Planning Motivation Control

The technology of the manager's work with the client of a travel company. Registration of the sale of the tour. Travel agency customer service technology






Faculty: Economics

Department: "Management"

Specialty: "Management of the organization"

Specialization: "Management of tourism and travel"

Course work in the discipline "Organization of service" on the topic:

« Travel agency customer service technology . »

Completed by: 4th year student

Moscow 2009


1.Typology of tourists…………………………………………………………..

2.Organization of customer service………………………………………..

2.1.Customer service classes of the travel agency………………………………..

2.2.Technology of customer service of the travel agency…………………………..

2.3. Organization of reception and service of visitors………………………

2.4.Program tourism as the basis of modern tour operating and tourist services……………………………………………………….

2.5. Quality of service and ways of its regulation…………………

3. Legal foundations for the formation and functioning of the company “Wind Rose KMV”………………………………………………………………………………

3.1 Organizational and managerial characteristics of the company "Wind Rose KMV"…………………………………………………………………………….

Analysis of the internal environment. Types of enterprise activity. Their characteristics………………………………………………………………….

3.2. Organizational structure of enterprise management…………………

3.3.Organization and technology of customer service of the company "Wind Rose KMV"……………………………………………………………………………….



Among the problems put forward by tourism, the most important is the problem of service and hospitality. The range of professions needed in the tourism industry is very large. However, the main feature of all those who work in the field of tourism is the constant communication with people with all its positive and negative aspects. Therefore, one who wants to work in the field of tourism must have such qualities as patience, sociability, goodwill, tolerance, endurance. In many professions related to tourism, knowledge of a foreign language is necessary. The level of foreign language proficiency can vary depending on the professions and the location of the job, there is no doubt that language skills are an integral part of working in tourism. There are many women working in tourism who gained the necessary experience by starting to work as agents of travel companies.

The history of hospitality from antiquity to the present day reflects all the best and worst that a person could have. The first experience of civilization indicates that the guest has always been the object of all attention and even religious veneration.

The word "service" has become generally understood, we translate it as "service", but this is not entirely accurate. “Service” is skillful service that brings pleasure and satisfaction. Only professional training, knowledge of at least two foreign languages ​​and extensive practice are able to provide a travel agency employee with a qualified solution to all service issues: calmness and confidence in difficult situations, quick decision-making, the ability to make the client think that he is right, even then, when he's wrong.

In international tourism, the quality side of tourist service is one of the urgent problems. In international tourism markets, service quality and service culture are the most powerful weapons in the competition. The purpose of the travel agency is to satisfy the needs of the client. Client - a regular buyer or customer who purchases and consumes travel services.

The purpose of this work is to disclose the classification of customer groups by tourist organizations and their service features. Particular attention is paid to the organization of customer service. In accordance with the goal, the following tasks are solved:

Describe the typology of tourists;

To analyze the classes of service and the peculiarities of the relationship of managers to customers;

Submit a maintenance program;

Highlight the basic principles of service;

To reveal the classification of groups of clients of travel agencies and the features of their service;

The object of the course work is the organization of customer service.

1. Typology of tourists.

1.1. Types of tourists.

When studying tourism management, it is very important to correctly answer the following question: who uses what tourism services?

Traditionally, according to the nature of their activity during the holidays, V.A. Kvartalnov distinguishes six groups among tourists:

1)Relaxation lovers. Its representatives go on vacation in order to get rid of everyday stress and relax in a calm and pleasant environment. They are afraid of strangers and large crowds of people. Calmly resting vacationers are attracted by the sun, sand and sea.

2)Pleasure Lovers. This is a type of enterprising tourists who during their holidays are busy looking for various pleasures and prefer a secular atmosphere. They are attracted to flirting, long distances.

3)Outdoor enthusiasts. These tourists love nature and create an active load on their bodies. They prefer measured movement and stay in the fresh air. Their vacation can be combined with treatment.

4)Sports enthusiasts. The attention of tourists is concentrated on competitions. Sports are their hobby. They are not afraid of physical activity.

5)Vacationers for the purpose of knowledge and study. Tourists who are interested in improving their educational level and learning new things.

6)Adventure lovers. The type of adventurers can be attributed to those tourists who are looking for unusual experiences with a certain degree of risk. For them, risk is an opportunity to test themselves. N.I. Kabushkin singled out four groups of tourists as tourism product buyers. It offers a more in-depth approach to separating types depending on their lifestyle, since it considers a person and his behavior not in isolation, but in connection with his life position, attitude to various things and his desires.

When selecting groups of tourists, depending on the lifestyle, the basis is not a single criterion, but the general attitude of a person to his life. It is very difficult to do this, since the trend and the economic situation in society are subject to very strong changes over time.

Depending on the lifestyle, there are four groups of tourists: lovers of pleasure, tendentious, family and exclusively leisure tourists. Given the classification, it should be borne in mind that the selected groups are constantly changing and the boundaries between them are very vague.

1.Lovers of pleasure. Representatives of this group make very high demands on the quality of rest. For them, travel is a way of self-expression. For recreation, they want to have fun, indulge in some weaknesses or give themselves a sports load.

2.tendentious tourists. These are vacationers with high demands, but unlike "enjoying life", they do not need luxury conditions. They are looking for unity with nature, silence and the possibility of psychological relief.

3.Family tourists. This group includes exclusively families with children who like to spend their holidays with family, friends, relatives. They rest in a calm and comfortable environment, buy services at competitive prices, and do not like to be disturbed.

4.Wholly vacationers. This group includes relatively passive tourists, for whom the main condition is the opportunity to relax. They love plentiful and delicious food.

When classifying travelers, their age is taken into account. By age scale the following groups of tourists are defined:

From 0 before 14 years: these are children, as a rule, traveling with their parents, it is necessary to form preferential rates for them;

- 15 – 24 years: the segment is young people who already travel without parents, but, nevertheless, preferential travel rates remain;

- 25 – 44 years: economically active people who spend time with their families on vacation or friends. Here it is necessary to pay attention to the needs of children, if families rest.

- 45 – 64 years: middle-aged people who are economically active, but not burdened with children. By the way, such consumers are called “empty nests”.

- over 65 years: here consumers are older people, non-working pensioners. In the world, this segment has a fairly large share of the tourist market.

The main part of tourists during the trip usually feels the need to have something "familiar" spread along their residence. "Familiar" can be, for example, national cuisine or a companion who speaks their native language. A Russian tourist, traveling abroad, experiences a special feeling when he finds a restaurant with Russian national cuisine, and meeting with a fellow countryman causes him such delight that he never experiences at home. The presence of a "familiar" allows the tourist to feel more comfortable and even safer during the trip, to enjoy the trip. For a person formed by a certain social environment, "immersion" in an alien environment can cause fear and panic.

Of great importance in the adaptation of the tourist to the "new" are his individual qualities. The conditional selection of typical combinations of the ratio of “new” and “familiar”, which make up a certain typology of tourists, allows V.A. four tourist roles :

1.Organized mass tourist. The tourist route for it is formed in advance. An organized mass tourist acquires a package - a tour, perceiving and regarding it as another product offered for mass sale; makes almost no decisions during the trip. The ratio between "new" and "familiar" is the maximum of "familiar", the minimum of "new".

2.Individual tourist. The route for him is also planned in advance, but not completely, and this is the main difference between an individual tourist and an organized mass tourist. An individual tourist partially participates in the formation of the tour, controls the time of the trip and the route, is not limited to the group, receives all services exclusively from tourist organizations. The "familiar" is dominant, but to a lesser extent.

3.Tourist-explorer. Organizes the trip on his own, avoids the beaten tourist routes, but prefers the comfort inherent in mass tourism in accommodation, transportation, etc. A tourist-explorer is trying to get close to the local population. More active than

organized mass and individual tourists, breaks away from the "acquaintance", but under certain circumstances is ready to return to him. The "new" dominates, but there is little commitment to the "familiar".

4.The tourist is a vagabond. Actively leaves the acquaintance, rejects any form of communication with tourist organizations, considers generally accepted tourism to be “insipid”, devoid of attractiveness. Tourist - a vagabond tends to do everything on his own and relies only on himself. He does not have a fixed route, a schedule of movement, a clear goal of travel. He is completely immersed in the culture of the area in which he travels. The "new" completely dominates the "familiar".

2.Customer service organization .

2.1.Classes of customer service travel agency.

Service classes are used to indicate the quality of the services provided. Normative standards for establishing the class of tours and service programs do not exist both in our country and abroad, however, it is generally accepted that a higher class of service is distinguished by a higher quality of tourist services provided. The division into classes of service is possible due to the fact that the tourist product is complex, consisting of a set of various services that have their own internal gradations. For example, accommodation services - a motel or a five-star hotel, food services - a cafe or a prestigious restaurant with national cuisine, and so on. All this necessitates the introduction of a certain gradation of the services provided.

Currently, the level of service for the tour is conditionally divided into the following categories: "luxury", first class, tourist and economy classes.

Luxury class. When organizing a tour in this category, services of the highest class are usually attracted. These can be hotels of the highest category and even out-of-category ones, meals in luxurious restaurants with mandatory individual service, first class or business aviation flights, an individual transfer in limousines, an individual guide-interpreter, and so on.

