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Profitable profession. The highest paid working professions

  • 3 highest paying jobs in 2019
  • TOP-5: the highest paid professions for men
  • What professions are the highest paid for people without higher education
  • The highest paid professions for the humanities
  • What are the highest paid professions in the world?
  • The highest paying professions of the future

Everyone dreams of having such a job in order to work less and get more at the same time - there is a fair amount of truth in this comic statement. In a world where everything costs money, the winner is the one who has more - and therefore even schoolchildren who have not yet really decided on their choice of profession are in no hurry to consider unfashionable and not very highly paid specialties. So who gets the highest salary in the labor market? We will talk about this now.

First of all, you need to decide which profession is considered highly paid. According to Rosstat, in 2018 the average salary in Russia was 35,843 rubles, but this figure fluctuated greatly depending on the region - for example, in the Volgograd, Ivanovo, Tver regions it is significantly lower.

Traditionally high salaries are in Moscow (66 thousand rubles for the same period), St. Petersburg, in the north of Russia (Magadan Region, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Yakutia, etc.), as well as in megacities. But we will focus on the average for Russia and consider those professions where salaries are higher.

We will also make a reservation that “profession” and “position” are not quite the same thing. Of course, the highest salaries and bonuses are received by top managers and top managers, directors of banks and large enterprises. But this is a position to which not everyone can grow. Also, we do not take into account the income of businessmen in the rating, which can be very significant (and can be very modest and even negative). So,?

3 highest paying jobs in 2019

Here's what it looks likelist of highest paid jobs Nowadays:

Other in-demand specialties include:

  • Market Analyst - conducts market analysis and gives advice on the implementation and promotion of products.
  • Business Consultant - helps the CEO build the right business model and get around the rough edges in the harsh world of entrepreneurship and free trade.
  • A logistics specialist responsible for delivering goods from point A to point B as quickly and cheaply as possible.
  • A marketer is a person who prepares and implements an advertising campaign.
  • HR specialist. Personnel is a key resource for any company, so competent HR is always valuable.
  • Risk manager and crisis manager - the one who can lead the company out of the deepest crisis.
  • Sales Manager. In a world where everyone is selling something, the profession of a sales manager will never lose its relevance.
  • Dentist. The only medical specialty that is officially considered highly profitable. Obstetricians-gynecologists, psychologists and surgeons are stepping on the heels of dentists.

The spread in the level of salaries can be quite significant, but, as a rule, the minimum rates for these positions are 40-50 thousand rubles, and then everything depends on the size and capabilities of the company, as well as on the skill level of the specialist.

TOP 5: for men

Despite all the achievements of emancipation, in some areas, men still earn more than the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity.

These harsh male professions have been and remain the domain of the strongest half of humanity.

The highest paid professions for women

Women hold strong positions in the following professions:

  • PR specialist (as an option - a public relations specialist). Most of these positions are held by women. For such work, it is important to be able to competently build relationships with partners and make a good impression - just what the beautiful half of humanity is excellent at (of course, when they need it).
  • Internal communications specialist. This position involves building relationships in the team and monitoring compliance with the principles of corporate ethics, as well as maintaining employee loyalty to management and the company as a whole. The salary of such a specialist can be 100-300 thousand rubles.

  • Accountant. This profession has long been considered purely female. Exceptions do occur, but not that often. The chief accountant of a large company or enterprise is close in status to the general or financial director - it is not surprising that this position is so well paid. But do not forget that the chief accountant, as a rule, is a materially responsible person, so he bears certain risks.
  • Lawyer. Unlike the accountant, this profession is not considered purely feminine. but still, representatives of the beautiful half of humanity have noticeably squeezed men in the field of jurisprudence. But do not forget that 10-15 years ago the profession of a lawyer was considered very fashionable, and universities produced a huge number of specialists every year. Not all of them are well employed and work in their specialty - having a diploma is not enough, experience and qualifications are important. Only highly qualified lawyers receive good money (from 150,000 and above).

  • A master in the field of beauty (make-up artist, hairdresser, stylist, manicurist) is a purely female profession, and good masters with an established clientele are always worth their weight in gold - they can earn very decently, because women are not ready to save on their beauty.

