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What services can be added to stretch ceilings. Stretch ceilings are a profitable business idea. Varieties of stretch ceilings

In this article:

Stretch structures are a modern, high-quality and fast way of ceiling finishing, which attracts more and more potential consumers every year. They are in demand both for apartments and houses, and in non-residential premises (offices, shops, bars, nightclubs).

Overview section

The production of stretch ceilings includes the following list of works:

  • measurements and design of the ceiling;
  • production of ceiling cloths;
  • installation and installation of the finished structure.

Many people confuse the production of stretch ceilings with the production of fabric for them (PVC film or fabric base impregnated with polyurethane). Let's define the concepts: film production And ceiling production These are two different technological processes. Film manufacturers are not involved in the production of ceilings, they act as suppliers of raw materials for manufacturers of tension structures.

Advantages of stretch ceilings over other types of ceiling finishes:

1) durability- the minimum warranty period is about 10 years, during which you can forget about cosmetic repairs;

2) moisture resistance. Stretch ceilings are not afraid of bays - even if the canvas is deformed under the weight of water, it is enough to unscrew the light bulbs, draining the water.

The ceiling will dry out and take on its former “marketable” appearance;

3) quick installation, which does not require global preparations, washing off whitewash, leveling ceilings, "dirty" finishing work, etc. Literally in an hour or two of work, a new, even and beautiful ceiling will appear in the apartment;

4) versatility. A wide selection of colors and textures allow such ceilings to perfectly complement any, even the most extravagant interior;

5) hygiene. Stretch ceilings are made of antistatic material, on which household dust practically does not settle. If necessary, the ceilings can be washed with a soft cloth using detergents. Given all the undeniable advantages, it is not surprising that in the building materials market, the production of stretch ceilings is becoming more and more in demand every year, and demand is still far from being saturated. Therefore, the production of stretch ceilings is a very promising and interesting idea for small and medium-sized businesses.

Organizational moments

To organize the production of stretch ceilings, it will be quite enough to register as an individual entrepreneur on a simplified taxation system.

It makes no sense to register a legal entity, since there are more taxes, and for the end consumer (the same private entrepreneurs or individuals) in this case, the form of ownership you have chosen will not matter. However, if you want to insure yourself against losses (in case of bankruptcy, individual entrepreneurs risk all their property, and LLC only part of the investment in the authorized capital), you can become the founder of a legal entity.

Whatever form of ownership you choose, the following OKVED codes must be indicated in the registration documents:

  • 25.23 Manufacture of plastic products used in construction; - 52.46.7 Retail sale of building materials not included in other groups; Well, just in case:
  • 52.61 Retail sale by order.

A license for the production of ceilings is not required. But it is better to conclude a cooperation agreement with manufacturing companies and be sure to obtain certificates for all products (materials must have a certificate of conformity, a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion, and ideally a quality certificate of European standards ISO 9001-96).

Stretch ceiling market analysis

The production of stretch ceilings is not a new business, so the competition will be significant. A newcomer who wants to gain a foothold in this market must think in advance of a tool to attract customers. The most profitable options are a lower price than competitors, a wide range of products and a reliable reputation.

Film production does not stand still, glossy, satin, matte ceilings have long been known to the consumer, so the main thing that buyers are guided by is cost. But setting landslide-low prices is not an option, so you can scare off customers (cheap means poor quality). It is much more efficient to make a free service or related services paid by competitors (measurements, screwing in additional light bulbs, etc.).

Production should start from the most popular materials - matte and glossy PVC film, of course, with a wide selection of shades of all colors of the rainbow. As a result, it is worth considering the option of applying images to the film using a photo printer, creating original design solutions using LEDs (for example, ceilings a la "starry sky").

One of the most effective ways to attract customers is to build a reputation as a reliable supplier through advertising from construction teams and building materials companies that can become your dealers. To do this, it is worth concluding a contract with a team of installers (or better, with several) for the installation of finished ceilings.

You will be able to save on salaries and taxes for permanent workers, and builders will advise your firm on their sites. Through the mediation of dealers, income will be lower, but sales volumes will be higher than with independent sales.

At the initial stage, it is worth considering all marketing options.

