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Breeding sturgeon mini farm - business plan. Business plan for opening a farm: necessary documents, choice of location, purchase of equipment, costs and profits

Family farms are establishments that are exclusively in private use, as well as wholly owned by the farm. They can be based in accordance with the current legislation of the country. It is worth noting that all members of the farm should be relatives and take the fullest possible part in its development.

How to organize a family farm?

The family farm has every right to hire about five workers to help care for the animals and grow the crops. To properly organize family farms, you need to perform a number of planned actions, as well as collect documents. Today, it is necessary to have a large number of documents in order to obtain permission to open such a business. The list of documentation that will need to be prepared depends entirely on the future farm.

An example can be given when a family decides to open its own livestock organization, where the main activity is cattle breeding and its further maintenance. In this case, it is necessary to take care of acquiring a land plot and obtain a farmer's certificate. If a family farm is opened to raise and keep small animals or pigs, then the owner will need to purchase appropriate farmland in the countryside. In this case, obtaining a farmer's certificate is not a prerequisite.

You should always remember that in order to get the maximum profit and benefit from farming, you need to organize the cultivation of animal feed, because it is not profitable to buy it.

How to start a family farm?

In addition to the availability of land on the farm, there must be spacious and most reliable premises. Then it will be possible to breed animals for a whole calendar year. Some farmers are faced with the issue of renting or purchasing additional land for the construction of buildings. The relevant government agencies need to obtain facilities.

It is necessary to coordinate all construction issues in architectural state institutions and local administration bodies. In some cases, farms can be planned on a large scale, then the owner needs to go through the registration procedure as a legal entity, as well as obtain a certificate.

Documentation and permission to open a farm

In order for the farm to function and make a profit, participants must draw up a business plan and engage in careful preparation of project documentation. After the farmer has prepared the main list of documents, and completed all the necessary construction work, you need to obtain permission from various government agencies.

Need to contact:

  • In the sanitary epidemiological station.
  • To the labor inspector.
  • to fire departments.

All documents and permits received are referred to the administration, which will issue a decree to open family farms. After completing all of the above points, you can hire service personnel. To work on the farm, workers will be required who will carefully take care of the animals. You need to hire accountants, veterinarians, livestock specialists, agronomists, as well as specialists in sowing the right crops.

Why do I need a grant when opening a family-type farm?

Many people do not understand the importance and necessity of getting a grant. Now family farms can issue it for the establishment and development of the institution. To date, the grant is issued in the amount of 60 percent, which are calculated from the amount of all costs. They must be indicated without fail during the preparation of a business plan, as well as in plans for expenses.

But it is worth noting that no more than 10 million rubles can be allocated for one farm. in this case will not be taken into account and taken into account.

The farmer must have a 40 percent share of his own funds. The current legislation allows farm owners to take out loans to develop their own business. But in this case, the amount cannot exceed more than ten percent of your own money.

Restrictions and requirements for farmers to receive a grant

There are several main restrictions that apply to all applicants for a grant:

Family Farm Projects

Today, cows on the farm are considered a guarantee of profit and incredible wealth. Family dairy farms have a large number of advantages and benefits, even despite the ever-changing way of life in society. Animal farms are a useful and even profitable business. This is explained by the following points:

  • By raising cattle, you can get fresh meat and dairy products. The family will be constantly provided with exclusively natural products, which are necessary for a healthy and proper diet.
  • Meat and dairy products that are produced on farms are in demand and in demand.
  • Such an organization can become a wonderful family business.

Family farm projects include the following technical and economic indicators:

  1. Production capacity is the total amount of milk and the average annual production of dairy products.
  2. Calculation of needs for energy resources. Farmers must take care of water supply, electricity and heating.
  3. The cost of feed, straw and other consumables for the whole year.
  4. The amount of manure output.
  5. Calculation of material investments.
  6. The total area of ​​the farm and land.

Family dairy farms

The construction of a dairy farm must be carried out in full compliance with all technical solutions. Each farmer is obliged to clearly understand the costs of maintaining the creation of a feeding, watering and milking system. Projects of family dairy farms should include information, which will indicate such indicators as design features, type of foundation, number of walls, ceilings, material for insulation of the foundation, windows and doors. The development of family livestock farms requires large financial investments and a well-planned plan.

How much attention today private entrepreneurs pay to farming, and everything connected with it. In the city, almost all profitable industries have long been occupied by someone, and everyone wants to work and, most importantly, earn money. Yes, and to open a business in the city, you will need colossal funds.