In these areas, women occupy a leading position, and it is unlikely that men will be able to oust them from there in the near future.

What professions are the highest paidfor people without higher education

As you know, "learning is light, and ignorance is darkness." However, this statement can be disputed, because even among people who do not have the coveted certificate of graduation from the university, there are successful and very wealthy people. Moreover, sometimes former high school students who barely graduated from vocational schools hire former honors students and medalists. However, you should not take this as advice to “give up your studies” - this really happens, but this is not a rule, but rather an exception to the rules.

So, who can make money without having a diploma.

  1. Personal bodyguard/head of security. This is a fairly popular profession for men who have good physical training and are proficient in martial arts, as well as weapons. As a rule, their employers are very serious and wealthy people, so the reward for the person who ensures their safety is a very significant amount.
  2. Personal driver. This is a person who is trusted with a premium car, but also - involuntarily - access to serious information, for which many competitors are willing to pay serious money, because in this car a lot of important conversations are held in the presence of the driver. In addition, a personal driver must adapt to the often irregular rhythm of his employer's life. All this makes the profession of a personal driver so highly paid. To get to this position, it is not enough to drive a car well - they do not get here “from the street”, and all candidates undergo a thorough check and selection.

  3. Athlete. Here it is necessary to make a reservation that most athletes still have a diploma - as a rule, they study by correspondence, because they simply do not have time for full-time education. But strictly speaking, the diploma itself is not so necessary and important for a career - if you have the potential and real sporting achievements, you can earn very decent money by scoring goals or goals, and at the same time remaining a person without a higher education. But it is important to understand that only athletes of the top division have high earnings, amounting to hundreds of thousands (and even millions) of dollars a year.

There are other specialties for people without higher education, because back in the 2000s, a personnel crisis began in the market for working specialties. And it's no secret to anyone that a good plumber can earn more than an ordinary office clerk. Here are some in-demand jobs.

  • builders;
  • masons;
  • electricians;
  • carpenters and plasterers
  • electric and gas welders;
  • repairmen.

The highest paid professionsfor the humanities

It is believed that in the labor market, technical specialists are more likely to find high-paying jobs than humanities, but this is not always the case. These are the directions in which people who had a solid “deuce” in mathematics and other exact sciences at school can develop.

  • Brand manager. A person who helps turn a name or trademark into a recognizable brand. It is thanks to these people that we buy shampoos, shoes or sweets of a certain brand.
  • Politician. Oddly enough, there are more humanitarians among politicians, and this profession provides an excellent opportunity to earn money.
  • Diplomat - Anyone who can resolve any conflict at the negotiating table must have a humanitarian mindset.

Also in recent years, such a profession as a specialist in etiquette is gaining popularity.

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What professions are the highest paid in the world

This list may vary depending on the country in question. Top managers and company executives are in the TOP in any state, but the rest of the list positions may vary.

In America and in the West in general, in the list of demanded and highly paid professions, in addition to high-level managers, are doctors. Here is a list of medical specializations with salaries ranging from $150,000 to $180,000 per year:

  • Surgeon (including plastic and maxillofacial);
  • Psychiatrist;
  • Orthodontist;
  • dental prosthetist;
  • Anesthetist;
  • Pathologist;
  • Obstetrician-gynecologist.

Obviously, in the West, the profession of a doctor is much more promising and highly paid than in Russia and the CIS.

The highest paid professions in Moscow

Moscow is considered a separate state - it is logical to assume that the labor market here has its own characteristics. But in fact, the entire list of professions in demand in the capital of Russia is not much different from the above. Most in demand:

  • IT specialists;
  • Lawyers;
  • Accountants;
  • Marketers;
  • Auditors

The difference with the regions is only in the number of vacancies and salaries - on average, 2 times higher than in other regions. Sometimes the gap can be significantly higher.

The highest paid professions future

We live in a rapidly changing world - some professions are becoming a thing of the past, and new ones immediately appear in their place. The list of highly paid professions in 2019 differs significantly from the similar list of 2010, and even more so from the list of 2000. There is every reason to believe that in 5-10 years the situation will change again.

