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How to open a private kindergarten in an apartment. We open a private kindergarten: how the business works in the field of preschool education

In our country, private institutions for children are still rare. It is not easy to figure out what it takes to open a private kindergarten on your own. The biggest obstacle to this is the lengthy paperwork. They are issued by various institutions. Sometimes it seems that the paperwork was invented by officials on purpose, and it will not work to open a case. Despite this, such institutions exist. Some of the businessmen have the patience to formalize their work legally, and some "disguise" the activities of the children's institution under the guise of providing other services. We will consider how to do the right thing so that the regulatory authorities do not have complaints, parents receive a decent quality of services, and children have fun and profitably.

  • How to start opening a kindergarten?
  • How much can you earn
  • How much money do you need to start a business
  • How to choose equipment
  • What OKVED must be indicated to open a kindergarten
  • What documents are needed to open
  • What taxation system to choose for opening a kindergarten
  • Do I need permission to open
  • business technology

Quite rightly, it is believed that kindergarten is a purely female business. As a rule, young mothers want to open it, who know firsthand about the needs of children, are not busy in other jobs and want to earn an income.. The scheme of work itself looks very simple. You need to rent a room, attract parents with children and arrange interesting leisure time for the kids so that they don’t have a desire to come to you again. In fact, organizing a business in the form of a private kindergarten requires serious economic calculations. To earn money, you need to calculate the optimal price for the stay of one child, correctly calculate your own costs. Most of the money will have to be invested long before the opening. But in more detail what needs to be considered below.

Since opening a private kindergarten in our country is not cheap, it is desirable, in addition to desire, to have more investments. It can be own premises, credit funds or family savings. If you do not back down and achieve the legalization of your activities, then this business can become your favorite business of your life.

According to experts, for a month of a child's stay, such an institution now has an income of 300 to 1000 dollars. Depending on the region, this barely covers the cost of supporting babies. There is no need to talk about super profits in this industry, but the desire to open a private “boarding house” does not become less from this.

How to start opening a kindergarten?

You need to start making out a business from the premises. If it does not meet all the requirements, then it will be impossible to obtain a license. And it will be necessary to collect permits and sign agreements no less than for a private catering facility. To open a garden, you will have to register a legal entity (CJSC or LLC). Individual entrepreneurship for such enterprises is not welcome.

When looking for a room for a kindergarten, you need to take into account that, according to the norms, at least 6 sq.m. should be planned for one baby. area. Separately, it should be provided for the opening of a children's room for sleeping, playing, eating. A private kindergarten must be equipped with sports equipment. Special attention should be paid to fire alarms, medical support and catering facilities. These three points contain a lot of requirements, norms and rules, without which it is impossible to obtain a license to open a children's institution. Here is a list of documents that you will need to provide to obtain a license. To start such a business, how to organize your own private kindergarten, you need to collect them.

You will also need to attach information to the above documents about how many kids are planned to be admitted to kindergarten. You will have to get a license sooner or later. Conducting such activities without permission is a criminal offense.

A few more room requirements that need to be mentioned:

  • Ceilings and window sills should be at a certain distance from the floor.
  • The walls must be covered with moisture resistant paint.
  • The flooring on the floor of the children's room should be warm, it is better to organize their heating.

Apartments, and even entire private houses, are often converted into private institutions. However, it is difficult to achieve all the requirements of SNiP there. You can rent a room where the state kindergarten used to be located. It has already been built with these rules in mind. The lease agreement is concluded with the local authorities for a period of one to five years.

After the repair of a private children's facility is completed, you need to purchase furniture:

Every parent wants their child to be cared for by qualified teachers. Organizing their work is also the task of a businessman. Opening a sought-after private kindergarten in itself implies copyrighted educational programs and new methods for the development of children. Only a professional team will be able to provide a high level of preparation of children for school. The organization of a private children's institution is impossible without the preliminary formation of a team.

When the team is assembled and the premises are ready, you need to think about attracting parents with children to your walls. Of the advertising methods that can be applied to such institutions, we can distinguish:

This business cannot be called highly profitable, but, nevertheless, the question of how to open your own private kindergarten is of interest to many teachers and young mothers today. Among parents, such services are in demand more and more. If you make an opening, get all the necessary papers, permission to operate, then the business will be quite profitable.

Over the past decade, the number of newborns in Russia has increased dramatically. And immediately there was an acute problem of lack of places in public kindergartens. Young parents are probably aware of the problems of placing a child in a kindergarten - for this you need to queue up immediately after birth and wait 2-3 years to get to the coveted free place. And in big cities you can not get a kindergarten at all. Therefore, the only way out is to enroll the child in a private kindergarten.

What it is

Private kindergartens are a good way out if all the places in municipal institutions in your area are occupied. It can also be considered private kindergarten as a business. Moreover, the business is very efficient and ideal for a family. A private kindergarten is an educational institution that provides social services not at the budget expense, but at the expense of parents.

Private kindergarten is a great solution for parents

Kindergarten responsibilities include:

  1. Upbringing and primary education for the baby.
  2. Quality health care and prevention.
  3. Child care from an early age, looking after him at the specified time.
  4. Educate parents on child care.

Such establishments work for off-budget funds. This means that the money for the operation will be allocated not from the city budget, but from sponsors or parents.

