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International marriage agency. How to open an international marriage dating agency. Who uses dating through marriage agencies

Why do Russian girls marry US citizens!?” - some Russian men are indignant, looking at the happy eyes of their compatriots who have found female happiness on another continent.

It is quite understandable when in the “dashing 90s” people immigrated with their families to the USA, Canada and Western Europe. Girls "fled" from unemployment and lack of money in the hope of finding a "better life" in marriage with a foreigner.

But what is happening now? Why, in our more stable times, when Russian women are successfully realized in the profession, business, science, are they ready to give up everything and go to distant countries for personal happiness?

Many people, including women, and lonely ones, begin to inspire these “unfortunate and crazy adventurers” what difficulties await them in a foreign land, that no one needs them there, that abandoning their acquired property and career is complete recklessness! And they bring their lonely girlfriends an “iron” argument, proven by generations “where you were born, it came in handy!” And to my personal regret, some women listen to the advice of “well-wishers” and, accepting their arguments as logical, continue to while away their lonely evenings, corresponding on dating sites with an endless string of men exercising their eloquence and diligently portraying a sense of humor, actively passing to unequivocal allusions to the possible continuation of their interesting communication in a more private setting. From all this, women with a sense of their own dignity, there is a feeling of disappointment and annoyance for the time spent not “on this and not on those”. And they continue to live according to the scheme: "home - work - home", sometimes making trips to restaurants with girlfriends, where, in the depths of their tender hearts, there is still a hope to meet a "worthy and serious" man. However, in the restaurant they meet only married couples, married men and just like them - beautiful and single women in anticipation of their happiness.

Years go by, but nothing fundamentally changes, except that sometimes a married unknown man or a colleague who already has a family appears on their life horizon, to whom they turn their attention, due to the fact that usually married men are well-groomed, successful and self-confident . And if a man does not have high moral principles, a couple has an affair that “takes” a few more years of a young woman’s life before she realizes the futility of such a relationship.

That's when the woman begins to look around and realizes that the age is already quite mature, and there are not so many free serious men who are focused on creating a family and taking responsibility for the family! Considering the fact that in Russia the ratio of men and women is very uneven - there are 12 million more women than men, it becomes quite sad. At the same time, some of these men are very young, some are “in an eternal search for themselves” and it’s still “too early for them to think about a family”, someone, unfortunately, has addictions, vices and a narrow circle of interests ... well, someone safely and happily married!

Of course, there are free, successful men in Russia who are good-looking, educated, have a broad outlook, BUT! For such a number of free men, there is a colossal number of worthy, young, dazzlingly attractive, and ready to "throw into their arms" women!

There is one significant nuance in this situation - such men realize the importance of the family in later years, and strive to choose “the very best and only” from the vast choice that our reality provides him.

What should women do? Women who are successful, educated and want to share their lives with a worthy man?

There are two options: to live in the hope that Fate will still find her on her next business trip, and she will meet her Only One. Or expand their capabilities and consider as a husband - a man from another country. In particular, the neighboring continent is the USA.

Why am I citing as an example? Because I myself have been married to an American for 5 years already and I can explain to you from personal and professional experience why some women want to marry Americans. For some, an American husband becomes just a panacea, they dream of marrying a US citizen and going to live in America!

The American man cannot be considered statistically and stereotyped. The country - the USA is inhabited by 347 million people, which is almost twice the size of the Russian population.

The inhabitants of the USA are a mix of different nations, cultures and traditions. The US man is a blue-eyed blond with a large build in a sweatshirt, baseball cap and eating a hamburger, washing it down with a Coke. This is a very common stereotype about US men (although such people also exist). In fact, a typical American is a person born as a result of the immigration of parents from China, Korea, India, Iran, Slovenia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Western Europe, the Island States (Caribbean, Jamaica, Africa) and other countries of our planet. Accordingly, in many of these countries the concept of the Family is something fundamental, unshakable and is the most important value for them, in addition to career and education.

Therefore, living and being citizens of the United States, not speaking their native language, they carry their own traditions, where the Family is a cult!

