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How to sell yourself and your product. Secret technologies for quick sales of any product on the market. The secret of successful sales

Sales is one of the most controversial and promising professions in the world. Sales are carried out by people, both without higher education, and with three educations and an academic degree. Sales are handled by salespeople behind the counter and executives of large companies in large, spacious offices.

A lot of people love to sell, and a lot of people hate to do it. But it is sales that can help you always have an interesting job, generous bonuses for your efforts, and opportunities for self-development that you will not get in any other profession.

Salesmen are not born, anyone can learn to sell, man or woman, young or old, with an economic or technical education.

Here are 17 success rules that will help you learn how to sell:

1. Set yourself a goal.

Until you say the following phrases to yourself, declare your intention and believe in your own strength, you will not be successful in sales. Phrases for self-motivation for sales training:

- “Yes, I want to learn how to sell!”

- "It is important for me to learn how to sell!"

- "I take responsibility for my development and my success"

“I promise myself to achieve my goals”

2. Imagine the future.

Imagine yourself in a year, you know how to sell well and earn several times more than now. Imagine what you would like to achieve in a year, what to buy, where to go, where to live. Imagine all this in such a way that you want to achieve it. Do you really need it? Why are you going to learn how to sell? It's worth it! Then go ahead!

Think about what you do best when interacting with people. What is the most difficult for you. Every day choose one of your strengths and one of your weaknesses and set yourself such tasks to make them stronger and stronger. Strengthen what is given and tighten weaknesses. For example, if you find it difficult to work with the client's objections, then devote time to this every day (write down the most, and look for information on how to respond to them so that you always have convincing answers to "Expensive", "I'll think", "I I’m just looking”, “I don’t need anything”, “You didn’t convince me”, etc.)

4. Study your product and your competitors' products.

Find out everything about your product, ask customers what they especially like, why they buy. What were they compared to when choosing? You will soon become an expert and will be consulted.

5. Watch other sellers.

Notice what you like about the behavior of other sellers and try to do the same. The most interesting finds include your vendor arsenal. Look at other people's mistakes. Think about how you could serve the customer differently.

6. Ask buyers for advice.

Never argue with a buyer. It is better to find out why he thinks so, that he will advise how he thinks it is better in this or that situation. If the Buyer refuses to buy, ask if he can give you advice for the future as a seller.

7. Find a mentor.

8. Read 2 sales books per month.

Yes. Two books per month. You already know everything, there is nothing new in them. Sales books are for beginners. It is because you think so that you now have such results. Look for diamonds, don't reinvent the wheel. Download materials from the book "111 tips for salespeople. How to become a better salesperson" (Google Drive link)

9. Analyze your work.

At the end of each day, ask yourself what you did best and worst in sales for the whole day. Analyze your work and draw conclusions. There are no conclusions - there is no development.

10. Work for the future.

Do your job 10% better than expected. And in a year you will receive 50% more than expected. To receive, you must first invest.

11. Be persistent, confident and patient.

Try to help the person as much as possible, at the moment of communication with the buyer, this is the most important person in the world for you. Listen, clarify, demonstrate confidence and desire to help. Take as much time as you need. It may seem to you that this buyer will never buy, but if you analyze 100 of your buyers, you will see that they made the largest purchases thanks to your attention, and you could not always imagine that they will buy so many from you.

12. Build loyal customers.

Think ahead, offer what the buyer will only think about tomorrow, help him see the future, seize new opportunities and get rid of problems. Include personal communication, charm and invite buyers to come back again. Exchange contacts with buyers, sell to friends and friends of their friends.

13. Be good listeners.

Ask questions, ask more and talk less. Successful sellers know how to make the client tell everything about himself, and even sell to himself, what you wanted to tell him. Learn to be doubly attentive listeners on the phone, be sure to develop your phone sales skills on!

14. Never give up.

There will always be failures. Rejoice in them - they develop you. What has this failure taught you? What will you do differently next time?

15. Attend sales training.

Each sales training gives you as much experience and practice as you get in half a year of successful work in sales. Trainings develop you instantly, trainings save you time, trainings help you improve what is difficult for you to develop in yourself without other people. Attend all the trainings that you can attend in the company, and if there are none, then go to a good open training in your city. Invest in yourself, this investment pays off the fastest! This is the quality of your life!

16. Create your environment.

Connect more with people who believe in you, support you, and inspire you.

17. Always keep developing.

Life is an escalator - which goes down, as soon as you stop your development, there will be a lot of temptations to waste your strength, time and energy. Think about the future. Live in the present. Sell ​​with pleasure. Be sincere. With your help, every day there are more joyful and contented people in the world! The buyer is your friend, take care, help him in his situation and he will come back again and again.