Advantages and disadvantages

Let's look at the main advantages and disadvantages of this phenomenon. The advantages include:

  1. Small groups. Usually their occupancy is no more than 10-15 people. An indisputable plus is that the teacher will devote time and monitor all the kids, so they will never be left without attention. In small groups, children learn better, get more attention, and hone their communication skills. There are practically no conflicts with such a number of babies.
  2. professional educators. For the owner of a private kindergarten in the apartment it is a complete business. Therefore, he chooses for himself exclusively qualified personnel who will satisfy all the needs of children and parents.
  3. A wide range of additional services and programs. In a private kindergarten, they can study foreign languages ​​with your child, prepare him for admission to the best schools and lyceums, teach him to swim, play musical instruments, ride bicycles and horses. Programs in such institutions are much more interesting - children are happy to go to classes.
  4. Homemade food. In municipal kindergartens, they are prepared from products imposed by the education department through a tender. At home, everything is prepared from fresh products purchased the day before. Here the child will be offered a balanced diet, they will treat him with fruits and vegetables, they will give a supplement without any problems, they will exclude a product that causes allergies from the diet, or they will prepare a diet food.
  5. The actual absence of a queue. In most private gardens, you can sign up after the start of the "season". You don't have to wait a few years to enter kindergarten.

Main cons

Such establishments also have certain disadvantages - they must be known and borne in mind:

  1. Relatively high cost of "training". On the other hand, both dad and mom can work, so it’s more profitable to send the baby to kindergarten, and not sit at home with him around the clock.
  2. Lack of a dedicated area for walking. However, this applies only to kindergartens in apartments. Now there are many private gardens in houses - they have their own high-quality playgrounds, fenced off from strangers.
  3. The complexity of opening this type of business. It is very difficult to start working - you will have to equip the premises, draw up a lot of paperwork and go through various approvals.

Organizing a small home kindergarten in an apartment is a profitable solution

Is it worth it to start?

You should correctly calculate your strengths and capabilities. Kindergarten is more of a family business than a get-rich-quick scheme. Usually it is opened by mothers with small children, they are also educators, and dads are engaged in servicing and resolving all issues. Nevertheless, you can consider the garden and as a profitable business. Especially in large cities - there are always a lot of newborns and there is often an acute shortage of places in municipal institutions. In small towns, the level of wages of the population is not very high, so not everyone will be able to afford such services, although situations are different.

Note:There is practically no competition in this type of business, so with the right approach, your investment will definitely pay off. It will also be possible to offer parents additional programs for a fee.

It is also important to develop a good program and overall concept for the institution. The original name, convenient location, modern programs, original methods, additional classes, round-the-clock work - all this increases your attractiveness and motivates parents to come to you, and not to the municipal garden.

Registration process

It should be understood that working with children requires strict adherence to all standards and norms. Therefore, you will have to spend a lot of money on the equipment of the premises.The registration process begins with the receipt of a non-commercial IP patent. To do this, you will need to contact the Federal Registration Service of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation and submit an application. When registering, you inform the specialist about the chosen field of activity, after which he indicates this specificity in the documents according to the all-Russian classification. Applications are usually processed within 30 business days.

A variety of activities are possible in a private kindergarten

If approved, please contact:

  1. To the tax office.
  2. To a pension fund.
  3. To the social and health insurance fund.
  4. to the state statistics authorities.

In parallel with registration in the above services, you will need to contact the local authorities (mayor's office) and the education department to coordinate the opening of the institution. You will also need a bank account, a license from the Department of Education and accreditation from the local authorities.

Document set

To open you need the following list of documents:

  1. Agreement on the ownership of the premises or lease agreement.
  2. The conclusion of the sanitary and epidemiological station on compliance with the standards.
  3. Conclusion of the fire inspection on compliance.
  4. Document on assignment of TIN status.
  5. Charter of the educational institution.
  6. Detailed educational program approved by the Department of Education.
  7. List of training materials and methodical literature.
  8. Every teacher's job.
  9. An accurate list of all children (preferably with phone numbers and names of parents).

Note:Doing business without a license and educational programs is strictly prohibited - criminal liability is provided for this. But you can cheat and arrange an organization for a short visit by preschoolers (up to 4 hours a day).

In this case, you do not need a license - your company will be registered as a training or development center. Programs are drawn up in any case - they are made even for circles and sections.

Kindergarten requirements.

Increased requirements are put forward for the premises in which the institution will be located. All norms are regulated by SanPin, subject to changes from 04/04/2014. Carefully study them before choosing a room and starting to repair it. Of the key requirements:

  1. 6 m2 for every child.
  2. Different rooms are needed for eating, sleeping and entertaining.
  3. Mandatory availability of a nurse's office with medicines for first aid.
  4. Mandatory presence of the manager's office.
  5. Premises for "interest clubs". Roughly speaking, these are rooms in which children can practice choreography, fine arts, sports (a gym with equipment), and communicate with a psychologist.
  6. Mandatory presence of a separate catering unit.
  7. Special toilet rooms for children. Can be combined with washbasins. They should be equipped with special lockers in which towels and personal hygiene products (soap, toothbrushes, etc.) will be stored.
  8. Room for storing clothes. Wardrobes in which children hang outerwear should not be in the bedroom or dining room - they are located in the hallway.
  9. Every room should have a working fire alarm.
  10. Every room should have natural and artificial lighting.
  11. The temperature in the rooms should not be lower than 22 degrees.
  12. The walls are painted with moisture resistant red.
  13. Beds and dishes must have quality certificates.

