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Business plan retail trade of household goods. How to open a hardware store from scratch. Step by step to income from the sale of household goods

Many people think that the hardware store is a relic of the past. But actually it is not. Such stores are still popular, especially in small towns. In megacities, hardware stores have evolved into construction supermarkets, but even here there are small shops with everything you need in sleeping areas and near public transport stops. Let's see - is it profitable to keep such a store?

Total information

What is usually sold in household goods? Everything you might need in your home. These are various household chemicals, dishes, utensils, building materials, garden tools, tools and much more.

In the hardware store you can buy everything you need for the house and garden

In good stores you can always find a lot of useful things for the home. The range may be limited only by the size of the room. A classic household goods store has an area of ​​50 m2 and is divided into a sales area, a warehouse and a utility room for staff.

How to register

Let's figure out how to open a hardware store from scratch in my city. In order to officially register your business, you should contact the nearest tax office. You can choose one of the following forms of doing business:

  1. Sole Proprietorship (Preferred).
  2. Limited Liability Company.

You will also need to choose a taxation system (UTII, STS).

Note:when registering, try to indicate the maximum number of OKVED codes - this will give you the opportunity to expand the range without any problems.

Be sure to register the following codes:

  1. 52.44.2 - retail trade in household goods.
  2. 52.46.6 - retail sale of gardening and garden tools.
  3. 52.48.31 - sale of soap, shampoos, hair sprays, washing powders, bleaches, wallpaper and linoleum.
  4. 52.47.3 - trade in stationery.
  5. 52.48.39 - other non-food products.
  6. 52.42.6 - tights, socks, stockings.

How to choose a room

You can choose a separate building for a store, or rent part of an existing one. It is best to open stores in residential areas - people will buy the tools they need, powder and toilet paper not in the center, but close to home. You can open a similar department in a grocery supermarket.

It is better to open a household goods store in a small town and the private sector

Trade can be conducted in two ways - from closed counters and from open ones (as in a supermarket). The second option raises sales by 20-30%, but you will need to spend money on video surveillance. You can also lay out large goods for free access, and put any small things in the windows. This will save you from theft and improve the sale.

Necessary equipment

You will need some sturdy shelving and display cases to display your merchandise. They can be placed around the perimeter or force the entire area with parallel shelving. The cash register can be placed at the exit (if you have a supermarket system) or near one of the walls of the store in classic work. You will also need shelving for the warehouse and various cabinets with drawers.

Who will be your client?

Men over the age of 25 usually go to such stores (they come for a specific product, usually small construction items). They buy screws, faucets, tools, lamps, light switches, carriers, and everything else needed for the home.

Also, these stores are often visited by women over the age of 35. They buy dishes, household goods, fertilizers, seeds, wallpapers, clothes, garden tools, etc. Young people practically do not go to such stores (only targeted purchases).

How to fill the windows

What to trade in a household store? You should have a rich assortment:

  1. Various kitchen utensils, dishes, spoons, forks, knives, sets, plates, dishes, rocking chairs, boards and more.
  2. Home cleaning products: buckets, detergents and disinfectants, brooms, mops, gloves, garbage bags, bathroom and toilet products.
  3. Household tools: screwdrivers, hammers, pliers, electrical tape, brushes, screwdrivers, grinders.
  4. Electrical goods: sockets, switches, cables, light bulbs, ceiling lamps, batteries, flashlights.
  5. Building materials (especially if the private sector is nearby): cement, self-tapping screws, building mixtures, slate, metal, fittings, etc.
  6. Plumbing: various faucets, adapters, hoses, shower heads.
  7. Household chemicals.
  8. Stationery.
  9. Textile.

You can also increase profits with seasonal products. For example, on the eve of the new year, add Christmas decorations, garlands, tinsel, sledges, crackers, candles, sparklers to the assortment. In the spring, focus on fertilizers, tools, seeds, soil for flowers. In summer, charcoal bags, portable barbecues, beach balls, circles and vests for children, masks and snorkels are popular.