Have you decided to improve your level in sales?

Ask your manager if your company plans to train you and your colleagues in sales trainings in the near future!

Say that the fastest way to increase sales is to invite a sales trainer directly to your office to conduct training for all sales staff at once!

We can offer your company the following assistance:

Analysis of commercial offers and emails (want to find out how smart and attractive what you send them looks like?)

Ask a sales question!

Selling a product is not as difficult as it seems. A sales strategy is based on what you are selling, to whom you are selling, and how you are selling. In addition, you should also take into account the characteristics of the product and customers. As you fully expand your business, you will need to monitor changes in customer preferences, needs, and desires. If you keep track of these changes, you will be able to adjust your tactics and increase sales.


Demonstration of the useful qualities of the product

    Show your customer how much you love your product. A good seller believes in their product and communicates their passion for it to the buyer. There are many ways to express your love for a product.

    • Watch your body movements and intonations. If you clearly describe your product, your energy and enthusiasm will be transferred to customers. Do not be indifferent to the product in conversations about it with customers. If you speak incoherently or cross your arms over your chest when customers ask questions, you will seem like an aloof salesperson who doesn't care about the product.
    • Be prepared to discuss how you use the product or how other satisfied customers are doing it. Special stories make the product closer to customers. For example, if you sell shampoo, a story like this would work: "My hair is usually very frizzy, but when I started using this shampoo, it straightened out and became the way it is now."
  1. Study your product. If you can answer all customer questions and give them the information they need, they will know that you are truly passionate about your product. If the product seems worthy to you, there is a high probability that customers will think the same way.

    • It is extremely important to know the product inside and out. If you don't know something the client is asking about, try answering something like this: "I don't have a definitive answer to this question, but I can figure it out. How can I best contact you when I know the answer to your question?" "
  2. Highlight the benefits of the product. It is important not only to give customers information about the product, but also to present its characteristics as useful qualities. So it will be easier for the client to understand why he needs this product. Try to answer the following questions:

    • Will the product make the customer's life easier?
    • Will the product create a feeling of luxury?
    • Can many people use this item?
    • Can the product be used for a long time?
  3. How to find a common language with a client

    1. Learn to understand the motives of customers. You will need to answer all the questions about the product that customers will ask you, but more importantly, you will need to anticipate these questions. This will let customers know that you understand what they need. You must be able to establish an emotional connection with the client by understanding the needs of this person.

      • Think about who usually buys your product. What motivates the client? What are his needs? Are the clients young? What is their marital and financial status? Do they have a family?
      • Once you understand who your customer is, think about how your product can meet their needs and desires.
    2. Practice connecting with clients. If you are in direct sales, how you communicate with people is extremely important. Don't ask simple questions like "How can I help you?" - better ask like this: "Are you looking for something for yourself? Or as a gift for a loved one?" Be prepared to talk about a product that will interest the customer and develop the conversation. For example, if you're selling clothes, the conversation might start like this: "You know, it's very popular these days to have scary Christmas sweater parties. Have you ever been to an event like this?"

      Link customer motives to product features. In marketing, this is called positioning. It consists in bringing the goods to the needs and desires of the client. When positioning a product, it is important to consider several factors:

      • Take the most profitable niche in the market. Don't over or under rank a product in terms of affordability and luxury.
      • Present the facts about the product individually to each buyer. You may have many different facts in store, but it is up to you to decide which of them should be mentioned in each case.
      • Do not distort the facts and do not lie. Positioning is perception, not deception.
      • Present the facts so that they speak for themselves. The product sells the positive qualities that every customer is looking for. Companies such as Coca-Cola, Apple, and many others are doing this very well. Think not only about the product's function, but also how it will fit into the customer's lifestyle and whether it will align with their values.
      • For example, if you want to sell a rather expensive minivan to a wealthy older person, mention the characteristics associated with luxury. You can say this: "Pay attention to the finish - it's just chic. The chairs are covered with soft leather, and they are very comfortable to sit in. This car is great for a quiet drive in the evening."
      • If you need to sell the same car to a family with three children, you need to pay more attention to the functionality of such a car. For example, this: "The third row of seats will allow you to put more friends here. When they fold, there is room in the car for shopping bags, sports equipment and other things. In addition, side airbags and anti-lock braking system are included in the basic package. "
    3. Lead the customer to buy. There are many ways to do this, but it's best to use specific phrases. When you are sure that the customer is interested in your product, say the following: "Does this product suit you?" or "What do you think? Is this exactly what you're looking for?"