How to become a farmer

Everyone unanimously argues that it is necessary to develop a correct and rational business plan, or as it is also called a business grid. It calculates all the costs of this business, options for making money, as well as tactics of action during failures. For all beginners, a business plan is the start of a farming business. As practice shows, the main thing is to start, and then solve problems as they come.

How to form a farm

Many people ask the question - how to open a farm? Beginners are interested in all aspects of this issue. First of all, you must choose a suitable land plot. Next, focus on the amount of free cash you have. If you have a large initial capital, then you can safely breed cattle, pigs, turkeys, ducks or chickens. And if there is not so much money, then stop at growing various gourds.

After a few years, you will have accumulated enough money to be able to afford to purchase machinery and land, and your activities will expand accordingly. To support the farm, you will have to hire workers. They can be residents of this village or village, because people always need work.

How to register a farm business

The land is distributed by self-government bodies, which is why local residents are more likely to get this piece of soil than you. This is the first problem that a novice farmer faces. But the state can help you, because it is interested in protecting the local producer, which you will be in the future.

The following documents are required to register a farm:

1. Receipt of payment of state duty.

2. Copy of birth certificate.

3. Copy of passport.

4. Application for registration.

Note! If you do not have enough money to open a full-fledged farm, then you can apply to competitions at the regional and state levels in your country. They are focused on business financing.

A small farm that works for the benefit of only your family, no registration should take place. But even then, you can sell your surplus products. Large production will not be able to evade official registration and taxes.

Which site to choose

Today, all collective farms have collapsed, few of the young people want to work with the land, and even more so in the village. Therefore, the state is trying by any means to help novice farmers. Because of this, we advise you to purchase or rent an unmanaged area that needs to be restored. Also pay attention to the fact that the track and settlements are located near the farm. Naturally, the cost of 1 hectare of land will vary from these indicators, which is approximately 100-500 thousand rubles per hectare.

What will you do?

If the choice is on livestock, then buy about 400-800 heads, and if crop production is your goal, then calculate how much you can plant on your territory, and how much you can get from this. From everything you can see that one desire is not enough, you need to have some skills to become an entrepreneur, and then you will not be disturbed by the question - how to become a farmer?

Initial capital

Many farmers dream that the state will give them money for their business... And these are not empty dreams, it is only necessary that your business meets all the requirements and criteria, but it is very difficult for a novice farmer to do this. If you are lucky enough to participate in the state program, then you still should not fully rely on it, always be confident in your abilities and your capital.

Note! Banks don't lend money for this. Therefore, you do not need to rely on them, collect your starting capital.

What staff should work on the farm

Once your farming business has begun to generate income, it's time to think about expanding it. Not a single person is able to work independently, he needs employees. All of them were professionals in their field.

Who to sell your products to

First of all, you must find distribution channels. Yes, and this should be done as soon as possible, since all types of products immediately deteriorate. If you do not find a buyer in time, then farming can bring you considerable expenses. Selling your products is not easy, because this market is highly competitive.

The benefits of farming

1. Decent profit.

2. Outdoor living.

3. Always natural products on your table.

Farming Disadvantages:

1. Considerable start-up capital is required.

2. Hard work.

3. Need special skills and abilities.

Thanks to the information in the article, you know how to learn how to make money on a farm, as well as what skills you need to have, now you will not think about how to become a farmer and what first steps to take. Farming is not just a good way to earn money, it is a hobby that some people can no longer live without.

Today, the agricultural business is supported by the state in every possible way - many entrepreneurs have turned their attention to this niche. There are enough advantages of running your own farm - a huge sales market, a quick payback of costs, and a consistently high profit. Of course, many difficulties will also await the beginner - but they are quite surmountable if you correctly organize your activities.

Our business valuation:

Starting investments - from 50,000 rubles.

Market saturation is average.

The complexity of starting a business is 7/10.

How to become a farmer from scratch in Russia?

Here, as in any other area of ​​business, you will need to draw up a business plan. This is especially important if you start using borrowed funds to organize your activities.

Entrepreneurs who decide to start a business in the agricultural sector have many opportunities for business development - it can be either a small family livestock farm or a large agricultural complex. But in order to minimize any risks, start small - it is worth expanding the business only if you have “free” finances and accumulated experience.

