up with something interesting. For example, you can open your version of "Pimp Your Car", but the project is expensive.

4. Working days - if there is not much time to write down some instructions or animals due to work, use this. If nothing interesting happens there, change it (you can hold some kind of flash mob or prank in the office).

Even if someone has already implemented a good idea, this is not a reason to abandon it. You can come up with a chip and completely change direction. When you find out how much you can earn on YouTube, all your doubts will disappear.

Often, modern people wake up with the thought “I want to make money on the Internet.” The niche is developing rapidly, and besides, the money in it is spinning in earnest. If you also want to try yourself in the virtual world, start acting, the idea with YouTube is just one of the options.

Due to the computerization of modern society, people have realized that it is not necessary to work hard to earn money. Now you can even do work without leaving your home and get a solid income. That is why, beginners are interested in how professionals are now earning on the Internet.

Experienced users use many different ways to make a profit. If you are reading this text, then you are also interested. In this article, you will learn about some of the best ways, it is quite possible that you will like one of them, and you will start earning remotely today.

What can you earn online now?

One of the most profitable and promising options is to open your own blog. No knowledge for this? See how to make your own website for free. You can start with constructors to launch a simple resource without attachments. The most important thing is to fill it with high-quality and unique information.

Blogging makes money in a variety of ways. Most often, this is the installation of advertising, you just need to add the site to one of the advertising networks, and after that, you will be rewarded every time a visitor to your site clicks on an ad. You can also earn by selling links, through affiliate programs and in other ways.

It is difficult to quickly start making a decent profit, the site will have to be developed and promoted. After several months of active work, the site will definitely begin to bring you profit, and you will understand that you have worked for good reason. Visit the section "Earnings on the site. Blogging and infobusiness” there is a lot of useful information for beginners.

What other ways are there?

If you are not ready to wait a long time for a profit and would like to start today, you can use simple methods. How do beginners make money now? They carry out small assignments and work in social networks. For this, separate services have also been created, the income is not large, but everything is easy and simple.

There are always a lot of tasks, and they require registration, leaving comments, writing reviews, and so on. Simply put, you will participate in promotions and receive rewards for this:

Similarly, simple tasks are added for social networks. They are placed on mailers and special sites. You will find most of the instructions for making money on your Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki and other similar projects on the following sites:

Go through an easy registration and start adding friends, joining communities and likes. Some even create multiple accounts to increase their income.

More profitable options

Ways for beginners do not interest you? Then you should be interested in how to work on the Internet with Forex brokers. Everyone has heard about this exchange and knows that you can buy currency on it, and when its rate rises, sell it at a higher price. You can do it too, thanks to the Alpari service. This broker has been operating for many years and offers the most favorable conditions.

The company also offers profitable investments. You can invest in the activities of traders and, without making a single transaction, get a serious income.

Not many people know that now they are also making money on the Internet on binary options. It's even more interesting. In fact, these are ordinary bets, but you bet money on changes in exchange rates or stock prices. For example, if you are sure that tomorrow or in a couple of days the shares of BMW will fall in price or rise in price, put money on it and get income.

You can use earnings on options with TitanTrade - a promising and high-quality company that now accrues a bonus of up to 100% to the deposit.

In all these ways it is quite possible to earn money online. Make a choice, select the best options and start working. Everyone can make a profit on the network, with any level of knowledge and interests. You just need to find the best ways to earn money and try to use them.

For the last five years I have been making my living from the Internet. Actually, there is nothing unusual about this. On the other hand, when I am asked to talk about my business and interested in the topic of working on the Internet, I am somewhat lost. Information is more than enough, but this is the problem: to give a really useful answer, you need to start a conversation for a couple of hours.

Therefore, I decided to present a summary of my experience in the form of one large article.

The main secret: "earnings on the Internet" does not exist!

How so, what is the article about?

The article, of course, is about how to earn income using the Internet. Compare the two formulations (this is important):

"make money online"

"make income with the help of the Internet".

There is a difference? She is principled! The first, well-established turnover in the language is incorrect. It's just shorter and more comfortable. Where is the mistake?

