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The name of the advertisement on the Internet. Effective advertising on the Internet. Types of Internet advertising. Teasers and viral videos


Stages of an online advertising campaign

  • Informs the consumer about your product, its characteristics and benefits;
  • Trains the consumer to use your product;
  • Entertains;
  • Sells.

Today, entrepreneurs have a wide choice of channels for advertising distribution: television, radio, printed resources, billboards. However, the Internet is considered to be the most promising of the channels for distributing a communication message.

let's consider stages of development of online advertising in Russia:

  1. First there was spam. Early 90s of the last century. We all remember annoying sales emails in our inboxes. Senders didn't have the ability to personalize emails, so they sent them to everyone. As a result, advertisers in most cases received only an angry reaction from users.
  2. 2000s - the emergence and use of social networks to promote products. The development of browsers and search engines has made it possible to conduct personalized advertising campaigns on the Internet.
  3. The 2010s are the years of notifications and pop-ups.

Before moving on to studying the types of online advertising, we will consider the main stages of conducting an advertising campaign on the Internet:

  1. Formulating the goals of an advertising campaign on the Internet;
  2. Definition of the target audience. Here it is necessary to describe demographic and psychographic factors, interests and preferences.
  3. Development of a strategy and promotion program. Here it is necessary to take into account your target audience and the budget of the advertising campaign;
  4. Implementation;
  5. Monitoring by performance indicators.

Advantages of online advertising over other methods

Not all companies have huge marketing budgets. More recently, this has been the main reason for the failure of small new organizations, their efforts were not noticeable against the backdrop of grandiose advertising campaigns of the old-timers of the market.

With the advent of online advertising, everything has changed. Advertising on the Internet is not as expensive as advertising on television, radio, and in print. Even the housewife Masha, who makes homemade soap and then sells it on her social network page, can afford it.

The Internet allows you to customize your message in such a way that it will be displayed only to those users who are interested in it, that is, only to your potential audience. At the same time, you can customize product advertising for each client individually, according to his needs and interests.

Types and cost of advertising on the Internet

In fact, today there are a huge number of types of advertising on the Internet. For the convenience of providing information, we will combine them into groups.

contextual advertising

This is the most famous way to promote on the World Wide Web.

For example, you sell homemade soap, so contextual advertising of your products will be placed on women's forums, websites with women's advice.


  • Personalization;
  • Orientation to the target audience;
  • Saving time and money;
  • Visible efficiency.


  • Contextual advertising works exactly as long as you paid for;
  • Unstable price;
  • The need for regular optimization of the message to ensure "clickability";
  • Distrust on the part of the target audience;

Let's immediately figure out what contextual advertising tools exist and how to place it using each of them.

Yandex Direct- one of the most famous and effective contextual advertising tools. Setting it up is quite simple, we will describe the sequence of actions when placing contextual advertising in Yandex Direct.

  • We register in the Yandex system. During registration, we select the professional interface of the service. Click on the "Place an Ad" link.
  • Setting up advertising campaign settings. Here you need to select the name of the company, indicate your first name, surname and patronymic, date of birth. It's not that important. You need to pay attention to five points: strategy, time targeting, region, setting on thematic sites and additional phrases.

Time targeting displays the time of day at which your message will be displayed in the Yandex search engine and the days of the week. When choosing time targeting, we advise you to rely on the type of product and budget.

The region depends on where you sell your item. For example, if you offer homemade soap only in Moscow and do not offer services for its delivery to the regions, then you should specify Moscow in this setting field.

Setting on thematic sites is needed to limit the resources in which your message will be displayed. Many experts recommend turning off the issue on thematic sites so that the message is displayed exclusively in the search engine itself when the user requests it.

Additional phrases are those phrases for which your message will be displayed, in addition to the main keywords. As a rule, these are synonyms and words close in meaning. Experts also recommend disabling this option to make the issue more relevant.

  • You need to select the title and text of the ad, as well as select keywords. This step is the most important.

To select the title and text, you must fill in the "link to the site" field. In this field, you must copy the link, in our case, the site where we sell our homemade soap. After this action, the title and text will be typed automatically.

Keywords are selected on the Yandex keyword selection service. You'll get to it by clicking on the "Get words" link next to the new keywords field.

In the service settings, we indicate the region and sequentially type phrases that correspond to our task - to sell soap. For example, buy homemade soap, homemade soap as a gift, and so on.

After you have typed the phrase and clicked on the "Pick up" button, you will see a page with the frequency of the typed query in a certain period of time in any region, as well as queries that are similar in meaning and their frequency. Do not choose phrases and words with a frequency of requests above 1000, requests with a frequency of 500 to 1000 per month are fine for us.

If you want an entire phrase or word to reveal your ad only in the form you entered it, enclose that phrase or word in quotation marks. For example, if you did not quote the phrase "homemade soap", then your ad for its sale will also appear when you query "homemade soap how to cook", which we do not need.

  • In the next step, you will see your keywords and their prices. We can weed out requests that are too expensive using the settings at the top of the page.
  • Sending an ad for moderation and payment for clicks. In the event that your campaign has not passed moderation, we advise you to contact Yandex Direct support at 8 800 333-9639, give the number of the advertising campaign and find out the reason. Often ads are rejected by mistake.

But we still give the sequence of actions:

  • The first step is to register with Google.
  • The second step is choosing the type of contextual advertising, that is, the services in which your ad will be displayed: the Google search query page, sites. In addition, at the first stage, we specify the name of the advertising campaign, it will not be displayed to users.

Here we select the platforms on which the ad will be displayed, the region and the strategy. Everything is the same as in Yandex Direct.

But there are also differences. The first is the ability to set a maximum click rate and budget. The second difference is the ability to add links to additional resources. Finally, the third difference is the ability to specify the start and end dates for your advertising campaign.

  • The third step is the selection of keywords. The Google keyword selection service is similar to Yandex. The rules are the same.
  • The fourth step is sending the ad for moderation, payment and placement.

banner advertising


  • memorability;
  • "Conspicuity";
  • Wide audience coverage;
  • Increasing company/brand awareness;


  • Quickly annoys the user (needs to be changed often);
  • Can be intrusive and perceived negatively by the user.

Let's now figure out how to place banner ads. To do this, you can choose one of two ways: an independent search for resources and placement or placement using the services of banner services.

Here is a comparison table of these two methods.