You will need to purchase children's toys and sports goods


If you have the appropriate education, then you can start working on your own. But if you are wondering about how to open a private kindergarten and where to start, then, most likely, you are far from raising children. In this case, you need to find good caregivers. Doing this is not as easy as it seems. Personnel should be selected not only on the basis of experience and the presence of various categories, but, first of all, on personal qualities and love for children. For a full-fledged kindergarten, you will need to hire at least a couple of educators, a nanny, a cook, a health worker, a cleaner. You also need a manager who will keep order and communicate with parents on all issues. You will also need other specialists if you are going to offer any additional services. For example, an English teacher or a choreographer. They do not have to be hired – you can simply conclude an outsource contract for conducting classes.

Selection of children

When you have done and organized all of the above, you will want to recruit children of any age, just to recoup the investment. But you can't do that. In one group there should be children of approximately the same age (plus or minus a year). According to the program, teachers will work with children in drawing, learning letters, and developing logical thinking. Tasks should be completely different, because you can’t read the same thing to a three-year-old baby and a six-year-old. Therefore, either one group of approximately identical children, or several of different ages.

When enrolling a child in a kindergarten, parents must sign an agreement with you for the provision of educational services. It must describe as much as possible all the points and possible situations. In principle, you can find a standard contract on the net and adjust it to fit your realities.

Small groups in a private garden give more freedom to children and caregivers

Family Kindergarten

Above, we described what is needed to open a private kindergarten. But you can go the path of least resistance and create a family garden. Even an ordinary apartment or house will do for this. Children are in the institution part-time (we wrote about this above), so a license is not needed. Also, the requirements for premises and personnel are greatly simplified, which allows good savings. But usually 3-7 kids are engaged in such kindergartens - this is more of an interest club than a full-fledged kindergarten. Nevertheless, this is a great outlet for young parents and a very good solution for a family business.

Business plan

Now let's look at what all this will result in and how profitable it is to engage in such a business. First, let's calculate what you need before opening an institution:

  1. Registration will cost 7-10 thousand.
  2. Renting space varies from region to region. But, on average, a suitable room will cost you 30-40 thousand rubles.
  3. Utilities cost about 5-10 thousand per month.
  4. Repairs in the building, equipping a bedroom, bathroom, playroom, medical room, etc. Here, the amount can be very serious - from 100,000 to a million rubles.
  5. Advertising at the initial stage - at least 5,000 rubles per month.

On average, it takes about 500,000 rubles to open a modern kindergarten with video surveillance for several groups of people. If you save money, you can fit in 200,000 rubles, but it will be just one group.

Now we need staff, various household chemicals, stationery, toys, educational materials. On average, with a staff salary of 20 thousand and taking into account current expenses, the cost of a visit for a child will be about 20-25 thousand rubles a month. This is the minimum figure, taking into account the fact that the kindergarten will be attended by 12-15 children. An increase in their number leads to an expansion of groups and personnel. Download detailed private kindergarten business plan you can on the Internet - there are specially calculated options for different attendance and cities.

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How to organize a private kindergarten at home

* Calculations use average data for Russia

We have previously written about how to organize a private kindergarten, which can become quite a lucrative, albeit troublesome, small business. At the same time, we considered the option of opening a kindergarten at home, which does not require large investments. Quite a lot of time has passed since the article was written, and only now sanitary norms and rules have been approved, according to which such children's groups should work. In this article, we will consider the new format of the "home" kindergarten in more detail.

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Although the government is trying to eliminate queues in municipal kindergartens and has even achieved some success in this direction (in several Russian regions, according to official reports, they have already managed to eliminate queues in kindergarten), nevertheless, the problem of a lack of places for babies remains relevant for most mothers. This is due to the increase in the birth rate and the desire of many women to return to work as soon as possible after the decree (in most cases for material reasons). And someone, even in the absence of problems with placing a child in a municipal kindergarten, would like to provide their child with better care and more attention from educators, which is hardly possible in groups with 25 or more children. For this reason, despite the improvement (at least announced by the authorities) of the situation with public kindergartens, private kindergartens do not lose their relevance.

When opening a kindergarten, the following two factors should be taken into account: private kindergartens are attended mainly by children of primary preschool age - from 9 months to 3 years. Parents prefer to transfer older children to a municipal kindergarten, since the kids are already more adapted, their immunity is strong enough, and the cost of a child's stay in a municipal kindergarten, of course, is much lower than in a private one.

Until recently, it was very difficult and expensive to open a private kindergarten in compliance with all formalities. Therefore, many parents who thought about starting such a mini-business were looking for workarounds: registering their garden as an early development center or looking for clients among friends and acquaintances, recruiting small groups right at their homes and not formalizing it. Since this year, the situation has changed somewhat. Now such preschool groups can be fully legalized and even receive financial support from regional sources, like ordinary municipal kindergartens (the relevant decree can be found on the Rossiyskaya Gazeta website). There is, however, one condition - for this you will have to obtain a license to conduct such activities.

Children up to the age of eight years old are admitted to this kindergarten. Moreover, it is not necessary that they be the same age. At least according to the law. However, in practice, it is still desirable that the children in your group be about the same age. In this case, it will be easier for educators to organize classes for children, less expenses will be required for the purchase of toys, and it will be easier to provide food for children.

As a room for a mini-garden, you can use both an ordinary apartment and a private house. Even a room with stove heating and without centralized sewerage is suitable for arranging a garden. However, in the first case, it is necessary to install the stove in such a way that the kids could not get to it. If you own suitable premises or, even more so, if you are going to purchase an apartment or house specifically for a kindergarten, you should consult in advance with your regional branch of Rospotrebnadzor whether it meets the established requirements.