What professions are gaining popularity? Basically, these are professions in high-tech areas. Do not forget that our world has finally entered the digital age: for example, recently German Gref proposed to include blockchain, which is the basis of smart contracts and cryptocurrencies, in the program of technical universities. Surely the first specialists who have received such an education will be in great demand and will be able to claim excellent salaries.

Experts believe that in the near future the demand for engineers, IT and technical specialists will not fall, so you can safely master these specialties.

will also be in demand

  • biologists and microbiologists;
  • chemists and physicists;
  • specialists in the field of genetic engineering;
  • engineers of the rocket-technical industry;
  • designers and test pilots;
  • builders and railroad workers;
  • all professions related to shipbuilding;
  • specialists in the field of hotel and tourism business.

Career advice for future professionals and their parents

Not always schoolchildren at the age of 16-17 can make a conscious choice that will determine their entire future life - where to go to study. Often parents make the choice for them, which is also not entirely correct. If you are not sure which specialty to prefer, use the following tips.

  • write down on paper everything that you love and enjoy, and try to analyze this list. Try to understand: do you have a humanitarian or technical mindset? Do you want to lead or work under someone else's direction? Do you like to work alone or in a team? Do you like to communicate with people - or will you be comfortable sitting quietly all day somewhere in a corner, buried in a computer? Try to give as honest answers as possible. Focus on your desires, not on the opinions of parents or peers.
  • take a test that will help determine your strengths and weaknesses - after that you will also be able to get a list of professions suitable for you. This test can be taken both online and offline. In addition, some schools offer career guidance programs for middle and high school students.

There is nothing shameful or terrible if you do not go to university in the very first year after school - for starters, you can try to work without a specialty. Perhaps this experience will give you an impetus and help you navigate the choice of your future profession.

If you have not found your current or future profession in the list of the highest paid - do not rush to get upset. Remember that you need to focus not only on the needs of the market, but also on your abilities, desires and dreams - this is the only way you can achieve a lot.

It is better to choose an ordinary profession, but become an extra-class professional, than, at the insistence of your parents, go to study as an accountant, “because this is a good profession that will always feed you” - and as a result, spend your whole life as a second-rate accountant in a third-rate firm, quietly hating your job and counting the minutes to six. Remember that real professionals get good money in any field - and to become a real professional, you need to do what you love!

What does it take to get a high paying job?

This list may change depending on the position you are applying for. And yet, we can single out the main requirements for specialists who dream of taking a highly paid position:

  • work experience in the industry 5-10 years;
  • good knowledge of foreign languages ​​(at least English);
  • specialized education (large foreign universities are especially quoted);
  • passing MBA courses;
  • high stress resistance;
  • personnel management skills.

Feedback from previous employers is also important, so it is important for a highly paid specialist to maintain good relations with superiors even when dismissed.

We examined the highest paid professions of 2019 in Russia and the world. Of course, this list is incomplete - businessmen, civil servants, as well as representatives of the creative sphere and show business, where you can also earn very decent money, are left behind.

As they say, “all professions are needed, all professions are important”, but if you compare the level of salaries, it turns out that this is not entirely true. Approach the choice of profession responsibly: of course, it is important for any person to realize their potential, but we live in the material world and cannot ignore the amount of the monthly remuneration for your work.

Recently, there have been many opportunities to work and earn income online. If you are interested in the topic of making money on the Internet, all the most complete and up-to-date information is collected here:

In 2017, the labor market in Russia was marked by some stabilization: mass layoffs stopped, which gave rise to optimism for both employers and job seekers. First of all, there is a trend towards an increase in demand for highly qualified specialists of a narrow profile, especially in the rapidly developing Internet segment.

Ranking of the highest paid professions in 2017

The profession of propagandist, new on the labor market, which occupies 9th place in the list of the most sought-after professions, has lost a little popularity over the past 2 years, therefore, media professionals in 2017 are ready to pay from 50 to 70 thousand rubles a month.

In eighth place in our ranking is the profession of a bodyguard. Specialists of this profession are in great demand in our difficult time, but there are very high requirements for bodyguard job seekers, they need special training and work experience. From 80 to 200 thousand rubles - the salary of a professional bodyguard.