Self accommodation

Using the services of banner placement services (let's take the Rotaban service as an example)

Quality of hosting sites


Low (medium)




Depends on hosting site

Depends on hosting site


Time costs

  • Search for sites and resources for placement. In order to find a suitable resource for placing a banner, you need to make a request for a topic in any search engine. In our case, homemade soap. We type in the search engine "a blog about natural cosmetics" and go through the first five links.

After you get to the site, you need to pay attention to five elements: site design, the presence and amount of advertising, site content, site traffic, audience coverage. If all indicators are high enough, then you can search for the "Advertising" section and negotiate placement with the site owner.

  • Create a banner. It should be memorable and also relevant to your product. We recommend placing information about the benefits of the product on the banner. For example, homemade soap will relieve you of dry skin on your hands and envelop you in the aroma of ripe peaches. It is also necessary to place your logo and image of the product. The user will receive the rest of the information after clicking on the link.

When creating a banner, you need to pay attention to standards. The size of the image is specified by the owner of the site where the ad will be placed. Discuss this issue in advance. But the format can be jpeg for static images and gif or flash for animation.

  • We pay and place.

Teasers and viral videos

The essence of these tools is to create such a video, image or text message that would immediately interest the user and become a kind of "virus", that is, it would be distributed on the network independently with the help of the users themselves. It is better to place such advertisements in social networks, forums.


  • No need to spend money on distribution;
  • Wide audience coverage;
  • Ease of execution;
  • Personalization.


  • High risk of failure of the entire advertising campaign;
  • High competition;
  • Incorrect interpretation of the message by the user.

Social media targeting

Targeted advertising in social networks is the most accessible advertising tool on the Internet. Targeting is a small ad on a social network, clicking on which the user will be redirected to your site or page.


  • High degree of hitting the target audience (targeting);
  • Low cost;
  • Ease of setup.


  • Social networks that host targeted advertising are not aimed at sales;
  • Posting is possible only in the social network.

The targeting ad structure should contain the following elements:

  • Link to your resource;
  • Headline;
  • The main information that you want to convey to the consumer (one or two sentences);
  • Image (if your brand is known, then you can place a logo, in other cases it is preferable to use an image of the product);
  • Target audience parameters: demographics, interests.

Following this structure will allow you to set up effective targeting advertising on any social network.

Advertising in social networks

Posting an ad is very easy. It is enough to agree with the owner of the page or group on placement for a certain cost.


  • Personalization;
  • Low cost;
  • Ease of placement;
  • Opportunity to establish feedback with consumers.


  • The need for constant updating;
  • Social networks are not aimed at sales, so advertising on social networks is more of an informational nature.

Bulletin boards as a platform for advertising

Bulletin boards as a platform for advertising are often used by small businesses. Such an advertisement is a simple advertisement for the sale with a link to the site. In addition, bulletin boards are a place where you can place ads on the Internet absolutely free.


  • Low cost (can be free);
  • Personalization;
  • Sales focus.


  • Small coverage;
  • User mistrust.

Popup windows

Popup windows - these are pop-up windows on top of the resource that make it difficult for the user to view the site.

Creating popup windows requires programming knowledge, so we advise you to contact IT specialists for help.

If you do not have such an opportunity, then you can use one of the following services for creating Popup windows:

  • hello bar- a fairly simple service. Upon registration, you will be given a special code that must be inserted into your website template. Then you will be prompted to configure the tasks of the service (collecting user contact data, calling, redirecting to another page, ad), pop-up type, ad text and image. This completes the creation of the Popup window. The service is paid.
  • GetSiteControl. This service completely repeats the process of setting up a Popup window in the Hello Bar service, so we will not dwell on it. The service is also paid.
  • mailmunch It has a free version with limited functionality. In addition, this service, in addition to setting the type of window, offers to choose a template, design and add additional fields. The sequence of actions when creating a window is similar to the previous services.
  • Sumome also has a free version. The service setting is identical to the previous ones.


  • High brand recall;
  • Wide coverage.


  • Relatively high cost;
  • The ability to block them in the browser settings;
  • High complexity of placement;
  • Excessive obsession;
  • Mixed reactions from users.

Push Notifications

But unlike Popup windows, Push notifications also require careful study of the content of the advertising message. First of all, it should interest the user and force them to follow the link.


  • personalization;
  • Wide coverage;


  • User distrust;
  • High complexity of placement;
  • Relatively high cost.

Advertising in mobile applications

Ads in mobile applications based on Android and iOS are also pop-ups. In this case, the user cannot disable the ad until they view it. Only after that, the application itself will be available to the user.

You can place such a notification by mutual agreement with the owner of the application. The technical side of the development of the ad, as a rule, is taken over by the application developer.


  • 100% guarantee that the user will see your ad;
  • brand awareness;
  • Wide coverage.


  • Ambiguous user reaction;
  • Not aimed at sales;
  • High complexity of placement;
  • Relatively high cost of accommodation.

Promotional videos on YouTube

At the same time, you should strive to ensure that the user "shares" what he saw with his friends. This will allow us to get the so-called viral effect, in which potential consumers themselves distribute your advertising.

There are several rules that must be followed when creating a viral video:

  • Need to be "invisible". According to the author, viral advertising should not impose a product, its task is only to hint at the product to the consumer.
  • Patience, just patience. Viral advertising often takes a long time to become known and make a profit.
  • "Infect" the consumer! The consumer must want to talk about the ad and the product.
  • The virus is the “master” of the situation. Thoughts, actions of the consumer must be under the control of the virus.
  • Exploiting the power of weak ties. In the distribution of viral advertising on the Internet, users with a large number of casual social connections are of the greatest importance, rather than people who regularly communicate with a certain circle of close people.
  • to reach a tipping point. In order for viral advertising to reach a certain scale, it is necessary to invest time, labor and money in it.

An excellent example of a viral video is an advertisement for the Delivery Club delivery service. The company released a series of short videos about the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles who use an online food delivery service to solve their fear of social contact while shopping for pizza. Each video has its own storyline, the center of which is the Delivery Club. One video cost the company an average of 5,000 rubles, and sales doubled.

Another example of a viral video is an advertisement for Cadbury chocolate. In the 1.5 minute video, a huge gorilla plays drums, and a bar of chocolate appears at the end of the commercial. This virus cost the company almost a million rubles. However, it did not bring economic results.