First grade. Fairly high level of service. It provides accommodation in hotels of four to five star categories, business class flights, excellent cuisine and a wide selection of dishes, an individual transfer and guide supervision.

tourist class. The most popular service option. Provides accommodation in hotels of categories "two-three stars", an economy class flight of regular flights, buffet meals, transfer by charter bus as part of a group.

Economy class. The cheapest service option. Usually students and low-income people use this class. Accommodation in hotels "one or two stars", in hostels, hostels, in small private hotels providing self-service type of service, meals may not be provided or a breakfast buffet may be provided; flight, as a rule, by charter flights; Meetings and seeing off can be arranged by public transport.

However, it should be borne in mind that all these gradations are very conditional and often have national variations and differences. In any case, when buying a tour, you should specify the level of each service and its specific content.

2.2. Technology of customer service of the travel agency.

The purpose of this paragraph is to emphasize the importance of taking into account, when organizing a tour, not only the climate of interaction between tourists and service personnel, but also the psychological aspects of the tourist's perception of services and the technology for their provision.

Hospitality is recognized as an important feature of the tourism product. Without this, any most perfect tourist product will look impersonal and the tourist will not receive the expected level of satisfaction of one or another of his needs. Hospitality in the tourism industry is a professional requirement, it is the art of making people feel welcome. The components of hospitality are the dignity, respect, courtesy of the staff. This concept is multifaceted and consists of many constituent factors:

High-quality information from both local and regional markets about the possibilities of recreation, knowledge and entertainment, about what tourists are expected and prepared to meet with them;

Creation of a positive image of the tourist area, enterprises serving potential consumers (advertising, participation in television programs dedicated to tourism, charitable activities, etc.);

The undisguised desire of service personnel to provide tourists with signs of attention (service policy on the principle of "everything for the client");

Attentive attitude of those who provide a tourist product to the requests and wishes of the client (on the principle of “what else can we do for you?”);

Concern about facilitating the orientation of tourists in obtaining services (information within the company, about objects in guidebooks and booklets in a language understandable to the tourist, etc.);

A benevolent attitude towards tourists, which should be elevated to the principle of service.

It is also important to observe the technological features of the tour, related to the place of travel, the specifics of service, as well as the wishes of customers. Each specific route has its own specifics. However, there are general recommendations on the technology of serving tourists on the tour:

Clear correspondence of the services provided to the paid set;

Targeted targeted orientation of tours by content;

Clear and timely provision of services;

Optimal maintenance program;

Service animation.

Strategic directions in serving tourists are also such as the quality and culture of service, awareness and richness of programs, unobtrusive service, and the like.

All these principles should be incorporated into the service technology. In the technology of organizing a tour, the very climate of interaction between tourists and service personnel is important, as well as taking into account the psychological aspects of the perception of services and services by tourists. This means that the personal interests of the tourist, the spiritual attitude towards him are put in the foreground.

In this regard, it has long been a practice in international tourism to provide tourists with the following signs of attention:

Welcome souvenir for every tourist. Moreover, unlike hotel service, where even a candy on a pillow can be such a souvenir, on tours there is an objectivity of souvenirs depending on the purpose of the trip. For business tours, these can be brochures, souvenir samples of products of interest, pennants, etc.; for folklore - small souvenirs of a national character;

Issuance to tourists after the completion of the tours of specially designed diplomas, certificates, badges about the route traveled, etc.;

On one of the first days of rest (travel), it is necessary to meet tourists with a guide to receive information and clarifications on planned and additional services. It is good when such a meeting is accompanied by video information.

All this looks very hospitable, and therefore attractive to tourists.

When organizing service, it is important to take into account the principle of release, that is, the client must be freed from all unpleasant things (from burdensome organizational worries, ordering transport tickets and funds, waiting for any kind of service, and so on).

Optimal service is also an important consumer property that is directly related to hospitality. It implies:

Compliance of all types of services with one level (class) of service;

Correspondence of services to the theme of the tour;

Targeted orientation of the tour to a specific target group of consumers;

Early coordination of service programs;

Flexibility of programs (the ability to replace certain services);

Rational content of service in terms of the number of services provided;

Lack of bias in service (unobtrusiveness of services).

It is important to take into account all these principles even at the stage of developing a tourist product, remembering that an improperly prepared product is not only not in demand, but can also alienate potential, subsequent customers from the enterprise. In the conditions of serious competition that exists today in the tourist market, this is an important factor.

Also an important factor is tourism sales process product. The process of servicing and selling a tourist product is interconnected. The better we serve the client and sell him the product, the more likely he is to buy it and come back next time. There are several factors that determine the level of customer service, which are distinguished by V.G. Gulyaev:

1. Availability of a comfortable office and facilities for quality service.

The traditional place of sale of tourist products is the office of the company. The effectiveness of tourism activities largely depends on its condition. Cleanliness, tidiness, availability of office furniture, office equipment, as well as qualified and friendly staff - all this together attracts potential customers and affects the competitiveness of the goods sold.

In accordance with the above draft standard, the requirements for the office of a travel agency are regulated:

Arrangement of premises for visitors and staff. The office must have equipped workplaces for staff; technical support for operational activities (means of communication, including facsimile, computer, copying equipment); securities storage equipment; seating for visitors;

Availability of consumer information. In a place accessible for viewing, a copy of the certificate of state registration should be placed; a copy of the license for the right to carry out tourism activities; a copy of the certificate of conformity; brochures, catalogs and other advertising materials sorted by tours; a sign with information about the work schedule;

Maintaining an optimal microclimate (temperature and humidity). Convenient approaches to the company's office.

2. Selling method .

The process of selling a tourism product includes:

Offer of tours;

Customer service is not limited to the elements of the sale. On the eve of the trip, the employees of the company remind the tourist about the upcoming trip by phone. After the end of the tour, you should find out the opinion of the tourist about the trip, determine the negative points, and so on. Try to eliminate all the shortcomings that depend on you, and take note of the shortcomings that do not depend on your work and take them into account for the future. Share the joy of the trip with the client.

In an effort to expand sales, travel agencies use a variety of forms of contact with consumers.

Personal contact travel agency employees with clients can be carried out in the office or other locations of buyers, through telephone conversations, radio and television appearances. At the same time, the effectiveness of the sale largely depends on the qualifications and personal interest of the seller and attention to the client.

indirect contact available in various versions. For example, by sending mail (letters, brochures, etc.) to potential customers.

Contact through agents. The tourism business has its own specifics. Many travel agencies, when sending a group of tourists, give a discount to the agent in the form of one free place for 10-15 people, depending on the tour.

3. Personnel qualification.

In Russia, the requirements for the personnel of a travel company must be given in the job descriptions approved by the head or other documents defining the duties of the employee. Requirements are divided into mandatory and optional.

TO mandatory requirements relate:

Employee knowledge of their job responsibilities;

Knowledge of the Law of the Russian Federation "On consumer protection";

Knowledge of regulatory and legislative acts of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism;

Experience in tourism or related fields of activity;

Knowledge of tourist formalities;

Knowledge of a foreign language used in the activities of a travel company.

Availability of special education in the field of economics and management of tourism;

Regular staff development;

Thus, the staff must be able to give a clear, accurate answer to the question posed by the visitor, possess the information necessary for the consumer and constantly update it.

2.3.Organization of reception and service of visitors.

Work with visitors, like any other activity, must be organized. One of the priorities is the selection of personnel. There are a number of non-standard criteria for selecting employees who want to work in a tourism company. According to many sociologists, other things being equal, the chances of getting a place in a travel agency are higher for women, especially at the age of 30-35 years. The fact that employers prefer female staff has a logical explanation: a client is like a dear guest, and receiving guests is a female element. The age category is also not a random whim. G.M.Shelamova in her work “Business Culture and Psychology of Communication” argues that the point here is not only that women “over thirty” have solved their family problems and will not look at every male client as a potential groom, forgetting for the sake of a "high feeling of love" about professional duty. As a rule, they already have enough life experience to act independently and not disturb the boss in any non-standard situation. To this should be added a sense of responsibility for the task assigned, accuracy and diligence. Youthful maximalism “all or nothing” is already in the past, instead comes a sober assessment of one’s own capabilities, and therefore a small starting salary is perceived with understanding, and the abilities and desire to learn that have remained at a sufficiently high level allow one to hope for career growth.

Certain requirements are also imposed on the appearance of the personnel of a travel company: simplicity, accuracy, business style. The appearance of a photo model in the tourist business does not give any advantages. Evening make-up and bold decisions of the toilets cause nothing but irritation or bewilderment, especially since the main visitors of travel agencies are women of middle and older age groups or married couples.

Very important in organizing the reception and service of visitors are the ethical and psychological aspects of communication between tour managers and customers. In the East and in Western Europe, since ancient times, great importance has been attached to the need to take into account ethical norms and values ​​in

business communication. Their influence on the efficiency of doing business was especially emphasized.

R.N. Bozhavina in her work "Ethics of business relations" highlights several ethical rules for customer service.

