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How to open a pet store from scratch? How to open a pet store - a profitable pet products business

  • General description of the project
  • Description of products and services
  • marketing plan
  • Room selection
  • Recruitment
  • Financial plan
  • Do I need a permit to open a pet shop?
        • Similar business ideas:

Sample business plan for opening a pet store in a city of 150,000 people. It can serve as an example for drawing up a project when receiving state support or attracting loans.

The aim of the project is to open a small pet shop in a city with a population of 150,000 people. A preliminary marketing study was conducted, during which an insufficient number of pet stores were identified that could satisfy the existing demand for pet products.

General description of the project

General information:

  • City population: 150 thousand people;
  • Trade format: counter type shop;
  • Location of the store: basement of an apartment building;
  • Type of property: lease of premises with an area of ​​20m2;
  • Working hours: 09:00 - 20:00;
  • Number of jobs: 2 people;
  • Sources of financing: own funds - 700 thousand rubles.

The main performance indicators of the pet store:

  • Monthly profit = 57,333 rubles;
  • Profitability = 13.0%;
  • Payback = 13 months.

What taxation system to choose for opening a pet store

The organizational and legal form of business will be individual entrepreneurship. This, in our opinion, is the most convenient form for a small store. As a pet store taxation system will be chosen special. regime - a single tax on imputed income (UTII). UTII is the most profitable option for taxing a pet store, since the amount of tax is calculated based on the area of ​​​​the retail facility, and in our case, the retail area is only 25 m2.

Currently, practical activities have begun to implement the project:

1. Individual entrepreneurship has been registered with the tax office at the place of residence;

2. A lease agreement was concluded for a basement in an apartment building (entrance from the end) with an area of ​​25m2 (plus 6m2 for a warehouse). The rent under the terms of the contract is 25 thousand rubles per month.

3. There is a preliminary agreement with suppliers of goods and animals for the pet store.

The pet shop will be open from 09:00 to 20:00 without breaks and days off.

Description of products and services

The range of our pet store is planned to include the following groups of goods:

  • Food (for cats, dogs, rodents, fish, etc.);
  • Veterinary drugs;
  • Vitamins and nutritional supplements;
  • Bowls and feeders;
  • Containers and accessories for food;
  • Toys for dogs and cats;
  • Collars and leashes;
  • Clothes for dogs;
  • Carriers, cages and aviaries;
  • Goods for training;
  • Cosmetics and care;
  • Aquariums and aquarium chemistry;
  • Filters for aquariums;
  • Toilets and trays for rodents;
  • etc.

The most popular item in our store will be pet food. At the same time, the bulk of sales will fall on cat food - dry and canned food (market research data).

The average markup on the most popular product groups will be about 30%. For individual, rare items, the markup can reach up to 150%. The average check of our store will be 600 -800 rubles.

Download pet store business plan

marketing plan

Statistics say that the average Russian spends about 15 thousand rubles a year on the maintenance of his pet. Pets are kept by every 6th inhabitant of our city, of which a third regularly purchases something for their pet (food, drugs, clothes, etc.). From this we can calculate that the capacity of the pet products market in our city is about 20 million rubles a year. In fact, this means that up to 7 pet stores can safely operate in the city.

Today, there are only 5 shops in the city. It turns out that at least 2 more stores can take their share in the market. Moreover, in the area where we plan to open our pet store, there is only one outlet that serves 30,000 people (the approximate population of the area).

Step by step plan to open a pet shop

Our point of sale will be located at a distance of 700m to the nearest competitor store. In the course of a secret purchase, some, in our opinion, disadvantages in the work of a competitor were identified:

  1. A poor assortment of goods;
  2. Chaotic display of goods;
  3. Low professionalism of the sales assistant;
  4. Absence in the range of decorative pets (hamsters, guinea pigs, fish, etc.).

Thus, our outlet will have the following competitive advantages:

  1. Wide range of goods. At the same time, popular items (feed, preparations) will be presented in a larger volume.
  2. Clear and convenient display of goods for the buyer;
  3. Large selection of pets;
  4. Long opening hours of the store (from 9:00 to 20:00);
  5. Experienced and qualified shop staff.

According to our calculations, a competent business organization will allow reaching the planned revenue indicators of the store equal to 20,000 rubles per day, after 3 months of work. With an average check of 800 rubles, this literally means that at least 25 people a day or 750 people a month should visit the store. We believe that this is a very real number. The estimated annual revenue of the store will be 6,000,000 rubles.

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Room selection

The premises in which it is planned to open a pet store complies with all SES standards and fire safety standards. Refurbishment of the commercial part of the premises is not required. To start activities, it is enough to install commercial equipment (racks, shelves, showcases) and purchase the first batch of goods. It is assumed that the cost of purchasing commercial equipment will be about 100,000 rubles. To create an initial stock of goods - 480,000 rubles. This amount is enough to fill the shelves of a pet store with a sales area of ​​25 m2.