      Give the client time to think. Persistence often turns customers away. Perhaps the client wants to go home and look for more information on the Internet. Let him do it without losing his enthusiasm. If you told the truth, tried to help, considered the client's needs, and were proactive, and the information the client finds online matches what you said, the person is more likely to come back to you.

Once the famous American manager Buck Rogers remarked: “ A poorly trained salesperson insults customers and wastes their time».

This is especially true for those sellers who offer expensive goods to their customers.

Agree, to buy, for example, chewing gum or chocolate, it takes a few seconds to think. Please don't be sorry.

But to decide to purchase an apartment in the city center - here we are talking about weeks, or even months. And it will be very disappointing if the sales manager works “idle”, describing to the client some delights of life in the very center of the metropolis.

"Thanks, Cap. But somehow this is not enough.”

The customer is without a purchase, and the seller is without money.

The specifics of sales of expensive goods has a number of its own characteristics. Methods and techniques for implementing simple things do not work here.

Today we want to talk about how to sell such products to the end consumer using text. You will learn 11 ways to convince potential customers.

What goods will we call "expensive"?

We are talking about expensive things in the B2C segment. It can be cars, yachts, real estate, branded clothing, jewelry, antiques, luxury furniture…

All that for which the client will have to pay a large amount of money.

Of course, expensive goods are also found in the B2B sector (equipment, transport assets, raw material bases, etc.). But this is a slightly different direction of sales - its own decision-making process. We will definitely talk about it another time.

Now our task is to sell an elite item of trade to a private person.

11 ways to sell an expensive product

1. Detailed presentation

This is what we talked about at the very beginning. Selling a chocolate bar doesn't take much time or effort. In principle, there is no need for "tons" of information. Enough main advantages and a good offer.

But the more expensive the product, the more serious and detailed should be its presentation. Here the client is already interested in every little thing, any, even the smallest detail.

The presentation of the product itself is an order of magnitude more complicated.

The text should convey the most complete information that will be of interest to a potential client. Naturally, within reason (without going to extremes, that, say, there is a white filler in a leather sofa).

2. Accurate numbers

Try to provide accurate and "detailed" numbers. The use of all kinds of "rounding" is unacceptable here. If the starting offer is 18,038 rubles, then there is no need to artificially lower the price to an even figure - 18,000 rubles.

Remember, the “smoother and smoother” the indicated amount, the more questions and mistrust it causes.

Another trick - it is advisable to prescribe discounts and promotions in terms of money, and not as a percentage. Let's say "discount for this model is 3500 rubles", and not "we offer a 7% discount for this heading".

Agree, 3500 rubles "look" much more attractive than 7%.

3. Exclusion of "cheap" evaluation degrees

Firstly, you should not frankly compare the offered product with its analogues from other stores (in the style "our car is much cooler than ____, which is exhibited by our" neighbors ").

Secondly, try to avoid any evaluative degrees in the text. They can significantly reduce the effectiveness of the selling text.

For example:

“Yes, you can find cheaper shoes. But it won't be Christian anymore Louboutin'.

“You are not satisfied with cheap accessories, like everyone else? Looking for more expensive cufflinks?

4. Answers to questions

Immediately prepare for the fact that there will definitely be questions from the client. However, they are even in the process of selling ordinary goods, but not in such quantities. The task of the selling text is to predict them (give a complete answer).

What should be considered?

To begin with, be aware of the fact that the client is already prepared to some extent - armed with knowledge.

So, let's say, if a man buys a new car for himself, then he knows exactly how to drive it, and what technical characteristics should be paid close attention to.

Simply put, you need to study the product in detail and put yourself in the place of the client. Then prepare a list of questions that may be asked by the potential buyer. And write the answers in the text.

5. Future Savings

As practice shows, a person is more likely to make a positive purchase decision if he is offered savings (of his time, effort, banknotes). And the offer “product + GIFT” will be less effective.

This can be represented as follows:

"You buy a ____ watch and get a stylish banknote clip as a gift."

“You buy a ____ watch that will serve you for many years with perfect accuracy to the second. And this means that you always arrive on time for important meetings and give the impression of a serious, punctual person..

Of course, the second option is much "more voluminous". But this is specifically to show you the main point.

We think the direction is clear.

6. Elimination of psychological barriers

Sometimes a client who has already tuned in to a serious purchase has a certain psychological barrier. He does not allow him to easily say “YES” to you.