Therefore, in New York, a large number of Slavic women from Russia and Ukraine marry Americans of Asian, Indian, Iranian origin. They acquire those family values ​​that they could not find in their homeland.

Indeed, one of the reasons why Russian women marry Americans is their responsible attitude towards creating a family. A family for a man from the USA is the foundation, the foundation of everything!

  • Responsible approach to creating a family. They marry when they realize that they are ready to spend their whole lives with one woman.
  • Religiosity of Americans. Most Americans believe in God and don't support the easy divorce philosophy. Therefore, if problems occur in a marriage, people understand the importance of preserving the family and often turn to family psychologists to resort to seeing the situation from a third, independent side.
  • Division of housework. American men willingly help their wives with household chores and childcare. Especially if the woman also works and invests in the general family budget. They consider this distribution of forces in the family quite fair.
  • US men respect a woman's right to leisure and personal interests other than family. An American husband willingly takes on some of his wife's worries if he understands that she needs rest or her own fulfillment.
  • The American mentality also implies that a man is the head of the family, and the lion's share of men's responsibilities lies with him. In the United States, a large proportion of housewives is engaged in the arrangement of life and the upbringing of children. The American husband realizes that he is an example for his children, so he tries to show his best qualities to inspire his children and instill in them the basic important moral principles that he considers necessary to instill in his child. Americans consider it their duty to devote time to the child and spend the weekend with him. That is why on playgrounds, along with mothers, you can see a huge number of fathers walking with children.
  • American men are less attached to the appearance of a woman, but more to her personality, her actions in life, her achievements. US men are able to appreciate and admire the willpower of a woman, her kindness, mercy and diligence. They listen to the opinion of their wife, make major decisions in agreement with their spouse. Moreover, returning to the issue of their faith in God, Americans believe that the basic principle of marriage is fidelity. Therefore, there are a lot of couples who live together until old age.
  • American men are grateful to their wives for taking care of them. It is for this reason that the marriage of a Russian woman with a man from the United States is very promising. A Russian woman has a huge potential for caring for her husband and family, and an American man has a natural reciprocal gratitude towards her for a good sincere attitude!

Over the years of its work, the Happy Life Marriage Agency has already helped many of our compatriots to find personal happiness in marriage with a foreigner. Let's be honest, some of them at first doubted the prospects of these relationships and did not believe that this happens when love, care and respect in a couple are mutual.

We wish all single women who have not yet met their only and dear man to expand their opportunities and not be limited to "the next street, district or even city." The world is huge, and your soul mate is probably somewhere and is looking for you! Learn languages, communicate, be open to the World and your happiness will not be long in coming. We know this 100%. Read

Lovely girls!

We introduce you only to worthy men!

makes acquaintances, during which each Lady who has left a profile in the Base of our Agency has a chance meet a successful man from USA, Europe and Russia.

Are you sure you want to MARRIED?! Are you really ready for marriage? And you do not care what kind of man will be next to you? Do you want to meet someone who is confident, serious and responsible? If you answer “Yes” to yourself confidently and without doubt, then you have come to the right place! Marriage agency "Happy Life" will help you get acquainted with a successful and worthy man from Russia, USA and Western Europe, dating for marriage. We will help you achieve your goal: HAPPY and SUCCESSFUL!

Is our dating agency works on the basis of the present marriage agency, i.e. we are approached by people who are looking for a LIFE PARTNER (WIFE), and not just dating for communication.

ALL the men she collaborates with marriage agency "Happy Life"", are serious about MARRIAGE with a woman, so your result will not be long in coming, if you are sincerely interested in creating a FAMILY.

Experienced specialists of the marriage dating agency "Happy Life" will help you evaluate your marriage, achieve the desired result as soon as possible and introduce you to a suitable partner for the purpose of marriage. In order to get to know a man and marry him, experienced specialists of the marriage agency "Happy Life" have developed

Marriage agency of exclusive dating "Happy Life" has access to more than 3,000 male profiles, both in Russia, the USA, Israel, and around the world.