For many years now, one of the most sought-after professions is the profession of a collector. It should be noted that this profession is associated with a certain risk, and here it is not so much education and work experience that is important, as the personal qualities of the employee, since knocking out debts from debtors is not the most pleasant and rewarding occupation.

The 6th line of the ranking of the highest paid professions is deservedly, which for a year in a row is occupied by the profession of a webmaster. Website developers and website promotion specialists can count on monthly income from 50 to 200 thousand rubles in 2017.

Closes the 5 highest paid professions in 2017 is the profession of an IT manager (specialist in IT technologies). The demand for specialists in the Internet industry is increasing every year, so wage growth is most noticeable here. IT managers earn from 100 to 250 thousand rubles this year.

Traditionally, one of the highest paid professions in Russia and the world remains the profession of a programmer. 2017 was no exception: from 120 to 300 thousand rubles per month and 4th place in our rating.

For the third year in a row, the top three most sought-after professions in Russia include an enterprise bankruptcy specialist (arbitrator), whose salary starts at 300,000 rubles.

The second place among the highest paid professions in 2017 is held by a specialist - an auditor. It should be noted that for applicants for this vacancy, you need to have significant work experience and good references. Payment to such a specialist ranges from 200 to 400 thousand rubles.

Well, in the first place in our ranking of the most popular and highly paid professions, there is a translator from Chinese. This state of affairs is explained by China's incredible economic expansion into the Russian market. Since there is an acute shortage of specialists in this profession now, they can count on remuneration for their work in the amount of 100-300 thousand rubles a month.

Managers are traditionally considered leaders in terms of salaries in Russia. According to the recruiting portal Superjob, offers for top managers - directors of organizations and heads of major business areas - start from 220-250 thousand rubles.

The upper bar is usually hidden behind the wording "by agreement". This means that the salary depends on the qualifications of the applicant and will be supplemented by a bonus system for achieving certain results.

In some positions, the earnings of managers are close to a million rubles.

In second place are highly qualified specialists in the field of IT. Recruiters assure that this direction is more promising. A specialist in the development of mobile applications, who has proven experience, can, after 3-4 years of work in the industry, qualify for a salary that a manager grows up to in 10-12 years.

Also among the highest paid professionals are airline employees. Managers (for example, the technical director) are offered from 300 thousand rubles, the commander of the aircraft - from 350 to 470 thousand rubles or more, the head of the flight attendant service - from 150 thousand rubles. In addition, airlines usually pay employees annual performance-based bonuses.

Recently, Aeroflot introduced lump-sum payments for the employment of flight personnel: the aircraft commander receives 650 thousand rubles, the co-pilot - 350 thousand rubles.

The highest paid vacancies in July in Moscow

  1. Marketing director / head of marketing department in a pharmaceutical company - up to 300,000 rubles.
  2. Financial director of a group of companies - from 260,000 to 300,000 rubles.
  3. Director of accounting, reporting and tax planning - up to 230,000 rubles.
  4. Head of the Procurement Department - from 200,000 to 350,000 rubles.
  5. Director of external logistics - from 200,000 to 300,000 rubles.
  6. Lead Python / TeamLead developer - from 140,000 rubles.

Top 10 industries with the highest average earnings according to Rosstat

  1. Financial and insurance - 68,593 rubles (the average salary of the highest paid workers in the industry is 253,668 rubles).
  2. Mining - 66,973 rubles (197,326 rubles).
  3. Fishing and fish farming - 64,425 rubles (266,058 rubles).
  4. Activities in the field of information and communication - 57,601 rubles (207,307 rubles).
  5. Scientific research and development - 57,516 rubles (176,438 rubles).
  6. Professional scientific and technical activities - 56,250 rubles (199,302 rubles).
  7. Production of coke and oil products; chemicals and chemical products; medicines and materials used for medical purposes - 53,341 rubles (183,803 rubles).
  8. Repair and installation of machinery and equipment - 47,354 rubles (132,395 rubles).
  9. Construction - 45,941 rubles (139,270 rubles).
  10. Metallurgical production, finished metal products, except for machinery and equipment - 44,162 rubles (116,307 rubles).

Who has the best prospects

Good salaries can be received by both non-narrow (as, for example, pilots) and not the most experienced (as managers with long experience) specialists.