The planned staffing of the pet store will include 2 sellers working in shifts 2 through 2. The salary of sellers will consist of a monthly salary (7,000 rubles) plus a percentage of daily revenue (4%). The approximate monthly payroll of two sellers will be 40,000 rubles, the annual one - 480,000 rubles.

About 12,000 rubles per month will be spent on the payment of insurance contributions for employees to extra-budgetary funds (30% of wages). The annual costs for this item of fixed costs will amount to 144,000 rubles.

The duties of the accountant will be performed personally by the project manager.

Financial plan

The total monthly expenses of the pet store will be 116,000 rubles, annual - 1.4 million rubles.

In the structure of annual costs, the largest share falls on the payment of wages to shop assistants - 34% of the total annual costs. In second place are the costs associated with the payment of rent for the use of the premises - 22% in the structure of total annual costs. The third place is occupied by insurance deductions - 10% of total expenses.

The break-even point of sales of a pet store with an average trade margin of 40% will be 406 thousand rubles per month.

How much can you earn by opening a pet store

Net profit based on the results of annual sales of the pet store will be 688,000 rubles (57,333 rubles per month). Thus, the start-up costs incurred to open a store pay off in 12-13 months of the store's operation.

Recommended download pet store business plan for only (banner_bi-plan), from our partners, with a guarantee of quality. This is a complete, ready-made project that you will not find in the public domain. The content of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

What equipment to choose for a pet store

To start the activity of the outlet, you need to purchase:

  • counter and showcases;
  • sales racks;
  • racks and shelves;
  • cells;
  • computer;
  • lighting;
  • forced ventilation system;
  • document safe.

When buying equipment, it is necessary to focus on the rational use of retail space. Shelves, racks, etc. must be multi-tiered or with the possibility of mounting on the walls of the store.

Which OKVED to indicate when registering a business for the sale of pet products

Being engaged in paperwork for registering an individual entrepreneur with the tax office, it is necessary to select activity codes for the business in question, according to the all-Russian classifier. Suitable for a pet store: OKVED 47.76.2 (retail trade in pets and feed for them), as the main code, and 47.78 (other retail trade), as an additional one.

What documents are needed to open a pet store

The list of papers required for the operation of the outlet includes:

More than half of the inhabitants of Russia keep animals or birds at home. Someone is limited to a cat or dog, others prefer fish, hamsters, guinea pigs or more exotic lemurs and snakes. At the same time, enthusiastic owners are more likely to save on their own lunch than limit pets in treats or toys.

Given these prospects, many enterprising animal lovers are wondering how to open a pet shop from scratch. There are no additional difficulties or nuances in this process, and the procedure is the same as for any other outlet: you need to register an enterprise, select a room, install windows and purchase goods. The only difference is that in addition to food, furniture and accessories, pets themselves can be sold here, and in terms of popularity, pet stores compete with grocery supermarkets, since 60% of the residents of neighboring houses are representatives of the target audience.

Business features

There is an opinion that the main task of a pet store is to sell rodents, songbirds, fish, turtles and other pets. However, in reality, the situation looks somewhat different: it is the work with animals that gives the entrepreneur the greatest amount of inconvenience, since it is accompanied by a high risk of illness and even death of pets during transportation, due to the wrong choice of food or violation of the conditions of detention.

In addition, commercial equipment designed to keep and display animals in a store can hardly be called affordable: the prices for cage batteries and aquarium stands are ten times higher than the cost of ordinary showcases. Is it profitable to open your own pet store from scratch given these circumstances? Many businessmen consider such difficulties unjustified and limit the choice of pets in the windows to a few popular types of hamsters or completely abandon the idea of ​​their implementation.

Indeed, in order to open a business, it is not necessary to equip a pet store with expensive aquariums and terrariums: the sale of related products - feed, fillers, accessories, equipment - also brings a good profit. Considering that the cost of keeping a thoroughbred cat or dog is 1,500–2,500 rubles per month, it can be assumed that an entrepreneur selling such products will not lack customers.