Very simple. The Internet is not some special place where money is found. All the money is in our world, there is no virtual reality. All the money you pay for something other people.

To make money on the Web means to get another Internet user to pay you for something. This is obvious, but many people forget about it.

This must be clearly understood. Many beginners think that the Web has its own economic laws (or there are no laws at all), and money can appear out of nowhere. Alas, it is not.

Also, I don't like the word "earn". It seems to immediately impose restrictions: you work for someone who pays you a salary. But the Internet is just good because it gives a lot of opportunities to get away from this scheme. Lots of possibilities!

Remember these two caveats, which should always be mentally applied to the words "make money online" and move on.

Ways to receive money using the Internet

What is the Internet? Answer: a convenient communication tool with those to whom we can sell something.

The main question that everyone who reads an article not for entertainment should ask themselves is:

What can I sell to those people on the other side of the monitor?

The answer will determine your way of earning. Here are the main options:

  • sell your own time;
  • sell IT-related skills or knowledge;
  • sell non-Internet goods and services;
  • provide specific Internet services.

You can think of a hundred more options, but these four describe typical situations well. Let's consider each in order.

How to make money online if you don't know anything specific

The easiest option. Selling your time (usually for a low price). The essence is some simple, more or less routine work that is easy to master. This is both offline and online.

  • moderation of a forum or community in social networks (removal of spam, obscene messages);
  • work in online support (answers to customer messages according to instructions);
  • writing custom comments, product reviews.

Such work can be offered by both quite serious companies and individuals on special sites - online job exchanges. In the first case, one can hope for a more or less tolerable payment; the second is definitely not the best choice. Some tasks on the exchanges are rather questionable in terms of legality and morality.

In general, if there is a strong desire to earn money via the Internet (more on the pros and cons of such a decision below), then you should not get stuck selling your time. Better get useful skills and start selling them.

Freelance and Remote Work: Selling Your Skills

The classic version of working from home, at the computer. However, rich freelancers rent offices, cunning ones prefer to go somewhere to warm countries and work, lying under a palm tree with a laptop on their belly. One way or another, a freelancer takes a fee for completing tasks that require a certain qualification.

What skills are in demand online? First of all, those that are directly related to sites:

  • programming;
  • design;
  • translations;
  • writing texts (copywriting), proofreading;
  • server administration;
  • network security;
  • internet marketing (SEO, SMM, analytics).

At the same time, a large part of freelancers work for purely offline organizations. Any result of intellectual activity that can be transmitted over the Internet can become your product.

Personal example . I perform custom SEO audits: the client receives a file from me with analysis and recommendations regarding his site (). For example, lawyers, psychologists, tutors, etc. can work in the same way. Anything that comes down to training or consulting is easily sold over the Internet.

Here we come to the third method - selling your own goods and services. The line between it and freelancing is rather arbitrary. By the way, this is a reason for optimism: you can gradually overcome this line, freelancing can thus become a transitional stage to your own business.

Internet as a way to sell goods or services

However, those who are just planning to start their own business or become self-employed can use the Internet to attract buyers and customers. Why, this is the most affordable and logical way, especially since the competition in most niches is still small.

The simplest example is the sale of hand-made products; that's how a lot of people make money. Similarly, you can monetize other hobbies or skills. Love to draw? Write portraits to order. Are you taking pictures? There are many opportunities to sell ready-made photos (google: photo stocks) or find customers for a photo shoot.

Of course, not only representatives of creative professions can promote their services. Let's say a gas boiler adjuster can also make money on bread and butter (and caviar) if he decides to earn money on his own and manages to attract customers who, as we know, are constantly surfing the Internet.

An important point: privately promoting your offline services over the Internet may end up being more profitable and more stable (!) than working for hire. The Internet allows you to effectively create a good reputation, a personal brand of a specialist. Let's continue the example taken from the bulldozer. If our boiler fitter does a good job, collects testimonials from satisfied customers on his website and applies the basics of Internet marketing, then he has a chance to get a huge queue of customers and put a price tag that suits him.

