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How much does it cost to open a computer club. How to open a computer club. Selection of equipment for a computer club

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By choosing a business plan for a computer club, if you have the desire and opportunity to try yourself in this endeavor, you can decide on priorities. Computer literacy has swept the country, according to experts, more than 70% of our fellow citizens are already mastering the art of communicating on the Internet, getting information from search engines, using social networks, creating blogs and shopping using convenient tools of the World Wide Web. A significant part of the huge army of users are gamers - people who devote part of their free time to their favorite hobby: computer games.

In order for the document on organizing a gaming club to work for you, you should immediately correctly determine where to start this business? Renting a room, carrying out repairs there, purchasing powerful computers, monitors, comfortable mice, and creating a safe electrical supply will be necessary at the first stage. You should think about attracting computer network specialists, administrators, system administrators, technicians to the staff, that is, the smooth functioning of machines will need to be constantly monitored.

A high-quality document on opening a computer salon will allow you to understand how to attract future customers, at first you can organize discounts, as well as provide various bonuses to regular members of your computer club. Do not forget that you should install powerful antivirus programs, as well as purchase licensed games: strategies, tactics, arcades, shooters and other toys that gamers love so much. This document opens the way to an undertaking that guarantees a constant profit to the owner.

The computer club industry is still actively developing, despite the fact that almost every home now has its own computer. It is noteworthy that the payback of a computer club is quite high. Profitability in business on computer games reaches 100% per annum, and sometimes more. According to experts' forecasts, computer clubs have a good future, and it is not so difficult to enter this business today.

As a rule, the maximum prospects open up for entrepreneurs in the provinces, since the level of computerization there is much lower than in the central part of Russia. Moreover, there is a trend towards an increase in demand for these services, since computer literacy among residents of small towns is growing faster than the number of computers per capita.

Commercial demand is spurring the emergence of more and more games in the so-called "multiplayer format". All this leads to the fact that the opening of a computer club portends an entrepreneur with very significant income and active development of the business as a whole.

Recently, large computer clubs or Internet cafes have begun to develop most actively, such a business brings good dividends, although entrepreneurs have a lot of problems in the process of work. Businessmen who have experience in creating computer clubs say that it is most efficient to create clubs with at least 30 computers. Such establishments are distinguished by a higher service, which is manifested in the presence of VIP rooms, high-speed Internet access, division into Internet zones and gaming halls.

As for the problems that every entrepreneur who decides to open a gaming computer club runs the risk of encountering, they are not so few. First of all, this is competition with smaller gaming clubs that attract customers with low prices. This can only be countered by a significant improvement in the quality of services, as well as by expanding their range. Communication with regulatory authorities promises additional difficulties for entrepreneurs, but strict compliance with all the requirements for this type of activity will help to cope with this task.

A significant cost item in computer clubs is the acquisition of licensed software. It is extremely difficult to hide violations committed in the field of intellectual property in such establishments. The need to constantly update equipment that is becoming obsolete both physically and morally is another difficulty that no businessman can avoid. In a particularly disadvantageous situation are those entrepreneurs who decide to save "on hardware" by buying low-quality computer equipment at a low price.

How much money do you need to open your own computer club and constantly develop it? Each entrepreneur can carry out such calculations independently, using in practice a competent computer club business plan. A ready-made business project for a computer club contains a detailed description of all the technological processes for creating a computer club. You will learn how to open a business with computers with minimal investment, counting on the maximum profit.

Some people think that computer clubs are unprofitable these days. Like, who needs them? Many people have a computer, laptop, tablet at home... Who will go there? But is it?

Who needs computer clubs?

Firstly, there are still quite a few people who cannot imagine their lives without a few DotA games or dizzying races with friends.

In addition, sometimes there is a need to quickly find certain information on the network, print it or send a letter. And if a computer or laptop is not at hand, first of all, a person begins to look for an Internet salon located nearby.

Opening a computer club is a truly profitable solution, an idea that will bring you a tangible income in the near future.

Step 1. Finding a suitable location

Unlike other lines of business, in this case, proximity to the city center is not of decisive importance, so it’s not worth overpaying for a place “under the sun”.

The key factor in this case is the opportunity to open a round-the-clock computer club. Without this, you can lose a significant part of your potential customers.

In addition, you should focus on the availability of the premises. Your salon should not be too far from public transport stops and busy streets - otherwise, your customers may simply be intercepted by competitors.

And one more important point, which, willy-nilly, you will have to pay attention to when deciding the question: "How to open a computer club?" It's about choosing between renting or buying a property. Given that the basis of this business is a mobile computer network, which, if necessary, can be easily moved to another location, in order to save money, it would be more logical to rent a room. However, if you decide to firmly "take root" in the chosen place and have enough money, you can buy it. This will allow you to significantly reduce your monthly expenses in the future.

Technical requirements

It is important that the room has electricity, there are climate control systems, and there is not too much humidity. Immediately take care to carry out high-speed Internet and arrange its distribution between all computers. Another point is the compliance of the premises with modern fire safety requirements.

Of course, a computer club must have an emergency exit and a bathroom.

Step 2. Paperwork

No matter how you resist, but having decided to open your own computer club, you will have to talk with representatives of some government agencies that control the activities of entrepreneurs.

First of all, we are talking about the sanitary and epidemiological service. According to the current sanitary standards, each working (playing) place should not be less than 4 m 2. By the way, this factor also needs to be taken into account when choosing a room for rent or purchase.

In addition, SES employees must record the level of electromagnetic radiation near each computer. You will have to pay for this service (about 1000 rubles for checking each device). Not fair? Perhaps, but without this, you can only dream of your own computer club.

