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We open our own cafe (an example of a business plan with cost and profit calculations). Cafe business plan with calculations or how to open a cafe

When there is a desire to open a restaurant, fantasy always comes into play. One has only to imagine how groups of people are sitting at cozy tables, everyone is eating, drinking, laughing, and quiet, pleasant music plays in the background. Of course, you can dream up and imagine a youth cafe where boys and girls gather, they are brightly dressed, everyone around is drinking the same bright cocktails, and incendiary motives of music make you surrender to the dance.

Taken together, all these representations are the concept of the restaurant. At first glance, it may seem that it is extremely simple to come up with what the restaurant will look like and what dishes can be ordered in it. However, in order for the place to be popular, many nuances must be taken into account. This article will help you understand how to prepare a description of the concept of a restaurant and what you need to consider when developing it. It will also be possible to get acquainted with examples of ready-made concepts that can serve as inspiration for opening a restaurant.

What it is?

First, let's get a little familiar with the terminology. And so, the concept of the restaurant is a kind of plan, which reveals the idea of ​​creating a catering point. involves the process of answering a series of questions to create on paper an idea of ​​what the establishment will look like

Unlike a business plan, the development of a restaurant concept aims to focus on important organizational points such as design, menu, staff, service, and the possibility of including additional services.

Experienced marketers recommend that you start creating your business with the development of a concept. Next, you should start writing a business plan that describes the whole idea in more formal language and indicates the cost of each action. In general, these two documents will become the basis for creating a restaurant or cafe.

It is important to note that you should not try to combine the concept and the business plan. After all, in fact, these documents have different purposes. So, a business plan will be of interest to investors or a person involved in the economic part of the issues. But the description of the concept of the restaurant will be useful to the future administrator or manager, as well as to the people who will be involved in the creation of the restaurant. By reading the description of the idea, it will be easier to understand how to arrange a visit, what dishes will be on the menu, what the waiters will look like and everything that will make the restaurant special.

And so, after the goals and objectives have been determined, you should begin to consider how to formalize the concept of the restaurant. An example of the document structure, given a little below, will tell you where to start developing.

The main stage of concept development is market research

To create a restaurant concept, marketing research allows you to choose the most profitable way for business development. After all, profit is the main thing. Sometimes a real understanding of things can radically change the invented concept of a restaurant. An example is the following situation. A person, due to his interests, outlook on life and insatiable desire, decides to open a restaurant with modern author's cuisine in a small town. The city has two industrial plants, and, for example, a large farm. Most of the residents work at these enterprises. From the realities it can be seen that the people of this city spend most of their time at work, which may require hard physical labor from them, that is, the bulk of the city are people with an average income. Based on the situation, it can be suggested that a place serving dishes from molecular cuisine or a salad with a difficult to pronounce name is unlikely to be popular in this particular city. But the concept of a family restaurant, perhaps in this case, will be more advantageous in terms of making a profit.

What should be taken into account when researching the market and opportunities when opening a restaurant? Of course, first of all - the location of the institution. If the choice of places for opening a cafe or restaurant is not great, you should start developing the concept, starting from this moment.

Next, you need to understand who will be the target audience, or, more simply, regular visitors to the restaurant. It is important to study the tastes, preferences, interests, and most importantly, the possibilities of the guests who will visit the establishment. When researching the target audience, it is important to determine the main and secondary groups of visitors.

Having determined these moments, it is necessary to assess competitiveness. Here you should answer the following questions: how many such establishments are there in the city and how far are they located, why are they attractive to guests, and also what are their shortcomings. Having analyzed these questions in detail, it will be clear what to invest in your own, new concept of the restaurant.

The structure of the concept - where to start and how to formalize?

In order to recreate on paper the picture that is in your head, you should start with the structure. It should include the following items:

  1. The general idea of ​​the institution.
  2. The location of the restaurant.
  3. The main groups of guests.
  4. Choice of cuisine (menu).
  5. Design and general atmosphere of the establishment.
  6. Guests service.
  7. Personnel (staff, selection and selection criteria).
  8. Equipment and furniture.
  9. Additional services.
  10. Attracting clients.

The order of these items is important. If it is supposed that the restaurant opens in order to earn good money on it, then you need to remember that the concept must meet the demand of those customers who will visit it. Therefore, do not neglect the second and third points of the structure described above.

General idea

This section is the beginning of a description that will serve as an introduction to the idea itself. Here it is necessary to briefly state such main points as dishes, cuisine features, the amount of the average check, the main and secondary groups of visitors.

The general idea will give impetus to further drafting the concept. This paragraph should not exceed one page in length.

Menu selection

When developing a concept, you can do this:

  • develop a detailed menu;
  • outline the main contours of the future menu (describe the main positions and determine the direction).

It is best to use the second option, and entrust the finalization of all the nuances to the future chef. This section of the concept should also highlight such points as the possibility of introducing dishes of the day, seasonal and lenten menus, specialties. You can foresee the possibility of providing discounts associated with the order of certain items. From the first sketches, it is recommended to make an approximate calculation of the average bill.

