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What to sell on EBay - cool ideas for the Western market. How to sell goods on ebay from Russia

Each house accumulates a lot of things that make no sense to store, but it's a pity to throw them away. How to act in such a situation? You can try to sell what you do not need on the Internet. After all, for someone it may be the most necessary and important. Ebay is one of the best marketplaces. There you can sell almost any product anywhere in the world. So how to sell on ebay? Everything is not so difficult if you read the detailed and simple instructions.

Total information

Various trading platforms offer their visitors to sell and buy goods on different terms. The advantage of Ebay is that many countries participate in auctions. So, for example, what you consider to be outright trash, in another state may turn out to be a luxury item or a valuable piece of a collection. Before you start selling on Ebay, check out their bidding conditions.

Why Bidding

It is most advantageous to participate in auctions. You expose a lot, indicate the minimum amount from which the auction begins, as well as the final cost of the goods. To open your store on Ebay, you must have the status of an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity, which is not always convenient for one-time transactions. Especially if you do not have such a status in principle.

Fixed cost

Another way to sell something on the marketplace is to set a specific price for the item. This means that no one will bargain for your thing, but they will simply buy for the amount that you consider adequate.


Before you sell a product on Ebay, you must go through the registration process. It is not too complicated as it may seem. On the main page of the site you need to find a button with an offer to register. Filling in standard fields is no different from creating a buyer account: address, country, last name, first name and patronymic, email address. But in the status field, you must select the item "seller" or "seller". You also need to come up with a short name for your account, which will be displayed next to the item for sale. It is advisable to choose a short name so that it is easier for buyers to remember it. After confirming the e-mail, you must confirm your seriousness of intentions to trade, that is, solvency.

PayPal and cards

If you have not registered in the payment system before, then it's time to do it. Since the trading platform works only through PayPal, it will not be possible to avoid creating a personal account there. Before you sell on Ebay (instructions will be detailed later), link your card to the payment system. So you confirm your age (persons under 18 cannot trade), and at the same time mark yourself as a serious seller, not a scammer. And without payment details, no one will allow you to sell on Ebay.

Adding a product

Before you sell anything on Ebay, you need to add it to the catalog. Add a product in your personal account. Write its name in English (online translators will help you if you find it difficult). And then you need to create a description. Before you sell an item on Ebay, carefully look at similar items from other sellers. First, you need to fill everything in correctly, otherwise no one will simply buy from you. Secondly, the thing may not pass the system for sale if you do not describe it correctly.


Write honestly and openly about the condition of your lot, how it looks, and who it suits. So, for example, when selling worn jeans or sneakers, tell us about how much they are worn out, how much they cost when buying, how long they can last for a new owner. By the way, if you put up for sale new things that did not suit you in size or color, indicate that they are new, if they have labels, and the reason for the sale. This will greatly elevate you in the eyes of buyers. Do not forget to indicate how many products you have, what color, size, shape they are. In general, everything that is important to buyers. Before you sell on Ebay, put yourself in the place of the buyer: what would you be interested in knowing about the product, what would be important for you.


Without this, the chances of selling something are zero. It is unlikely that anyone wants to buy a pig in a poke without looking. Therefore, before selling on Ebay (com), take a picture of your item from several angles. So, for example, clothes can be shot simply from two sides (front and back), and at the same time on a mannequin or a person, so that you can evaluate how well the thing sits on the figure. Selling electronics, you need to photograph it in working order, noting all the scuffs, cracks, the slightest negative points. They will also need to be indicated in the description so that the buyer does not later open a dispute for a discrepancy.

Cost of delivery

Perhaps this is one of the most problematic moments of the sale. It is impossible to independently calculate how much the delivery will cost, because anyone can buy a thing, from anywhere. Luckily, you don't have to count anything. The system of the trading platform is designed in such a way that it is not difficult to choose the appropriate payment option and delivery cost. By following some simple tips, you can protect yourself from selling at a loss. Before you sell anything on Ebay, specify in advance a list of countries where you are ready to ship your goods.

