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We open a bakery. How to open a candy store. Is it worth it to start

Not everyone manages to walk indifferently past a confectionery shop - the aromas of chocolate, pastries and other sweets attract those with a sweet tooth. Open a patisserie in a public place, ensure the freshness and quality of goods, a warm welcome, and your counters will always have customers.

Selling food is always profitable - this statement is beyond doubt. The confectionery trade is no exception, but this business has its own peculiarities, without knowledge of which it is difficult to survive in the face of serious competition.

One of the features - sweets successfully sell sweet tooth. Believe it or not, cakes, pastries, and other sweet treats are especially profitable for those who love them. This is poetry - let's get down to business.

How profitable is the business selling confectionery

Almost any business turns out to be profitable, provided that you treat the business with soul and mind, and continuously improve. People who successfully sell sweets claim that it is cost-effective.

During the pre-holiday and holidays trading is very active. True, there are quiet times. In the summer, for example, confectionery products are not bought very willingly, but you can survive by selling soft drinks and ice cream.

Starting investment in a pastry shop is about 7,000 euros. These investments will pay off in a period of 7 months to a year, it directly depends on how many customers you can attract to the store. If every day 200-300 customers come to you and make purchases for an average of 10-15 rubles, you can consider your business a success.

Store opening price

Today you can open a confectionery with 580-740 thousand. When setting up a shop in a rented premises, you will spend a significant part of this money on paying rent.

  • Repair in the room - 80-90 thousand rubles.
  • Equipment - 200-250 thousand rubles.
  • The first batch of goods - 300-400 thousand rubles.

Monthly costs:

  • Premises rental - 100 thousand rubles.
  • Salary - 90 thousand rubles.

Total: 190,000 rubles.

The advantage of this business is that you do not need to spend money on advertising, word of mouth and people's love for sweets will do the trick.

How to choose a store location

Don't look for a candy store location near malls and supermarkets, as you will have the same assortment, but prices in large stores may be lower. Better try to get settled near large public transport stops and in sleeping quarters.

It’s good if your store is located on the way to school, kindergarten or a bus stop, many people who come across a pastry shop will definitely go into it. The smell of sweets makes you forget about prohibitions and diets.

What should be the premises of a confectionery store

The store should be large enough to accommodate display cases, shelving, a refrigerator, and a counter. The optimal size is 50 square meters. m. In a cramped room, where there is a lot of equipment, buyers will have nowhere to calmly choose the right product. Sometimes shops set up tables and open mini-cafes.

Many customers like to have a cup of coffee with fresh cake, enjoying the aroma of chocolate and vanilla. Such an innovation will provide additional income, but will require another 10-15 square meters. m area.

The interior of a candy store can be simple, as long as it is light and clean, and smells of sweets. It’s not a sin to cheat a little and scent the room with a spray with the smell of vanilla and chocolate.

Confectionery equipment

To place sweets, you need special confectionery wall and corner racks. It is stable, and on the shelves you can install sections with sweets. Each section costs about 4,000 rubles, in total you need from 5 to 10 sections.

Shelves can be supplemented with inclined shelves for chocolate bars and boxes of sweets (700 rubles). Definitely need showcase counters and a counter, which will become the workplace of the seller - 1,500 to 4,000 rubles.

For cakes and pastries, a refrigerated confectionery showcase with a temperature of 0-+10 C is required. When choosing such a showcase, pay attention to the width of the shelves so that you can place as many goods on them as possible. Showcases with convex glass have better visibility and appearance.

Sweets are sold by weight, so you can not do without electronic scales. They cost from 3,000 to 25,000 rubles, the more expensive ones are equipped with check printing.

If you decide to arrange a mini-cafe in your store, you will need chairs (4 pcs.) And tables (2 pcs.). Price - from 1,500 rubles. Tables and chairs (2 pieces each) - 1,500-2,500 rubles.

How to recruit staff for a confectionery

We advise you to be in the store as much as possible at first in order to understand the intricacies of the trade, find out exactly which products are in the greatest demand, what times are the peak hours, etc. The seller must serve customers in such a way that they want to enter your shop as often as possible.

Serving visitors, you need to not only sell sweets, but also be able to offer a new product. The person behind the counter should radiate warmth and joy. The seller must know the range well, be honest and clean.

Range selection

The assortment in your store should correspond to the solvency of the majority of your customers. If you have located a store in a fashionable area, with many boutiques, banks and offices, focus on exclusive products. Having settled in a residential area, bet on average prices, but try to expand the range as much as possible.

Almost always, the store has regular customers who come for shopping several times a week. Form an assortment, focusing on their wishes.

The peculiarity of confectionery products is that they become boring. Therefore, be sure to update the list of sweets on the counter. Select a showcase where only new items will be placed, and you will see with what pleasure people buy new candies.