Finally, some of the risks and challenges associated with this line of business should be mentioned. In the question of whether it is profitable to open a pet store, often these factors are decisive:

  • In large cities, the market for zoological goods is almost completely filled. Accordingly, the entrepreneur will have to enter into competition, look for vacant places in sleeping areas, or engage in the sale of rare and exclusive goods and animals;
  • In small towns, residents of the private sector are usually not puzzled by the search for special pet food, preferring products from their own garden. Therefore, considering what is needed to open a pet store in such a locality, it is necessary to explore the possibility of combining a retail outlet with a veterinary office or pharmacy;
  • There are no reliable methods for forecasting the demand for pet products. In each case, this information has to be collected empirically - to change the assortment, enter and withdraw positions, analyze the structure of daily and monthly turnover, be interested in the opinions of customers;
  • Unskilled, incompetent or rude staff is the best way to permanently scare the customer away from the store. Therefore, experienced sellers who are sincerely passionate about animals must be found before opening a pet store from scratch: instructions recommend in such situations to pay attention to the presence of applicants of their own pets;
  • Comfort is important for customers: the sale of pet products and animals is usually accompanied by strong noise and a characteristic smell. In addition, some entrepreneurs try to expand their assortment as much as possible and clutter up the trading floor, leaving no free passages. Accordingly, a clean, bright and spacious store is more likely to attract a customer, in which cages with parrots do not hang over the heads of visitors.

Point of sale format

The scale of the future outlet, as well as its assortment, is determined by the structure and volume of demand: it is important to be able to serve all potential buyers. In addition, when choosing a format, you need to remember how much it costs to open a pet store from scratch: an entrepreneur does not always have unlimited capital at his disposal. There are several types of retail outlets available to small businesses, classified according to size and investment required for their construction:

  • Stall or pavilion. You can open a small pet store near a bus stop, at a metro station or at the intersection of major traffic flows. An area of ​​15–20 m² is enough to accommodate showcases with popular feed, fillers, accessories and other small items. In addition, such activities do not require licensing or other permits;
  • Average store. In a retail outlet of this size, the buyer can be offered not only related products, but also several types of animals directly. On the question of how much money is needed to open a pet store, we are talking about an amount of one and a half million rubles - this is exactly the capital that is needed in order to equip a trading floor of 50–60 m² with everything necessary;
  • Special shop. An entrepreneur can focus on a particular type of pet - for example, sell only aquariums, fish and everything to care for them, or products only for cats, dogs or rodents. In any case, narrow specialization will require the formation of the widest possible assortment and the hiring of qualified sellers who have knowledge in this area at the level of experts;
  • Online store. Despite a small investment, opening an online pet store from scratch is often even more difficult than a regular outlet. Firstly, many customers need detailed advice from the seller before buying. Secondly, such stores must have significant competitive advantages - a loyal pricing policy or a wide range of products. Finally, the specifics of working with animals completely excludes the possibility of selling them through the site, even if there is a courier delivery. Therefore, a businessman is recommended to organize the work of a real outlet before opening an online pet store in addition to it.


Unfortunately, there are no universal methods for forming the assortment of a pet store. Therefore, when compiling a list of goods, an entrepreneur must proceed from the solvency and preferences of a specific target audience.

Considering how much it costs to open a pet store from scratch, at the initial stage it is better not to buy everything at once in large quantities, but to limit the assortment to a couple of hundred of the most popular items, including:

  1. Rodents (hamsters, rats, guinea pigs);
  2. Birds (budgies, canaries);
  3. Fish, turtles (no more than a dozen varieties);
  4. Aquarium plants (five to six species);
  5. Fillers and equipment for aquariums;
  6. Well-known brands feed;
  7. Feeders and drinkers for different types of animals;
  8. Accessories for dogs (leashes, collars, muzzles);
  9. Cages for birds and small animals;
  10. Houses, mattresses, carriers and sharpeners for claws;
  11. Trays, fillers for toilets and cages;
  12. Brushes, tools for cutting wool and trimming claws;
  13. Literature and reference books in paper and electronic versions;
  14. Chemistry for animals (flea and tick remedies, shampoos);
  15. Vitamins, feed additives, treats.

It is profitable to open a pet store with such an assortment: the average retail margin for goods is in the range of 45–50% (15–20% for feed, 40–60% for accessories and equipment, 120–150% for rare and exclusive products).

Activity registration

“I want to open a pet store, where should I start?” Entrepreneurs who have given preference to this business have a lot of questions about the legalization of activities. In fact, the sale of feed, accessories and related products is not subject to licensing - a typical set of documents is enough, the same for any outlet. This includes:

Permission to conduct activities issued by Rospotrebnadzor.

Sanitary documentation:

  • Production and sanitary control program;
  • Sanitary books of sellers;
  • Contracts for the disinfection and disinfestation of the premises;
  • Contract for the removal of garbage and waste;
  • Logs of sanitary measures.

Fire safety documentation:

  • Orders, instructions on compliance with security measures;
  • Fire prevention plan;
  • Evacuation plan;
  • Regulations for the maintenance of warning and fire extinguishing devices;
  • Personnel documentation (work books, staff list, employment contracts).

Statutory documents:

  • SPD registration certificate;
  • Certificate of assignment of TIN;
  • Letter of assignment of OKVED codes;
  • Technical passport of the premises from the BTI;
  • Lease agreement or certificate of ownership;
  • Consumer Corner (complaints book, text of the Consumer Rights Protection Law).

