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Description of earnings on reading letters for money. Mail sponsors - earnings on reading advertising letters on the Internet. How much can you earn by reading letters

To make an effective email campaign, you must follow the basic steps correctly: choose a reliable email service, adapt content for reading from mobile screens, write catchy texts, collect a sufficient number of addresses of potential and existing customers, and segment the audience. But sometimes this is not enough: your competitors do similar mailings, so you cannot surprise subscribers with something new and interesting. In this article, you will find 20 tips to help you figure out what to write to your clients and understand how to make your promotional emails stand out and be commercially successful.

Let your subscribers feel like they've been chosen. Encourage them to sign up for an exclusive newsletter for top customers. You can nominate regular customers, consumers with a certain check amount, owners of a certain product as the best ones.

Offer membership in an exclusive club to subscribers in personal letters. At the same time, make sure that they do not look like the so-called "Nigerian letters". Ask the client to confirm membership in the club.

Include great deals, discount coupons, new product pre-order offers, etc. in your mailing list for exclusive club members. With the help of word of mouth, this will make membership in the club desirable for all your customers. They will strive to fulfill the conditions necessary to receive an invitation.

Your subscribers receive dozens of emails a day. They hardly pay attention to every offer to download something for free, take advantage of a 3% discount on the purchase of a turbojet lawn mower with a mid-range air travel function, and also ignore questions about the desire to earn millions without effort and initial investment. Advertising noise does its job - people develop deafness to marketing messages.

Another thing is if you manage to show care for the client in a letter. How to do it? Here are some ideas:

  • Let us know that the special offer ends in a day. Perhaps the customer forgot that he wanted to buy a lawn mower at a discount.

  • Explain why it is important to use your product.

  • Offer subscribers valuable information. For example, imagine how many men will thank you if you offer them gift ideas for their loved ones on March 8th.

Pay attention to the subject line of the email. It should let the subscribers know that you have written something of value.

The secret to this tip's effectiveness is personalization. You should personally approach the client and ask them to explain their choice, provide feedback, or help you conduct your research.

The Litres e-book store asks for a review for each book purchased. Moreover, the authors of the first reviews of new works receive bonus money to their account.

The ReadRate service offers to take a thematic test.

And Optimizely marketer Jessie Becker offers to ask her anything.

These include reviews, research results, cases, awards, ratings. Please note the following letter:

Litres announces a book that takes first place in the rankings of the best works of 2014 by well-known publications and the Amazon online store. The Russian-speaking audience did not have time to read this book. There are no reviews on the book sites Litres and ReadRate, one super positive review on LiveLib, no one on Facebook knows anything.

Social proof works: the audience is hooked on the Amazon rating and the word “super bestseller”, although there are still very few real reviews of the book by Russian-speaking users. The book is sure to sell well.

As mentioned above, email personalization helps you get feedback. The possibilities of personalization are not limited to this: it increases the overall effectiveness of the mailing. E-mail was created for correspondence between people. Keep this in mind when writing sales letters. Use the following guidelines:

  • Write on behalf of a real person, not a brand.
  • Make sure the messages are relevant to the specific person.
  • Contact the user personally.

Another example of personalization is the ability to receive personalized recommendations from the LiveLib service.

Effective emails provide a high click-through rate of links in messages and the conversion of subscribers into consumers. Look at the design of the letters from the Death to the Stock Photo project. The conversion button here is located above the message itself.

What happens if the client is not interested in the offer? The authors of the following mailing list provide the user with an alternative.

For what? This increases audience engagement. Above is an example of a Death to the Stock Photo email that prompts the subscriber to first download a package of free stock photos and then proceed to read the email. There are other successful examples of mailing with downloadable content.

Readers will surely pay attention to the financial forecast, beautifully designed in the form of white paper.

Do your customers want discounts? Let them download.

Do it with calls to action. They significantly increase CTR and email conversion.

You can use more aggressive CTAs.

Use the urgency factor, the words "free" and "no registration".