Interior design

Once the cuisine and dishes to be served have been determined, the design concept for the restaurant should begin. It is worth remembering that this section, in fact, in the future will be a technical task for the designer and workers who will implement the idea of ​​​​the interior.

An important point - from the point of view of information perception, a person has the best developed visual channel. Therefore, the design should attract, excite the appetite and, of course, be remembered by guests.

There are many ready-made restaurant concepts with good design, but they are all based on the main rule - the design of the premises should correspond to the level of prices and service.


Based on the pricing policy, the level of guest service is also determined. In other words, the more expensive the average check, the higher the level of service should be. In this section, you should consider what the waiters, administrators and other staff will look like. It is also important to determine what manners the waiters should have, how they will offer dishes.


This section describes the number of staff required, level of education and experience. You can include selection, testing, and selection methods.

It is important to pay attention to the issue of age. Also consider replacement options.

Furniture and equipment

Here you need to make an approximate list of equipment and furniture that will be used by staff in their work, and where guests will be accommodated. All appliances should be taken into account, from the kitchen to lighting, musical equipment and the one that will be in the toilet and corridors.

Additional services

Additional services should be understood as what the restaurant will earn on, in addition to the main activity. It can be food delivery, organizing private parties, camping and much more.

It is worth remembering that not all additional services are appropriate in some cases. For example, for a good restaurant, where the average check is from 5000-7000 rubles, it is less advisable to organize food delivery to your home. But providing the possibility of ordering for seminars, business negotiations or celebrations would be a more suitable option.

Customer acquisition

Based on which direction was chosen to implement the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bopening a restaurant, you should determine the best way to attract guests. It can be advertising on social networks, attractive outdoor advertising, attracting promoters and much more.

Brief example of a restaurant concept

This concept is a sketch that will help you start from the idea and put it on paper. This ready-made example of a restaurant concept is designed to seat 50-70 visitors, whose wealth is above average. For example, a restaurant named "Bourbon" will be taken.

Section 1 - General idea. It consists in providing services for residents and visitors of the city. When visiting the restaurant, the guest should enjoy French cuisine and spend time in a cozy atmosphere, which will be complemented by French musical motives. The average check for food and drinks in an institution should be in the range from 1500 to 2000 rubles.

The visitors of the restaurant "Bourbon" are people who appreciate the quality and lightness of food and drinks, they prefer to relax in small companies. Their circle of interests is filled with quiet hobbies, in the form of reading books and going to the theater.

Section 2 - Location. The restaurant will be located at the intersection of two main streets of the city. Near the institution is the city administration, two shopping centers and a private clinic. In addition, the city center is always filled with residents, it becomes especially busy on weekends and in the evening.

Section 3 - Menu. The main concept of the menu is traditional French cuisine. The main items will be soups, salads, hot meat dishes and pastries. The average check for a full meal will be 1700-2100 rubles.

The menu should provide the option to order the dish of the day. To increase the interest of visitors, it is necessary to introduce unique positions every month, which can be ordered only during the offer period. And also during the year, summer, autumn, winter and spring menus will be developed. The rationality of seasonal menus must be supported by the cost of seasonal products.

Section 4 - Design. should be presented in a pleasant, warm brown-beige range. The walls should be decorated with pictures. The bar counter area and the waiters' places should be located near the entrance to the kitchen. Guest tables are placed along the perimeter of the hall, and in its center there will be a zone with flowers. Stands for flowers and indoor trees will be in dark, brown colors.

Section 5 - Maintenance. When meeting guests, the waiter should lead people to the table, within 1 minute tell about new products, seasonal dishes and positions of the day. Further, while the guests choose dishes from the menu, he must leave them for 3 minutes, and then take the order. Be sure the waiter offers a drink suitable for the dish, and also recommends a dessert. While visiting the restaurant, the guest must see his waiter, and if possible, do not order dishes through the bartender.

The manner of communication of the attendants is polite, friendly, unobtrusive. Clothes neat and clean. The uniform must consist of black trousers, a white shirt and a long brown apron.

Section 6 - Personnel. The restaurant staff will consist of two administrators, one chef, sous chef, four chefs, a bartender, six waiters, two cleaners, two kitchen workers and two wardrobe workers. For cooks and waiters, profile education or the presence of supporting documents on the completion of courses in the field of activity is required. Age of employees - from 25 years.

Section 7 - Additional Services. As additional services, it is planned to organize off-site banquets for individual orders.

Focusing on the structure and example of the concept of the restaurant, you can bring to life all those ideas that come to mind. It is worth noting that any concept can be corrected or supplemented over time.


Having considered the question of how to develop a restaurant concept, and what it is for, everyone will be able to do it right. Since it depends on this moment how clear the general strategy of the institution will be.

In the process of creating a concept, you can think over to the smallest detail how the institution will look like and what guests will visit it. And after that, implement the plan according to the plan.

Do you like different national cuisines and are you good at pizza, sushi or meat dishes? But is it difficult to find a restaurant with a more or less tasty snack? Open your own business. A monthly income of about 200 thousand rubles is practically guaranteed with the proper organization of the business.