The process of selling animals is not complicated either: for each pet purchased by the store from suppliers or breeders, the nearest veterinary clinic receives a certificate in form No. 4, confirming the absence of various diseases, before being allowed to sell. If the animal was born directly in the store, then it is better to contact the regional branch of the Veterinary Administration with the question of the need to draw up such documentation.

In order to include veterinary drugs, which also include flea and worm remedies, in the assortment of the outlet, you will have to obtain a license worth about 7,500 rubles. Such a permit is issued to entrepreneurs who have fulfilled a number of conditions before opening a pet store: step-by-step instructions include filling out special registers, purchasing medical refrigeration equipment for storing medicines, and appointing a specialist with specialized education as the head of the enterprise.


It is advisable to start the process of searching for premises simultaneously with the previous stage, since when processing some documents, you will have to indicate the address at which the store is located. Considering the available options, you need to take into account the chosen format of the outlet and the presence of nearby competitors.

To determine whether it is worth opening a pet store in a chosen location, first of all, you should study the location of the main points of attraction - bank branches, grocery supermarkets, markets, stops. Potential buyers are more likely to visit places where several problems can be solved at the same time, so the traffic here will be an order of magnitude higher. For the same reason, it is not recommended to open a store in courtyards, away from the main routes of residents of nearby houses. Rents in residential areas can reach 700-800 rubles per square meter per month.

It is better to open medium-sized and specialized stores on one of the central streets, since a wide range of products and the opportunity to look at animals in this case attract additional and casual buyers. Having a nearby veterinary clinic or pharmacy is considered a significant advantage: in fact, in this way, you can create a new point of attraction for pet lovers. In the center, the rent is somewhat higher - from 800 to 1500 rubles per month per square meter.

However, sections in large shopping centers are the most popular among entrepreneurs. The disadvantage of this option in the form of an increased rent (up to 2,000 rubles per month per square meter) is fully offset by the obvious advantages - high traffic and no need to raise funds for repair work in the premises.

Room preparation

Depending on financial capabilities, an entrepreneur may consider purchasing or long-term renting a suitable space. In this case, a good investment would be to purchase a well-located apartment on the ground floor, which, after being removed from the housing stock, is turned into a store - a porch is attached, a sign is installed, the interior space is divided into a trading floor, utility rooms and the manager's office.

Being engaged in the arrangement of the store, it is necessary to remember the specifics of the business: the sale of animals and feed is significantly different from the sale of clothing or food. Therefore, when carrying out repair work, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  • The majority of clients are adults and the elderly. Therefore, the outlet should be located in the basement or on the first floor. Too steep or high stairs will surely stop some buyers;
  • Choosing the degree of illumination, the entrepreneur will have to solve a difficult problem: on the one hand, visitors like light stores more, and on the other hand, an excess of light causes discomfort and aggression in many animals. Therefore, a level of 200-300 lux at the level of the counters will be optimal;
  • The room must be able to install a ventilation system with a capacity of at least 30 m³ / h for each person on the trading floor. It is advisable to slightly exceed this rate, since the specific smell from animals and feed often causes complaints not only from store visitors, but also from neighbors.

The requirements for the interior design of a pet store are not strict, since all the walls here are covered with shelves with goods. Therefore, in most cases, you can develop a project yourself or take the help of friends who have minimal artistic taste. Preference should be given to pastel shades, avoiding too saturated colors and white furniture, which in pet stores loses its original appearance in a matter of days.

Retail store equipment

For the arrangement of pet stores, two types of equipment are used - standard and specialized. The first is unified and can be used in any retail outlets: glass showcases, shelving made of metal and chipboard, racks, economy panels, counters. The second is exclusively for the sale of animals: this includes terrariums, aquarium stands, cages and cellular batteries.

It is quite difficult to purchase specialized equipment, since only a few enterprises are engaged in its manufacture, and the high price is due not only to the need to integrate climate control, ventilation, heating and lighting systems here, but also to the lack of competition among manufacturers.

In general, for a medium-sized store that will sell not only related pet products, but also several popular species of animals, birds and fish, you need to purchase and install:

Equipment for a pet shop with an area of ​​50 m²

Name price, rub. Quantity, pcs. Amount, rub.
Shopping room
Rack with shelves 2500 8 20000
Perforated rack 3200 2 6400
Econompanel 4000 2 8000
Hook for economy panel 40 50 2000
Showcase glass 6000 2 12000
aquarium stand 104000 1 104000
Terrarium stand 45000 1 45000
Rack for 9 cells 90000 1 90000
Glass counter 2900 10 29000
Checkout counter 2600 1 2600
Buyer's corner 1200 1 1200
Air conditioner 18000 1 18000
Cash machine 15000 1 15000
Feed scales 2000 1 2000
Ventilation system 35000 1 35000
Lamp 750 10 7500
Security and fire alarm 15000 1 15000
Utility rooms
Table 3500 2 7000
Chair 1200 4 4800
PC or laptop 18000 1 18000
MFP 10000 1 10000
Warehouse rack 2500 2 5000
Closet 3000 1 3000
bathroom 10000 1 10000
Total: 470500


“I want to open a pet store - where do I start?” At the initial stage, an entrepreneur puzzled by such a question is recommended to take a direct part in the trading process - to stand at the counter, study the range of goods and consumer preferences, and think about improving customer service algorithms.