Large assortment - a guarantee of good revenue

Where to get goods

Nowadays, this is not a problem - in many cities there are large wholesale bases that will sell you anything. True, you usually need to make purchases from them every month for a certain amount, but with the right work, you can easily take the barrier they set. You can also search for suppliers on the Internet - most of them have their own sales representatives who will deliver goods to you as needed.

Store launch

Be sure to run an advertising campaign before opening, make a good sign and start handing out flyers in the place where you open. Try to act in such a way that your customers become regular - introduce a discount system, provide discounts to pensioners. Sellers must be polite, helpful and understand the product being sold.


It's time to make a little hardware store business plan, to evaluate its profitability. To launch such a store with a trading floor area of ​​​​50 m2, about one million rubles is needed (equipment, registration, purchase of goods, rent for the first couple of months, wages for two sellers). The standard markup on household goods averages 65% (on small items up to 300%, on large items - 15-20%). The monthly revenue of such a store is about 350-400 thousand rubles, with a net profit of 60-70 thousand. That is, in order to recoup all investments, you will need about a year and a half, which is a good indicator for a store.

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Having studied all the nuances of the topic of how to open a hardware store, you can become the owner of a profitable startup. Our article will help you with this.

♦ Capital investments – 300,000 rubles
♦ Payback – 1–1.5 years

Today, in the field of sales, such a situation has arisen that complex stores of household goods have practically disappeared.

There are, of course, huge supermarkets that sell everything from clothes to dishes.

There are also small shops with a narrow specialization, where you can buy either household chemicals, or garden tools, or some household goods.

But there are few complex hardware stores of relatively small sizes today.

That is why, having studied all the nuances of the topic, how to open a hardware store from scratch, you can become the owner of a profitable startup.

What is a hardware store and how to open one?

The older generation remembers that in the Soviet Union there were shops called "1000 little things" - the prototypes of modern hardware stores.

With the collapse of the USSR, they began to close and entrepreneurs were in no hurry to open something like this, preferring a more profitable business: food products, clothing.

And even now, when this niche has become free and promising, few are interested in the question of how to open a hardware store.

How to open a hardware store: competitive advantages

"Business is an exciting game in which maximum excitement is combined with a minimum of rules."
Bill Gates

Yes, there is little competition in your sector, there are not so many specialized stores for household goods, but there are supermarkets and markets, and they will become your main competitors.

The competitive advantages of your market can be:

  1. Seasonal sales.
    For example, in late winter or early spring, you can arrange a sale of garden tools, in November - winter fishing tackle, etc.
  2. Form a reasonable pricing policy so that your prices are at least on par with competitors, ideally lower.
  3. Make the widest possible range of goods so that the client, having come to your store, can buy everything he needs.
  4. It is convenient to arrange your shop, so that you do not have to look for it for a long time.
  5. Work seven days a week and according to a schedule convenient for customers, for example, from 8.00–20.00.
  6. Hire qualified sellers who would be well versed in the product they sell and, at the same time, be extremely polite and friendly.
  7. Encourage people to shop at your hardware store by giving out discount cards to loyal customers and giving discounts to those who buy in bulk.

How to open a hardware store: calendar plan

The time frame for launching a startup depends on many factors: what form of registration you choose, how big a store you want to open, whether the premises you have chosen need a major overhaul or just need to be equipped, whether you have the necessary amount of capital investment, and many others.

The minimum time required to open a hardware store is 4 months, although starting a business may well take six months or more.

Registration and more
Rent and repair
Equipment installation
First purchase

How to open a hardware store: step by step implementation

It’s not enough just to have an idea how to open a hardware store.

We need to start gradually implementing the launch of a startup.

The main stages of the formation of this business are: registration, premises and repair work in it, the formation of an assortment of goods and their purchase, recruitment.

Naturally, for all this you will need money and - quite a lot.


The first thing you need to start implementing a business plan is by registering your outlet.