Let's take a look at why a commercial worth 5,000 rubles turned out to be more effective than a commercial worth 1 million rubles.

  • Your product should be central to the story;
  • The heroes of the video should be associated with your product/company/brand (we all remember the cartoon about ninja turtles who loved pizza very much);
  • The video should not offend the feelings of the audience.

E-mail newsletters

In many ways, this has become possible thanks to the development of browsers and the Internet in general. You can get information about the interests and preferences of users based on their latest requests in search engines. And this, in turn, allows you to make personalized mailings.

In this case, the letter must meet several criteria:

  • Bright, interesting title;
  • Personalized offer (the product must solve the problem of a specific consumer). It is necessary to write an individual letter for each potential client!
  • The letter must include a link to your website;
  • At the bottom of the letter, be sure to attach a button that allows you to unsubscribe from your mailing list.


  • Personalized approach;
  • Focus on sales;
  • Ease of implementation;
  • 100% guarantee that the user will see your ad.


  • High labor input;
  • Difficulty in obtaining contact details of potential customers;
  • Excessive obsession.

Expert articles in online journals

The first thing you will need to do is to agree with the editor of the journal on the placement of the article (for a certain cost or even free of charge).

The article will have to be written by yourself. At the same time, the article must correspond to the subject of the journal and the style of the letter.

In an expert article, it is necessary to give the most complete description of your product, its advantages, and indicate consumer value. It is advisable to confirm your words with data from scientific or expert studies.


  • High degree of trust of potential consumers;
  • Low cost (usually);
  • Improves the image of the company;
  • informs the consumer;
  • Ease of implementation.


  • Small coverage (depends on the journal);
  • Not directed to sales.

CPA and affiliate marketing

CPA or Cost per Action translated from English means "Pay for action." Indeed, CPA is a promotion tool that involves paying for Internet advertising only after the target action of your potential client has been completed. The target action can be a link, registration on the site or the purchase of your product, you set the goal for advertisers yourself.

If the established action was not completed, payment for promotion services is not carried out. In the case of CPA, both parties, the customer and the contractor, are interested in the maximum result of an advertising campaign, since their profit is directly dependent on its success. They become partners, which is why CPA marketing is also called affiliate marketing.

Benefits of CPA Marketing

  • You pay only for real customers;
  • Your costs are fixed (you set them yourself);
  • The interest of advertising sites in attracting customers;
  • Saving time and labor resources;
  • Wide audience reach.

Disadvantages of CPA Marketing

  • The need to conclude an agreement;
  • High entry barriers for small organizations: sites do not want to take on "small" orders;
  • High competition for advertising space;
  • There is a possibility of fraud from advertising sites.

Thus, CPA allows you to pay only for real customers (leads) brought to you by the advertiser. To apply CPA marketing in practice, CPA networks or affiliate programs are used. They are services where advertisers select suitable platforms for advertising their products.

CPA networks work as follows: the advertiser enters into an agreement with the network, sets up the parameters of the advertising campaign (price, downloads the advertising materials themselves, sets the target action), replenishes the budget by a certain amount, and then receives its customers.

Native advertising

Native advertising is often used by PR specialists in their activities. This type of advertising is an interesting content for readers of the site-platform. This is what makes native advertising attractive to PR people, often Internet resources publish such ads for free, and even thank the advertiser for interesting content.

  • Low cost (possibility of free placement);
  • The ability to assign the responsibility for writing the article itself to third-party specialists;
  • Live interest in content.
  • Low degree of personalization;
  • Aimed at informing, not selling;
  • The risk of "losing" the product behind interesting content.
  • Its readers should be your target audience;
  • Its content should correspond to the subject of your promotional article.

SEO + your information site

To do this, select keywords (those phrases and words that users use as queries in search engines) on your topic. It is better to do this in two services at once: Yandex Wordstat and Google Adwords in order to raise the site in the search results of Google and Yandex. Then write an article incorporating those words and phrases. The article should be interesting and informative. At the same time, its theme should promote your product.


  • Promotion of your own website;
  • Positive perception from readers;
  • Lively interest in content;
  • Low cost of the campaign (may be free);
  • Attracting new customers from search engines.


  • Low degree of personalization;
  • The risk of creating too “advertising” content (rejection by sites and negative reaction of consumers);
  • The risk of "losing" the product behind interesting content;
  • Possible loss of the selling function of the site.

Comparison of all types of advertising on the Internet

Average cost of placement Orientation

Complexity of implementation

200 rubles/day Sales
Depends on the resource on which it is placed, the size of the banner and the location of the banner on the page.

Can be implemented independently


300 rubles/day. Depends on the resource, calculated based on the cost per click Sales/

Can be implemented independently

200 rubles/day. Depends on the resource, calculated based on the cost of a click (transition)

Can be implemented independently

20 rubles / day. Resource dependent Increasing brand awareness, informing consumers

Can be implemented independently

Notice boards

Free advertising possible Sales

Can be implemented independently

Popup windows

Depends on many factors Sales/brand awareness

The help of specialists (programmers) is needed. It is possible to use special services (Hello Bar, GetSiteControl, Mailmunch, Sumome, AddThis, Witget, Picreel, Optimonk)

Push Notifications

Depends on many factors Sales/brand awareness

Need help of specialists (programmers)

Depends on many factors Increasing brand awareness

By agreement with the owner of the application

Free accommodation possible Increasing brand awareness

Depends on the idea of ​​the video

Free with contact details Sales, informing consumers

Can be implemented independently

Expert articles

100 rubles/day

Can be implemented independently

CPA and affiliate marketing

Percentage of sales Sales

Use of services / can be implemented independently

Depends on many factors Informing the consumer / improving the image of the organization Can be implemented independently
SEO + your information site Depends on many factors Informing the consumer / improving the image of the organization / sales

You can implement it yourself, but it is better to contact specialists

Calculation of the effectiveness of an advertising campaign on the Internet

After we have chosen the most suitable promotion tools for us on the Internet, we need to start evaluating the effectiveness of each of them. There are three universal ways to evaluate the effectiveness of an advertising campaign on the Internet: CPM, CTR and CPC. Let's consider each of them.

Click through rate (CTR) - click through rate. It displays the number of users who clicked on the link after seeing your ad.

CTR is defined as the ratio of the number of clicks on your ad to the total number of ad impressions multiplied by 100%.

Example. Your ad was shown 2.5 thousand times and clicked on by 200 people. Thus, CTR = 200/2500*100% = 8%.