In the future, for a store of the indicated size, it is possible to hire three salespeople - two consultants working in shifts, and one senior, who will be replaced by the entrepreneur over the weekend. These employees must know the product and its characteristics perfectly, be able to advise customers and solve their problems, select the appropriate food, accessories and medicines.

In addition to sellers, it is advisable to hire a livestock specialist who will monitor the animals, feed them, clean the cages, and change the water in the aquariums. It is undesirable to shift these responsibilities to sellers, since being torn between serving customers and feeding hamsters, they will not be able to perform two jobs simultaneously with high quality and conscientiousness. Accordingly, the staffing of the outlet will look like this:

pet store staffing

Financial investments

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To determine how much it costs to open a pet store, you need to take into account its size and expected turnover, since it is these factors that determine the amount of equipment purchase costs and the amount of products needed to fill the outlet. For a medium-sized store with a monthly turnover of 500,000 rubles, the list of initial expenses includes:

Initial Costs

Considering the structure of monthly expenses, it can be noted that their main share will again be associated with the need to replenish the inventory:

Monthly expenses

Profit and profitability

Is it profitable to open your pet store from scratch? The profitability of a future outlet depends primarily on the correct choice of location and assortment. According to statistics, the average check for stores of this size is in the range of 400-600 rubles. Thus, an entrepreneur who can attract 45–55 customers per day will receive an income of 25,000 rubles. After the calculations of economic parameters, the payback period of the project will be determined, which in this case will reach two years.

Calculation of economic indicators

Index Meaning
Monthly turnover, rub. 750000
Gross profit, rub. 250000
Monthly expenses, rub.

Every year the pet products market grows by about 40%. Today it is already quite difficult to find a family in which there is no pet. Therefore, the idea of ​​​​opening a pet store from scratch does not seem banal or stupid. You can really make good money on this.

There are four types of stores:

  1. small retail outlets;
  2. large stores;
  3. specialized sites;
  4. departments in supermarkets.

The choice of option is up to you.

Legal registration

What does it take to open a pet store? First, you register your business. If this is a large point - like an LLC, if it is a small one - like an individual entrepreneur. You will also need permission from the Department of Trade and an extract from the State Register. After that, you become registered with the Tax Inspectorate and the Pension Fund.

From the State Veterinary Administration of the Territory/Region, you receive all the necessary documentation and permission to import birds, fish and animals.

As for the premises in which you are going to trade, it must be inspected by the fire service and the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station.

Premises for trade

How to open a pet store and where is the best place to do it? You need to find the right place. The “correct” is often understood as the location near large shopping centers and other retail outlets (markets or supermarkets), near residential neighborhoods and parking lots. It should not be a very small space, as it should also include a utility room and a storage room.

Take care of the sign in advance: it should be bright and noticeable so that any passer-by immediately notices it and marks for themselves where your pet store is located.

Retail store equipment

For such a point, you do not need to buy anything pretentious or extraordinary. To trade you will need:

  • counters;
  • racks;
  • showcases;
  • desktops.

If there are feeds, formulas and preparations that will be sold by weight, you will need to buy an additional scale.

There is an option that allows you to save on equipment. So, for example, you can arrange with suppliers of goods to receive plastic racks that they have in stock. Sometimes such items are inconvenient to use, but the main plus is a bright and beautiful design that pleases the eye.

As long as you display the products of these suppliers on such racks, you are entitled to use them free of charge. All other equipment is purchased from the hands. Be prepared to spend time looking for it, but this will cut costs.


Decide on the entire range in advance. It can be exclusively pet products or also animals. For the first option, you can use a small area, you will not need to spend a lot of money, obtain licenses or hire highly qualified personnel. But, and incomes will be smaller.

Do you want to sell animals? The area should be large, the cost of purchasing goods, renting the necessary premises, hiring qualified employees, and obtaining all the necessary documentation will increase. Animals need to be fed and cared for properly. In this case, the income will be much greater, but a lot of effort will be made.

They open their outlet, start selling the most popular goods, and only when you see income, will you meet regular customers, will they leave orders with you, you will be able to climb a step higher, expanding the range and services.

What is a hot commodity in this business? This is a product for dogs and cats - the most frequent pets:

  • Feed;
  • goodies;
  • toys;
  • toilet fillers;
  • remedies for ticks, fleas, worms;
  • shampoos, combs and other care products;
  • harnesses and collars;
  • carriers and cages.

