Planning Motivation Control

Profitability of smoking fish. Sale of smoked fish as a business. Sample business plan for opening a smokehouse from scratch: calculation of costs and income

Smoked meat and fish products are widely represented on the market today. However, it is in high demand. Consumers especially like meat and fish of the so-called home (or village) smoking. Factory-made products traditionally cause mistrust among our people.

The sale of smoked meats does not depend on the season or weather conditions. In addition, organizing a business for smoking meat and fish does not require large start-up costs. Competition in this market is growing and the one who offers the best quality products will be able to win it. Below we will consider how profitable this business is and what documents are needed to sell smoked products.

Fish smoking as a business (video)

Market research is one of the main tasks before starting a business. Here we will provide a short video describing the business of smoking fish, since this is the most popular direction in this business.

Any business, including smoking fish and meat, requires a preliminary market analysis. First, you need to figure out who are the main competitors. And these are not large factory manufacturers. The competitors of a small home smokehouse will be small entrepreneurs engaged in a similar type of activity. It is their range and pricing policy that should be well studied.

You also need to determine the tastes and preferences of potential customers. As we have already said, such smoked meats are in demand, which are positioned as homemade, cooked according to traditional technology. In addition, you need to find out what kind of meat and fish consumers like best.

Then you should find out exactly where, in what volume and at what price you will buy raw materials for your smokehouse. It is best if the supplier is not an intermediary, but a manufacturer. For meat, this is a livestock complex, for fish - a fish farm.

Sale of smoked fish as a business can turn out to be quite a profitable business, since it is rare to find a person who can refuse to sit in a company circle and drink beer with smoked fish. Even if you are not a fan of such a holiday, you certainly will not refuse to taste a piece of smoked bacon with a tomato, or a piece of sausage on white bread.

Sale of smoked fish as a business

As you know, many people do best exactly what they like best, and when your favorite business still brings money, then we can safely say that you managed to pull out a lucky lottery ticket. And if you still managed to pull out this ticket, then you will probably need a business idea to open your own workshop where fish and other products will be smoked.

Sale of smoked fish: the first steps

If you plan to get into the production of smoked products for personal use and for small sales in the local market, then you will need very little for this. In order to implement the smoking of fish and other products, you will need several squares of land, an iron barrel, a couple of metal pipes, and a little perseverance. To sale of smoked fish could be implemented, you will need recommendations for installing a smoker, several recipes for cooking, and you can easily find all this in the library or on the Internet. The main condition for success lies in patience and fruit trees.

Fish smoking: going beyond industrial volumes

If you are considering it as a business, then you will need a lot more. To organize industrial production for smoking fish and a number of other products, you will need a business idea and a production workshop. This is the main and most costly part of the future business.

Workshop room

The requirements of firefighters and sanitation ideally meet the Soviet canteens. But there is one thing, your workshop should be located remotely from industrial and residential buildings at a distance of at least 300 meters. Therefore, fish smoking can be carried out in the canteen building, which will be located on the territory of a factory or an industrial enterprise.

The list of organizations you will need to visit includes:

fire service;
veterinary service;

Fish smoking: necessary equipment

The next step in the implementation of the business idea will be the purchase of the necessary equipment. In order to sale of smoked fish realized you will need about 300 thousand rubles, which you need to invest in the purchase of equipment. For full-fledged work, it will be necessary to purchase refrigerators for finished products and for storing raw materials, a bath for salting and washing fish, and a smokehouse.

Raw material

When developing a range of products that is necessary for smoking, you need to rely on the culinary preferences of your region directly. There are cases when in some regions they do not eat fish at all out of principle. It is desirable if the purchase of fish will be carried out in your area. The main point of such an event is that you will have the opportunity to get a higher quality fresh product with all the necessary supporting documentation. When buying frozen fish, you risk your own money, as well as the taste of the product.

Sale of smoked products

The key to the success of sale of smoked fish It will turn out to be a profitable business, it consists in the quality of products and the competent organization of the distribution network. It is worth organizing your sales to small stores, because sometimes they can surprise you enough with their sales volumes.

If selling smoked fish as a business will be organized in such a way that all products will be produced as for themselves, then success will be guaranteed to you.

