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My future profession (4th grade). My future profession. presentation for a lesson (grade 3) on the topic My future profession for elementary school

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My future profession is teacher Margarita Mikhailovna Gogoleva, primary school teacher at MOBU Secondary School No. 31g. Yakutsk RS(Y)

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The teaching profession is one of the most respected, honorable and responsible professions. We can say that the teacher creates the future of the country, because... The versatility of the development of knowledge of the younger generation, its beliefs, worldview, and moral qualities largely depend on his work.

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The teacher must be able to express his thoughts competently, clearly, simply, and understandably for the children.

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The teacher is an eternal student. You will need to work on yourself purposefully and tirelessly. And it will always be like this!

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This profession is eternal. No matter how society changes, no matter how far it goes in its development, it will never manage without a teacher. Some professions will disappear in the future, but teachers will always exist.

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“What a proud calling - to give education to others...” What a proud calling - To give others an education - To give away a piece of the heart, To forget empty quarrels, After all, it’s difficult to explain to us, Sometimes it’s very boring to repeat the same thing, To check notebooks at night. Thank you for always being so right. We would like to wish you, so that you do not know troubles, health, happiness for a hundred years!

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You are beautiful in soul and very kind, you are strong in talent and generous in heart. All your ideas, dreams of beauty, lessons, undertakings will not be in vain! You managed to find your way to your children. May success await you on this path!

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Reach every heart of Those whom you decided to teach, And a secret door will open To the souls of those you were able to love! And some oversleeping boy will be late for the first lesson, And a prankish girl in the past will invite you to the last bell! And many more years will pass, Maybe someone’s fate will change, And pain and hardship will disappear, Shooting will stop everywhere! In the meantime, there will be everyday life of study, And the answers will be heard at the blackboard, There will be a world without violence and without anger, And gifted rose petals! Mark Lvovsky

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There are many of them - snub-nosed, dissimilar, flying into the school in a crowd. And it’s not easy with them. And yet everyone is dear to his soul. He led them along the ladder of knowledge, taught them to cherish the country, and to see across the distance, and to be friends with a clever book... Let someone become a builder, and someone the owner of rivers, but believe in the heart: Tomorrow will give them an A. And, having become adults, through the years the guys will remember with kindness both his severity and his worries - the difficult work of a teacher. B. Gaikovich

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Teacher! How precious is this word! There is so much affection and kindness in him, You have often been a strict mentor, But more often - a source of warmth! In your work we encountered all sorts of things: There were adversities and the joy of victories, But the most important thing is that in the souls of children, You leave every trace of yours.

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There is no more beautiful profession in the world - You bring a source of knowledge to children. And our teacher is our idol, With whom we learn the world. And on this day we want to promise you that, having risen from our school desks, we will be able to convey to people our work, the warmth of our hearts and the excitement of our search!

Goals: keep children in a festive mood from going back to school; create the mood for learning activities.

1. Educational: introduce students to the concept « », expand students' knowledge about professions.

2. Developmental: promote the development of the ability to think logically, analyze, summarize received information, develop speech, attention, memory, imagination.

3. Educational: to cultivate interest in the world of professions, to awaken interest in one’s own personality, to form a positive attitude towards learning.



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My future profession

The right choice of profession allows you to realize your creative potential, avoid disappointment, protect yourself and your family from poverty and uncertainty about the future. Victor Hugo

“The most fashionable professions”: (manager, designer, lawyer, fashion designer, programmer, TV presenter, journalist, etc.) “The most forgotten professions”: (potter, woodcutter, groom, coachman, chimney sweep, spinner, laundress...) “Professions that have always needed": (doctor, teacher, cook, seamstress, turner, driver, mechanic, welder...) "The most courageous professions": (police and emergency workers, doctors, military, astronauts...)

Legend Once upon a time, a large cathedral was built in the French city of Chartres. Three workers transporting building stone in wheelbarrows were asked what they were doing. The first one answered: “I’m cutting these damned stones, I’ve got so many calluses on my hands!” The second said: “I cut and carve stones, I earn a piece of bread for my wife and daughters.” And the third said with a smile: “I am building a beautiful cathedral.”