Finally, you will have to cooperate with the youth department of the district or city state administration. It would seem, what does he have to do with it at all? It's even smarter here. You must carefully monitor your visitors so that you are not accused of distracting schoolchildren from school and serving as a "den" for difficult children.

According to our law, students are not allowed to be in computer clubs during lessons, and children under the age of 14 should not stay at your place after 21:00. By the way, violation of the second condition is fraught with large fines from the police, so you should not turn a blind eye to flagrant violations (even out of sincere human solidarity).

Which OKVED code to choose for an online salon?

Another important point to consider when opening a computer club is OKVED. Depending on which code will be used, you will be able to register your establishment on certain conditions. Unfortunately, the item "Computer club" in the classification is simply missing. Therefore, almost all owners of such establishments choose from alternative options:

  • 72.60 - other activities related to the use of information technology and computer technology;
  • 93.05 - provision of other personal services;
  • 74.84 - provision of other services.

However, regarding this issue, it is best to consult with a specialist who can evaluate your activities and choose the most appropriate option from the point of view of the law.

Step 3. Purchase of equipment

This is perhaps the most important stage in organizing your business. If you are interested in how to open a computer club, you should understand that in order for your establishment to bring you tangible profits, you must have at least 15 machines at your disposal.

Many aspiring entrepreneurs make the same mistake of obsessing over computer games. Meanwhile, it is equally important to provide your customers with a high-speed Internet access channel.

Why is corporate Internet access so important?

It should be separately emphasized that corporate Internet access is not at all the same as a home access point. Moreover, the difference lies not only in cost, but also in bandwidth and data exchange speed. The price of the cheapest access to the network with an information transfer rate of up to 256 Kbps is about 6 thousand rubles. However, given the current needs of customers, even this is not enough. The best option is a channel of 50 Mbps or more. And the cost of such a connection can reach 60-80 thousand rubles. per month.

computer business

Some people think that computer clubs are unprofitable these days. Like, who needs them? Many people have a computer, laptop, tablet at home… Who will go there? But is it?

Who needs computer clubs?

Firstly, there are still quite a few people who cannot imagine their lives without a few DotA games or dizzying races with friends.

In addition, sometimes there is a need to quickly find certain information on the network, print it or send a letter. And if a computer or laptop is not at hand, first of all, a person begins to look for an Internet salon located nearby.

Opening a computer club is a truly profitable solution, an idea that will bring you a tangible income in the near future.

Step 1. Finding a suitable location

Unlike other lines of business, in this case, proximity to the city center is not of decisive importance, so it’s not worth overpaying for a place “under the sun”.

The key factor in this case is the opportunity to open a round-the-clock computer club. Without this, you can lose a significant part of your potential customers.

In addition, you should focus on the availability of the premises. Your salon should not be too far from public transport stops and busy streets - otherwise, your customers may simply be intercepted by competitors.

And one more important point, which, willy-nilly, you will have to pay attention to when deciding the question: “How to open a computer club?” It's about choosing between renting or buying a property.

Given that the basis of this business is a mobile computer network, which, if necessary, can be easily moved to another location, in order to save money, it would be more logical to rent a room.

However, if you decide to firmly "take root" in the chosen place and have enough money, you can buy it. This will allow you to significantly reduce your monthly expenses in the future.

Technical requirements

It is important that the room has electricity, there are climate control systems, and there is not too much humidity.

Immediately take care to carry out high-speed Internet and arrange its distribution between all computers.

Another point is the compliance of the premises with modern fire safety requirements.

Of course, a computer club must have an emergency exit and a bathroom.

Step 2. Paperwork

No matter how you resist, but having decided to open your own computer club, you will have to talk with representatives of some government agencies that control the activities of entrepreneurs.

First of all, we are talking about the sanitary and epidemiological service. According to the current sanitary standards, each working (playing) place should not be less than 4 m2. By the way, this factor also needs to be taken into account when choosing a room for rent or purchase.

In addition, SES employees must record the level of electromagnetic radiation near each computer.

You will have to pay for this service (about 1000 rubles for checking each device).

Not fair? Perhaps, but without this, you can only dream of your own computer club.

You must carefully monitor your visitors so that you are not accused of distracting schoolchildren from school and serving as a "den" for difficult children.

According to our law, students are not allowed to be in computer clubs during lessons, and children under the age of 14 should not stay at your place after 21:00.

By the way, violation of the second condition is fraught with large fines from the police, so you should not turn a blind eye to flagrant violations (even out of sincere human solidarity).

Which OKVED code to choose for an online salon?

Another important point to consider when opening a computer club is OKVED.

Depending on which code will be used, you will be able to register your establishment on certain conditions.

Unfortunately, the item "Computer club" in the classification is simply missing. Therefore, almost all owners of such establishments choose from alternative options:

  • 72.60 - other activities related to the use of information technology and computer technology;
  • 93.05 - provision of other personal services;
  • 74.84 - provision of other services.

However, regarding this issue, it is best to consult with a specialist who can evaluate your activities and choose the most appropriate option from the point of view of the law.

Step 3. Purchase of equipment

This is perhaps the most important stage in organizing your business. If you are interested in how to open a computer club, you should understand that in order for your establishment to bring you tangible profits, you must have at least 15 machines at your disposal.

Many aspiring entrepreneurs make the same mistake of obsessing over computer games. Meanwhile, it is equally important to provide your customers with a high-speed Internet access channel.

Why is corporate Internet access so important?

It should be separately emphasized that corporate Internet access is not at all the same as a home access point. Moreover, the difference lies not only in cost, but also in bandwidth and data exchange speed.

The price of the cheapest access to the network with an information transfer rate of up to 256 Kbps is about 6 thousand rubles.

However, given the current needs of customers, even this is not enough. The best option is a channel of 50 Mbps or more.

And the cost of such a connection can reach 60-80 thousand rubles. per month.

