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What factories closed in the Kuban. The only car repair plant in the Kuban was closed and they want to put it up for auction. Where did you redirect export flows?

Krasnodar region is a subject of the Russian Federation (Southern Federal District). It borders on the Rostov Region, Stavropol Territory, Karachay-Cherkessia, Adygea and Abkhazia.

The administrative center of the region - Krasnodar city.

Location of the region: south of Russia (South-Western part of the North Caucasus). The area of ​​the occupied territory is 75.5 thousand sq. sq. km.

The population of the Krasnodar Territory is 5141.8 thousand people (the third largest region of the Russian Federation after the Moscow Region and the city of Moscow).

Major cities of the Krasnodar Territory(population thousand people):

Krasnodar (710)
Sochi (334)
Novorossiysk (283)
Armavir (190)

Industry of the Krasnodar Territory

The Krasnodar Territory is the oldest oil-producing region in our country. The first oil extraction work began here in 1864.

The Kuban is rich in minerals (more than 60 species). Mineral deposits have been found in mountainous and foothill areas. Among them are natural gas and oil reserves, as well as marl, marble, gravel, sandstone, iodine-bromine water, quartz sand, rock salt and others.

Thermal and mineral waters in the Azov-Kuban basin are also important resources of the region.
Equally important for the Krasnodar Territory is the forest - the main source of valuable wood species for the country.

The main industries, thanks to which the Krasnodar Territory acquires special economic importance for Russia, are agro-industrial, transport, tourism and sanatorium-resort complexes. The following complexes are also developed in the region: industrial, fuel and energy, construction; information and communication technologies.

The agro-industrial complex provides the country with food. The Krasnodar Territory is a leader in terms of production of sugar beet, grain, berries, fruits. The region is in second place in providing the country with honey and sunflower seeds. Also, the second place belongs to the region for the production of livestock meat, poultry, eggs. The region occupies the third place in providing the country's market with milk.

The transport complex existing in the region is of great importance for the country.

Processing industries occupy a leading position in the industry of the region. Among them: food industry, electric power industry, mechanical engineering, metalworking, fuel industry, production of building materials.

Favorable climatic conditions of the Krasnodar Territory and the presence of a developed sanatorium and resort complex provide an annual influx of tourists. The main resorts of the Krasnodar Territory (Federal significance): Sochi, Anapa, Gelendzhik. Yeysk, Tuapse district, Goryachiy Klyuch are resorts of regional importance.

Information about the largest industrial enterprises and factories of the Krasnodar Territory

Mechanical engineering and metalworking:

. - one of the main manufacturers of equipment for the oil and oil refining industry;
. - one of the leading oil engineering enterprises in Russia. Included in the holding "PA" Neftemash ";
. - enterprise for the production of installations for cutting metal;
. - a large enterprise specializing in the production of compressor and refrigeration equipment;
. - an enterprise for the production of equipment for the construction and repair of oil and gas pipelines;
. - an enterprise for the production of mobile means of communication for command and control posts;
. - enterprise for the production of electric motors of low power direct and alternating current.
. - a leading machine-building enterprise, the main manufacturer of mechanized track tools for the construction, repair and maintenance of the railway track;
. - an enterprise for the production of heavy weighing equipment for trucks and railway equipment.
. - an enterprise engaged in the production and repair of ships, as well as fiberglass production.

Chemical and petrochemical industry of the Krasnodar Territory

. . In total, more than 140 industrial companies from the Krasnodar Territory are represented in the Catalog of Suppliers of the portal site.

Difficult times are now experienced by representatives of small and medium-sized businesses. And although all the authorities, from federal to regional ones, say out loud that they are betting on entrepreneurship in the face of economic upheavals, the situation for businessmen is not going well.