This means that your ad brought 8% of the users who saw the ad to your site. As a rule, the CTR indicator fluctuates in the range from 1% -2%.

To increase this indicator, it is necessary to carry out the following work with the ad:

  • Maximum personalization;
  • Make it brighter and more contrast;
  • Resize (enlarge);
  • Change the location of the ad (place it in the central area).

Cost per click (CPC) - CPC. This indicator displays the cost per click on your ad.

Using CPC, you will be able to evaluate your ad in terms of the payback of one potential client who came to your site.

Example. Your banner costs 6000 rubles per month. During this month, 500 potential customers went to your site through it. CPC \u003d 6000/500 \u003d 12 rubles. Thus, one transition to the site from the banner cost you 12 rubles.

In order to increase the SRS, you need to:

  • Personalize your ad as much as possible;
  • Set up a geographic display filter;
  • Set up a time filter for impressions (the time of day at which your ad will be shown);

Cost per mille (CPM) – displays a fixed cost of 1000 impressions, excluding clicks.

It is calculated as the product of a thousand impressions, CTR and cost per click.

Example. Your ad was shown 2500 times and clicked on by 200 people. Its cost is 400 rubles per day.

CTR = 200/2500*100% = 8%;

CPC = 400/200 = 2 rubles per day;

Thus, CPM = 1000 * 8% * 2 = 160 rubles costs 1000 impressions of your ad.

How best to run an online advertising campaign

It's time to talk about the best way to run an online advertising campaign: on your own or with the help of third-party online advertising specialists.

This is a rather difficult question. The answer to this depends on factors such as:

  • Availability of free time;
  • Your education;
  • Selected types of advertising on the Internet;
  • your product;
  • The target audience.

But still, we compared these two methods of conducting an advertising campaign on the Internet, the analysis data are presented in the table.


On one's own Freelancers
Low (possible free accommodation) From 1,000 rubles for one type of advertising on the Internet

From 3,000 rubles

time cost

High Low

Labor costs

High Medium
High High

The width of the choice of promotion tools on the Internet

Not all tools available All tools available

All tools available

Frequently asked questions about online promotion

  1. What type of advertising on the Internet is considered the most effective?

There is no such thing as the most effective promotion tool. It all depends on the purpose of the advertising campaign, detail, quality of study. However, from the point of view of economic efficiency, at the moment, contextual advertising can be distinguished.

  1. Is it possible to conduct an advertising campaign on the Internet without spending money?

Yes, you can. But in this case, you will need to spend a lot of time and your own work. At the same time, limited tools will be available to you: advertising on bulletin boards, advertising videos on YouTube and E-mail mailing lists.

  1. What is the best way to combine promotional tools on the Internet? Can only one tool be used?

You cannot create a universal media plan. The combination of these or those tools depends on your goals, capabilities, product. But at the same time, it can be unequivocally stated that the use of only one promotion tool on the Internet will not lead to significant results.

Sales Generator

Reading time: 13 minutes

We will send the material to you:

Any advertisement of an advertising nature, distributed on the Web, refers to Internet advertising. At first glance, everything is quite simple, but it is not. If you use various types of online advertising wisely, then your business will develop successfully. Conversely, carelessness in this matter can lead to a waste of money that will not bring the expected results.

Characteristic features of all types of online advertising

Internet advertising is the most promising marketing direction, since its cost is quite low compared to other types of advertising, but the audience coverage is truly huge: potentially it can be viewed by absolutely all users of personal computers, laptops, tablets, smartphones, and other mobile devices.

The beginning of the formation of the Internet advertising market falls on the middle of the 90s of the twentieth century. However, until the 2000s, advertisers did not consider such a marketing direction as a priority, and only companies with a high level of development actively promoted their products and services on the Web. The Internet has been an auxiliary advertising platform that allows you to implement marketing activities offline.

The World Wide Web has developed rapidly, and this has become one of the reasons for the changes in economic policy. By the mid-2000s, the Internet had become the key channel used to interact with consumers.

Analytical systems have also begun to function, designed to quickly and accurately measure the effectiveness of advertising on the Internet.

Recently, there has been a close relationship between targeting and interactivity. Targeting involves the allocation of all users to a certain part of the audience that meets the selected criteria, and the demonstration of advertising materials to this particular group of people. For example, a person who has passed the registration procedure on a car-themed website receives ads about gadgets that are suitable specifically for the model of his car.

Advantages of online advertising over other types of advertising

It is obvious that online advertising has more advantages than any other form. However, it also has disadvantages. It is necessary to know about them, as this will allow you to correct the mistakes made and present the company from the best side:

  • Before launching an advertising campaign on the Web, you should find out from which sources the target audience takes information about the purchased products.
  • There are many competitors on the Internet, so before placing an advertisement, think about the uniqueness of your advertising message in order to convince users to purchase a product or order a service from you.

Submit your application

Formation of prices in online advertising

As a rule, there are 2 most common schemes:

CPM (cost per thousand impressions)

Payment is calculated depending on how many times an ad or banner was shown to visitors. It doesn't matter if they clicked on the link or not. Naturally, there is no extra charge for clicking on a link. In most cases, this model is used when placing display ads.

The CPM model has the following advantages:

  • low cost;
  • making a budget forecast is easy, since the rate is fixed (per 1000 impressions);
  • ads are guaranteed to be displayed the number of times you ordered.

The model also has disadvantages:

  • if the ad was shown, this does not mean that it will be clicked on, that is, the budget may be spent inefficiently;
  • it is difficult to forecast traffic for a specific number of impressions;
  • the conversion is very low, and the audience suffers from "banner blindness".

PPC (Pay Per Click)

The scheme is clear from the name - you need to pay only for the transitions of visitors to your site, that is, the cost of advertising does not depend on how many times it was shown. You pay for the fact of clicking on the link. This pricing model is used for contextual and teaser advertising.

Virtues PPC schemes are:

  • easy calculation of the number of clicks to the landing page: it is not difficult to find out who and how many times clicked on the link, what the client did on your site;
  • the risk of overspending is minimized, as you only pay for the number of clicks you need;
  • you can limit the cost of advertising for a specific time period;
  • you can target your audience by various parameters: demographic, geographic, etc.;
  • PPC advertising has a higher ROI;
  • it attracts traffic more effectively.