Smoked products are the most popular delicacies. It is not for nothing that a lot of people crowd around the counters with delicious smoke-smelling meat or fish smoked meats. The demand for these products among people was, is and will always be. And if there is demand, then there is also a proposal, a proposal to open a business related to smoking meat or fish products. A person who wants to do this business should have no doubt that his own smokehouse will bring profit, since many people love smoked meat and fish products and eat them at any time of the year. So, you need to cast aside doubts and start implementing the conceived idea. How much does it cost to start a smoking business?

Planning for future activities

A novice entrepreneur must keep in mind that the implementation of any idea involves planning.

Before drawing up a business plan, the businessman must answer the following questions:

  1. What enterprise is supposed to be opened (home smokehouse or workshop).
  2. Where (in what premises) will the business be located.
  3. What equipment is needed for the future business.
  4. What documents will be needed to implement the idea.
  5. Where to get (buy) products for smoking.
  6. Where the finished smoked products will be sold.
  7. Is there enough money to start a business and draw up a business plan correctly.

To answer all these questions, you need to study the demand of the population in the region where it is planned to open a business, collect information about suppliers of raw materials, study the SanPiN requirements for smokehouses, etc. So, the plan is implemented in the following order.

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Studying the demand market by an entrepreneur

Having decided to open a smoking business, an entrepreneur must understand that such an idea came to his mind not only to him. Therefore, it will be necessary to study the existing market. What is the action plan? First, you will need to go shopping and markets and see the range of products offered, compare the cost of smoked meat and fish products from several manufacturers.

It will be necessary to observe the buyers and their preferences, ask the sellers which delicacies are better to buy. It is a good idea to conduct a social survey of the population, involving students for this purpose, who, for a small fee, will conduct a survey on questionnaire questions compiled by the businessman, and he will receive accurate information about the market for the consumption of smoked fish and meat. It will also be useful for the businessman himself to try the products of his future competitors in order to know their taste. All these actions will give the businessman an accurate picture of the market, and he will understand that it is better to smoke.

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Room and equipment for a smokehouse

If an entrepreneur wishes to sell smoke-smelling delicacies in the market, he can smoke meat or fish even at home or in some outbuilding. If the business is serious, then the businessman will not be satisfied with a homemade smokehouse. You need to open a whole shop for smoking products. You will need a good room with an area of ​​​​at least 100 square meters. m, in which such a workshop will be arranged. The sanitary service imposes a number of requirements on industrial premises. The most important of them is the remoteness of the workshop from industrial enterprises and residential buildings by 300 meters.

It is very difficult to convert some old room into a workshop, since according to the Sanitary Rules and Norms (SanPiN) document, it must have a certain number of windows, the workshop should be provided with hot and cold water, sewerage, air conditioning and ventilation systems. From utility rooms, locker rooms and separate bathrooms, etc. are required. There is a way out of this seemingly difficult situation. Businessmen can rent or buy an ordinary canteen, during the construction of which all sanitary requirements were taken into account and the necessary premises are available.

As for equipment, any smokehouse should be equipped with separate refrigerators for storing raw materials and finished products. It is advised to purchase used refrigerated sea containers instead. You will need baths for washing fish or meat, technological tables, cutting boards and knives. And of course, you will need to purchase a camera for smoking products (electric smokehouse). Currently, it can even be built with your own hands to reduce the cost of purchasing equipment.

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Who do you need to coordinate your business with?

Since the future business is related to food products, SES will always be a serious controller of it. It is she who will monitor the quality of smoked products and the conditions in which they are produced. For each type of smoked fish and meat products, you will need to purchase quality certificates. In addition, once a month, the sanitary service will take samples in order to analyze the smoked products in the laboratory. The premises should be visited by employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and check how it is protected from fires, whether the products are smoked correctly, whether safety precautions are observed, and whether there is an evacuation plan from the premises. It will be necessary to coordinate their actions with the veterinary service, Rosprirodnadzor and Rostekhnadzor.

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Purchase of fish or meat products

Now a little about the purchase of raw materials. If we talk about semi-finished meat products for smoking, then you can buy meat at pig breeding complexes or from farms. You should first find out where the raw materials will cost less. And be sure to check the quality of the purchased meat. As for fish, it will be beneficial to smoke the one that swims in local reservoirs. Firstly, it is cheaper, since you do not need to spend money on long-distance transportation, and secondly, your own fish is always fresh. Thirdly, many buyers prefer to eat products from the raw materials of their region.