Superjob analyzed the offers of employers for employees with qualifications of at least an average level and work experience from one to three years.

Here is what the top 10 professions with the fastest growing salaries look like.

  1. Oracle Developer.
    Annual salary increase: 21%.
    Average earnings: 100,000–120,000 rubles.
  2. Foreign exchange specialist.
    Annual salary increase: 20%.
    Average earnings: 55,000–70,000 rubles.
  3. Chief designer.
    Annual salary increase: 19%.
  4. Head of software testing department.

    Average earnings: 120,000–165,000 rubles.
  5. Lawyer in international law.
    Annual salary increase: 18%.
    Average earnings: 80,000–120,000 rubles.
  6. Head of Internet projects.
    Annual salary increase: 17%.
    Average earnings: 100,000–150,000 rubles.
  7. Java programmer.
    Annual salary increase: 14%.
    Average earnings: 100,000–130,000 rubles.
  8. Tax Lawyer.
    Annual salary increase: 13%.
    Average earnings: 70,000–110,000 rubles.
  9. PHP programmer.
    Annual salary increase: 12%.
    Average earnings: 90,000–120,000 rubles.
  10. Systems Analyst.
    Annual salary increase: 11%.
    Average earnings: 90,000–140,000 rubles.

As for the prospects, the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation found out that the most demanded employees today are skilled workers in the metalworking and machine-building industries, high-level specialists from the fields of science, culture, construction, transport (in particular, pilots) and lawyers.

For every ambitious person who wants to maximize their abilities and talents and achieve professional heights, it is important, first of all, to find out what demanded and highly paid professions are available on the labor market today. However, if you have already chosen a life's work, but did not find your position in the list, do not despair. After all, the situation on the labor market is constantly changing, and it is quite possible that in a few years people working today in poorly paid jobs will become very popular, which will directly affect their wages. So, we propose to find out what highly paid professions exist today in Russia, as well as in other countries.

The situation in the domestic labor market

Since most of us intend to work in Russia, we propose to figure out what highly paid professions can be offered to us by the recruitment agencies of our country today. So, according to statistics, the top positions of this rating are occupied by the following vacancies: top managers of commercial organizations and top managers working in government agencies, financial directors and chief accountants, specialists in the field of IT technologies, lawyers, managers, marketers, HR- professionals and auditors. We propose to elaborate on each of the listed positions.

Top managers and first leaders in commercial organizations

Highly paid professions in this group include several positions. So, the first place is confidently occupied by the managing director of an investment financial institution or bank. His annual income is about three million dollars. The second position is occupied by the presidents of oil companies and corporations. They earn from two million dollars a year. Heavy industry CEOs, investment bank analysts, and chairmen of the boards of commercial financial institutions and banks can expect salaries in the order of $1 million a year. In addition, since the income of companies with various types of activities directly depends on the actions of the marketing director, such specialists can also count on a good income - about 350 thousand rubles per month, plus impressive bonuses. Also, chief engineers at large plants, who combine specific knowledge with managerial skills, can count on more than decent wages. Such specialists earn from half a million rubles a month.

Top managers in government agencies

The highest paid professions in Russia have always included leadership positions in various government agencies. Recently, technical directors of oil and gas companies have been leading here with a monthly salary of 830 thousand rubles. The head of an oil and gas company can count on a salary of 750 thousand rubles. The top three in this area is closed by the general director of a plant for the production of pharmaceutical products with a salary of half a million rubles a month.

Financial directors and accountants

The most demanded and highly paid professions in Russia have never done without qualified specialists in the field of finance. So, as for the chief accountant, a lot of responsibilities lie on his shoulders. He is engaged in the preparation of final reports and is responsible for the calculation of taxes, controls all monetary transactions, and constantly monitors changes in the tax code. Such a high workload also implies decent wages. So, real professionals in this business, as a rule, earn at least 350 thousand rubles a month. Financial directors of large companies can also apply for the same salary. Their responsibilities include organizing financial flows and formulating a financial development strategy.