1. How to seat the interlocutor?

The question is not as idle as it might seem at first glance. We, people, are rather subtle natures: we feel a lot of discomfort, but we cannot explain why this is so. There are at least three options for placing the interviewers: opposite, next to each other, at an angle of 90 degrees. Each option is used quite often, but which one is preferable? It is believed that communication is effective when about a third of the contact time of the interlocutors, their eyes constantly met, so the chairs at the conversation table should be placed at a right angle.

2. Determination of strategy and tactics of communication .

At this stage, you should determine the main and secondary goals of communication (in particular, what can and cannot be sacrificed). It is important to understand what you can give away in order to make a big profit. The ability to ask questions also belongs to the tactics of communication. The direction of the conversation can be controlled by asking questions. Questions can be divided into so-called "open" and "closed".

open a question is called that cannot be answered in one word (yes, no, I don’t know), but you have to talk about something (for example: “Tell me, please ...”, “What do you know about ...?”, “What do you think ...? ”, “Why ...?”, “Your opinion?”, “Your suggestions?”, “How do you explain this?”). Open-ended questions are indispensable when the purpose of communication is to obtain information.

On closed questions need to be answered only with “yes” or “no”. Such questions should be used effectively to achieve the following goals: to convince the interlocutor, get his consent, lead to the rejection of something, overcome his resistance - for example, when you need to give an assignment to an employee who (you know from experience) will argue and prove that it is not included in his duties and the like.

3. The process of direct communication .

Communication begins with the creation of a contact. This phase is associated with overcoming a certain psychological barrier. For some people, this barrier seems so insurmountable that they refuse to contact anyone at all. To prevent this from happening, the manager must know that any interlocutor is affected by authority.

the initiator of the conversation, the content of the conversation, the sufficiency (insufficiency) of information on the topic under discussion, the personality strength of the leader (3, 20).

In the process of communication, the fate of the conversation depends on its first minute. During this time, you need to establish contact, create psychological comfort. To do this, experienced experts recommend preparing your question so that it is

short, interesting, but not debatable. This form of the question and its energetic resolution determine the further positive emotional tone of the interlocutors and create a sense of effectiveness in them.

It is important to show a sincere interest in the personality of the interlocutor, to his problems, to correctly relate to various aspects of the conversation. In this regard, we can formulate the main tasks of the initial stage of communication:

Establishing contact (ask, for example, such questions: how did you fly? how did you get settled and rested? what are your primary wishes? how are you feeling? and so on);

Creating a pleasant atmosphere for communication (comfortable furniture; tea, coffee, other drinks; a pleasant smile ...);

Attracting attention (talk about what your interlocutor is interested in; focus on the things that he values ​​\u200b\u200bmost);

Awakening interest in the conversation (find such nuances in your idea that are unknown to the interlocutor, but important to both of you).

4. Transfer (receive) of information .

It logically continues the beginning of the conversation and at the same time is a barrier to the transition to the argumentation phase. The purpose of this part of communication is to solve the following tasks − collection of special information on the problems, requests and wishes of the interlocutor; identifying the motives and goals of the interlocutor; transferring the planned information to the interlocutor; analysis and verification of the position of the interlocutor.

Transfer of information is a process of communication between managers and the interlocutor. In this regard, the following elements can be distinguished:

Informing the interlocutor;

Asking questions;

Listening to the interlocutor;

Observing the reactions of the interlocutor;

Analysis of the interlocutor's reactions.

A particular difficulty in the process of communication is the problem listening skills. Eastern wisdom says: "Truth lies not on the lips of the speaker, but lies in the ears of the listener." Management experts say that the ability to listen is one of the main indicators of human culture. Learning to listen is not as easy as it seems at first glance. Studies show that no more than 10% of people know how to listen to the interlocutor. “No one so clearly admits his ignorance,” said Saadi- as one who, listening to the story of another, interrupts him and begins to speak himself. To each of us

it is pleasant to communicate not with those who speak well, but with those who know how to listen. Each person wants to see in his interlocutor an attentive and friendly listener.

In addition to this list of rules, many experts identify a number of universal rules that allow hotel staff to effectively organize the reception and work with guests. For example, G.M. Shelamova defines the following:

1 .Your appearance must match your functions.. You have to be in “shape”, messy hair, nails with a mourning border, bright makeup and inappropriate clothes, as well as a too relaxed posture, will not dispose the client to communicate with you.

2 .Establish contact with the client. Already at the entrance to your hotel, the guest should feel that they are being taken care of. Stop talking with a colleague. If you are busy talking to another guest, raise your head, try to make eye contact with the incoming person, smile or nod, gesture to sit down and wait in a place specially designated for such a case, offer informational literature, orient by the waiting time, try to find out the purpose of the visit, so that by the ability to redirect this client to another employee.

3 .You must always be correct. Don't forget to say hello and smile, even if you're tired. Be polite, don't answer rudeness with rudeness. Don't refer to being busy, even if you have a lot to do. Do not allow yourself to be impatient: look at the clock or hint at the schedule of buses, suburban trains.

4 .Remember clients. If the guest is not addressing you for the first time, try to show that you recognized him, try to immediately remember his name. If your guest is a foreigner, try to say a few words in their native language.

5 .smile. Contact with the client begins with a smile. This is not only a tribute to courtesy, but also a sign of your disposition towards the client, your readiness to deal with his problems, as well as an indicator of the success of the hotel's affairs and job satisfaction.

6. Maintain contact with the client. During a conversation, listen to the interlocutor, take into account his opinion, convince without undue insistence, control the tone of the conversation, do not speak too quickly and not too slowly, try to use simple words, explain what may be incomprehensible, do not use technical terms unnecessarily.

7. Respond quickly. Any request by the client to provide information of interest to him must be carried out clearly and quickly. Do not forget to give him the business card of your hotel. Responding quickly also means answering a phone call to a received letter or fax.

8. Involve the client in problem solving. Try to establish a dialogue. Questions like “How can we help you?” unwittingly make the client switch to you and help to see the problem from a different angle. When you are willing to help, you must clearly define for yourself what you can do and what you cannot do. Dare to say "no". Soften the rejection with a small memento that will soften the negative impression and demonstrate your willingness to look for ways to solve the problem.

9 .Watch your gestures. When talking with a guest, try not to wave your arms, even if the conversation becomes emotional and your temperament requires an outlet. An unfavorable impression is also made by an employee sitting in a relaxed position with his hands folded on his chest or propping up his head falling on the table.

10 .Help file a claim. The guest who comes to complain is at best met with indifference. Treat such a guest with understanding, he will be pleasantly surprised and, of course, grateful. The speed of your response to a complaint will be a major satisfaction factor for him. Don't try to convince him he's wrong. Hold back your emotions, try to listen carefully, let him talk, and then apologize on behalf of the hotel.

But the first contact of the client with the travel company occurs, as a rule, by phone. During the conversation, the client clarifies the correspondence of advertising to reality, the availability of seats, travel dates, price levels, and so on. To restore and maintain relationships with consumers, some phone rules :

1 .Don't make yourself wait. Try to pick up the phone as soon as possible. Remember that the rules of good manners require you to pick up the phone no later than the third call.

2. introduce yourself. Never answer a phone call with just "hello". Pick up the phone, call the hotel, your name and say hello. By this you show readiness to work and establish contact.

3 .Smile even when talking on the phone. As a rule, your interlocutor feels it. A smile is a sign of your disposition, it calms the interlocutor and helps him establish contact. Remember that your mood is conveyed over the phone.

4. Focus on the interlocutor. It should be realized that tourism is a high-contact service sector. Therefore, every person calling the hotel is a dear guest who is always expected, it is simply impossible to be not polite or cold with him. The main thing is how you speak. Extremes must be avoided: one should not speak too fast or too slowly, one should not speak too quietly or too loudly, one should not “swallow” words or stretch them, and also abuse vernacular and slang turns. The tone of voice is only friendly and welcoming.

5. Get answers to basic questions. They should be obtained from the client without fail in order to have a complete picture of how to help him.

6. Keep your answers clear. Feel free to ask again. At the end of the conversation, give specific answers to his questions. Necessary

have at hand all the materials for the most effective telephone sales.

7 .Be concise. When talking on the phone, do not forget about those who want to call the hotel and may stop trying if the phone is busy for a long time. If another call rings during your conversation with a customer, ask the last caller for their phone number and call back when the call is over.

8 .In the course of a telephone conversation with a client, offer send to him additional information by fax or mail. Do not forget to thank the interlocutor for the call.

It is quite natural that the above rules do not exhaust all the problems associated with communicating with a guest by phone, as well as organizing the reception and work with guests in the hotel itself. But it can be summed up and noted that The main thing for hotel staff is to learn the following:

The guest never notices what you have done for him, but he sees very well what you have not done for him;

It takes a long time to win the trust of a guest, but very little to lose it;

There are no significant guests, good service takes into account the interests of everyone;

It is not the guest who must adapt to the staff, but the hotel staff to him;

The guest cannot interfere with you, he is the goal of your work. You do not render a service by giving explanations, but he does it to you by addressing you;

Your job is to please the guest;

Do not make distinctions in the appearance and dress of the guests;

Guest service is the business of every hotel employee;

You should not show disappointment if the guest did not stay at your hotel: you should be polite to him in any case, so that in the future he will want to return to you.