In the Krasnodar Territory, the number of entrepreneurs closing their firms is growing every day. According to analysts, the crisis primarily affected the restaurant business, tourism, hairdressing, online commerce. According to RBC on the website of free ads, the number of ads for the sale of private companies has recently increased significantly. In the capital, such announcements began to appear 14.5 times more often, and in the Krasnodar Territory - 11.1 times. If we compare the population of Moscow and Krasnodar, where people live 15 times less, the numbers are impressive. There is a legitimate explanation for this. In the context of a decrease in purchasing power and a constant rise in prices, people first of all begin to save on entertainment and recreation. That is, what they can do without. And in the regions this process is more indicative than, for example, in huge Moscow. In which, by the way, hundreds of expensive restaurants have already closed. Not the best times are experienced by travel companies that recently sent citizens on vacation from the winter cold to warmer climes, suddenly remained unclaimed. Popular tours have lost customers. From the point of view of the law of self-preservation, the people took the right position: not to fat, to be alive. And he froze in anticipation of better times, not making sudden movements, denying himself trips to expensive restaurants and trips to overseas countries. At the same time, we decided to save on frequent trips to beauty salons and gyms. Which, for the most part, also belong to private business.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Economic Development of the country states that in the implementation of anti-crisis measures, the revival of interest in entrepreneurial activity should become an absolute priority. At the same time, according to Minister Alexei Ulyukaev, it is necessary not only to assist in the development of a new generation of entrepreneurs, but also to create opportunities for the development of stable small and medium-sized companies, turn them into points of renewal of the economy, bringing available state resources closer to them.

“Only small and medium-sized businesses can be a reliable lightning rod that protects the stability of the state structure from unnecessary risks,” the head of the Ministry of Economic Development is sure.

He is echoed by the Kuban Governor Alexander Tkachev. He recently tweeted:

- Approved the regional anti-crisis plan - it contains almost 90 points. 6.6 billion rubles have been allocated for their implementation. One of the priorities is to support small businesses. We allocate 700 million rubles for this, which is three times more than last year. And he encouraged the whole army of businessmen:

— Tax holidays are provided for start-up entrepreneurs. The plan will be supplemented and changed depending on the economic situation. He instructed to involve business and the public in this work.

More than once, the Kuban authorities have stated that a big stake is being placed on private business in matters of import substitution. Small farms, small industrial enterprises should, in theory, quickly get on their feet in a crisis and replace those goods that we no longer receive from European countries. The region today needs hundreds, thousands of new enterprises. So today many private enterprises are given a considerable chance. Will everyone be able to use it? Will show time.

Yesterday, having gathered representatives of the region's business circles for an extended meeting, Tkachev recalled that the introduction of the embargo had opened up niches in the supply of many goods. It is necessary to occupy them without waiting for others to do so.

“We need to move forward, otherwise they will just push us out at the local market. I assure you, there is an active discussion all over the country on how to occupy free niches in matters of import substitution - Rostovites, Volgograd, Muscovites are talking about this, - said the head of the region. - Therefore, all regional enterprises of the construction complex, food and light industry, food production, building materials, machine tool building should work.

Today, the Kuban can produce virtually everything - from laundry soap to solar panels for spacecraft.

The authorities of the Kuban capital are also looking for reserves how to help entrepreneurship, how to organize import substitution. Already now in Krasnodar the share of imported goods has decreased by five percent.

As noted Head of the City Department of Trade and Consumer Services Irina Kosinkova in most cases, imported products were replaced by locally produced analogues. At the same time, the most significant reduction in the assortment occurred in the premium segment product group, which includes elite French cheeses, deli meats from Spain and Italy, and Australian marbled beef.

“Thanks to the timely measures taken, there is no deficit in any food link today,” Kosinkova said.

Although, the authorities of Krasnodar do not hide something else. The rise in prices continues. Since August last year, the rise in prices for bakery products amounted to 10%, for granulated sugar - 30-35%, for rice groats - 15-20%, the price of buckwheat has increased almost three times. Since the beginning of 2015 alone, prices for vegetables (potatoes, cabbage, onions, carrots) have increased by 20-30%, for cheeses - by 12-15%, for vegetable oil - by 10%, for sugar - by 15%, for cereals - by 5-10%.