Remember your emotions when the closer you were “brought” to the purchase, the more doubts formed (“do I need it”, “maybe I shouldn’t rush”, “I still have time to think”, etc.).

A good sales copy should overcome barriers with interesting arguments.

These arguments can be used:

  • Getting a new status (" you buy the legendary RollsRoyce, which is in almost every garage of Hollywood celebrities»).
  • advantageous component (“this is Justina Copanya - her works are increasing in price every day, imagine how much the paintings will cost in a few years”).
  • New opportunities ( “becoming the owner of this SUPER-bike, you can try your hand in 2 months - take part in the annual competition ____”).

This is just a small part of what can be offered to clients. Search and find your solution.

7. Specifications and benefits

Everyone knows about this, but many either safely forget, or do not quite understand correctly.

If the sales text lists only technical characteristics, he will not show a high result (as well as a sales manager who knows the main “data” of the product, but does not draw appropriate conclusions from them).

Only benefits, and everything for the client:

"These earrings are made of 14k red gold, so your ears will be protected from irritation and any other discomfort".

“The apartment is located in fact, a three-minute walk from the metro station, so you can quickly and easily get to any area of ​​the city, bypassing all traffic jams”.

8. Prestige owner

A great way to make a neat "pressure" on a potential client.

Buying expensive goods implies the formation or strengthening of the prestige of the new owner.

Everything is elementary. If we were talking about simple things, then, most likely, this technique could be called “social evidence”.

But we offer expensive goods. And the reviews of "Petya, Sveta, Vova" are not suitable.

So, we will use big names whenever possible:

“Movie stars such as ____ have already bought apartments in this house.”

“This costume is especially popular among French socialites. And from France itself, as you know, fashion begins..

“Yes, the tie costs $1200. But, if you watched the latest episode of the James Bond film, you noticed that the main character complemented his image with the same model..

9. Switching on emotions

We all know that the longer a person spends with a product, the more difficult it is for him to part with it. The standard situation is when we are asked to hold a thing in our hands or try on a coat we like.

In the selling text, this approach is excluded. But we do not despair and connect a little trick - we ignite emotions with words.

“Look how the diamonds sparkle. And this is just a photograph. But diamonds are living stones. Now imagine how they will play on your finger".

10. Observance of courtesy

The selling text should not aggressively "push" expensive goods to the client (according to the principle " there is a lot of money, you can offer to buy from overclocking»).

This is a special culture of politeness that does not accept extremes (by the way, we already talked about how to contact wealthy people in the article “ How to Seduce VIP Clients with Text» ).

Some step over the line. As a result, the client reads impudent exhortations or pleading requests. However, there will still be no result.

Only dignity, courtesy, delicacy and close attention to the client.

11. Selling to multiple people

It happens that a product is chosen immediately for many people (family, two lovers, friends).

For example, young families often buy an apartment, cars change with the advent of children, and elite apartments are rented for parties with friends.

The seller (in our case, the text) must convince not one person to buy the goods, but a group of people at once. This is a rather difficult task, since the decision here is made by everyone in their own way.

Let's say you're selling a family-type yacht. What can be offered to a man? The first is the unique "working" indicators and speed. But a woman will be interested in the comfort of staying, external and internal decoration, space for children.

The selling text must find the right arguments for each person who, one way or another, makes a purchase decision.

It is important.


Selling expensive goods requires a serious attitude. You can’t relax, believing that rich people buy expensive goods - accordingly, they make a positive purchase decision easier and faster.

A client who has decided to spend an impressive amount of money wants to clearly understand WHY he should give this amount to you.

The answer to this question is the essence of the selling text.

That's all.

Spring and always sunny mood for you.

Sales is one of the controversial professions in the world. Both people with higher education and without it can be engaged in them. Salespeople are not born, they are made. Let's figure out how to learn how to sell as efficiently as possible.

How to learn how to sell any product

Learning how to sell is pretty easy if you have the right skills and can easily learn new material. The ideal salesperson must understand the line between helpfulness and dignity. Customers need to be catered to, not "creeped" in front of them. For this, a greeting, a polite smile and an even tone are enough. Do not be afraid of failure. Even the best baseball players in the world miss 8 out of 10 attempts. In sales, this statistic is even worse. The seller must be sure of the quality of the goods. To do this, it is better to study it fully and be ready to answer any questions. Moreover, it is possible to sell correctly, using the shortcomings of the goods. So did James Young, manager of J. Walter Thompson, in 1941. The company received a batch of apples with black dots. He sent them all to customers with a note that the fruits were grown in ecological conditions, and the black dots are a sign of quality. To sell successfully, it is important to stand out from the crowd. When there were so many product catalogs that they no longer fit on the shelf, customers stopped studying them. They just took the catalog from above. Noticing this feature, 3Suisses simply reduced the size of the catalog. Sellers were forced to lay it on top. This move dramatically increased the company's profits.