Premises selection

It will require not only a room for production, but also an office where samples of materials, catalogs with proposals and exemplary versions will be exhibited. Ideally, it can be one room, divided into two zones - exhibition and production.

The office will accept orders, select the form and material, and carry out financial calculations. It is desirable that the office be located in a place with high traffic, accessible to potential customers (in the center, near construction markets, supermarkets). The premises for the office can be selected in the minimum size - 10-15 m 2 will be enough.

For a production facility, 50-70 m 2 will be needed, the main requirement is a good ventilation system, availability of heating, electricity connection 380 V. The temperature regime in the room is +15-+25.

Materials for the production of stretch ceilings

Which supplier to choose? The main thing here is to find the golden mean between price and quality. Estimate your potential customer and his income. Analyze the assortment, prices and offers of competitors.

In the market of manufacturers of materials for stretch ceilings, European manufacturers are leading: French, Belgian and German films (they are also the most expensive).

Our people are traditionally skeptical about domestic production. Less confidence is enjoyed only by goods from the Middle Kingdom. But in fact, you can pick up high-quality material made according to European standards and technologies, both from ours and from Chinese manufacturers, which is in no way inferior in quality to the advertised trademarks. Therefore, it is a good idea to conclude a supply agreement with several manufacturers at once in order to expand the price range of the offered range from affordable to premium. But it all depends on the amount of investment that you are willing to invest in this project.

Materials needed to start production:

  • PVC film, PVC baguette, insert, harpoon;
  • metal corner, chipboard;
  • spunbond No. 17;
  • vilaterm (diameter 40);
  • electric cardboard (pressboard) for welding on the machine;
  • for packaging: cardboard boxes, bubble wrap, adhesive tape.

The estimated cost of purchasing the materials necessary to start production is from 100,000 rubles.

Necessary equipment for the workshop for the production of stretch ceilings

Equipment for the production of:

  • two-station high-frequency machine (for welding with high-frequency current) - 365,000 rubles;
  • air compressor for pneumatic operation (reservoir 50-100l) - 20,000 rubles;
  • electrical equipment (cables, automatic machines, etc.) - 15,000 rubles;
  • staff training + program for cutting stretch ceilings - 30,000 rubles.

Two-station HDTV machine

Workshop equipment:

  • 2 tables for cutting;
  • film storage racks.
  • 2 tables for film supply to the machine;

Film storage racks

The estimated cost of such a configuration is 80,000 rubles.

Office equipment:

  • exhibition stand with product catalogs;
  • table, chairs;
  • computer, printer, telephone/fax;
  • stationery, etc.

Office equipment will require 56,000 rubles.

In total, for the equipment of the premises, production + office will be needed: 566,000 rubles.

Technological process for the production of stretch ceilings

According to pre-made measurements, a pattern of the canvas is made. The pattern drawing is formed in a special computer program. A cutting specialist prepares all the components of the future ceiling, cutting the canvas exactly according to the drawing. The standard width of a roll of German PVC film is 1.3-1.8 m, if the ceiling design provides for a large area, soldering of the cut pieces will be required.

2) Seam welding

With the help of high-frequency welding, the seam turns out to be inconspicuous and strong; it is practically invisible on a matte film. The pattern is placed on the lower press of the welding surface of the electrodes. At the moment of lowering the upper press with the electrode strip, the HDTV generator starts, a working capacitor is formed between the electrodes. Under the influence of high-frequency energy, the thermoplastic material instantly heats up from the inside, the molecular composition of tissues becomes mobile, transforming two cuts into a monolithic whole.

At the end of welding, the generator turns off, the film cools instantly under pressure, after which the top plate rises. The strongest seams are achieved with a short welding cycle (soldering time of 2-3 seconds), for which a powerful generator must be used.

3) Welding the harpoon

The harpoon is a flexible plate made of hard plastic, with a special lock around the perimeter of the film, which is inserted into the baguette and allows the ceiling structure to be securely fastened. With the help of a harpoon installation, it is possible, if necessary, to disassemble the ceiling (for example, in case of a strong bay or to connect an LED system). Using a HDTV machine, the harpoon is welded to the edge of the film web.