Your sincere desire to find a real FAMILY guarantees you 100%, thanks to the possibilities of the Happy Life Exclusive Dating Marriage Agency.

Since June 2018, the Happy Life Agency has switched to a new format of work and conducts an individual search only for single, successful, wealthy Men from the USA, Europe and Russia who pay for our services. With charming girls and women, we temporarily do not conclude paid contracts for individual service. But We invite you to leave the Questionnaire in the Database of our Agency.

Dear Ladies, if you live in any city in Russia, USA, Western Europe and other countries of the World and you have a desire to change your life with us, leave your profile in marriage agency "Happy Life".

The cost of placing a questionnaire in the database of the Happy Life International Marriage Agency during the period With 03/08/2019 to 07/01/2019 is 1 590 rubles (regular price 5 000 rub.).

Placement term - PERMANENTLY (until you refuse to place your profile in the database of our Agency).

Personal consultation - coaching from the Heads of the Agency!

Dear Lady! We are also happy to offer you personal consultation - coaching(via video call Skype or ZOOM) from the Heads of the International Marriage AgencyHappyLife- experts in interpersonal relationships and international communications - and .

A full-fledged consultation - coaching with an analysis of your capabilities and prospects, recommendations necessary to solve your issue, an assessment of the adequacy of your desires.

You will receive answers to the following questions (consultation-coaching is formed individually for each Lady, depending on the interest in a particular topic):

  • How to evaluate your chances of marriage?
  • What image of a woman is a modern, successful man looking for, focused on creating a family.
  • How to attract the attention of a worthy man when meeting through the Internet and how to keep him in real life? Important nuances and features of male psychology.
  • Signs that a man is serious about you.
  • Rules of competent behavior when communicating with a man? (how to behave in the process of correspondence, communication in real life)
  • What can push and alert a man? Stupid mistakes women make when they first meet.
  • What should be said on the first date to arouse the interest and respect of a man.
  • Features of the mentality of foreign men, why do foreign men choose Russian women as their wives?
  • How to determine the seriousness of the intentions of a foreign man? How to attract the attention of a successful man, the nuances of competent correspondence, the first meeting, the secrets of a happy relationship.
  • Why do men give gifts? How to accept gifts?
  • How to politely refuse a man? How to resist rudeness and get out of the situation with dignity?
  • What you need to pay attention to if you decide to meet a man on the Internet.
  • The subtleties of communication via Skype, how to feel confident, how to prepare.
  • How to write and respond to letters so that a man does not lose interest in dating.
  • How to meet a man and get married if you have children from your first marriage.
  • International marriages - what you need to know about it, etc.

All the most important first-hand!

The cost of consultation - coaching - 2 500 rubles / hour
(consultation 2 hours - with a discount of 1000 rubles) - 4000 rubles / hour.

The consultation is provided by appointment at a convenient time for you and for us and only if there is an advance payment.

Marriage agency "Happy Life" will give you a chance to meet, communicate with candidates from different countries, build relationships and successfully marry your loved one!
Lovely girls! Beautiful ladies! We are waiting for your applications!
Don't miss your chance to have a HAPPY LIFE!

When copying an article, please put an active link to the source - site!

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20 comments to “ How to choose an international marriage agency

  1. Tamara:

    I want to marry a Turk, my friends advised me that the best option is international marriage agencies for Muslims, i.e. such agencies that have chosen to specialize in eastern countries. There are agencies focused on the US, Europe and the East.
    I'm tired of loneliness and I really want harmony in my personal life, the agency, I hope it will help me ...

  2. Olga:

    I'm not divorced yet. Can I search for a husband abroad? And I would also like to know how to choose a foreign marriage agency?

  3. :

    It is possible to start such work, but sooner or later you will still have to get divorced.