10 rules for successful sales (in the store)

Trading has always been a popular way to make money. However, only those who know the secrets of sales and know how to sell with their help achieve success in this area. Let's consider them in more detail. Greetings Imagine that you want to listen to new hits on the radio. But, turning on the device, they got on the wave with boring songs. What will you do? Turn off the device. The same thing happens with the client. With a boring greeting, he simply does not want to buy anything. Customers should be greeted with a smile and a friendly tone of voice. As a sign of respect, the employee should turn his body to the buyer. From the first seconds of communication, the visitor should experience comfort and attention. The purpose of the first contact is to arouse the interest and trust of the client. The buyer should see the agent as an expert who is ready to help solve the problem. The seller must be able to listen to the client, understand his fears and problems. Only then can he understand what products to present. To identify the need, you should ask leading questions. Closed questions require a short yes or no answer. They should not be asked at the initial and final stages of the conversation. Experienced buyers build offers so that the client gives only a positive answer:
    "No one wants to pay more, right?"
A normal person will answer questions in the affirmative. This will give you an opportunity to talk about tariffs. Open questions provide for a detailed answer:
    Which phone do you like? Why this model? What is important for you in choosing a model? What price limits are we talking about?
The answers contain the motivation and priorities of the buyer.

Offer Having determined the needs of the client, learn to offer him a couple of products to choose from. You should start with the most expensive option. Do not wait until the client chooses the product on his own. The task of the seller is to promote the most interesting proposals for the price. To achieve the result, you should name the properties and describe the benefits of each of the proposed options. If the client does not immediately agree, you should ask a clarifying question and offer another suitable option. Having a promotion for a certain position will only increase the attractiveness of the product. Offer them immediately when greeting and during the presentation, but keep it short. If a person is interested in a special offer, only then should you talk about the conditions. Demonstration or presentation of goods The client does not buy a product, but the ability to interest the seller. Therefore, you should be well prepared for the presentation of products. It is necessary to demonstrate the phone in operation, focusing on its strongest points. Show a high zoom when shooting a store interior, let you listen to music from high-quality speakers or turn on a photo editor. It should demonstrate in the work the strongest aspects of the product that will meet the needs of the client. During the presentation, you should have a dialogue with the buyer in order to understand whether you are moving in the right direction. Transfer to hand Demonstration of the goods will attract attention and cause a desire to buy goods only for visuals, a story about the characteristics - for auditory. Kinesthetics should be allowed to hold the phone in their hands. This will allow the client to imagine himself as the owner of the equipment. If the client has additional questions during the inspection of the device. The seller must promptly respond to them. Such people perceive the world around them through the organs of touch and smell. They don't know how to hide their emotions. If they like the device, they will want to buy it. In general, any person wants to experience comfort and strives for this with all his might. However, for kinesthetics, this need is a powerful incentive to take action, and in this case, to buy a new phone. Offer of related services, accessories An interesting case, protective glass and fashionable headphones will only increase the pleasure of using the product. If a person does not buy them from you, then he will purchase accessories in another store. Offer related things should be unobtrusive and as necessary. To do this, you need to know not only the product range, but also the compatibility of the smartphone with the headset. The installation of software and its configuration should be promoted in the same way as the phone itself. That is, first identify the need, then talk about the characteristics and benefits. A wealthy person may well be attracted by saving several hours of time for installing smartphone management programs. Lead to purchase When a person has familiarized himself with all the characteristics of the device, saw it in operation and even tested it, he is ready to make a decision. In this case, the Socratic method of three yeses can be applied. Having answered yes three times, the client will give the same answer to the fourth question.
    Are you ready to buy this phone? Do you want to buy a product for a promotion? How do you want to pay? Making a deal?
A person may decide to buy, but not have enough funds with him. In this case, you should specify the term of the transaction and tell about the payment options. Today, shops, in addition to cash and non-cash payments, also offer a loan or installment plan. The conditions for using the last two products should be explained in more detail or the person should be referred to a loan adviser. Checkout After the client has agreed to the purchase, the process of processing the transaction begins. The first step is to issue an invoice. If the client plans to pay with his own funds, then he is sent to the cashier. If the client wants to apply for an installment plan or a loan, he is referred to a loan consultant. While the process of payment and / or approval of the application by the bank is underway, the goods are being prepared for release: programs are installed, the equipment is checked for operability. The client himself must verify the quality of the selected product model: scroll through the phone screen, insert a SIM card, make a call to relatives, etc. Completion of the purchase After testing the products and completing the paperwork, the goods and all accessories are packed in the original box. A set of mandatory documents includes: a check, a consignment note, a loan agreement, a warranty card for equipment, a store business card. If the buyer is not satisfied with the quality of the purchased goods, he has the right to return it within the first 14 days from the date of purchase. The countdown starts from the date indicated in the check. The store accepts the goods if there is an original packaging. Therefore, even if you bought a phone and intend to start using it right away, you should pick up the box from the device. Farewell to the client After the transaction is completed, say goodbye to the client and wish him a good day. The correctness of the final stage depends on whether the client will return to the store for a new purchase, whether he will recommend the outlet to his friends.