Flaws models are as follows:

  • the formation of the cost of a click is carried out, as a rule, according to the results of an auction between advertisers. This leads to a significant increase in the price of advertising products sold by a large number of competitors;
  • If a user has landed on your site, this is not a guarantee that they will make a purchase. The purpose of his visit may simply be interest
  • before you gain experience in optimizing an advertising campaign, you can spend a lot of money on experiments;
  • According to statistics, there are also accidental clicks on ads on the Internet. You will also have to pay for them.

Other pricing models are also used, but rather rarely.

The main types of online advertising with examples

And now, let's look at what types of online advertising exist on the Web, what are the pros and cons of each.

contextual advertising

contextual advertising- these are text or text-graphic modules that are placed on Yandex pages and on partner sites. In other words, contextual advertising may correspond to the topic of the site on which it is placed, or it may be displayed depending on what queries the user enters most often.

Contextual advertising is targeted, that is, it is focused on the interests of different customer groups, and this is its advantage. A contextual ad is shown to a potential client if the user's interest in the subject of the product has been noticed, or if the proposed product matches the subject of the resource on which the advertisement is placed.

Most of the major search engines have their own contextual advertising services. In Runet, the most popular networks are Google AdWords, Yandex.Direct, Begun.

Contextual advertising allows you to quickly achieve the desired result. Another distinctive feature of this type of online advertising is its high price. It is formed at auctions with the participation of advertisers. This leads to high advertising costs, especially if the subject of the promoted product is very popular.

Here, insert some print screen with a photo from the admin panel, when, for example, 150-5000 rubles are paid per click.

To run a contextual advertising campaign, it is not necessary to have a huge budget. Spending only 300-500 rubles a day, you can achieve good results. The price of one click in different niches varies, and quite widely. For example, the cost per click for a topic such as "knitted toys" is 9-40 rubles. Requests for "PVC windows" are much more expensive - from 500 to 1500 rubles per transition.

banner advertising

Banners are graphic images or images with animation. By clicking on them, visitors get to the advertiser's web resource. The relevance of banners is especially high for image advertising, because even if the user does not go to the site, he remembers the company logo, its name, brand. And the main task of marketing is to make the brand or company symbols recognizable.

Now interactive banner advertising is very popular: the visitor must solve a logic or arithmetic problem, defeat the “villain”. The format of such animated banners is flash. Their effectiveness is especially high if the object of advertising is games or other entertainment.


SEO promotion goods is not a kind of advertising on the Internet, but it has similar goals and objectives. With the help of SEO, you can attract users to the site, increase its popularity, and promote the web resource among users.

The main task of SEO promotion is to raise the position of the site in the search engine results, as users go to the web resource mainly from Yandex or Google. Users will trust the resource more if its positions in the TOP of the issue are high.

SEO promotion also has disadvantages. One of them is the need to work on the resource all the time. If the content is updated regularly and its quality is monitored, then it will not be so difficult to keep the won positions.

It should also be borne in mind that SEO processes are difficult to predict. Promotion can take a few months, or a year or even two. Naturally, in this case, it is not worth counting on reasonable cost forecasting.

teaser advertising

Teasers are graphic images or animations whose content shocks users. They place teaser ads on informational sites or on sites with dubious content. Its effectiveness is highest when placed on women's websites.

Advertising in social networks

To promote products and services on social networks, you need to spend a lot of money on marketing activities. In this case, it is not possible to indicate the deadline for achieving the set goal, as well as to predict the costs. But still, this way of brand promotion is quite effective in the long run.

Press releases

Placing press releases on news or popular thematic resources is a rather interesting type of Internet advertising. It is also called article promotion.

E-mail newsletter

Not so long ago, e-mail distribution of promotional messages was very popular. Currently, it is used only to work with regular customers. However, using it wisely, you can achieve a fairly high efficiency. To do this, you need to think carefully about the organization of the distribution.

Examples of how you send emails to your clients

Types of online advertising in social networks

Targeted advertising

Targeted advertising in social networks works on the same principle as in search engines. In order for advertising to work effectively, you need to correctly determine the target audience on the social network. Find out what characteristics fit your potential customers and target them with ads. For example, when promoting a group on VK, it is necessary to take into account the preferences of its subscribers / members.

Applications in social networks

Currently, customers are often attracted using interactive methods, including various applications. The order of applications by VK advertisers is especially common, the purpose of which is to attract users and promote their group. Although this method is common and effective, the cost of such advertising is high. This makes it rarely used to promote small or new companies.

Articles and publications

New types of online advertising

Product placement

This type of advertising on the Internet is usually used in online games. Advertised brands are either integrated directly into the gameplay, or often shown to players. By incorporating product information into games in this way, the brand image will grow, making it easy to bring it to market.

Product placement has disadvantages that arise from the features of the sites used for advertising:

  • you can use this method to promote not all products, due to the specifics of the audience;
  • forecasting and evaluating the effectiveness of such advertising is difficult;
  • negative perception of advertising information by the audience is not excluded.

We do not recommend using product placement as the main marketing direction. The effectiveness of this type of advertising will be high if you bring a new brand to the market. Success is also guaranteed if the target audience is precisely defined.


This technology is based on the use of cookies (“cookies”). This is a simple Javascript code. When a customer first visits your site, this code remains in their browser for a certain period of time.

When a person opens various sites on the Display Network, advertisements appear in front of him, allowing him to go to your site and calling for a specific action. That is, you interact with an audience that is already familiar with your web resource and therefore is more likely to be interested in your offers.

Viral advertising

This is a special, different from all the others, way of advertising. Its essence is that users themselves distribute information of an advertising nature. If successful, distribution occurs exponentially. How to achieve this? You can shoot a video, create a page, the content of which will interest users so much that they will share it with family and friends.

It is very difficult to analyze how effective this method of advertising is. There are no universal metrics and indicators to track the effect. However, marketing people who use viral advertising make their choice consciously. They hope that their investment will pay off many times over.

Popup windows

This type refers to aggressive advertising. Popups pop up when a user enters a site and prevent him from viewing the necessary information. The window will disappear only if the person closes it by clicking on the "cross", or registers (subscribes or takes another suggested action).

It happens that even after closing the pop-up window, the visitor is redirected to the advertiser's site, that is, the pop-up fulfills its purpose in any case.

