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Ready-made business plan for the manufacture of toilet paper. Business plan for the production of toilet paper with minimal investment

To set up your own toilet paper business, you must first register the business.

Toilet paper machine

This type of product can also be manufactured by a private entrepreneur, but in order to cooperate with large trading network organizations without problems, it is better to register a Limited Liability Company - LLC. List of required documents to start production:

The next step is the choice of equipment. If the budget is small, then the best option would be to purchase a mini-factory, since it has several advantages over large-scale lines:

Business idea toilet paper production

Specifications of some production lines

Finished production lines are divided according to the technological process into two types:

  • equipment for the production of finished raw materials - the most affordable and simple option;
  • mini-plant for processing waste paper - includes a set of mechanisms for the preparation of paper raw materials. This option is more complex, but includes all stages of the production process, and significantly reduces the cost of production.

In Russia, you can find equipment not only imported, but also domestically produced, new and used.

For example, the ALBP-1 automated complex (NIKA, Russia) is designed to make toilet paper from waste paper. Characteristics:

  • productivity - up to 4 tons per shift;
  • power - 20 kW;
  • required power - 380 V;
  • the necessary premises - 200 m 2;
  • cost - 8,000,000 rubles.

A more budgetary version of the toilet paper production complex, but without a waste paper recycling line, is the ZS-E-1380 model. Characteristics:

Electric mini-factory for the production of toilet paper from recycled materials from the Russian manufacturer "OBM", Omsk.


  • production - up to 1000 kg per shift;
  • power - 160 kW / h;
  • service - 4 people;
  • required production area - 150 m2, ceiling height - 4m;
  • cost - 1,900,000 rubles.

The main characteristics of the mini-factory

If we consider the option of a full production cycle with a waste paper processing stage, then such a complex will consist of the following units:

Production process

The technology for making toilet paper includes three stages:

  • preparation of paper raw materials:
  • production;
  • cutting of rolls and packaging.

For short-cycle equipment, the first stage can be omitted, ready-made raw materials can be purchased from large enterprises.

For mini-factories, including a waste paper processing line, the first stage is the preparation of raw materials:

How is toilet paper made?

Paper machine. PM The second stage is performed by the paper machine:
  • the reel-to-reel unit rewinds paper webs into logs - rolls of the required diameter and width. Due to this, rolls with a higher density are obtained;
  • at this stage, you can perform embossing;
  • the finished log is pasted over with wrapping paper and delivered to the receiver.

Third stage:

  • from the receiving department, the log is sent to the cutting station for cutting in accordance with the specified parameters;
  • finished rolls are fed into the packaging machine and packed in boxes for sale.

Material for production

For the manufacture of toilet paper, you can use ready-made paper raw materials, or, if the production line is full-cycle, then waste paper. Recyclable materials, according to GOST, can be of several types:

Coated paper and gloss cannot be used in production. The density of the feedstock should be no more than 130 g/m 2 .

Sources of waste paper:

  • printing houses;
  • printing plants;
  • large offices;
  • collection points for recycling;
  • population.

The cost of finished raw materials is 18,000 rubles per ton, and the price of waste paper is 2.5 rubles. for 1 kg.

Production business plan

To draw up a financial plan, the use of equipment with a capacity of 1,000 kg (10,000 rolls) per day is taken into account - an electric mini-line BDM-1 (Omsk Paper Mill).

Production cost:

Selling price 1 rub. - 3.00.

Profit from one roll of toilet paper - 3.00 - 1.85 = 1.15.

Daily profit - 1.15 * 10000 = 11,500.00.

Profit per month - 11,500.00 * 22 = 253,000.00.

Costs for the purchase of equipment - 1,900,000.00

The payback period will be 8 months.

These are preliminary calculations, which did not take into account the cost of acquiring / renting premises, advertising costs, maintenance of management personnel and subject to the full sale of products. But even such superficial data speaks of a fairly high profitability of a mini-factory for the production of toilet paper.