In addition, travel agency managers should remember the golden rule "The customer is always right!"

2.3. Program tourism as the basis of modern tour operating and tourist services.

The purpose of this paragraph is to outline the role of full consideration of the interests of tourists in accordance with the purpose of travel, age, composition of the group, social class.

The world standards of receiving tourism have long moved away from the level of unified, average, “suitable for everyone”. The phenomenon of program tourism, program tour operating has become topical today.

Due to the high degree of competition in the international tourism market, most travel companies began to offer their customers a comprehensive service for a specific program. This dramatically and greatly increased the market, expanding the system of supply and demand, allowed it to be differentiated and travel agencies to specialize in a certain type of program, which contributed to an increase in the level of service.

Program tourism is an integrated approach to the preparation of tourist services, fully taking into account their interests in accordance with the purpose of travel, the age of tourists, group composition, social affiliation, and more. It is dictated by the need for today's tourism market, resulting from fierce (not only entrepreneurial, but also regional) competition for its client. To attract tourists to Russia, it is necessary to prepare programs and conditions of service not only of the same level, but in some way more original than international models. For this you need, Firstly to know how this is already being done, what traditions, norms and tourist preferences exist in this area; in - second, be able to apply this knowledge to develop their own service programs, their own receptive tour operating.

International tourism has developed its own traditions in organizing services for tourists of various age groups and features of servicing tourists depending on the composition of travelers (tourist group, family with or without children, only women, single men, very important people). For these groups of tourists, there are already offers on the international tourist market. In addition, there is a wide variety of service programs and targeted tours on the market. Each of these tours has its own specifics: the organization of the reception and service of tourists traveling for business purposes (for example, congress services) is not at all similar to the work performed by the tour operator when organizing health resort, entertainment and educational tours. Young people and students prefer entertainment to all types of recreation - visiting bars, clubs and discos. Tourists of the third age (over 64 years old) are very inquisitive, they also prefer outdoor activities, but excursions come first for them. by the most

middle-aged tourists (45-64 years old) look passive, especially

families traveling. This group of tourists always gives preference to passive recreation and recreation with the family.

Tour operating also has its own traditions. The creation of an attractive tourist product (tour), rich in various services, is the main task of the tour operator. And when creating it, it is necessary to clearly understand what the tourist will buy, because he does not pay for a steak and a cutlet in a restaurant, but for comfort, attention, a favorable atmosphere, good cuisine; not hotel accommodation, but new sensations and acquaintance with the unknown. And you need to give him these feelings. Therefore, the creation of a tourist product begins with the study of its consumer qualities and properties, with the identification of its most attractive aspects for tourists. It is the attractive qualities of the product that are the guidelines for its development and implementation. When designing a tourist product, the tour operator proceeds from its own local capabilities (resources). But today's international tourism has long gone further, creating additional attractive resources and activities (theme parks, safaris and rafting, shows and festivals). These are very attractive motives for tourists to visit a particular area.

The basis for serving tourists is the tourist program, which is formed from a set of services such as accommodation, meals, excursion services, transport, leisure and entertainment, sports, resort, personal services and more.

The basic basis for the development of tourism programs are:

Picturesque, interesting location of the object;

Good weather and climatic conditions;

Good sanitary condition of the place of rest, its cleanliness and grooming;

Comfortable and cozy hotels;

Healthy and tasty food, its good organization;

Maximum isolation from noise;

Presence of natural water bodies.

These data are obtained from many surveys conducted among tourists. They say that the creation of favorable conditions for recreation is the basis of tourism programming, it is on the basis of favorable recreational resources and opportunities that service programs are compiled.

Tourist programs always have a thematic focus. Depending on the subject of the tour, a certain set of services is compiled, which depends on the purpose of the trip and the level of comfort ordered. At the same time, the program consists of basic services corresponding to the purpose of the trip, plus complementary and related services. Only a holistic approach to the programming of tourist holidays and trips, developed on the basis of world experience and marketing research, leads to a positive result in serving tourists.

The approach to tourist programming can be conditionally divided into three components: quality, optimality and psychological preparation for the perception of programs.

The service program should be of high quality and attractive to the tourist. It is necessary to prepare such service programs that most fully meet the needs of modern man.

From the very beginning, it is necessary to understand the principles of modern program service, which fit into the concept of "guest - host", from which the meaning of hospitality in tourism and the corresponding approach to programming and organization of service follow.

According to foreign experts, the promotion of any service program should be based on the following principles:

1.Liberation. The client must be freed from any unpleasant moments.

2.Optimal service. The client must feel that all services correspond to the same level, without falling into the highest or lowest category.

3.Activity. Service initiative, courtesy to some extent, as well as the ability to do something for the client that he does not expect (a welcome cocktail or a souvenir at the expense of the hotel).

4.Respect for the client. Respectful attitude to his desires, inclinations, hobbies.

5.Individual approach. An approach to customer service that does not provide for a mandatory set of services, but is built taking into account the tastes and needs of the client.

6.Freedom from trends. The client must feel that service is not a goal, but a desire to satisfy his needs.

7.Scope of Service Visibility. The client must know in advance the list of services selected for him.

8.Correctness service and sales. The client must be sure that by purchasing the tour, he made the right choice.

9.Availability of free information about available tours and services. This is very attractive to customers.

All these principles are built taking into account the psychology of modern man. Good service is designed to satisfy his needs.

The basis of the tourism program is target trips. The tourist does not consider the program and service to be of high quality if the purpose of the trip is not achieved. For example, when buying a tour to a prestigious resort, the client assumed that there would be many educational excursions, and in the process

service, it turned out that at this resort all excursions are provided for an additional fee and subject to the recruitment of the required number of people in the excursion group. As a result, the tourist is not satisfied with the service program. The positive reaction of the consumer to the service contributes to the restoration of his health.

Thus, the basis of tourism service programming is the tastes, habits and desires of customers, and the task of travel agency managers is to provide quality service and satisfy their needs.

2.4. Quality of service and ways of its regulation.

The service program should be of high quality and attractive to tourists. The concept of service program quality means a complex

services and activities that have the properties to satisfy the needs and desires of tourists on vacation and travel.

Tourist service as a product is characterized not only by its complexity, but also by such specific factors as intangibility, intangibility, inability to transport and store, as well as a strong dependence on a specific performer (guide, tour guide, instructor, etc.).

Reliability, safety, information reliability, psychological comfort are also important.

The range of services offered affects the quality of service. The complexity of services and goods, their focus on a specific consumer, as well as the timeliness of their provision are necessary, which has a huge impact on the quality of service.

For the quality of tourist service, such characteristics that cannot be directly measured, such as aesthetics, comfort, ethics, culture of work, behavior and speech, are also important.

High quality attracts regular, loyal customers and brings good reputation to the company. This is an important factor in the client's decision to use the firm's services. Quality determines the degree of customer satisfaction that influences the decision to re-apply for services and maintains a good public opinion. Research has shown that acquiring a new customer is 4 to 6 times harder than retaining an existing one. A satisfied customer also creates a good opinion among others about the quality of service in this firm.

So, a lot depends on the quality of service. Firms that have a higher market share and provide better service than competitors also earn higher profits than similar firms, but with a smaller market share and a worse quality of service.

Legal basis for the formation and functioning of the company "Wind Rose KMV"

The Limited Liability Company Windrose KMV has existed in Pyatigorsk for almost 5 years and is an authorized agency of the Windrose Network. The very same network of travel agencies "Rose of the Winds" is the first private travel company in Russia and has been operating in the Russian market of travel services for more than 20 years.

Documents of the travel agency "Wind Rose KMV" for tourism activities:

1. Certificate confirming that this company is the Authorized agency of the "Wind Rose Network" (See Appendix 1);

2. Certificate "On entering information about the tour operator in the unified federal register of tour operators" (registry number ВТ 0120051) (See Appendix 2);

3. Own Charter (See Appendix 3);

4. License TD No. 0034174. (See Annex 4).

In order to protect the rights and interests of tourists, licensing, standardization of travel agency activities, as well as objects of the tourism industry, and certification of the tourist product are carried out.

The procedure for issuing, conditions of validity, the procedure for suspension and termination of a license to carry out tourism activities are established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Data on tour operators and travel agents that have received licenses to carry out tourism activities are entered in the federal register of tour operators and travel agents.

The refusal of the tour operator or travel agent from the mandatory certification of a tourist product, the negative result of the certification of a tourist product, as well as the cancellation of the certificate of conformity entail the suspension or termination of the license to carry out tourism activities.

The procedure for licensing travel agency and tour operator activities carried out on the territory of the Russian Federation by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs is regulated by the current legislation, namely;

Federal Law "On Licensing Certain Types of Activities" dated August 8, 2001 No. N 128-FZ;

- "Regulations on licensing travel agency activities" (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 11, 2002 No. 95).