IT specialists

As the level of computerization of our lives is constantly increasing, the need for professionals in this industry will only increase. And since there are not so many real specialists on the market, most companies are ready to offer them not only a solid salary, but also a flexible work schedule and various bonuses. In this regard, we can say with confidence that the most popular and highly paid professions, both in the present and in the future, are simply unthinkable without IT specialists. As for earnings, web project managers and programmers receive from 80 thousand rubles a month, and IT directors - from 200 thousand.


Despite the fact that today university graduates in this specialty often complain about the difficulties in finding a suitable job due to the presence of high competition, real professionals will always be in demand, and their work will be well paid. After all, every company needs a lawyer who can defend its rights, and, if necessary, return the lost profit through the court. On average, the salary of specialists in this field varies from 35 to 110 thousand rubles per month. Derivatives lawyers make the most money (they deal with industrial financial documentation).


The most demanded and highly paid professions are unthinkable without sales managers, as well as customer service managers. They can count on wages from 50 thousand rubles a month. Purchasing managers involved in quality control of goods, selection of suppliers and analysis of pricing policy in the market receive about 40-50 thousand rubles. In addition, in a difficult financial situation, when one economic crisis follows another, employers highly value risk managers who analyze, control and reduce risks. The companies are ready to pay specialists in this field from half a million rubles a month.


Since the leaders of all companies know that the success of their business depends not only on the quality of the goods produced and sold and the services offered, but also on how promoted their brand is, specialists in this field will always be in demand by employers. So, an experienced marketer may well expect a salary of 70 thousand rubles a month.

HR specialists

Since the matter of recruiting personnel, especially when it comes to highly qualified specialists, is a rather difficult and responsible task, true professionals in this area are highly valued in the labor market. They can count on a salary of 150 thousand rubles a month.


Not a single large company can do without the presence of specialists in this profession in its staff. Moreover, these can be auditors who not only work with financial flows, but also deal with quality assessment. Employers are ready to pay monthly from 60 to 160 thousand rubles to true professionals in this field.

The highest paid professions in the world

If we compare the labor market of Western countries with the domestic one, we can find both many similarities and a lot of differences. Of course, the leading positions are occupied by top managers of large commercial companies, whose annual income often exceeds the mark of several million dollars. As for other professions, the situation is strikingly different. For example, here is a list of the highest paying jobs in the United States.

The most paid professions in the USA

The first place in this ranking has been occupied by anesthesiologists for many years. Their average annual salary varies between 200-250 thousand dollars. Slightly inferior to them are surgeons with an annual income of 190 thousand dollars. Three leaders are closed by orthodontists. Their bank accounts are replenished annually by an average of 185 thousand dollars. The fourth place is shared by gynecologists and dentists with a salary of 165 thousand dollars a year. Thus, there is a huge difference between the Russian labor market and, for example, the American one. After all, our qualified doctors are not only not included in the top five most highly paid specialties, but they are unlikely to be included in the TOP-20. In this regard, it is not at all surprising that a part of young doctors who have graduated from domestic universities and gained experience emigrate to Western countries.

The most popular and highly paid professions for girls

Since in recent years the line between purely male and purely female vacancies has been increasingly blurred, it cannot be said that one or another specialty is more suitable for representatives of one sex or another. Here, of course, we are not talking about work where physical strength is required. Thus, according to statistics, women are able to achieve the greatest success in such positions as the chief executive of a large company, a lawyer and a business analyst.


Today we tried to answer the question of what profession is the highest paid both in Russia and abroad. Thus, we came to the conclusion that if you want to make good money, then it makes sense to master specialties in the field of finance, accounting, auditing, law, HR, IT, and management. However, this does not mean at all that being a true professional in any other industry, you cannot become a successful person. After all, if you enjoy your work, you will definitely reach career heights.

Even if you are quite satisfied with the nature of your work, you will probably still be curious to take a look at this rating. And even more so, it will be interesting and useful to people who want to do something more profitable. After all, we will talk about professions that are considered the most in demand and, as a result, highly paid in Russia.


Dentist is the only medical profession included in the rating of the most demanded and highly paid in Russia. She overtook even plastic surgeons, although the cost of their work is traditionally paid much higher. The fact is that in our country the services of plastic surgeons are rarely used, while a visit to the dentist is often booked, regardless of income level.