The air temperature in the room should be maintained at 21 - 24 degrees Celsius. At the same time, it must be regularly ventilated. It is best to make an hourly ventilation schedule, during which the children need to be transferred to another room so that they do not catch a cold (we are talking, of course, about the cold season). It is also necessary to ensure daily wet cleaning. In an apartment or private house of a small area, it is quite possible to manage on your own without hiring a cleaner. There are no special requirements for the repair of premises. The main thing is that this repair, at least, should be (it is unlikely that any of the parents will give their child to bad conditions) and not make cleaning difficult. If the walls in the rooms are covered with wallpaper, then it is highly desirable that they be washable, since both walls and ceilings also need to be washed regularly. In the toilet and bathroom, it is best to tile the floors and walls with ceramic tiles. The floor in the hallway (where children change their shoes and take off their street clothes) is recommended to be laid out with ceramic granite. When choosing tiles, give preference to materials with a rough, non-slip surface.

Ready-made ideas for your business

There are also no strict requirements for the layout of the premises. Of course, it is desirable that all rooms - the playroom, the bedroom, the dining room (if any) be separate rooms, but with a small area, you can combine the playroom and the bedroom. As in a regular kindergarten, each child should have their own bed. To save space in a home children's group, you can use compact beds - sliding or in 2-3 tiers. Please note: bunk beds should not be located one above the other, but in the form of steps so that the child does not fall from the top tier. You will also need other children's furniture - chairs and tables.

You can buy inexpensive furniture in stores like Ikea. For example, a table and two chairs made of natural wood will cost 1000-1500 rubles. In the case of a group of short stays, you can do without beds. With this format, you can do without a quiet hour and lunches, so such a kindergarten is closer to the children's early development center. In addition to the minimum set of furniture (tables and chairs will still be required - for breakfast and for classes with kids), you will need to purchase shelving and boxes for storing toys, as well as the toys themselves.

Ready-made ideas for your business

The standards also specify certain requirements for the latter: they must be made of safe materials and that they can be washed every day and disinfected from time to time. Under such requirements, toys made of plastic and rubber are suitable. And also combined with textile materials so that they can be washed. It is better to refuse the acquisition of soft toys. The usual set of toys for a kindergarten includes: constructors with plastic parts (wooden ones, although they look more attractive, are not suitable for hygienic reasons - the tree will quickly warp from frequent contact with water and, moreover, detergents), plastisol dolls, plastic animal figurines, PVC play house, various toys for kids (pyramids, labyrinths, etc.). In addition to standard toys and play sets, it is also worth buying toys for teaching children. These include, for example, puppet theaters (toys that are worn on hands), puzzles (the main thing is that they do not contain small parts if they are intended for children under 3-4 years old), game and sports complexes (with a limited area, you can get by with a standard Swedish wall), etc. Please note: it is strictly forbidden to keep any pets in the home kindergarten - from fish to hamsters. So you will have to get acquainted with wildlife through paintings and while walking on the street.

The number of children in such a group is calculated according to the area of ​​​​the room, which is used as a playroom: at least 2 square meters should be allocated per child. meters. The issue of hygiene deserves special attention. As in municipal kindergartens, each child in the home group should also have their own personal potty. Older children can use one toilet bowl, but in this case it is necessary to provide for each of them to have their own seat - a toilet lining. Also, for each child, you need to provide your own towels (separate for the face, arms and legs) and bed linen, which need to be changed regularly.

The hours of operation of the home kindergarten may vary. So, according to the law, there is a mode of short-term stay (up to five hours a day), which is suitable for very young children, a shortened day (8 - 10 hours), a full day (10.5 - 12 hours), as in an ordinary garden, and, finally , extended day (13 - 14 hours).

The most difficult thing is to provide food for your pupils. In theory, you can cook it yourself, but be sure to comply with all the necessary requirements, of which there are a lot. It is much easier to order ready-made meals at a nearby municipal kindergarten, school or cafe. The menu deserves special attention. As in state-run child care facilities, home kindergartens should have fresh food every day (it is strictly forbidden to feed children with what is left from yesterday), and the dishes should be varied (the same dishes cannot be repeated in the diet of children two times and two days in a row).

Ready-made ideas for your business

In general, the children's menu is quite simple: for breakfast, warm porridge, a casserole, a sandwich and a drink of your choice are served, for lunch - the first (soup), the second (for example, mashed potatoes, pasta or buckwheat with a meat dish - cutlet, sausage, sauce etc.), snack (or salad), tea or cocoa. For an afternoon snack, juice or milk is suitable, plus a sweet bakery product (cottage cheese, puff, bun, etc.). The serving size depends on the age of the child and is strictly regulated in the rules.

In addition to the nutritional requirements, the established daily routine must also be observed in the home kindergarten. The latter also depends on age. Children are entitled to walks twice a day (up to a total of 4 hours a day), weather permitting, and a quiet hour of at least two hours. The rest of the time should be occupied with various activities with children - games, learning activities, creativity, reading books, etc.

If you are going to work according to the law and expect to receive subsidies from the state, then you will need to apply for an educational license. In the case of an individual entrepreneur, you can do without licensing if you plan to carry out such activities on your own. If you intend to involve other teachers in the work, you will have to obtain the appropriate permits.

The number of staff of a "full-scale" kindergarten is quite large. Both educators and nannies, cooks, a nurse, sometimes a speech therapist and a psychologist, cleaners, security guards, and janitors work here. A home kindergarten can get by with a much more modest staff. If you are registered as an individual entrepreneur, then you can enter into contracts with teachers who also work as an individual entrepreneur for the provision of services for conducting classes with children. In any case, whatever the number of your staff, all your employees must have medical books, undergo regular medical examinations, receive the necessary vaccinations and be allowed to work with children.