You can choose two registration forms: sole proprietorship or LLC.

It is better for novice businessmen to limit themselves to individual entrepreneurs, since the registration procedure for this form is simple, and taxes can be paid as UTII or under the patent system.

When registering, choose OKVED codes that correspond to the profile of your hardware store.

In order not to reissue papers later, choose the maximum number of codes:

  • 44.2 (dishes, household utensils, glassware, ceramics, porcelain, etc.);
  • 47.3 (stationery and paper);
  • 46.6. (garden and construction tools);
  • 48.31 (household chemicals, detergents, etc.);
  • 48.39 - other groups of household goods.

In parallel with the registration procedure, start bringing the selected premises in line with the requirements of the Fire Service and the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, because you still have to receive permission from them to operate it.


The ideal place to open a hardware store is sleeping quarters that are far from the markets.

Look for a place near which there would be no large supermarkets - your direct competitors.

You need to locate the store either on the ground floor of a multi-storey building, or in a separate room.

It is better to choose a premises in good condition, otherwise the overhaul of the future hardware store can significantly increase the amount of initial investment required to open it.

If you want to form the widest assortment range, then you should look for a room with an area of ​​​​at least 50 squares.


Specialized trading equipment is not required in order to open a household goods store.

You can limit yourself to a standard set: open and closed shelves, racks, showcases.

The cost of purchasing equipment for a hardware store with a total area of ​​50 sq. m. will be something like this:

Item of expensesAmount (in rubles)
Total:150 000 rub.
Glass showcase-counter
20 000
open shelving
10 000
shelf opening
10 000
Warehouse shelving and cabinets
20 000
Cash machine
10 000
Laptop + printer
30 000
Other50 000


If you want to open a hardware store that works seven days a week, then hire two shifts of sales assistants.

If the area of ​​the trading floor is from 30 square meters or more, then there should be two sellers on one shift, because it will be impossible for one to cope with a large number of customers.

It is better to hire men as sellers in a household goods store.

Firstly, the assortment of the market is such that a man will learn to understand it faster, and secondly, he will not have to hire additional movers to unload the next batch of products.

In addition to salespeople, you need to hire a cleaner (or better yet, 2, one per shift) and a part-time accountant (an alternative would be an agreement with an outsourcing company).

Leave administrative functions, control of the work of employees, purchases, advertising, and so on.

How much does it cost to open a hardware store?

The amount of the initial investment, as well as the required monthly expenses, depends on the city in which you are going to open your hardware store and on the size of the future market.

The larger the project and the larger the city, the more money you will need.

For example, to open a business in a small town, it is enough to have 700,000 rubles.

In the metropolitan area, this amount increases significantly.

Item of expensesAmount (in rubles)
Total:700 000 rub.
Registration20 000
Repair work in the room150 000
Equipment150 000
Purchase of the first batch of goods300 000
Advertising10 000
Additional expenses70 000

To maintain the work of such a hardware store at the proper level, you need to spend at least 200,000 rubles a month.

How rich can be the assortment of goods in a hardware store,

see in the video:

How much income can a hardware store generate?

Possible profit is the first thing that interests businessmen who decide to open a household goods store.

The owners of such startups should remember that their profit directly depends on the number of buyers.

If you make a mistake with the choice of a place for the market, start overpricing too much or form a product line incorrectly, then do not expect a large number of customers, and, accordingly, large revenues.

In order for a household goods store not only to cover the mandatory monthly expenses of 220,000 rubles, but also to give its owner a good profit, it is necessary that the daily revenue at the box office average about 10,000 rubles.

Then, with the daily operation of the market, your monthly income will be from 300,000 rubles, net - 50 - 80,000 rubles.

Such indicators can be reached after 3–6 months of work, that is, the return on capital investment will be 1–1.5 years.

If you can improve these indicators and earn more than 10,000 rubles per day, or if you reduce your monthly expenses, then your household goods store will become self-sustaining in a shorter time.