Partially solving this problem will help the correct installation of equipment (using high-performance hubs, several dedicated lines, installing a proxy server, etc.). However, the problem is not only the price.

To use Internet resources for commercial purposes, you will need a special license for the provision of telematic services, as well as permission to transmit data from the Ministry of Communications. And taking into account the fact that our business plan for a computer club involves round-the-clock work, you will also need permission from the police for a 24-hour working day.

But back to buying computers. They should be reliable and as efficient as possible when working on the network. On average, the assembly of one such unit costs about 25-30 thousand rubles.

It would be ideal if you can order all the components directly from the manufacturer - this way you will be able to save a fair amount of the budget, bypassing resellers and intermediaries.

What do you need to open a computer club, besides the computers themselves? It all depends on what additional services you are going to offer your visitors. The "standard set" can include printers, a copier, equipment for recording information on CDs and DVDs, as well as on flash cards.

In addition, it must be taken into account that any establishment of such a plan must provide its customers with a certain selection of drinks (beer, tea, coffee, juices, water) and snacks. Therefore, among other things, you will have to install bar equipment, mini-refrigerators, etc.

It would be nice if you place a high-quality liquid crystal or plasma panel that displays information from the "battlefield" for fans of "computer battles".

Step 4. Purchase of licensed software

The acquisition of licensed software is one of the most serious items of expenditure. When compiling a business plan for a computer club, it must be taken into account.

Of course, the temptation to save money and install "cracked" versions of games and programs is great. But, as always, there is one "But". If during the inspection a violation of the Copyright Law is found in your club, the institution will be sealed, and all available equipment will be confiscated.

According to the current legislation, such "savings" are fraught with a fine in the amount of 20 to 60 thousand rubles or correctional labor for up to two years. But if a software development company sues you, here the fines will be “slightly” different - from 5 million (!) Rubles and more.

So be sure to make sure that each computer club program is original and officially paid.

Important! Do not confuse licenses for home (private) use with commercial ones. When it comes to how to open a computer club, a license of the second type is required, which allows the commercial use of the product.

Step 5. Search and recruitment of personnel

It is simply impossible to keep track of the work of the entire computer club on your own. However, unlike other lines of business, in this case you will not need a large number of staff positions.

First, you will need an administrator (the same person can act as a cashier). Given that the club operates 24 hours a day, there should be several such employees (2-3).

Their task is to keep order in the room, resolve conflict situations between visitors, fix problems in the operation of computers and prevent any of the clients from starting to unscrew parts from the system units.

The second indispensable employee is a network administrator (perhaps an incoming one).

If the club has its own bar, it is desirable that the bartender, and not the administrator, who is forced to constantly run from one end of the room to the other, is engaged in customer service.

And, of course, you need a cleaning lady who will monitor the cleanliness in the cabin.

If there are not enough personnel to monitor the entire territory of the club, it would be advisable to install video surveillance of the hall or install specialized protection on the system units.

Step 6. Organization of accounting

The official registration of employees in the state requires the registration of an employment contract in various instances (including the tax service and the social, pension and medical insurance funds). In addition, each employee must have tax cards and work books. The correct maintenance of the payroll is also important.

If you do not want to take all these troubles on your shoulders, it may make sense to agree (as an option - through acquaintances) with some large organization so that employees are registered at that enterprise, and then the club is rented out. In fact, in this case, all the paperwork falls on the personnel department. On average, the price of such services is about 10-15 dollars per employee.

Another option is to use the services of a third-party accountant on an outsourcing basis.

Companies that “lease” such employees, as a rule, select only real professionals, competent and experienced people - their reputation and profit directly depend on this, and therefore it is simply unprofitable for them to provide a “teapot” to solve your problems.

Step 7. Advertising

The most effective options for promoting computer clubs are traditionally considered to be the distribution of leaflets in the area where the institution is located, as well as posting ads near the entrances and in elevators of residential buildings.

In principle, it is enough to attract only a few dozen customers - then the effect of "word of mouth" will work, and over time, you will practically not have to spend money on advertising.

Step 8. Drawing up a financial plan

So, all the expenses that will be required to start a computer business can be divided into capital (starting - those that you need at the very beginning) and current (regular - those that you will make monthly).

Capital costs include the following:

  • rent of premises - about 50 thousand rubles;
  • connection to the provider, repair work - 100-120 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of equipment - from 800 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of furniture - 250-300 thousand rubles;
  • advertising - 15 thousand rubles;
  • payment for utilities - 15 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of consumables - 25-30 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of products - about 40-50 thousand rubles.

As you can see, it is not enough to know how to open a computer club; you also need to have a starting capital of about 1.2-1.5 million rubles.

Further costs will be reduced several times:

  • rent - 50 thousand rubles / month;
  • repair of devices - 30 thousand rubles / month;
  • payment for utilities - 15 thousand rubles / month;
  • advertising - 10 thousand rubles / month;
  • purchase of products - 40-50 thousand rubles / month;
  • purchase of consumables - 15 thousand rubles / month;
  • salaries to employees - about 100-150 thousand rubles / month.

Total - about 250-300 thousand rubles a month.

It should be understood that the prices quoted may vary significantly depending on where you live. In large metropolitan areas such as Moscow, they can be several times higher, and in small provincial towns, on the contrary, lower.

Step 9. Calculation of projected profit

It is worth focusing on the average price level (from 10 to 30 rubles per hour for one visitor). Too low cost of the service will negatively affect the payback of the project, and too high cost will scare away your potential customers.

Estimated monthly profit, taking into account the indicated prices, can reach 650 thousand rubles, of which net income is about 100-150 thousand.

Thus, the invested funds will pay off in about a year.