You should start by drawing up a business plan, and be prepared for the start-up capital to be at least 2 million rubles.

Market analysis

When choosing a suitable place, pay attention to the nearby summer cafes, bakeries, restaurants and other forms of public catering. A large concentration of these organizations in a limited area will create high competition. Against the backdrop of promoted establishments with a permanent clientele, it will be difficult for a new cafe to attract visitors.

Pay attention to the format of the institution. The following options are possible:

  • mini-cafe of fast food type;
  • with a self-service system;
  • fast food restaurant;
  • an institution specializing in the delivery of its own products.

It is also necessary to choose a specialization - whether your cafe will be of a general direction or a fairly narrow profile: confectionery, ice cream parlor, children's, pancake shop, sushi bar and so on.

Further, as an example for specific calculations, we will use the variant pizzerias. It will be popular in a big city, where residents eat literally on the go. The main contingent will be students, office workers and noisy youth. In other words, a client with a low and medium level of income.

Basic menu principles

While the client is waiting for the pizza to be prepared, you can offer him snacks and salads that are prepared quickly. You can also diversify the menu with quick Italian desserts. Do not forget about drinks: various types of coffee, tea, juice, water and non-alcoholic beer.

Along with the famous types of Italian pie, offer customers unique types of pizza. Let them determine the filling from the proposed ingredients. These may be the following products:

  • different types of cheeses and sausages;
  • mushrooms and vegetable slices, greens;
  • seafood, shrimp, anchovies;
  • pickled onions, olives or olives;
  • bacon, cold cuts;
  • pickled vegetables and fruits;
  • sauces.

Business registration

To proceed with the registration, it is necessary to clearly understand in which premises the institution will be located. Not only the area and lighting is important, but also the location. If this is a stand-alone building, then more documents will need to be issued than in the case of renting premises in a shopping center, the owners of which have already taken care of obtaining documents from the SES, agreed on the retail space in the fire service, and approved the architectural project.

Ultimately, the entrepreneur needs to draw up a contract for the lease of space, register the business and notify the city administration.

A convenient option - and pay only 6% of all the income of the institution. If you are embarrassed by the high rent, do not rush to abandon the planned action plan. Renting space in a shopping center has several other advantages:

  • guaranteed flow of visitors who are potential customers of the pizzeria;
  • profitable target contingent;
  • self-promotion, providing savings on marketing activities.

When calculating the profitability of the decision to rent premises in the shopping center, the following data will be obtained. An area of ​​60 square meters will require a rent of about 130 thousand rubles. per month. On weekdays, attendance can be approximately 50 people, on weekends up to 90 visitors. As a result, for a month the flow of visitors will be about 1720 people. If the cost of an average order is approximately 530 rubles with a standard markup of 250-300%, then monthly revenue will be in the range of 900-915 thousand rubles.

Financial plan

The starting investment for starting your own business will be at least 2 million rubles. This amount should include organizational, repair and promotional activities.

Name of the eventCost in thousand rubles.
1. Payment for rent for 2 months, during which repairs, delivery and installation of the necessary equipment, preparation for opening, registration will be carried out.130*2=260
2. Registration of the necessary documentation subject to the lease of premises in the shopping center + expenses for organizational measures.100
3. Pizzeria design development and payment for finishing works.460
4. Promotion of business, payment for advertising within two months.130
5. Purchase of all necessary inventory and specialized equipment.940
6. Development and production of menu cards.40
7. Building a stock of ingredients.70

Of course, the most expensive item is the purchase of equipment and inventory. But you can’t save on this, since the speed of preparation and the taste of the dishes served will depend on the quality and level of technology.

Not a single pizzeria can do without a dough mixer, a flour sifter, a dough divider, a dough rolling machine, a press and an oven. You will also need devices for quick cutting of ingredients: cheese grater, vegetable cutter and slicer. The last point of purchase is furniture and refrigerators: a refrigerated display case, a pair of refrigerated cabinets, work tables and a rack.

Marketing plan

In a city with a population of 500-600 thousand inhabitants, the level of competition in the field of public catering is quite high. To announce a new pizzeria and attract customers, it is necessary to conduct an extensive advertising campaign. When planning promotional events, there are several factors to consider:

  • age of potential customers (students, office workers, other visitors to the shopping center aged 16 to 45);
  • the possibility of holding promotions in the shopping center;
  • great impact on youth social networks and other Internet resources.

Before opening institutions can use the following methods of informing the public:

  • prepare and distribute leaflets;
  • order outdoor advertising (banners, banners, etc.);
  • launch an advertising project on social networks, present the idea of ​​opening with promotional prices for products, tasting and other offers.

On opening day a special strategy should be planned, which will be as follows:

  • not far from the pizzeria there is a billboard with outdoor advertising, on which there are not only mouth-watering photos of products, but also promotional prices, special offers for different groups of customers;
  • in the shopping center on the opening day there should be an announcement about a new pizzeria that offers delicious pizza;
  • outdoor advertising will also be needed outside the walls of the center in order to attract residents from nearby offices and educational institutions.