If we talk about sea fish, then there may be difficulties associated with the high cost of its delivery, but the business is just starting and you want not to spend a lot of money at first. Also, sometimes the fish can go to the businessman already spoiled. The frozen state of the product makes it difficult to identify its shortcomings. Unscrupulous suppliers can give out one type of fish for another or a product of less value - for high quality. All these properties of the product can be determined only by defrosting it, and only by an experienced technologist. Most manufacturers of smoked fish believe that if it has been frozen, then its quality will be low. Others do not pay attention to this and smoke any fish. What to do, each entrepreneur must decide for himself. But there will be more demand for a higher quality product.

In this material:

Why not bring joy to people and make a business on smoking products? After all, few people are indifferent to smoked meats. Almost everyone loves them, and not a single holiday can do without them.

Key Points When Starting This Business

The main feature, and even complexity, of this business is the premises for smoking meat or fish. His choice, rent and related particulars. Of course, if you conceived it not only for your friends, but plan to seriously deal with it. For example, sell at the local market. What is the peculiarity of the premises as such? It must meet sanitary and hygienic requirements. According to them, it should not be just a room. It should be a whole workshop for the processing of meat products. Only then will the smoking business bring results.

The standards that the state imposes on premises of this type are as follows:

  1. The workshop in which the smoking process takes place should be located no closer than 300 m from residential premises and educational institutions.
  2. Cold and hot water, ventilation, sewerage are mandatory conditions for starting a business.
  3. The area of ​​the room should not be less than 100 m².
  4. There must be office space, bathrooms, changing rooms.

In addition, state regulations regulate the number and height of windows, the quality of masonry on the walls, and a number of other requirements. So it’s not so easy to open your own smoking business. Rebuilding the existing sites and suitable for you at a price will not work in any way. Yes, building such a business from scratch is not easy. But there is one way out: rent or complete purchase of the premises, which were previously used as a dining room. Such premises were built in full compliance with state standards.

But here a second difficulty emerges. Do not forget about the state requirements published at the beginning of the paragraph. It should be not just a dining room that is suitable for the price, but one that meets all other requirements without question. For example, do not underestimate the canteen of the former factory. If it is slightly re-equipped, then up to 10 tons of smoked fish or meat can be produced in this workshop. So this business as a business is quite possible.

Main danger

What must be done before starting this business? First of all, you need to find those to whom you can supply these products. It is worth remembering that business owners suffer the greatest losses not when they come to them with checks. Not at all. They suffer the biggest losses when the warehouse is overstocked and the products begin to deteriorate. Plus, there is a risk in the form of non-return from stores. That is, the lack of profit from sales. But there is a way out, and it is quite possible to make it so that it also brings income, like a business, and at the same time gives pleasure.

Why is this happening? The main part of stores, especially supermarkets, make the price for the consumer unnecessarily high. As a result, the goods are not bought up due to the high cost. What's the way out of this? Has the idea of ​​smoking fish as a business failed? No, the way out is to cooperate with small grocery stores.

There is still a danger of opening such a business in the so-called "non-fish areas". As a rule, many men are fishermen there, and there is a reservoir, which is famous for its “fishing places”. You should not even open a similar business in such areas and spend big money on advertising.

Coordination is also an important aspect.

Each entrepreneur who has opened his own business selling smoked products should first register as an individual entrepreneur. Then you will have to face a large number of departments to coordinate their actions. These are the following organizations:

  1. Fire Department;
  2. Rosprirodnadzor;
  3. Rostechnadzor;
  4. Veterinary service.

Do not forget about obtaining a certificate of product quality. A smoked product, like others, requires confirmation by a certificate. In order for an entrepreneur to be allowed to trade, it is worth passing a special test.

What equipment is needed to open and operate a smokehouse?

It depends on the size of the business being opened, in which the sale of smoked meat or fish can be called the main product. If this is a mini-business, then you will need a smokehouse, which you can buy relatively cheaply or make yourself.

A smokehouse can be bought on average from 5,000 to 35,000 rubles. The exact price depends on many factors. In particular, from the region in which it is planned to open a smokehouse. For large-scale production, you will need additional equipment:

  1. Baths for washing products.
  2. Refrigerators.
  3. Crates with skewers in which smoking is carried out.

It is not necessary to have all the equipment. In each production, its set is different, and this is permissible.

Refrigerators for industrial production of such products can cost 100,000 rubles or so. There are many requirements for equipment. For example, raw materials that are being prepared for manufacture and finished products must be stored separately. And the sanitization of tables, knives, etc. is obligatory. after every shift.