4) Quality control and packaging

All seams after soldering are checked manually. The film is interlaid with a special air-bubble film to avoid deformation during transportation and packed.

We draw up a business plan for the production of stretch ceilings

The productivity of a two-station HDTV machine (with an 8-hour working day, 22 days a month) is 3750 m 2 / month.

Selling price for dealers - 200 rubles / m 2 (70% of output - 525,500 rubles)

The selling price for the end consumer is 600 rubles / m 2, minus the services of a hired team of installers - 450 rubles / m 2 (30% of output - 506,250 rubles).

Total income: 1,031,250 rubles / month.

Expenditure part:

Calculation of the cost of 1 m 2

For the manufacture of 1 m 2 of a stretch ceiling from a German Lackfoile PVC film:

  • PVC film - 1.06 linear meters meter * 50 rubles = 53 rubles.
  • PVC baguette - 1 rm. meter*20 rub=20 rub.
  • insert - 1 lin. meter * 8 rubles = 8 rubles.
  • harpoon - 0.7 linear meters meter * 7 rubles = 4.9 rubles.
  • rent + utilities (the amount is divided by the monthly productivity of the machine) - 40,000 rubles / 3750 \u003d 10.67 rubles.
  • salary (manager in the office and 2 workers) 35,000 rubles / 3750 \u003d 9.33 rubles.
  • packaging material - 1.8 rubles.
  • lining for the film - 3.1 rubles.

In total, the cost of 1 m 2 of stretch ceiling is 110.8 rubles.

USN tax: 1,031,250 rubles * 6% = 61,875 rubles / month.

Profit for the month will be: 1,031,250 rubles. - 415,500 rubles. - 61,875 rubles. = 553 875 rubles

To start a business you will need:

  • purchase of materials for the production of 3750 m 2 of film: 340,500 rubles.
  • machines and equipment for the office and industrial premises: 566,000 rubles.
  • documentation costs - 20,000 rubles
  • rent of premises of 70 m 2 (50 m 2 - production, 20 m 2 - office) - 30,000 rubles.

Total: 956,500 rubles.

When loading the working line 8 hours 22 working days per week and with a capacity of 3750 m 2 /month, the cost of opening production will pay off in 2 months.

Of course, such predictions are highly arbitrary. As practice shows, it is more realistic to count on a payback period of 6 months. However, everything depends on sales and production organization: the larger the dealer network and consumer demand, the greater the production load (two-shift work, etc.) with a corresponding increase in profits.

A business idea for the installation of stretch ceilings can be implemented without a large start-up capital, even by two like-minded people. By itself, the installation of a stretch ceiling is not a laborious task and does not require complex skills. Therefore, it is possible to engage in this business at any age.

What is a stretch ceiling?

Stretch ceiling is a vinyl PVC film made using a special technology that can withstand a pressure of 100 liters of water per square meter.

Such a film is fixed on a special frame attached to the wall. The ceiling can be made of any shape and size, it will fit into any interior. To date, a stretch ceiling is the best and most affordable design element for the middle class.

Prices for stretch ceilings.

The cost of a stretch ceiling varies depending on the manufacturer and the surface of the PVC film. The cheapest ceilings are a film of a Russian manufacturer with a matte surface, from 300 rubles. per m2. Average cost, films of European manufacturers - France, Germany, Italy, from 700 rubles. per m2.

Dear, these are stretch ceilings with photo printing, on which any picture can be applied, the price is about 2500 rubles. m2.

Stretch ceiling installation prices.

Prices and installation of stretch ceilings also vary depending on the scope of work and usually have a minimum order limit, usually 6000 rubles. For example, the following prices can be given:
Area from 20 m2 - from 300 rubles.
from 15 to 20 m2 - from 400 rubles.
from 10 to 15 m2 - from 600 rubles.
from 5 to 15 m2 - from 750 rubles.
less than 5 m2 - from 900 rubles.

The final cost for the installation of a stretch ceiling is always calculated separately, after the estimates of the master measurer, who travels for measurements absolutely free of charge.

The number of bypasses that need to be done during installation is taken into account. Also, the height of the ceilings, if the ceiling is higher than 3.2 meters, immediately plus 15% of the installation cost. If drilling on tiles is required, then another 300 rubles. per running metre.