  4. Bred:

    The first organizations that offered their services in the field of finding a suitable groom abroad appeared in Kharkov in the mid-nineties. We can say that then it was a real boom, the reasons for that hype, in principle, are not difficult to understand - the difficult socio-economic situation in the country, complete “darkness” in life, when people received either a penny or even lost their jobs, the worsening crime situation and other factors made the prospect of marriage and immigration to one of the prosperous Western countries is just a magical chance for a normal life

  5. Mila, Odessa - St. Petersburg:

    Thanks to the site for advice on how to choose a marriage agency. I live in St. Petersburg and almost fell for such swindlers!
    I know how marriage agencies cheat. I was immediately embarrassed that their office was in a private apartment and how no one offered me to conclude such an agreement, the girls themselves hardly write (do not even speak!) English.
    I left there, but sorry for the wasted time.
    It is better to choose marriage agencies with foreigners in St. Petersburg on the advice of friends who have successfully married and can advise what and how. I think there are similar sites of international marriage agencies in Moscow.

  6. wild:

    Mila! Thank you for your kind words, we tried to collect the experience of our readers and users of our forum, I hope our advice on how to choose a marriage agency will help not only you.
    Regards, site administration

  7. Anastasia, Ukraine:

    I have been talking on the site for a very long time. The site itself is not bad, but I personally have no luck. Correspondence began with two foreigners - one Michael from Canada, the second - Terence from the USA. However, she fainted. Girls, tell me, maybe I'm not behaving like that. What do you write to future partners about, what are you talking about? Do you send your photos?

  8. Katya, Kyiv:

    Anastasia marriage agency is not the only one, there are others. try it, register there. However, often the point is not in dating sites, they are all good, but in how you present yourself, what profile you have compiled and what photos you have posted. Experiment, read profiles of other girls. Hope everything works out for you!

  9. Robert:

    I saw my today's wife on a dating site. The main thing that I paid attention to was photographs of good happy couples, they were shown to me in a marriage agency in England, and then they let me talk with these couples and read reviews about international dating agencies on various English sites.
    Forgive me if something is wrong with my Russian language.

  10. Larisa:

    Now I read your advice, and regretted that I had not seen them before. I'll tell you. Let others learn.
    A friend advised me to pay attention to the popular site of international marriage dating. She convinced me that only there I will find a real man for life, and the service on the site will be first class.
    You understand that all international dating services do not work at a loss. And I understand this and take it easy if you have to pay for the case. But I was sure that the best marriage agencies with foreigners do not take money from women, but exist at the expense of foreign men. But as soon as I began in earnest my search for a suitable man, offers to pay fell on me, and then I would be listed on a separate list. If I pay, they will pick up a man for me individually, arrange a meeting. Once I fell for such a promise. Picked up!
    Only I have a suspicion that they really “picked him up” under a bridge in Paris. I could not stand it anymore and went to look for another agency. But there were also disadvantages.
    Then there was a third, then another dating site, seemingly with a good reputation. All the same.
    Please advise a marriage agency where they still think about women, and not just about profits.

  11. Elena:

    Girls! Please advise some not an agency, but a dating site. Thank you! Elena

  12. admin:

    Personally, I like:
    We usually recommend them to our own.

  13. Elenita:

    I have been on sites, all sorts of different ones, for a very long time. But I am becoming more and more convinced that the best way to get acquainted is when you go abroad by yourself, speak at least English, and even better - the language of the country where you are going, when you are financially independent, and then men will approach you themselves. But this does not work in all countries. But in Italy, for example, it works very well.

  14. Kate:

    I work in a marriage agency in Madrid, which refused to cooperate with several agencies in Russia precisely because Russian agencies openly swindle clients on the spot, demanding unjustified fees for additional fees. services.
    For a year now we have been working independently, with girls directly. We frankly warn about the problems that may arise for those who do not speak Spanish and do not want to learn it, who do not want to spend money on Spanish courses, not to invest a penny in their future.
    More and more, good agencies are moving away from providing free services to capricious and wayward girls. who overestimate themselves and their abilities, believing that their bright appearance is enough to marry a man. With only a beautiful girl, many want to sleep, but then people become close. when you stop trying to impress your partner.

  15. My name is Olga! I am 54 years old, but I look much younger.:

    I am registered on three international dating sites, what I want to say. There is not a single normal man, at first they get to know each other, they ask how things are, the first thing they ask is SKYPE. To see what I look like, but after a certain period of time, they ask for virtual love. It is clear that there is a refusal and communication ends. These are dating sites. Can you tell me where else you can try to find your soul mate, on which site. Thank you in advance.