Video: Toilet paper machine

Modern society cannot imagine its life without toilet paper. Because this product will always be in demand. Every year, the number of those who have decided to make the production of toilet paper their business is increasing.

The product range is very important in this case, especially considering that lately buyers are paying attention to soft three-layer or two-layer types. It all depends on individual desire.

Product varieties

Buyers are no longer satisfied with ordinary single-layer paper. On sale there are varieties consisting of two or three flavored layers. Some manufacturers apply an embossed pattern or entertaining inscriptions to their product. Rolls of various widths are supplied on cardboard or plastic sleeves. Mini-production of toilet paper can not be recognized as a profitable investment. This is a very promising business.

It is worth clarifying that the business in this area affects such activities as the production of paper towels for the kitchen, sanitary and ordinary napkins. In terms of technological toilet paper, it is no different from the manufacture of this type of product.

raw material

The basis for the manufacture of these products is waste paper.

This material is processed on special equipment. From it receive a sanitary and hygienic paper basis. It is then used to manufacture the specified products. Such raw materials for the production of toilet paper are supplied in rather heavy rolls up to 2 meters long.

In order to save money on the purchase of this material, you can get your own machine for recycling waste paper. Taking into account the cost of purchasing such equipment, the production of toilet paper will require a significant initial investment.

Proper preparation of a business plan and registration

For the manufacture of these products will require considerable financial investment. If we take into account the process of manufacturing the goods, then it will not be too complicated. First of all, you need to take care of the correct preparation of a business plan. Such a document includes clauses on registration, necessary equipment and marketing of products.

Before registering, find a suitable location for your future business. A small toilet paper factory can be located in a non-residential building with an area of ​​over one hundred square meters. Instead of buying such premises, you can rent a production workshop with equipment already installed. After that, your future enterprise will be assigned a legal address, without which registration will be impossible.

For the correct implementation of this process, it is best to seek the help of qualified specialists. There are special organizations that offer high-quality services for the registration of legal entities.

toilet paper technology

As already mentioned, in order to save on the purchase of primary raw materials in the future, you can purchase your own waste paper processing equipment. This is important in this case. Naturally, the production of toilet paper itself, equipment for additional and subsequent marketing of products will require a lot of money, as well as time and effort. However, in the end, the benefits from such a case will be significant.

All machines require maintenance from time to time. To make this action faster, it is useful to buy toilet paper production equipment in nearby places.

The technology for the production of toilet paper is quite simple:

Toilet paper production: equipment, price

Careful preparation is necessary for the successful organization of this activity. In this case, you will need not one machine for the production of toilet paper, but at least four.

1. You will need a rewinder to rewind raw material rolls.

2. wound on cardboard sleeves. They can be purchased separately. However, it would be more expedient to purchase a bushing machine.

3. Long tubes of finished paper must be cut into rolls. This action is important. For this purpose, you will need a cutting machine.

4. Without a packaging machine, it will be difficult to send the products to the distribution points in the appropriate form.

All of the above equipment will cost you from 1 to 2 million rubles without shipping costs. However, there are additional costs in this case. These include the cost of delivery of units, training of personnel and adjustment of machines. All this is specified at the time of ordering the equipment.

Marketing Research

This is important in this case. In order to determine in which area it will be more profitable to sell products, marketing research is needed. This includes criteria for the selection of personnel and premises. You also need to make some calculations for expenses and income.


Having established this production, you, as a director, must hire from 5 to 10 workers. This group necessarily includes an accountant, 2-3 people to work with machines, as well as a security guard, drivers and several loaders. For you can use the services of the appropriate company.