In the future, it is necessary to analyze all the marketing methods used. Abandon unprofitable ones and strengthen effective ones. But it is worth remembering that the success of a pizzeria depends not only on the number of attracted customers, but also on the taste of the main dish and the quality of service. It is necessary to work out methods of working with regular customers. Establishing good, cooperative relationships with people will help strengthen and expand the business.

You can watch a detailed story about opening your own cafe in the video:

Opening preparation schedule

On average, it takes from two months to prepare for the launch of a catering establishment, depending on the condition of the premises, the speed of recruitment and promotion of registration activities.

Considering that the privilege of opening in a shopping center simplifies the procedure for approving permits from the SES and the fire service, then it will take no more than 1 month to complete the documents. You should not wait until the registration passes, but immediately begin the procedure for recruiting and repairing. You need to make a schedule and perform all actions sequentially.

Planned eventsMarchAprilMay
Business registration, development and approval of statutory documents
Coordination of documents in the fire service and SES
Development of room design
Procurement of building materials for interior decoration
Recruitment and training of personnel
Purchase, installation of furniture, equipment
Installation of lighting fixtures
Start of the advertising campaign
Purchase of the main items of ingredients

Profitability assessment

Name of the item of expenditureAmount per month (thousand rubles)
Total: 665.5
1. Salary fund213.5
2. Payment of rent in the shopping center130
3. Communal payments24.5
4. promotional activities30
5. Transport services20
6. Accounting services8
7. Contributions to the insurance fund64.5
8. Unexpected expenses15
9. Purchase of raw materials160

The most expensive item - the payroll fund - is calculated subject to the involvement of the following employees:

  • chef;
  • five chefs;
  • administrator;
  • one cleaner;
  • three dishwashers;
  • four waiters/pizza delivery men;
  • payment for accounting services under the agreement.

Thus, with monthly expenses of 665,500 rubles. and income of 915 thousand rubles. gross profit will be 249,500 rubles. Net income, taking into account 6% taxes, will be 234,530 rubles per month.

Restaurants all over the world open their doors daily to millions of visitors, who, by the way, bring in a hefty profit. Time is changeable, fashion also does not stand still, but food is always relevant, and therefore catering establishments are and will be in high demand. In this regard, it is safe to say that a restaurant is an ideal idea for starting your own business.

Restaurant concept - ready-made examples

The first thing to do with is to think over the basic concept of the future restaurant: will it be a Bavarian-style beer bar or a gourmet Greek restaurant?

Advice: when choosing a concept, one should take into account the location of the future institution, the standard of living of the local population, its interests and preferences. This will allow you to predict the demand for the restaurant.

Among the many possible solutions, the following examples of ready-made concepts can be distinguished:

  1. Gastronomic restaurant. In such an institution, guests are offered delicious dishes cooked according to complex recipes. Here everything is provided for a comfortable pastime: courteous hostesses meet and see off, visitors are served by efficient waiters.
  2. Casual restaurant. People come to establishments of this kind to relax with family, friends, drop in for lunch during a lunch break. Guests are offered a simple menu at affordable prices.
  3. Bar. Visitors are seated at the counter, ordering alcoholic drinks and chatting. Often, sports events are broadcast in such establishments.
  4. Specialty restaurant. The highlight of such an institution is a special menu and an unusual interior designed in a certain theme. An example would be a hunting restaurant. Here guests are offered to try dishes from game. The walls of the institution, as a rule, are decorated with the skins of wild animals and hunting paraphernalia. Another possible option is a diet restaurant that serves low-calorie meals and soft drinks.
  5. Kneipe. A drinking establishment that serves mainly beer, but other alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks are also available to guests. In addition, the menu includes traditional German dishes.

How to open your own restaurant - where to start?

Open a restaurant from scratch - cost

The launch of the restaurant business will require at least 2 million rubles. The expense item will include such costs as paperwork, rent, repairs and decoration of the premises, purchase of furniture and equipment, staff salaries, as well as other expenses associated with servicing the establishment. According to experienced restaurateurs, the average payback period for this business is 3 years, and the attendance of the establishment in the first months of operation does not exceed 45%.

Restaurant description - example

Before, or a catering establishment, it is necessary to draw up a business plan for the project. Such a plan includes several sections, and since the main goal of any commercial activity, whether it is starting a restaurant or extracting maximum profit at the lowest cost, financial analysis should be considered the main section.

An approximate calculation of a business plan using the example of the Sevilla restaurant:

Description of the project. It is planned to open a restaurant of European cuisine "Seville" in the business center of the city next to office buildings, a hotel, a shopping and entertainment center and a musical theater. The establishment will be equipped with a bar offering a variety of drinks, alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails.

Business concept. The restaurant's menu will offer 36 dishes that fully comply with the principles of a healthy diet - lean meat, light sauces and desserts.

  • The total area is 210 m².
  • The total number of seats is 125.

Financial plan. Investments - 4 million rubles, of which:

  • renting premises / design project - 1,170,000;
  • repair without redevelopment - 330,000;
  • purchase of furniture, equipment - 1,700,000;
  • creation and promotion of the site / advertising campaign - 150,000;
  • license - 125000;
  • other expenses (telephone communication, Internet, utility bills, other current expenses) - 525,000.