Mayor of Krasnodar Vladimir Evlanov reminded his subordinates that they should not run for momentary profit, but should develop small forms of trade, those that can help many farmers and entrepreneurs. What the authorities stubbornly refused for many years, stubbornly creating huge supermarkets and closing markets, is now urgently needed.

According to Yevlanov, work should be continued to organize small retail outlets, the so-called “shop near the house” format, with Kuban manufacturers.

“And we should see the results of this work in the near future,” Evlanov said.

They continue to develop weekend fairs in Krasnodar, where farmers can also bring their products. Maybe it’s true, they won’t let private business die so easily? The main thing is just not to interfere with it to develop. Do not stifle with taxes and requisitions, numerous inspections, etc. And then he may begin to flourish in Russia, having heard the promising calls of the authorities.

Kondratiev said that the Industrial Development Fund was created in the Kuban, and now industrialists can receive subsidies, including at the regional level. Next year the region will allocate 500 million rubles for these purposes.

“It was a fundamental decision for us to create such a form of support. In order to receive significant dividends, economic growth due to industry, you need to give business a good start, an impetus,” said Kondratiev.

The governor noted that relying only on orders from the state is short-sighted, and first of all, the initiative should come from the industrialists themselves.

“The task of the authorities is to create conditions for work, but not to force them to work. And when we see that there is such an initiative, a desire to develop, then, of course, we are ready to help,” the head of the region explained.

Kondratiev cited the example of the LED plant in Armavir. He noted that this is a modern technological production that produces high-quality products. But the municipalities at the same time bought LEDs outside the region. The head of the Kuban believes that this is a defect of the regional authorities, and such shortcomings must be eliminated in the first place.

“Including to solve such problems, the region created a catalog of industrial products, which presents all the goods produced in the Kuban. Investors and builders must understand that they can buy directly from the region and use these products,” Kondratyev said.

“Speaking directly about the resumption of the work of some enterprise, here we need to look at what dividends the region will receive, how economically justified and necessary it is. And you need to understand why the company went bankrupt and closed. If the problem is inefficient management, then you need to change the manager and resume work. A new investor entered a poultry farm in the village of Raevskaya near Novorossiysk, a sugar factory in Kurganinsk, and production was restored. It is very important to return the Sedin plant, a competent manager should also go there. The enterprise needs to be loaded as much as possible, and there will be no other industries, except for machine-tool building,” the governor said.

He noted that if the authorities understand that it is practically impossible to make the products of a closed enterprise competitive, then there is no point in wasting time and money on it.

“Now we have taken the path of maximizing the use of property complexes of bankrupt enterprises. This includes the reconstruction of a cannery in the village of Dinskaya, and the construction of a residential complex in Armavir on the basis of a former brick factory. And in Novorossiysk, in place of the bankrupt car repair enterprise, new capacities of the seaport will appear. And here the most important thing is to save jobs, give people the opportunity to switch to a new production, somewhere, perhaps, retrain and get a job in a new specialty, ”Kondratiev quotes

Ivan Demchenko comes from the agricultural sector: in 1988-1990 he worked in the agricultural department of his native Abinsky district of the Krasnodar Territory. However, with the onset of the 90s, his usual way of life changed dramatically. In 1996, together with the entrepreneur Shalvoy Gibradze he created one of the largest scrap collection enterprises in Russia at that time - Novorosmetall. A metallurgical shop was then erected on its basis. And already in the 2000s, Demchenko built the only electrometallurgical plant in the Krasnodar Territory, creating a new branch of the economy in the agrarian resort region - heavy industry. In total, according to the management of the enterprise, about 30 billion rubles were invested in the construction of the AEMZ with an annual capacity of 1.5 million tons.

About how to develop an enterprise during a crisis, how to upgrade it to the level of the "fifth redistribution" and what role patriotic feelings play in this, Ivan Demchenko told "Expert Yug".

- How did you come up with the idea of ​​creating a metallurgical production in the Krasnodar Territory?