In general, the assortment of a confectionery store is approximately in the following ratio:

  • Chocolates - about 80 types.
  • Caramel - 30 types.
  • Candies in boxes - 30 types.
  • Marshmallow, marshmallow, marmalade, cookies, chocolate - 30-40 types.
  • A separate showcase with nuts, dried fruits and oriental sweets.
  • Cakes, pastries.
  • Coffee, tea, juices.

The initial cost will pay off within a year.

Selling products is a form of income that is stable and profitable at any time. And one of the directions of such a business is the sale of confectionery. However, it is necessary to approach the construction of such a case competently. How to open a candy store? How to proceed in the beginning? What to do for development? It is necessary to take into account all the features of this type of activity.

Location selection

The main thing is to choose the right place for opening. One of the most important criteria for profitability is a large number of buyers. Successfully trade will go to the area near a large shopping center. Before opening, you should carefully calculate the competition and find out the demand for such goods on the periphery. If there are enough small shops in the town, then it makes no sense to open a new one next to them. A convenient entrance and ample parking are a must.

Concept creation

In terms of area, the store should not be too small. Competitiveness increases the diversity of the product range, and space is required to accommodate all products. Buyers visit comfortable shops more willingly. In the same place where two people barely part at the window, a feeling of comfort is hardly possible.

You can test your strength in opening a shop that sells mini-cakes and coffee, or you can create a confectionery-cafe with the opportunity for visitors to have breakfast and lunch in it. Mandatory "highlight" of the idea. Let the establishment sell only non-GMO products or low-calorie cakes.

Demand can be identified by demand analysis. If nearby centers already offer a list of dishes for lovers of a small amount of calories in food, then another segment is worth choosing. A cozy confectionery-bakery with pleasant prices will be able to attract buyers.


The size of the footage of the registration procedure does not simplify. But the question arises about the meaning of saving money on rent at the expense of the number of potential customers and profit growth. The size of the area is not less than twenty-five square meters. Prestigious furniture is an optional condition for a pastry shop from scratch. Much more important is cleanliness and comfort. By adding friendly and hospitable staff, you can increase profits and win a positive reputation.

Equipment is an important aspect. To place sweets, convenient racks are necessary. Refrigerators are required for perishable products. More assortment - higher profitability of the store. You should not forget about this dependence before opening your enterprise.

Refrigerators should be purchased for ice cream and drinks right away. In the summer, such an investment pays off with a guarantee, and attendance increases due to the expansion of the number of customers.

Product range

Sweets, drinks and ice cream are the basis of products in the confectionery. But the list of goods is not formed in one day. Sometimes it takes up to several months for its optimal selection of products. Time is also set aside regularly to track profitability and demand.

An approximate list of items of cakes and pastries alone in an average store is up to three dozen items. As for the names of cookies and sweets, it often exceeds three hundred in number.

But you can start with a smaller list. The expansion is being carried out gradually. Variety of products - the choice of how to account for it. By the piece or by weight to keep records, the owner decides for himself. But the acquisition of software will allow you to track the entire flow of goods without confusion. Reviews need to be done every week.

Be sure to take into account the implementation deadlines in order to remove unusable goods in time. The reputation of the store from scratch depends on such efficiency. Products must always be of high quality and fresh. It makes sense to choose products that will become the "calling card" of the confectionery and focus on their implementation.


Finding suppliers of goods of this quality is not so difficult. There are reliable manufacturers in the directories, and their representative offices are in many cities. A few calls - and the issue of concluding contracts with selected suppliers is resolved.

It is not difficult to find the right staff for the confectionery. Special skills are not needed. The main requirements are the ability to work with customers and attention to working with money.

For the first time, a large number of employees is not required. But you should pay attention to people who are passionate about work and have knowledge in baking. Prospective employees must have a permit to work with food products. It is advisable to discuss all the conditions during the interview, the optimal form of payment is a salary and a fixed percentage of sales.

Only a close-knit, well-chosen team will make it possible to bring the store from scratch to profitable enterprises. After recruiting employees, you can start purchasing products.

Business plan and registration

Without calculating financial investments, it is impossible to understand whether there are enough funds to start a business. It is necessary to take into account in the business plan both the cost of the premises and the equipment. You can not do without taking into account the costs of advertising, payment of taxes and payments to employees. With a shortage of own funds, it is worth exploring the possibilities of lending. Only after the decision can be dealt with the execution of the case.

Registering an enterprise from scratch is more reasonable as an individual entrepreneur. In this case, no special permissions are needed. But the store must comply with fire safety and SES standards.

Getting results in the shortest time is not an easy task. And the solution is unthinkable without advertising. But there is no need to use television, radio and the media at the same time.


Knowing how to open a candy store is important, but drawing attention to it is just as important. To do this, you should use not only the promotion of the institution, but also advertise a unique offer with the help of promotions or unique products.

A small confectionery will attract the attention of nearby residents, which means that the services of promoters are the best option. Handing out leaflets and placing bright billboards with signs is a justified way.

Opening your own confectionery shop is an exciting and rewarding business. Such a business will not only allow you to receive a stable income, but also create a reputation as a successful entrepreneur. However, hard work, considerable endurance and financial support will be required.