Restaurant income in rubles (average):

  • daily check - 750;
  • evening check - 2250;
  • check at the banquet - 9500.

With 85% of the restaurant's load, the gross profit for the first year will be 16,020,000 rubles, and after payback (in 36 months) - 18,760,000.

Restaurant plan with dimensions

Catering establishments are often located in one- and two-story buildings. Exceptions are cafes and restaurants at hotel complexes and shopping centers. In some cases, such establishments are located on the basement floor, 50-70% of which rises above the ground.

It is more rational to design restaurants with a capacity of up to 150 people as one-story, and those designed for large scales as two-story. When designing a restaurant, the presence of various functional areas should be taken into account. There are 4 groups in total.

Production shops

The complex of production areas is necessary for cold and heat processing of products intended for eating, cooking, as well as for washing dishes. It is advisable to place all production facilities in one functional area in order to ensure the continuity of work processes.

Distribution areas must be located so that technological and door openings provide direct communication with cold and hot shops, washing, bread cutting area, service and buffet.

If the above premises are located on one side of the distribution room, then its width should be at least 2 m. If the functional areas are located on two or more sides - at least 3 m. The width of the corridors in production and storage rooms is 1.3 m.

Visitor facilities

Guest facilities include a lobby (including a cloakroom, washrooms and toilets), a customer service hall, a banquet hall, a waiter's room, an entrance hall, a bar and a dance floor.

The area of ​​the dining hall is calculated taking into account 1.8 m² per seat, with a stage and a dance floor - 2 m² per seat. The most appropriate are rectangular halls with an aspect ratio of 1:1.5; 1:1.3. With a high capacity, dining rooms can be U- or L-shaped.

In the internal equipment of the halls, special attention is paid to the sufficient width of the aisles necessary for the free movement of guests and convenient service. The main passages should be 1.5 m, additional for the distribution of the flow of visitors - 1.2 m, for approaching individual places - 0.6 m.


The areas provided for warehousing and storage of foodstuffs should be conveniently connected with the loading chamber and production workshops. In establishments operating on semi-finished products, it is necessary to have 1, 2 or 3 refrigerated chambers, pantries for bulk products, inventory and linen. All these premises should be located in one block with a receiving and unloading area in the basement of the building, and in small-capacity establishments - on the production floor.

The area of ​​storage facilities (in square meters) and the size of cold rooms depend on what the company is working on: raw materials or semi-finished products.

Staff quarters

These are service and amenity premises, the main purpose of which is to provide optimal conditions for work and rest for employees of the enterprise. They should be located in one block connected with other functional premises through production corridors. The entrance for staff in establishments with a capacity of up to 100 seats is allowed to be placed through the reception areas.

Another functional area is the technical one. This includes a ventilation chamber, an electrical panel room, a boiler room, a boiler room, a room for installing air conditioners and refrigerators.

Starting a restaurant from scratch is a difficult task. It is especially difficult for a novice entrepreneur, because he will have to take into account a huge number of nuances and make many mistakes before he begins to understand the "kitchen" of his institution. Therefore, a beginner should not risk choosing exotic solutions, it is better to focus on something popular that can bring good profit in the future.

In this article I will tell you how to write restaurant business plan. However, most of the positions of the restaurant business plan are common to all catering establishments. Thus, after carefully studying this article, you will be able to draw up a business plan for a cafe, a business plan for a dining room, a business plan for a cafeteria, a business plan for a bar, a business plan for a children's cafe, etc. on one's own!

How to write a business plan for a restaurant, cafe, bar

The opening of any restaurant, cafe, bar (yes, any catering establishment, by the way) begins with understanding the idea and careful planning. The owner of the restaurant must decide on what kind of target audience the restaurant will be oriented to, where it is better to locate the establishment, what will be the attendance and the size of the average check. Thus, even at the idea stage, the entrepreneur draws up a preliminary restaurant business plan.

The restaurant business as a whole is characterized by fairly high competition. And yet, despite the saturation of the market, there is always and always will be a demand for catering services. Especially in establishments with more affordable prices, which include inexpensive fast food restaurants and cafes.

If we divide the market of inexpensive cafes into segments, then in each of them the picture of saturation changes somewhat. According to statistics, Internet cafes, cafeterias, literary, children's and vegetarian (a tribute to the fashion for a healthy lifestyle) cafes are considered the most promising. There are not very many such niche cafes yet, and opening them gives you a chance to get your audience quickly enough. However, a lot depends on the particular city or even the district in which it is planned to organize such an institution. In general, what needs to be done before, choosing a place or a concept for a cafe is a moot point. When you have a great idea, it can be difficult to find the right space, and vice versa.

Perhaps it makes sense for a novice entrepreneur to turn to the services of consulting companies. There you will be able to offer several options for buying or renting a room or (if necessary) a land plot. If you want to purchase a ready-made business, then such an opportunity can be provided. Specialists of the consulting firm will conduct a marketing research of the market according to your order, analyze the prospects of the chosen business idea or find a more profitable one, in accordance with your financial capabilities.