Additional profit during the installation of a stretch ceiling can be obtained from laying electrical cables, installing lighting fixtures (chandeliers, recessed lamps), additional drilling and other additional work.

Stretch ceiling installation technology.

Installation of a stretch ceiling is quite simple and resembles . All work performed does not leave behind any debris, which is very important for your customers. Before installation, it is required to draw a place on the wall for attaching the frame, indenting from the lowest point of the ceiling.

Why from the bottom? Because all the ceilings in any apartment are uneven. If you want to leave a margin for recessed lighting fixtures. Next, the frame is drilled to the wall with self-tapping screws in increments of 8 centimeters. After that, it is necessary to heat the room to a temperature of 40 degrees; for this, a gas gun with a cylinder up to 30 liters (safety) is used.
After heating the room in one of the corners, we fix the vinyl PVC film, stretch it to the opposite, then fix it in other corners in the same sequence.
After that, every 8 centimeters we fix the film in a pre-screwed frame, using a special spatula. During installation, it is required to warm the film up to about 60 degrees, using an industrial hair dryer.

The biggest difficulty in installing stretch ceilings is the manufacture of bypasses, especially in many apartments in which the battery pipes go into the ceiling. The skill will come with experience. The installation of the ceiling itself takes from 2 to 3 hours.

Organization of business on stretch ceilings.

1) Organize work through construction companies that build new housing, but connections are needed here. Recently, stretch ceilings are often made in new apartments, because it is even faster and more profitable.

2) Cooperation with designers. Designers themselves are interested in your proposals, if you are not ahead of competitors.

3) Active search for clients in new buildings. Walking around and calling new clients.

In this business, active sales will work well, if you are ready to search for customers, then, unlike competitors, you will take a good place in this business.
It can be added that if you work in these three areas, then you will not need to rent an office. You can start working together with a partner, if necessary, hire a couple more people. Over time, you yourself will move away from the installation and will look for clients and solve organizational issues, perhaps you will already have your own office and your own secretary. Good luck!

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This article will tell you how to organize an enterprise for the production of stretch ceilings and what is needed for their production.

The fact that the preparation of a business plan is an obligatory step when starting a new business does not need to be explained to anyone.

A detailed market analysis, calculation of income and expenses, development of a step-by-step strategy - all this must be detailed. But you shouldn't limit yourself to just that.

Since the construction market and all services on it have a high level of competition, it is necessary to provide for ways to separate from the ranks of identical companies.

What it will be: an additional set of free services or low prices for fittings - it's up to you, but you definitely need to lay down expenses for specific marketing promotion.

Registration of the enterprise

Like any type of business, the production of stretch ceilings must be formalized. It is not required to obtain special licenses and permits for this type of activity, but you will have to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC with the tax office.

Individual entrepreneurship, at the initial stage, is preferable, as it requires less tax costs and has an easy form of documentation and reporting.

Selection of premises and staff

For a manufacturing enterprise, an office is required. It is required for communication with customers and for placing product samples. The room may be small - about 15 square meters, but it is desirable that it be in an accessible and crowded place.

Production room

The production room will require large volumes and the mandatory availability of appropriate communications: three-phase power supply 380W, ventilation and uniform temperature conditions. The workshop for the manufacture and storage of products must have an area of ​​​​at least 60-70 sq. m.

Staff for work

The manufacturing business requires specialists in different areas:

  • 1-2 cutters-welders - for cutting and working with canvases in the workshop;
  • 1-2 installers - to install finished ceilings;
  • specialist designer - a professional who understands the program for creating drawings of stretch ceilings;
  • secretary-manager for work with clients and suppliers;
  • accountant, driver - can be hired under a contract on a temporary basis.
Equipment for the production of stretch ceilings

Stretch ceilings are manufactured using special machines that glue parts of the working material in accordance with the drawings developed for the order.

A high-quality new HDTV machine, which guarantees an ideal and imperceptible soldering of seams, costs about 400 thousand rubles, and a used one can be purchased for 250 thousand rubles.

In addition to the machine, the workshop must have a compressor and a set of electrical equipment (machines, cables, etc.). To store the material, as well as its cutting and feeding to the machine, you need: racks, two cutting tables and a couple of workers.