This will require an individual approach. When choosing a room for this production, it is necessary to pay attention to its area. It must exceed 100 square meters. At first, it is better to focus on renting premises, rather than buying them. After all, the acquisition will require large investments, possibly loans. It is more profitable to rent a room on the outskirts of the city, in its environs or in the countryside. This will save money. Since the cost of identical offers in the city center will cost you much more. After determining the total area, it should be divided into zones. In the first, you need to locate a workshop with all the necessary equipment. The second zone is the room in which the original raw materials will be located. The third will house a warehouse where you will store finished products.


The sale of this product should be discussed separately. For better demand, these products must have their own logo. There are designers who specialize in their creation. You can create your own logo if you wish.

The main base of your customers is wholesalers. To search for potential customers, there is advertising that can be placed in periodicals. In addition to this, you can call the wholesale bases with the offer of the specified product. Soon you will have your own clients.

Calculation of expenses and income

Let's talk about this in a little more detail. Costs in this case can be divided into one-time and monthly.

  • In the first case, the funds spent on the purchase of equipment and machine tools are taken into account. Registration of a legal entity and execution of all necessary documents also belong to this category. In total, one-time expenses will amount to over 1 million 320 thousand Russian rubles.
  • Monthly costs include rent for the premises, raw materials for the production of toilet paper and cardboard for the cores. To these funds should be added the costs of purchasing wrappers for packing rolls, glue, as well as electricity fees. It should not be forgotten that a certain amount will need to be spent on wages for employees.

If we compare the monthly expenses with the profit from the sale of goods, we get the amount of net income. After a certain consolidation in this market, you can expand your enterprise somewhat.


After analyzing the above, we can say with confidence that the production of toilet paper with the right approach is quite promising and profitable. Therefore, every self-confident entrepreneur can safely try himself in this field of activity. If everything is properly organized, then the profit will be significant.

Toilet paper is included in the category of essential products. This fact explains the high demand for these products among various segments of the population. Modern production technology allows the production of various types of these products. It should also be noted that this production technology is based on the same devices that are used in the manufacture of disposable napkins and towels. This means that the launch of the toilet paper workshop will allow the production of a whole range of different products. In this article, we propose to consider the production of toilet paper as a profitable business and get acquainted with all the nuances associated with the implementation of such a project.

The production of toilet paper and paper towels is a very profitable business area.

Is this business profitable?

Every entrepreneur who writes a business plan must conduct an economic study in order to determine the level of profitability of the business. The toilet paper business has a number of features. According to experts, this direction has the highest level of competition. Every year, several dozens of different companies offering the products in question appear on the domestic market. In order to be able to recoup all its costs, the entrepreneur must take into account consumer needs. Single-layer paper has long lost its popularity. Today, buyers choose products with several layers impregnated with various flavors.

It should be noted that the high level of competition in this area is not an obstacle for new companies. According to experts, finding your audience is quite simple. To do this, the entrepreneur needs to offer consumers high-quality products that meet all modern requirements. . The main advantage of this business is the ability to sell goods in large quantities. As practice shows, even small retail outlets buy these products in increased volumes. This factor contributes to a quick return on invested capital.

A well-organized business will allow you to receive high profits on a regular basis.

Features of the production of toilet paper

When compiling a business plan, you should take into account all the features of the chosen direction of business activity. In this example, it is very important to identify those products that are more in demand by the population. This step will allow not only to obtain information on the value of production volumes, but also to determine the approximate level of profitability of the enterprise.

Business success largely depends on proper planning and organization of the technological cycle

All varieties of toilet paper presented on the shelves of retail outlets can be divided into two conditional categories: a roll with a sleeve, and paper without a sleeve. It is important to note that these products are manufactured on the same equipment. The only difference between these categories is the cost of the products. Products that do not have a sleeve are more beneficial for both the end user and the manufacturing company. However, people with a high income level prefer to purchase products belonging to the first category.

It should also be noted that there are two main methods of production of the goods in question. The level of initial investment and the rate of return on the project depends on the choice of a specific technology.