You can also order a business plan for your future cafe there. If it is necessary to attract additional funding, the development of a cafe business plan is carried out in two copies, which are somewhat different from each other. One copy of the business plan is for the customer, and the second is for investors and credit institutions. The future cafe owner receives a document containing information on the main stages of organizing a business, described in detail, as well as on long-term and short-term planning for the future development of the enterprise. Investors, in the first place, are interested in the efficiency of investments, guarantees of repayment of the loan on time with interest due and profitability of investments.

In principle, drawing up a business plan for a cafe for your own use is within the power of the future business owner himself. You can find and download a ready-made business plan for a restaurant, regular cafe, children's cafe, Internet cafe or any other similar catering business on the Internet, including on our website. Only then it will need to be adjusted to suit your specific conditions. You can do it yourself or by resorting to the services of specialists.

How to write a business plan for a restaurant or cafe. Template and recommendations.

The main thing is to take into account the main key points and subtleties that are mandatory for a business plan. A competent business plan should contain a detailed description of both the project itself and its financial component.

For example, let's take small cafe business plan. These are the things you should include in your business plan.

Project Description
Opening of a small democratic cafe for 40 seats.

Providing quality catering services to middle-income patrons.

The main flow of visitors during the lunch break and after work, in the evening. Servicing both individual visitors and the provision of services for organizing small banquets and festive events.

Marketing and sales
Beautifully designed signboard and showcases, original design. Advertising on the Internet, on radio, television and in the press. Informing employees of nearby enterprises about the work of the institution, conducting promotional campaigns. Conclusion of long-term contracts with heads of organizations for corporate services to employees.

Obtaining the necessary permits and licenses for work in the inspection authorities.

Production part
Location. The area of ​​location of several enterprises, characterized by good traffic. The area of ​​the premises is about 200 sq.m.

The number of employees is 12 people (cooks - 2, waiters - 4, bartenders - 2, administrators - 2, accountant - 1, auxiliary workers - 2, cleaner - 1).

Equipment: tables and chairs for the hall and utility rooms, bar counters, showcases, refrigeration units, stoves, ovens and other equipment for cooking, dishwasher, dishes, music center, TV.

The menu should include: salads, appetizers, first courses, hot meat dishes, side dishes, soft and alcoholic drinks, desserts.

Suppliers. Organizations involved in the sale of food products. They must offer a quality product at an affordable price and deliver it to customers on their own.

Financial part
Preliminary costs depend on the type of property ownership, the cost of repairs and the quality of the equipment. It is also necessary to take into account: the payroll, the purchase of products, advertising. Registration of all permits will also cost a certain amount, which should not be forgotten. The profitability of a business is directly characterized by attendance and check size. The payback period of investments is 1.5-2 years. For accurate financial calculations, it is better to contact specialists.

Business development prospects
The opening of a summer cafe, the installation of a canopy near the establishment in the warm season and the placement of tables under it. To do this, you need to draw up a package of documents for the opening of a summer cafe.

Be sure to analyze the level of competition: how many similar cafes are nearby, what are their strengths and weaknesses, what needs to be done to get their customers to come to your cafe, and how to keep your own visitors.

Summing up, I want to say what to actually compose cafe business plan, like any other enterprise in the service sector, is not so difficult, especially using ready-made templates and developments. Well, do not forget that you can always turn to specialists!

A cafe is a popular establishment not only among its customers, but also among entrepreneurs who decide to organize a business. To understand whether this business is profitable in this article, we will reveal the following questions: where to start, registering a cafe, the nuances of choosing a room, a list of necessary equipment, what you need to know about hiring staff, calculating profitability, and other concepts.

The work of a restaurateur is very difficult, but if you work with dedication, you can achieve great success. Provided that the project is properly organized, the catering establishment has always been considered a profitable business. Opening a large restaurant will require a large start-up capital, and in this case there are high risks that the business will not justify itself. The cafe is a smaller establishment, so the opening costs will be less, and the risks will be small.

To organize a cafe from scratch, you need a business plan, because any business begins with planning. The key to the success of a future enterprise is the planned budget, volume and deadline for its implementation. As a sample, we will draw up a business plan for a medium-sized institution.

It is supposed to organize an institution called "Sweet house".

The goal of the project: a compact cafe with a confectionery concept.

Description of the project: a small cafe in the city of Samara, located in the busy Bezymyanka microdistrict. The rented premises include: 1 spacious hall for 35 seats, 1 kitchen area, 1 storage room. In this room, a cafe was also organized before, therefore, there is a saving in funds for major repairs and refurbishment. The dining area and kitchen should be redecorated.

The concept of the establishment is a confectionery, the main signature dishes are sweet products and desserts. The menu will also include regular meals, snacks and drinks. The average check should approximately be up to 400 - 500 rubles. The target audience is children, students, families with children, employees of nearby offices, tourist groups.

Opening hours of the institution: from 10.00 to 22.00.