Sometimes the content of the site on which the Pop-up window pops up does not match its content. In this case, advertising will be clearly perceived negatively. However, such messages can also be useful: for example, if they contain an offer to purchase goods in an online store at a discount or at a promotion.

Advertising in mobile applications (based on Android and iPhone)

This type of online advertising appeared relatively recently. It works on Android and iPhone. Most adults have mobile devices that allow them to use the World Wide Web (the target audience is young people aged 15-35).

An increasing number of people use various gadgets, respectively, the number of potential customers is also growing. Advertising in mobile applications can be customized for a specific target audience. You can track how effective it is by the number of active user actions.

Push Notifications

This method is new, but, nevertheless, it is often used by many companies. Push notifications are pop-up messages. As a rule, they are needed in order to notify the user about changes to the site, for example:

  • anti-virus software with a certain frequency informs about the release of new PC protection tools;
  • applications installed on mobile devices notify of the availability of an update;
  • social networking applications send push notifications about new messages, posts of friends, and other events.

At first, the purpose of such notifications was to remind the user of the application. Subsequently, they began to be used for advertising purposes. The distribution of such messages can be organized both via the Internet and via mobile communication channels (mobile operators).

There are various services that allow you to pay for push notifications and customize it for yourself. The scheme of work is as follows: after users subscribe to the mailing lists they are interested in, they begin to receive short messages in the form of push notifications. There are a few requirements to keep in mind:

  • notifications should not be too frequent and intrusive, otherwise they will only annoy users;
  • the subject of the messages must correspond to the subject of the mailing, which the user has issued;
  • it is necessary to link advertising to a page or account on a social network in order to provide feedback;
  • it is necessary that a person can unsubscribe at any time, otherwise the messages you send will be regarded as spam.

TOP 10 books that will tell you what type of online advertising is the most effective

  1. Igor Mann, Roman Tarasenko, Dmitry Turusin "Do something new"

The book describes 10 promotional tools offered by Igor Mann and his business partners. Marketers, business leaders and business people are usually unaware of revolutionary new marketing tools. Only a few can decide to become the first in the use of new advertising tools. But in vain.

  1. Vitaly Myshlyaev "iMarketing. We work according to the system

The book describes a complete system that allows you to develop marketing on the Web. The publication is based on the materials and experience of a popular seminar conducted by the author and Igor Mann. This manual should be on the table of every entrepreneur and marketer who cannot see the success of a business without competent Internet marketing.

  1. Ilya Melnikov, Larisa Byalyk "SEO victory plan for your company"

An SEO promotion strategy is simply necessary when big tasks are set in projects on the Web. Search engine optimization is needed to increase the traffic of the resource. And it doesn’t matter what project you are promoting: it can be a regular organization website, an online store, an information resource with many pages.

  1. Philip Tsarevsky Yandex.Direct. How to make a profit, not play the lottery

Contextual advertising has allowed many companies to succeed. The main thing is to conduct an advertising campaign only after a thorough analysis, otherwise it will not only not help you stay afloat, but will also pull your business to the bottom.

  1. Denis Kaplunov “Neurocopywriting. 100+ Influence Techniques with Text"

The author of the book, Denis Kaplunov, talks about ways to create compelling texts that will work with high efficiency. After reading the book, you will learn 100 verbal techniques that allow you to influence the reader.

  1. Dmitry Rumyantsev “Promotion of business in VKontakte. New practices and technologies»

The author outlines all existing strategies that allow you to promote your page or group on VKontakte, including in the absence of your own web resource. When writing, Rumyantsev relied on his rich experience gained over many years of work. And he designed all the material in the “read and do” format.

  1. Michael Miller "YouTube for Business"

Having bright and original ideas will allow you to be noticeable. Achieving fame in traditional ways is not always possible. Are you wondering how you can promote your business at minimal cost? The author recommends using YouTube for this purpose.

  1. Ian Brodie Sales Emails

The author is an expert in marketing and describes the methods by which professional marketers and businessmen should build relationships with potential customers based on trust. The book also shows you how you can use email marketing to increase sales.

  1. Anton Popov "Blogs. New sphere of influence"

In the book, you will find answers to questions: how to increase the popularity of a blog, is a blog a permissive marketing tool, how can businesses earn a reputation with bloggers and convert it for business profit. Here you will find tips on how to make Russian bloggers famous.

  1. Vitaliy Stetsenko "Traffic Arbitration from A to Z"

But in order for the work to be effective, you need to make sure that everything is in order with your resource. A site audit, which is carried out by professionals, will help in this.

Small companies do not always have enough money in their budget to carry out promotional activities. It happens that only free advertising on the Internet can help them. It can bring good results. And for this you don’t have to spend six-figure sums to promote a small project of your own. There are different ways to advertise online without spending money from your budget. Results may appear immediately.

Today it is no longer relevant to advertise your product on television or in the press. For many people, television and newspapers are replaced by the Internet. They have to be online for days. If ads constantly flicker in front of them, they will definitely pay attention to it, especially since the system automatically selects exactly those ads that the user is interested in.

  1. Private;
  2. Commercial.

The first type is chosen by ordinary users who are not engaged in commerce. They advertise in order to sell an apartment. There are no special requirements for their advertising. It happens that people have some professional skills in the marketing field. Then they quickly get the proper effect after placing their ads.

The second option is used in order to sell some product or service and get income from it. Commercial advertising is created not only for the purpose of advertising a product. This type of advertising teaches people about life. It forces a person to buy this or that product, to wear certain things.

Sea of ​​possibilities: everyone uses

  1. mixed;
  2. Text;
  3. Graphic.

IN article directories post texts with links to them. Such sites cover a small audience. Articles here are placed useful and informative, so that the information posted in them can be copied for other sites. Thus, the promotion of your product begins.

Using blogs and diaries. Blogs are used to promote unique products and services.

There are multiplayer free platforms,, LiveJournal. This is where stories about the product and its benefits are posted.

In reviews you can present a positive review of the advertised product or service and write your personal opinion about them.

To promote your company, you need to publish on news portals and mass media databases. Many journalists see the information, and if it is valuable, they distribute it on the Internet. Only the news must be correctly presented to attract the attention of journalists.

Advertising is necessary for the promotion and promotion of the site, brand, or services on the market. Therefore, it is useful to know what types of advertising on the Internet exist in principle, so that if necessary, there are plenty to choose from.

Advertising as an engine of trade has existed for a long time. And on the Internet, it appeared when this same Internet became available to the mass user. The Internet, along with newspapers, television and radio, has become a very promising advertising niche.