Sale format

The most important thing in selling is the choice of format. This is just an auction or a fixed payment. The first option is suitable for those who sell something exotic or very popular. This includes handmade goods. But the second option is suitable for those who are in no hurry to sell, ready to wait until there is someone who wants to. By the way, before selling at an Ebay auction, it is enough to fulfill all the above conditions by setting the bidding period and cost. And then you can safely sell.

Product announcement

This item is needed for those who do not put the lot up for auction, but use a fixed price per item. Difficulties usually do not arise. However, when placing the first ads, you will always have to choose its form. Later, having become an experienced seller, the need for this will disappear. Filling out the form is not difficult, because prompts are actively working, even if you don’t need them. The Ebay marketplace takes care of its users by making it easy for them to sell and buy.

Communication with buyers

Foreign buyers tend to ask a lot of questions before purchasing a product. It is noteworthy that this rarely happens at an auction, but things with a fixed price make you want to ask more about the details. You can manage communication on the “my ebay” page, where you can also track your ads, and in general everything related to the product being sold. It is worth visiting at least once a day. When answering customer questions, never lie or shy away from the truth. Why? Because buyers have internal protection against fraud and deceit. If you lie, you will have to pay damages to the disgruntled purchaser.


Always keep in touch with the buyer, including after the sale, while the goods are on their way. This is how you present yourself well. Make sure the payment goes through and the buyer transfers the funds before shipping the item. This is not difficult to do, since the site's trading system keeps track of everything itself, but you simply receive notifications about a particular moment of sales.

Product packaging

Perhaps this is one of the most important points. You must carefully pack the item being sold so that it reaches the addressee safe and sound. Of course, transport companies try to safely deliver goods, but this is not always possible (both the human factor and force majeure situations make themselves felt). Enter the correct recipient address (check several times). Well, if you do not fill it out by hand, but print the sheet on the printer, and then stick it to the box or bag. This is especially true when delivering parcels to other countries.

So, so how to sell on Ebay? The instruction is simple:

  1. Register in the payment system and link a bank card.
  2. Create a seller account on Ebay.
  3. Add a product.
  4. Fill out the description with as much detail and honesty as possible.
  5. Add photos.
  6. Select the sales format (fixed price, auction).
  7. Set the price (either the final price or the minimum price for bidding).
  8. If necessary, limit the time of the auction.
  9. Add a sale ad if the price is fixed.
  10. Decide on delivery options.
  11. Communicate with buyers.
  12. Send the goods promptly.

Greetings, readers of the BIZOOMIE business portal! Pavel Sergeev is with you again, and today we will discuss another interesting topic - how to sell various goods on eBay and make money on it. I think many people already have an idea of ​​what auctions are and how they trade. Nevertheless, to begin with, I will briefly outline the structure of the auction: the principle is simple - there is a lot, there is its minimum price, the ceiling is unlimited, and there are those who want to buy it. They place bets, and after a certain period of time, the highest wins. This is how simple everything is done in theory, and what the practical difficulties are, we will find out below!

How to sell goods oneBay and make money on it?

First, some information about the eBay auction itself. A short digression will allow you to better understand the principles of this service and understand how to sell even things you don’t need on eBay! The secret is that a product that has no real value to you personally, or in your particular country, can be highly valued by collectors or admirers of rare items positioned as antiques in certain circles!

Every day, hundreds of thousands of buyers and sellers enter into transactions here for the purchase and sale of a variety of goods online. A number of users do this professionally, earning money from their own online business. Others rarely use the services, buying something for their needs or selling off the good they don't need. Such a convenient and reliable way to sell goods on eBay can also become a real source of income!

The system is also convenient in that you can sell both in the auction mode and in the fixed mode - that is, set the final price and wait for your client.

Russian users have officially been able to sell via eBay since September 2014. And the total number of users - potential buyers is currently in the hundreds of millions!