Peasant farming is a commercial structure aimed at attracting income from the production and further sale of agricultural products. There are not so many large enterprises in our country - there is definitely not enough “capacity” to fully fill the market. Everyone has every chance to take a strong position in a niche.

Opening your farm from scratch will be beneficial for the following reasons:

  • Now there are special state programs designed to financially help start-up entrepreneurs. Getting a subsidy is quite difficult - you have to collect a lot of papers, provide a business plan for the farm. But it becomes for many entrepreneurs a great start to a promising business.
  • The population is interested in purchasing high-quality natural products - trust in domestic products is growing.
  • Your farm will bring consistently high profits, as food prices rise every year.
  • Due to the imposed sanctions on the import of products from European countries, the Russian market is experiencing a shortage of farm products - the demand is huge.

When thinking about how to organize a farm from scratch, do not forget about the pitfalls that may await you on the path to success - despite all the advantages of the direction, there are risks. Agricultural business is a direction where profitability largely depends on external factors. You can lose half your crop due to drought or pest infestation. The livestock sector has its own problems - for example, epidemics of diseases, due to which half of the animals raised can die. Farming involves a significant share of manual labor - especially for family businesses when hired labor is not used. Therefore, it is worth preparing for hard work.

Have you already decided for yourself “I want to start farming”? Approach the matter thoroughly - carefully study the direction in which you will work in the future. If possible, be sure to visit the operating farms to see everything in practice.

What line of business to choose?

How to start a farming business? The first step is to choose the direction of further activity. It is on this that all further stages of organizing your own economy will depend. There are several profitable "formats" of agricultural business:

  • Crop production - cereals, vegetables, fruits and berries, herbs.
  • Cattle breeding - pigs, sheep, cows, rabbits.
  • Poultry farming - chickens, turkeys, pheasants, geese.
  • Fish farming - sturgeon, trout, carp.
  • Beekeeping.
  • Cultivation of mushrooms - oyster mushrooms, champignons.

Thinking in which direction and how to start a farm, it is worth conducting a market analysis. Choose niches that are in demand in your area with minimal competition - it will be easier to succeed in business. Equally important is the amount of available finance - some areas will require significant investment, while others can be mastered with a minimum of costs.

It will be easier for a beginner to open a farm for breeding chickens or geese, pigs or rabbits, growing berries and fruits, mushrooms. The products that you will receive in the process of activity are in demand in the market. In addition, these directions are easy to learn and inexpensive.

How is the registration of a business in the field of agriculture?

Many private farmers operate without registration - significant savings on regular tax payments. If you plan to raise several heads of cattle in your own summer cottage, at first you can do without setting up a business. But in this case, you can only sell products to private buyers - even local markets will not let you in without the appropriate documents.

Registration of a farm will be mandatory if you plan to sell finished products to wholesale buyers in the future. Register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. You become registered with the tax office, register with Rosportebnadzor and SES. If we talk about the marketing of products of animal origin (meat, eggs), finished products must regularly undergo veterinary checks before marketing.

Financial costs for organizing a business

Is farming profitable? Definitely, yes - given that the organization of a business in some areas requires a minimum of costs. For example, to start breeding chickens in your own summer cottage, you need no more than 50,000 rubles. Therefore, without having at your disposal impressive amounts of money to open a large farm, start small.

It will be quite difficult to indicate the exact figure of investments - it all depends on the chosen field of activity. But in any case, it is important to calculate all upcoming expenses in a business plan.

Make a list of what it takes to be a farmer. Investments will be required for the following needs:

  • Plot rental. You will save a lot if you own land.
  • Purchase of equipment and supplies. To work in any of the possible areas, you will need consumables - this often becomes a significant expense item. Shovels and rakes, automatic sprinklers, greenhouses, feeders, buckets are just a small part of everything you need. In some cases, so that the finished product does not deteriorate while waiting for its buyer, you will need to buy refrigerators and freezers.
  • Preparation of industrial premises. Stalls, chicken coops, pigsties - the construction of "premises" will require money to be invested. Even when growing vegetables, fruits and grains, you will need to build a barn to store finished products. If you do not need to comply with any special conditions when keeping animals or birds, you can build a barn yourself.
  • Purchase of breeding stock, seeds. A farm from scratch, if you are organizing a business in the field of animal husbandry or poultry farming, will necessarily require significant expenses for the purchase of several heads of livestock or birds. For planting crops, seed material is purchased in the required quantity. It’s not worth saving here - there is a high risk of buying sick animals or low-quality seeds.
  • Purchase of feed, fertilizers. You will have to spend money on replenishing stocks of feed and fertilizer regularly. To save on variable costs, you can feed livestock with "homemade" food.