Lilia Sysoeva

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Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 9 minutes


The workload forces parents to think about who to leave the child with. Babysitters cannot ensure the proper development of a child, and in order to get into a state institution for working with preschoolers, one must stand in a long queue. Sometimes waiting for a place can last several years. This article contains information about opening a private kindergarten from scratch.

Organization of a private kindergarten, where to start?

Having decided to open a private kindergarten, an entrepreneur must choose the form of ownership. Individuals registered as individual entrepreneurs or legal organizations with non-profit status can provide services in the field of education. It is better to register an LLC. The form of ownership will give the institution the status of a legal entity, which will allow you to obtain a license in the future.

Some businessmen prefer to open an IP and carry out activities without a license.

They create:

  1. Development centers.
  2. Children's studios.
  3. Leisure centers.

These institutions are veiled preschool educational institutions. By law, they do not have the right to educate children. If the inspection reveals the fact of illegal training, the entrepreneur will be punished accordingly.

The business should be registered as an "establishment". The title should not contain the words "school" and "kindergarten". When registering, you must select OKVED codes.

Suitable for the type of business:

  • 80.10.1 — Pre-school education (preceding primary general education);
  • 80.10.3 - Additional education for children.

To register a business as a non-profit institution, you will need the following documents:

  1. Statement.
  2. Receipt for payment of state duty.
  3. Constituent documents.
  4. Papers confirming the existence of a legal address.

To start operating an institution as a kindergarten, a license is required.

To obtain it, the entrepreneur must collect and submit the following documents:

  • The constitution of the institution.
  • Documents confirming the right to use the premises.
  • SES permission.
  • Fire department permit.
  • The work program of the institution, developed by teachers.
  • Information about the teaching staff.

In order for the license to be considered, it is necessary to pay a state duty in the amount of 3,000 rubles. The receipt should be attached to the list of documents that will be submitted to the state authority responsible for issuing licenses. Before applying, the license applicant must personally sign all the papers.

Registration of the type of business takes place in the registration service of the Ministry of Justice. The procedure is performed within 1 month.

During registration, the entrepreneur must choose a taxation system. For the type of business, a patent is best suited.

To start making contributions to the state under this system, an entrepreneur must:

  1. Open an organization account.
  2. Go through the registration process.
  3. Register your business.
  4. Make a choice of taxation system.

What do I need to purchase for a private kindergarten?

In order for the kindergarten to start functioning, the entrepreneur will need equipment.

The list includes:

  • Lockers for things 5 ​​- ty section 4 pcs. - 18,000 rubles.
  • Tables 10 pcs. - 15,000 rubles.
  • Chairs 20 pcs. - 20,000 rubles.
  • Beds 20 pcs. - 100,000 rubles.
  • Dishes 20 sets + cooking utensils - 10,000 rubles.
  • Bed linen 40 sets - 30,000 rubles.
  • Pots 20 pcs. - 4,000 rubles.
  • Educational toys - 50,000 rubles.
  • Stationery - 5,000 rubles.
  • Toys for outdoor games - 20,000 rubles.

In total, it will take about 250,000 rubles to purchase equipment for a private kindergarten.

Not all equipment is suitable for use in kindergarten.

The requirements for the items are:

  1. Furniture must be of a certain height. Tables should be no higher than 58 cm, and chairs - 34 cm.
  2. There should be special lockers for clothes.

Basic requirements for the premises and conditions for keeping children in private kindergartens

The building must comply with strict standards set by the SES.

The list includes:

  • There must be at least 6 square meters per 1 pupil. m.
  • The temperature should not fall below + 22 degrees.
  • It requires the presence of not only natural, but also artificial lighting.
  • The dining room, bedroom and playroom should be located in separate rooms.
  • The garden should have its own gym.
  • There should be a nurse's office.

SanPin will not allow the organization to start operating if at least one of the conditions is not met.

For a garden, a 1 - 2 - storey building with a fenced area for walking is suitable. The area for the garden can be rented from the administration for a period of 1 to 5 years. But to acquire it in private ownership will not work. The building has already been equipped to meet all the requirements.

Its rent will save on changes in the layout of commercial real estate. However, repairs still need to be done. Without a well-equipped, clean room, SES will not allow you to start work.

Before starting the operation of the premises, mandatory installation of a fire alarm is required. Without it, it will not be possible to obtain permission to open an institution. In addition, fire extinguishers should be placed in the rooms.

The cost of renting a room for a kindergarten in Moscow starts from 7,200 rubles per sq. m., in St. Petersburg - from 5000 rubles per sq. m., in Kazan - from 2500 rubles per sq. m.

On the playgrounds for pupils located on the street, they must be equipped with:

  1. Sandboxes.
  2. Ladders.
  3. Benches.

There must be gazebos and green spaces on the territory. They should provide shade for shelter from the sun on a hot day.

Personnel needed to open a private kindergarten

While the pupils are in the kindergarten, the institution is fully responsible for their life and health. For this reason, it is important to hire so many employees so that the little ones are always under the care of adults.

For the normal functioning of the kindergarten will require:

  • Educator.
  • Accountant.
  • Head.
  • Security guard.
  • Room cleaner.
  • Extracurricular teachers.
  • Babysitting.
  • Cook.
  • Doctor.
  • Psychologist.
  • Speech therapist.

There must be at least 1 caregiver for every 15 children. Highly qualified specialists should work in a good private kindergarten. Their services are not cheap. The teacher's salary must be at least 60,000 rubles.