Complete the transaction with the client with the following phrases:
    “Congratulations on a successful purchase! In the near future we are expected to update the range. We invite you to the presentation!” “All the best! We are waiting for you to visit!” “Goodbye! Have a good day."
These phrases should be spoken kindly. If a favorable impression is made on the customer, he will return to the store again for a new purchase.

The psychology of the buyer or how to learn to sell

Each person in life acts simultaneously as a seller of his knowledge and experience, and a consumer of various goods. As it shows, the most demanding buyer is the seller of a particular product. You can sell absolutely anything The secret to successful sales lies in determining the motivation of the buyer. A person pays not for a thing, but for a result. There can be many motivations for buying, but only one will dominate:
    the desire to get rid of unpleasant sensations; the desire to get pleasant sensations.
Let's see how these two motivations work with an example. The client contacts the travel agency for a ticket. With the help of leading questions, the manager tries to determine the need. In the first case, a person wants to go on vacation to get a tan and meet new people, and in the second - to take a break from work. The task of the manager is to correctly identify this motivation. Most often, the buyer does not know what he wants to buy. Sales analysis uses the principle of a marketing funnel. Its pinnacle is the target audience, people who still can't decide on a choice. The middle layer is potential customers who actively collect information on how to solve their problems. The base of the pyramid is the buyer who has made a clear choice. The store is most often visited by the target audience. There are only a few customers who purposefully came for one product. Unless it's about buying food. How quickly a client turns into a buyer depends on the quality of the manager’s work. If a person left without a purchase, then this is the fault of the seller The probability that a person will go to a large supermarket and be left without a purchase is almost zero. Who wouldn't want to buy a pill with a bouquet that will keep the flowers in the vase longer than usual? Or an adapter to connect the keyboard to a new gadget? For the same reason, cashiers are left with only the most popular goods that all customers may need (cigarettes, lighters, batteries). Customers are offended if they are trying not to sell, but to sell the goods. This is a situation in which a person purchases food and is offered a toilet brush at a discount. They do not buy a product, but your ability to sell The following tips from Gil Konrath will help managers in any field learn how to sell and increase conversions:
    Focus on the buyer. When sending a new letter or publishing a promotion, answer the question: “How is it beneficial for the buyer?”. Study customers. You can quickly get information about the lead, his habits and values ​​​​from social networks. A clear definition of the target audience minimizes the number of bad leads. Help the person solve his problem, and he will buy anything from you. Every presentation should capture the emotions of the buyer. It may be one or two sensations, but they must be strong.

How to quickly sell goods online

Online business is one of the attractive activities, but here the question often arises, how to learn how to sell goods or services on the Internet? To be successful here, you need:
    Occupy a niche with minimal demand. It will not be possible to earn big money on a well-studied product, and it will take a long time to look for buyers for a unique product. Management should be organized correctly. If at the first stages the entrepreneur can independently supervise all issues, then with the growth of sales, you need to learn how to delegate authority. Documentation, calling customers and delivering goods should be handled by different people.Create your own website. For quick sales of one product, you can use a one-page. To demonstrate a wide range of products, you will have to develop a multi-page resource with a detailed catalog. Think over distribution channels. In the early stages, you can use bulletin boards. With an increase in business, apply contextual advertising and coupons.
Food trade dictates tough conditions. High competition, focus on consumers with low income requires a clear price control. The financial burden increases due to fluctuations in the ruble exchange rate and the need to constantly keep mass consumption products in stock. layout How to display products in a showcase?
    Visually, so that the buyer can view the products. System: goods of the same group must be posted in one place. Compatible. You can not combine dry and wet products in one display case. Products that absorb odors should be kept away from spices and baked goods. You should also consider the aesthetic design of the hall. In sufficient quantities. The product must be displayed in full assortment for each item. The latter are determined based on current demand, showcase area and current promotions.