When thinking about where to start farming, be sure to consider ways to raise funds to start a business. Great if you have your own savings. If the accumulated savings are not enough to start a business, you will have to take a loan from a bank or try to get a government subsidy.

Distribution channels for finished products

It is not difficult to become a novice farmer, given the possible risks and think through all the nuances. It is difficult for a beginner to find wholesale buyers of finished products. It is unlikely that it will be possible to immediately establish cooperation with large supermarket chains - focus on small retail outlets and private buyers.

How much a farmer earns depends on the volume of sales of finished products. The better your distribution channels are, the more profit you will get.

We conclude - when thinking about where to start a farming business, monitor the market and already at the stage of drafting a project, start looking for wholesale customers interested in a particular type of product.

When to expect the first profit?

How much do farmers in Russia earn? The exact indicator of profitability will depend on the “scale” of the business, sales volumes and the prices set for the goods. Small farms from sales of finished products by the end of the season can have up to 500,000 rubles of net profit. Some areas of activity (for example, raising chickens) generate income throughout the year. A home business, of course, will be less profitable, as there will be significantly fewer sales.

Despite the different size of investments, both animal husbandry and crop production pay off in approximately the same time frame. Over the next 9-12 months, you will invest in growing animals or crops. Only after slaughtering heads or harvesting do you receive revenue. In most cases, the first profit can be expected only after a year.

By knowing where to start farming, you can build a highly profitable farming business.

Farming is a profitable type of business, which, however, is very risky and expensive. Consider the main branches of farming and the features of their implementation, as well as the reasons for such a rapid development of animal husbandry in Russia.

Farm business development

Farm business in Russia, in particular animal husbandry, has been gaining popularity and development over the years due to the following factors:

  • the presence of state programs that, subject to certain conditions by farmers, in order to support newly created farms and national producers, provide subsidies, tax breaks, grants, initial capital, allocate land for farming;
  • rising food prices, which increase farm profits;
  • food products produced by farms, namely meat, milk, eggs, cheese, honey, cottage cheese, are always in demand in the markets and have their own customer base, as they provide the basic needs of consumers;
  • restriction of access to the market for products of foreign suppliers and manufacturers - national producers, in turn, do not experience such restrictions;
  • a wide range of economic activities, the emergence and development of new species (for example, farms for breeding ostriches);
  • products of a national manufacturer inspire confidence among consumers and are in demand;
  • the possibility of obtaining a permanent customer base and markets for products.

Thus, the farming business is a profitable and promising activity that is rapidly developing and, at certain costs, can bring significant income that will fully pay off the invested funds and the time spent.

Farming branches

Farming is divided into 2 main industries:

  • agriculture (growing various types of grain crops: rice, wheat, barley, etc.);
  • animal husbandry.

Animal breeding as a business includes the following sub-sectors:

  • pig breeding;
  • cattle breeding (livestock breeding);
  • sheep breeding;
  • poultry farming;
  • breeding bees;
  • horse breeding;
  • ostrich breeding;
  • reindeer herding;
  • breeding rabbits;
  • fur farming and others.

Pig breeding, poultry farming, sheep breeding and cattle breeding have received the greatest development.

Cattle breeding provides the population with milk and meat, beef and veal are of high quality and high cost.

Poultry farming provides the market with meat and eggs, and poultry meat (turkeys, chickens, ducks, indouts) is more in demand than beef and pork, due to the lower cost of meat and the absence of difficulties in breeding birds on farms. Chicken meat is the most demanded meat in the markets, chicken breeding is a promising and profitable activity.

Pig farming is a rapidly developing type of economic activity. Pork is the second most demanded meat in the markets, after chicken, this meat is cheaper than beef and has a high quality, nutritional value and calorie content.

Sheep breeding for its development requires a large number of pastures and provides markets not only with meat and milk, but also with wool.

Pig breeding as a business

Before engaging in pig breeding, it should be borne in mind that although this is a highly profitable type of activity, it, like any type of farming activity, requires a lot of effort, time and significant financial costs to achieve a result.

Basic rules to follow if you decide to start pig farming

1. Decide on the location of the farm, taking into account: established standards for proximity to settlements, the minimum required farm area, remoteness from water sources.