In general, all my youth I dreamed of being the chairman of a collective farm, and not the general director of a metallurgical enterprise. Look out the window (the Abinsk - Novorossiysk highway is visible outside the window. - "Expert Yug") - do you see trucks moving along the highway? This is the road to Novorossiysk. About 15-17 years ago, each such truck was loaded with scrap metal. It was taken to the port to be exported. At one time, up to three million tons of this product were transshipped a year. The main importers, as now, were Türkiye and Egypt. This, probably, patriotic feelings played a role. We understood that the export of scrap is the export of strategically important raw materials from the territory of the state. It is necessary to engage in the redistribution of metal here. And then it was a shame that we are a raw material appendage of Turkey.

In 1996, the Novorosmetall scrap processing enterprise was established with a processing capacity of 500,000 tons per year. One of the largest in the country, by the way. It was engaged in the export of scrap. Four years later, in Novorossiysk, the construction of a plant was started, which was supposed to produce products with high added value - steel billets. A steel-smelting furnace with a capacity of 120 thousand tons of finished products per year was built here, then, in 2006, the capacity was increased to 360 thousand tons. This is a relatively small production. So Novorosmetall became a metallurgical enterprise. And then it was decided to build another production - here, in Abinsk. By the way, then the Abinsk Council of People's Deputies rejected the proposal to build a plant. The deputies were afraid that people from the collective farms would leave to work at the factory. But now time has passed, the collective farms are gone, they collapsed. Although the plant also suggested itself here from the very beginning. You see, the cost of metallurgical raw materials is the same everywhere: in Berezovsky, in Saratov, in Kaluga. And here the port is nearby - only 60 kilometers away. Come on, bring finished products from Kaluga to the port. From here, roughly speaking, it costs five dollars per ton to be transported, and from there - $50.

As a result, we were allowed to build. We started construction of the Abinsk Electrometallurgical Plant in 2008.

- Was it also planned to export AEMZ products?

For export, 100 percent of its products then and now are sent by the Novorossiysk plant. At AEMZ, 30 percent of the products are exported, 70 percent - for domestic consumption. Approximately 10-15 percent (150-200 thousand tons) of products for domestic consumption is directed to the needs of regional construction projects. This ratio has always been about the same. And by the end of next year, when the bridge to the Crimea is built, we will completely cover the needs of the peninsula in rolled metal. It will be hard for us to compete.

The Novorossiysk plant produces only semi-finished products. The plant in Abinsk produces the fourth redistribution (“fourth redistribution” is called the production facilities intended for the manufacture of final products from rolled products, for example, wire, hardware. - "Expert Yug"). Here we make a blank from scrap. This time. From the workpiece - wire rod, these are two. We draw wire from a rolled wire. It's three. Then we zinc it and copper-plat it, that is, we make welding wires. This is four. And now we are entering the production of wire with a polymer and aluminum coating with a diameter of 0.8 mm. In metallurgy, this is considered one of the highest levels of redistribution.

- Did you plan such a production cycle right away when you created AEMZ, or did you come to it gradually?

Immediately, because metallurgy is not viable without redistribution.

Was the decision to build a plant in the Kuban influenced by Russia's right to host the Winter Olympics in Sochi in 2007?

No, it's just that the market has been growing since 1999, probably until 2008. The cost of steel has risen almost 10 times. If in the late 90s it cost $140 per ton, then before the 2008 crisis it cost $1200 per ton. This is the price for a semi-finished product, square blanks. Then in 2008 it all dropped sharply. The price dropped to $240 per tonne. She stayed at this level for a long time, but then began to grow. All metallurgy was in crisis, many factories went bankrupt. But, since we and our partners were at the helm of the enterprise ourselves, controlled all the processes, we managed to save people, save the enterprise. We worked at "zero", somewhere even at a loss. But we withstood those terrible year and a half, and then the price of the metal began to rise. Now the global market is growing too, but times are still difficult. Today, the price of raw materials reaches 20 thousand rubles per ton. But metallurgy has always been a difficult industry - the slightest fluctuations affect the economic situation at the enterprise.