On the one hand, your subscribers need to understand the meaning of the message by reading the topic. On the other hand, you should intrigue them and force them to take the necessary actions out of curiosity. See how the subscriber is motivated to open the letter by the magazine "Behind the wheel".

Howard Zoss is intriguing fellow marketers with the unprecedented rise in online video.

Tip #10: Use the same subject line for all emails

This recommendation is suitable for you under two conditions. First, your audience must trust you implicitly. This is possible if you have been working in the market for a long time and have an impeccable reputation. Secondly, the content of the letters should be similar to each other. For example, you can email your customers every week with the subject “Top 5 Products of the Week” or “Last Week’s Most Popular Content.”

This tactic has a simple meaning: subscribers get used to receiving emails from you with a certain subject, they are easily recognized and found in their inbox.

Referral links work because their use benefits all parties: the referral, the referrer and the business. The first receives favorable terms of service, the second tries for the sake of bonuses, and the third stimulates sales.

Tip #13: Offer your audience a lot of useful information

Surprise your audience regularly with big emails with useful information. Do this once every two weeks or once a month. This way you teach users to wait for your messages and pay attention to them. Remember, you don't have to make each letter huge. For example, you can send standard messages to users twice a week, and once a month create a large digest of publications on the site or an analytical report.

Large letters are difficult to demonstrate with an illustration, so check out the examples at the links:

Tip #14: Remind Users What You Do and Who You Are

If you work for Google or Sberbank, skip this step. And if you have a small or medium-sized enterprise, be sure to follow the recommendation. Remind users how you can help them.

Litres Bookstore includes a reminder in every letter:

The Advego exchange in one of the letters made a detailed advertising cheat sheet:

Tip #15: Leverage Your Partners' Brand Awareness

Imagine that you have just opened an online store where you can buy electronic gadgets. Naturally, the audience does not know the name of your project. But she knows brands that produce gadgets: Samsung, Apple, LG and so on. Use it in your mailing list. Here is an example implementation of this tactic:

And here is an example of a more subtle use of brand awareness:

No, you don't have to be a god or a billionaire to do it. To make subscribers happy, it is usually enough to give them some kind of modest gift. The main thing is that users do not perceive it as a marketing ploy.

These are the gifts people don't need:

And this is better:

And Privatbank successfully used an important event - the World Cup.

"Litres" timed the sale of books at a discount to the premiere of the film adaptation of one of the works.

Say "thank you" at every opportunity. Thank users for purchases, for reading emails, for leaving a review, etc. This has a positive effect on your subscribers and builds loyalty.

For example, "Svyaznoy" thanks even for adding products to the cart:

And the FotoMag store is not limited to gratitude in words:

Users do not like to read promotional emails. You can solve this problem by making commercial messages look like neutral ads. For example, say that a new product is on sale, prices have been reduced, and delivery terms have been updated.

A bookstore you know regularly sends out neutral emails when new books are on sale:

The household chemicals store reports that products that the client was once interested in are back on sale.

In this article, we will look at one of the easiest and most affordable ways to make money for beginners. How to read and earn real money on the Internet - this is what will be discussed below. This method is so easy to use that everyone after reading this article will be able to directly start earning.

The earnings themselves are carried out on special sites where you can read news, advertising letters and get real money for it. In more detail where you need to register and what actions you need to take to earn money, we will consider in this article. You can read and earn both news and promotional emails.

This method does not require any investments at all, all that is needed to start earning is the presence of an email for registration, as well as an electronic wallet for withdrawing earned money.

It's about the website project. This is an Internet site that gives everyone the opportunity to earn money by reading news. There are 3 types of earnings for both authors and ordinary users.

Let's take a closer look, just by reading and browsing other people's news.

The first thing to start with is to go to the main page of the portal and select one of the categories offered on it for reading news. You can choose one article from the category "popular" or one of the latest publications. Immediately pay attention to the percentage that the author shares.

Those news and those authors who are ready to give you 90% of their earnings are best for making money.

After you have chosen such news, right under the heading you will see a block of several advertising links, it is highlighted in blue. All you need to do is click on these advertising links. By clicking on the link you will open an advertising page in a new bookmark page of your browser.