  1. The first method is acquisition of a production line with a full cycle. In the case of this type of equipment, recycled paper is used as a raw material.
  2. The second method is purchase of a line with a simplified cycle. In this case, a paper-cellulose base is used for the manufacture of products. To rewind raw materials, special equipment and machines are used that cut the finished product into small rolls.

According to experts, the use of the first method is more appropriate, despite the need to invest a larger amount for the purchase of production equipment. It should also be said that the cost of equipment with a simplified cycle is quite high, which leads to an unjustified increase in the cost of the goods themselves.

How to organize production

Having drawn up a business plan containing information about the intricacies and nuances of the chosen line of business, you can proceed to the implementation of the project. At the initial stage of this process, you should decide on the form of ownership of the business.

Company registration

An entrepreneur who wants to engage in this type of business should obtain the status of a legal entity. The fact is that most of the enterprises involved in the supply of raw materials cooperate exclusively with organizations. In order to register, you must have a lease agreement for a production workshop with an area of ​​​​more than one hundred square meters. You can register a business both independently and through special agencies that provide such services. The cost of registering a business is about ten thousand rubles. It is important to note that this type of business is subject to mandatory licensing. The cost of the license is one hundred and forty thousand rubles.

In order to start production, you must obtain permission from the SES. This permit is issued only to those entrepreneurs who have already registered with the tax authorities and have a real estate lease agreement in their hands.

Before deciding to start a toilet paper business, it is necessary to conduct a thorough and high-quality market analysis, as well as prepare a business plan.

Requirement for production shops

The considered type of production requires the presence of a room with a large area. To organize a workshop for the production of toilet paper with a full production cycle, an area equal to one hundred and fifty square meters will be required. Ceiling height must be at least four meters. In order to find such a property will have to spend a lot of time. As practice shows, renting such a workshop can take a significant part of the budget.

Rented property should be divided into three main areas. The workshop itself will be located in the first zone, where machines and other equipment for the production of toilet paper will be installed. The second zone is intended for storage of raw materials and their further sorting. The third zone should be allocated for the organization of a warehouse for finished goods. In addition, it is necessary to equip a rest room and a locker room for employees, as well as install showers. In addition to the production workshop itself, it will be necessary to organize an office for the company's administration.


In order for the enterprise to operate at full capacity, it is best to organize work in several shifts. In addition to auxiliary workers who will maintain the line, it will be necessary to hire a process engineer and a storekeeper. In addition to the above workers, a driver may be required with his own small van or truck.

The recruitment of such an employee will reduce the costs associated with the search for counterparties who will be involved in the delivery of finished products to customers. You will also need an accountant who will take over the financial activities of the company.
It should be noted that in the case of opening a whole plant, much more employees will be required. Some entrepreneurs combine several job positions in order to reduce the cost item. This step can lead to overload of workers, which will negatively affect overall productivity.

Necessary equipment

For the manufacture of toilet paper and other similar products, you will need to purchase production equipment. To date, ready-made lines are available for sale, which can significantly reduce the cost item. When choosing production equipment, experts recommend paying attention to such parameters as the complexity of commissioning and the period of warranty service. As practice shows, the quality of devices depends on the price category of equipment.

In order to get started, you will need to purchase a rewinding machine, a cutting machine and a bushing unit. In addition, equipment for packaging finished products and a pasting table will be required.

The main difficulty in this business is high competition and market saturation with products.

Toilet paper production - equipment cost:

  1. Fully automated line- from two and a half million rubles.
  2. Semi-automatic line- from one and a half million rubles.

Entrepreneurs who do not have such a large capital are trying to reduce the expense item by purchasing used machines. Of course, this step will save money, but you should take into account the high probability of equipment failure. It is recommended to purchase a used machine for the production of toilet paper only if you are confident in the quality of the proposed units. The best way out of this situation is to purchase those devices that are under the factory warranty.