Continue the sentences: People work for... Real work is... When choosing a profession, people often do not take into account... In any professional work, the most important thing... Happiness is...

Uninhabited Island This island has all the conditions for life: fresh water, fish in the rivers, birds and animals in the forests, fruit trees... And you, quite by chance, happened to have sunflower and pea seeds, wheat and carrots, as well as an axe, a saw, a hammer, a coil of rope... In short, something between the island of Robinson Crusoe from the book by Daniel Defoe and the mysterious island of Captain Nemo from the book by Jules Verne... Make a list of professions that are most necessary, in your opinion, in order to survive on a desert island .

There are many professions in the world, and they are very important to all of us: Doctor, teacher, plumber, professor, Engineer, acrobat and worker. All professions are very different - It is sometimes difficult to make a choice. Interesting and dangerous, Could become destiny for someone.

Profession: Primary school teacher.

A primary school teacher is a teacher, educator, psychologist, music director rolled into one.

Welder is a worker, a specialist in welding work.

Professional tools and equipment Welding machines, semi-automatic welding machines, rectifiers. Welding electrodes, welding wire.

A mechanic is one of the most common and versatile professions, with a lot of specifications by industry and type of work performed. Mechanics are involved in the assembly, operation and repair of various types of equipment.

If you successfully choose work and put your whole soul into it, then happiness will find you on its own. K. D. Ushinsky

What useful things did you learn today?




My future profession

Goals: keep children in a festive mood from going back to school; create the mood for learning activities.

1. Educational:introduce students to the concept« profession », expand students' knowledge about professions.

2. Developmental: promote the development of the ability to think logically, analyze, summarize received information, develop speech, attention, memory, imagination.

3. Educational : to cultivate interest in the world of professions, to awaken interest in one’s own personality, to form a positive attitude towards learning.

Teacher's opening remarks:

If you woke up in the morning

And I saw outside the window:

Everyone is dressed up and with flowers,

And the house is full of fun;

If you see: on the way

Many schoolchildren are coming -

So autumn has come,

The school year has begun.

For a million Russians today is a big holiday - Knowledge Day. For thousands of teachers today is a holiday - Knowledge Day. For millions of parents, today is a long-awaited holiday - Knowledge Day, the beginning of the school year. Dear parents, dear children! I'm glad to meet you.

The summer days have flown by.

It's time for you to get to your desks

Again we are all students,

Studying is not a game!

You came to study at school, but why do you need to study? That’s right, in order to choose a profession in the future and study for it. A profession should be chosen to one’s liking, should interest a person, and should correspond to his abilities. Then the profession will bring joy to a person, and business will progress.

So, today our class hour is devoted to choosing our future profession.

But before moving on to questions about your future profession, I would like to check how ready you are for 3rd grade!

Test 1: complete the phrase:

Early in the morning to class at the window
The sun is looking at us

Just entering the office
We say to everyone (hello)

There is a law in our class
Entry for sluts (prohibited)

A desk is not a bed
And you can’t (lie on it)

Don't talk in class
Like overseas (parrot)

We need paints to paint,
And we will read (fairy tales)

If you want to answer, don’t shout,
Just raise your hand

To get a 5
Everyone needs to learn lessons

I went to the blackboard - don’t be silent
Lesson faster (answer)

Teacher - Well done guys, you haven’t forgotten the rules of behavior at school and in class.

Test 2 "Knowledge Test"

1) A shepherd has 10 sheep, all but 9 were dragged away by a wolf. Sk. Are there any sheep left?9

2) One egg is boiled for 3 minutes. Sk. How long will it take to cook 2 eggs? 3 minutes.

3) Sk. hours in two days?48

Sk. vowel sounds in Russian? 10

The separating soft sign is written:

between consonant and vowel

What punctuation marks are used at the end of a sentence?

What words are always written with a capital letter?

3) Let's check how much you know the world of fairy tales.

What's hanging on the oak tree near Lukomorye?

gold chain

Who did the old man catch with the net?


What were the names of the piglets in the fairy tale The Three Little Pigs?

a) Nif-Nifa b) Naf-Nafa d) Nuf-Nufa

Where did Papa Carlo send Pinocchio?