The success of opening a business from scratch depends on positivity and goodwill towards customers and a reasonable approach. Subsequently, it will begin to bring joy to visitors and pleasure to the owner.

The catering business has recently suffered some losses due to many factors, the main of which is the fall in the purchasing power of the population. But despite this, there are interconnected production and sale of food products that remain in demand no matter what, even without entering the minimum consumer food basket - these are confectionery products. Today I present a business plan for a cafe-confectionery. Read, implement, earn!


This project is a business plan for a confectionery business organization with a payback period of two years.

Project goals:

  1. Creation of a highly profitable enterprise
  2. Organization of obtaining a stable profit
  3. Satisfaction of the confectionery consumption market.

Project funding source: own funds or bank loan

Form of doing business: IP

The total cost of the project: 3 million rubles

Payback period: 18 months

Included in the calculations interest rate: 23% per annum

The total interest payments will be: 1 million 35 thousand rubles

The investor's income will be: 1 million 35 thousand rubles

Payments of loan funds and interest on the loan will begin from the first month of the project.

Main stages of project implementation

The beginning of the project implementation - immediately after the acceptance of the business plan by the Customer, or after receiving credit funds.

The main stages for the implementation of this project, the conditions and terms of their implementation are presented in Table No. 1:

Stages of the projectDeadlines
Conclusion of an investment agreement1 month
Getting borrowed funds1 month
Entering into the state register, registration
in administrative and tax authorities
1 month
Location selection and design
1-6 months
Purchase and installation of equipment1 month
Recruitment1 month
Carrying out a marketing campaign1-24 months

General description of the project

First of all, it should be noted that a confectionery (hereinafter referred to as the Confectionery) is not only a store that retails and manufactures confectionery products to order, but also produces these very products. Lovers of sweet products can belong to any social category, which makes this business as profitable as, say, opening a bakery.

The main stages in the implementation of the business plan for the organization of the Confectionery are:

  • Determination of the location of production and trade
  • Determination of the future target audience of visitors
  • Produced Confectionery assortment
  • Cafe design at the Confectionery

One of the primary important issues facing the future owner (owners) of the Confectionery is the official registration of their business. Among several possible forms of entrepreneurial activity, the most suitable for small private production is IP, due to the simpler accounting, which is one of the most difficult tasks for a novice entrepreneur. It is better if the business plan of the Confectionery will, in addition to describing the project, contain a package of documents necessary for registration.

To carry out work on collecting a package of necessary documents and submitting them to the relevant business registration authorities, it is planned to involve a company providing such services. This will reduce the time for the implementation of this project, while at the same time preparing for the opening of the Confectionery.

Location and decoration of the premises

As in any other business, the location of the Confectionery premises depends on other factors, first of all, on the assortment that determines the need for this or that equipment, according to which the required area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe production and retail premises should be calculated. The assortment itself depends on the preferences of people living in the locality in which it is planned to open a confectionery.

To organize a “large-scale” business with large volumes of production and sale of confectionery products, it can be very difficult to find a room that is suitable for all the necessary parameters, so in this case there are two options:

  1. Construction of a confectionery factory building
  2. Or expensive rent

A small production that meets the needs of 1-2 city districts or a small settlement (village, township, small town) is usually located on rented areas. As a rule, this room is from 150 sq. meters, but if necessary, you can use a smaller area, abandoning your own preparation of fillings, various mixtures and fillers, and using ready-made ones.

To determine the favorable location of the Confectionery, it is necessary to conduct preliminary marketing research to study the demand for confectionery products in a particular area, analyze potential consumers, and find out their purchasing power. As a rule, a higher demand for confectionery products is observed in the central part of the city, where the greatest activity of residents is concentrated during the day. In residential areas, there are much fewer purchases, but the price of renting a room for a Confectionery is also lower in them.

The ideal variant of the premises for the Confectionery would be the building that previously housed a catering establishment - a cafe, a canteen, or a restaurant. The cost of rent to a large extent depends not only on the location of the premises, but also on its condition, the availability of the necessary utilities, among which one of the main conditions is good ventilation.

Other requirements to pay attention to include:

  • Availability of running water
  • Connected gas supply
  • Presence of heating, sewer outlets
  • Sufficient capacity of the connected electrical networks

In order to avoid errors in connecting and checking all communications, it is planned to involve design and architectural bureaus that have the appropriate license in this work. Subsequently, it is possible to conclude an agreement with this company for the maintenance of all networks.

Particular attention should be paid to compliance with the requirements of the state fire supervision and Rospotrebnadzor. It is from these organizations that the signing of acts of acceptance of the premises and the receipt of permits depend.

An important factor in the success of the institution will be the design of the premises. In general, it should be noted that any institution of this type should have its own concept, which will allow it to differ from other similar ones. It depends on the concept what furniture will be in the room, what utensils will be used when serving visitors, and much more. For example, the decoration of a cafe "under the tree" involves the use of furniture made of wood, dishes made of natural materials in the appropriate color scheme.