Business idea: how to open a computer club

A computer club needs high-quality equipment, and its purchase requires a solid start-up capital. This activity requires a large number of permits and licenses.

Before starting the inventory of the premises and paperwork, find out all the nuances of the legislation. A detailed business plan will help you calculate the initial investment and get a profitable loan from a bank.

Main risks

The computer and the Internet are gradually entering every home. You must provide a quality and innovative service that is not available at home. The emergence of a nearby competing club with better service and the departure of regular customers is also very likely.

There is a high risk of conflict situations between club visitors. Your employees are required to monitor customers to avoid violations of the law and damage to equipment.

There are strict legislation regarding the stay in such institutions of minors.

“Step-by-step instructions on how to open a computer club”


First of all, look for premises near universities and schools. Young people make up the majority of the clients of such establishments. For students and schoolchildren, the need to search the Internet, print or copy educational work arises constantly.

In their free time, young people will visit your club to communicate with friends and have fun. A location in a business district can make sense if there are no competitors.

If there are large hotels in your city that do not have conference rooms and computer clubs, you can stay near one of them. Location in the center does not play an important role.

The decisive factor is the accessibility of the premises, the location on the streets with high traffic of people and near public transport stops. The key point in choosing a room for a computer club is access to high-speed and reliable Internet.

Find out which providers operate in selected areas and at what level of service is provided. For large cities, choosing a provider is not a big problem. In small towns, the choice of premises may depend entirely on the ability to connect to the Internet and provide customers with high-quality communications.

Certain requirements are put forward directly to the premises:

  1. High-quality and reliable electrical wiring.
  2. Pay attention to the humidity level. Computer equipment is very sensitive to high humidity.
  3. To obtain permission to operate the club from the fire department, the premises must be brought into line with modern standards. Get to know them ahead of time.
  4. It is important to have climate control systems, an emergency exit, and a sanitary unit.

The choice to rent or buy a room depends only on your financial capabilities. The acquisition will reduce ongoing costs in the future and will avoid the need to leave a good place with regular customers after the lease expires and the owner refuses to renew it.


This is the most important and costly part of organizing a computer club. It is strictly forbidden to save on quality and quantity. To make a tangible profit, it is advisable to purchase at least 10 cars.

Computers need to be as efficient as possible when working on a network and reliable. The average cost of such units is 30-35 thousand rubles.

You can save on self-assembly, which must be performed by a highly qualified, reliable specialist, and the purchase of components from manufacturers. Significant profits bring additional services.

Purchase a printer, scanner, photocopier, equipment for downloading information to flash cards, CDs and DVDs. For fans of computer games, you can purchase a plasma or liquid crystal panel, on which fans can watch the battle.

The cost of a standard set of office equipment is about 300 thousand rubles. The most common mistake of newcomers who open computer clubs is to rely solely on the players. To be successful, customers must be provided with a high-speed access channel.

Try to connect corporate Internet access. The cost of the package can be 50-60 thousand rubles per month, but you will receive a channel with a transfer rate of 50 Mbps or more. The standard speed of 256 Kbps will not satisfy the needs of serious customers.

Competent installation of modern equipment will also help ensure reliable communication: several dedicated lines, high-performance hubs, and a proxy server. Installation of licensed software is required.

You can save money and install pirated copies. But the check will visit your club for sure. If a copyright infringement is found, the club will be closed and the equipment confiscated.

Such violations are fraught with serious fines and claims for millions of dollars from software companies. On the other hand, working with licensed software will be a good marketing ploy and demonstrate the solidity of your club. A licensed version of Windows 7, a copy of Microsoft Office Professional 2010 with a key, an antivirus will cost about 60 thousand rubles.

Furniture should be comfortable and reliable. The computer club assumes an informal and creative atmosphere. Buying non-standard or discounted furniture in furniture stores will help you save money and get an interesting, modern design as a result.


Decide if you will work around the clock. This depends on the number of employees. To work with customers, you need an administrator who can perform the duties of a cashier. An administrative assistant is also needed.

Employees will have to keep order, provide additional services to customers, resolve conflict situations, prevent theft of system unit parts, and troubleshoot computers.

A video surveillance system will help to facilitate the work of employees, on the installation of which it is undesirable to save.

Be sure to hire a qualified system administrator, a service contract option is possible. The volume of cleaning work will be large, the cleaner should be included in the staff.

For bookkeeping, you can conclude an agreement with an accounting company on an outsourcing basis. Also, it is necessary to conclude an agreement with a security company.

The risk of attempted theft of expensive equipment during off-hours is very high.

Documents and licenses

In the tax office, a computer club can be registered as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. For registration, you must provide a package of documents:

  • Statement.
  • Memorandum of association or decision to establish a company.
  • Company charter.
  • Confirmation of the availability of authorized capital.
  • Receipt for payment of state duty.

When choosing an OKVED code, there is no clear classification for a computer salon. You should choose among three codes: 72.60; 74.84; 93.05. In this regard, it is advisable to consult with an experienced specialist who will assist in choosing the most optimal option.

Your activity involves the use of the Internet for profit. This means that you need permission to transmit data from the Ministry of Communications and a license to provide telematic services.

If you plan to work around the clock, you will need a permit from the local police department.

To open a club you will need permissions:

  1. San-epidemic service. For each computer, the area is 4 m². Employees of the service check the level of electromagnetic radiation near each computer. The cost of this check is about 1,000 rubles.
  2. Fire inspection.
  3. Department for work with minors at the local administration. You are obliged to monitor the visitors. Children under 14 years of age are not allowed to be in the club after 21:00, and schoolchildren until lunch. You will have to cooperate with this department.

    Raids are carried out regularly, if a young violator is found in the club during the prohibited time, the owner of the institution pays the fine.