What is for sale oneBay?

On eBay, you can sell absolutely everything, with the exception of something illegal. The administration has the right to remove such a lot and block the user. Therefore, realistically assess the likelihood of such an outcome if you sell a product that may raise doubts about the legality of its circulation, and in particular, its import into the country of the buyer.

There are precedents when people put up entire countries for sale, at a very reasonable price! And even those who wanted to buy were there! But, of course, such jokes were nipped in the bud by eBay moderators, followed by all sorts of bans for the seller and his removal from bidding.

The most popular item is the one that has a collectible value and can be considered as antiques, or just rare things and symbols of bygone eras. Starting with banknotes and coins from the times of the USSR, postage stamps, Zenith cameras and commander's watches. All kinds of equipment are also in demand. Even large retailers, in addition to selling products through a retail chain of stores, also use such a method as selling on eBay.

How to sell oneBay most efficient?

The eBay auction is a very authoritative resource where the interests of the two parties collide. This is a whole global community of conscientious buyers and sellers, a means of exchanging things of a certain value and interest for money in an adequate equivalent.

The site is one of the most popular among Internet resources of a similar direction precisely because of the multi-stage protection system against all sorts of crooks and scammers who want to sell some junk to the buyer. Buying on eBay, a person can be absolutely sure that he will either receive exactly the same thing as presented in the description. Or, otherwise, return it to the seller and get back their money paid earlier.

Those sellers who earn money here are, among other things, entrepreneurs and businessmen. They know perfectly well how to sell on eBay - you need to conduct business as honestly and openly as possible. The same principles apply to an online auction as in a real business, regarding a responsible attitude to one's activities and respect for customers and partners.

Reputation is even more important here, since it is the most important criterion for evaluation by potential buyers. There is no way to sell bullshit on eBay and get away with it. Also, how to continue such an experience in the future. Any more or less dubious operations will be immediately blocked by the administration. If you have real experience in doing business, business negotiations and customer relationships, it will be the best you can use it in online bidding at an auction.

How to sell througheBayyour goods?

To successfully sell on eBay, you need a very serious approach. Unlike standard online bulletin boards of a local scale, here we reach an audience from all over the world. Accordingly, the requirements for the design of a product card are more stringent. This allows you to remotely provide maximum information about the subject of the auction, so that you can get the most complete picture of its condition.

In order for the transaction to take place, the buyer must receive the ordered item in full accordance with the description. If he is disappointed, he will have every right to get his money back. The delivery process sometimes takes weeks, so for a successful business through eBay, it is in the interests of the seller to provide comprehensive and detailed information about the proposed lot.

No need to hide flaws that will be noticed only upon receipt. Specify everything as it is. There is a possibility that the buyer will not buy the lot from you because of this, but if these shortcomings do not confuse him, you will be calm that he will not be returned back.

By doing this, the seller insures himself and earns the favor of a potential buyer. Which, in turn, being completely satisfied, will leave a good review, adding another plus to your reputation at the auction.

Where does it startsale of goods oneBay?

Getting started with the auction begins, as always, with registration. Here, this process is quite complicated and will take more time, effort, and you will also have to fulfill a number of conditions. The eBay platform brings together many users around the world, and one of the keys to its success is the professionalism of all participants and their compliance with all rules and regulations. Selling on eBay is serious business. There is no place for those wishing to indulge, this becomes clear already at the first stages of acquaintance with the auction.

Carefully study the rules for granting access to trading during the registration process. Also study the rules for participating in auctions so that you have a clear picture of how everything works here. Check out the list of prohibited items that cannot be sold. Do this and avoid unpleasant incidents. I also suggest reading a few general tips.

Create a representative accounteBay!

First, you will need to come up with a name for yourself at the auction, which will also be your login. The login must not match the email address, which must also be real and working. Mail will be required for prompt correspondence with contractors, as well as for communication with the auction administration.