Market analysis: in the selected microdistrict there are a sufficient number of cafes of the same type, but there are no cafes with a confectionery focus. A distinctive feature of the institution will be an individual approach to each visitor, the willingness to prepare and serve such a dessert, which, for example, will not be on the menu. Daily selection of the "dessert of the day" and the establishment of a discount of 5% of the cost.

Advertising company: a major advertising campaign will be held once, after the opening of the institution. It is supposed to use social networks, advertising on the radio, distribution of leaflets on the streets as a further promotion of the cafe to the market.

Equipment and furniture: the rented premises already have some of the stationary equipment and furniture for the cafe, but you need to purchase the following:

Refrigerator (2 pieces);

Table for processing raw materials (1 piece);

Bar counter (1 piece);

Tables for clients (15 pieces):

Chairs (35 pieces);

Wardrobe hangers (2 pieces);


Employees: the work schedule of the staff is two-shift, so it is necessary to hire:

Administrators - 2 people;

Waiters - 4 people;

Bartenders - 2 people;

Cooks - 2 people;

Kitchen workers - 2 people;

Dishwashers - 2 people;

Room cleaners - 2 people;

Accountant (freelancer) - 1 person.

Financial calculations: the cost of opening a cafe will be:

Rent - 100,000 rubles / month;

Purchase of products - 130,000 rubles / month;

Purchase of alcohol - 50,000 rubles / month;

Purchase of equipment and furniture - 500,000 rubles;

Payment of wages - 300,000 rubles / month;

Utility payments - 60,000 rubles / month;

The estimated amount of starting capital for opening a cafe will be 1,150,000 rubles. The approximate profit will be 200,000 rubles / month. The approximate payback period for a cafe is 1-2 years of successful operation. Profitability will be up to 40%.

Selection of a conceptual orientation for a cafe

How to open your own cafe? It is worth deciding on the concept of the establishment, who the cafe will focus on, what dishes will be on the menu, where it will be located. It is also necessary to come up with a distinctive feature of the institution, its zest, to attract the interest of visitors. It is very difficult to combine the chosen concept of the institution in the future with the search for the right premises with the required technical and engineering characteristics. Very often the concept of the project has to be radically changed due to the inability to find a suitable building. Therefore, experts recommend that you first find a room, and then develop a concept, especially if the entrepreneur has limited financial opportunities.

The pricing policy of a cafe should correspond to its format and style. For example, if a cafe is youth-oriented and designed for a student audience, it is not worth adding expensive dishes and drinks to the menu, they will be of little demand.

The choice of premises for arranging a cafe

What else do you need to open a cafe? The main task is to find a room that will meet all the requirements for a catering establishment. Its popularity will depend on the successful location of the cafe. For a small cafe, a room up to 200 m2 in size is suitable. Here are a few guidelines to keep in mind when choosing a cafe space:

A cafe should be close to its consumer, for example, if it is a student cafe - it should be near the university, for a children's cafe - either an amusement park or a shopping center is ideal, and so on;

Optimally convenient transport access to the institution is desirable;

Economy cafes should be opened in residential areas, elite cafes - in the city center;

If a cafe previously functioned in the selected premises, and it was closed due to unprofitability, you should not start your own business there;

The technical characteristics of the premises (water supply, sewerage, electrical networks, heating) must cope with the load placed on them;

You should familiarize yourself with the urban development plans in this area, whether it is planned to reconstruct or demolish this building in the near future;

You should find out whether the redevelopment of the premises is legal, if it was carried out;

It should be clarified whether it is allowed to place a signboard with the name of the cafe, as well as advertising posters on the facade of the building;

Evaluate the possibility of arranging car parking for customers of the institution;

The following requirements must be presented to the premises for organizing a cafe in it::

Technological zones of the institution should be located along the flow of the technological process, for example: warehouses - production workshop - trade and customer service zone - administrative zone;

There should be no barriers between rooms for quick movement between them;

It is impossible to allow the oncoming intersection of the movement of such processes as the supply of clean dishes and the removal of dirty ones, the receipt of raw materials and the removal of production waste;

The system of entrances and exits should be carried out in accordance with the layout of the premises, namely, the entrance to the hall of visitors should be only from the front facade of the building, the entrance and exit of the warehouse - from the yard, the warehouse and production should not be through;

It is necessary to organize the areas of the premises so that in case of an accident and an emergency, visitors can freely leave the building through an emergency exit;

The room must comply with fire regulations and standards;

Organizing a cafe space

In a cafe, any dish from the menu, before it gets on the table to the client, goes through several production cycles in different technological zones. A properly organized cafe should contain the following areas:

1. Warehouses - raw materials, products for preparing dishes from the menu, as well as kitchen utensils are stored in these areas. Warehouses where perishable products are stored must be equipped with refrigerators and freezers;

2. Washing shop - a room in which dishes, containers, inventory are washed. Must be equipped with containers, shelves, racks;

3. Vegetable shop - here vegetables undergo technological processing, they are washed, sorted, cleaned and cut;

4. Meat and fish workshops - meat and fish and semi-finished products from them are processed in this room;

5. Cold shop - designed for the manufacture of snacks, salads, desserts and sandwiches;

6. Hot shop - in it the technological process of cooking is completed. Designed for frying, stewing, baking hot dishes, cooking first courses. Must be equipped with ovens, stoves, refrigerators, tables, racks and other equipment. A confectionery section and a dispensing zone can also be located in the hot shop;

7. Commercial premises (visitors area) - in this premises, visitors are directly served, there are trade showcases, a bar, a toilet room for visitors, a cloakroom;

8. Administrative premises - designed for the administration and employees of the cafe, these are rooms for work and rest of staff, bathrooms, showers, offices of the director, accountant and others.