How to propose correctly
    Prepare a range of products. If you are selling unique or high quality products, such as vegetables from your garden, put them up for sale and let the customer know. The product should be placed under the cover. Otherwise, it will lose its salable appearance, and with it its value. Each item must have a price tag and information about the current promotion. New items can be offered to customers for testing. Wholesale prices can be set for goods whose expiration date is coming to an end. Expired items should be removed from the counter immediately. The sale of such goods may lead to administrative liability.
When can you bargain Bargaining should be done when only the cost of the goods stops a potential buyer. You need to do it right:
    Offer the lowest price first. The client will already start from it, choosing a more profitable option. Decide how much you yourself are ready to give for your products, starting from your own concept of value, and not from the price in the price list. Introduce a third party (friend or wife) into the transaction, on which it depends trading result. He may pretend to rush to a meeting, forcing the buyer to accept your price. Be prepared for a lengthy price discussion and do not give in to the buyer's turbulent emotions. Use a pause before accepting an offer from a rival. This will make him feel uncomfortable and make a better offer.
Shoes and clothes are things that everyone has. To learn how to sell them correctly, you should know the assortment well and take a responsible approach to business. The seller must be friendly Customers should be greeted with a smile, a short greeting. Do this unobtrusively, standing, turning your body towards the client. It is not worth approaching a person closer than arm's length. This is considered an invasion of privacy. The client can reduce the distance himself due to problems with vision or hearing. In this case, don't go too far. The purpose of this stage is to generate interest and trust in the agent. The client will not share his problems in an uncomfortable environment. The outcome of the transaction, the impression of the store as a whole, largely depends on the first contact with a person. Know the range, prices and sizes The customer comes to the store to solve their problem. To help him in this matter, become an expert. Do not just show shoes, give information about them, what material did you make, what season is it intended for? If the first pair of shoes doesn't fit, suggest another option. Over time, you will learn to recognize customers who have made a choice and potential buyers. In order to clearly define the need, you need to ask clarifying questions. The purpose of the seller is to satisfy every visitor to the store with a smile, greeting, unobtrusive communication.

Presentable products To sell shoes and clothes, you need to have classic models in all sizes in stock. You also need to find a supplier to buy goods at wholesale prices. Without such an investment of funds, it will not be possible to quickly sell the product. Whether purchased from a distributor or made in a workshop, all items must be presentable. If it is not possible to rent large trading platforms on your own, team up with a large distributor. The shabby appearance of the product greatly reduces its value. Such products will have to be sold through promotions and special offers. And not the fact that it will be possible to sell all the remnants. Assistance in selection, fitting Give the customer the opportunity to try on the first pair of shoes they like. That way you can make sure it's the right size. The latter may vary depending on the company and brand. If the chosen model is small, you should immediately bring another pair one size smaller. Offer similar products. Let's say a client is looking for skin-colored shoes with a small heel. He pointed to the chosen model and asked for a second pair. While looking for a shoe, grab a few similar ones from the warehouse. It is not always possible to put all models on the counter. In addition, shoes of the same brand and the same size may differ in length and width. He can choose the optimal pair from those offered. Small pertinent comments - compliments When presenting a thing, refer to celebrities. People are persuasive. If a person finds out that Kim Kardashian or Kobe Brian is wearing a similar pair, he will be interested in the product. If the buyer wants to emphasize his individuality, then the mention of big names can have the opposite effect. In such cases, it is better to give small but believable compliments. The emphasis should be on how the shoes themselves look if the buyer chooses from several models. The second option is to focus on style if the buyer chooses, for example, Nike sneakers. A little story about quality, company, brand Tell us about the quality, style and price of products, offer a system of discounts. This will arouse interest in a particular model. This can be done not only at a personal meeting, but also through a mobile application and sending messages in instant messengers. If you have a website, set aside a separate page for writing brief information about the company and brand. Do not describe the whole history since the company was founded. It is enough to provide brief information about the most significant results of the work. Create groups on social networks and send information to subscribers about promotions and special offers from the manufacturer. With such techniques, it is easier to sell slow-moving shoes or clothes from last season. If you know other effective tricks on how to learn how to sell, share them in the comments.


What are the two most common challenges salespeople face?

In doing research on what salespeople make mistakes before they learn how to sell properly, I've found that salespeople have the following problems:

* first - they cannot always start a conversation correctly, that is, establish contact,
* second - when it comes to the completion of the transaction, the seller begins to behave inappropriately, that is, he tenses up, blushes, stutters, or simply tries to touch on the topic of money as little as possible, and accordingly continues to make a presentation.