    • Anastasia

      I would not be so prejudiced against virtual sex, I'm 30 and I initiated it n-th number of times. If a man wants virtual sex, this does not mean at all that he is a pervert (there are also perverts, but somehow it immediately becomes clear about them). In fact, good, educated, humble men also often initiate virtual sex, well, it's just in the nature of men to want any sex. I think Wirth strengthens the connection and motivates a man to meet you in reality as soon as possible.

  16. Ksenia:

    Hello. I have been working in the “marriage” business for 15 years already. At first I did it as a hobby for a couple of years, then I opened my own agency with an official office, documents, etc. Our client base was quite large, but not huge. An average of 300 people (these are all at the same time wishing to get married, real women). Someone constantly left, someone came, but on average they maintained such a database for their own reasons related to the number of translators (there were approximately 13-15), offices and control over the quality of work.
    Over the years, my agency has collaborated with almost all large sites and partner agencies abroad. And with Anastasia (before they introduced video chats), and with 1st international (including and started with Eforein Afair and European connection, Chanceforlove (and what was popular in the 90s and 2000. When video chats appeared, we did not start working with them, because it was there and then that the collapse of this whole business began, when agencies began to pay clients for chatting and many began to openly engage in “erotica” (not all, because there is always a choice - the client may or may not undress, she may write about her fantasies, or she may refuse to do so to a man. But if he refuses, the client will most likely disappear.) Over time, most normal men who wanted to find of our compatriots for marriage, the lovers of “hot”, as they call it, young ladies were eliminated and remained on such sites.
    So, dear women, what am I talking about, I do not agree with the author of this article, as well as with many points in other articles on this site. The quality of work does not depend on the presence of a good office (which, however, is also not bad - to have a good office. This only adds solidity in the eyes of clients), nor on the availability of a license (in many countries such a license is not provided at all), nor on the number of translators ( only the profit of the owner depends on it) nor on an officially registered bank account or whatever. The quality of work directly depends on the professionalism, resourcefulness and responsibility of employees.
    I have now quit working with dating sites and dating sites positioning themselves as marriage agencies (took a break while I moved to live in Germany and adapt here). Now I only deal with personal meetings very selectively and not much, like a “home-grown matchmaker” :-), although the project is to open an agency here in the near future.
    But as for the result and marriage, I am convinced that in large agencies that earn a lot of money, but control over the quality of work, which suffers to the fullest, because the team is 100-200-300 people or more, and one the moderator does not know what the other is doing, one translator does not even bother to check the name of the client, but writes from her without her knowledge, the manager is not aware of what his 150 subordinates are doing, etc., a good personal result is not possible. You will find anything there, but not a husband :-).
    To get married, I myself would rather turn to a home-grown matchmaker, or as it is called in the West, a matchmaker, a head hunter, etc. (although there are also many frivolous or lazy or swindlers among them); or, if I don't trust anyone, I would learn how to use the sites, learn the language, and search on my own.
    But definitely: I would prefer a small agency, with a small team, where I would receive a more personal approach and attention.
    I don’t give my coordinates and name, so that readers would consider my comment as an advertisement 🙂

How difficult it is to find a soul mate! Especially now, when people are too absorbed in their problems and careers, and there is sorely not enough time for dating.

There is no ready-made recipe for happiness, but one way to find your own is to contact Marriage Agency. We tried to consider the key aspects of such a search for a husband / wife in different countries.

Slavic women search is especially active, so we paid a little more attention to them. Katerina comments, whose profile is also in a well-known marriage agency.

For many to go to the matchmaker worse than going to the dentist. She is presented as a kind of Fyokla Ivanovna from Gogol's "Marriage", in fact, modern matchmakers are ordinary people who sit in offices and do a titanic job of creating new couples.

An astonishing number of potential suitors live in Germany. It is explained like this. Firstly, the Germans are adherents of classical family values ​​and in the first place they have the well-being of the family.