Where to get raw materials

When choosing production equipment, it is very important to consider the quality and type of raw materials that will be used to produce the final product. . To date, toilet paper is made from waste paper or a special basis.. The paper-cellulose base is produced in the form of rolls, several meters wide. The weight of such rolls can reach five hundred kilograms. The purchase of a paper machine allows you to make this base from recycled paper.

It is important to note that packages, sleeves and labels must be ordered separately. When organizing a mini-workshop, the above-mentioned base is used, which is cut into separate rolls. The full production cycle implies independent processing of raw materials and production of finished products. According to experts, the second option is more profitable. It should be noted that the regulatory authorities have established certain standards for the processing of raw materials. To date, the use of old prints, cardboard, books, as well as plain white paper is allowed. The choice of raw materials affects the quality of the finished product and affects its final cost.


For the successful implementation of this project, it will be necessary to conclude contracts with retail outlets. In the business under consideration, it is very important to find large buyers who will purchase wholesale lots of goods. It is important to emphasize that in this case there is no need for a large advertising campaign in order to attract the attention of the end buyer. To organize the sale of existing products, you will need to hire managers who will independently call potential customers. In addition, it will be necessary to give advertisements in printed publications intended for entrepreneurs.

The equipment used in the production of toilet paper varies in complexity and price, respectively.

Costs and expected profit

The business plan of each project should contain a financial model. This model is compiled on the basis of both current and planned costs. Using the financial model, you can get information about the level of profitability of the chosen direction and the rate of return on invested capital.

Let's get acquainted with the costs associated with the opening of this production. The total cost of registering a business will be about one hundred and fifty thousand rubles. The cost of renting the necessary premises is about seventy thousand rubles a month. More than one and a half million rubles will be needed in order to purchase a production line. In order to buy raw materials, packaging and labels, you will need about six hundred and fifty thousand rubles. The size of the item of expenses for the salaries of employees and other production costs varies from one hundred and fifty to two hundred thousand rubles a month. Summing up all of the above, we can conclude that in order to organize this business, you need to have about 3,000,000 rubles.

The level of profitability of the business in question is about twelve percent. This means that the invested capital will pay off after several years of continuous operation.

Conclusions (+ video)

The toilet paper business is a high cost venture. However, a competent approach to the implementation of a business plan can not only reduce the rate of return on investment, but also significantly increase profits. For this purpose, it is necessary to increase the range offered and work with different categories of consumers.

In contact with

The most profitable business is the one that produces products that are in constant demand. One of those essential items is toilet paper. Its release is quite cost-effective, but it has a number of features that a novice businessman needs to know about.

Gone are the days when toilet paper was in short supply. Today, this product is quite affordable, dozens of varieties of paper are offered to the attention of buyers: bleached, dyed, flavored, two and three-layer, decorated with drawings, especially soft and environmentally friendly. You can buy the coveted roll at any supermarket, kiosk or convenience store.

A wide supply makes it difficult for new entrepreneurs to enter the market. Among the complexities of this business:

  • large initial investment;
  • abundance of competitors;
  • possible implementation issues.

There are advantages to the paper business as well. Among the main ones:

  • stable demand for products;
  • availability of raw materials;
  • good selection of production equipment.
  • How to organize production: step by step instructions

The production of toilet paper as a business is possible in 2 versions. In the first, waste paper of all kinds is used as raw material, from newspapers to cardboard. In the second, a cellulose semi-finished product is taken for production.

The second way is much more expensive., therefore, a novice entrepreneur should focus on the production of a full cycle, which begins with the processing of waste paper.

The production of stretch ceilings as a business: where to start and how to succeed in this area, you can find out

Industrial production of toilet paper: equipment and cost

The main stage of production is the selection of a suitable room. The production workshop should be spacious enough, its optimal size is 150 square meters. m. The premises should be zoned, fencing off deposits for the storage of raw materials and products prepared for sale.