To attract the first customers to the computer club, the best way to advertise is to distribute leaflets and post ads in the area.

High-quality service, friendly and cozy atmosphere, interesting promotions and discounts, availability of unique services and new products will start to work for your reputation.

Several dozen regular customers will bring new visitors to you. In this business, word of mouth is the most effective form of advertising.


The demand for computer club services is high and will continue to grow. Proper planning, quality services and a reasonable pricing policy will ensure you a constant influx of customers and financial success.

Detailed business plan for a computer club

  • Legal Issues
  • Location selection
  • Clients and demand for services
  • Necessary equipment and staffing
  • Ways to effectively advertise
  • Computer club development
  • Financial part

In today's world, the Internet is almost indispensable. Despite the fact that every day it is becoming more and more popular in private houses and apartments, it is still not possible to extend fiber optics everywhere and make traffic affordable and inexpensive.

In this case, a specialized institution that provides access to the Internet for a fee can be an excellent alternative. It can be a large Internet club or a relatively small one.

In the latter option, a small room is rented, in which up to 20 workplaces with computers and software are equipped.

A large computer club has 30-50 rather powerful machines with high-speed Internet, VIP rooms and cafes.

Institutions of this scale pay off slowly, as they require serious capital investments, but they usually do not have problems with regulatory authorities.

But regardless of the format of the future institution, you will definitely need a competent and accurate business plan for a computer club.

Legal Issues

Any business must be legal from a legal point of view, and gaming is no exception.

The best organizational and legal form for opening a computer club is an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur).

First you need to come up with a memorable and sonorous name for the club, which is related to computer topics.

In order to register an institution, you will need:

  • application for registration;
  • memorandum of association;
  • the charter of the future enterprise and information about the founder of the club;
  • a receipt certifying the payment of the state duty;
  • documents that confirm the consent of the antimonopoly authorities.

It is also necessary to settle all issues with regulatory authorities. It is usually difficult to meet all the requirements, so their decision will depend on many factors. In order for the institution to work around the clock, you will need to obtain permission from the police department.

If you plan to open a small gaming computer club, then it does not make sense to immediately spend money on buying licensed software, but you still need to take into account that it will be necessary to purchase it in the future.

This can be done through the Russian representative offices of manufacturing companies. Before you install a licensed program, you will need a special license that allows it to be used commercially.

It can be bought from a distributor company, the cost of a license is calculated individually for each computer club.

The best place to open such an institution is a sleeping area with a large population or a street where a significant number of educational institutions are concentrated.

A good place for a computer club is a busy intersection, a market area or a large store.

It is undesirable to open an institution of such a plan in residential buildings, since the audience of the gaming computer club is quite noisy, so residents will definitely complain.

In addition, in a residential building, the club is most often located in the basement, respectively, it will be difficult to obtain permits from the sanitary and epidemiological station and the fire inspectorate.

The cost of rent per square meter in residential areas is usually low, so the annual payment will not be too high.

The main visitors of the computer club will be:

  • students and schoolchildren visiting the institution not only for educational purposes, but also for the game;
  • clients of different ages who do not often go to a computer club.

It is necessary to place the main emphasis on the qualifications, competence and friendliness of the managers who will serve the gaming hall.

The services of a computer club are almost always in demand. But at the same time, seasonal deviations up or down are possible.

During exams and sessions at universities, attendance for educational purposes increases significantly, while games begin to interest potential customers during school holidays.

In the pricing process, it is important to take into account the purchasing power of the intended customers and the quality of the services provided.

The next step is to buy equipment.

Here it is important not to save on the purchase of the necessary equipment, since many visitors come to play in a computer club, and games require high-quality and modern equipment.

Therefore, the more powerful the equipment, the more visited the institution will be. You will also need to purchase printers and scanners, appropriate furniture: tables, chairs; equip the workplace of the administrator.

You can invite students of specialized universities who live nearby.

If we talk about a small club, then 3-4 people will be enough for its normal operation, who will serve the software and work with clients. You will also need one system administrator.

Basically, computer clubs work around the clock, so you need to organize work in two shifts. You can not do without a security guard, as the institution will have expensive equipment.

For the official registration of personnel, it will be necessary to register an employment contract in many instances, such as tax, social, pension and medical insurance funds.

You will need to keep payroll records, start work books and tax cards for each employee.

Therefore, if possible, it is better to negotiate with a large organization so that it is there that the staff is registered, and then leased to the club.

As a result, you can get rid of paperwork, which will be handled by the personnel department of the enterprise. An accountant will be needed to maintain accounting records if the owner of the club cannot handle this business.

After the opening of a new computer club, you can start an advertising campaign. For this you will need:

  • post flyers with prices and the address of the club at schools and entrances of houses (before compiling the layout of the advertisement, it is important to consider that the main target audience is teenagers 10-18 years old);
  • place ads on the Internet on specialized sites;
  • create a noticeable and bright sign with a detailed list of services provided;
  • regularly arrange various promotions and tournaments;
  • create a system of discounts, for example, for clients who work more than three hours in a row.

For a newly opened establishment, it is important to provide a sufficient level of service, because most computer clubs are usually inattentive to their customers. Since a specific audience usually gathers in this place, it is necessary to act outside the box.

There are situations when the older guys demand money from the younger ones. Therefore, as an option, you can give the hooligans a free subscription for a month. You can also try to attract the attention of visitors to your institution with the help of various contests with monetary rewards.

Or create a leaderboard.

It is necessary to come up with and implement original ideas, as a result, the constant development of even a small club will help to significantly increase the monthly revenue from each computer. Over time, the institution will be able to move to a new level, whose clients will be a wealthy public. The following services can be provided:

  • high-speed Internet access;
  • copying and burning discs;
  • work with office applications;
  • scanning various documents;
  • printout of files;
  • photocopying;
  • conducting computer courses.