The ideal option for organizing a business would be to buy a space for a cafe, but this option is not always possible for an entrepreneur. Therefore, with a small starting capital, a businessman will be helped out by renting a room. Since it will still be necessary to carry out repair work in the room under the cafe, the scale of the future repair plays a role in choosing the room, for example, if the room already has a kitchen, warehouses and a hall, you only need to refresh them, but with bare walls you will have to work with zero and large cash costs will be required.

Starting the redevelopment of the premises for a cafe, you need to order the development of a project in a special organization, which will take into account all the requirements for a catering establishment. Further, the finished project of the cafe premises must be submitted for approval to Rospotrebnadzor.

Business registration and reporting

To open a cafe, it is necessary to register business activities, as well as obtain a number of permits and approvals for its operation. The following documents are required to open a cafe:

Approval for the project of the premises (in case of redevelopment of the building) from Rospotrebnadzor, fire inspectorate, architect, city administration - this project must be drawn up by a licensed body;

Notification of the start of work of the institution from Rospotrebnadzor;

Coordination of dishes from the menu of the institution in Rospotrebnadzor;

Obtaining a license to sell alcohol;

For tax accounting, the registration and legal form of activity management is ideal - individual entrepreneurship or a limited liability company.

But when choosing this form, you should take into account some nuances.:

It is possible to sell alcohol (this list does not include beer, cider and beer drinks) only if it does not give such a right;

It is easier for an individual entrepreneur to register and maintain tax records;

The way out of the situation will be to register the cafe itself as an individual business, and the bar as a Limited Liability Company.

A single tax on imputed income is the optimal form of taxation for a cafe registered as an LLC. The premises of the leisure hall in this case should not exceed 150 m2. For individual entrepreneurs, both UTII and the patent taxation system are suitable. For the latter, the hall area should be within 50 m2.

Accounting and tax accounting can be entrusted to an outsourcing company or hire a freelance accountant.

Cafe equipment

To organize a cafe, you will need a lot of different equipment. It is classified according to its purpose, namely:

Refrigeration - for storing food, drinks, semi-finished products and desserts: refrigerators, freezers, display cases;

Thermal - for cooking, bringing semi-finished products to readiness: stoves, ovens, stationary frying pans, boilers, display cases;

Mechanical - for preparing products for further processing: slicers, mixers, bread slicers, vegetable cutters, dishwashers, etc.;

Miscellaneous - equipment for neutral processes: dishwashing tubs, tables, racks, trolleys, shelves, waste bins, and so on;

Bar - for serving the bar and preparing drinks and cocktails: blenders, coffee grinders, coffee machines, toasters, ice generators, juicers, etc.;

Weight - for weighing products, ready-made portions of dishes, and so on;

Meat and fish - for handling fish and meat: tops, saws, knives, meat mixers, equipment for making sausages, cutlets, etc.;

Bakery - designed for the preparation of bakery products and desserts from flour: dough mixers, bread machines, pasta machines, etc.

Search for personnel for a cafe

Finding staff for a cafe is not an easy task, because the success of the institution depends on the level of training of employees. The number of employees depends on the size of the cafe and its concept. All service and catering employees must have medical books with the results of a medical examination.

When looking for staff for his cafe, an entrepreneur should have an idea of ​​​​what kind of team he would like to see, for example, close-knit, friendly, interchangeable and honest, ready to work in a team.

If not everything, then a lot depends on the chef in the cafe. The chef prepares the food that the visitors order, and of course they should like it so that they come here again next time. When interviewing when hiring cooks, you should ask them to cook something from the proposed menu - to evaluate their culinary abilities. The chef should not only cook delicious food, but also decorate it beautifully. In a small establishment, the duties of the cook include ordering and receiving products, as well as compiling technological cards.

Organizing a cafe from scratch is a difficult task that requires an impressive start-up capital. How much does it cost to open a cafe? The opening of a small cafe in the regional center will require up to 1 million 200 thousand rubles, provided that the premises are rented and cosmetic repairs are carried out. For more global restructuring of the premises, the amount of start-up capital will increase significantly to 2 million rubles. How to open a cafe? The first step is a business plan, then - find premises, register a business, collect a package of documents for obtaining permits and approvals for trading activities, purchase equipment and furniture, and hire staff. A competent approach to business organization will help to achieve successful results and will reduce the payback period of the project. If you have not yet decided what you want to open, we advise you to familiarize yourself with other business options in the section.

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