- And how did your company survive the crisis of 2014-2015? Have the sanctions affected you?

Do you know that AEMZ is on the US sanctions list? We came under sanctions for the supply of rebar and wire rod, although before that we were priced, worked accurately and on time. We made a name for ourselves, including in the USA, but there we introduced duties against a specific AEMZ plant - 800 percent of the cost. Bring in! Of course it didn't make sense.

- Where did you reorient export flows?

Europe and Arab countries. All wire rod is now bought by Belgium. Europe is slowly beginning to spit on US sanctions. They buy what they need from us. Nothing like that, say, in China, will not be bought.

- Have you managed to recoup investments in the first place of the plant? How did the 2008 crisis change your plans?

So far it has not been able to pay off. Previously, profit per ton was 150-200 dollars, now it is 20-30 dollars. We just don't see it. I had to revise the payback period for another five to seven years, although the payback was initially expected in six years. At the end of 2014, a new crisis erupted. And in 2015, we commissioned the third stage of the plant (a wire mill with a capacity of 600,000 tons of products per year). These are the conditions under which we work. So all these investments will pay off in 15 years, not earlier.

- Haven't they abandoned the plans for the construction of the fourth stage of AEMZ?

No, they didn't. What is the fourth line - I can show you. This is a new workshop that allows you to make the so-called "fourth processing" of the metal, followed by access to the "fifth processing". The range of future products is low-carbon general-purpose wire, Vr-1 wire (reinforcing wire, used for the manufacture of frames, meshes. - "Expert Yug"), galvanized wire and copper-plated welding wire. The volume of production for the first year will be 60-65 thousand tons. Investments - about 20 million dollars.

- Are there many enterprises similar to AEMZ in the country? Who are your competitors?

There are similar ones, but not exactly. For example, in Balakovo (JSC Severstal - Long Products Plant Balakovo in the Saratov Region), for example, a plant with a capacity of one million tons was recently opened. But he produces fittings and style. The Rostov Electrometallurgical Plant was built in Shakhty, which produces fittings, but it became a disaster for the Don industry. It works, it's worth it. This object must be dealt with constantly, and not sit still.

In any case, you are the only metal manufacturer operating in the Krasnodar Territory. Does this allow you to seek some kind of preference?

The market can, of course, be monopolized using administrative resources. But then we just fall behind life and disappear. It's better to be on the edge of a knife. Everyone trades here - both Seversal and other manufacturers. And we are worthy competitors for everyone. And in terms of quality, and quantity, and volume, and delivery. We have one car depot - more than 500 cars that carry metal throughout the country.

- Is there a need for another similar metallurgical plant in the Kuban today?

I think that yes - for export work.

- Are you going to expand existing capacities yourself?

We are considering a project to build another plant in Abinsk next to the existing one. Here is the land in front of you. In total we have about 500 hectares. We want to enter the production of electrical steels and stainless steel. The volume of production is up to 300 thousand tons. Russia imports up to 90 percent of high-alloy and stainless steels for its needs, and we will produce them here.

In general, we discuss this issue very little. There has been a division of labor in the world for a long time. Since we are constantly pushed out of this process to the sidelines, we are forced to develop our production. But I believe that such enterprises as ours are useful for the Krasnodar Territory. Once there were collective and state farms here, each of them employed from one to five thousand people. Their labor was unproductive - up to 90 percent of manual labor. Today, the farmer, who cultivates five to seven thousand hectares of arable land, employs 150 people. Previously, 1,500 people worked on this square. What are these people to do now? And for this, it is necessary to build such enterprises as ours. Near ports, transport hubs. The labor resources freed up in agriculture should come into industry and engineering, into the service sector, and the household service.

But still, people from the agricultural sector still need to be retrained to become metallurgists. How and where do you select personnel?

We grow our own. We send them to universities, technical universities, pay a scholarship. We started doing this 20 years ago. We have our own training center, which trains middle staff. This was done not only for patriotic reasons: vocational schools and technical schools were closed at that time. There were some colleges where there were no teachers and specialists. And now we are preparing electricians and mechanics.