It may be necessary to create two halls: one, a game room, for young people, the other for more serious clients.

It is impossible to draw up an accurate and correct business plan for a computer club without taking into account financial costs and determining profitability. As an example, calculations are given for a medium-sized computer club in a large city.

The expenditure side includes capital and operating costs. Capital includes:

  • rent of premises - 50,000 rubles;
  • repair work, connection to the provider - 120,000 rubles;
  • purchase of the necessary equipment - 800,000 rubles;
  • purchase of furniture - 250,000 rubles;
  • advertising costs - 15,000 rubles;
  • consumables - 25,000 rubles.

Total: 1,275,000 rubles will be needed as start-up capital to open an institution.

Current expenses for the maintenance of the Internet club:

  • rent - 50,000 rubles;
  • depreciation - 160,000 rubles;
  • utilities - 15,000 rubles;
  • staff salary - 120,000 rubles;
  • advertising - 10,000 rubles;
  • consumables - 15,000 rubles;
  • repair of various devices - 30,000 rubles.

Total: 400,000 rubles.

In the process of developing a pricing policy, it is important to establish the average cost of services. A low price will make the payback period longer, a high one can scare away potential customers.

The approximate monthly income should be 500,000 rubles, of which net profit is 90 - 100,000 rubles. Accordingly, we can conclude that the payback period of a computer club is a little more than a year.

Computer clubs are establishments that are quite popular with a certain target audience. Despite the fact that almost every person has his own PC, laptop or other gadget, there is a demand for computer clubs where fans can gather, play network games, communicate, use the Internet if for some reason this is not possible at home. To start a business in this direction, you will need to draw up a business plan for a computer club, an example of which we offer in this article.

Project Summary

It is planned to open a computer club in a large city with at least 800 thousand people. Powerful machines will be purchased for him to be able to play network computer games. The main focus is on gamers. The club will be located in the city center, close to schools, student buildings and good transport interchange.

The target audience:

  • Young people (schoolchildren, students) from 15 to 20 years old (80%).
  • People from 21 to 30 years old (15%).
  • The rest (5%).

Main risks:

Risk Solution
The emergence of a serious competitor in the area / city Market analysis, purchase and calculation of depreciation of machines, quality control of service provision, implementation of a loyalty system for regular customers. In addition, customers should not only be given the opportunity to use computers, but also offer related services: copier / scanner / printout, filing documents
A sharp increase in the cost of renting the club premises Drafting a long term lease agreement
Mass equipment failure Carrying out scheduled inspections of machines and computer equipment
Equipment theft Installation of a high-quality security system and a good alarm system, equipment insurance

To minimize risks and minimize force majeure costs, you will need to draw up a business plan for a computer club with calculations that will take into account the cost of purchasing equipment, the cost of rent and other initial and monthly investments in tandem with a reserve fund.

Registration and registration

To open a computer club, we will register with the tax authorities. We will apply for a certificate of an individual entrepreneur, while choosing a simplified taxation system with a payment of 6% of profits.

If the work is done in a separate room and the owner does not have this document, you will need to obtain permission from the fire inspectorate. Compliance is important as there will be a large amount of equipment in the club.

Registration costs will be in the amount of 5-7 thousand rubles

Search for premises and purchase of equipment

Our gaming club will be located on the second floor of a commercial building, with shops on the first floor. The entrance to the club will be from the main side of the building. To open a club for 20 cars and, accordingly, for 20 seats, we need about 100 sq. m. But we take into account technical premises, a waiting / rest area and another 50 sq. m. m to increase club attendance. In total, we rent a room of 150 sq. m. The cost of such an area on average in the format of the city will be at least 70 thousand rubles.

The computer club will need to be redecorated. It will cost us 50 thousand rubles.

When choosing a room, we take into account the condition of the walls and electrical wiring, the presence of proper ventilation and heating, and also check all documents confirming the rights of the landlord to rent out the premises and the absence of debts on utility bills.

Every month it will be necessary to pay utility bills in the amount of about 10-15 thousand rubles. The more visitors and the workload of the hall, the greater the cost of electricity.

Equipment in a computer club is essential. Firstly, these are the machines and equipment themselves; secondly, comfortable and compact furniture. To save costs, we buy used system units and monitors in good condition. In addition, we buy at least 10 new cars. Estimated equipment in the table:

Name price, rub. Quantity Amount, rub.
Used system blocks 30 000 11 330 000
System blocks are new 55 000 10 550 000
Used monitors 15 000 21 315 000
Headphones 2 000 20 40 000
MFP 15 000 1 15 000
Furniture 105 000
Lighting 30 000
Equipment and materials for high-speed Internet 20 000
Alarm system 20 000
Total 1 425 000


We will hire a labor team, which will consist of the following employees:

Administrators and a room cleaner work on a schedule 6 days a week. A technician works 3 days a week on a regular basis, servicing computers in the club. On other days, he takes on the repair and maintenance of users' PCs, repairs in a separate club room and receives a percentage.

The functions of an accountant who will work with reports for the tax office are performed by the owner himself. The volumes are small, so to save money, he will do it on his own. In addition, he will engage in online and offline advertising to attract visitors.

Service prices

Marketing and Advertising

It is necessary to prepare in advance for the opening of a gaming club in terms of attracting customers. We will definitely place ads on paid and free boards, promote in city groups and communities/forums of gamers. Offline, we will attract attention with the help of flyers and leaflets in places where the main target audience is concentrated.

Our goal is to attract as many regular customers as possible. They will in turn bring friends. The greater the fullness of the club, the greater the profitability and, as a result, the profit and return on investment of the organization.