When inventing a login, take it seriously and try to choose from the possible options some more impressive. On the other hand, the login should not cause any negative associations, including when translated at least into English. In this case, potential partners will have the most pleasant impression of you.

eBay users are citizens of many countries around the world, and the login is the first criterion by which they will evaluate you as a seller and in general, as a serious person who is worth doing business with or not. If you choose some stupid or generally unreadable character set as an alias, judge for yourself - how can you earn a serious attitude towards yourself? Leave it for registration on forums or in online games, and treat such a responsible matter as selling on eBay and making money with understanding!

It is absolutely not superfluous to indicate additional information about yourself, which may encourage a person to purchase something from you. For example, if you are a real specialist and are well versed in the features of your product. Competent and professional advice in itself helps to sell it.

In any case, if for some reason you do not like the nickname, every 30 days you will be able to change it to a more suitable one. However, this should not be carried away if regular customers appear. Feel free to put your real photo in your profile, preferably in a formal business style.

Work email and phone number!

Secondly, you must provide basic information about yourself, including your place of residence. They must correspond to reality! As well as the email address, which will need to be confirmed during registration. In any case, mail is extremely important as a communication channel for prompt resolution of issues that potential buyers may have. In addition, the system will ask you to enter a real phone number in the questionnaire.

Where can I get money to start my own business? This is the problem faced by 95% of new entrepreneurs! In the article, we have revealed the most relevant ways of obtaining start-up capital for an entrepreneur. We also recommend that you carefully study the results of our experiment in exchange earnings:

Looking ahead, I recommend that you specify exactly the email address that you could always monitor for new messages. Often, the success of the sale, as well as the speed of the transaction, depends on the speed of answering questions and clarifying the users who are interested in your offer. And timely answers will leave an additional positive impression on the interlocutor about you.

Also observe the ethics of communication in correspondence. Very good and it will be a huge plus for you to know English, at least at a basic level and with the help of an online translator. Selling goods on eBay involves at least correspondence in an international language and compliance with the level of a more or less literate person.

The phone number will be needed to create your custom pin. A PIN code will be required to restore access to your account, and as one of the security measures against fraudsters, if, for example, yours is hacked by them.

Account in the payment systemPayPal!

Although it is possible to transfer money using the VISA system for purchases, all settlements with the seller on the eBay auction without exception are carried out using the PayPal payment system. No options or compromises.

Therefore, if you do not have it, and the goal is to sell goods on eBay, you need to take care of creating it in advance. The auction will deduct the commission for its services in providing access to trade from your PayPal account. To do this, you yourself give your permission to automatically debit the required amount. The fee is charged from the account for the fact of placing a position for sale, as well as for the fact of a successful transaction.

Nevertheless, there is an option to link your bank card for this and debit money from there, but the first option is preferable, besides, you still cannot do without a PayPal account. The seller must provide an opportunity for the auction to return funds to the buyer if the purchase is not satisfied with something and he requires a cashback. This clause is aimed at protecting the interests of buyers, is one of the guarantees of quality, and without its implementation, the seller cannot become a seller.

In addition, there may be problems with registering cards from the regions of Russia and the CIS countries in the system: they are classified as suspicious due to numerous cases of fraud using electronic means of payment using the capabilities of the eBay service.

System Limits

Working in this payment system does not pose any difficulties when making calculations, however, there are not very convenient nuances in terms of withdrawing your virtual money into real money. In order to counter the financing of terrorism, all funds received into your PayPal account are frozen and you can only withdraw them after 21 days.

Since the money goes there in dollar terms, and the rate changes every day, you can either lose on the subsequent withdrawal, or get additional profit from the difference in rates. In any case, such a delay is inconvenient and it is possible to avoid it by confirming your identity.

To do this, you must provide the administration of the payment system with a scanned copy of your document, for example, a passport. The second option is to submit your photo. After that, you can also increase the level of restrictions on the amount of funds in your PayPal account.