To create accurate drawings, a computer with a special program is required: CeilingCalc, DEXCeil or Saros Designer.

Production technology

The production of stretch ceilings from the finished film is not difficult, and its technology includes three stages:

  • Cutting the material according to the drawings.
  • Welding of individual elements into a single whole using a HDTV machine.
  • Welding along the edge of the ceiling of a special harpoon - a flexible polymer plate, which serves for the subsequent fastening of the product to the baguette.

After production, the finished ceilings are packed, layered with a special air-bubble material, and sent to the installation.

Business features

When opening a business for the production of stretch ceilings, you need to take into account many specific nuances. Here are just a few of them:

  • Russian consumers prefer products made from materials from European manufacturers (Germany, France, Italy), being suspicious of the products of domestic and Chinese firms.
  • It is not worth excluding the products of Russian companies from catalogs, since the quality of their materials practically does not differ from imported analogues. An attractive price and the right marketing approach to customers will allow us to successfully work with Russian materials.
  • profitability calculation

    In order to determine whether it is profitable or not to engage in the production of stretch ceilings, we will carry out small calculations.

    The cost of organizing the production of stretch ceilings
    • Business registration and advertising campaign - 30 thousand rubles
    • Procurement and acquisition of the program - 500-550 thousand rubles.
    • Office decoration and equipment - 20-40 thousand rubles.
    Monthly expenses
    • Rent of premises for an office 8-14 thousand rubles. and under the workshop 20-25t.r., a total of about 40 thousand rubles.
    • Salary, taxes - 120-160 thousand rubles.
    • Advertising - 10-15 thousand rubles.

    Based on the fact that the productivity of one HDTV machine is 3750 sq. m. per month, the cost of 1 sq.m. the ceiling is 115 rubles, and the selling price is from 200 rubles. (dealers) up to 500 rubles. (to end consumers) - net production income can range from 350 thousand rubles to 1.4 million rubles.

    The presented calculations show that stretch ceilings are a very profitable type of business. The cost of equipment and organization will pay off in 2-3 months, and the profitability of production can be significantly increased by expanding volumes and attracting new customers.

    If you are involved in construction and are thinking of starting your own business, stretch ceilings are what you need, because the demand for them is only increasing.

    ♦ Capital investments – 110,000 rubles.
    ♦ Payback – 4–8 months.

    Today, even the oldest and most neglected building can be turned into a masterpiece, because there are building materials of amazing quality, easy to use and not too expensive.

    These include stretch ceilings, which appeared on the market relatively recently, but have already managed to become one of the favorite materials for both professional builders and ordinary consumers.

    If you are involved in construction and are thinking of starting your own business, stretch ceilings are what you need.

    Starting this startup does not require large capital investments, it is easy to learn how to work with these materials, and the demand for them is increasing every day.

    Two types of business "stretch ceilings"

    If you decide to launch a startup, somehow connected with stretch ceilings, you should know that you can develop your business in two directions:

  • Production of stretch ceilings.
    Until recently, construction teams, when installing stretch ceilings in their homes and offices, used foreign materials.
    Today in Russia there are enterprises that manufacture stretch ceilings.
    If you want to try your luck in this business too, now is the time to do it before the competition gets too much.
  • Installation of stretch ceilings.
    If you and a team of like-minded people are building houses from scratch or renovating ready-made ones, but have been experiencing difficulties lately, you can narrow your field of activity and start a new business: installing stretch ceilings.
  • Both businesses are possible to launch in our country, but we will talk about the second type of entrepreneurial activity.

    Installing stretch ceilings is a simpler and more cost-effective startup that does not require a huge start-up capital to start.

    In addition, it takes very little time to open such a business.

    Business advantages and disadvantages: stretch ceilings

    Regardless of what kind of business you decide to do, it is imperative to analyze all its pros and cons in order to make an informed decision.

    The main advantages of the Stretch Ceilings business are that:

    • this startup does not require huge capital investments to launch, especially if you have previously been engaged in repair and construction work and have a minimum supply of tools and workwear;
    • the installation system of stretch ceilings is easy to master even for a beginner;
    • you don’t have to hire a lot of people or buy expensive equipment to do this business;
    • the most effective ways to advertise stretch ceilings as a business are word of mouth, the Internet and newspapers, which do not require large financial investments;
    • you won’t have to spend money on office rent, because you will work on the client’s territory, and you can keep tools and workwear at home.