For some entrepreneurs, an income of 50-80,000 rubles is enough to start studying the topic in more detail, how to open a hardware store.

If you are not one of them, then you can look for a more attractive startup.

Fortunately, today the choice of business projects is huge.

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Household goods are things that may be needed at any moment, so buyers usually go to the store that is “at hand” for them. For example, in the nearest grocery supermarket or in the pavilion next to the bus stop. The household assortment is very wide: these are household chemicals, kitchen utensils, various tools, garden tools and so on. If you are thinking about how to open a hardware store, first decide what assortment groups you want to deal with. It depends on the size of the premises that you will need to find, and the amount of initial capital.

To create a general hardware store, you will need a fairly spacious room - from 100 sq.m. If you focus on two to three product groups, the store area can be 50 square meters. m or less. As for the investments required to open a business, their amount directly depends on the size of the retail space: the larger the premises, the more expensive the rent and the more money you will have to spend to fill all the shelves of your store with goods.

IP registration

Before choosing a room, The IP form with. You can start work on the "imputation" if it is provided in your region for the trade in household goods.

When choosing activities according to OKVED, immediately include all possible codes suitable for trading in household goods. This will give you the flexibility of the assortment without having to go to the tax office to enter additional codes.

In the next step, draw up a business plan for a hardware store:

  • Analyze the competitive environment in the location of the proposed location (supermarkets with housekeeping departments, individual retail outlets, their range and prices).
  • Determine the approximate range of products (2-3 main areas, additional, seasonal offers, suppliers).
  • Calculate the cost of the premises (rent, repairs - from 70,000 rubles), equipment (from 100,000 rubles).
  • Pledge the amount for the initial purchase of goods (from 500,000 rubles).
  • Consider fixed monthly expenses (staff - from 30,000 rubles, rent and utility bills - from 35,000 rubles, taxes and other expenses - from 15,000 rubles)
  • Based on these data, calculate the target revenue required to break even, the payback period of the project.

In our example, a store with an area of ​​100 square meters should sell for 200,000 rubles. per month, so as not to go at a loss. For the payback of the store in 1.5 years, the revenue must exceed 300,000 rubles. monthly with an average markup on products of about 60%.

Premises, equipment, vendors

When all the formalities are completed and the preparatory work is done, you can proceed directly to the opening of the store.

As mentioned above, it is better to choose a densely populated residential neighborhood as a location for a hardware store. Of the 100 square meters, about half of the area will go to the warehouse and utility rooms, the rest - to the trading floor.

For a hardware store, an open form of trade is best suited. People are already accustomed to the self-service format, it is much more convenient for them. You can safely walk around, choose a product, hold it in your hands, read the information. In addition, in such markets, buyers add more goods to the basket than they originally wanted to buy, therefore, the level of sales will be higher. When selling over the counter, the customer usually takes only what he came for and quickly leaves.

To place the goods, you will need racks installed along the walls and in the center of the trading floor. Part of the goods can be placed on the floor (household and garden equipment), hung on special hooks.

For the seller - cashier, equip a small cash area (table and cash register). For a self-service store, one salesperson per shift is sufficient. It is desirable to make the earnings of sellers dependent on the proceeds: employees should be financially interested in active sales.

Range and suppliers

The assortment of the hardware store is designed primarily for the female audience. Women are engaged in housekeeping and purchase crockery and kitchen utensils, bathroom accessories, inventory and consumables for cleaning, packaging materials and various small items such as batteries and light bulbs. Customers often take related products at the same time: socks, handkerchiefs, stationery. That is why it is worth expanding the household assortment and offering them textiles for the kitchen and bedroom, bath towels, hosiery, inexpensive goods for children.

Tools, electrics, and repair materials intended for male buyers should be presented in small quantities, since men prefer to buy such goods in specialized stores or in construction markets.