What else is important to pay attention to? Check the expiration date and the conditions in which raw materials were stored. It is better to choose the products that are not in doubt. If suddenly a product of inadequate quality appears in the store, it will not be easy to regain consumer confidence.

You should not purchase products directly from shopping centers. This is not economically viable. It is better to buy goods from the manufacturer. For example, these can be pig farms, fish factories, etc. Manufacturers usually have the necessary quality certificates. Fish, all stages of smoking of which took place at home, is considered to be of better quality. That is, a small business with the right "promotion" can bring considerable income.

When will the costs pay off?

If you approach each point of starting a business correctly, then the costs can pay off in six months. But this will happen only if there are no failures, and if the entrepreneur has gone through all the stages as clearly as possible. In particular, if he managed to choose the right workers.

Hiring smokehouse employees is an important step. It would be better if they have work experience, because food production is a very responsible business. And the quality of products directly depends on the experience of employees.

The number of employees depends on the scale of the enterprise and the experience of the entrepreneur. If a businessman is young, and not so much in terms of age as in terms of experience, he can hire 1-3 assistants.

A large enterprise needs more people. For example, it will not be superfluous to hire an accountant and a deboner. You can open a shop for finished products, if there are conditions for this and there will be a demand for it. In any case, then you will also need a seller.

What kind of fish is suitable for salting and smoking?

It is more correct and more profitable to carry out these manipulations with the fish that swims in your local reservoirs. Or with meat that is found in the region. The consumer likes it, it suits the concept of restaurants and cafes, because they usually rely on local "gifts of nature".

Many people think that it is better to buy raw materials in remote areas. They are wrong. It's not good for small businesses. The freight transportation infrastructure in our country is too unreliable. This significantly hinders the development of such a business as the production of smoked meats.

If an entrepreneur nevertheless chose this path, then he must have a food technologist on his staff, and he must be highly qualified and with extensive work experience.

He must be able to determine the state by one type of frozen meat or fish. This person is an important condition for such a business as smoking to develop.

By the way, according to the rules, frozen fish cannot be smoked. Anyone who follows this rule will have a business - smoking will surely turn out well.

When choosing fish smoking as a business, you need to understand that this area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity has quite high competition in the market. Many entrepreneurs are engaged in smoking at home, while also being fishermen. This article will discuss how to set up a business, what nuances must be taken into account and what to look for when organizing your own smoking production.

general information

Like any other business, the smoking business has a number of its own characteristics. If you plan to open a production facility aimed at a wide range of consumers, you should equip the premises, following numerous sanitary and hygienic requirements.

The situation is much simpler if you want to start smoking fish at home for personal consumption and for minimal sales in the local market. This will require very little investment and a little of your own effort. Let's talk in detail about what is needed to create your own mini-production.

First steps

Considering fish smoking as a business, it should be understood that in the first place you will need production facilities. This will be the main and most costly part of the future business. Not everyone can afford to build their own turnkey smoking shop, so entrepreneurs prefer to rent ready-made production facilities.

Since there are a lot of requirements for the premises, canteens in industrial areas can be considered as an object. In addition to the fact that they are being built in accordance with all regulations and norms, their location will correspond to one of the conditions for the creation of a smoking shop, namely: its location is not less than 300 meters from residential buildings.

The direction you have chosen has a high level of risk according to the SES classification. That is why this body has a lot of requirements and standards for the opening of the workshop.

SanPiN norms

SanPiN sets out in detail the rules for organizing the production and sale of fish products. We will not describe in detail the entire section, but only dwell on those points that relate directly to the smoking shop.

Requirements for the organization of a smokehouse

1. The production of smoking fish products, in addition to the premises where the main technological processes are carried out (cutting, defrosting, salting and leveling), must necessarily be equipped with the following rooms:

  • a refrigerated room for a daily supply of raw materials;
  • room for the preparation of saline solution;
  • a room for packaging finished products;
  • refrigerator for temporary storage of finished products;
  • a room for sanitizing returnable packaging;
  • a room for drying and storing containers;
  • container warehouse with a site for its repair;
  • a room for storing sawdust and fuel, as well as detergents and disinfectants, smoke liquid;
  • storage room for auxiliary and packaging materials.