After you click on one link, you will see how your balance has replenished. For each such transition, you will receive from 5-15 kopecks, these amounts cannot be called large. However, in this way, you can earn several tens of rubles per day on simple clicks. You can earn money by watching the news on the site every day. You can bookmark high paying pages and visit them every day and click on sponsored links.

If you want to earn more, then you should use the affiliate program. It provides 10% of the earnings of your referrals. To get referrals, you need to copy your personal referral link in your personal account to and invite other people to earn money on this site. You can do this by placing your referral link on other sites, blogs or social networks. You can place your referral link on your personal Vkontakte or Odnoklassniki page. All your friends who make the transition through it and register on this site will be listed in your referrals. You will receive 10% of the money that they earn on the site.

Reading paid emails

There are a lot of people on the Internet who want to advertise their website, product or service. Very often they use the most affordable and cheapest way to advertise on boxes. Anyone can register on these sites as an employee and every day go and read the promotional letters sent to him.

Actually, the earnings itself will consist in daily reading of advertising letters. These letters will appear in a special section on the site, which is called "reading letters." By going there, you can see how many letters are currently available for earnings.

In order to get money for reading a letter, you need to go to the list of paid letters and click on the name of any letter, after which the “go to reading” button will appear in front of you.

Click on it and the text of the letter will open in front of you. At the bottom of the email you will see a verification question. To earn money, you need to answer it correctly. To find out the answer, read the text of the letter itself. Then choose one of the suggested options. If you did everything right and your answer is correct, then you will automatically be taken to the advertiser's site, which will need to be viewed within a certain period of time.

You do not need to specifically count some time. There will be a timer on the page showing how much longer you have to stay on this page to receive a reward. After the timer counts down a certain period of time, you will be asked to solve a small verification task - like a captcha. As a rule, you need to add two numbers and choose one of the suggested answers. Immediately after you enter the correct answer, you will receive a notification that the cash reward has been credited to your account. Returning to your personal account, you can refresh the page and see that the money has actually been credited for reading this letter. This way you can read all available letters and earn money.

There are quite a large number of bookmarking sites on which it is possible to read and earn money on the Internet. Below you will see a list of recommended sites that are verified, have been working for a long time and regularly withdraw money to the wallets of their users. To start earning by reading letters, it is necessary to register on these sites. Then go to each of them in a special section and proceed directly to reading.

How much can you earn by reading letters

If we talk about how much you can earn by reading letters, then we are talking about small amounts, up to several rubles a day (for reading 1 letter you will receive from 4-7 kopecks). Up to 30 letters are available on one box per day. Working on 3 sites, you can read about 100 letters a day, this will be about 5-7 rubles, the amount is not large.

To increase the amount of earnings on each box, a referral program is provided, with the help of which you can attract other people to read letters on the project and receive 30 percent or more of their earnings. Thus, the more referrals you have, the higher your income will be.

Websites to earn money by reading

  • is an entertainment Internet portal where it is possible to earn money both by publishing and reading news. Any user after registering on this site can start earning. There is no minimum amount for withdrawal, you can earn 30-50 kopecks and immediately order their withdrawal to your electronic wallet. Having received the first money, you will be convinced by personal experience that the site really pays. There is a profitable affiliate program of 10% of the referral's income and 20% of advertisers' orders.
  • - the most popular and visited box on the Internet. In addition to reading, you can earn on surfing, tests and paid tasks. By gaining a rating on the site, you increase your referral income, which can be up to 50% of your referrals' earnings.
  • - the most popular mailer in Runet. The site has already paid several million dollars to users. You can earn money by reading, browsing websites and paid tasks. All calculations are made in US dollars. Withdrawal of money is made on WebMoney. There is no minimum amount to withdraw from the project. There is a profitable referral system, you have the opportunity to earn on referrals up to the 5th level.
  • - Another hyped and sought-after box. Earnings on this site also does not require investments and special skills. A large number of both paid tasks and surfing and paid letters.
  • - a popular service for making money on simple actions. More than 50 links to surf and letters to read are available on the site per day. There is also a profitable affiliate program.