Be sure to buy seasonal goods: for summer residents (seeds, fertilizers, tools), for tourists (rugs, skewers, camping equipment), for children's recreation (inflatable circles, balls, mattresses). Sets for the holidays (by March 8, February 23), New Year decorations (toys, garlands, candles) will also be relevant. Your assortment should be flexible and adapt to customer demand.

For constant replenishment of stocks, enter into agreements with several suppliers: wholesale bases and sales representatives of large companies. Agree that they take over the supply of products, this will allow you to save on freight.

Beginning of work

So, you are all set to open a hardware store. Inform the residents of your neighborhood about this important event. Distribute flyers with product listings, discounts and special offers. Prepare discount cards as a gift for the first buyers. Do not forget to periodically hold various stimulating promotions - in our time there is no way without it.

Make the opening hours of your store convenient for customers: they must be able to stop by on their way home from work or on weekends, otherwise they will buy everything they need in the nearest supermarket.


Without a doubt, the business of selling household chemicals and other household products is quite profitable. Any entrepreneur can organize such a business from scratch. This requires a desire, the availability of start-up capital and an understanding of the specifics of entrepreneurship. Therefore, you need to figure out how to open a household goods store from scratch and quickly reach self-sufficiency.

Organization of profitable trading

To open a hardware store, entrepreneurial activity must be legalized. For such a business, the ideal option is to design an IP. Acceptable form of taxation - UTII. Attention should be paid to the type of activity in relation to OKVED. It is better to immediately indicate the variety of the assortment. Since, with an increase in commodity items in the future, it will not be necessary to contact the tax service to open new codes. The leading code is 52.44.2 - piece trade in a variety of dishes, cutlery. You can immediately enable the following codes:

  • 52.46.6 - retail trade in gardening equipment, equipment.
  • 52.48.31 - trade in household chemicals, synthetic detergents, floor coverings.
  • 52.47.3 - sale of office supplies.
  • 52.48.39 - specialized retail trade in other non-food products.
  • 52.42.6 - trade in hosiery.

You also need to get permission to do business:

  • Sanitary-epidemiological and fire service.
  • Rospotrebnadzor.

Household chemicals market research

There is a huge competition in the household goods market. This product is in high demand. Finding a good remote location from competitors is quite a challenge. If stores with a similar assortment are close, you can look for another location. Since such an arrangement will negatively affect the profitability of the business. There are several options for a painless entry into entrepreneurship:

  • The choice of a product range, which is fundamentally different from the proposals of competitors.
  • Selection of more items of goods.
  • Implementation of various promotions, discounts.

If you base your business on low prices, then such tactics do not always lead to business growth. Seasonality plays a significant role. This is true even when trading household products. Losses can be minimized with the right approach to business organization. It is necessary to carry out seasonal sales of goods or make timely adjustments to the existing assortment.

Where to open a profitable hardware store?

Before opening a hardware store from scratch, it is important to determine its location. It is best to locate the business in a residential, densely populated area. Since this type of product is used by local residents. Products may be required at any time.

The amount of revenue directly depends on the location of the hardware store.

You also need to consider the convenience of car parking.

Formation of the product range

The assortment of a hardware store is the main factor that ensures the appearance of a sufficient number of buyers. As a rule, each consumer tends to make purchases in one place. Therefore, the wider the range of goods, the more likely it is to increase the customer base. It is worth focusing on different circles of consumers. You can provide the store with the necessary assortment by concluding an agreement directly with the manufacturers of the relevant products. The advantage of such cooperation is the documentation that testifies to the quality of the goods. Another option for filling the store with an assortment is direct purchases of products in wholesale markets, bases.

The key to a successful business is the correct margin on the proposed range of goods. If the margin does not exceed 15% of the purchase price, then the prices will be optimal for different segments of the population. When the pricing policy of the business is built correctly, then sales will be large. In order to calculate the profitability of a business, you need to find out which category of goods is in high demand. According to statistics, these goods are:

  • Hygiene products.
  • Washing powders.
  • Hair care products.
  • Fragrant products.
  • Perfumery.