To school

What cat did Charles Perrault write about? c) about Puss in Boots

Test 3: “Don’t yawn, don’t yawn - answer quickly”

If the rooks have arrived, then (spring) has arrived.

Which bird brings news on its tail (magpie)

She deceives everyone in fairy tales (fox)

This animal is ridden in the desert (camel)

She laid a golden egg (hen - pockmarked)

How many eyes does a traffic light have (3)

She sings and gnaws all the nuts (squirrel)

He saved a fly in a fairy tale (mosquito)

Which girl has a braid on the street (carrot)

Study break (vacation)

What kind of tree is decorated with toys (Christmas tree)

What is a profession?

I'm thinking again now:

Why do I go to school, to class?

I wish they gave me a toy

I could prove it to you

That playing is no worse

- Who would doubt that everyone knows how to play - it’s easy and interesting. Do all of you guys agree that studying is worse than playing? Yes, studying is hard, studying is work, but how interesting it is!


Game "Profession-mystery".

1 He loves us to listen to the lungs

And he can give injections.

He will set the thermometer himself,

The doctor will put the vitamin in your mouth

2 He can run and jump.

The ball hits very deftly.

Plays tennis and volleyball

And there is skill in football (athlete)

3 .He notices beauty

And everything distinguishes colors.

Maybe brush on paper

Draw your portrait.

And seeing the sun in the sky

Create a joyful landscape! (artist)

4 .Threads, scissors, pins:

And the work is in full swing.

Creates things from fabric

A seamstress can sew a school uniform for you

5. The horn sings, the horn sings!

We drive the herd to the meadow.

We herd cows all day long

As soon as it gets hot, we drive into the shade.


6. We build a house from bricks,

So that the sun laughs in it.

To be higher, to be wider

There were rooms in the apartment.


7. His work is in depth,

At the very bottom.

Its work in the dark

And silence.

But who is he?

Answer the question,

Not an astronaut

Does he walk among the stars?


8. Fingers fly like birds -

The calico stream flows.

Fingers fly like bees -

The stream flows like silk.


9.No one in the world can do that

With one movement of the hand

Stop the flow of passersby

And let the trucks pass.


10. He is not an artist, but paints

Always smells

He is not a master of paintings -

He's a master of walls!


11.Silver needle

There was a thread in the sky.

Who's brave?

White thread

He sewed the sky, but hastened:

Has the thread's tail fluffed up?


12. In the book sea it is endless

A real captain.

Find any book

Helps us quickly!


13. Who is at any address

Will take you straight to your home

In a green-eyed car?

Answer, children, right away!

(Taxi driver.)

Competition 3: Who owns these things?

Spoon, knife, ladle.

Chalk, pointer, book.

Paint, putty, roller.

Needle, thread, fabric

Rag, bucket, mop.

Here we come to the end of our event. While playing, we refreshed our memory and remembered the variety of professions and specialties. Ahead of us are new acquaintances with professions, new meetings, excursions to enterprises, and various creative tasks. And at the moment, the main thing for you should be studying, gaining good knowledge that will be useful in our lives.

There are many different professions here,
You don’t know what to choose right away.
There are many things that will come in handy in life -
You just have to learn.

But no matter who you become - painters or artists,

Builders and tractor drivers have one important wish:

May you be good citizens.

Smart, honest, generous,

Hard-working, law-abiding.

“Choosing a profession as a child” - Typical misconceptions of teenagers when choosing a profession. The role of family and school in professional choice. Choosing a profession once and for all Choosing a profession under the influence of other people Some professions are indecent and unworthy Transferring one’s attitude towards a specific person to a profession Infatuation with the external side of the profession without taking into account all the diversity Identification of a favorite academic subject with a profession Outdated ideas about the nature of work and the sphere of material production Inability to understand in yourself, your interests and true inclinations Ignorance and underestimation of your physical capabilities Ignorance of the rules for choosing a profession.

“Choice of type of activity” - Profession -. You will make an unmistakable choice. Man is technology. Man is an artistic image. Man is nature. You should not choose a profession based on the advice of friends, possible high earnings or prestige. But there is also a negative one. A person is a person. Inclinations: interests in certain types of activities, wishes.