Currently, until August 1, the licensing of tourism activities was regulated by the Federal Law of August 8, 2001 N 128-FZ "On Licensing Certain Types of Activities", which obliges all travel companies to obtain licenses. Moreover, if earlier, before the adoption of the above law, both tour operators and travel agents were issued a single license, now travel agencies receive different licenses. In addition, a travel company or individual entrepreneur who is engaged in both tour operator and travel agency activities must obtain two licenses.

In addition, the tour operator must have at least seven employees who are directly involved in the organization of tours and the sale of vouchers, and 30% of them must have either work experience in tourism for at least five years, or special education in the field of tourism (higher, secondary or additional).

Organizational and managerial characteristics of the company "Wind Rose KMV"

2.1 Analysis of the internal environment. Types of enterprise activities. Their characteristic.

"Wind Rose KMV" has chosen to study abroad as one of its activities. Over the years of its existence, language schools have become reliable and best partners of the travel agency, where the level of teaching and the services offered are of a high level.

With the development of the travel company "Wind Rose KMV", it became necessary to highlight international tourism.

Currently, the travel company operates in Europe, Asia, Africa, South America, Australia and Oceania.

"Wind Rose KMV" offers a wide range of services: study abroad, vacations for children and students, beach holidays, exotic tours, bus tours in Europe, treatment and rehabilitation in Russia and abroad, honeymoon tours, ski tours, corporate tours, shop - tours, visas, excursions to the cities of KMV, Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkessia, Sev. Ossetia, treatment in sanatoriums of the KMV, hotel booking, transfer services, reception of organized groups on the KMV, hot tours are always available.

Windrose KMV approaches to working with clients and the services offered are new and most effective. Travel agents work quickly and accurately. Each client's trip is arranged as soon as possible.

With the help of the site, all travelers can find complete information on the countries and cities they are going to.

"Wind Rose KMV" also provides legal advice to travelers and travel companies.

The network of travel agencies "Wind Rose" provides services for organizing tourist holidays at the highest level in Europe, the USA and Russia. Offers and develops individual tours, taking into account the interests, hobbies and wishes of the client.

Treatment and rest in Europe.

Rest in Russia.

Long distance tours - USA.

Vacation in China.

Egypt and the UAE.

Vacation in Thailand. Tours to Malaysia and Indonesia. Vacation in Bali.

Some of the most popular countries, where residents of the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody most often go on vacation, are presented below:

2. Thailand

5. European countries

6. Scandinavia

7. Vietnam

8. Baltics

Currently, residents of the CMS are experiencing an increasing need for the selection of individual tours. The tendency to study abroad has increased in China, Malta, New Zealand.

Organizational structure of enterprise management

The tourist organization "Wind Rose KMV" is both a travel agent and a tour operator. That is, the company develops routes as a tour operator and sells them to tourists and other agencies, at the same time, the KMV Wind Rose company, as a travel agent, purchases tours from other companies and also sells them to tourists.

The staff of the travel company "Wind Rose KMV" meets the following requirements:

1. Knowledge of the main documents of the Russian legislation in the field of tourism and consumers of tourist services Federal Law of November 24, 1996

2. Knowledge of the Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of Tourism in the Russian Federation", the Law of the Russian Federation "On Amendments and Additions to the Law on Consumer Rights Protection"

3. Knowledge of international treaties in the Russian Federation in the field of tourism.

4. Knowledge of international documents in the field of tourism, the system of international standards.

5. Knowledge of regulatory documents, determined requirements for the safety of tourist routes GOST R 50644-94, GOST R 50681-94, GOST R 60690-94.

6. Knowledge of foreign languages ​​to the extent appropriate to the work performed.

7. Knowledge of management methods, the basics of pedagogical activity and personality psychology, the ability to organize the work of performers, find and make management decisions in the face of conflicting requirements, as well as a willingness to cooperate with colleagues at work.

8. The ability to give clear, precise answers to questions posed by the visitor.

9. Possession of information necessary for the consumer.

10. Improves his skills at courses, seminars, go on advertising and information tours.

11. Knowledge of job responsibilities.

Travel company "Wind Roses KMV" has an accountant who deals with all issues related to accounting, taxation, marketing and management. Also, the accountant pays the employees of the enterprise.

In general, the organizational structure of the travel agency "Wind Rose KMV" can be defined as linear and represented as the following diagram:

Sales support and product promotion on the market

Sales support is the offer of an additional motive for buying. Its main advantage lies in the variety and flexibility of methods. Most often, various discounts are used by firms to promote tours. "Wind Rose KMV" offers the following system of discounts:

Discounts for holidays (See Appendix 5)

Family discounts



Special (for those who own a discount coupon or for clients who bring a new client to the firm)

Advertising is another effective way to promote a tourist product. Permanent advertising of the travel agency "Roza Vetrov" takes place in the magazine "Sacvoyage KMV". The travel agency also publishes its own magazine "Wind Rose" and various brochures and catalogs.

The next stage in the management of the distribution channel is participation in the work of various tourist exhibitions and fairs. Exhibitions and fairs are of great importance in terms of finding partners and establishing business relationships. This type of promotion refers to sales promotion aimed at intermediaries.

I would like to highlight interactive promotion via the Internet ( as a separate page for managing the distribution channel

Organization and technology of customer service of the company "Wind Rose KMV"

Among the problems put forward by the company "Wind Rose KMV", the most important is the problem of service and hospitality. The range of professions needed in the tourism industry is very large. However, the main feature of all those who work in the field of tourism is the constant communication with people with all its positive and negative aspects. Therefore, one who wants to work in a travel agency must have such qualities as patience, sociability, goodwill, tolerance, endurance. In professions related to tourism, knowledge of a foreign language is necessary. The level of foreign language proficiency may vary depending on the professions and the location of the job, to the fact that language skills are an integral part of working in tourism

Selling method .

The process of selling a tourist product in the travel agency "Wind Rose KMV"

Reception of the client and establishment of contact with him;

Establishing the motivation for choosing a tourist product;

Offer of tours;

Registration of legal relations and settlement with the client;

Information support of the buyer.

Customer service is not limited to the elements of the sale.

On the eve of the trip, the employees of the company remind the tourist about the upcoming trip by phone. After the end of the tour, the employees of the travel agency find out the opinion of the tourist about the trip, determine the negative points, and so on. All shortcomings that depend on them, try to eliminate, and shortcomings that do not depend on their work, take note and take into account for the future. Share the joy of the trip with the client.

In an effort to expand sales, travel agencies use a variety of forms of contact with consumers.

Personal contact of travel agency employees with clients is carried out in the office and other places where buyers are located, through telephone conversations, radio and television appearances.

Indirect contact is carried out in various ways. For example, by sending mail (letters, brochures, etc.) to potential customers.

Contact through agents. According to the specifics in the tourism business, the travel agency "Wind Rose KMV" when sending a group of tourists gives a discount to the agent in the form of one free place for 10-15 people, depending on the tour.


In the process of completing the course work, the goal was achieved: to reveal the classification of client groups of a travel company and the features of their service.

A person's upbringing is the foundation for building business or friendly goals. Compliance with the rules of decency, knowledge of some rules of ethics are mandatory.

This topic, in my opinion, is relevant, because it is very important to understand how customer service should be in a travel agency. In order for the service to be at the highest level, it is necessary that the staff is constantly trained at various seminars and internships.

The organization of customer service is the task of the activity of tour operator firms and a whole network of travel agencies located in all cities of the world.

In the course work, we managed to reveal the model of consumer behavior and the factors influencing it; highlight the typology of tourists depending on age, income level, social status, occupation and level of education, as well as lifestyle, interests, values, and so on, and emphasize the importance of taking into account, when organizing a tour, not only the climate of interaction between tourists and service personnel, but also psychological aspects of tourist perception of services and technologies for their provision.

Coursework can serve as a visual aid for both students and teachers. It is necessary to introduce tour operating in the field of tourism business and training of qualified personnel in this specialty in order to increase competitiveness in servicing domestic and foreign tourists, which confirms the relevance of this work.


1. Aniskin Yu.P. General Management: A Textbook on General Management Theory. – M.: RMAT, 1997. – 283 p.

2. Birzhakov M.B. Introduction to tourism. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House Trading House "Cherda", 2000. - 192p.

3. Bozhavina R.N. Management Ethics: Textbook. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2001. - 192p.

4. Hotel and tourist business. Ed. prof. Chudnovsky A.D. - M .: Association of authors and publishers "Tandem". Publishing house "EKMOS", 1998. - 352 p.

5. Gulyaev V.G. Organization of tourism activities: Proc. Allowance - M .: Knowledge, 1996. - 312s.

6. Efremova M. V. Fundamentals of tourism business technology: Textbook. - M.: Os - 89, 1999. - 252 p.

7. Journal of travel companies. Issue. 20. - "Russia - 2000". - 98s.

8. Zorin I.V., Kvartalnov V.A. Encyclopedia of Tourism: A Handbook. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2001. - 368s.