When designing a space, you can use some marketing techniques to attract the interest of visitors. Some establishments of this type take out the final stages of preparation of some part of the range of confectionery products into the hall. This may be the process of decorating cakes or pastries, baking in ovens “behind glass”, or something like that. In addition to drawing attention to the process, a pleasant aroma of fresh pastries will spread throughout the hall, stimulating appetite.

An approximate range of products produced in Confectionery is presented in Table No. 2:

barsoriental sweets (halva, sherbet, etc.)dry breakfasts
biscuitsroastingsets of sweet products
wafflesdairy productssemi-finished products
cakesmarmaladechocolate paste
cookies, gingerbreadchocolate
cakechocolate paste
bread, bakery products

The listed list can always be expanded to include other popular, sought-after dishes, or by surprising guests with some new offer, for example, pizza in cups, or a dish of your own recipe.

In the cafe at the Confectionery, visitors will be offered a choice of several varieties of aromatic tea, coffee, and several types of freshly squeezed juice. Using the same direction for originality, one can offer, for example, mate - a South American tea, using traditional accessories for drinking it - calabash (special gourd vessels) and bombizh (tubes with a strainer for drinking mate).

Such novelties will attract a lot of visitors to the institution, only the offer of quality products will allow them to keep them and turn them into regular customers. The business plan of the patisserie should also contain a ready-made menu that will be offered to guests.

Production of confectionery products to order

Profit from retail confectionery in production in most cases is approximately 50% of the total revenue. The remaining percentage is accounted for by working with wholesale customers, which are shops, cafes, street kiosks, etc.

As a rule, the contract is concluded for the regular provision to the buyer of a wholesale batch of freshly baked confectionery products with or without delivery to the point of sale.

At the moment, there is not much competition in the confectionery market, as it was a few years ago. There are many more small producers of confectionery products that benefit precisely from the freshness and quality of products. Large manufacturers work mainly with retail chains, in which pastries are often stale. In addition, large chain stores have recently embarked on a “policy” of developing their own brands of confectionery, and large-scale production of “confectionery” is becoming unprofitable.

The implementation of the project for the organization of the Confectionery requires large investments, therefore, for its implementation, a detailed business plan for the Confectionery is simply needed with calculations, only guided by which you can achieve your goals.

Marketing plan

A study of the current state of the consumer market shows that despite the crisis of 2014-2015, at first they had a very negative impact on small and medium-sized businesses, which were subjected to great trials during this period. However, in late 2015 and early 2016, the situation began to stabilize. Despite the ongoing inflation, people's habits remained the same. While prices for expensive goods rose by several thousand rubles, for retail products - by only a few rubles, or tens of rubles, which, in principle, is of no particular importance for consumers of confectionery products.

The main blow of the economic sanctions imposed against Russia in 2014 fell on large confectionery enterprises. The disastrous situation was slightly leveled by the course taken by the country's government for import substitution, and state support for business. However, at the moment, the opening of large-scale production in this area will be unprofitable.

Therefore, it makes sense, if there is sufficient investment, to consider opening a network of small confectionery cafes, or separate, unrelated establishments. If you are short on funds, but have a desire to go into the confectionery business, you can open one establishment in the “mini” format, which will also require a Confectionery business plan.

According to industry experts, in the near future (this year and next year), the confectionery sector will experience an increase in demand for products, despite a slight increase in prices for foreign raw materials, which cannot be dispensed with in the confectionery industry (for example, cocoa beans, exotic nuts and fruit), and finished products - imported chocolate, some flavors and fillers.

Due to the peculiarities of the economic situation in different regions of the country, there is also an uneven demand for confectionery products in various areas. For example, economic sanctions affected the state of affairs in the industry in Moscow much less than in the Far East or the Urals. Simultaneously with the fall in incomes of the population, consumer demand also fell.

In the process of preliminary marketing research in the region, it is necessary to analyze all competitors not only in this area, but also in related areas, for example, those enterprises that are engaged in the production of marshmallows, cookies, etc., to find out not only the range of their products, but and from what raw materials it is produced, on what equipment, in what volume, etc.

The formation of consumer opinion is the initial stage of promoting products and increasing sales. To do this, several complex measures should be taken:

  • Creating your own brand - the corporate identity of the enterprise
  • Mass media advertising
  • Advertising in various thematic Internet resources
  • Outdoor advertising
  • Carrying out various sales promotions
  • Printing and distribution of leaflets, advertising brochures, flyers
  • Create your own website
  • Organization of acceptable working conditions

The business plan of the Confectionery should have a detailed description of each stage of the advertising campaign.

Production plan

The final list of the necessary equipment in the quantity necessary for the implementation of the project depends on the range of products and the allocated budget. But there is something that no Confectionery can do without:

  • Steam convection pastry oven
  • dough mixer
  • electric mixer
  • Filling and packing machine for products
  • Fridge
  • Juicer
  • Coffee machine
  • Electric kettle
  • Tableware for cafe

Every year, new models of technical devices appear on the confectionery equipment market. Of course, the quality of the manufactured products also depends on their quality. Nowadays, it is much easier to purchase a ready-made set of equipment for a workshop than to buy it separately.