Flyers will be handed out near schools, at public transport stops for young people who can potentially become our clients. We will also place advertising flyers in minibuses in this area.

We will initially attract with the opening of a new club, good computers and the first two weeks with discounts for the 5th player.

Every month we will spend at least 20 thousand rubles on ads, groups, POS materials.

Income and expenses

In this paragraph, we will consider the overall picture of income and expenses, draw up an indicative sales plan for services, calculate the benefits and return on investment.

Starting costs

Monthly expenses


Naturally, in the first month the profit will be minimal. A stable level is expected for the 3rd month of operation. In the first 2 months we will actively work on advertising, form a system for attracting regular customers, and we will influence their loyalty. For the 3-4th month, we will set an indicative sales plan:

We calculate the profitability indicator: Calculate the amount of tax 6%:

365,500 x 6% = 21,930 rubles

Calculate net income:

365,500 - 165,500 - 21,930 \u003d 178,070 rubles.

Profitability will be approximately equal to 60-70%, which can be considered a good result.

The payback period of the project will be 10-11 months.


Computer club business is highly profitable and promising. We will open a club for 20 guests, in the future, this number can be doubled next year. In addition, we will start promoting the service of a technical specialist, on which we will also earn additional money. There are no great development opportunities in this area. Only if you open a similar club in a neighboring city, profits can increase, but only not earlier than 2 years after the launch of a computer club.

About how to start when opening a computer club.

Where to begin?

Today in Moscow and the nearest suburbs about four hundred computer clubs. Young people spend hours playing games here. And for a beginner entrepreneur there is every chance of success. However, the vulnerabilities of such business a lot too. Majority clubs dies within three to four months after its discovery. Therefore, the first specialist, the meeting with which "SB" arranged for Marat Arslanov, was Igor TRUNIN - the administrative director of the network computer clubs"Polygon", which arose from scratch and withstood the test of time.

Our reference
First club Polygon was opened in 1999. The network currently consists of 15 computer clubs working in Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Perm, Tyumen and Ufa.

- To computer Club could operate at a normal profit, it is necessary to install at least 12 machines and not be limited to just games. Be sure to give customers the opportunity to access the Internet, - told Igor Trunin. – Obtain a special license for this business no need. However, some papers allowing the provision of certain types of services will still be needed. First, it concerns the Internet. To obtain the right to use it for commercial purposes, it is necessary to issue two licenses at the Ministry of Communications - for the provision of telematic services and data transmission. And if club will work day and night, you will have to take permission to work around the clock at the local police station.

From the standard list of organizations that control entrepreneurs, special attention should be paid to the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service. According to sanitary standards, for each computer space must be at least four square meters. m. Therefore, it is necessary to find a spacious room in advance. Another special requirement for computer clubs– normal level of electromagnetic radiation. To make sure that it is “normal”, SES workers must fix the radiation coefficient coming from computers. Measurement of each car will cost about 1000 rubles, so getting permission from the SES will cost a pretty penny.

Another organization with which problems may arise is the district administration, in particular the youth department. Its workers may blame computer Club in that he distracts children from their studies and collects difficult teenagers. Therefore, it is important to ensure that school-age children do not computer battles during school hours. And if the owners club will let children under 14 into it after nine o'clock in the evening, you can not only anger the youth workers, but also run into a fine from the police.

The more potential customers learn about the opening club, all the better. To begin with, it makes sense to print a small circulation of leaflets and scatter them in the entrances of the nearest houses. The first two days of visitors should be served free of charge. This will not only attract club more people, but also to analyze what services are popular, to test the operation of equipment.

Often visitors try to unscrew some details from the system unit, and even among the staff there are those who want to improve mine home computer for club. Therefore, each machine must be monitored. If there are not enough people who can do this work, it is imperative to install video cameras on the walls. As additional measures, you can put special protection on the system unit, as is done in all clubs"Polygon". Of course, it costs extra money, but constantly repairing computers will be more expensive.

It is also worth remembering that computer clubsbusiness seasonal. In July and August, when schoolchildren and students go on vacation, there are only a few visitors. Time to go on vacation.

And I would also advise to lay in business plan the amount for additional expenses (in the amount of approximately 20% of all investments). There is a lot of unpredictability in business, so it doesn’t hurt to make sure.

Parting words to Marat Arslanov:
- It seems to me that Marat is an intelligent and stubborn guy. Own business he will definitely create. But whether it will become prosperous, even Kasyanov will not say this.

Second meeting - Whether to go to the pirates?

- One of the most significant items of expenditure, which will require the implementation of the project of Marat Arslanov, is the purchase of software. You can buy expensive licensed software. And you can save money by using programs that are being circulated illegally. According to the Association for Combating computer piracy (ABKP), 90% of Russian clubs. What does it threaten? Aleksey SHCHERBAKOV, president of the AKPB, helped answer the question.

Our reference
Association to Combat computer piracy (ABKP) was established in Russia in 1997. It represents the interests of the largest software producers in Russia, including Sony and Microsoft.

– Firms that work with the “left” programs are blacklisted by our Association. ABCP checks monthly computer clubs, and often such checks end in litigation, - Aleksey Shcherbakov warned Marat Arslanov. - We are working closely with the police, and they can also check on our initiative club for licenses. And if the check finds that the owner club violates law about copyright, then club may be sealed and computers confiscated. Next, the violator will face an exhausting litigation under Article 146 of the Criminal Code "On Violation of Copyright and Related Rights", according to which the violator may be required to pay a fine of 200 to 600 minimum wages (today it is from 20 thousand rubles to 60 thousand rubles) or send to correctional labor for up to two years.

With one club ABKP has been suing for a year and a half. His equipment is gradually falling into disrepair in police dungeons. And in the meantime, he is suffering huge losses.