10. Kabushkin N.I. Tourism management: Proc. Benefit. - 2nd ed., revised. - Minsk: New knowledge, 2001. - 432 p.

11. Kvartalnov V.A. Strategic management in tourism. - M .: finance and statistics, 1999. - 308s.

12. Kvartalnov V.A. Tourism: Textbook. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2002. - 320p.

13. Kotler F., Bowen J., Makenz J. Marketing. Hospitality and tourism: Textbook for universities / Per. from English. ed. R.B. Nozdreva. - M.: UNITI, - 1998. - 787p.

14. Lopatin V.V., Lopatina L.E. Small current dictionary of the Russian language: Ok. 35000 words. – M.: Rus. yaz., 1990. - 704 p.

15. Revinskiy I.A., Romanova L.S. The behavior of the firm in the service market. Tourism and travel: Textbook. - Novosibirsk: Sib. univ. ed - in, 2001. - 304 p.

16. Proceedings of the Academy of Tourism. Issue 3. - St. Petersburg: Nevsky Fund Publishing House, 2000. - 295p.

17. Fromm E. Man for himself. - Yekaterinburg: "Business book", 1998. - 368s

Official site of the company "Rose of the Winds" //

Official website of the Federal Agency for Tourism of the Russian Federation //


My work is relevant because among the problems put forward by tourism, the most important is the problem of service and hospitality. The range of professions needed in the tourism industry is very large. However, the main feature of all those who work in the field of tourism is the constant communication with people with all its positive and negative aspects. Therefore, one who wants to work in the field of tourism must have such qualities as patience, sociability, goodwill, tolerance, endurance. In many professions related to tourism, knowledge of the psychology of the language is necessary. There is no doubt that human psychology skills are an integral part of working in tourism. There are many women working in tourism who have gained the necessary experience working as agents of tourism companies.

The word "service" has become generally understood, we translate it as "service", but this is not entirely accurate. “Service” is skillful service that brings pleasure and satisfaction. Only professional training, knowledge of psychology and extensive practice are able to provide a travel agency employee with a qualified solution to all service issues: calmness and confidence in difficult situations, quick decision-making, the ability to make the client think that he is right, even when he is wrong .

In tourism, the quality side of tourist service is one of the urgent problems. In the tourist market, service quality and service culture are the most powerful weapons in the competition. The purpose of the travel agency is to satisfy the needs of the client. Client - a regular buyer or customer who purchases and consumes travel services.

object research is the features of tourist services in travel agencies.

Subject research, creation of psychological prerequisites for the sale of a tourist product.

aim The work is a study of the psychological prerequisites for the sale of a tourist product by managers of a travel company.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks :

1. To study the technology of customer service by managers of travel companies.

2. Analyze the psychological methods used in working with the client.

3. Determine the groups of clients of the travel company and the features of their service.

Theoretical significance research is to substantiate the topic. The presented material and its analysis in the future will help researchers to understand the essence of quality service, highlight the features of the psychological sales of a tourist product by managers of travel companies.

Practical significance work consists in the possibility of its use in the process of training future specialists for the tourism industry. The practical part of the study is advisory in nature.

The methods used when writing a thesis work are an analysis of the literature on this topic, and a questionnaire method used at the research stage.

1. Psychological foundations of communication.

1.1.Psychological contact.

Is it easy to establish psychological contact with the client? Theoretically, this may not seem very difficult. In practice, things are different. After all, the manager of a travel company very often has to do several things at the same time: send a fax, answer a phone call, search the computer for information about the tour, and meet the visiting visitor.

Therefore, in order to choose a method of establishing and psychological contact with a client, it is necessary to proceed from a whole set of factors. These include: the degree of workload of the manager himself, the psychological type of the client, the presence or absence of other consumers who are waiting in line, the purpose of the client's visit, his internal state, and others. There are several psychological methods that contribute to establishing contact with the buyer of the tourist product.

In general, you can immediately proceed to the problems that a potential tourist is completely absorbed in, if the manager saw and felt that there was a need for this. You can start with some amazing phrase or a bright and memorable compliment. It is best, of course, to accept the client as a person. Every person needs recognition. This will create a positive, positive atmosphere. However, this is possible if neither the manager nor, in particular, the client is under time pressure at the time of service. If the buyer is in a hurry, then the best way to establish psychological contact will be to immediately start discussing the main issue, to formulate an offer that the client cannot but be interested in. Who will remain indifferent to the offer not only to save time, but also to receive quality service? It is difficult to refuse such an offer. In addition, such a formulation of the question allows you to better identify the needs of the client.

Listening skills. An important element of the stage of identifying the needs of the client is listening. However, there are three main traps to avoid when listening: bias, selectivity, and distraction.

Biased Listening: Knowing in advance what the person wants to say. At the same time, we already determine in advance the attitude to what has been said.

Selective listening is hearing only what we want to hear. That is, we hear customers through certain filters.

Distracted listening: is to think about something else. Lack of listening skills is the main cause of inefficient tourist service in the office, as it leads to misunderstandings, mistakes and problems. Why, then, the client and the manager of a travel company at one stage or another of the service may not hear each other, what are the main reasons?

The first reason is excessive preoccupation with one's own speech. As one psychologist remarked, conversation is a competition in which the first person to hold their breath is declared the interlocutor. An interlocutor stubborn and hopeless, who essentially does not listen at all. The second reason is the misconception that listening is simply not speaking. This is far from the case, the client may be politely waiting in line or contemplating an upcoming statement. Listening is an active process that requires attention to what is being said. In my opinion, it requires constant effort and concentration on the subject of conversation. Even a very talkative person can be a good listener, especially if he is really interested in what is being said, knows how to listen carefully and knows how to process information correctly.

Both the client and the manager of a travel company can be absorbed in themselves, their experiences, worries and problems. People often don't listen just at critical moments in their lives when they most need to.

The next reason is the expectation to hear negative or unfamiliar information. The client may be afraid to hear what he least wants to know. Most people react harshly to personal criticism, even though this is exactly what you can benefit from by listening carefully. Taking criticism to heart, you can sometimes devalue your "I", but even paying attention to it will cost more. On the other hand, someone who considers himself an expert on the topic under discussion and has ready-made answers to all questions is unlikely to listen carefully.

The reason for inattention can also be the difference between the speed of speech and mental activity, especially in cases where they speak slowly, monotonously or not interestingly. Usually people speak at a speed of 125 words per minute, although we are able to perceive speech, spoke at a speed three to four times faster than normal.

An important reason that a client or manager may not hear each other lies in the inherent propensity for people to judge, evaluate, approve and disapprove of the interlocutor. The first reaction is a judgment about the phenomena from one's personal positions. However, very often, reaction based on current beliefs is a serious hindrance to effective listening.

A simple way to maintain interest and attention in the process of oral communication is the method of non-reflective listening. Non-reflexive listening is essentially the simplest technique and consists in the ability to be silent without interfering with the interlocutor's speech with your remarks. Sometimes this method is the only option, because the client of the travel company may be emotional, agitated, or have difficulty in formulating their thoughts. Sometimes you can resort to minimizing the answers. Neutral and insignificant answers (“Yes!”, “How is that?”, “I understand you ...”) allow you to meaningfully continue the conversation. However, there are situations in which the use of non-reflective listening is not enough. First, it may be the insufficiency of the desire to speak. Secondly, it is the perception of silent listening as agreement with what has been said. In addition, the speaker may need to receive more active support or approval. Non-reflective listening tends to be abused by overly talkative people.

Reflective listening helps to overcome the limitations and difficulties that arise in the process of communication. These difficulties include: the ambiguity of most words, the need for feedback to understand the intent of what was said, as well as the difficulties of open self-expression, as people are shackled by the prevailing attitudes, emotions experienced, and experience gained. The types of reflective listening include: clarification (addressing the speaker for clarifications), paraphrasing the formulation of thoughts in a different form) and reflection of feelings.

Empathic listening differs from reflective listening in stopping rather than in techniques. Both types of hearing mean the same thing: attention and display of feelings. The difference lies in purpose and intent. The purpose of reflective listening is to realize as accurately as possible the speaker's message, that is, the meaning of his idea or experienced feelings. The purpose of empathic listening is to capture the emotional coloring of these ideas and their meaning for the person to penetrate the system and understand what the message truly means and how the interlocutor feels. Empathic listening is especially valuable in resolving disagreements and resolving conflicts.


The easiest way to attract customers is word of mouth. When you open it, let your friends know about it. Some of those who come will use your services. If customers are satisfied, they will recommend to friends, because people have been using the services of the same travel companies for years. In a few years, you will form a group of regular customers.

Create groups on social networks and blogs in which interesting and profitable offers will be posted. Attract users who are interested in . This can be seen in their lists of interests. It is important that someone constantly, almost 24 hours a day, browse these groups and blogs, respond to comments, give advice, invite new clients. Analyze their requests, because this can give food for thought on new ways to attract clients. Some travel agencies offer big discounts. Is it worth becoming one of these companies? Take a different path: inform that you have new interesting routes for sightseeing tours. Clients think that the offers of travel agencies differ mainly in price, not in content. Prove it's not.

Work on the name of the travel agency. Not everyone attaches great importance to naming, but the name is working on your image around the clock. Some travel agencies are named too tritely. As a rule, this is something with the prefix -tour. If you create a bright, catchy name, it will already give you an advantage.