Sale oneBay starts?!

In general, this is the end of officialdom and registration in the eBay auction system! However, there is one more thing that does not allow the administration to believe that your intentions are really serious and you are not a scammer! You need to make at least a few purchases yourself in advance!

Many users got burned on this and were unpleasantly surprised that when they put up for sale their first lot, their account was blocked! For what? That's precisely because their reputation is not confirmed by real purchases, and there is no trust in them.

Therefore, to make selling goods on eBay really real and affordable for you, take the trouble to buy something first! Let it be something really necessary, or inexpensive, within a few tens of US dollars. eBAy is committed to preventing individuals with bad intentions from bidding and to protecting conscientious bidders from scammers. Therefore, this measure is fully justified.

Lot layout.

When listing a product for sale, follow these guidelines:

  • Select the category that best suits your lot.
  • Study the prices of competitors and set an adequate cost.
  • Make the most reliable description and competent presentation of the characteristics, advantages and other features of your product that distinguish it from competitors' analogues.
  • Specify all, without exception, defects and shortcomings found by you.
  • Take high-quality and detailed photos, preferably several and from different angles, which could be of interest to the buyer.
  • Include all your expenses, including the eBay commission and shipping fees, in the final price. Do not forget to indicate that the price is final and includes all costs.
  • If you have any questions or clarifications, please answer as quickly as possible, do not keep yourself waiting.
  • If you prefer other payment methods besides PayPal, be sure to check. However, in no case do not make payments bypassing the auction!

These rules also apply to sales in a regular store or company. However, here you can be even more attentive to your potential customers, which will be a significant plus for you. Everyone appreciates time and courtesy, and even without seeing the face of the person they are dealing with, they will appreciate your efforts. Also, don't forget the importance of positive and negative reviews for your reputation and future activity on eBay.

Auction commissions

Like any self-respecting intermediary that brings buyers and sellers together, eBay has a system of commissions for transactions. And also for cashing out the received money through the PayPal payment system.

Free registration. However, there is a list of additional paid services that will help you sell faster and quickly get profit in its paper form. You pay, for example, the following:

- fee for listing the lot on the site - $ 0.3; if you do not expose more than fifty monthly, the service is free for you;

— commission from a successful transaction – 10%;

- payment for highlighting from the total mass of your ad (font, color, etc.) - from 0.2 to 2 dollars;

- for adding more than one photo to the description - from 0.3 to 1 dollar, depending on their number (however, to save your money, you are allowed to leave links to file storages where photos can be viewed - for free);

- commission for withdrawing funds from the PayPal system - about 4%.

In total, according to rough estimates, about 15-20 percent of various commissions should be included in the cost of the lot. The fee for the service of helping to organize the question of how to sell goods on eBay may seem rather big. However, with a professional approach, a successfully sold lot more than pays for all expenses. Plus, all participants are insured against the actions of unscrupulous counterparties.


Currently, hundreds of thousands of people around the world have chosen such a non-trivial method for making a profit as selling various things on eBay as a stable source of income. You also have the opportunity to become one of the members of this community and successfully sell!

Many of those who first tried themselves as an Internet entrepreneur on eBay, received their first money and, inspired, continue in the same spirit! Of course, as in any business, there is room for disappointment.

But do not be upset, because there are many other options on the network not only for self-realization, but also for stable earnings. If auction trading is not all that may interest you as a source of income, I recommend that you read the material ““. One of the abundance of these business ideas should definitely appeal to you!

We talked early on in eBay's international selling journey, and also discussed the commissions and fees that sellers need to pay. I hope that this information was clear, taken into account and taken into account in the calculation of the prices of those goods that you still decide to sell on eBay. Now let's talk about creating an ad for the sale of our product.

Listing goods for sale

Since we already have a registered account on eBay, we can proceed directly to sales. To do this, you can first go to the Selling section of your Seller Account through the drop-down menu at the top right of the screen and look around in your seller account. You don’t need to get carried away with the settings in the first place, just remember where everything “lies” here.