    Perhaps the main disadvantage of this startup is the high level of competition, so you should find out if you can join this business, after all, many installation teams offer to install stretch ceilings.

    On the other hand, competition appears where there is high demand, so if you are a good specialist in this area and have a good supplier of materials, then start acting.

    Advertising campaign for stretch ceilings as a business

    Note information:
    The guaranteed service life of stretch ceilings is over 10 years. But in practice they serve for more than one decade, ceiling materials are very durable.

    Since your revenue directly depends on how many square meters of stretch ceilings you install per month, you need to actively develop your client base, especially at the beginning of opening this business.

    • flyers and leaflets that can be distributed in high traffic areas, such as near the market, metro stations, shopping centers, etc.;
    • outdoor advertising in public transport and on special stands;
    • advertisements in newspapers, especially those that are distributed free of charge and inform the inhabitants of the city about everything they need;
    • Internet - Yandex.Direct, ads on thematic sites, communication on city forums and social networks.

    If you do not overcharge and do your job conscientiously, then your satisfied customers will advertise you and the number of orders will begin to increase without visible effort and separate investment in advertising on your part.

    But you can’t rely only on word of mouth, you need to insure your business in other ways of advertising.

    Business "stretch ceilings": calendar plan

    Speaking about the advantages of this type of entrepreneurial activity, it is impossible not to point out that it takes very little time to open it.

    Stretch ceilings as a business - a project that can be launched in 2-3 months after the idea arises.

    This is exactly how long it will take you to legally formalize your business, advertise it, purchase tools, build relationships with suppliers and find your first customers.

    Therefore, if you want to start making money installing stretch ceilings as quickly as possible, then this startup will suit you completely.

    Stage Jan Feb Mar
    Purchase of equipment
    Hiring an installation team
    Startup launch
    Registering a business In order to understand whether you have this business or not, you can start installing stretch ceilings without any legal delays at all.

    Found the first client → took the order → completed the work → received the money.

    It is according to this scheme that many repair and construction teams work in our country.

    If you do not want to deceive the state and want to do everything according to the law, then you should register as an individual entrepreneur, deleting all questions with the Tax and Pension Fund.

    The most convenient and profitable form of taxation for business on stretch ceilings is UTII.

    Since you don’t have to have your own office at all, then, firstly, you can save a lot on rent, and secondly, you won’t have to deal with the Fire Service, SES and other government agencies.

    Stretch Ceiling Installation Equipment In order to fully operate a stretch ceiling installation business, you will need to purchase both standard construction tools and specialized equipment.

    The amount of equipment is calculated depending on how many installation teams work under your supervision.

    Some entrepreneurs are looking for an installation team that works on their equipment, but such a scheme has too many disadvantages:

    • your income as a partner of the installation team will be much less than as an employer who issues equipment to specialists;
    • if you have an industrial conflict, then you will lose not only specialists, but also equipment and will be forced to start a business from scratch;
    • it is very difficult to find such people for cooperation, because installation teams, having all the necessary tools, prefer to work without intermediaries.

    To start a stretch ceiling business, you need to purchase the following tool for one installation team:

    Item of expenses Quantity Cost (in rubles) Total amount (in rubles)Total: 80,000 rubles.
    Conventional and laser roulette
    1 1 000 1 000
    1 8 000 8 000
    2 3 000 6 000
    Electric jigsaw
    1 3 000 3 000
    cutting machine
    1 8 000 8 000
    Heat machine for heating material
    1 15 000 15 000
    gas cylinder
    1 1 000 1 000
    1 3 000 3 000

    2 3 000 6 000
    household hair dryer
    1 2 000 2 000
    miter saw
    1 4 000 4 000
    2 1 500 3 000
    Hydraulic level
    1 1 000 1 000
    A set of small tools (rasps, shovels, knives, hangers, etc.)
    7 000 7 000
    1 1 000 1 000
    Other 11 000 11 000

    But you don't have to buy a company car.