In this article, we have examined in detail the two main ways to earn money by reading on the Internet. Now you know how you can read the news and make money on the Internet, as well as how and where to read promotional letters. Earnings on reading is available to absolutely everyone. All you need to earn the first money is to register on special sites and read news or paid letters. To increase your earnings, use the referral program, it is available on almost every service. By attracting referrals to earn money on the Internet, you will receive passive income in the amount of 10% or more from the money they earn.

What is make money reading emails online? You register on the site of the mail sponsor, after which a huge number of advertising letters come to your mail (e-mail), each of which has a link that you need to go to - thereby you confirm that you have read the letter. For each click, you are charged a small commission (from $0.005 per click).

Why will you be paid and who needs it?

Today, the world around us is so oversaturated with advertising that advertisers are willing to pay the consumer to view his ad - clear evidence of this is earn money by reading emails.

The general scheme looks something like this: an advertiser turns to an email sponsor (for example, for a service that involves sending advertising letters by e-mail to a large number of Internet users - naturally, the service is not free. The mail sponsor, in turn, is looking for those very users who will read advertising letters for money. But that is not all! There is such a thing as a referral. A referral is a member of an affiliate program who registered on the recommendation of another member by clicking on his referral link. The person who attracts a referral to the system is called a “referrer”. The referee is paid interest for each referral he brought. The amount of payments to the referrer depends on the number of letters read by referrals, so it is beneficial for the referrer to attract as many referrals as possible, because. his income depends on it. Probably, you are already beginning to understand who is the loser in this scheme - of course, the referral, who (hopefully for a brighter future) will earn money by reading advertising letters.

How much can you earn from reading emails?

For each click they pay from $ 0.005 (they promise, of course, more, but this is only a promise), i.e. You need to read up to 200 letters to earn $1! Practice shows that most people who "earn" by reading advertising letters receive no more than 20 rubles a day.

If you have not yet changed your mind about making money by reading letters, then below are most popular mail sponsors where you can try to earn:

Earnings on reading letters: details about the principle of work + 4 steps to the first income + review of 2 auxiliary tools + 5 popular mailers.

Earn by reading emails can't be called basic. This is due to the fact that you will not be able to contribute a large amount of money to your own budget using this method. However, this type of activity deserves no less attention than the same earnings on clicks.

It is difficult to even imagine using the Internet without e-mail.

Even though you understand this fact, you may never have thought about the fact that email is a multifunctional tool. With it, you can not only maintain communication, but also earn money without additional effort.

Most people get annoyed when they receive commercial mail in their inbox. Most likely, you are familiar with this situation, since today you can even unconsciously subscribe to mailing lists, simply by ticking (or forgetting to uncheck) the right place.

This happens when you make purchases in any online stores, download educational materials, register on certain sites. In addition, users who distribute spam do not stop looking for new methods of mass mailing.

However, there are people who receive income from reading such letters. Your e-mail can also become not only a means of communication, but also a source of income, which will not take you much time. It is also notable for the fact that it does not require special training or investment.

How to make money by reading letters: how it works

You probably received various promotional emails from unknown senders to your email address. The purpose of sending them is to spread and popularize the brand, products or services, Internet resources, to attract the attention of the audience to them.

Most often, the results of such mailings, even without being read, are sent to the trash as spam. But after all, the customers of these letters have incurred considerable costs in order for the information contained in them to reach the consumer.

As a result, a contradiction arises: advertisers send as much money as possible to the mailing list, and their recipients of letters refuse to read. In order to equalize the imbalance, services (mailers) appeared, which acted as a guarantor and intermediaries between customers and Internet users.

Their service is that they provide you with mailing lists to read and pay to view them.

4 steps you need to start making money from emails

To start earning, in addition to free time, you will need to complete 4 steps:

  1. Create a mailbox if there is none. To earn money, you can create an additional one if you do not want to "clog" an existing one.
  2. Open an electronic wallet on WebMoney or another payment system. But most often, services that provide paid letters cooperate with WebMoney.
  3. Choose the mailer or mailers with which you will work (a review of the top 5 services awaits you below).
  4. Register on the selected service/services.