At the initial stage, of course, it is harder. But more on that later. For now, let's write the output of this paragraph:

If you know how to do something useful, it makes no sense to completely give up this activity for the sake of virtual work. Try to do the same, but working for yourself and using the power of the Internet.

Internet business

Something that is not directly related to real goods or services. For example, providing paid space in file storage (Dropbox, Google Drive). Or: online accounting (a paid online service helps to generate reports, reminds you to pay taxes, etc.). A virtual, purely informational service turns into real savings on accounting services and a significant simplification of business processes. See also - these are examples of Internet businesses whose services may be useful for making money.

Personal example: a couple of months ago I started the project - at the moment it is free, but when I launch the full functionality, I plan to introduce commercial options as well.

It may seem that this option is the most difficult. By no means a fact. Don't be afraid of the word "business". It can also include creating a public on a social network and maintaining a blog or a YouTube channel (all this can also bring money). The main criterion for a business is not whether its owner wears a tie or sits in sweatpants in front of a monitor. The criterion is the construction of a system that operates relatively independently of its creator.

Of course, if you choose exactly the option of creating an online business, even if on a minimal scale, you need to be well versed in the Web as a whole, understand the needs and interests of the audience. In other cases it is less important.

The review of options is over. I hope it brought some understanding. And now - to specific advice.

How to start making money online (let's get down to business)

If you read carefully, you can easily formulate what the first step should be. Of course this

1. Determine what you can offer (sell)

Just write a list of what you can do and like to do. Think about how to make money on it. Do you have skills that are in demand on the Internet? Or maybe skills for self-employment offline?

There is nothing? Add to the list what you are interested in. Something you don't know yet, but you can learn. Run the list again. Leave it for a couple of days. One way or another, you should have a vision of what you can offer the global market right now and in the future.

2. Determine where and how you can sell it

I'll give you some initial advice.

If there are no skills, but there is time and desire- to you in the "Remote work" section on traditional job sites. It's a good idea to search online business forums. Sometimes there are vacancies of an assistant for a representative of one of the Internet specialties. This could be a good start.

If you have skills in the online field(copywriting, design, etc.) — register on freelance exchanges, place the first orders for a review, test the chosen direction “live”. An important point: do not limit yourself to freelance exchanges. Create a separate portfolio (preferably in the form of a website, at worst - a public on a social network) and promote it by other methods. Don't be tied to any platform, build your own brand.

If you decide to engage in online sales- find an intelligent Internet marketing specialist and take a couple of consultations. This is the best advice that can be given. If for a freelancer creating a separate portfolio is 99% the right step, then with offline sales everything is not so simple: too different goods and services can be offered; it is important to proceed from the specifics. The same is true for the "online business" option.

3. Time to get to work!

No, I'll add it though. A necessary habit for any Internet figure is the automatic googling of everything incomprehensible and ambiguous. Have you met a service that offers to earn money? Google reviews, read carefully! Heard out of the corner of your ear about a new way of promotion? Google and try to apply if it seemed worthwhile. Emailed with an offer? You know what to do with the sender's e-mail.

Is it worth it? About the pros and cons of online earnings

Actually, it should have been point number zero. Think carefully about whether you need to work exclusively on the Internet (ie, implement option 1,2 or 4). Yes, this occupation looks attractive - a free schedule, you decide when to work and when to rest, you can work from anywhere in the world - there would be wi-fi and a laptop.

But keep in mind:

  • Will have to work a lot. Riddle about a freelancer: "Who doesn't want to work 5 days a week for 8 hours, but wants to work 7 days a week for 16 hours"? This, of course, is a joke, but you really have to work hard, there is no freebie here. Freelancers are either full or lazy.
  • A very serious level of self-organization is required and self-discipline, including financial. This month you can earn 100,000, and the next - 7,000. Budgeting in such conditions must be very careful and sensible. Yes, you can forget the words “stability”, “paid vacation” and “sick leave”.
  • Certain legal registration of your activity is required- most likely, registration of an individual entrepreneur (however, options are possible) and corresponding reporting.
  • You will have less communication and social connections. The team at work is a powerful anchor of socialization. And you have to be one on one with the monitor. You may have to make extra efforts in order not to get a little wild and not go into virtual reality.
  • There are no overheads here.. On average, in a hospital, the income of Internet users fits into the standard fork of salaries or profits of small businesses. Everything is like everywhere else. True, on the Internet there is a little more dependence between how you work and how much you get; the distribution is somewhat fairer than offline. As he sank - so he popped.