2. Prepare the necessary documents for the administration to sign. Specify under what conditions you can receive state subsidies, benefits, etc.

3. Study the market structure, namely the demand and supply of pig meat and lard in the markets in your area. As a rule, lean and lean pork, lard with a meat layer (loin) are in the greatest demand.

4. Prepare a business plan that, when calculating financial costs, will show the effectiveness of pig farming and possible profits. Financial costs include:

  • buying pigs;
  • building or renting premises;
  • purchase of inventory and equipment;
  • staff salaries;
  • stern;
  • payment for veterinary services, vaccinations, etc.

Also, in the plan, it is necessary to assess the possible risks of the enterprise and indicate the stages of project implementation with actions at each stage.

5. Build pigsties, sheds, purchase the necessary inventory and equipment, feed.

6. Hire qualified personnel (animal technicians, handymen, pig breeders, etc.).

7. Much attention should be paid to the selection of breeds of pigs. Breeds of pigs are specially bred for production:

  • meat;
  • meat and fat;
  • meat and bacon;
  • bacon
  • fat.

Breeds for the production of meat and bacon received the greatest demand, because meat brings more income than lard. Females and males must be purchased from different suppliers to prevent genetic mutations in the offspring.

8. Be sure to periodically disinfect pigsties, inventory, destroy rodents, ensure regular vaccinations and examinations of offspring and adults by a veterinarian.

But do not expect instant results, because the pig farm pays for itself in about 2-3 years. Also successful is the combination of growing potatoes, corn, etc. with raising pigs, because feed costs in this case are reduced; It is also profitable to organize your own production of meat and sausage products and lard (for example, you can organize a meat and lard smokehouse).

Poultry farming as a business

Breeding poultry as a business, especially chickens and turkeys, requires less financial costs than, for example, pig breeding, since birds are less whimsical, but it brings a stable income, because poultry meat is very popular due to its low cost, dietary content, low calorie content.

Before starting poultry farming, draw up a business plan that will help you calculate the possible profit and the period after which it will be received, as well as financial costs (for the purchase of young animals, feed, vaccinations, renting a territory, building premises, equipment, etc.) , existing risks.

How to become a farmer from scratch in the poultry industry?

Consider the main factors that must be considered if you decide to start breeding birds.

1. The choice of breed depends on the focus of your farm. Breeds of chickens are:

  • for the production of meat (cornish, red whitetails);
  • for the production of eggs (leggorn, Russian whites, pavlovskie, minorca);
  • for the production of eggs and meat (Loman Brown, Moscow black, Kuchinsky).

It is most profitable to purchase breeds of chickens that are adapted for the production of both eggs and meat.

2. Having your own garden reduces the cost of bird feed; in the spring and summer, chickens can and should be grazing in the garden.

3. To obtain high quality homemade meat, special attention should be paid to bird food. So, the diet of chickens should include, in addition to compound feed: dandelions, nettles, carrots, pumpkins, potatoes, beets and other vegetables and herbs.

4. Rooms for chickens should be equipped with everything necessary: ​​feeders, drinkers, thermometers, devices for measuring room humidity. Each breed has its own characteristics. So, egg-bearing breeds need ventilation, specially equipped perches, free space, good lighting (the room should be lit from 6 am to 9 pm, poor lighting is stress for the bird and its egg production decreases or stops altogether) and thermal insulation.

5. The purchase and equipment of an incubator will help save on young animals; eggs laid by a laying hen are laid in an incubator, which must be equipped with a thermometer. If the incubator is the simplest and not automatic, the eggs are turned over manually (3 times a day). From 60 eggs laid in the incubator, you can get 45 or more chickens.

6. Purchased young animals should be vaccinated and given antibiotics to prevent possible diseases.

7. Regular disinfection of the premises should be carried out, if a disease is suspected, sick birds to be slaughtered should be isolated, a veterinarian should be invited to make a final diagnosis, and vaccination should be carried out.

Breeding birds is a profitable, and most importantly, simple and affordable type of activity that does not require the construction of special premises, the lease of a large area of ​​land.

Birds can also be bred in old sheds, which only need to be equipped with everything necessary, and a personal plot or garden will be enough. Breeding chickens is the most popular type of poultry farming, chickens are unpretentious in feeding and care, have high egg production and, with proper care, provide valuable and sought-after meat.