The attractiveness of a travel agency for customers sometimes depends on its location. It should be convenient to drive up to it - both by personal and public transport. If the travel agency is located in the courtyards, draw arrows on the pavement or hang signs to nearby houses so that you can be easily seen. This also applies to companies that open in residential areas. Do not be afraid to locate a travel agency where it has competitors: the specifics of people choosing a tour is such that they usually visit at least 2-3 companies to decide on the choice of travel. It is good if your company is surrounded by its own kind.


Actively interact with the media: act as an expert or offer for publication your releases regarding development trends. Published materials will necessarily contain a link to your company.

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  • target audience of the travel agency

The number of travel agencies today is so large that a reasonable question arises: do such companies find a sufficient number of customers? Unfortunately, a large number of travel companies close during the first year of operation. After all, attracting customers is becoming increasingly difficult.

You will need

  • - Internet.


Create a unique offer that will set you apart from your competitors. Despite the oversaturation of the travel services market, you can always find a narrow niche that is not yet occupied. Event, eco-tourism, trips to championships and concerts of superstars - there are a lot of options to draw attention to your services. Of course, to invent something fundamentally new in this is extremely difficult. In this case, try to do what everyone else does, but a little differently.

Develop a corporate culture of communication with customers. In this case, we are not talking about elementary courtesy and impeccable service, which, of course, are also important. Consider the technical organization of work with potential consumers of services. This includes the promptness of the call, high-quality telephone consultations, the speed of selection of tours. Very often, clients are eliminated at the initial stage only because managers make them wait on the line for a long time or do not call back on time. Eliminate such shortcomings.

Increase the credibility of your company. As a rule, a potential tourist chooses a company that has been operating on the market for a long time. Of course, the newly created travel agency may look suspicious due to the increasing number of scandals with numerous one-day firms. If your company has been operating for a short time, actively build a positive reputation for it. Use public relations, charitable events, thematic Internet forums and blogs.

Develop a customer loyalty program. Every traveler should be 100% satisfied with your service. Try to anticipate all the needs of the client, warn about possible difficulties, remind about the date of departure, and upon return, be sure to ask about your impressions. It is in this case that he will tell his friends about you and recommend you as a reliable company.

Helpful advice

Develop a discount program for regular customers. This is especially true for package tours, in which the price in different agencies is the same.

Newcomers and professionals in the travel industry are constantly looking for new ways to promote their business. They tend to use the internet, their contacts, and other creative methods. So, what needs to be done to successfully promote a travel agency?

Clearly define your target audience. Have a clear idea of ​​what class of people your travel agency is targeting. Your success will fundamentally depend on this. If, say, your company is located in a residential area, then your target audience will be families who want to relax on. Use mainly local marketing mechanism, i.e. work with the people around you.

Study thoroughly the work of your closest competitors. Be sure to scout out the work of firms that are close to your office or in the same area. Ask third parties why clients go to this particular agency, what is their advantage over you. After that, work on the shortcomings in your organization and offer your customers better terms. Be different, bring something new.



My work is relevant because among the problems put forward by tourism, the most important is the problem of service and hospitality. The range of professions needed in the tourism industry is very large. However, the main feature of all those who work in the field of tourism is the constant communication with people with all its positive and negative aspects. Therefore, one who wants to work in the field of tourism must have such qualities as patience, sociability, goodwill, tolerance, endurance. In many professions related to tourism, knowledge of the psychology of the language is necessary. There is no doubt that human psychology skills are an integral part of working in tourism. There are many women working in tourism who have gained the necessary experience working as agents of tourism companies.

The word "service" has become generally understood, we translate it as "service", but this is not entirely accurate. “Service” is skillful service that brings pleasure and satisfaction. Only professional training, knowledge of psychology and extensive practice are able to provide a travel agency employee with a qualified solution to all service issues: calmness and confidence in difficult situations, quick decision-making, the ability to make the client think that he is right, even when he is wrong .

In tourism, the quality side of tourist service is one of the urgent problems. In the tourist market, service quality and service culture are the most powerful weapons in the competition. The purpose of the travel agency is to satisfy the needs of the client. Client - a regular buyer or customer who purchases and consumes travel services.

object research is the features of tourist services in travel agencies.

Subject research, creation of psychological prerequisites for the sale of a tourist product.

aim The work is a study of the psychological prerequisites for the sale of a tourist product by managers of a travel company.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks:

    To study the technology of customer service by managers of travel companies.

    Analyze the psychological methods used in working with the client.

    Determine the groups of clients of the travel company and the features of their service.

Theoretical significance research is to substantiate the topic. The presented material and its analysis in the future will help researchers to understand the essence of quality service, highlight the features of the psychological sales of a tourist product by managers of travel companies.

Practical significance work consists in the possibility of its use in the process of training future specialists for the tourism industry. The practical part of the study is advisory in nature.

The methods used when writing a thesis work are an analysis of the literature on this topic, and a questionnaire method used at the research stage.

1. Psychological foundations of communication.

1.1.Psychological contact.

Is it easy to establish psychological contact with the client? Theoretically, this may not seem very difficult. In practice, things are different. After all, the manager of a travel company very often has to do several things at the same time: send a fax, answer a phone call, search the computer for information about the tour, and meet the visiting visitor.

Therefore, in order to choose a method of establishing and psychological contact with a client, it is necessary to proceed from a whole set of factors. These include: the degree of workload of the manager himself, the psychological type of the client, the presence or absence of other consumers who are waiting in line, the purpose of the client's visit, his internal state, and others. There are several psychological methods that contribute to establishing contact with the buyer of the tourist product.

In general, you can immediately proceed to the problems that a potential tourist is completely absorbed in, if the manager saw and felt that there was a need for this. You can start with some amazing phrase or a bright and memorable compliment. It is best, of course, to accept the client as a person. Every person needs recognition. This will create a positive, positive atmosphere. However, this is possible if neither the manager nor, in particular, the client is under time pressure at the time of service. If the buyer is in a hurry, then the best way to establish psychological contact will be to immediately start discussing the main issue, to formulate an offer that the client cannot but be interested in. Who will remain indifferent to the offer not only to save time, but also to receive quality service? It is difficult to refuse such an offer. In addition, such a formulation of the question allows you to better identify the needs of the client.

Listening skills. An important element of the stage of identifying the needs of the client is listening. However, there are three main traps to avoid when listening: bias, selectivity, and distraction.

Biased listening: Knowing in advance what the person wants to say. At the same time, we already determine in advance the attitude to what has been said.

Selective listening is hearing only what we want to hear. That is, we hear customers through certain filters.

Distracted listening: is to think about something else. Lack of listening skills is the main cause of inefficient tourist service in the office, as it leads to misunderstandings, mistakes and problems. Why, then, the client and the manager of a travel company at one stage or another of the service may not hear each other, what are the main reasons?

The first reason is excessive preoccupation with one's own speech. As one psychologist remarked, conversation is a competition in which the first person to hold their breath is declared the interlocutor. An interlocutor stubborn and hopeless, who essentially does not listen at all. The second reason is the misconception that listening is simply not speaking. This is far from the case, the client may be politely waiting in line or contemplating an upcoming statement. Listening is an active process that requires attention to what is being said. In my opinion, it requires constant effort and concentration on the subject of conversation. Even a very talkative person can be a good listener, especially if he is really interested in what is being said, knows how to listen carefully and knows how to process information correctly.

Both the client and the manager of a travel company can be absorbed in themselves, their experiences, worries and problems. People often don't listen just at critical moments in their lives when they most need to.

The next reason is the expectation to hear negative or unfamiliar information. The client may be afraid to hear what he least wants to know. Most people react harshly to personal criticism, even though this is exactly what you can benefit from by listening carefully. Taking criticism to heart, you can sometimes devalue your "I", but even paying attention to it will cost more. On the other hand, someone who considers himself an expert on the topic under discussion and has ready-made answers to all questions is unlikely to listen carefully.

The reason for inattention can also be the difference between the speed of speech and mental activity, especially in cases where they speak slowly, monotonously or not interestingly. Usually people speak at a speed of 125 words per minute, although we are able to perceive speech, spoke at a speed three to four times faster than normal.

An important reason that a client or manager may not hear each other lies in the inherent propensity for people to judge, evaluate, approve and disapprove of the interlocutor. The first reaction is a judgment about the phenomena from one's personal positions. However, very often a reaction based on current beliefs is a serious hindrance to effective listening.

A simple way to maintain interest and attention in the process of oral communication is the method of non-reflective listening. Non-reflexive listening is essentially the simplest technique and consists in the ability to be silent without interfering with the interlocutor's speech with your remarks. Sometimes this method is the only option, because the client of the travel company may be emotional, agitated, or have difficulty in formulating their thoughts. Sometimes you can resort to minimizing the answers. Neutral and insignificant answers (“Yes!”, “How is that?”, “I understand you ...”) allow you to meaningfully continue the conversation. However, there are situations in which the use of non-reflective listening is not enough. First, it may be the insufficiency of the desire to speak. Secondly, it is the perception of silent listening as agreement with what has been said. In addition, the speaker may need to receive more active support or approval. Non-reflective listening tends to be abused by overly talkative people.