Such an activity as has a number of advantages:

  • this is remote work at a computer, in which you do not need to leave your home, additionally receive special skills;
  • relatively quick receipt of earned funds;
  • the ability to work from anywhere in the world, etc.

But still, don't build castles in the air. Each letter will bring you a penny + only a small amount of them will come from each mailer daily. The disadvantages of such an occupation include the possibility of falling into the hands of scammers.

Who is the best way to make money from writing? Have you previously believed in the possibility of earning real money on the Internet? Would you like to verify this, to experience everything yourself? Then this type of earnings by reading letters is quite a suitable way.

What is the essence of earning on reading letters?

After registering on intermediary sites (mailers), you begin to receive these commercial mailings. For viewing each letter, a certain amount will be credited to your account (we will talk about its amount in more detail below).

Letters can come both to the mailbox and to the account created in the mailer system.

Users have 3 options here:

  1. Some people find it convenient to turn off sending emails in their profile settings. They prefer to carry out reading on the site-mailer. But not all resources provide this option.
  2. Other users use the function to earn money, when a stream of letters is simultaneously sent to both email and a profile in the resource system. However, this method causes certain inconveniences.
  3. Most often, people who do not want to go to mailers every day use mail clients. Those, in turn, download all letters from the services to your address. Thus, traffic is saved.

The third way to earn money is the most acceptable. You do not need to visit mailers daily. Just at any convenient time, you go to your mail and check your inbox.

What actions are required from the user?

Your task is simple - to read the received letters of an advertising nature.

Please note: as soon as letters arrive in your mail, they are duplicated in the mailer profile.

The letter may contain a link to a resource that you need to visit by clicking on it. In this case, in addition to clicking on the link itself, you will need to stay on this site for a certain time. Usually it is about 30 seconds, but sometimes you have to browse the site for 1-2 minutes.

A countdown timer will tell you how much longer you need to be on the page. After the allotted period, your earnings are credited in the form of money or points.

Usually, a question is also placed at the end of the letter, which is a confirmation that you really read all the information. The questions are simple and easy to answer.

You will find the answer in the text itself, if you carefully study the content. Some mailers practice a system of penalties for giving an incorrect answer, incl. be careful.

How much money can you earn by reading emails?

Reading letters is not skilled work, so the pay is appropriate.

You won’t be able to earn a lot in this way - this must be accepted as a fact.

In the rest - as with any other income, its size depends on your desire, the amount of time and diligence.

Earnings on reading letters can be increased several times if you use several auxiliary resources to carry out activities. You can find a list of these services in this article.

If we talk about specific numbers, then one site that allows you to earn money by reading letters will bring you up to 10 cents per day. By spreading across multiple sources, you can increase your earnings per day up to 1-2$, but this is the "ceiling".

Of course, the amount is ridiculous, especially by today's standards. However, gradually the money will accumulate. By the time you withdraw, you will have enough funds to, for example, pay for cellular services (or other small expenses). And all this without much "stress".

The longer you work, the more your earnings will increase. On some sites, the amount will also be affected by the rating. The more diligently you work, the higher it becomes, respectively, the payment grows.

The same sites that allow you to make money on mailing lists offer other simple types of remote work. You can familiarize yourself with them and combine them with earnings by reading letters.

2 Auxiliary Tools for Reading Letters

Advanced performers, in order to simplify and facilitate the process of reading letters, resort to the use of special programs.

They are configured to automatically search and select the necessary correspondence. After these softwares follow the links indicated in the letters, then delete them.

Consider 2 popular programs that allow you to automate earnings.

No. 1. AtomicBrowser

An autoclicker that saves you time. The program will play into the hands of beginners. With it, you can read letters in parallel from three sites. You will not need to surf through a large number of web pages, wait for the countdown of the timer, the appearance of captcha.

All actions are performed by the autoclicker itself. The only thing that is required from you is to select the displayed number on the captcha and click on it.