“Professional activity” - Career is closely related to professional growth and skill. Professional growth plan. Modern man has many types of activities: - Work - Study - Communication - Play. Vertical horizontal (growth in position) (growth of professional skills). Profession and career. A person’s professional career is greatly influenced by the level of aspirations, i.e., the height of the person’s goal in professional achievements.

“Calling” - If you have dreamed of becoming a doctor or an astronaut since childhood, and still do not doubt the correctness of your choice, you have no problems. And if not, then we will help you with advice! Psychologist Guide-translator Journalist Advertiser Teacher HR manager Sales manager. No matter what your mother and grandmother say, you study textbooks on chemistry or biology with the tenacity of a fanatic, or attend the “young physicist” club and have a good idea of ​​what you will do after graduating from school...

“Professional choice of profession” - Technological engineer 13. All work is good - choose according to your taste! PROFESSION comes from the Latin word professio, meaning “public speaking.” Head of department 20. Insurance agent 12. Profession - veterinarian. Educator 19. State of health, Professional qualifications, Professional abilities.

“Stages of choosing a profession” - Three stages of career guidance. Groups of professions. Career guidance work with parents. Group of principles. Stages of professional career planning. Professional suitability. Formation of professional self-determination of students. Career planning. Correct career plan. How to choose the right profession.

There are a total of 43 presentations in the topic

“If you successfully choose work and put your soul into it, then happiness will find you on its own.”Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky

Children dream about everything in the world: I will be an archaeologist! And I'm an oceanographer! I'll be a builder! And then I was a teacher! I want to be an artist! I want to treat animals! I'll be a rescuer! And I'm an inventor! I'll be a fireman! Well, I'm the boss! What is a profession?A profession is an activity aimed at benefiting society. Activities requiring professional training.



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Slide captions:

Prepared by: Budz S.P. Municipal educational institution "School-gymnasium No. 6"

GUESS He is a very good craftsman, He made a wardrobe for us in the hallway. He is not a carpenter, not a painter. Furniture makes...

GUESS Traffic rules Knows without a doubt. He instantly starts the engine and rushes off in the car...

GUESS On a dark night, on a clear day, He fights with fire. In a helmet, like a glorious warrior, he hurries to the fire...

GUESS You probably know him. He knows about all the laws. Not a judge, not a journalist. He gives advice to everyone...

GUESS Who will prescribe vitamins? Who can cure a sore throat? Don't cry during vaccinations - He knows how to be treated...

Cooks porridge and broth. Kind, fat... (Not a postman, but a cook.)

They talk about paired sounds at school for you and me... (Not firefighters, but teachers.)

A knight and a rook walk across the squares, preparing their winning move... (Not a judge, but a chess player.)


A - pharmacist, architect, agronomist, car mechanic, acrobat, anesthesiologist B - cooper, ticket taker, banker, librarian C - fuller, diver, veterinarian D - potter, miner, surveyor U - teacher, tamer, scientist

M - painter, installer, mechanic, driver N - porter, nanny, notary O - shepherd, ophthalmologist, operator P - writer, pianist, carpenter R - radio operator, director, realtor, editor, reporter S - shoemaker, sorter, plumber T - taxi driver, TV presenter, technician, weaver

Is a miner a fan of making faces, mines, or a military specialist?

Is the miller a bad captain who often runs ships aground, or a worker at the mill?

Is a coachman a digger or a horse-drawn driver?

An astrologer is a florist who specializes in asters, or a person who predicts the future based on the position of the stars?

THINK TO Who do all people take off their hats? (In front of the hairdresser) To whom do all people take off their hats? (In front of the hairdresser.)

THINK ABOUT Who plunges into work headlong? (A diver, and also a trainer, thrusting his head into the tiger’s mouth.)

THINK ABOUT Who is on fire at work? (Firefighter)

THINK ABOUT The “marsupial” professional is... Who? (Postman)


Target : expanding students’ knowledge about various features of the profession, requirements for them, working conditions, etc.

Progress of the game.

Some time will pass and each of you guys will face the question of further professional training. After all, in order to work as someone, you must first learn this profession. What professions are you already familiar with? (Children list).

There are many different professions in the world and they are all important and honorable, from a simple janitor to a learned academician. And indeed it is. Let's imagine for a moment that all the janitors didn't show up for work. What would happen to our streets in a week? What would this lead to? ( Student answers).