Reflective listening helps to overcome the limitations and difficulties that arise in the process of communication. These difficulties include: the ambiguity of most words, the need for feedback to understand the intent of what was said, as well as the difficulties of open self-expression, as people are shackled by the prevailing attitudes, emotions experienced, and experience gained. The types of reflective listening include: clarification (addressing the speaker for clarifications), paraphrasing the formulation of thoughts in a different form) and reflection of feelings.

Empathic listening differs from reflective listening in stopping rather than in techniques. Both types of hearing mean the same thing: attention and display of feelings. The difference lies in purpose and intent. The purpose of reflective listening is to realize as accurately as possible the speaker's message, that is, the meaning of his idea or experienced feelings. The purpose of empathic listening is to capture the emotional coloring of these ideas and their meaning for the person to penetrate the system and understand what the message truly means and how the interlocutor feels. Empathic listening is especially valuable in resolving disagreements and resolving conflicts.

In addition to listening, identifying the needs of a client who came to the office of a travel company will also help the manager to know and take into account the main factors of tourist motivation. M.B. Birzhakov notes that "without studying and understanding the motivation, the desires of the client, it is impossible to properly build a tour and offer it to the consumer market." Therefore, we will dwell on this in more detail.

1.3.Formation of a favorable impression of the manager.

One of the decisive factors influencing the effectiveness of sales of a tourist product is the manager's ability to create a good impression of himself. To make a good impression, the travel company manager is recommended to:

Get rid of tension and stiffness oron the contrary, familiarity and swagger, then is to behave naturally. No falsehood, pretentiousness or seriousness!

Show interest in the client's personality. This is one of the best ways to make a good impression.

Point out points of similarity with the client. In the process of selling a tourism product, a manager will be able to impress the client if he emphasizes the interests and affections that unite them.

Use compliments. The manager of a travel company should remember that compliments may contain a slight exaggeration of the positive qualities of the client. Due to this, it works psychologically! suggestion phenomenon. Therefore, the client will try to act and look like the manager “instructed” him to give a compliment. Most likely, he will want to live up to expectations. At the same time, reciprocal sympathy, trust, a sense of reliability are formed, the desire to reciprocate is removed psychological protection and closeness. All this creates a good impression about the manager of a travel company.

Compliments can be done in many ways.

For example, you can praise not the client himself, but what is dear and valuable to him , his position, successes, merits, items of clothing, accessories, etc.

On the other hand, the client will be very pleased if: the manager finds in him something which he greatly appreciates in people. For example: "I would really like to have a responsible partner like you." This compliment is the most subtle and most pleasant for most people. However, its use is not always appropriate. First, there must be a close and trusting relationship between the manager and the client. And, secondly, the client must know how important it is for the manager himself what he pays attention to: attention.

Even more effective, emotional and memorable, but at the same time risky is a compliment when the manager, after a small criticism of the client, compensates for it with significant praise. Criticism should cause slight bewilderment, confusion, "warm up the blood" or even a willingness to object. But at this moment, without letting the client come to his senses, the manager suddenly says something very pleasant and memorable. The effectiveness of such a compliment is due to the fact that its perception by the client is carried out when he is already out of a state of emotional balance. Wounded by criticism, self-esteem always craves compensation. And the more it is, the better. But if criticism is stronger than praise, the consequences for the manager can be very unpredictable. The client may simply refuse the services of this travel agency, or may ignite a conflict.

One way to avoid conflict is to compliment on the background of self-criticism. Why is this compliment effective? Because it not only causes satisfaction of the client's need to improve some of his character traits, abilities, habits, skills, but also in the implementation of his attitude towards criticism of the manager.

In order for the manager of a travel company to create a good impression of himself with the help of compliments, he should follow a few rules:

    give compliments in a confident tone;

    reinforce them with posture, facial expressions and gestures;

    should predict the reaction of the client;

    avoid conflicting compliments;

    note only positive qualities;

    allow only slight exaggeration;

    not to notice the qualities that a person does not like in himself;

    do not make wishes like “if only ...”;

    build a compliment on a factual basis.

There are other very important techniques for creating a good impression. Affiliation plays a special role in the process of selling a tourist product in the office. Affiliation involves overcoming the scenario-role model of behavior. It is not enough just to fulfill your professional duties according to job descriptions. Every person, no matter how passionate about his work, has his own personal life - personal interests, hobbies, aspirations, interests and needs of his family. And if you conduct a conversation with a client in line with his personal interests, then this, as a rule, will cause increased verbal activity in him, accompanied by positive emotions. He will perceive the manager as a responsive and caring person.

2.Non-verbal means of communication used
tourism managers.

Gestures, facial expressions, intonation are the most important part of business communication. The Austrian scientist Allan Pease believes that 7% of information is transmitted through words, 38% through sound means (including tone of voice, intonation, etc.), facial expressions, gestures, postures - 55%.

On the one hand, during business conversations, meetings, negotiations, it is necessary to control your gestures and facial expressions, on the other hand, to be able to correctly "read" the partner's reactions. However, the interpretation of gestures, postures and other components of non-verbal (that is, not related to speech) communication is not always unambiguous. The most serious mistake that a beginner in interpreting body language can make is interpreting individual gestures in isolation from others, and also regardless of the situation.

Non-verbal components of communication are especially significant in the first minutes of acquaintance. It is necessary to show interest in the upcoming conversation, readiness for constructive cooperation, openness to new ideas and proposals.

Zones. Like other animals, man has his own "air cap", which is constantly around him. The size of this cap depends on the population density in the place where the person grew up. In addition, the size of the airspace is also determined by the cultural environment.

    Intimate zone (from 15 cm to 45 cm). She is treated as personal property. Only the closest are allowed to invade it.

    Personal zone (from 46 cm to 1.22 m). At such a distance from others, we do not stand at parties, official receptions, friendly meetings or at work.

    Social zone (from 1.22 to 3.6 m). At this distance we communicate with strangers.

    Public area (over 3.6 m). When we are addressing a large group of people, then this distance is most preferable for us.

Hand and palm gestures. Hand rubbing is a non-verbal signal of positive expectations. The speed of rubbing hands says a lot about who gets the expected positive results. Fast talks about the result beneficial for both. Rubbing the thumb on the fingertips or only on the tip of the index usually means material, especially monetary, expectations.

The hands can also serve as a barrier. A person who crosses his arms perceives more and more critically, remembers information worse, he is more negatively inclined.

Professional ethics. The professional ethics of service workers is a set of specific requirements and moral standards that are implemented in the performance of their professional duties in customer service. It is based on the psychology of service.

The ability to say"NO"elegant and weighty.

    Saying NO to a client is easier if you can provide him with a report of multiple attempts to fulfill his request.

    The main problem with responding negatively to a client is that they can get the unfavorable impression that you don't care about them. Show that, on the contrary, you are very concerned about the failure of his request.

    Sometimes the best way to say no is to respond to a request—a request for patience and understanding.

    Don't fall into the trap of "good to your neighbor" just because you've done it in the past. Say no when you feel like you've done enough for a client.

    No, it will always be less unpleasant if you think about alternatives, offer other solutions to the problem.

    Say no, but offer your services.

    It is important to be able to soften the negative response so that it does not sound dry and arrogant.

    Even with very good service, it is not always possible to say yes. Sometimes you are unable to fulfill the requirement of the client. But remember that your no should be directed to the requirement, not to the customer.

    The buyer asks you to meet him halfway and return the money, although your store only allows the exchange of one product for another. If you do not have strict orders in this regard, follow his request. But if you can't or don't want to say yes, try to frame your rejection as a win-win solution.

    You should not "trump" "general company policy" to explain your no. However, mentioning objective (or at least objectively presented) reasons can be helpful.

In order to succeed in the process of implementing a tourist product, it is important to clearly understand the psychological type of the client with whom you are dealing. This will not only greatly simplify the process of servicing the client, saving time, but also ensure maximum satisfaction of his requests and needs, and hence increase the income of the company itself.

There are a lot of psychological classifications and typologies of clients (by temperament, by obvious behavior, by type of decision-making, and others). Let's dwell on some of them in detail.

A typology based on two couplesbehavior meters(activity and emotional responsiveness), distinguishes the following types of clients:

    "analyst" - passive and unresponsive;

    "enthusiast" - active and responsive;

    "activist" - active and unresponsive;

    "good man" - passive and responsive.

Since serving a “good-natured person” for obvious reasons, most likely, will not cause any particular difficulties for the manager, let us consider in detail the first three types of clients (“analyst”, “enthusiast”, “activist”), communication with which without much approach may become more problematic.

"Analyst" slow and unhurried, speaks softly, without intonations, prefers to communicate with the manager across the table, when talking, leans back rather than moves towards, tries not to look the interlocutor in the eye, mediocrely dressed. A characteristic feature of the "analyst": the adoration of details (how long does the air flight last, how many meters to the beach, and the like). An "analyst" can be: verbose, extremely cautious and indecisive, overly serious, with an "underdeveloped" sense of humor.