    The installation team may well use their own transport if you compensate them for the cost of gasoline.

    Business Consumables

    Not a single client will independently look for materials for you to install a stretch ceiling for him.

    Your installation team should come with their samples, offer different options, measure the room and, based on the choice of the client, place an order with the manufacturer.

    There are two types of stretch ceilings depending on the materials from which they are made:

    • tissue;
    • from PVC film.

    Most customers order PVC film ceilings because it:

    • relatively cheap;
    • varied decorative range.

    Wholesale price 1 sq. a meter of PVC film varies from 150 to 1,000 rubles, depending on the manufacturer and the quality of the material.

    In any case, get ready for the fact that 25-30% of the cost of the order will be spent on materials.

    The staff of the company that installs stretch ceilings

    Much in this business depends on what role you are going to play.

    If you are a professional builder, you will have to hire an administrator who would deal with negotiations with clients, advertising your business and other administrative issues, and a partner with whom you will do the installation.

    If you take on accounting and administrative functions, then look for people who will be directly involved in the installation.

    Let's say you are going to implement the second scenario and for starters you decide to launch a small startup with one installation team of two people.

    Apart from these workers, no one else needs to be hired.

    It is better to pay them not a specific rate, but a percentage of each order.

    Also, your profit will be in % of each order.

    You can run your business from home.

    How much does it cost to open a business like installing stretch ceilings?

    As already mentioned, this business is one of those that do not require large investments at the start.

    In fact, the main thing you need to spend money on is the purchase of tools and special equipment.

    Everything else will cost mere pennies compared to other types of entrepreneurial activity. Having 100,000 rubles, it is quite possible to start a business on stretch ceilings.

    Monthly maintenance of your business will also be inexpensive.

    Of course, you will have to pay taxes and spend money on mobile communications, the Internet, refueling a car, etc., but these expenses will be relatively small and cost a maximum of 20,000 rubles:

    How to find and retain customers interested in stretch ceilings,

    see in the video:

    Potential business income for the installation of stretch ceilings

    The cost of installing tension threads can be different and varies from 400 to 3,000 rubles per square meter.

    Let's take the average cost of installation of one square meter for the regions of Russia: 800 rubles.

    Installing a stretch ceiling in a room of 30 sq.m. will cost the customer 24,000 rubles.

    From this amount, you need to subtract 25% (6,000 rubles) - the cost of materials, 30% (7,200) - payment for the work of the installation team.

    That is, you are left with 10,800 dirty profits for one completed order.

    Let's say that your installation team completes 10 orders per month for the amount of 24,000 rubles each.

    Your profit will be 10,800.

    If you subtract from this amount 20,000 rubles for maintaining the business, then you will be left with 88,000 rubles of net profit, that is, after a month and a half of successful work, you will be able to fully return the capital investment.

    Of course, this business is not so simple: not everyone needs stretch ceilings and not always.

    To reach the indicators indicated in the business plan, you will have to create a reputation for your company and acquire regular customers.

    But, looking at the calculations, you can see that this startup can be turned into a gold mine if you organize the work correctly and find good specialists.

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    The sphere of repair and decoration of premises is one of the most widespread in the modern world. People want to live in comfortable and beautiful houses and are ready to spend a lot of money on repairs and decoration. The manufacture of stretch ceilings has gained considerable popularity in Russia. A few years ago there were only imported products on the market, today there are many domestic brands. To establish the production of film, financial investments will be required, the costs will be quite small for construction. Our business plan for the production of stretch ceilings will help you organize your business properly so that in the future it brings a decent income.

    Project Summary

    The film production shop should bring in money. And for this, it is necessary to establish the production of competitive products and constantly improve technologies. The objectives of this case are as follows:

    • Establishment of uninterrupted production of modern stretch ceilings.
    • Development of a unique product line.
    • Formation of a team of professionals in their field and the opening of their own installation department in the near future.
    • Increasing the production capacity of the enterprise and expanding the workshop in the future.

    A business plan for the production of stretch ceilings with calculations allows you to see how much money you need to start up and what profitability is expected.