Right. Our streets would turn into garbage dumps. Without grain growers and bakers, we would be left without bread; without teachers everyone would remain illiterate; without scientists, the world would cease to develop and progress, which would lead to the decline of all humanity. Now is the time for each of you guys to think about what type of work you want to master. Are any of you ready now to say what you would like to become in the future? Students will talk in poetic form about the professions that attract them.

There are so many different professions,
We can’t count them all:
There are doctors and divers,
There are turners and miners.

The teacher teaches us at school,
And the tailor sews suits.
A builder is building a new house,
The captain is leading the ship.

The main thing is not to make mistakes,
Choosing who to become?
Hairdresser, singer,
Or fly to the moon.

All day long all uncles, aunts
They do something for us
Here you will find poems about them
Their story about their work!

We're still guys
We don't know how to count
Maybe there is not enough knowledge,
But you can dream!

I'll probably be a doctor
I will begin to heal people!
I will travel everywhere
And save sick children!

Soon I will be a military man,
Or just an ace pilot!
Like an ordinary hero
I will protect you!

Ballerina and singer
I always dreamed of becoming!
To dress up beautifully,
Sing and dance for you!

I'm a famous artist
I will definitely.
I'm interested in drawing
Very exciting!

I am a school teacher,
I will give knowledge to children!
The children will be happy with me
I'm telling you for sure!

Well, I'll come back here!
Affectionate, attentive
And always responsive
I will become a teacher!

Well, now let’s hold a tournament on knowledge of professions. Let's start with simpler tasks, and then we will complete tasks more and more difficult. (Demonstration of presentation)

  1. Guess the “Name the professions” riddles.

He is a very good master

He made a wardrobe for our hallway.

He is not a carpenter, not a painter.

Furniture is made... (carpenter)

Traffic rules

He knows without a doubt.

He instantly starts the engine,

The car is rushing... (driver)

Dark night, clear day

He fights fire.

In a helmet, like a glorious warrior,

Hurries to the fire... (firefighter)

He puts the bricks in a row,

Builds a kindergarten for the children

Not a miner or a driver,

He will build us a house... (builder)

Who is sailing on the ship

To an uncharted land?

He is cheerful and kind.

What's his name? (Sailor)

In reality, not in a dream

He flies on high.

Flying a plane in the sky.

Who is he, tell me? (Pilot)

You are probably familiar with him.

He knows about all the laws.

Not a judge, not a journalist.

He gives advice to everyone... (lawyer)

Stands at his post

He keeps order.

Strict, brave officer.

Who is he? (Policeman)

  1. "Guess the professions"

All black, like a rook,

It's climbing from our roof...

(Not a doctor, but a chimney sweep.)

Rolls for us and rolls

They bake every day...

(Not doctors, but bakers.)

Cooks porridge and broth

Kind, fat...

(Not a postman, but a cook.)

Arius, opera composer

It's called...

(Not a teacher, but a composer.)

Factories have three shifts

Standing at the machines...

(Not athletes, but workers.)

They talk about paired sounds

At school you and I...

(Not firefighters, but teachers.)

3. ABC of professions.

  • A – pharmacist, architect, agronomist, car mechanic, acrobat, anesthesiologist
  • B – cooper, ticket taker, banker, librarian
  • B – fuller, diver, veterinarian
  • G – potter, miner, surveyor
  • U - teacher, tamer, scientist
  • M – painter, installer, mechanic, machinist
  • N – porter, nanny, notary
  • O – shepherd, ophthalmologist, operator
  • P – writer, pianist, carpenter
  • R – radio operator, director, realtor, editor, reporter
  • S – shoemaker, sorter, plumber
  • T – taxi driver, TV presenter, technician, weaver
  1. Did you know?

Is a miner a fan of making faces, mines, or a military specialist?(Military specialist in mining and demining.)

Is the miller a bad captain who often runs ships aground, or a worker at the mill?The owner or worker at the mill.)

Is a coachman a digger or a horse-drawn driver?(Charioteer on horseback.)

An astrologer is a florist who specializes in asters, or a person who predicts the future based on the position of the stars?