The choice of employees must be approached strictly. During the interview, you must carefully study the proposed resume. If a person applies for the position of an educator or teacher of additional classes, he must provide methods, programs and plans according to which he will work with children. If the future employee meets all the requirements of the institution, it is necessary to contact his previous employer and obtain a description of the employee.

All employees of the institution must have a medical book. Specialists who work with children must have a higher pedagogical education. Employees must be able to get along with children.

Qualified specialists who work according to the author's methods will attract additional clients to the institution.

The kindergarten team must be cohesive. Disagreements will have a negative impact on students. The business owner must monitor the prevailing atmosphere and take action if necessary.

The head of the kindergarten should monitor the functioning of the team. If the specialist does not fulfill the duties assigned to him, the head. the preschool institution must immediately point out the mistake to him. The statement of the head is reporting and drawing up plans for the work of the institution.

Features of catering in a private kindergarten

The quality of food in the institution should be at a high level. This will increase parental confidence and attract additional customers. To feed 1 child, the organization will have to spend at least 200 rubles daily. Food costs increase depending on the level of the institution. In total, the owner of an average private kindergarten will have to spend about 60,000 rubles a month on food for pupils. The cost of food must be fully included in the cost of the kindergarten fee.

Pupils should be fed 3-4 times a day.

They must receive:

  1. Breakfast.
  2. Dinner.
  3. afternoon tea.
  4. Dinner.

Food preparation must be carried out in accordance with all SES standards. Some institutions practice the purchase of prepared food from outside organizations. Products are brought to the kindergarten in containers. The method allows significant savings. When purchasing ready-made food, there is no need to maintain the position of a cook.

However, this method should be abandoned. It does not comply with SES standards. During transport, the container may open and the food may become cold. It is better to hire a cook who will prepare food immediately before feeding.

How much does it cost to organize a private kindergarten: an approximate business plan for opening from scratch

To create a private kindergarten from scratch, a businessman will have to spend, according to the calculation, about 1,500,000 rubles. The exact amount of costs is determined depending on the level of the planned institution.

Every month, parents pay from 10 to 50 thousand rubles for kindergarten services. Prices vary depending on the level of prestige and the number of services provided. In order for the business to pay off, it is necessary to recruit at least 20 pupils.

Every month the organization will bring at least 500 thousand profits. With this level of income, the business will pay off in a year. To reduce the period, the entrepreneur can offer parents to use additional services.

Among them:

  • Round-the-clock stay of the child in the institution.
  • Weekend group.

However, the cost of wages and food for children will have to increase.

You can increase the amount of income without additional costs by introducing:

  1. Cash payments from parents to save a place for a child if he is absent for a long time.
  2. Mandatory payments for the adoption of a child in kindergarten.

Methods will significantly increase the amount of profit received, but can significantly reduce the prestige of the institution in the eyes of parents.

State benefits and subsidies to help private kindergartens

The state encourages the opening of private kindergartens. Having organized the activities of the institution, the entrepreneur has the right to count on benefits and subsidies.

They are issued if:

  • The program, according to which the training is conducted, meets the standards set by the state.
  • The organization has no tax debts.
  • The operating mode of the institution is carried out in accordance with the passport of the services of a preschool institution.

The amount of the subsidy depends on the number of pupils of the institution. An entrepreneur can receive up to 10 million to organize the work of a kindergarten. To receive funds, it is necessary to allocate 10% free of charge for children of preferential categories.

The amount can be used for:

  1. Purchase of equipment.
  2. Room renovation.
  3. Payment of rent.
  4. Payment for services.

The subsidy may be denied if the organization provides more services than indicated in the passport.

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* Calculations use average data for Russia

100,000 sq.m.

Required area

RUB 800,000

Minimum investment

200 000 rubles/month

Income (if 20 children attend)

Business in the field of preschool education is a stable and profitable business. Therefore, if you love children and have sufficient capital, implement the idea of ​​a private kindergarten.

Today in Russia institutions of additional education for children are becoming especially popular. This trend is associated, firstly, with an increase in the birth rate in the country, secondly, with a lack of places in public kindergartens, and thirdly, with the low quality of preschool education in these institutions.

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The development of the market for private gardens and developing clubs began in the mid-2000s, and was caused by an active increase in the birth rate. Over time, the prospects of the market were appreciated by many - the market began to fill up with players who began to conquer consumers with different income levels. If earlier the services of private kindergartens and similar institutions were regarded as an expensive service for the wealthy category of the population, then the current market covers a wider audience - now almost everyone can find an option suitable for their budget.

Even during the crisis, the segment of private children's education felt quite confident. According to experts, this business is able not only not to decline, but also to grow during the crisis. This is due to the fact that most consumers believe that children cannot be saved, and therefore do not plan to stop investing in their development and education.

The idea to open a private kindergarten is most often visited by young entrepreneurial parents who experience the “queues” in state kindergartens. Many of those who are far behind in the “queue” are ready or forced to pay for private kindergarten. In addition, the reason for the refusal of public kindergartens may lie not only in the notorious "queues". Now many parents initially do not want to send their child to a municipal kindergarten, but immediately look for a private kindergarten. This category of parents has an average and above average income, and therefore imposes certain requirements on the quality of nutrition, education and leisure activities for a private kindergarten.

And if there is a demand, why not offer your services?

But before you open a kindergarten from scratch, you need to weigh all the pros and cons, evaluate the market and its demand in your city.

We count kindergartens

Let's start our research by counting the number of inhabitants of the district and finding out their structure. For example, if the majority of the inhabitants of the district are elderly people, then a kindergarten would be out of place here. Another thing is when you decide to open a kindergarten in an area without a state kindergarten, which is needed by young families living nearby.