If you are opening in a big city, you can offer clothes for cats and dogs. Why is it worth doing it in a big city? Because such goods are more popular among the urban population than among the rural population. Also, the range can be expanded with furniture for animals.

The problem with such a market is that it can be quite difficult to initially determine which range of goods will be in high demand. But, in the process of work, you can always make your own adjustments.

Qualified personnel

To increase the popularity of your pet store and outperform your nearest competitors, hire a veterinarian on staff to either act as a salesperson or as a receptionist. If this is the second option, then you must notify buyers of the specialist's visiting hours.

In any case, you can choose a competent and decent person as a regular seller. It is not necessary that he had a veterinary education. The main thing is that he should have an idea about the assortment, the purpose of the goods, and also be able to advise the buyer if necessary.

The profit you will receive depends largely on your staff. If people want to work and earn, receiving percentages from sales, quarterly bonuses, and so on, then they will give all the best in their work.

The financial side of the issue

Many people wonder if it is profitable to open a pet store from scratch? First you will need to spend a certain amount of money on:

  • Renovation of the premises;
  • area lighting;
  • placement of a sign;
  • arrangement of the heating system (if not available) and ventilation;
  • acquisition of new equipment for the placement of goods and its sale;
  • inventory for 1-2 months.

The total amount of all expenses will directly depend on the condition of the entire premises, the materials and equipment that you are going to use, the size of the entire area, etc.

You will have about 220,000 rubles for repairs and a sign, 1,600,000 rubles for goods, 150,000 rubles for equipment, and 250,000 rubles for working capital. According to the latest calculation, depending on the products and the area of ​​​​the premises, the approximate costs will be from 2,000,000 to 3,000,000 rubles.

The monthly profit of such a store can be planned in advance. If your pet store is located in a city with a population of 300,000 to 500,000 people, then it will bring the owner up to 1,500,000 per year. The absolute payback of the entire project will come in 18-24 months.

Your approximate income per month:

  • Monthly revenue - 1,100,000;
  • cost price - 760,000;
  • gross profit - 340,000;
  • expenses - 220,000;
  • income before tax - 120,000;
  • tax - 20,000;
  • net income - 100,000.

Such profits will be stable if you choose the right place to trade, prices will be competitive, service will be of high quality, assortment will be wide.

Possible risks

How to open a pet store without risks? This is difficult, because risks arise directly in the process of trading. The only thing you can do is to prepare for them in advance.

  • Risk one: small city/big city. In the first case, you will not be able to do business because of the agricultural land nearby. The second is unacceptable because of the great competition. The best option is the regional center. However, you should also take into account the income level of the local population, because demand may be too low. Based on demand and taking into account small nuances, you can always choose an assortment that is considered the most profitable.
  • The second risk: appearance. Sometimes a lot of customers visit your direct competitors just because they don't like the look of your store. Many clients are visuals, and they just like a tidy place, bright shelving, a cozy atmosphere. Regardless of the prices and assortment, they can leave you just because they did not like the sign or the interior. Therefore, even cosmetic repairs of the area you rent will be appropriate.
  • Risk three: unskilled/rude personnel. Often it is the staff that scares off customers. The sales assistant must be friendly, he must also understand the assortment.
  • Risk Four: Frequent Experimentation. It is very difficult to calculate which product from the assortment will be popular in a particular area. You can experiment, but don't do it too often. Wait a little, so that later you can navigate according to the requests of your regular customers.
  • Risk Five: Live Goods. Due to relatively low demand, possible fines, and permit fees, keeping animals in stores can be unprofitable.

We advise you to re-read all the information collected if you want to go into such a business. Like any other type of entrepreneurial activity, it can be quite risky, but you can still make a profit if you think carefully.

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RKO in Raiffeisenbank. Open an account

More about current account

  • Opening an account - free of charge in 5 minutes;
  • Service - from 490 rubles / month;
  • Minimum commissions.
  • Registration of salary cards - free of charge;
  • Overdraft possible;
  • Internet banking - free of charge;
  • Mobile banking is free.
RKO in Tinkoff Bank. Open an account

More about current account

  • Free account opening in 10 minutes;
  • First 2 months free service;
  • After 2 months from 490 rubles / month;
  • Up to 8% on the account balance;
  • Free accounting for individual entrepreneurs on Simplified;
  • Free internet banking;
  • Free mobile banking.
RKO in Sberbank. Open an account

More about current account

  • Opening r / s - 0 r.;
  • Service - from 0 rub./month;
  • Free "Sberbank Business Online";
  • Lots of additional services.