In this regard, Russia differs from other countries, for example, from America, where plastic surgery occupies a leading position among other branches of medicine. At the same time, it is far from Russian.

Of course, to work as a dentist, you have to study for a long time - as with any medical specialty. And in order to earn a lot, you will also need to work hard, gaining a good reputation and experience. After all, high salaries are usually for those specialists who either work in private dental clinics or open their own dental offices. State institutions do not have much to offer their employees - this fact must be borne in mind.

On a note: dentistry is not only profitable, but also a promising industry. The current environmental situation is not conducive to maintaining health, and a large amount of harmful impurities that we inhale with air and drink with water have a devastating effect on the condition of the teeth.


Another profession in demand in Russia is a lawyer. A law degree can be useful in many areas, from the legal profession to the police force. Multivariability is an additional advantage, as it allows you to choose a more profitable line of business in an unstable economy, for example, during a crisis.

According to analysts, the highest wages await specialists with a legal education in non-state law firms. Also, experienced lawyers can earn good money by working for themselves - opening their own offices.

The lowest wages in this industry are employees of state bodies and structures. In such institutions, the level of income directly depends on the length of service, so remuneration is most often disproportionate to the contribution and real qualifications of employees.

On a note: despite the fact that the profession has remained in demand over the past few years, the labor market is overflowing with candidates for vacant positions with a legal education. To become a highly paid specialist in this field, you will need not only to provide the employer with a diploma, but also to have the skills and personal qualities necessary for successful work. These will primarily include systems thinking, attention to detail and the ability to make the right decisions in the face of a lack of information.


Another profession in demand today is an economist. Specialists with an economic education, like lawyers, can work in many areas, thereby avoiding the risk of being left unclaimed in the event of crises or, for example, massive layoffs in an organization or even an entire industry.

Important: as well as lawyers, there are enough economists in the labor market. At the same time, good professionals are in demand, because economic areas of activity make rather high demands on the personal qualities of specialists.

It is believed that the most profitable areas in the economic sphere are analytics, accounting and finance. The highest paid positions are, for example, a trader in the stock or currency exchange, the chief accountant of a large company, and a financial analyst.


Marketing and advertising specialists are also in demand in modern Russia. After all, it is high-quality analytics of consumer requests and inclinations, as well as drawing up an effective marketing strategy based on these data, that are the key to successful promotion of goods and services in any industry. Not a single large company or production can do without it.

Marketers solve various tasks - from analyzing the range of consumers and competitors' offers to assessing the quality of an implemented marketing program and making recommendations for sellers or manufacturers. At the same time, large companies usually have a whole marketing department, since there are a lot of tasks to solve.

Typically, such a department includes the following specialists:

  • Marketing Analyst.
  • Marketing economist.
  • Product Manager
  • Event manager.
  • BTL manager.
  • Brand manager.
  • Marketing director.

All these areas are considered to be in demand, the average level of wages in them is approximately the same. Most of all, the director of marketing or specialists holding a similar position as the head of the marketing department usually receive. Appointed to it, as a rule, in the presence of a long work experience.


One of the professions in demand in Russia in 2018 is an engineer. It also has many varieties that allow specialists to get jobs in the most profitable industries.

HeadHunter analysts concluded that among all engineering specialties, the most highly paid are:

  • Production engineer who controls production processes, specializing in the installation, adjustment and repair of equipment.
  • Design engineer involved in the design, invention, testing and commissioning of new devices and mechanisms.

Important: despite the large number of educational institutions offering a secondary education in engineering, it will not be enough to work in this specialty. Only a professional with a higher education will be able to occupy a highly paid position, since only it provides the breadth of specialized knowledge necessary for the quality performance of work.


Realtors, or real estate agents, are another highly paid line of work. The essence of this profession is to mediate in transactions for the purchase / sale or lease of premises - both residential and office. Indeed, in such transactions, the risk of concluding an unfavorable agreement is quite large, and large sums are always at stake.

Few people, not knowing the market and not having experience of interacting with the real estate sector, can independently assess the success of the transaction and the competitiveness of the proposed price. In addition, it is necessary and correct to conclude an agreement in order to insure yourself against financial risks and not stumble upon the pitfalls that exist in any area.