Is a guslar a specialist in breeding geese or a folk singer who plays the gusli?

(Folk singer with harp.)

  1. Think about it.
  • To whom do all people take off their hats? (In front of the hairdresser)
  • Who is a jack of all trades? (Glover)
  • Who immerses themselves in work?(A diver, and also a trainer, thrusting his head into the tiger’s mouth.)
  • Who's on fire at work? (Firefighter)
  • Who works effortlessly? (Actors, musicians)
  • The “marsupial” professional is... Who?(Postman.)
  1. Collect proverbs (The envelopes contain scattered proverbs. Children compose and explain them)

■ Before you start, think, but when you start, do.

■ Don’t take on your own business, and don’t be lazy about yours.

■ You work conscientiously, you are not ashamed to look people in the eye.

■ Soon the fairy tale will be told, but the deed will not be done soon.

■ At someone else’s work, the sun doesn’t move.

■ What the soul lies to, the hands will put their hands to.

■ A bird is recognized in flight, and a person is recognized at work.

■ The bee is small, and even that one works.

■ A bad craftsman has a bad saw.

■ Done hastily - and done as a mockery.

■ A little business is better than a lot of idleness.

■ The lazy spinner doesn’t even have a shirt for herself.

7. “Put the puzzle together”(Children receive a set of cards and then tell what they know about this profession).

Song on lyrics M. Evensen, music. A.Alexandrova

“There is always something for skillful hands”:

The chicken needs to be watered

The kitten needs to be fed

And dishes, and dishes,

And wash the dishes.

There is always something for skillful hands to do,

If you take a good look around:

And the garden bed needs to be watered,

And the doll needs to be sheathed,

And pictures, and pictures,

And draw pictures.

There is always something for skillful hands to do,

If you take a good look around:

And the one who doesn’t find the case,

Let them be bored for a whole year

And we're lazy, and we're lazy,

And they will be known as lazy!

Guys, what did you like about the lesson?

What caused the difficulty?

What new did you learn?

Wonderful professions

There are countless numbers in the world.

And every profession -

Glory and honor!

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My future profession
Class teacher: Budovaya Nadezhda Petrovna

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The right choice of profession allows you to realize your creative potential, avoid disappointment, protect yourself and your family from poverty and uncertainty about the future. Victor Hugo

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“The most fashionable professions”: (manager, designer, lawyer, fashion designer, programmer, TV presenter, journalist, etc.) “The most forgotten professions”: (potter, woodcutter, groom, coachman, chimney sweep, spinner, laundress...) “Professions that have always needed": (doctor, teacher, cook, seamstress, turner, driver, mechanic, welder...) "The most courageous professions": (police and emergency workers, doctors, military, astronauts...)

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A long time ago, a large cathedral was built in the French city of Chartres. Three workers transporting building stone in wheelbarrows were asked what they were doing. The first one answered: “I’m cutting these damned stones, I’ve got so many calluses on my hands!” The second said: “I cut and carve stones, I earn a piece of bread for my wife and daughters.” And the third said with a smile: “I am building a beautiful cathedral.”

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Continue the sentences:
People work for... Real work is... When choosing a profession, people often do not take into account... In any professional work, the most important thing... Happiness is...

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People work for... money, interest, pleasure, satisfaction of their needs. Real work is... work that brings income to the family, brings joy, material benefits. When choosing a profession, people often do not take into account ... their health, ability for a given profession, physical and moral stress, their knowledge, and demand in the labor market. In any professional work, the most important thing is... responsibility, patience, knowledge. Happiness is... family and well-being, when a person feels good at work, with friends.

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Thoughts of philosophers, economists, politicians
1. People work to satisfy their needs, to express their own “I”. 2. Real work is dedication and creativity. 3. When choosing a profession, people often do not take into account the concepts that are expressed in three words: I want, I can, I must. A. I want - my desire. B. I can - my capabilities, abilities, knowledge, state of health. B. It is necessary - the needs of the labor market. 4. In any professional work, the most important thing is knowledge and the ability to apply it in practice. 5. Once, to the question: “What is happiness?” The answer was: “Happiness is when you go to work with joy in the morning, and happily return home in the evening.”