Ideally, the technical equipment of the Confectionery should allow to regularly increase production volumes, correspond to the image of the enterprise, and fully justify the investment. Proper equipment of the confectionery shop, based on the total experience of existing industries, should successfully serve for at least 8 years.

Financial plan

The beginning of the company's financial year is January.

The main taxes payable are shown in Table 3:

Type of taxtax basePeriodInterest rate
income taxIncoming profitMonth20%
Property taxEstimated value of the propertyAccording to the payment schedule2,2%
VATAdded valueMonth18%
Income taxpayroll fundMonth13%
Social paymentspayroll fundMonth34%

An approximate plan for the volume of sales of manufactured products is presented in Table No. 4:

Analysis of existing risks

The main risks can be divided into two categories:

  1. What can and should be avoided or minimized
  2. Which the entrepreneur can not influence in any way

The main risks include the following:

  • High probability of new competitors
  • High instability of purchasing power in different regions of the country
  • Changing taste preferences of buyers
  • Inflation
  • Rising prices for consumables, electricity, gas, rent increases, etc.

But even despite all the obstacles that await entrepreneurs and the rather high cost of an “entrance ticket” to the business, industry experts believe that the organization of the Confectionery has a low degree of risk in implementation. back to contents

Fragrant croissants, bright pastries and breathtaking cakes, hidden behind the glass of pastry cafes, delight the eye and heart. The very thought of a beautiful cozy pastry shop evokes a sense of celebration. That is why there are many who want to open such an institution in order to work in an easy atmosphere and get good money for it.

But by no means any business is what it seems at first glance, and the dream confectionery is no exception. In order for a business to generate income and pay off, you need to make a lot of efforts and foresee a lot of “pitfalls”. Novice businessmen will have to say goodbye to illusions already at the stage of preparation for the opening, because a confectionery that is so desirable for you may turn out to be completely unnecessary for other townspeople. Therefore, before embarking on an opening, study the market.

Where to begin?

There are two possible paths here. The first of them is to order a full-fledged marketing research in a specialized company. This option is only suitable for those who are not limited in money: the price of the study is quite high. For example, in Orenburg it is about 90 thousand rubles. For this money, you get a complete report on existing competitors, including their products and pricing policy.

For those who have every penny in their account, it is better to resort to the second way of studying the market - to do everything yourself. There are no special difficulties in this. First you need to identify similar points in the city and go around them, personally buy products in them and try it, and also take a closer look at what others are buying.

It will not be superfluous to look into large supermarkets, where they have their own production of pastries and confectionery. This will allow you to better understand what people are buying and in what volume.

After such a campaign, you should form an idea about your target audience.

It is best to pay attention to such an audience as mothers with children.

The fact is that in recent years there has been a demographic boom, many children are being born. Over time, they grow up, but there is, in fact, nowhere to go with them. Therefore, any business, one way or another focused on children, is quite promising.

Once you have decided on the portrait of your buyer, it will be much easier to solve the issue of pricing. The price of products, and all other nuances of the business, will depend on which format of the confectionery you choose. Here again, there are two possibilities.

First- confectioneries of a lower price segment, which offer an assortment for every day: the types of products most popular with buyers.

Second- premium confectionery. In such establishments, the price tag is higher due to the use of more expensive ingredients. And they can be expensive for a number of reasons, for example, because all products are only natural - no ready-made mixtures used in conventional confectionery - or because these ingredients are rare in Russia.

Investment size

The investment in this business can vary greatly depending on the format of the candy store. Opening a full-fledged cafe-confectionery, designed for the average consumer, will cost no less than 3 million rubles. This amount will include the rent of a room in a residential area, repairs, as well as the purchase of equipment: a refrigerator table, a freezer table, several stoves for 4 burners, an induction cooker, two baking display cases, a bread display case, a coffee machine.

Selling bread in a pastry shop will allow you to "lure" more customers - people often buy cakes by going to the store for bread, but they go directly for sweets less often.

Prices for such equipment will vary greatly depending on its type and supplier. According to experience, the cost of the most necessary is about 650 thousand rubles:

  • 217 thousand rubles per showcase,
  • 64,000 rubles - for a refrigerator table,
  • 77.7 thousand rubles - for a freezer table,
  • 168 thousand rubles - for "induction",
  • 122.6 thousand rubles - per stove.

How much you spend on the purchase of consumables depends on what kind of confectionery you plan to cook and sell.

Where to get money?

Obviously, even 3 million rubles is “hidden” by far not every budding entrepreneur. Therefore, before those who want to open their own confectionery, the question arises: "Where can I get the money?". And here you can go in several ways: borrow from relatives or friends, get a loan from a bank or apply to various business support institutions for a grant.