The system will ask us to fill in the contact address during the first display of the goods. This is a continuation of registration, but the procedure is one-time, as is the procedure for linking a Paypal account for automatic payment of eBay fees.

So, we make Sell and start creating a description (listing) of the product being sold. Those who have already prepared everything to start selling (product description, photos, Paypal account to which you will accept money) can continue right here, or try to use the full potential of eBay, go to some regional site and continue displaying goods there. Why do it? For many reasons. For example, to display more goods if the limits for listing goods on the American site (10 lots sold for a total of $ 500) do not suit you. So, for example, the English site - - will allow you to sell the same 10 lots for a total of 650 pounds, which is much more. We will try to display our product on it.

So we clicked Sell and now eBay asks us to enter the EAN / ISBN / UPS codes of the product (to facilitate its search in the product categories), If there are any, we enter, or simply write some general name of the product.

It is clear that for most of the goods we have practically nowhere to get codes from (or, they will simply be unfamiliar to eBay), so the easiest way is to click Bro ws e categories in order to select the appropriate category for your product manually.

We choose for our specific product (see below) something like Antiques > Antique Furniture > Boxes/Chests > 20th Century, press the Continue button and get into the description of the product, or as it is customary to call it here, the listing.

At first glance (and at the second, too), the devil will break his leg here in all these fields and menus. Of course, in a little while, you will not even pay attention to this heap, but for now, yes, it is alarming ...

However, in reality, there is nothing terrible here. All required fields are marked green stars. We fill them in. In the language of the venue where we exhibit. In this case, in English.

So, first we fill in the title (Title), this is a very important point - according to the information from this field, the system will offer customers your product, so it is very important that the information is accurate and fairly short (80 characters are available to you). However, there is no point in minimizing the title unnecessarily. If necessary, use the Condition description field if, for example, the product is not new and requires an additional description of properties, wear, external damage, etc.

Next, click on the Add pictures button (this is a mandatory part of the listing) and add pre-prepared product photos. One thing to keep in mind here is that eBay limits the uploading of photos with low quality, so try to make the photo at least 800*600 pixels. It should be noted that the number of free photo places varies on different sites and in different product categories. In this case, the system offers us to insert up to 12 pictures.

Then, filling in the optional, but desirable, fields Add item specifics, let's move on to the most important section of the description, exactly what is colloquially called "listing".

Here you can place additional photos of the product and its full description, including a description of your payment acceptance policy and so on and so forth. Please note that we are now using the Standard tab of the listing. Another tab - HTML - allows you to significantly change the look of our listing, but requires certain knowledge and skills, so we'll talk about its use next time. In the meantime, we use the familiar text formatting functionality: font, size, color, etc. By clicking Preview at the bottom of the window, you can see a preview of the listing.

Next, select the format for displaying the goods - auction and / or BIN (Buy now) and enter the estimated amounts in the appropriate fields. It should be clarified here that although eBay is called an auction, it allows you to display goods both in the auction format, when buyers bargain with each other, gradually increasing the final price, and in the fixed price format. Or you can combine both of these options, as we will do now (although this entails an additional fee from eBay). Then we determine the duration of the auction equal, for example, to 7 days, we do not pay attention to the eBay offer to transfer a certain percentage of the sale to charitable organizations (or, let's pay attention. It's up to anyone ...) and move on.

In the next section, we check whether your account was correctly listed in the listing PayPal(you already have it, right? ..), to which payment will be received, we change it, if necessary, to the account of the intermediary for receiving payments (for example, for Ukraine and other countries where accepting funds to a Paypal account is not yet allowed) and let's move on to the section on the design of the shipping policy, or, in common parlance, shipping.