At the moment, many real firms and businesses are on the Internet. The purpose of such a corporate website is to attract more potential customers and give them additional information about the work of the company and the list of products or services provided.

In addition to corporate sites, there are many other sites on the Internet: informational, personal, entertaining, and which advertising can greatly help in the difficult process of website promotion.

1. Display advertising

The media (mass media) also has advertising. There is a difference between online advertising and advertising in the media. It consists in the fact that on the Internet you can not only look at an advertisement with your eyes, but also click on an advertisement, go to a web page and get additional information there, which is not available in the media.

Now let's take a closer look at links and banners in display ads. Everyone is used to links on the Internet. We can say that the entire Internet consists of links. Links on sites can be, including advertising. The advertiser pays for an advertising link to his site, service or product, and the webmaster places this link on his site.

The word "banner" is borrowed from the English language: "banner", which means "banner", "transparency", "flag".

Rice. 1. Website banner promoting the Optimization 2016 event.

Webmasters on a paid basis publish on their sites not only links to other sites, but also banners (Fig. 1) that advertise a company, product or service.

Money is charged either for a one-time publication of a link forever (the so-called "eternal" links), or for the publication of a link or banner for a certain period of time ("temporary" links for a week, a month, etc.).

2. Contextual advertising: what is it

The word "context" means the presence of such a part of the text, which is a complete thought. At the same time, all words and phrases in this text are interpreted and understood unambiguously. For example, the word "key" in the context "he put the key in the door to open it" means "door key". In the context of "he picked up the key to the program," the word "key" means "enter the program." If the context is “go to the spring for water”, then the word “key” means “spring”.

Context allows you to understand more precisely what is at stake. So contextual advertising allows you to show the user advertising on the very issue that interests him on the Internet.

For example, a web page about making ice cream at home might show ads for blenders, refrigerators, frozen fruit, and the like.

  • text in the form of links,
  • banners,
  • video advertising (placed in the video).
  1. next to search results in search engines,
  2. or on various partner sites.

Contextual advertising is characterized by increased relevance and clickability on the part of users, since ads (more often in text form, less often banners or videos) are shown only to those people who enter a similar search query.

Search advertising as part of contextual advertising

When a user enters a query, then it usually returns contextual advertising first, and then the rest of the information.

For example, below in Fig. 2, the query “colored lenses for the eyes” was entered in the Yandex search line. The search engine gives out the first advertisement marked "Advertising" (1 in Fig. 2). This is due to the fact that the search engine itself earns by placing ads and receives income from displaying ads in its search results.

Rice. 2. An example of search advertising in Yandex

At the entered request after the advertisement, the search engine also gives out “ordinary” sites, and not from advertisements, that is, those sites that honestly or in a way managed to reach the TOP (number 2 in Fig. 1). Such sites are numbered, starting with the number 1 and further in the order in which they were built by one or another search engine.

Contextual advertising Yandex and Google

On the one hand, Yandex has an advertising network for advertisers called Yandex Direct. Advertisers place their ads there and pay Yandex to display them. Yandex shows paid advertising either in its search results in response to a user request, or on webmaster sites.

On the other hand, the advertising network for webmasters is called YAN (Yandex Advertising Network). To display Yandex ads, the webmaster submits his site for moderation in Yandex. If the site passes moderation and is accepted by the YAN, then the webmaster enters into an agreement with Yandex and becomes its partner, and the webmaster's site is called a Yandex partner site. Then the webmaster installs ad units on his site and, under certain conditions, receives a reward from Yandex for this.

Thus, the Yandex search engine acts as an intermediary between advertisers and webmasters:

  • Yandex.Direct is an advertising network for advertisers,
  • YAN - for webmasters.

Not only acts as an intermediary.

  • for advertisers - Google Adwords,
  • and for webmasters - Google Adsense.

3. Geo contextual advertising

Also related to search engines. The peculiarity of this advertisement is that here the user is regionally bound to a particular company that provides certain services in his city or region.

For example, a user from Khabarovsk enters the phrase “buy building materials” into a search engine. In the results, he sees the sites of companies involved in the sale of building materials, which are just located in his region. This is the result of geo-contextual advertising.

Geo-context advertising works well on mobile phones. Some users are not even aware that geolocation is enabled by default on their mobile phones, which allows them to accurately determine the location of the user. If in Yandex. In Maps or in Google Maps from your smartphone, enter, for example, a request about canteens or cafes, then the nearest cafes to the place where the user is located will be issued.

Rice. 3. Geocontext advertising in Yandex Maps

On fig. Figure 3 shows that in the right column, two advertising blocks of geo-contextual advertising are first displayed, and then sites from the TOP of search results are displayed.

4. Viral advertising

Viral advertising also includes various electronic courses, checklists or books, for example, in the . If the information there is extremely important, interesting and necessary for users, then they will be happy to share such materials with each other. Thus, the viral dissemination of information will occur. In the work of viral advertising, one can see an analogy with the spread of influenza in a school or in a big city.

More often, such useful content happens, but it contains links to other materials, including paid materials.

5. Advertising in online games

A brand or company logo can harmoniously fit into the gameplay, for example, as a background.

Softly and unobtrusively, it will be remembered by the user who plays the game, and subsequently this user is more likely to purchase the products of this company.

6. Advertising on social networks

Rice. 4. Advertising on Facebook

In social networks, you can set up targeting - this is when advertising is set to be shown on a social network to a certain circle of users, selected according to some criteria: geographic location, gender, age, interests, etc.

About the cost of online advertising

As for the cost, here you need to look at different advertising options and choose the one that suits you.

You can independently try different types of advertising on the Internet, based on the minimum amount required to run advertising. For example, in Yandex.Direct, the minimum cost of advertising is 300 rubles, in the social network VKontakte - 500 rubles.

Greetings, dear readers of the InetSoviet blog! This article will discuss different types of advertising on the Internet and their characteristics. Knowing the features of each type of advertising will help you effectively spend your budget on promoting your products or services.

From the article you will learn not only about what types of online advertising are, but also how much advertising on the Internet costs and where it can be placed. Get recommendations for effective online advertising to increase the popularity of the project, increase sales of goods and services. Thanks to different customization criteria and the ability to make changes to placed ads at any time of the day, online advertising is constantly increasing its market share.

What is internet advertising?