From personal experience

To open a confectionery, you have to take out a loan. The likelihood that you will be given a grant when you are just about to open a company is very small. It is worth contacting the support fund when your business is already running. A gratuitous grant will make it easier for you to pay off your loan. Keep in mind that getting a grant is a rather troublesome business: you need to prepare a lot of documents, come to the commission and prove to it that you want to work, that you are the best and that you have grandiose plans. All this takes a lot of time and effort, but still brings results.

Pastry shop expenses

Investments in the confectionery business are quite large, but it will not be possible to reach profitability immediately. Therefore, at first, and possibly in the future, the entrepreneur will want to save on current expenses. To understand what you can save on, you need to know the main items of expenditure.

First of all, the owner of the confectionery will have to spend monthly on rent, payroll and utilities. By the way, the costs for the last item will be quite large: a lot of electricity is needed to operate ovens, freezers and shop windows. But it is on it that you can save. To do this, first of all, you need to work with the staff, set it up for savings and rational use of technology.

A large article of financial losses is associated with the write-off of products. What is written off, as you know, is no longer suitable for sale. But the problem is that not only “out of condition” or expired goods can be written off, but also quite good products and finished products. But they will not go to the trash, but home to unscrupulous sellers and confectioners.

To minimize this possibility, the issue of write-offs must be carefully controlled. To do this, you will have to constantly analyze sales, watch seasonal surges or recessions, maintain a special schedule-calendar, based on the work of the last month, last week and last year. Such a schedule should always be in front of your eyes. Only such scrupulous control allows you to save on write-offs.

Step-by-step instruction

As mentioned above, in order to open your own confectionery, you first need to analyze the market. This will help determine whether your city needs a confectionery at all and what kind it should be. After the analysis has been carried out, it is already easier to choose the format: economy or premium. Keep in mind that there is not much room for expansion for a premium candy store. If working with the economy, you can eventually build up a whole network, then a city with a population of one million will be enough for one or two establishments with premium sweets.

After you analyze the market and choose the format, you need to start looking for suppliers of equipment and raw materials. Equipment suppliers must be selected both by price and by reviews. For the latter, you can always turn to the forums of entrepreneurs, this will help you get the necessary information. Even if after reading you still have some questions, you can always write a message to one of the participants in the discussion to clarify how this or that device behaves in production.


It will also not be superfluous to contact equipment repair companies. A conversation with the master will help you understand which manufacturer's equipment needs repair most often. It is better not to purchase the most "unstable" models: the cost of their repair can cover all profits.

As for raw materials, here again everything depends on the chosen format of the confectionery. In economy, it is better to work with ready-made mixtures. Such "powdered" products are now produced for almost everything: biscuits, bread, cheesecakes, etc. Cooking from such mixtures is faster and easier, your confectioner has almost no chance of spoiling the products.

The premium segment involves working with "live" products, and this implies additional difficulties. Confectionery products require strict adherence to proportions and recipes and do not tolerate any experiments or connivance. Accordingly, the likelihood of an all-natural cake being spoiled by too much baking powder or insufficiently beaten eggs is much higher than when working with powders.

For beginners, it is preferable to work with ready-made mixtures.

Many people start with this, and later switch to natural products, because it is more interesting for confectioners by vocation to work this way.

Whatever you choose - powders or natural products - you need to choose suppliers of raw materials according to approximately the same criteria. The first thing to pay attention to is the composition. The more natural it is, the higher the quality of the products. The second is taste. Before buying a large batch of powders or milk, you need to taste the products. If you decide to make a “fashionable” establishment where everything is made from farm products, you need to visit the farm and assess its condition, see in what conditions animals are kept or cereals and fruits are grown.

It will not be superfluous to start looking at the staff for the confectionery in advance. You will need both the confectioner directly and the sellers. Moreover, the latter are no less important for the case. The seller must monitor the labeling of products, their expiration date. He also monitors compliance with the temperature regime and cleans the products in the refrigerator.

For the seller, he will have to prescribe from A to Z the entire algorithm for working and communicating with customers: he must know the assortment and pass certification for this knowledge, he must know “clichés” - certain words for communicating with a guest, especially a guest who has come for the first time.

In addition, the seller must understand where he works. Yes, yes, and this is not just about the name of the confectionery. He must know the main features of your confectionery, understand how it differs from others.

Given that the bakery is open daily, you will need at least two pastry chefs and two sales assistants. They can work according to the schemes "2 working days - 2 days off" or "3 working days - 3 days off". The choice of such a scheme is not accidental. Firstly, your confectionery must have a certain mode of operation. It is important to open before the visitors working on a standard five-day work day begin their working day. Many of them drive their children to school by 8 am, and then stop by the candy store for coffee and breakfast while there is time before work. The same applies to work in the evening.

You have to "hook" people who are hurrying home and decide to stop by on the way for pastries. Therefore, there is absolutely no point in closing at 6 pm, it is better to work until 8-9 pm.