Here, too, everything is quite simple. Considering the slowness of Almost Russia, we select from the proposed list (at the very bottom) the slowest option (Economy shipping from outside of UK) and enter its cost in the next window. You can also specify FREE SHIPPING, i.e. "free" shipping included by default in the cost of goods. This is quite convenient for a standardized, small item shipped in "small packages". Then we cross Russia out of the list of countries where we ship the goods. This is due, first of all, to the restrictions and rules that were mentioned above. In addition, we can create our own list of countries to which we do not want to ship this particular item by clicking on Create/edit exclusion list . The country exclusion list that applies to ALL of your listings is compiled elsewhere in your Seller Account settings.

That's basically it. Next, we fill out the last mandatory section - Add other details, where we make our own adjustments to Buyer requirements (Requirements for buyers) and return policy(Return Policy), where you can specify all sorts of interesting points, for example, the payment for returning the goods to the warehouse and the costs associated with this, the so-called restocking fee. This topic is controversial, even eBay for some reason actively removes it from their forums, but this is part of the rules, so why not? .. I immediately say that 50% is such a joke. eBay, in my opinion, suggests limiting to 15% ...))

Ultimately, our Return Policy And Requirements for buyers takes on the form

That is, we automatically cut off buyers who do not have an account from our product PayPal, "hard payers", people registered in countries you don't want to ship to, and people who have a certain number of eBay policy violations. We are not on the road with them!

With the Return Policy, everything is also clear. We accept returns within 2 weeks after receipt (this is important to increase the seller's rating, as well as sending within 3 days after receiving payment), we determine that the shipping of the returned goods lies with the buyer, and indicate that if the buyer did not like the product for some reason (but at the same time exactly corresponds to the listing), then he will have to reimburse us from the return amount for the costs of receiving the goods back to the warehouse in the amount of 50%.

Next, we simply go to the next screen by clicking the Continue button and see the final screen with the accrued fees for listing the goods. What is fee , you ask? Just in case, I will repeat again.

Fees are eBay fees for the right to trade on it. They are divided into insertion fee (fee for displaying goods), final fee (collection from the sale) and others (for various "pretty things" in the listing that are not directly related to the sale process). At the same time, if there are no fees for exhibiting up to a certain threshold for the number of exhibited lots, then the sales fee (10%, in the vast majority of cases) is always taken and one must be prepared for this, laying such a surcharge into the total price of the goods. At all, fees optimization is a separate big topic, and we will talk about it in more detail another time.

We put ticks where necessary (if we want to automatically re-list the product and enter this listing into the bank of templates for further reuse)

and click on the List button with displayed fees, agreeing to the issuance with accrued fiis in the currency of the issuance site, with agree with the proposal International Selling Agreement(when the product is first listed for international sale) and in sho. Our goods are exhibited on the English site eBay and are waiting for their buyers!

Limits for us, as a beginner, were installed such - You can sell up to 10 items or up to GBP650.00 per month, whichever comes first.

For trade in not the cheapest things will already go. This is almost twice as much in terms of the amount of exhibited goods as 10/500 on the American site. It's okay for a start, but we'll see... :)

To be continued...

Constant purchases at foreign online auctions in our country have become fashionable quite recently, most of my friends began to actively do this about 3-4 years ago. And in many respects this was facilitated by the favorable situation in the country and relatively loyal exchange rates. However, today the economic situation in the country and the ever-growing dollar and euro rates have made many people forget about the ebay auction. And completely wrong...

Yes, purchases with a dollar of 80 rubles have really become not very profitable, and there is already not enough money for trinkets, to put it mildly. But right now we have a wonderful opportunity to try our hand not as a buyer, but as a seller. After all, if you earn a seemingly insignificant 10-15 dollars daily by trading at this auction, then this becomes comparable to the average salary in the Russian Federation. And many of our compatriots have already begun to use this opportunity.

There are a lot of detailed Russian-language articles and videos on the Internet on how to sell on ebay, and the only question remains: What can you sell on ebay from Russia. After all, our country has not succeeded in the production of electronic trinkets, like the Chinese, spicy herbs do not grow on our lands. So what can we trade?