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Desert Island
This island has all the conditions for life: fresh water, fish in the rivers, birds and animals in the forests, fruit trees... And you, quite by chance, happened to have sunflower and pea seeds, wheat and carrots, as well as an axe, a saw, a hammer, a coil of rope... In short, something between the island of Robinson Crusoe from the book by Daniel Defoe and the mysterious island of Captain Nemo from the book by Jules Verne... Make a list of professions that are most necessary, in your opinion, in order to survive on a desert island.

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Test “Are you ready to choose a profession”
21-28b. Well done! You set a goal and confidently move towards it. It will be much easier for you to choose a profession than for others. You are almost ready to take this serious step. 11 – 20 b. Not bad. You care about your future. But this is clearly not enough for the right choice of profession. Looks like you're missing something to make the right career choice. But you can still make up for it.

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There are many professions in the world, and they are very important to all of us: Doctor, teacher, plumber, professor, Engineer, acrobat and worker. All professions are very different - It is sometimes difficult to make a choice. Interesting and dangerous, Could become destiny for someone.

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Profession analysis
1. The profession you plan to choose. 2. What is the significance of this profession for society? 3. What kind of labor - automated, mechanized or manual - is used in it? 4. Name the object of labor, the final result of the work. 5. How many hours is a working day? 6. Give the approximate salary of specialists in this profession. 7. Does this profession involve intensive communication with people? 8. Are there any medical contraindications for this profession? 9. What personal qualities should a representative of this profession have? 10. Where can I get it?

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Profession: Primary school teacher.

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Primary school teacher
is a teacher, educator, psychologist, music director rolled into one.

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The work of a primary school teacher begins with meeting parents. He conducts lessons in all disciplines, organizes entertainment events, children's recreation and leisure, and leads clubs.

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Employee characteristics:
Working with children requires the teacher to: high concentration, self-control, patience, operational and long-term memory. The profession of a teacher has its own requirements: developed communication skills, good diction, clear, literate speech, loud voice, the ability to captivate people with their subject, erudition, musical and artistic abilities.

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The work of a teacher is not recommended for people with diseases: neuropsychic, cardiovascular, chronic infectious, musculoskeletal, speech-voice, visual and auditory analyzers.

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Teacher's working day
Is approximately 8 hours.

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Salaries of specialists
16,000 rub. - average salary for the vacancy “primary school teacher”
Average salary in other cities
St. Petersburg

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Features of career growth:
A primary school teacher can take advanced training courses, continue his studies in graduate school and thereby move up the administrative ladder. Experienced, successful and career-oriented teachers can eventually organize their own private school.

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Where to get this profession:
Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University has a fairly large selection of specializations - preschool education and primary school teacher. Cherepanovsk Pedagogical School.

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year 2013

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Welder is a worker, a specialist in welding work.

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Welding specializations
Welder on resistance (press) welding machines Welder on diffuse welding installations Welder on electron beam welding installations Thermite welding welder Gas welder Electric gas welder

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Gas welder
The professional functions of a 6th category gas welder include: Gas welding of complex parts, mechanical components, structures and pipelines made of high-carbon, alloy, special and corrosion-resistant steels, cast iron, non-ferrous metals and alloys designed to work under dynamic and vibration loads and under high pressure . Cutting metal with a cutter. Hard alloy surfacing of complex parts, assemblies, structures and mechanisms.

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Professional tools and equipment
Welding machines, semi-automatic welding machines, rectifiers. Welding electrodes, welding wire.

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This profession uses automated, mechanized and manual labor. Full-time Salary: depends on the category, mainly from 20,000 rubles and above.

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You can become a welder by:
VOCATIONAL SCHOOL No. 37 City: Novosibirsk Duration of training 2.5 years

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at OGOU SPO Novosibirsk Industrial College Forms of study: full-time Level of education: secondary specialized

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A defectologist is a specialist involved in the development, training and education of “special” children (children with physical and mental disabilities: delayed speech development, delayed psychomotor development, mental retardation, autism, epilepsy, cerebral palsy, etc.)

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Areas of use
They work in special schools and boarding schools, medical and psychological centers, development centers, medical institutions, special institutions and social services in education, general educational institutions of primary and secondary education, cultural institutions and additional education, etc.