- How did the Olympics in Sochi and the construction of a bridge to the Crimea affect your pace of development?

Didn't influence at all. We do not supply anything to the Crimean Bridge at all. Not a single beam. They signed a contract directly with Mechel, and he is hauling the wagons for them. In Sochi, everyone gave steel. Not only we - and Belarusians, and "Magnitogorsk".

- From 2013 to 2016, AEMZ's revenue increased fivefold. What is the reason for such growth rates?

The point is the start-up of the metallurgical shop. We started to melt steel ourselves and sell it, and before that, steel billets were transported from Novorossiysk. Therefore, our revenue was only due to redistribution. And now, when we have equipped the workshop with a rolling mill, we began to produce our own blanks. And now Novorossiysk works exclusively for export - it produces fashion. This is a corner, a profile, a beam. Another nomenclature, in contrast to AEMZ.

- And what is the pace of scrap collection activities today?

Whoever pays more, scrap is transported there. To Taganrog, to Mines, to Novorossiysk.

- What will happen to the site in Novorossiysk?

It will be preserved and will produce shaped steel: channel section.

Novorosmetall's revenue is not growing (fell from 14.1 billion in 2013 to 11.6 billion rubles in 2016) and there is no profit. What is it connected with?

It's just that the company laid a foundation in Novorossiysk for a large microdistrict "Zolotoy Bereg" for 120 thousand square meters and sank a little in working capital. These are 14 business-class residential buildings on the seashore, they have already been built. Sales go, thank God. And it all depends on market conditions. Novorosmetall produces 50,000 tons of finished products, and the price may be $200 per ton, or maybe $500, as it is now. Here is the expected revenue growth.

- What prompted you to build the Golden Coast microdistrict?

It just became possible to exchange non-core assets for land in Novorossiysk. We decided to try to build it up with housing. I think we succeeded, we are satisfied with the sales.

- Are you going to build a residential area in Abinsk?

There is no point in building here. We have already built a small factory microdistrict for 200 apartments in the city. At the same time, three thousand people work at the plant, but I don’t see the point in building. In total, about 10 thousand people work for us, including structural divisions and a plant in Novorossiysk.

- What do you attribute the growth prospects of AEMZ to, how do you see the market in the future?

I associate growth prospects with the development of our state. I think that we have already adapted to the sanctions, we have a self-sufficient economy, smart and enterprising people. I think that we have already begun to grow. In the next 10-15 years, our country will be a territory of rapid economic growth.

- And yet what are the main points of this growth?

It will depend on how our federal government will work in terms of road construction. When will we finally start building roads, like in Europe? Or even as in the same impoverished Georgia? When will we build concrete roads that use rebar? These are the so-called reinforced roads, where not bitumen, but concrete is used as a binder. When we begin to do this, then we will not have enough metal. China today consumes about a billion tons of steel a year. And we consume 27 million tons, and produce 70 million. So look where these points of growth are. China builds 10,000 kilometers of roads a year, and we build 500 kilometers. Do you understand? And then - is it possible to lay asphalt in the north? Here we are building this highway Chita - Khabarovsk, every year it has to be practically rebuilt and repaired. Well, make it reinforced concrete! Lay concrete on the reinforcement, and there will be a guarantee of 25 years. The road will be smooth as a mirror! Pay attention to our road in front of the factory. It is made using this technology. 10 years old without repair, but looks like new.

- How much more expensive is the construction of such a road than usual?

By about 10 percent. It's just that in the road construction industry a lot of different interests are tied up. It takes political will to break this approach.

- Can residential construction serve as a growth point for metal producers in the future?

We don't have enough people to serve it. Here in China, almost two billion people - yes there. Therefore, in our country, the growth points of any metallurgical enterprise are the development and construction of infrastructure. She needs to be changed. We have been changing it for 50 years, but the roads are still being built using outdated technologies. And the more we build these roads, the more we drive the state into a corner. These roads then need to be repaired every year. In the Kuban they are relatively good, since the climate is mild, but have you seen roads in Saratov or Volgograd? It's just to shoot yourself - that's all.