AtomicBrowser is also useful for attracting referrals. The possibilities of the program are not limited: reading paid letters, clicks, non-automatic/automatic surfing.

To make money with it, you will need to install the software on your computer, set up work with the mailers that you have chosen, enter your personal account information (login, password) in the dialog box. The autoclicker will remember the information and will automatically connect when restarted.

No. 2. Paid Mail Reader

Another simple program designed to read sponsored mail automatically. With its help, your earnings on paid letters will increase significantly, while you are doing your own thing.

Paid Mails Reader has many more advantages than other programs of this type:

  1. It is not limited by the number of mailers you can work with.
  2. The autoclicker settings allow you to set the time interval through which letters will be picked up.
  3. Paid Mails Reader features a secure connection (SSL).
  4. From the messages sent to your email, the program selects letters from email sponsors, thereby saving your time. It extracts links from the content, structures them into a certain base.
  5. If desired, you can configure the software so that it deletes letters after downloading. Links are followed automatically and when it is convenient for you or immediately after receiving the letter.
  6. A good program and the fact that there is no advertising. The interface is simple and clear. Statistics are displayed for both read and unread messages.
  7. The ability to import mailer settings is also a distinctive feature of Paid Mails Reader.
  8. The built-in priority groups feature simplifies the process of earning money by reading emails. Thanks to it, you can divide mail services in the directory as you like.

Where you can earn money by reading letters: TOP-5 popular mailers

We bring to your attention a list of mail sponsors, tested by time and people. These sites are the best of their kind.

No. 1.

This mailer is reliable, attractive design. It is designed in such a way that it is as easy as possible for users to work.

Average prices fluctuate in the range of $ 0.001-0.01. The service provides a sufficient number of letters and tasks.

There are a huge number of simple ways to earn money. Among the participants of the mailer there is a rating system. The administration provides technical support around the clock.

Active users have the opportunity to regularly participate in contests, change, if necessary, payment data, e-mail address for receiving letters. The minimum amount for payouts is floating (from $0.15).

The mail sponsor cooperates with many payment systems, makes payments in all currencies, including to a mobile account. The referral program allows you to unlimitedly increase the interest rate from the earnings of invited users. Starting is 5%.

To start earning by reading letters within, go through the registration stage:

Then, on the left side of the site menu, you select the “Letters” tab, after which a list with available offers is displayed.

You open any letter that interests you. Read it and follow the link provided.

As a result of these actions, you are transferred to the advertiser's website.

As soon as the time spent on the resource expires, a picture will appear at the top in place of the timer. There you will be prompted to select a number.

As soon as you have chosen the required number and clicked on it, the earnings will be instantly credited to your profile account.

No. 2.

A very popular service, where work practically does not decrease. To withdraw earned funds, you need to accumulate the minimum amount for withdrawal - 2 rubles.

Due to the huge choice of work, the site overtook its competitors in terms of the number of users.

The project provides services for the following types of earnings:

  • reading letters,
  • surfing,
  • completing paid assignments
  • tests, etc.

Payments to the wallet are made as soon as possible. Earnings are stable, the usability of the mailer is at a high level. For advertisers, also offers some of the most favorable terms of cooperation.

To start earning, register on the site.

Fill out the form that opens and click Continue.

According to the rules of the system, the next step is to familiarize yourself with the conditions for the provision of services and the requirements of the project. Immediately after that, you will be asked to answer a couple of three control questions.

Note! When working with, it is strictly forbidden to use autoclickers (auxiliary programs), which were previously mentioned in the article. Otherwise, you will receive a BAN, and earnings will not be credited.

Next, you need to select the "Reading letters" section in the upper left corner of the page.

In the list that opens, select the letter that you think is necessary, and start reading. Then answer the security question.

If you answer correctly, you are "thrown" to the advertiser's website. After spending some time on it, enter the captcha displayed in the lower left corner.

The fee for reading the letter is charged instantly. According to this scheme, continue to work further, and your earnings will soon be withdrawn to the wallet.

No. 3.