It may also happen that the manufacturing company itself decides to deal with the pirate. Then the case will be heard in the Arbitration Court, and the violator risks completely different amounts. According to law"On legal protection programs for computers and databases” the size of the fine for each installed unlicensed product can be determined up to 50 thousand minimum wages (5 million rubles).

If such a development of events does not appeal, then it makes sense to work legally.

Purchasing licensed versions programs it is worth contacting the Russian representative offices of European manufacturing companies. Microsoft products are handled by its Russian branch, and "toys" must be bought from Russian companies that have licenses for them. Of the most famous, one can name “Soft club” (“Quake”, “Warcraft III”, “Counter strik), “Buka” (“Truckers”, “Heroes of might and magic”).

It is worth remembering one more important thing: to install in computer club legally program, you need a special license that allows its commercial use. Sold by a distributor company. As a rule, the cost of such a license is calculated for each club on an individual basis. And this means that you have a chance to bargain.

For example, the Soft Club company works according to the following principle. Owner computer club pays her 420 euros per year for the right to commercially use any of the products provided to her, plus buys boxed licensed versions of each programs. And for each computer that the client will play on club, should account for a separate boxed version.

Almost all distribution companies use this scheme of working with clients.

By the way, it is very wrong to think that working with licensed programs unprofitable. On the contrary, it is they who make it possible to ensure the high quality of services provided by computer Club. So, for example, if persistent software glitches are causing your business, you have every right to sue the manufacturing company. Such cases occur in our practice. For example, a few years ago the owner computer club sued a round sum from Microsoft.

parting word
– I hope that Marat and other novice directors computer clubs will change their attitude towards licensed products and save themselves from clashes with law enforcement agencies.

Third meeting - How to set up accounting?

For all beginners entrepreneurs, no matter what business they are going to develop, a number of general questions arise. In what legal form should I register my business? What is the best way to organize accounting? How to behave if officials come to check? Boris POLYANIN, a permanent expert of the "SB", told about this - entrepreneur with ten years of experience, director and chief accountant of several small enterprises.

More often small business is registered with the firm of a limited liability company (LLC), or its owner is registered as entrepreneur without forming a legal entity (PBOYuL). Less common is such a form as a simple partnership. But in my opinion, it can be quite convenient. In this case, the founders of the company are first registered as PBOYuL, and then they conclude a simple partnership agreement between themselves, which stipulates the shares of participants and the principles for distributing income between them. What is the advantage here? That any of the united entrepreneurs can with full right sign all the contracts that the company concludes - on the lease, leasing of computers and others. This will greatly simplify its management. At the same time, each of the participants in a simple partnership will report to the state only on personal income. A general accounting of financial results business can be kept on a separate balance sheet, which its owners have every right not to present to the inspection authorities.

Here, to example, one perfectly legal "trick" that can use computer Club, if registered as a simple partnership. Suppose the cash register is registered to Marat Arslanov. And the revenue recorded by this control machine is the revenue of the entire firm. In theory, Marat should make an entry in his entrepreneurial ledger that he received a certain amount of money and transferred it to a simple partnership. But since in this situation Marat is just a transmission link, he has every right not to record anything in the ledger.

In general, if there is no financial experience, it will not be easy to establish accounting. You can make a lot of mistakes, fraught with tax penalties. Therefore, it is best not to save on inviting an experienced accountant to the firm or to use a service called “outsourcing” - to entrust the preparation of company reports to some experienced outside specialist. in a Moscow consulting firm drafting tax reporting for PBOYuL costs $20 per hour.

It will be quite troublesome to keep records of hired personnel. If everything is done officially, then the employment contract will have to be registered with the tax, pension, medical and social insurance funds. You will have to keep a payroll, start a separate tax card and work books for each employee. But outsourcing can make life easier here too. You should try to negotiate with acquaintances who work in some large organization so that they register your employees through mine human resources department, and then rented them to your company. Thus, you save yourself from all additional paperwork for staff, up to the issuance of their sick leave. Such a service is not very expensive - $ 10-15 for keeping records for one person. And you will save time and get rid of a lot of paperwork.

However, it will still not be possible to avoid a collision with different controlling organizations. In the list of controllers who can visit computer Club, several dozen items. But the tactics of behavior should be the same in relation to all. The first thing to do is to ask the inspectors for documents. After that, write down the name, position and name of the organization that the guests represent in a special book for registering inspections, which must be created in advance. You need to make sure that the visitors have a written decision to conduct an inspection, drawn up directly in relation to your company. It often happens that the inspector walks around with blank forms, which are stamped, and the name of the official who allegedly instructed to check your company is entered already on the spot. It is illegal!

If all the documents are in order, you need to make a control call to the department from which the inspector came, and clarify whether the check is planned.

But even if violations are found in you, you cannot follow the lead of an official who unambiguously hints that you can pay off. Pay once and you will be addicted.

You will be constantly checked. True, in recent years such situations occur less frequently. And if your rights are still violated, complain. Write letters to higher authorities, to the press. Bureaucrats must be fought with their own methods. Works flawlessly!

Wishes to Marat Arslanov:
- From the first steps in business, Marat will have to break through a dense bureaucratic web. In words, everyone will help him, slap him on the shoulder, but in reality they will put spokes in wheels and stick out his pockets, hinting at a bribe. Therefore, we must not lose optimism, but be skeptical about all the promises of officials.

  1. Conclude a franchise agreement with the Polygon company. Opening club in Krasnoznamensk under the brand name of an already well-known network will minimize the risks that threaten a new business.
  2. Use only licensed programs.
  3. Register club in the form of a limited liability company (LLC).
  4. Find a partner who will take care of accounting for personnel payments on an outsourcing basis.

How it will develop business Marat Arslanov, "SB" will tell in their next numbers.