Second, they really want to get married and do not pull with an offer. And thirdly, Slavs with a height above 178 centimeters, or parameters over 90-60-90, or one or even two children, find a husband on

Women 18 to 50(the standard age for women who register with marriage agencies) note that life in Finland is much calmer, safer and more economically secure. Finland is a very interesting country, with a beautiful and musical language, decent and friendly people. Already want to marry a Finn?

It's not difficult: most marriage agencies provide their services to girls for free, requiring them only photo session and personal data. International marriages are not uncommon here, Finnish men willingly marry Slavic wives.

Well, girls need to be mentally prepared, because a new country and language make an already serious

We read the news, we are horrified. Horror stories about foreign bloodsucking husbands, whom our naive women met through a marriage agency, are especially good. Scary. It's better to register on Mamba, Dating and 24open.

Lots of Slavic girls they are sure that since they have Khokhloma on long nails, good legs in fishnet stockings and a somewhat pretty appearance, then all clients of marriage offices should fall and fold themselves into piles. In correspondence, they are passive, they do not pay attention to a man and his interests, but prefer to describe their own merits.

Or everyone pushes the translator “well, write something, you know how” without making any attempts

And after all, what kind of life - before the Italians to get married was a piece of cake. There was even a special ritual: the names of befans, trial betrothed, were signed on paper, and pulled so that couples formed. Then courtship (singing in the morning and evening) and everything is ready.

There was also an arranged marriage and even the practice of taking away brides. Italians have a categorical saying about unmarried girls: "A woman without a husband is a fly without a head". Well, you can't do without marriage.

Now it is more difficult, although the family remains the main cult: children, mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers really pay a lot of attention. Men work hard, women become independent ( the most emancipated in Europe), and all weddings

Olya-la, luxurious women with an elusive je ne sais quoi, gallant men, romance spilled in the air - the most favorable impressions are created about relationships in France. Boom, unpleasant surprise.

Harmony, love and peace in marriage among the French it is becoming less and less common, and traditional marriages themselves give in to civil ones. Plus, the number of divorces is growing every year. Well, okay, statistics are statistics, but something old and new, something blue and something borrowed by Hollande did not cancel.

At marriage agencies the situation is like this. With the development of dating sites, their number has halved, and then tripled. Sociologist Pascal Lardelier complains that online

In contrast to the statistics of the CIS countries, In Great Britain more men than women. Moreover, there are many single unclaimed men. Not every guy looks like Jude Law, Tom Hardy or David Beckham, but everyone has a graceful accent and a likely relationship to the royal court, albeit in the 367th tribe.

British women are often overly emancipated, role of wife and housewife seems not very attractive to them, plus media pressure, stress, lack of free time, and so on, erect barriers to creating new families.

Perhaps this is how the popularity of marriage agencies can be explained. "Easy Marriage", "Happy Couple Match International", "Uk Bangla Marriage

Thanks to years of birth control policies, the gender imbalance in China is 118:100 (m:f). Five years will pass and about 40 million men in China will simply not be able to find a mate. Therefore, marriage agencies are growing like mushrooms after rain.

These organizations are attracting for marriage of foreign women, great demand for girls from Vietnam, Laos and Myanmar. For order and efficiency, a commission even appeared to develop rules for marriage agencies and train special workers.

Alas, quite ignoble people use a noble cause., as it turned out, traded girls and deceived money from unlucky suitors.

But there is also

And who arranges happiness Americans? Encounters International is a big serious agency focused on men. Moreover, solvent ones, for the individual selection of a partner (guarantee - for a year) you need to pay about $ 2,000.

EI, in turn, registers them on the website, translates correspondence, helps in organizing a personal meeting, organizes evenings of meetings and discos. Since 1993, American and Slavic hearts have united repeatedly.

The topic is relevant. Go to any women's forum, the question of international marriage will definitely arise. What attracts compatriots to foreign suitors? What do you need to know about such communication? Where to look for an overseas prince? Read the article.

I'm going over the hill!