The workshop must be equipped with water supply, sewage and electricity connections are required. The most convenient option is to rent a room at the factory.

Buy production equipment. For the production of paper from the zero cycle, production lines are offered that can produce up to 1 ton of products per day. The kit includes: paper machine with the function of cleaning raw materials. It includes:

  • electric generator
  • breaker
  • paper mill
  • shaker
  • agitators
  • cutting machine
  • unwinding machine
  • packaging equipment
  • pasting table
  • equipment for the production of cardboard sleeves (optional).

On the market you can find many offers for sale and Choose an option that includes delivery, installation, repair and staff training.

Later, the production line can be supplemented with equipment for the production of paper towels, napkins and other products.

Buy raw materials. For the production of toilet paper, waste paper of any class is suitable: newspapers, cardboard, magazine and book, bleached and lined paper. For production, cardboard sleeves or cardboard for their production are needed, as well as nets and cloth. All materials must have certificates of conformity.

How to open a furniture production from scratch and what equipment is required for this - read

Manufacturing process: how does waste paper turn into toilet paper?

The production process consists of several stages. 1 worker copes with maintenance of the production line:

  1. Raw materials are sorted, cleaned, filled with water and crushed. After that, the paper mass enters the sieve, where it is freed from foreign inclusions.
  2. The paper mixture is washed in the tank. The purer the initial raw material, the less water is lost during the washing step.
  3. In a special mill the washed pulp is crushed and then fed into the pressure tank.
  4. The prepared mass is mixed with water. The liquid substance is poured onto the grid and distributed over it in an even layer. Excess water drains and is sent to wash a new portion of the raw material.
  5. The paper enters the drying drum, and after drying it is removed from the grid of the paper machine with a special knife. The resulting tapes are sent to the final dryer, after which they are wound into reels (with or without a sleeve), and then cut.
  6. The dried paper is embossed on an unwinder and then rewound. At this stage, it is possible to create multilayer paper.
  7. The finished reel is wrapped with a label and cut into finished rolls. Products are weighed and packed in film or cardboard boxes, which are delivered to the warehouse of products intended for sale.

Toilet Paper Business Plan: Costs and Profits

Full-cycle production requires large one-time investments. So the business plan for production includes:

  1. rent of premises (150 sq. m) - 75,000 rubles per month;
  2. production line - from 110,000 rubles.

The production of 1 ton of toilet paper will cost about 7,000 rubles. This amount includes the cost of raw materials, water, electricity, consumables, as well as the wages of the worker serving the line.

The wholesale cost of toilet paper is 5 rubles per roll, so the profit will be 3.7 rubles. Thus, from 1 ton of toilet paper, you can make a profit of 2,400 rubles.

and the order of their implementation in practice - in our new article at the link.

With a one-shift operation of the line and a five-day working week, the profit per month will be 520,000 rubles. After deducting all monthly expenses, the net profit is 280,000 rubles per month.

The profitability of the business is quite high, investments will pay off in 7-8 months.

Features of product sales

Despite the high demand, it is not easy to profitably sell the issued paper. Supermarkets are interested in large quantities of quality goods, but in order to force competitors off the shelves, they will not only have to lower the price, but also pay for the right to sell. As a result, profits will decrease significantly, despite the high turnover, the company will operate on the verge of breakeven.

A more profitable option is cooperation with chain stores of the “neighborhood” format, hardware stores, and small independent stores.

With outlets like this you can sign long-term contracts, providing constant channels of implementation.

Keep an eye on competitors' offers. A profitable market constantly attracts new players who can move you from your usual place at any time. To maintain a decent level of sales, you will have to monitor price changes, offer wholesalers interesting bonuses and discounts.

How toilet paper is produced in practice, you can find out in this video:

Toilet paper market - how to sell the product

Is toilet paper profitable? Is it profitable to enter the market today? There is no single answer to this question. However, certain conclusions can be drawn.