2. Smoking chambers must be equipped with tight-closing doors, hatches and mechanical exhaust ventilation.

3. Elements of the smokehouse (ramrod, slats, etc.) must be doubled. They are sanitized once per shift. Chambers and cages are treated once a week.

4. Thermometers, psychrometers and moisture meters should be installed in smoking chambers to control temperature and humidity. Their testimony is recorded in special journals. Hot smoked fish must have an inside temperature of at least 80 degrees.

5. Raw materials for the production of smoked products must comply with the requirements of regulatory documents.

6. Finished products must be quickly cooled (to a temperature of 20 degrees), packed and placed in a refrigerator. Until the moment of sale, hot smoked products should be stored at a temperature of -2 ... +2, cold smoked - -5 ... 0 degrees.

7. Hot-smoked fish before freezing should not be stored for more than 12 hours from the moment it was unloaded from the smoking oven. Freezing of fish occurs immediately after cooling, the temperature should not exceed minus 18 degrees.

8. Containers for packaging (boxes) of smoked fish must have openings on the end sides.

9. When producing smoked balyk products in small packages, it is necessary that all inventory has its own marking.

10. Slices and pieces are stacked with special forks or spatulas.

11. Tables, cutting boards that are used in the processing of fish must be washed with a hot solution of soda ash (5%), then disinfected, rinsed and dried.

12. The export of finished products and the supply of raw materials must be carried out through separate entrances and elevators.

13. Transportation, storage and sale of hot and cold smoked finished products must be carried out in accordance with the requirements for perishable products.

In addition to the SES, it is necessary to coordinate the opening of production with Rosprirodnadzor, the veterinary and fire services, and Rostekhnadzor.

Equipment costs

Equipment for smoking fish can be purchased and installed with a relatively small amount of money available - about 300 thousand rubles. This is taking into account the fact that you will purchase it not new, but used. For work you will need:

  • refrigerators for storage of raw materials;
  • baths for washing and salting products.

Smoker selection

There is a large selection of smoke chambers with different technical characteristics on the market today. Imported smoking equipment can provide minimal profitability when processing from 8 to 10 tons per day. Small enterprises that do not have such volumes may pay attention to domestic units. Their price starts from 130 thousand rubles.

Smokehouses for small businesses make it possible to make production profitable when loading 200-300 kg per day. This can be a good option not only for start-up entrepreneurs, but also for those who are going to expand. Having assembled a line of 5-6 units, it is possible to ensure the processing of 8-10 tons of finished products per day. Smokehouses for small businesses will increase the economic efficiency of the equipment.

Raw material

Now let's talk about raw materials. Namely, about what will be smoked and where to come from. You need to develop a range of products based on the culinary preferences of the inhabitants of your region. It is also desirable to buy fish in your city or region. This moment is fundamentally important, since only by reducing the time of transportation will you be able to get a high-quality and fresh product that has all the necessary documentation.

Therefore, when choosing fish smoking as a business, carefully study the market of raw material suppliers so as not to incur losses in the future. After all, you risk not only your money, but also the taste of the product. Focusing on small industrial volumes, you should not order 20 tons of fish.

Quality issues of purchased raw materials and finished products are among the most important that you may encounter when starting a business. Without the necessary education in this area, think about a technologist and a specialist in quality control of incoming products. The latter may be part-time and a veterinarian. He has the right to write out all the necessary accompanying documents for finished products.

Sales and risks

An entrepreneur who smokes fish at home does not expect a big sale. It is enough to have a point in the local market, regular customers, and the products will be sold out. Another thing is if the volumes of finished smoked fish are quite high, and sales are not properly established. Products are stored in a warehouse for a long time and deteriorate due to short sales periods.

A well-established sales network will be the key to success. You can conclude contracts with large retail chains. But you should evaluate the share of risks when working with such giants. They tend to greatly inflate retail prices, while achieving maximum profit. Customer demand is down, stock is spoiled due to short shelf life, and you have returns of expired products from customers.

A good solution would be to open your own small outlet. In addition, you can provide products for sale to small stores, where, subject to a certain level of retail prices, you can get guaranteed sales of your products and low returns.


When choosing fish smoking as a business, do not forget that the basis of the enterprise should be the high quality of your products. By sticking to traditional recipes, using fruit sawdust and firewood, and purchasing high-quality and fresh raw materials, you will be able to win the trust of customers and earn a good reputation for your company. And that is the key to a successful business.