Summarizing: making money online is not for everyone; it is not suitable for everyone in terms of character and prospects. .

Well, if you decide - good luck, colleague!

Given: the work is over, there is no money. Or there is work, but money is still not enough. And you have to get them from somewhere. Well, at least a little. And - no, do not offer to study as a programmer. Okay, Day.Az, with a link to Pics, will tell you about a dozen and a half much less expensive and simple methods to improve your financial situation.

1. Win everything!

There is a lot going on all around you - no, a cloud! - competitions. From small things like "solve a crossword puzzle and get a ticket to the cinema" (it is solved, as practice shows, in 6 minutes) to big things like "repost this post and get a ticket to Rome." And you know what's the funniest thing? What is this thought that you immediately thought: “yes, there are a million of such hunters for balls, the chances are minimal” - in some cases it is simply ridiculously wrong. Because a million potential competitors think the same way - and as a result, the magazine or the site convulsively wonders which of the non-close relatives would shove the prize from the advertiser. Because the people are slowing down, and they themselves would like to, but they are not supposed to ... So don't slow down!

2. Give lessons on Skype

Remember whatever you can. Ideally, some English. But if not, then a competent Russian will do, and playing the guitar or checkers, and cross-stitching ... And even something even less professional, such as the ability to argue passionately. Now you find prices for such services from the pros - and reduce this price by a third. Or more. It depends on the level of greed and self-esteem. This is very good at weeding out tough competitors with a bunch of diplomas. Believe me, now people are more interested in saving money than meditating on someone's diplomas.

3. Teach people something

"Well, yes, if I could do something highly useful like programmer ..." Yes, you forget about him, honestly. Actually everything is useful. The main thing is 1) to love, 2) to be able to submit your subject, 3) to spit on the lack of diplomas and certificates and boldly dump. If you like to walk and know little-known cool courtyards, you can organize "secret excursions". If you do yoga in the park in the morning, call on the people for some funny "donation": five people for 5 manats - already food for the day. And time passed just the same, even more fun.

4. Be cute

Find a grandmother who sews cool rugs and stands alone in the market. And become her promoter. Perhaps no one would buy your rugs much, because you seem to be healthy and prosperous, which means you are a little kawaii creature. But cute grandma is a brand. Another guaranteed mimimi is kids: you can also connect your own creative kid. No need, no need: this is not the exploitation of minors, this is a family contract and proper upbringing.

5. Do for people what they don't like.

This is in case you do not have stupid prejudices a la "this is not a royal business." Many people don’t want to do or can’t do non-royal deeds, but there is no one to ask. Well, for example, take out the trash, drag the cabinet, sort out the blockage on the balcony, paint the fence. You can promote your services both on Facebook and on the ancient social network called "paper ads at the entrance." And painting the fence, by the way, is such a mess!

6. Do anything

By the way, smart people have been using this trick for a long time: someone needs to do something quickly - but is reluctant, but someone has a lot of time and is ready to take on anything if it is within their power. Classics of the genre - resources like Workzilla. Tasks here come across all degrees of ease, up to almost zero. Like "download directory", "convert file" or "draw avatar".

7. Sell something you don't need

No, buying something unnecessary for this is completely optional. It is enough to do the cleaning, putting aside what has not been used for at least a year. Checked: and do not use. And it has been unfashionable to put belongings in the tombs for some thousand years. Well, unnecessary gifts rule! Bored to post good on Avito? Find or organize a garage sale. That's just now terribly fashionable.