Where to get information? You can request data on the statistics of the area in the passport office. In extreme cases, you can use the Roskomstat website and find the information yourself.

To find out about the existence of "queues", contact the city administration - the department of education. It may also be that in the area of ​​your choice there are several public gardens with low occupancy - then it makes no sense for you to open another one here.

After checking this information and finding the ideal location for a private kindergarten, you can proceed to the next step.

We count finances

Before you seriously engage in the implementation of the idea, you need to calculate how much it will cost. It is rather difficult to indicate the exact figures into which the opening of a private kindergarten will result, because the amount depends on many factors. And the main one sounds like “how much are you willing to pay?”. This is the type of business in which investments have a clear minimum and a blurry maximum. Let's deal with the minimum.

Firstly, a significant share is occupied by the repair of the premises. Even if you have chosen a civilized room for the kindergarten, in order to adapt it to the needs of the children and the requirements of the law, you need to spend money. For a small garden designed for one group, 100 sq.m. will be enough. Repair in such a room will cost about 300 thousand rubles. (including all labor and materials).

Secondly, most of the budget will be "eaten" by the equipment of the premises. It is necessary to purchase furniture, bed linen, dishes, household appliances, toys, educational materials for the kindergarten. Get ready to spend about 400 thousand rubles on this article.

Thirdly, when opening a new kindergarten, it is necessary to conduct an advertising campaign. The minimum amount to be included in the budget is 50 thousand rubles.

Fourthly, paperwork takes not only a lot of time, but also a lot of money. Therefore, lay 15-20 thousand rubles for this cost item.

Fifth, do not forget about non-obvious expenses. For example, you will have to pay the rent of the premises even before the kindergarten opens (unless, of course, you own a suitable 100 sq.m.). And the rent of such an area will cost about 80 thousand rubles. per month.

Thus, to open a private kindergarten, it will take from 800 thousand to 1 million rubles.

We study the pitfalls, weigh the pros and cons

Opening a kindergarten, although a good idea, has its own difficulties and disadvantages. Let's start with the good. Why open a private kindergarten?

    current and stable business;

    low susceptibility to crises;

    state support for the sphere of preschool education.

And now for the disadvantages:

    difficulty in the selection of highly qualified personnel;

    high level of competition;

    the need for the presence of an entrepreneur in business;

    low profitability due to the cost of rent, wages of employees and the cost of services provided;
    - the complexity of doing business;

    large initial investment.

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Nevertheless, the opening of a kindergarten is assessed as a promising line of business, which is characterized by a stable income and social significance.

Our verdict - a private kindergarten needs to be opened!

To make a minimum of mistakes in this difficult process, we recommend that you draw up a well-thought-out business plan. The more aspects of the business you cover, the easier it will be to implement the idea.

We offer step-by-step instructions that will help determine the main stages of opening a kindergarten.

How to get documentation?

A private kindergarten can be registered as an individual entrepreneur or LLC, and you can also choose the form of preschool educational institution (preschool educational institution) or ANO (autonomous non-profit organization). Keep in mind that the registration period, depending on the chosen legal form, varies significantly: if you spend 2-3 weeks on registering an individual entrepreneur or LLC, then registration of a PEI or ANO will stretch for 2 months.

The choice of registration form affects the taxation system and the nuances of bookkeeping. By choosing an IP, you can purchase a patent for a period of 1 to 12 months. The patent system is suitable for kindergartens in a small space and with a minimum number of staff. If you open an LLC, then you will pay 6% of income according to the “simplified” system. PEIs and ANOs also have their own taxation and accounting features.

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In accordance with Art. 91 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", additional education is subject to licensing. Please note that only educational programs are licensed. If the services of a private garden include child care, supervision and development, this does not fall under the definition of educational programs, which means that licensing is not required.

And yet, how to get a license for a preschool?

This process is very complicated, for this it is necessary to prepare the following documents:

    Copies of the certificate of registration of entrepreneurial activity and constituent papers.

    Curricula and lesson plans that meet the standards of the Ministry of Education.

    Documents on the qualifications of the head, hired teachers and educators.

    Data on methodological and technical support.

    The conclusion of the SES and the fire service on the suitability of the premises.

    A document confirming the ownership of the premises or lease agreement.

How to choose a place for a kindergarten?

This is the next stage of the quest, which requires a lot of effort. Finding a suitable preschool for a kindergarten is not easy. The requirements in this case are strict, and if the premises do not meet at least one requirement from the list, you are unlikely to be given permission from Rospotrebnadzor and Fire Safety.

All standards are prescribed in SanPin and fire safety rules, which should be carefully studied before starting to search for a room. We list the key ones:

    not less than 6 sq.m. for each child;

    the presence of separate rooms for playing, sleeping, eating;

    even in the smallest private kindergarten there should be an office of the head;

    a medical worker's office, with a full set of necessary medicines and first aid supplies;

    a gym equipped with the necessary equipment;

    a separate room for eating;

    toilet rooms equipped for children with washbasins, cabinets for towels and storage of household chemicals, child seats for toilet bowls;

    the presence of a dressing room and lockers for storing things;

    all rooms must be equipped with fire alarms, lit with natural and electric light, have a temperature of 22 degrees, and be painted with moisture-resistant paint.

Don't let the impressive list intimidate you. Still, resolving the issue with the premises is not so difficult: the entrepreneur only needs to know the rules and regulations, as well as a thorough and careful search for a suitable premises.