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During the working day, the defectologist conducts group developmental classes, the number of which is provided for in the program of education and upbringing of children with various disabilities, and also works with them individually. The defectologist's workplace is an office in which stationary equipment and other equipment necessary for classes are located. The working day of a defectologist lasts 7 hours.

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Qualities that ensure the success of the professional activities of a defectologist:
Abilities Personal qualities, interests and inclinations
the ability to competently express one’s thoughts (verbal abilities); communication and interaction skills with people; oratorical skills; good hearing (the ability to detect the smallest changes and features of the pronunciation of various sounds); good command of articulation (the ability to correctly show through facial expressions the ways and features of pronunciation of words and sounds); good development of short-term and long-term memory; high level of concentration and switching of attention (the ability to focus on one subject for a long time while simultaneously disconnecting from others and the ability to quickly move from one type of activity to another); logical thinking; high level of development of creative thinking. the ability to listen and understand other people; tact; friendliness, ethics; unselfishness; sensitivity; tolerance for people's shortcomings; attentiveness; responsiveness; creativity (creativity).

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Medical contraindications:
speech and hearing defects in a specialist in this profession; unsociability; lack of inclination to work with children; emotional imbalance; aggressiveness; rigidity of thinking (inability to adjust the program of activities in accordance with the requirements of the situation).

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The average salary of a defectologist is 25,000 rubles. However, recently there has been a great demand for speech pathologists on a private basis (individual lessons paid for by parents). This will provide an opportunity for additional income. The salary of a specialist consists of several components: length of service, qualification category and level of education.

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The profession is in great demand in modern Russia (however, in fact, this is a sad trend - after all, it means that many children have serious developmental disabilities).

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You can get a profession in pedagogical universities at the relevant faculties (most often they are called the faculties of special pedagogy and psychology). The basics of the profession can also be acquired at pedagogical schools.

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Profession accountant

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This is a specialist who works on the accounting system in accordance with current legislation. His tasks are to pay taxes on time and correctly and report to government agencies, clients and partners of the company, monitor the state of the company’s account and reduce the balance to a single indicator.

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Areas of application of professional knowledge:
banking sector; financial organizations (tax inspectorates, pension funds, insurance agencies); any government institutions not related to the sphere of economics and finance (industry, agriculture, medicine and healthcare, trade, transport, etc.); non-state enterprises of small and large businesses.

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Qualities that ensure the success of an accountant’s professional activities:
Abilities: high level of mathematical (numeracy) abilities; ability to analyze, synthesize, generalize received information; good development of concentration, stability and switching of attention (the ability to concentrate on one subject for a long time, engage in a certain type of activity, as well as the ability to quickly move from one type of activity to another); good mnemonic abilities (good development of short-term and long-term memory); the ability to engage in monotonous activities for a long time (a tendency to work with documents and numbers); high noise immunity; technical training (working skills on a personal computer).
Personal qualities, interests and inclinations: perseverance, patience; persistence; obligation; "pedantry" in work; responsibility; honesty; accuracy; emotional and mental stability (ability to self-control); justice

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Qualities that hinder the effectiveness of professional activity:
lack of mathematical abilities; lack of analytical skills; fast fatiguability; inattention, absent-mindedness; lack of inclination to work with numbers; indiscipline; lack of moral and ethical standards.

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MEDICAL CONTRAINDICATIONS The work of an accountant is not recommended for people with diseases: neuropsychic, cardiovascular, auditory and visual analyzers; speech-voice apparatus. An accountant involves intensive communication with people. The working day of an accountant is: 9 hours. The approximate average salary of an accountant: 19,000, and the salary of chief accountants: 28,000.

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PRE-PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION Knowledge of mathematics, computer science, Russian language and literature is required as part of the school curriculum. WAYS TO OBTAIN A PROFESSION Accounting professions are taught in institutions of primary, secondary and higher vocational education, in training and retraining courses.

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A mechanic is one of the most common and versatile professions, with a lot of specifications by industry and type of work performed. Mechanics are involved in the assembly, operation and repair of various types of equipment.

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Depending on the field of activity - production and fitting of parts, assembly of components and mechanisms, maintaining them in working condition, maintenance, repair.