8. Resell something you need

On the same Internet sites and Internet flea markets, all sorts of things are periodically found almost for nothing. It's just that the owners of the thing need to get rid of it to a greater extent than to earn it. And you just need to earn more. And do not complex. "Speculation" - this, comrade, is Soviet vocabulary, the place of which is in the local history museum of Krasnoshishkinsk. Actually, then any store is a speculation.

9. Sign people up for something cheap

A way to earn more confused, but in a big way. Let's take one example from life. In the city of N, the family decided to sell the apartment. The apartment is cool, in a good way it costs 150 thousand bucks. Since the crisis, finding a buyer with such a sum in his pocket is a problem. And what they did - they created a page where they offered everyone to deposit 1 dollar each and sign up for the list. 150 thousand subscribers are recruited - and one of them gets the apartment by the method of scientific poke. To convince the people that this is not a hoax, I had to talk to the press and lawyers. But it's fun and creative.

10. Donate blood

There are two important points here: firstly, you need to be healthy in all respects, and secondly, you often cannot do this. But from time to time you can earn extra money: google the right places in your city. By the way, if you share blood for free, you are entitled to all sorts of benefits and privileges: for example, vouchers, extraordinary treatment, vacation at a convenient time.

11. Participate in recreational activities

You can make money at some fair or folk festival, even if you didn’t work out with hand-made. You can, say, wind up "fortune-telling" or "wishes" and stuff them into sweets. You can invite to be photographed in a cool environment. The most popular attraction for tourists is taking pictures with all kinds of fauna. But we do not recommend to torture animals and birds in slavery. A painted funny Godzilla made of corrugated cardboard - she doesn’t even ask for food. And you can also dress the photographed in some funny costumes.

12. Mow the grass

Helpful, I mean. Here it is necessary, of course, to understand this very grass and know the fish, that is, grass, places. But you can start with a simple one (you can tell lime from mint, right?), And the topic is interesting, it can captivate. It is easier to donate prepared haystacks to pharmacies, but it is more profitable to build something useful out of them. For example, teas in paper bags, aroma pads or bath brooms.

13. Hand over recyclables

No, it is not necessary to break metal fences or stand with persons without a fixed place of residence at a glass container collection point in your neighborhood. There are organizations and projects that themselves take out plastic, waste paper and other recyclable waste. Call them when you want to deal with the grandfather's archive of "Pravda" for 70 years. Karma improves in proportion to ecology!

14. Play games

Even such a seemingly not very useful skill, how to cut into toys, can also be monetized. There is such a phenomenon as the sale of gaming accounts. On the "black market" you can sell your character, account or game currency and items for real money. If anything, we ourselves have not tried and you have not advised anything of the kind. We are collecting ideas for inspiration.

15. Bet

That's how it sometimes happens: someone foaming at the mouth proves some stupidity, about which you just know 110% that it's actually not true. Because a physics teacher stuck this information in your head for centuries - or because you just recently read an article by a Nobel laureate on this topic. So don't send the poor fellow to Google! Bet him for at least 50 bucks! Well, or for champagne, it will also come in handy on the farm.

16. Get some work done

This is, of course, the least creative and original way. But it often helps. Find a good job in your specialty! The main thing here is to forget the phrases "but who needs me" and "crisis in the country." And useful skills such as arguing, teaching, playing, donating and collecting weed have already solved the problem of bright leisure!

First of all, let's say that it doesn't happen that a person can't do anything. At least you know how to do something: go online, for example, go to a website, type a message to your neighbor on VKontakte. It would be enough!

Today we'll talk about how to earn your first money sitting at home on the Internet even if you don't know anything (from your point of view). Perhaps you are afraid of the surrounding Internet world, but the desire to make money on the Internet, and believe that this is not a myth, is great!

In that case, this article is for you!

Let's get you in the know!

Now I will bring you up to date. We don't know anything. Now you are in the know.
© Pink Panther 2

In 2008, when the global financial crisis swallowed up the world and mass layoffs and wage cuts began at all enterprises, and every day the unemployed groups were replenished more and more. Who lived well then, except for the oligarchs? The answer is that those people who learned how to make money on the Internet lived well. Internet crisis has not affected!