More about current account

  • 0 rub. opening an account;
  • 0 rub. Internet banking and mobile banking for account management;
  • 0 rub. issuance of a business card for depositing and withdrawing cash at any ATM;
  • 0 rub. the first deposit of cash into the account;
  • 0 rub. tax and budgetary payments, transfers to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in Alfa-Bank;
  • 0 rub. service account if there is no turnover.
RKO in the Eastern Bank. Open an account

More about current account

  • Opening an account is free;
  • Reservation in 1 minute;
  • Internet banking and mobile application for free;
  • 3 months of service for free;
  • after 3 months from 490 rubles / month
RKO in LOKO Bank. Open an account

More about current account

  • Opening an account is free;
  • Reservation in 1 minute;
  • Service - from 0 rubles / month;
  • Cash withdrawal from 0.6%;
  • Free terminal for acquiring;
  • Internet banking and mobile application - free of charge.
RKO in Expert Bank.

Many families have a pet, and sometimes more than one. Each pet requires special care - there is always a pet store for their needs. In this case, establishing your own pet supply store is quite a profitable idea. It is necessary to carefully consider how to open a pet store and develop a detailed plan. The global market for pet products is about $2 billion a year. With such a turnover in the city, entrepreneurs can open from ten to fifteen pet stores without fear of competition.

Classification of pet stores in the city

What does it take to open a pet store at minimal cost? Initially, the entrepreneur must decide on the type of premises. There are several types of pet stores:

  • Mini-shop, area 10 sq. meters - consists of essential products: various food, accessories for animal care.
  • Pet stores, 50 sq. meters - a wide variety of goods are available, including feed and care products, accessories and medical preparations.
  • Supermarkets - trading platforms with the most diverse range of products for animals - are in demand in million-plus cities.
  • A highly specialized pet store is a business aimed at selling certain goods or products for certain types of pets. It makes sense to open such a point with a specific demand for products.

It is recommended to open a business in a room of 50 square meters. It has enough space for pet supplies, aviaries, terrariums, aquariums, etc. A pet supply store can be established anywhere in the city - preferably near veterinary hospitals. Before opening a business, it is advisable to conduct a survey of the population in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe store to find out about consumer preferences. It should be remembered that each type of animal in the pet store should have its own separate corner. Pets that make sounds should be in separate corners so as not to create a lot of noise.

The issue of financial costs

When considering how to open a pet store from scratch, the required investment should be considered. Main costs:

  • Rental and renovation of premises.
  • Pet shop supplies (racks, showcases, cash register, scales, cages, refrigerators).
  • Advertising.
  • Purchase of pet supplies and other supplies.
  • Employees' salary.

An interesting business pays off within 2 years. According to research, the income from a pet store is about 1.5 million rubles, observed in a city with a population of more than 350 thousand people. It will take about 10-15 thousand dollars to open a business.

Store Success: Great Choice

In a pet store, in addition to standard pet products: feed (make up 50-60% of purchased products), tray fillers and medicines, you can sell accessories and furniture for animals (20% of all purchases). It diverges well in big cities, where people do not skimp on household items for pets. Furniture and items for pets are of several types:

  • Mattresses.
  • sofas.
  • Houses.
  • Sunbeds.
  • Equipment for jumping and running.
  • Claws.
  • Trays, bowls for water and food.

The furniture should be finished inside with soft material, and on the outside a special design pattern is made, suitable for the interior. It is preferable to create universal furniture. Few people think of opening a business for making furniture for animals, and the idea should bring a good income. The payback of such a case is 100%. There should always be a stock of goods in stock in the warehouse - after all, there may be a shortage of pet supplies in competing stores. This will always be a big plus.

We must not forget that in order to trade in medical products for animals, you need to open a license.

Legislation and business registration

You can open a business by registering an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur). This will reduce tax payments, facilitate bookkeeping and reporting. To open an individual entrepreneur, an entrepreneur must be a pharmacist by education. When registering an LLC, a pharmaceutical education of one of the employees is sufficient. If the entrepreneur is not going to sell medicines (anthelmintics, anti-flea drugs) and animals, then there is no need for a license. Otherwise, opening a store without the necessary documents will not work. The Ministry of Agriculture of Russia regularly conducts regulatory and legal regulation. If you want to open a veterinary pharmacy in residential buildings, you must follow certain requirements. When a pharmacy is located in a separate room, there are accepted standards for lighting, microclimate and drinking water.

Veterinarians will need a specialist certificate obtained from the Union of Animal Business Enterprises. And to sell pets you need:

  1. Obtain a veterinary certificate No. 4 - issued at any clinic.
  2. Pass inspection of the sanitary and epidemiological station, veterinary and fire service.

After sending all the documents to the authorities, a commission comes to the pet store, with a check in accordance with the State Standard. The tax regime is UTII (single tax on imputed income). After official registration, you can safely open a store and start trading.

According to Russian law, it is forbidden to sell animals to children without the presence of parents and to people in a state of intoxication.