The mentality of foreign men is strikingly different from ours. Women are naturally soft and sensitive, needing a strong partner who shares their outlook on life. European grooms are motivated to marry, just like Russian princesses. Women from the West are career and independence oriented, which goes against the concept of a close-knit family. The mutual interest of Russian beauties and tolerant foreigners is quite understandable.

The next aspect is the standard of living. In Western countries it is high. This means you can afford a house by the sea and eat delicious food every day. Higher salaries, more opportunities. Myths about mistreatment are far-fetched. Since any conflict is regulated by the authorities.

Partner search options

Go on a tourist trip, but finding a husband in a short time is unlikely. The ensuing relationship will be limited to a holiday romance. We need a "pimp" here. A person who is professionally engaged in "connection of two hearts". In Moscow there is such a marriage agency where the kind matchmaker Elena works.

Have you decided to look for foreign love on dating sites? The advantage of this option is the lack of financial costs. Compose a questionnaire in English, add a portfolio, indicate the parameters you are looking for, and get to know each other. As with any site, you may come across emotionally unstable individuals, married men or supporters of virtual intimate relationships. There is also a great risk of meeting scammers, and instead of a handsome husband, you will "tame" the gigolo.

The third and safest option is to contact a marriage agency! They will help you create the right image. Professional make-up, hair. You can make a photo session and get high-quality pictures. Matchmaker Elena competently manages the process. Your photos will be placed in the database, presenting you in a favorable light. And in the catalog there may already be a suitable option for you. A marriage agency in Moscow will prepare your perfect date. Risks are reduced to zero! You will not find yourself in an unpleasant situation when you see one man in a photograph, and a not so presentable boyfriend comes to you from another country. Matchmaker Elena has tremendous experience in the field of "relationships". Therefore, you will be in safe hands.

How to prepare for meeting a foreigner?

  • First you must understand that when you leave the country, you will say goodbye to your family, relatives, friends.
  • You will find yourself in a different environment, where their own laws apply. Can you adapt?
  • Decide on geolocation. What country would you like to live in? What religious principles and mentality are closer to you. A resident of the Celestial Empire will still be different from a European man.
  • An important point is the study of the language. This aspect can build an unbreakable wall of misunderstanding between you and your spouse, employer. You can learn a language for free. There are many courses and special programs on the Internet. Communicating through an interpreter is difficult and unprofitable.
  • Pay attention to your appearance. To interest a man in the inner world, you still have time. Turn to Matchmaker Elena to transform and appear fully armed before the gentleman.
  • Even if you are over 50 years old, do not despair. Not only middle-aged gentlemen are looking for a life partner, but also divorced men, widowers. Everyone has the right to be happy. In this case, there is no time frame.

Matchmaker Elena gives advice to girls looking for a foreign husband

  1. Knowing the language will make you invulnerable. Any trip to the store, cafe, will not be a real torture for you. You can easily talk with your husband's relatives, find friends, acquaintances, and of course, a job.
  2. When leaving home to your spouse, prepare a financial reserve.
  3. Collect the entire package of documents, even if you think that it will not be useful.
  4. Be sure to try to get a job.
  5. To be safe, get the data of the "shelter for women".

Don't let these nuances scare you, but forewarned is forearmed. Moreover, numerous reviews speak in favor of a foreign union. Some people think that such men choose a Russian wife as a housekeeper, but if you compare the prices for the services of a professional maid, the wife will cost more!

Looking for love in the Moscow Marriage Agency!

We have an expanded database of suitors. It remains only to choose. The betrothed will come to the bride, and we will arrange your meeting. It's safe and beautiful! Don't know how to fill out a questionnaire? Let's help.

Foreign marriages in history

Remember the Kievan princess Anna Yaroslavna and King Henry the First of France. From this union was born an heir - Philip. And the German princess Fike, who became Catherine II? Salvador Dali also had a Russian wife, Gala (Elena Dyakonova). Our women are able to inspire, give love and care. Therefore, they flourish in the hands of gentle foreigners. Would you like to try to find your overseas marina? We are waiting for you at the Marriage Agency in Moscow!