The realtor receives payment either in the form of a fixed fee or as a percentage of the transaction amount. The responsibilities of a real estate agent include:

  • Real estate market analytics.
  • Comparison of existing supply and demand, assessment of the amount of the transaction.
  • Placement of advertisements for the purchase / sale or rental, as well as other activities to search for buyers or tenants.
  • Organization of viewing of the object of purchase / sale or lease by prospective buyers or tenants.
  • Coordination of the time and place of signing the contract between the parties.
  • Preparation of necessary documentation for the transaction.

The demand for real estate agents is determined by the demand, which is always there - in any crisis or any other difficult period for the economy, people continue to make deals by buying, selling, renting or renting apartments, rooms, land, etc. Therefore, this profession is also considered in demand in Russia.


Another rather difficult, but demanded and highly paid profession is an auditor. Auditors are engaged in checking the financial and tax documentation of various organizations, on the basis of which they make an opinion on the financial condition of the company, as well as on the effectiveness of its work in general and various departments in particular.

Important: auditors are visiting experts who evaluate the performance of an organization from the completely independent position of a third-party analyst. That is what they are valued for, since any other employees of the company, as interested parties, cannot make an unbiased judgment.

An auditor is a rather difficult profession, as it requires comprehensive knowledge and an excellent understanding of the global processes that occur at all levels of the enterprise. Only an analysis of the company's work as one integral complex system will make it possible to identify and eliminate its weak links.

In particular, the auditor is responsible for:

  • Conducting inspections and drawing up expert opinions.
  • Checking the correctness of financial and tax reporting.
  • Evaluation of financial transactions on the degree of their rationality and riskiness.
  • Consultations of heads and senior managers on financial matters.

Recommendations made by auditors allow managers to see more clearly the picture of the functioning of the enterprise and make changes if some areas do not pay off or do not work productively enough.

System Administrator

System administrators are also one of the professions in demand in Russia. This is justified by the fact that any company uses computers and other equipment that needs to be configured and maintained in working condition. Also, system administrators work with software and deal with information security issues in the organization.

The duties of such a specialist usually include:

  • Purchase of machinery and equipment.
  • Computer and network setup, software installation.
  • Network security.
  • Organization of data backup.
  • User technical support.
  • Preparation of work reports.

System administrators can work both in state structures and in private companies. The rates in the latter are considered to be higher paid. Often, specialists can work for themselves by opening an individual entrepreneur or LLC - the services of such incoming workers are preferred by small organizations so as not to include the position of a system administrator in the staff.

Business Development Manager

Another highly demanded and highly paid profession is a business development manager. This is a relatively new area of ​​activity for Russia. The development manager analyzes and directs in the right direction the entire set of processes taking place in the organization: from an effective strategy for communicating with the company's customers to establishing more productive interaction between its various departments and substructures.

Key responsibilities of a business development manager include:

  • Interaction with partners and clients of the company.
  • Market and competitor monitoring.
  • Control of marketing and advertising.
  • Optimization of the work of the team, training of new personnel.
  • Participation in presentations and exhibitions.
  • Drawing up plans and development strategies.
  • Performance analysis and reporting.

The requirements for such a specialist are extremely high, because only a comprehensive understanding of what is the key to business success, as well as the ability to see strategies for achieving maximum results, will allow a development manager to perform his work in a quality manner.

IT specialist

Another highly paid and in-demand profession in Russia related to information technology is a generalist IT specialist. According to the Superjob company, the most paid IT specialists are:

  • Head of IT department.
  • Head of development department.
  • System architect.
  • Head of software implementation department.
  • SAP Implementation Consultant.
  • Head of testing department.
  • Java, Oracle, 1C, PHP programmers, etc.

These areas of activity require not only in-depth knowledge of the functioning of system processes and skills in interacting with programming languages, but also practical work experience. The profession of an IT specialist is currently considered the most profitable, but there are few workers with a sufficient level of knowledge and skills.

Summing up

These were ten professions that are considered the most in demand and highly paid in Russia. Each of the presented activities will help active, enterprising and ambitious employees to reach their potential, getting the maximum profit for it.