As with most production ideas, all problems rest on sales. Despite the fact that domestic manufacturers of toilet paper still cannot meet the needs of the country in full, the implementation of this product for many small manufacturers is not an easy task.

The most profitable channel for the sale of a product is retail chains. But it is difficult for a small entrepreneur to get on the shelves of hypermarkets: local managers ask for too large amounts for entry. There is only one way out - to look for buyers among independent hardware stores and small, intra-city retail chains.

As for competition, it is mostly represented not by Russian, but by foreign manufacturers. They occupy almost all the shelves of the economic departments in large retail chains. The main suppliers of toilet paper are manufacturers from Germany, Poland and Italy. They produce expensive, two- and three-layer paper, unlike domestic manufacturers, whose main specialization is cheap toilet paper. On this account, there is an opinion of one of the participants of the specialized business forum “business. RU":


To organize the production of paper, you should choose a room of 300 sq.m. The fact is that the production line, which includes several machines, occupies a large area. In addition, it is necessary not only to supply equipment, but also to leave room for personnel to maneuver, to load raw materials and ship finished products. The premises are divided into several zones: a warehouse for raw materials, a warehouse for finished products, a production workshop, a utility room and an office space for the sales and accounting department. To organize a full-fledged year-round production, the room must be heated. Other mandatory requirements for such industries: the presence of good ventilation, sewerage, fire safety systems. You should take care of the security system of the enterprise.

Renting such ready-made space can be expensive. Depending on the region, prices can vary dramatically, but you should not count on less than 100 thousand rubles per month.

Raw materials for production

The basic raw material for the production of toilet paper is waste paper (recyclable) or wood. From this raw material, a paper base is obtained: paper for sanitary and hygienic purposes. The process of obtaining a paper base from wood is technologically complex and requires the purchase of expensive equipment. To obtain a soft and elastic material, it is necessary to cut off the thinnest layers of wood. This process is called creping and is carried out on special machines.

The production of a paper base from recycled paper - waste paper - is somewhat simpler. The most important point here is the cleaning of waste paper from various heterogeneous impurities. For this, the double flushing method is used. Then the cleaned waste paper is placed in a shredder, after which it is mixed with water. Next, the resulting mass is dried at a temperature of +115 gr. At the final stage, thin layers of the paper base are cut from the resulting homogeneous mass using the same creping method, which serves as the raw material for the production of toilet paper.

It is worth saying that it is not necessary for a small enterprise to include the receipt of a paper base in the production line. At the initial stages, the best option would be to purchase a ready-made paper base, the offers of which are plentiful on the market. Paper is sold in wide rolls of 1 - 2 meters and weighing 500 kg. This will save at the initial stage most of the financial resources.

Equipment for the production of

To organize the production of toilet paper from a paper base, the following set of machines is required: a rewinder, a core machine, a cutting machine, a universal packaging machine and a pasting machine. The estimated cost of such a line is $80,000. Average productivity of lines: from 3 to 7 thousand rolls per shift (8 hours). In a month, taking into account 22 working days, when working in one shift, it is possible to produce from 66 to 154 thousand rolls of paper.

Enterprise personnel

Despite sufficient automation of the production process, even a small enterprise will need to hire a large number of workers:

  • adjuster (master) of equipment,
  • shop manager (foreman) and technologist,
  • line operators (5-6 people),
  • storekeeper and handymen (they are loaders).

You will also need office staff: an accountant, sales managers and sales managers.

The approximate wage fund for such a team is from 200 to 300 thousand rubles per month.

Toilet paper - how much can you earn?

The cost of production of one roll of toilet paper, taking into account the cost of raw materials, wages and rent, is about 4 rubles. You can sell one roll at a price of 5 to 6 rubles:

Even if we take into account that we get 1 ruble of profit from one roll, then when selling 100,000 rolls per month, our profit will be 100,000 rubles, provided that the number of sales of all our products will be close to 80 - 90%.