Breeding cattle

So what does it take to become a cattle farmer? Before you go directly into the breeding itself, draw up a detailed business plan, which should include:

  • planned production volumes;
  • the production part (expenses for the purchase of feed);
  • marketing part (advertising, product prices);
  • organizational part (information about suppliers, buyers, staff);
  • risk assessment;
  • financial part (sources of financial support, planned income).

  • breeding young individuals for sale;
  • supply of meat;
  • milk supply;
  • supply of meat and milk;
  • processing of animal skins;
  • production of dairy products (cheese, sour cream, cottage cheese);
  • production of meat products (sausage products).

The next step will be to go around all instances, prepare documentation and obtain permits (for construction on sites, etc.).

One of the most important aspects of organizing livestock breeding as a business is purchase of livestock. Things to consider:

  • selection and purchase is best done with the participation of an experienced veterinarian, livestock breeder;
  • the main meat breeds of cows: Hereford, Charolais, Limousin, Salers, Kalmyk, Kazakh white-headed and others. Dairy breeds: black-and-white, red steppe, Yaroslavl, Kholmogory;
  • a healthy dairy cow that will produce large amounts of milk, has a barrel-shaped belly, long head, small horns, strong muscles, special attention should be paid to the cow's udder. The udder of the cow should be large, the skin should be elastic, the shape of the udder should be cup-shaped. Cows with round udders will produce little milk. When buying, be sure to milk the cow, while hardening should not be felt in the udder, it should be soft and pliable. A healthy cow has a clear look, no cough, a hard and light gait, a narrow hindquarters and a sagging back are considered faults;
  • read the documents for the animal, the vaccination card.

Cows need to be provided with pastures, feed should be purchased, hay should be prepared for the winter, regular disinfection of barns and vaccinations should be mandatory, and premises for slaughterhouses should also be equipped.

Beef and veal are expensive and high-quality meats that are in demand among consumers. To increase income from livestock breeding, it is necessary to organize the processing of meat, milk and produce cheese, cottage cheese, kefir, sausages, sour cream, ryazhenka, etc. for sale.

How to become a successful farmer?

In order to become a successful farmer, one should take into account the fact that farming does not imply instant profit, it requires significant financial costs. Animal husbandry is one of the most risky types of business, since there is always the risk of epidemics, natural disasters that can lead to a pestilence of animals, loss of farms and bankruptcy of farmers.

Keep in mind that producing quality products is only the first step. The second stage is its implementation. You can find sales markets, or you can open your own stores, which will bring income, but will also require additional costs for renting premises, personnel, equipment, etc.

Farming in Russia receives state support and generates high income for businessmen, but also requires large investments and time, as well as drawing up a detailed business plan. The main branches of animal husbandry in Russia and around the world are pig breeding, poultry farming and cattle breeding, as their products are always in high demand, both on national and foreign markets.

Today, such a branch of the national economy as farming is developing at a rapid pace throughout the world. In almost any city or village there is a person involved in this business. Until recently, farming has declined significantly, but in recent years it has flourished again and brings huge profits to its owners.

It should be noted that farming makes it possible to sell such valuable products on the market as, for example, meat (pork, beef, poultry), milk and dairy products (sour cream, cottage cheese, cream), eggs, offal (liver, kidneys), animal hair, fluff Meat and milk are indispensable components of food, in this regard, they will always be in demand, and this, in turn, guarantees profit for private entrepreneurs.

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Required documents and permits

Before you start work, you need to decide for yourself what exactly you need to do and what is most profitable. Currently, there are several types of farms: livestock, poultry, dairy, crop, bee farms and others. Each of them is profitable in some way. So, the first step towards opening a farm is choosing a location. It can be a large farming settlement or a small house with a designated area.

It is unprofitable to build a farm from scratch, as there are many abandoned lands that are not used by anyone. The easiest way would be to buy them with the land. It will cost much less.

Secondly, you need to decide on the type, that is, what or who you will contain. Thirdly, it is important to clearly define the scale of the economy. If this is crop production, here you need to correctly calculate the required area for planting. If this is animal husbandry, then the number of possible livestock, the necessary equipment and the size of the premises are calculated. If you plan to sell products to various retail chains in the future, then you need to collect a whole list of important documents, such as a lease or purchase agreement for land, permission from the Rospotrebnadzor authorities, the fire inspectorate for housekeeping. It is necessary, among other things, to register as an individual entrepreneur. All products must be issued quality and safety certificates, as well as a veterinary examination of meat products.