A strategy for the socio-economic development of the Krasnodar Territory until 2030 is being developed. Are you involved in its development?

We accept. We are a member of the Committee for the Development of Industry and Entrepreneurship.

- How do you see the industrial future of Kuban?

Kuban should be engaged in agriculture and resort business, as well as develop civil engineering. It is now underdeveloped. Housing should cost 28-35 thousand rubles in the Krasnodar Territory, but not 60 thousand per square meter, as it is now. Yes, and agricultural engineering should not be missed. Once upon a time, we built rice harvesters and produced seeders. The demand for this product is very high today. Here is produced today in the Kuban "Claas" is still very expensive. Farmers buy it, and then invest in spare parts as much as this Klaas costs. And "Don" corrected the crowbar - and forward.

- Klaas, by the way, receives subsidies from the Ministry of Industry and Trade. Is it necessary to support foreign manufacturers in this way?

- Klaas imports new technologies to us. They already take more than 50 percent of the parts in Russia, localize production. This is raising our industry, engineering. We can't do without it. Let them build and develop.

Today, a cluster approach to the organization of production is being developed in the Kuban. Are you planning to take part in this?

On the basis of our enterprise, the Ministry of Industry and Trade is already working out a scenario for creating an industrial cluster. This will give us a reduction in electricity tariffs and taxes by 15-20 percent. There will be factories nearby that will process our products. The same wire rod, screws, nails. The wire rod itself will be dragged into galvanization, mesh will be made from it, etc. All these will be local manufacturers not associated with us. Right now, in particular, Deputy Governor Ivan Alekseevich Altukhov is helping us in this matter. Constantly sends requests to Moscow. The administration is working, providing property tax benefits to us as a major investor.

- Where do you plan to get energy for new productions? After all, there is a shortage of electricity in the Kuban.

Yes, the Krasnodar Territory is an agricultural region. Here are rural networks. At one time, we hardly coordinated with Anatoly Borisovich Chubais at an investment forum in Sochi the construction of a line and a Krymskaya 500 substation with a capacity of 1 gigawatt. Only this made it possible to build a plant here, which, by the way, consumes as much energy as Krasnodar. But we will also build our own generation - a gas turbine station for 100 megawatts. Already signed a contract. It is impossible to influence the power industry in terms of tariffs. Therefore, the only way out is to build our own generation, which is what we are doing.

What is an industrial complex of more than five thousand different industrial enterprises. About 700 of them can be attributed to medium and large businesses. occupies a leading position among other regions of the country, makes a significant contribution to the development of its economy. Today we propose to talk about what the industry of this region is and what industrial enterprises are in the Krasnodar Territory.

Features of industry in the Kuban

The main industries that allow the region to be of particular economic importance for the Russian Federation are tourism and resort complexes, agriculture and transport. In addition, the Kuban is the oldest oil-producing region. In addition, communication technologies, construction, energy and, of course, industrial complexes are developed in the Krasnodar Territory.

The main difference between the industry of the region can be called a high degree of concentration of enterprises in several centers. Among them are the capital of the Kuban - the city of Goryachiy Klyuch, Yeysk, Armavir, Tuapse and Tikhoretsk.

To date, the situation in the region's industry can be characterized as a recovery after a recession, a transition to growth and stabilization.

food industry

In the first place in the structure of the entire industrial complex of the Krasnodar Territory is the food industry. Only in this region more than a third of the volume of sugar, vegetable oil, canned vegetables and fruits, 40% of concentrated fruit juices, 100% of children's meat food are produced. In addition, 6% falls on hard cheeses, meat, offal. It is worth noting that more than a thousand enterprises operate in this industry.