With the development of the Internet and the increase in potential audience, in recent years, the online advertising market has been growing exponentially. There are many formats of advertisements available now: text, graphics, video and animation. Thanks to the development of the mobile Internet, the reach of the user audience has expanded. Now not only owners of computers and laptops can see ads on websites, but also users of mobile gadgets (tablets and smartphones).

You can place ads not only on specialized bulletin boards, but also on many sites through special services. Separately, it should be noted advertising in social networks and in YouTube videos as the most promising ways to attract the target audience, thanks to flexible targeting. Targeting settings allow you to choose the audience of users who will be interested in this ad and, accordingly, the offer in it.

Analytics services for the effectiveness of advertising companies allow you to track such a parameter as conversion. For an ad, it means the ratio of clicks to total impressions. In statistics, it is displayed as CTR. Additionally, you can analyze the user's further behavior on the advertising site - subscription, registration, filling out an application, placing an order, and other actions.

Internet advertising and its varieties

There are different forms of advertising on the Internet - aggressive (pop-up and pop-under windows, teasers, media advertising in video clips), graphic and animated banners, contextual text ads, advertising line, advertising in mailing lists.

banner advertising

One of the main goals of placing banner ads on the Internet is to increase brand awareness of the company.

A banner is a static or animated graphic image of a fixed size. As for the formats, a static picture is jpeg or png, and an animated one is gif and flash. The most popular sizes are 468*60, 240*400.

Payment is made for displaying a banner for a fixed period of time (day, month). You can select sites manually and agree with site owners on placement. Or through a specialized exchange Rotaban .

contextual advertising

What is contextual advertising on the Internet? These are ads that are shown in accordance with the content of the content of the page on which it is displayed. Keywords are analyzed and the most relevant ads are shown. The visitor is offered a product or service in which he has shown interest.

Recently, ads have started showing based on your interests. For example, you searched the Internet for information about choosing a tablet, and now you see ads for tablets all day long on pages that you visit later.

Market leaders are Yandex.Direct and Google Adwords. I think you have heard of the two largest search engines: Yandex and Google, and from the names of the contextual advertising systems listed above, you can guess who owns which.

For a good return on the advertising company, you need to choose the right keywords for which your ads will be displayed. In the settings, you must specify the geographic location and region of the target audience, types of devices.

The cost of payment for each click on the ad depends on the subject and competition. The cheapest clicks in non-commercial topics cost from 5 cents, in competitive commercial topics the average price is a few dollars. It is worth noting that the higher on the page an ad is placed, the more expensive the cost of a click on it.

teaser advertising

Teasers are pictures, often animated with an intriguing title. With their appearance, teasers tease the visitor by forcing them to click and see what is hidden behind the screaming headline.

Teaser ads are most often placed on entertainment and news sites. Such advertising is effective on women's websites for the sale of health and weight loss products. Women willingly follow ads and take further actions on the advertiser's website (subscriptions, orders).

Aggressive pop-up ads

An example of aggressive advertising is a pop-up window that blocks the viewing of information on the site. To remove it from the screen, the user needs to click to close it. Often, when closing, the user is forcibly redirected to another site or a new page with an advertising offer opens in a separate window.

Even earlier, another type of intrusive advertising was widespread - when, along with the desired site, another window with advertising was opened. But recently, pop-up advertising is rarely found on high-quality sites, since search engines have imposed sanctions for its placement.

Banner, contextual, teaser and pop-up advertising is mainly placed on websites and forums.

Targeted social media advertising

The classic format is an ad block. VKontakte it is placed in the left column, and on Facebook - on the right. An example of such an advertisement on the VKontakte page:

Separately, it should be noted advertising in communities. The target audience is distinguished by interest in a particular topic. An advertising post in a public is no different from a regular post, due to this there is more trust in it. If we compare an advertising message and an ad, the first is more informative and carries more information for the user. As for the return, it is higher for a paid post.

It should be noted that the audience of VKontakte is younger than that of Odnoklassniki.

Payment format or for 1000 impressions, or for 1 click.

You can advertise on the Internet on a specially created profile page on a social network. A fake page is created specifically to promote a specific service or product and filled with the necessary information. This is what owners of Internet projects or small businesses do.

Constantly developing and growing businesses should create their own group or public. More effectively interact with users within the social. network rather than redirecting them to a separate site. Of course, some investments will be required for the design and administration of your own community.

YouTube ad formats

  1. A video ad that plays before the video for at least 5 seconds. After 5 seconds, the user can click on the “Skip Ads” button and start watching the video for which he came to the page. This is the most effective way of YouTube advertising to attract the user's attention on a brand or a specific product. Payment is taken for views.
  2. The following ad format charges for clicks. The ad itself is displayed in the right column above the recommended videos, as well as in the form of a translucent block that is superimposed on the bottom of the video. This type of advertising is ordered through the Google Adwords Display Network.
  3. The third type is a 300*250 banner in the right column above related videos. Most often, this is a media block with an animated picture.

Thematic sites

This group includes various blogs, forums, bulletin boards, portals and communities. The audience of such Internet sites is narrowly thematic.

In terms of time and labor, this is one of the most difficult ways, but as for the cost, many resources can advertise for free. On many forums, just registering and posting advertising messages will not work, administrators will send you to a ban for explicit advertising. In order to advertise as unobtrusively as possible, you first need to communicate with the audience, so to speak, on a disinterested basis.

Advertising in E-mail newsletters

Infobusinessmen use email marketing to sell their information products or provide services. To attract users to the subscriber base, they are first offered a free product for a subscription. And then each subscriber receives a series of letters pushing him to buy a paid product.

Various Internet services or stores inform their customers about new products, promotions, and discounts using mailing lists. Typically, subscribers are those who have already made a purchase or used the services, so such emails do not annoy them.

Efficiency and cost

The most inexpensive types are: contextual, teaser and advertising in mailing lists. Thanks to targeting settings, contextual advertising will be seen by interested users, the return on such advertising is high. As for teasers, they are not suitable for serious commercial projects, but for entertainment, that's it.

Most of all, you will have to spend money on banner advertising, but the effectiveness of it is quite low in terms of sales. But it is ideal for image advertising. Additional funds will be needed to create a high-quality banner by a professional designer.

I hope this article has helped you understand the basic ways of advertising on the Internet. Write reviews in the comments and share your experience, what kind of advertising helped in promoting your business.