How to look for ideas for trading?

But it turns out that very much can be sold from Russia. Let's sort it out in order. In order to see what our compatriots are selling, it is enough to enter the word “russian” into the ebay search. The search bar will immediately offer several options:

Here you can either click on one of these options if it's close to what you can trade or leave the word "russian" and click "Search". In both cases, you will see a certain variety of goods sold, while paying attention to sellers from Russia. You can also come up with some of your own phrases with this word, for example, “russian cosmetic”.

But we do not stop there, go to the page of any product from our country and click on the link "Other products of this seller" ("See other items"):

Now we can see what else this person is trading. Maybe you also have such things available or his products will give you ideas.

We will see reviews about the seller, among which we see a lot of already purchased goods (you can click on the names of the goods to view detailed information):

For example, in the above picture, we can see that a person successfully sold a hat with earflaps with a star.

Thus, after walking for half an hour on, we can draw a picture of our future trade in our head, find those goods that we can easily get at home and sell on ebay. Of course, in order to successfully start trading among competitors, you will need to come up with your own "zest" of trading or successfully manipulate prices.

What goods can be traded?

Here is a list of goods and directions for potential trade from Russia that I was able to find:

  • Collectibles. The world population is 7 billion people, and among them there are thousands of madmen who collect anything. On ebay, people successfully sell old cameras, magazines from the sixties, postcards from all times, but the older the better, and much, much more. I’ll just make a warning - it’s forbidden to send money, both modern and old, by Russian post. For this, you can get a decent fine from customs. So it’s better not to trade with money, but with stamps, postcards, dolls and other things - please. But it’s better to check out the list of items prohibited for shipment on the Russian Post website.
  • Cosmetics produced in our country- various cosmetics that people from our country who have left for permanent residence abroad love to buy. These are various creams, face masks, "grandmother Agafya's products" and even tar soap.
  • Souvenir products- Clay toys painted in Gzhel style, nesting dolls, wooden spoons, earflaps and the like.
  • Condensed milk, printed gingerbread, hematogen and other food products. Yes, fellow citizens who have moved in a fit of nostalgia miss this one too!

Based on these positions and applying the “idea search algorithm” that I described above, you can find your niche for trading on ebay, set attractive prices and start trading. The main thing is not to sit idly by, but to constantly be in search of something new for yourself.

How to sell on ebay if you are from Ukraine? only through an intermediary. All other methods are not working and do not even think about creating a Polish Paypal account

Hello dear friends!

I have a friend who buys/sells goods on online auctions. Recently, sales have not been as good as before, and therefore he decided to move to the world famous ebay. As it turned out, if you are from Ukraine, then everything is not so simple.

The problem is that the ebay online auction works with a payment system that does not fully function in Ukraine, that is, you can replenish your account and make a purchase without any problems, but there is no way to withdraw money transferred to your account.

On the net, people offer a variety of ways to solve this problem, and each is more incredible than the other. As you can probably guess, most of them do not work and are purely theoretical. But you are lucky, because my friend has tried all the ways, and today, based on his experience, I will tell you how to sell on ebay if you are from Ukraine.

If you are from Ukraine, then sell on ebay you can only through an intermediary. All other methods are not working and do not even think about creating a Polish Paypal account, as advised on some sites, sooner or later they will figure you out and close your shop.

As soon as the friend realized that he needed to work with an intermediary, a new problem arose for him, how to find a reliable person who would not leave him, not now, not in the future?

To be honest, there are plenty of people on the web offering this type of collaboration, but most of them don't inspire confidence, to put it mildly. In the end, we found a reliable service - which can not only act as your intermediary, but can also process product returns, provide support in disputes with the buyer, help with the correct listing and can pay sales taxes.

Also, an important advantage of the service is responsive support, which we simply bombarded with various questions. The online consultant added a friend to and answered questions not just politely, but even enthusiastically and in detail.