The Internet is its own planet on the planet, only virtual. The laws of the surrounding world do not apply in it.

Most often, people earn various services that they can provide on the Internet: write programs in various languages, create websites, take pictures and sell photos on special exchanges, and those who have only recently started taking their first steps on the World Wide Web and still do not know what they will do in the future, they can perform various small services such as commenting on topics on sites, subscribing to Youtube channels and performing other services.

Where can you earn without knowing anything!

On the Internet, there is an exchange for the promotion of sites and their promotion in social networks - SeoSprint. Earnings with SeoSprint depends only on you and how many tasks you complete.

Once you sign up for SeoSprint, you can start earning. All earned money can be immediately transferred to your Web-money wallet.

How to make money even for a schoolboy at home

There are many different types of work on the SeoSprint exchange. They are so elementary that even a schoolboy can make money at home.

Below are the different ways to earn money and the average cost per job:

10 proven ways to make money at home:

In fact, there are a lot of similar ways to make money at home, but we presented the easiest of them:

  • 1 Quick registration on the site — 4.00 rub.
  • 2 Go to the site and make a click - 2.00 rubles.
  • 3 Watching videos on YouTube - 2.00 rub.
  • 4 Registration + activity - from 2.00 - 30.00 rubles.
  • 5 Become a referral — from 20.00 rubles.
  • 6 Subscription to the public VK and likes - from 1.00 - 10.00 rubles.
  • 7 Posting various information on forums / blogs - from 5.00 - 50.00 rubles.
  • 8 Write an article - you can try to write your first article - from 20.00 rubles.
  • 9 Review/vote — from 0.5 to 5.00 rubles.
  • 10 Play games - from 10 - 100.00 rubles.

Earnings on the Internet is convenient just because you can earn a certain amount without leaving your home. It doesn't matter what country you live in. Doing a similar, easy coven like subscriptions or video views, making money at home in Ukraine, Russia, or Belarus does not seem to be difficult at all.

To your surprise, these are not all types of Internet covens. On the site itself there are many other types of earnings. We have given only the simplest ones and what you have done at least once on the Internet. The best part about SeoSprint is that it's really easy to make money.

Start earning with SeoSprint

You can work on the SeoSprint exchange around the clock. To do this, simply enter "seosprint" in any search engine, and you will be taken to the desired site.

As you can see from the presented types of earnings, if you don’t know how to do anything at all, then you have done these actions on the Internet at least once in your life. If you want to know, you have to start somewhere. To get started, we recommend that you go and read the material.

Millions of people started making money on the Internet without even knowing how to do it.

Just subtracted a bunch of information on the Internet and away we go. Today we will discuss a rather important topic, how to make money from scratch and at the same time without any abilities.

How to make money if you don't know anything?

From the very beginning, we will need to acquire some kind of electronic wallet in order for us to receive our honestly earned money on it. To do this, we need to register with the service. This is the best of the best services. I myself have been using it for a long time and I recommend it to you.
Now let's discuss how we will make money on it.
WMmail is the best project to make money doing absolutely nothing. Here you just need to follow the simplest instructions given by advertisers. Or you can just watch ads, of course, you can’t earn much on this, but you can’t come up with an easier way to earn money. On assignments, of course, you can already earn extra 150 - 200 dollars per month.

First, let's go through the most common registration. Nothing could be easier to come up with. After that, you will immediately see three types of earnings on the left, with the help of which you can already earn your first money right now. On account of this, I told in the video, which is located at the very top of this article.

How to make money if you can write?

If you are a literate person and know how to qualitatively present your thoughts, then there is great news for you. You can earn by selling your articles.
There are excellent content exchanges and Etxt for this.
With the help of them you will sell your written works. For this, you just need to register there and post your article. If the article is good, you can be sure that it will be bought immediately. This is how you can earn extra income. By the way, a lot of people earn in this way.

I advise you to visit;