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Planning and procurement of equipment

One of the most expensive, along with the purchase of feed (if it is a livestock farm), will be the purchase of equipment. If this is a large farm, then the costs can reach up to 2-3 million rubles. Equipment can be found by asking nearby farmers for information. The fact that it can take several months in time is also very important, because after the purchase it must also be rationally arranged and installed. The next important point is the layout of the room itself. As mentioned above, the areas can be very different. If this is livestock or poultry farming, then the organization of stalls for livestock or cages for poultry will be mandatory. Individual feeders and devices for cleaning manure and debris are also installed here.

The room should be warm both in winter and in summer. The temperature during the cold period should not be lower than 17 degrees. For this purpose, a gas heating system is used, other options are possible. In addition, the humidity must be maintained at a constant level. The presence of drafts reduces the productivity of animals, especially egg production. But, nevertheless, the room must be constantly ventilated. Lighting should be uniform.

Let's take a closer look at how to organize some types of farms.

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pig farm

Pig farming is one of the most widespread and profitable farming areas. An interesting fact is that pork is the second most popular meat after poultry, as it is cheaper than beef and has good taste. Its consumption is 30% of all meat products. Pig-breeding farms are divided into 3 groups according to their size. The first of them is large pig-breeding complexes, where the number of livestock is more than 12,000. The second is from 100 to 12,000 and the third is private land, where there are less than 100 animals.

The advantage of raising pigs is that they grow very fast, about 10 times faster than cattle. This makes them irreplaceable and very valuable in the market. In addition, they also gain their mass quickly. By 6 months of age, well-fed pigs can weigh 100 kg and are ready for slaughter. Another advantage is that these animals fully use and absorb all the nutrients from the feed. Pigs are unpretentious in food and maintenance. They breed well. If there are 300-350 heads of sows, there should be 15-10 boars, the rest are fattened for slaughter.

Equipment for this kind of premises should be special. In most cases, pigs are fed dry food, so you need to purchase machines for feeding it. The equipment includes: a bunker, feed lines, dispensers. If there is a place to be individual nutrition, then feeders are provided. It is very important to purchase drinkers for pigs and feeders, machine tools.

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Purchase of animals and necessary feed

You can buy piglets or pigs at the nearest livestock market. It is worth starting with 300-350 individuals, and the queens and boars should be purchased from different buyers in order to avoid inbreeding and reduce the productivity of livestock. Such a number of pigs will require a huge amount of feed. Up to 35 tons of feed will be required per year, as well as approximately 300 kg of special additives. The latter is mandatory, since top dressing contains vitamins and minerals necessary for the body of pigs, which may be scarce in the daily diet. Proper balanced nutrition will contribute to the rapid growth and proper development of young and adult individuals. Seriously, it is worth considering the points of purchase of feed. It is important that the supplier sells quality products, otherwise the profit may be zero.

As for the cost, the purchase of equipment will take about 2-3 million rubles. Each month, the payment of wages to the staff will require: 10-15 thousand pigs and 20-25 veterinarians. But the most expensive will, of course, be food. Indeed, for the purchase, for example, 15 kg of compound feed, you need to spend 120 rubles. The profitability of the project will be about 25%. Payback periods are very different, on average 2-3 years.

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poultry farm

Poultry has been the main product of the meat industry in recent years. The reasons for this are the low cost of meat on the market, the high demand, and the ease of breeding poultry. Poultry, and mainly chicken, ranks first in terms of consumption, leaving pork and beef behind. Consider how to open a poultry farm from scratch. Unlike pig breeding, such a business does not require expensive equipment and large areas for premises. A business from scratch for growing chickens is considered very profitable, while the profitability is 100%. Chickens are the main supplier of eggs and meat. The conditions of detention for them are especially simple: they require constant care and supervision, which takes from 2 to 4 hours a day.

The bird is kept in chicken coops with individual or collective feeders, while a certain rule must be observed: all birds are fed at about the same time. Dry coma, chopped grass, cereals, bread, and so on are introduced into the diet. Chickens should be fed well. Finely chopped shells or gravel must be poured into the feeders so that the birds can make up for the calcium deficiency. It is very important that the room where the animals are kept is well heated and ventilated, but without drafts. You can buy chickens on the market, they are inexpensive. To make a deal, you will need documents on vaccinations, information about age, previous diseases, the name of the breed, that is, the so-called passport.