I really like to draw an analogy with how children communicate. Until they grow up, until we surround them with rules “how to behave in society”, they have no problems in communication. They can directly and easily make contact with a stranger without being embarrassed at all. It doesn't matter which person you want to talk to. Sometimes it doesn't hurt to learn from the kids. The philosopher and writer Ron Hubbard said very well about communication: “A person is as alive as he is able to communicate.”

We will consider in detail sales building system and sales motivation technologies on ,

If the seller is afraid of the buyer or is experiencing hidden aggression towards him, then it is quite difficult to disguise this: people, as a rule, are sensitive to such emotional manifestations, as this causes internal discomfort. In addition, the seller must understand that he needs to communicate a lot and do not forget that not every communication will be comfortable. According to my observations, there are more good salespeople - women than men. Why? Firstly, women are emotional by nature, they do not pretend to be “wise owls” like men, and secondly, they are curious. And curiosity echoes with interest, and the manifestation of interest outside echoes with care. Any person likes to be interested in them. Therefore, in order to learn how to sell, you need to learn to be interested in people and do it sincerely, as this allows you to effectively establish contact.

How to complete a deal?

Many, approaching the completion of the transaction, having brought down a “mountain” of information on the client and seeing at least some interest, exhale sharply, sigh nervously and tensely give out: “Well, do you take it?” And the client himself begins to get nervous, he also becomes scared.

Communicate with the client easily and naturally, and he will answer you the same. It will be difficult at first, but with time it can be achieved. Sometimes it’s better to say with childish naivety: “Well, give us money?” The client replies: “No, I’ll pay later,” and you jokingly: “No, it’s better now ...” I personally tried it several times and this technique on transactions works great. Make the completion of the transaction easy, weightless, do not tense up talking about money. This can be learned, sells in this case, the usual spontaneity.

Can anyone learn to sell well, or is a successful salesperson from God?

I used to think that being a good salesperson was a natural talent. But when, in front of my eyes, excellent salespeople grew from timid and shy people in a matter of months, I had to reconsider my opinion. You can learn to sell. Selling is the art of changing people's minds about something. This can be learned through training. Yes, some salespeople may indeed have natural communication skills and therefore be successful in their field, but if others diligently learn the same communication and sales techniques, then there is a good chance that they will catch up and possibly surpass their teachers. . The necessary knowledge of technology and the desire to sell are enough to reach a good level of sales. Therefore, I am sure that good salespeople are not born, but made.

Ilya Schneider will tell you how to quickly build an effective sales department at minimal cost. , which will be held from 3 to 10 May 2018 in Turkey at the Rixos Premium Belek hotel.

If a person knows how to communicate well, that's half the battle. Give him tools in his hands, and he will learn to sell, he will become an excellent seller, if, of course, he has a desire. Someone does not need to become a seller, he is a high-class technical specialist, why does he need sales? But there are people who do not suspect that they can be excellent sellers. So how do you make sure you can learn to sell and become one? The answer is simple: "In the pool with your head!" Becoming a professional salesperson is not about running from your fears, but about diving head first into them. This is the only way to gain experience and win. As a rule, if a person is uncomfortable doing something, then he runs away from it or turns away. And this is a trap! It's the same as having a string tied to your leg with a tin can that jingles as you start walking. But if you just turn away and pretend that nothing is strumming, then this will not mean that there is no can ...

Many people feel uncomfortable asking about money, but it has to be done. And the more you do it, the easier it will be. There are people who are afraid and do not do it, and there are those who do it despite their fear, such people will learn to sell and overcome difficulties. Only in the process of work can you acquire courage. The main thing is not to confuse it with tactlessness. Tell yourself: "I will learn to sell." The way to something is "the way through". The path to closing the deal is “the path through…”. Through the fact that you can be sent in a certain direction, sometimes harshly. A few times you may forget what to say, but if you get through it, don't give up, you'll end up winning. Failure can discourage the desire to learn how to sell. But I believe that failures are stepping stones on the road to success. They heat up. The main thing is patience and action!

My opinion: if you just sit on the road, you will be run over, even if you are on the right track.

A salesperson is a person who must constantly set goals and dream. You can learn to sell. You need to go to new heights, new levels, then it will be interesting to live. Summary: Set a goal. Don't stop and don't give up when you fail. The way to something is the way through...

Try and win!

Kotov Evgeniy Igorevich

Owner of the consulting company "Practicum Group", Moscow