Requirement for trade equipment

The equipment can be used open and closed type. The self-service system is optimal, bringing excellent profits. But there is a possibility of theft of products. To prevent theft in the store, you can use CCTV cameras or their dummy. Using the principle of self-service, you need to arrange racks and showcases along the length of the room. The cashier's workplace should be located close to the exit from the trading premises. Necessary equipment:

  • Shelves.
  • Shelving.
  • Cash machine.

The goods used are not perishable, so it makes no sense to provide storage conditions.

Condition for proper business registration

Any undertaking requires the formation of a business plan. The project must cover the following points:

  • Analysis of the competitive environment.
  • Selection of product range.
  • Investment in the purchase of products.
  • Accommodation expenses, trade equipment.
  • Calculation of monthly expenses.
  • Calculation of the payback of the undertaking.

A business plan will allow you to move forward along the planned stages, to realize your plans. It will also provide an opportunity to see the weak points of the idea.

Name of the outlet

Beginning businessmen often have difficulty choosing the name of their own business. The name of the store of household products should be easy to remember, keep on the lips. However, many do not pay enough attention to this issue. The people say this: whatever you call a yacht, so it will float.

The hardware store sells a wide range of goods for everyday life and the household. This is a kind of scaled-down droggery format supermarket.

Key Benefits of a Home Goods Store

  • Realization of diverse goods (dishes, household chemicals, household goods, etc.);
  • sale of seasonal goods for which demand increases at certain time intervals;
  • for the storage of goods it is not required to create special conditions for the storage of goods.

This article outlines the practical recommendations of the owner of the household goods outlet shown in the photo.

Registration procedures

To get started, you need to choose the right form of doing business. In order to open a household goods store, you must select one of the forms of a legal entity:

Individual Entrepreneur (IP) or Limited Liability Company (LLC).

Before submitting documents for registration, it is necessary to choose a taxation system. In most regions, retail trade falls under UTII, if UTII is not provided for this activity in your region, then you should choose a fifteen percent simplified tax system. If you plan to start a business from January 2013, then we recommend that you take a closer look at the patent taxation system (provided that the business will be conducted in the form of an individual entrepreneur)

Choosing OKVED codes, you can not be limited in their number, since the range can be floating and will depend on consumer demand. If you specify only one main OKVED, then when diluting the assortment with new positions that do not fit this code, you must write an application to the tax authority to enter an additional OKVED.

Select 52.44.2 as the main code (Retail sale of various household utensils, cutlery, dishes, glassware and ceramics, including porcelain and faience). You can also immediately enable:

  • 52.46.6 Retail sale of horticultural equipment and supplies;
  • 52.48.31 Retail sale of household chemicals, synthetic detergents, wallpaper and floor coverings;
  • 52.47.3 Retail sale of paper and office supplies;
  • 52.48.39 Specialized retail trade in other non-food products not included in other groups;
  • 52.42.6 Retail sale of hosiery.

Choose a room

You can sell household goods in a separate room or on the trading floor of various stores. The best place to open a household goods store is an area in a large grocery supermarket located in a residential area. You should not chase places in the city center, no one will go far from home for a paint brush or light bulbs.

The optimal variant of the footage of a retail space or a separate store is 30 - 40 square meters. If finances allow, then you can choose a larger area and supply a wider range.

Retail store equipment

The best form of store operation - self-service. Of course, in this case there is a risk of theft, but on the other hand, the revenue will be higher than in counter-type stores (In the self-service store, revenue is higher due to the impulse purchases made by customers).

As a security measure, install a security call button and put dummies of CCTV cameras (with a large area, make real video surveillance). The dummies will scare away thieves, and the button will allow you to quickly call the guards in case of theft.

For a self-service store, you will need showcases or racks around the perimeter of the retail area. For safety, you can equip the walls of the racks with mirrors (or buy mirrored glass showcases right away), then it will be easier for sellers to follow customers from anywhere in the store.