    For the production of ceilings, the status of an individual entrepreneur is suitable. No special licenses or permits are required. The only thing is that it is desirable to obtain certificates for manufactured products. Certified production is more attractive to consumers and installation teams, with whom we will work at the first stage.

    In addition, permits from the fire inspection and the sanitary and epidemiological station must be obtained for the workshop premises. If the landlord does not have them, you will have to obtain them yourself.

    You need to specify the following OKVED codes: 22.23 "Production of plastic products used in construction." Since the installation direction will be opened in the future, we immediately indicate 43.32.3 "Production of work on the interior decoration of buildings (including ceilings, sliding and removable partitions)".

    As a result, we get an amount of about 100 thousand rubles.

    Premises for rent

    It is necessary to look for a room outside the city, where the rent will be several times lower than in the central part of the city. The production workshop must have an area of ​​​​50 square meters and a 3-phase electrical network supply with a voltage of 380 V.

    An uninterrupted ventilation system and high-quality plumbing are important. For rent per month will have to pay about 40 thousand rubles. As for the location, convenient access roads should be provided for the territory.

    The room is divided into zones. The largest area is reserved for the production workshop. You will also need space for a small showroom where you can receive wholesale customers. We need a warehouse for raw materials and a place for workers to rest.

    Preparing the premises will require another 350 thousand rubles.

    Purchase of materials and equipment

    Particular attention is paid to the purchase of equipment, because the success of the business depends entirely on its quality and performance. Its quantity depends on the planned scale of production. We will give a calculation of the required minimum for the operation of such a business.

    In total, the equipment will cost 430 thousand rubles. This figure should be supplemented with money that will be spent on raw materials. It is necessary to purchase PVC film, the cost of which is from 50 to 2000 rubles per square meter. At the first stage, 70 thousand rubles will be allocated for these purposes.


    There are two formats of work: only production or production with an assembly department. In our case, only the first option is assumed at the first stage, since large investments in advertising are required to ensure the work of installers. It is planned to establish mutually beneficial cooperation with several private assembly teams, which will themselves provide production with orders.

    If the entrepreneur himself studies the technology, there are no special requirements for the education and experience of employees. The production will be automated, the personnel will only need to be attentive and have minimal knowledge of working with the equipment. When the machines break down, the setup specialist will be brought in from outside. If the production will work in one shift, then it will be enough to take three people. The salary of each will be 15 thousand rubles, and the entire wage fund will turn out to be 45 thousand rubles + payments to the funds.

    Advertising and marketing

    The main promotion channel is working with assembly teams. They themselves are looking for customers and give you orders. To provide themselves with orders completely, there must be at least ten teams. The main requirements for you:

    • A wide range of films and fabrics.
    • Having a certificate.
    • Competitive prices.
    • Any other benefits that will help you stand out (unique textures and colors, more comfortable placement, etc.).

    For efficient work, it is planned to print product catalogs that measurers will show to customers. High-quality photos, clear cost calculations, 100% relevance of the offer are important. 15 thousand rubles are allocated for these purposes.

    Income and expenses Start-up injections

    Calculate how much money will be needed to launch the project

    Thus, you need to have at least 1.3 million rubles to start a business in this segment.

    Monthly expenses

    Every month, the entrepreneur will have to pay for the following needs:

    It turns out 100 thousand rubles. This amount does not include the cost of materials, which make up about 20% of revenue.


    The monthly productivity of the selected machine is 3750 square meters. meters of canvas. In the high season, it will be loaded up to 100% per month, in the low season - no more than 15%. If 1 finished sq. m for brigades will cost, on average, 200 rubles, then we will get 750 thousand rubles. Taking into account the cost of material, about 600 thousand rubles will remain. Subtracting monthly costs and taxes, we get a profitability of about 400 thousand rubles per month.

    However, taking into account seasonality, the weighted average profit for the year will not exceed 200 thousand rubles. Profitability in this scenario will be 200%.


    Stretch ceilings are in steady demand, which, according to experts, will definitely not subside in the coming years. Having engaged in the production of this film material, you can focus on the long term, expand product lines and introduce technological innovations. Only in this case, you can stay in this segment for a long time and be successful. This business plan for the production of stretch ceilings with calculations will help you deal with financial issues. This is a good example of such an enterprise.