Another good site with a flexible pricing policy and a reasonable minimum withdrawal amount (0.5$). Users consider the unsuccessful interface as the only negative. However, the Internet platform has created serious competition for the services mentioned above.

Please note: cooperates exclusively with WebMoney.

A nice addition to making money on reading letters are bonuses, rewards for winning various contests.

There is an opportunity for career growth, which opens up more and more opportunities.

After a few weeks of showing diligence and applying a competent approach, your daily earnings on this mailer can reach a dollar and even exceed it. In addition to reading letters, users are given the opportunity to complete tasks, attract referrals.

From the participants you attracted at the first level, you will receive 3% of their earnings, at the second - 5%, at the last - 10%.

No. 4.

A mail sponsor that is in the trusted category. The site has been operating since 2009. Every day the total number of participants increases by at least 100 users. Now the number of profiles exceeds 1,720,000.

Interest in the mailer is caused by its versatility, quick reaction of the administration to the questions raised and requests for help. Rates are "good". To withdraw your earnings, you must have at least 2 rubles in your account.

At you can earn by the following methods:

  • reading emails + viewing site pages;
  • surfing;
  • completing tasks, etc.

The resource worries about the information support of its customers, pays money in a timely manner. There is a system of referrals, various contests are held. Making money on is easy and simple. There are even detailed instructions from the developers.

No. 5. Ebesucher

A platform that provides a variety of ways to earn money, including reading letters. Here, active participants are adequately encouraged for their efforts. For attracting new users, you are guaranteed to receive your benefits.

The project uses its own currency (MTP and BTP credits). At the time of payment, it is translated at the internal rate into euro and rubles. The minimum amount of earnings that can be paid out is 2 euros.

Payment for reading letters varies between 0.8-4 MTP. Earned funds are transferred to PayPal, WebMoney. The referral system is two-level.

In order for letters to come to your mail and account without restrictions, it is enough to perform some actions in the site settings and click "Send".

It remains to wait for the receipt of letters and get to work.

Do you want to earn money by reading emails?

A review of one of the top resources - will help you with this:

So, earn money by reading emails- absolutely simple, even fascinating activity. With it, you can provide yourself with additional income in a small amount.

If you are a beginner and you are satisfied with even small but easy money, earning money by reading letters is what you need.

Hello friends! Let it not be a secret to anyone, but there are a huge number of ways to make money on the Internet, and today we will talk with you about the easiest of them - this is reading letters, it is also often called surfing or clicks, and someone calls this work "reading". news".

The name itself is not so important for us, the main thing is that this method is the most accessible, does not require any skills to work and is suitable for absolutely everyone!

Here are some of the benefits of making money by reading emails:

  • Takes little time.
  • Without investments and initial payments.
  • In the future, this way of earning can become passive for you and provide a stable income.
  • There are no restrictions on the amount of profit.
  • Work at home.

Paid emails and news: Who pays to read them and why?

Have you ever paid attention to how much spam your email is getting? People who do this are trying to advertise their site, product or service. They send out these letters in the hope that at least someone will read them and become their client. They are advertisers.

But how to make sure that all sent letters are read and the effect of sending letters is much better? For this, there are special services that allow you to make a mailing list for money to people who are interested in receiving such letters, since they, in turn, will also earn money (they will be credited for reading letters).

What do you need to get started?

  1. Register on sites where you can read news, letters for money, they are below in the article.
  2. To receive payments (money earned), for Russian projects, an electronic account will usually be enough, and for foreign projects, accounts in the Paypal system.

List of the best Russian sites for making money on news and letters with money withdrawal:

1) VIP- This unique project has been operating since 2003! I will emphasize the main feature: here the performance of various tasks, surfing, letters and clicks is carried out using a specially designed program, it prompts everything that needs to be done - it is very convenient. Money can be withdrawn both in rubles and dollars:

2) Public- Perhaps one of the best Russian projects, it has been working and paying money steadily since 2008. Actively developing, modern design, well-designed and understandable interface of the site. Payments in rubles:

Detailed instructions for working on this project.