For hanging goods, standing trading nets are suitable, on which hooks can be attached. In the center of the room, place an island rack, with sufficient footage, you can add baskets of the "sale" type. At the exit, place the cashier's table and the equipment of the checkout area.

The target audience

The bulk of buyers are family women, most of them are pensioners. Men will be rare visitors, mostly they come in purposefully for a certain thing and will not make impulse purchases, so the "male" assortment can be reduced to a minimum.


The initial assortment can be made as follows:

  • dishes and various kitchen utensils (glassware, ceramics, various frying pans, baking dishes, baking sheets, cutlery, etc.);
  • household goods (buckets, basins, mops, rags, sponges, bathroom and toilet products, napkins, work gloves, garbage bags (including workers), boilers, etc.);
  • tools (piece tools, tools in sets, sockets, extension cords, tees, adapters, paint brushes, spatulas, rollers, wallpaper paste, solvents, etc.);
  • other goods for everyday needs (light bulbs of various types, batteries, accumulators, candles, etc.).

You can dilute the initial assortment with the following positions:

Household chemicals and hygiene products. Of course, you should not put powders and shampoos on the shelves if there is already a store with such goods in the neighborhood. If there is no competition in the vicinity, then these products will be a great way to increase sales.

If household goods are not in themselves goods that need to be bought regularly, then household chemicals are bought much more often. In our store, it can act as a tool to increase the influx of customers. Household chemicals will not bring big profits, since the margin on them is not high, 25 - 30%, but it can help sell goods that are more profitable for us. For example, a buyer came for a pack of powder, bought batteries, a light bulb and a mug along the way, looked after a frying pan, and for these goods the margin is on average 80 - 100%.

Stationery, goods for children. Select a shelf for stationery, but without hobbies, only the most basic. This includes small and inexpensive goods for children that will come with their parents. Stickers, soap bubbles, balls, spatulas, molds for playing in the sandbox, ice cubes, you can bring sleds in winter, swimming attributes in summer.

Children's knitwear, hosiery. If the wall and one counter are free in the store, then these goods can be placed on them. Knitwear - on the wall, hosiery on the counter. This option is suitable for shops in residential areas where there are no shopping centers and clothing markets nearby. For children's knitwear, a quality certificate is required, which can be obtained from the supplier.

Textile. These are sets of bed linen, pillows, blankets, towels.

Seasonal items

The store format allows you to make the assortment floating, that is, to put goods on the shelves depending on the needs of the buyer at the moment. What seasonal items can be sold?

  • New Year's accessories (tinsel, candles, Christmas trees, etc.);
  • goods for gardeners (everything for seedlings, soil, garden tools,);
  • goods for summer holidays (skewers, grills, coal, air mattresses, circles, balls, etc.).

Supplier search

Now it’s very easy to find suppliers, fortunately, you don’t have to go anywhere, all large wholesale organizations have a catalog website or an online store where you can explore both the assortment and prices.

You should not limit your search and look only at local bases, you should also pay attention to neighboring cities, especially large ones, where offers can be more profitable. Moreover, some large bases in large cities provide free delivery to neighboring settlements with a certain order amount. Usually the minimum amount is about 20,000 rubles. Drawing up an application and concluding a contract can be done via the Internet, so you don’t have to go anywhere.

Another option for cooperation with wholesalers is working with sales representatives. To do this, just find the database you are interested in and ask about the availability of such a form of work, if it exists, then invite a sales representative to the store. Again, this method will save personal time, you don’t have to go anywhere, the representative will pick up applications, after which the goods will be delivered.

We attract buyers

The premises are equipped, the goods are on the shelves, now you need to attract buyers. To do this, you need a sign and a pavement sign, which will indicate the list of goods offered. Discount cards for regular customers will serve as an excellent tool to increase sales. Since there will be many pensioners among the buyers, it will not be superfluous to organize discounts for this category of citizens.