At the same time, the staff is in the confectionery not only directly during working hours. Usually employees arrive about an hour before opening. This time is spent on turning on and warming up the coffee machine, bringing the frozen semi-finished products to readiness so that there are fresh pastries by the opening, putting everything on the display case. But even immediately after closing, the staff does not leave, because there is still a lot of things to do: cleaning, closing the cash desk and calculating revenue, etc.

In parallel with the search for staff, you need to choose a room for a confectionery, and the requirements for it will again largely depend on the chosen format.

The premium-segment confectionery is the best place - in the city center, although rent there is more expensive. So you will not only “hook” people walking and relaxing who are ready to spend money on sweets, but also those who are ready to come from a remote area for some kind of culinary masterpiece.

More simple pastry shops with the most popular assortment and modest prices are best placed in a residential area. A good place is also in shopping centers with good attendance. A particularly good solution is to place such a confectionery at the exit of the supermarket.

Also, the first floor of a residential building is quite suitable for accommodation. Confectioneries, as a rule, do not cause any complaints from the neighbors. After all, there is no loud music, no alcohol - nothing that irritates the tenants of the house. Although it is still better not to open a pastry shop in a high-rise building. According to the rules, food production must be equipped with ventilation and exhaust. The latter should be displayed two meters above the roof level.

According to the requirements of the legislation, the confectionery must comply with the requirements of the SES for a public catering establishment. However, in practice, no one imposes too strict requirements on confectionery.

The rules that are written in the documents are very outdated. Therefore, each entrepreneur adapts the existing premises to the concept that he has chosen for himself. But there is no super complexity with the choice of premises in terms of repair.

The area of ​​​​the confectionery depends mainly on your capabilities. For example, we have a small point for the sale of confectionery in the shopping center, fitting in 15 square meters. m. This is our smallest confectionery. And the largest one occupies two floors: on the first one you can buy takeaway cakes or drink coffee right here at the table, and on the second floor, the confectioner is engaged in cooking.

Much more important is the condition of the room. It must have ventilation, water and electricity. To get started, you will have to invite the SES, which will check the premises for "suitability" for the organization of food production. In addition, SES will have to conclude an agreement on laboratory and production control. This means that officials will take samples of your products and check if they are safe.

In addition, the premises must comply with the requirements of fire supervision, so contracts will also have to be concluded with this authority. The confectionery is a fire hazardous production, because powerful ovens work in it. Therefore, a fire alarm must be installed. You also need a second entrance in case of emergency.


Any business requires mandatory registration. A cafe-confectionery can be registered both as an LLC and as an individual entrepreneur. The second form is still preferable because it is easier to work with. LLC is mainly needed by those establishments where alcohol is sold, and the confectionery does not imply this.

But working as an individual entrepreneur, you can, for example, abandon the cash register. At the same time, not only the cash desk itself is obligatory for the LLC, but also a special contract for its maintenance.

For an individual entrepreneur, all costs associated with taxes will be significantly lower.

For example, working as an individual entrepreneur, you can use the patent taxation system, which will allow you to do without regular personal income tax, VAT and personal property tax deductions. Instead, it is enough to buy a patent and forget about going to the tax office for the entire period of its validity. This move saves both money and time.

Also, when registering a business, it is worth knowing that according to OKVED, a confectionery passes as “Production of bread and flour confectionery products of non-durable storage” and has code 15.81.

Now all communication with the SES and Rospotrebnadzor is of a notification nature. That is, to open a confectionery, you do not need to obtain any permits, you just need to notify the sanitary services that you are.

By law, an inspection from the SES or Rospotrebnadzor can only come to you after three years of work, and during this time it is quite possible to have time to get on your feet and eliminate some minor flaws, if any. But keep in mind, in the event of a complaint from visitors or neighbors, if you opened in a residential building, services will descend upon you immediately. In case of gross violations, they can close the establishment for a period of 90 days, and this is a huge loss. Therefore, it is better to work according to the rules.

To do this, you will need to conclude an agreement with disinfestation and deratization stations. According to it, the confectionery will be treated from pests and rodents.

Surely everyone would like to open their own business, but does not know where to start. Of course, you need to decide on the direction or scope of activity, because the future profit of the enterprise completely depends on this. It is most reasonable to start an entrepreneurship in the field of food production, because it is in demand regardless of the season and is not afraid of the economic crisis. For example, you can draw up a business plan for a candy store, since recently this is a fairly relevant idea for a novice entrepreneur.

Where to begin?

Any business begins with careful planning, there is no need to rush, because if you act improvidently, the result may not meet expectations. That is, you need to sit down and draw up a clear and detailed business plan for the confectionery, describe the stages of project implementation, anticipate possible risks, and draw up step-by-step instructions for yourself.

It should be taken into account that a business should start small, gradually develop and expand, so you should not make global plans at the initial stage. For example, you should immediately choose the format of the establishment, it may be a street kiosk, where there will be mini-production and sale of products, or it is more reasonable to draw up a business plan for a cafe-confectionery, which, however, depends on the available start-up capital.