3) Wmmail- Another powerful project that has been running since 2004. Payments can be ordered both in rubles and dollars:

Detailed instructions for working on this project.

The best foreign verified sites:

1) NeoBux- I will put in the first place, a site with very great opportunities, has been working steadily since 2008. To have as many tasks for work as possible, you need to log in with a foreign IP address. Unfortunately, the site does not yet support the Russian language, but the interface is simple and intuitive. As a last resort, you can use Google translator. Payouts in dollars ($):

Detailed instructions for working on this project will be in the near future. After registration, to enter your account, leave the "Secondary Password" field empty. Orange links after registration must be viewed every day, in the future I will explain why.

2) Ebesucher- A very unusual project, its main feature is making money on autosurfing (browsing sites in automatic mode). There is also a section with clicks/letters for work. Perhaps this is one of the most "ancient" projects in this area, do not believe it: it has been working since 2002! Completely in Russian. The main currency is euro (€), payments are available in rubles:

Detailed instructions for working on this project and .

Earnings on news and letters: How to learn to work?

Working on reading paid letters is that you need to:

  1. Open received email
  2. Follow the link
  3. Wait for the end of the timer
  4. Get money.

Let's look at the whole process more clearly so that everyone understands how this is done.

By the way friends! If you are interested in learning about new working ways to make money with step-by-step instructions in the future, as well as about projects where I myself work, then you will be aware of all the events!

How to read letters and get paid for it?

For example, let's take the Wmmail service (for other projects, the principle of operation is the same). Paid letters can come both to your e-mail and to Wmmail itself. All this can be specified in the account settings. Go:

Step 1) We go to the section - "Letters", in it you will find all available paid letters.

Step 2) Click on the name of the letter, after which the text of the letter opens:

Important! It is not necessary to read the text of the letters, since more than 90% of them are advertisements for scams and various fraudulent schemes, so immediately click on the blue link, the site will open in a new window.

Step 3) The countdown of the timer will start at the top of the page, at the end of which you usually need to confirm the view with a number.

After all that has been done, the inscription will appear: "Money has been credited."

Step 4) We close the site, we read the remaining letters in the same way.

Remember that such letters “live” for 5-10 days, after which they are automatically deleted, so I advise you to go and read all letters 1 time per day.

As you can see, nowhere is easier: Read the news and earn money, everything is very easy, and therefore you should not count on mountains of money. The maximum that you can get by reading only letters is 400-500 rubles per month, working on several projects at once. And if you think about it, then this amount is quite enough to pay for the Internet or a mobile phone, which in my opinion is quite good.

BUT! Now I will reveal a few secrets for you and give you useful tips so that you can reach an income of 2,000-5,000 rubles per month. Agree, it's already much better?! =)

  • Work simultaneously on multiple projects. Reading letters, articles, news for money on one project is 5-20 minutes on average (depending on the number of letters, clicks). But what if you register in several services at once and work on them at the same time? This method gives you two undeniable advantages:
    1. increase in income,
    2. Reduction of time for viewing (due to simultaneous reading of letters in several services).
  • Complete tasks. For all services that allow you to earn money by reading letters and news, you can find the section: "Assignments". Friends, this is the very “mine” of money! For example, here's the most common task for you: someone has created a website and asks you to go to it, leave a comment on an article, or, let's say, like it.

    Agree, it is easy and will take no more than 1-2 minutes, and the payment will be like for 10-20 letters, do you feel the difference? Therefore, those who have mastered earn decent money. I know people who have 3-5 thousand rubles a month on assignments.

    At the moment, on referrals, I earn an average of 3,500 rubles per month completely passively! And the more referrals I have, the higher my income will be. How did I do it? In addition to the fact that you need to attract a lot of referrals, it is also extremely important. I recently met a man who earns more than 25,000 referrals per month. This is my goal, I will strive for it! =)

Answers to frequently asked questions:

I want to earn in hryvnias or only in dollars, what should I do? Friends, in fact, it doesn’t really matter what currency your earnings are in, because you can always easily exchange your money for any desired currency or withdraw it directly to a bank card.