In the meat industry, three main industrial enterprises of the Krasnodar Territory can be distinguished: Tikhoretsky meat processing plants (this is the only meat processing plant in our country that produces baby food from meat), Krasnodar and Sochi - large producers of sausages. It is represented by such enterprises as the Timashevsky Dairy Plant (it produces dairy products in Tetra Pak packages), Syrodel and the Kalininsky Cheese Plant - the leading producers of rennet cheeses. Dry dairy products are produced by an industrial enterprise in the Krasnodar Territory called the Bryukhovetsky Milk Canning Plant. If we talk about the oil and fat industry, then the leader here can be called the Labinsk Oil Extraction Plant. LLC "Interagrosystems" is engaged in the production of canned fruits and vegetables.

There are 16 sugar factories in the Kuban. More than 100 enterprises operate in the region. As for the production of confectionery, such industrial enterprises of the Krasnodar Territory as the confectionery factory "Armavirskaya", "Galan" should be singled out here.


Developed in the Kuban and viticulture, which led to the presence in this region of the presence of the wine industry. To date, 28 enterprises are engaged in grape processing, which annually process more than half of Russian volumes. 16 enterprises are distinguished by a full cycle of wine production: it all starts with the cultivation of grapes, and ends with bottling of finished products. The largest plant can be called Abrau-Dyurso located near Novorossiysk.

Mechanical engineering and metalworking

More than a hundred large industrial enterprises of the Krasnodar Territory are engaged in mechanical engineering and metalworking. In addition, small businesses operate in the region, which are engaged in railway, oil, chemical and agricultural engineering. A number of enterprises are engaged in the instrument-making, machine-tool and electrical industries.

Industrial enterprises of Krasnodar and the Krasnodar Territory produce:

  • compressors and spare parts for them;
  • measuring equipment;
  • metal cutting machines;
  • chains for combines;
  • solar panels;
  • means of radio communication;
  • water heaters;
  • mixers and coffee grinders;
  • hydraulic equipment;
  • locomotives, railcars, track cars;
  • attractions and more.

Chemical and petrochemical industry

This direction includes more than 10 medium and large entities and enterprises that produce various fertilizers, plastic products, rubber products, paint and varnish products. In total, about six thousand people are employed in this industry.

Mineral fertilizers are produced by Evrokhim OJSC, car mats, medical gloves, catheters and ball chambers are produced by the Armavir Rubber Products Plant. The production of paint and varnish products is carried out by such an industrial enterprise of the Krasnodar Territory as ZAO Khimik.

Forestry, woodworking and pulp and paper industry

A quarter of the entire territory of the Kuban is covered with forest. It is worth saying that this region is the only one in the Russian Federation where industrial felling of beech and oak is carried out. Very valuable wood is also obtained here, for example, fir, ash, chestnuts, and hornbeam. Among the leading enterprises in this industry are Yug OJSC, which conducts a full cycle of work, Rassvet CJSC, Enako LLC, Goryacheklyuchevskaya Furniture Factory OJSC.

As for the pulp and paper sector, it is represented by such enterprises as CJSC AR-Carton, CJSC Neopack Kuban.

Production of building materials

A significant contribution to the economy of the region and the country is made by building materials enterprises. The Krasnodar Territory is a leader in the production of materials based on gypsum, brick, cement, tiles, and prefabricated reinforced concrete.

It is worth highlighting such enterprises as Kuban Gypsum-Knauf, which produces dry building mixtures, Slavyansky, Gubsky and Novokubansky factories, engaged in the production of decorative and figured bricks.

Light industry

More than 400 enterprises (both large and small) unite the light industry of the region. The wool and clothing, cotton and leather, fur and shoe industries are developed in the Kuban. About 15 thousand Kuban citizens are involved in this area!

Sewing products for men and women are produced by CJSC "Alexandria". The products of this industrial enterprise of the Krasnodar Territory are in demand both in the domestic and foreign markets. Protective clothing is produced by the unique Slavyanskaya garment factory. It is this enterprise that fulfills orders from various law enforcement agencies, the Ministry of Defense of the country, and the Federal Border Service.