Market analysis

The new enterprise must be competitive and in demand. Therefore, the first task of an entrepreneur is to identify how many similar establishments operate in a particular city or district, how much they are in demand and meet the needs of customers. Does it make sense to open another confectionery and how will it differ from competitors? That is, you need to conduct your own market research.

If there is competition, this is not a reason to abandon the project, because every entrepreneur has strengths and weaknesses, they should be identified and improved. In addition, there are quite a lot of ideas related to production - here the event completely depends on the imagination of its organizer. After all, you can start with a mini-bakery, and soon after that draw up a business plan for a confectionery production, which is quite a big difference.

Location selection

Presumably, schoolchildren, students, office workers and so on will use the services of the confectionery. So, it is wiser to choose a place so that as many people as possible pass through it. There are a lot of options: central streets, train stations, metro stations, shopping centers, squares.

You need to pay attention to competition, if a confectionery production is already working nearby, then you should take a closer look at how much it is in demand, at the assortment and other little things, in order to make it even better. And if there are several competitors, and all of them have been working in the market for a long time, then you should probably think about implementing your confectionery business plan elsewhere.


The area depends on the format of the institution and the scale of production, for example, for a cafe where products will be produced and sold, 156 sq. m. If it is a small store with confectionery products produced at different enterprises, an area of ​​​​30 square meters. m will suffice.

Do not forget that the sanitary and epidemiological service puts forward strict requirements for the premises. The main points are the availability of communications: water supply, sewerage, electricity and ventilation. The decoration of the room should be done in such a way that it can be easily treated with antiseptic solutions, for example, it can be ceramic tiles.


The equipment of a confectionery directly depends on its assortment and specialization, if, for example, the products are completely supplied from other industries, then it is enough to equip the outlet with racks and refrigerators. If the company involves a full production cycle, then you need to take care of the purchase of baking equipment, which will cost much more.

There is another option - this is a business plan for a confectionery shop, where products will be produced and delivered to different outlets, there will be no need to look for a room in the city center and you can stay on the outskirts, which will be much cheaper.

The cost of equipment largely depends on the manufacturer. The most expensive of them are made in Europe, they are the highest quality and durable. Cheap equipment can be purchased from Chinese craftsmen, but its quality is out of the question. The best option is Russian-made equipment, average in price and quality.

Registration questions

For one co-founder of a small confectionery shop or production, it is enough to register as an individual entrepreneur. If the company has several co-founders or plans to expand and open branches in the future, then a limited liability company should be registered immediately.

Since the enterprise will be associated with a work permit from the sanitary and epidemiological service, it is necessary. But at the time of inspection by SES employees, the premises must be fully equipped and ready for work. In addition, you will need permission from the fire department.


When compiling a business plan for a confectionery, you need to take care of the assortment in advance, because there is no limit to its diversity. It may include: donuts, cakes, cakes, burgers, puffs, sweets and much more. At the initial stage, you can specialize in something specific, for example, making donuts with different fillings on the spot. Over time, the range can be expanded depending on customer demand.

In addition to confectionery, you can offer customers drinks, such as coffee, tea, juices, lemonades. The sale of ice cream, snacks, chips, chewing gums is also welcome. In general, you should not limit yourself to confectionery products alone, the wider and more diverse the range, the larger the target audience can be attracted.

Financial plan

The main question of any entrepreneur: "How much money should I invest and how much can I earn?" Here you need to carefully calculate everything to the smallest detail, drawing up a business plan for a confectionery, bakery or cafe.

Basic expenses:

  1. Organizational issues and registration.
  2. Rent or purchase of premises, repair.
  3. Purchase of equipment and furniture.
  4. Hiring, training and remuneration of staff.
  5. Advertising.
  6. Purchase of raw materials.
  7. Other expenses.

The amount of start-up capital starts from 30 thousand rubles - this is the minimum, since the required investments can reach several million. If at the initial stage there are not enough personal funds, then there is no need to rush to save on everything, it is better to find an additional source of financing. There are several options here: finding an investor or a bank loan. In the first case, the entrepreneur will need a clear business plan for the confectionery with expenses and income, confirming the profitability of the enterprise. In the second - an impeccable credit history and property secured, because banks are reluctant to issue loans to young businessmen.

The profitability of the enterprise depends on many factors, and primarily on the demand for products. It is worth noting that even a small confectionery located in a good location can bring in several hundred thousand rubles a month if it is properly organized.

You also need to take into account that the risk of not making a profit at all and not recouping your expenses always exists. Therefore, there should be a strategic plan of action in reserve in case problems arise and they need to be addressed immediately.

The above is just an example of a confectionery business plan; in practice, it will be necessary to correct it more than once. You need to clearly set a goal and look for ways to achieve it. It doesn’t matter how much the document will turn out and how it will be drawn up, because first of all, the entrepreneur himself needs a plan in order to coordinate actions and allocate time.