Necessary PR for business

The business does not require special advertising. A bright sign and posting ads in places where potential customers pass (veterinary pharmacies, parks for walking dogs, zoo exhibitions) are enough. A pet store with a small area should have a special feature to attract customers: exotic animals or interesting interior details. A person will stop by to look at an overseas iguana sitting in an ultra-modern terrarium with lights, and buy branded cat food. Small promotions will help promote the store. Even the usual cleaning of a large aquarium turns into an interesting mini-presentation. For regular customers, when buying pet products, you need to introduce discounts and storage cards. At the opening of the pet store, you can give out small gifts and flyers. It is necessary to create a pleasant atmosphere in the pet store (music, helpful staff, beautiful design of pet supplies, etc.). Then the visitor will definitely come back.

Own staff

According to the law, a pet store must have a veterinarian capable of independently issuing goods and accepting four-legged patients in the store.
Two shifts of salesmen will be required - two people per shift. The seller must understand the range of goods and be able to give advice to the buyer. It is proved that the buyer is ready to overpay for products with good service. It is better to pay sellers a fixed salary and additional interest. It is good if the director independently deals with the sale of pet products - he will always be aware of the best-selling goods and customer complaints. Also, the pet store will definitely need a cleaning lady.

Features of a business idea

Instead of the usual pet store, you can establish an online store. It is easier to open it than usual, but taxation cannot be avoided. There are only two types of taxes for online trading:

  1. USN (simplified taxation system) - is used for stores with a turnover not exceeding 45 million rubles for nine months.
  2. DOS (common system).

Delivery of goods from pet stores will attract additional customers, which means more profit.
It is better to buy products in large regional centers. Delivery of pet supplies to the store should be carried out only from trusted sources and purchased from honest suppliers. The entrepreneur necessarily checks the goods for quality and expiration date. All pet care products, toys and accessories must be certified. Animals for sale are taken in nurseries or from hands. Additionally, you can conclude an agreement with suppliers. A profitable business is possible only if there is a large assortment, experienced staff and a flexible system of discounts.

Opening a pet store has its own specifics. The list of documents is different from what is required to start a regular retail outlet. In the article, we will figure out how to collect a complete package of documents and arrange a business correctly.

What documents are needed to open a pet store: we make a list

The first thing to do - register a pet goods store as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. The choice of the form of activity depends on the scale of the business. For a department in a shopping center or a small stationary store, it is enough to issue an IP, if you plan to open a larger outlet, choose an LLC.

Choose the OKVED code

For both forms of activity, you will need to specify OKVED codes. Choose the codes you need based on the assortment of the outlet. According to the latest updates of the classifier, the following will do:

  • 47.76.2 Retail sale of pets and pet food in specialized stores
  • 46.11 Activities of agents in the wholesale trade of agricultural raw materials, live animals, textile raw materials and semi-finished products
  • 46.19 Activities of wholesalers of general goods
  • 46.21 Wholesale of grain, raw tobacco, seeds and feed for farm animals
  • 47.19 Other retail sale in non-specialized stores
  • 47.73 Retail sale of medicines in specialized stores (pharmacies)
  • 47.74 Retail sale of articles used for medical purposes, orthopedic articles in specialized stores
  • 47.78 Other retail sale in specialized stores
  • 47.89 Retail sale in non-stationary trade facilities and markets of other goods
  • 47.91 Retail sale by mail or via the Internet

We issue additional permits and licenses

You have registered your business. In order for trading activity to be legal, it is necessary to obtain a number of documents. The specific list depends on the products presented in the store.

  • If you sell pet medicines, flea collars and medicated food, you will need a pharmaceutical license.
  • To sell animals, you will need a veterinary certificate and other permits issued by the State Veterinary Administration (local authority).
  • Permission from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station and the Fire Department.
  • A patent from the licensing chamber is not needed for this type of activity.

How to choose a store space

The main thing here is the location. It is good if the room is located near the metro, there are residential buildings nearby. A great option - on the ground floor of a residential building or in a visited shopping center. With the right advertising and a good range of products, you can earn the trust of pet owners and develop a customer base.

The area of ​​the premises for a pet shop must be at least 50 - 70 m². If you do not plan to rent a warehouse separately, you will need additional space for storing goods (10 - 20 m²).

When selling animals, you will need a room of 150 m². So you can divide it into zones: food, medicine, related products and aviaries and aquariums.

How much does it cost to open a pet store from scratch: approximate calculations

  • Paperwork
  • Room rental and renovation
  • Purchase of equipment and showcases
  • Purchase of goods. If he plans to sell animals - also for their maintenance
  • Employee salaries
  • advertising

On average, at the initial stage, 2'000'000 - 3'000'000 ₽ will be required. If you plan to create a website and promote it in search engines, the costs will be higher.