In some cases, a suitable room will help you choose the state. In some regions there are preferential leases of municipal premises. Therefore, it is worth considering all the options, calculating the possibilities and finding the best solution for yourself.

You can also find cheaper accommodation with help from the state. In some regions, there are special programs for the preferential lease of municipal premises for representatives of the private sector of preschool education or social entrepreneurship. Therefore, it is worth exploring all possible options, calculating the economic model and identifying the optimal rental rate for yourself.

How to select employees for kindergarten?

For a kindergarten, the availability of qualified personnel is one of the main parameters, so you should carefully approach the selection of staff. The main problem when opening such an institution lies precisely in the small number of highly qualified specialists. Therefore, it is recommended to engage in the selection of personnel at the stage of business planning. It is imperative that employees have a pedagogical or psychological education. It should be noted that when drawing up training programs, knowledge in the psychological, pedagogical and creative fields will be required. Also, all employees must have a medical book and a certificate from a psychiatrist.

The number of staff depends on the size of the kindergarten: the more groups in your kindergarten, the more nannies and teachers are required.

Ready-made ideas for your business

For one group of 20 people, the minimum list of staff: 2 educators, 1 nanny and 1 cook. It is assumed that this staff combines the functions of teachers and a nurse (of course, with the necessary qualifications). If you find such versatile employees, you can cut the payroll.

The target audience of a private kindergarten is represented by parents of preschool children. The institution's services are targeted at middle-income families.

    Placing ads in schools, public kindergartens and other places where the target audience is concentrated.

    Posting ads in houses that are geographically close to your institution. In this case, advertising in elevators is most effective.

    Placing information in local newspapers - this can be not only a commercial announcement, but also an entire article telling about your business, teachers, methods, results, etc.

    Providing a free trial day in a group;

    Placing information on various thematic forums cities.

    Provision of additional services. For example, it can be a free trial lesson or a video surveillance service that allows parents to follow the progress of their child's classes online.

How to conclude an agreement with parents?

Be sure to conclude a service agreement with the parents of the children. The standard contract should include:

    Subjects: the owner of the kindergarten, as the Contractor, and one of the parents of the child, as the Customer;

    Subject of the contract: services provided by the educational institution: supervision and care, additional education services, etc.;

    Rights and obligations of the Contractor and the Customer.

    Measures of responsibility for violation of clauses of the contract and the procedure for resolving disputes;

    Prices for kindergarten services and recalculation possibilities;

    Legal and actual addresses, details;

    Permission to process personal data.

You can seek the help of a lawyer who will help you draft the contract correctly. The cost of his services in this case will be small.

What benefits can you get?

One of the most common questions is what benefits and support from the state can an entrepreneur receive? If you are in a private kindergarten, you can count on:

    taxes under a simplified scheme (under a patent as an individual entrepreneur);

    benefits for private educational institutions – VAT abolition;

    subsidies allocated by local governments. Subsidies may be extended to the creation of a private educational institution and the rental of premises, the use of premises owned by the municipality.

You can get other types of assistance from the state - check with the local education department that oversees this industry. Also, the profitability of a kindergarten can be increased if you take part in a municipal order. For example, the education of children from 1 to 3 years old is allocated significant amounts from the municipal budget.

Anything is possible if you take the initiative.

What other costs need to be considered?

In addition to the initial investment, monthly expenses need to be calculated.

Fixed expenses consist of rent, utilities, payroll, advertising and depreciation. Of these, more than 50% of the costs are wages.

Approximate calculation of the monthly expenses of a private kindergarten

Thus, at least 250 thousand rubles will need to be subtracted from the proceeds received. (after all, taxes are not taken into account here) to calculate net income.

Is it profitable?

To answer this question, you need to know two parameters: the number of children who will attend your kindergarten, and the cost of services for one child.

The average cost of visiting a private kindergarten for one child is 10,000 rubles. Accordingly, if you have 20 kids, then the monthly income is 200,000 rubles.

If we take into account the approximate calculation of monthly costs, then for a profitable business, a kindergarten must attend at least 30 children. And then about 50 thousand rubles. net profit you will have.

As you can see, in order to open a private kindergarten, a lot of money is needed, and the payback of such a project is quite long.

When choosing which kindergarten to open: large or small, you need to understand that the profitability of a small kindergarten is limited by its capacity. Therefore, you need to correctly calculate several options and choose the most cost-effective.

What business risks should be taken into account?

The biggest risk that can occur when opening a private garden is the lack of customers. Therefore, be sure to conduct market research to identify the real need for private kindergarten services.

Or it may also happen that next to your private garden, a new municipal one suddenly opens, which is in no way inferior to you, and besides, it wins in price.

What else should be feared and, if possible, take preventive measures?

    an increase in the cost of rent, which will lead to an increase in fixed costs and may affect the financial condition. It is possible to reduce the likelihood of risk by concluding a long-term lease agreement and choosing a conscientious landlord;

    decrease in effective demand. Still, the amount of 10 thousand rubles. for a kindergarten child - rather big. Therefore, it is possible that some customers may simply refuse your services, realizing that this amount is too much for them. You can minimize this risk with the help of discount promotions and the formation of loyalty programs. However, it is impossible to completely avoid the risk due to the specifics of the services provided;

    changes in legislation, which may lead to the complication of business processes. This risk cannot be managed. Therefore, it is necessary to take it into account and form a budget in case such risks occur.

    responsibility for the health and safety of children. The presence of an unpleasant incident can significantly affect the business reputation of the institution and lead to significant problems. Therefore, in order to avoid such situations, it is necessary to conduct a thorough briefing for both teachers and parents;

    shortage of qualified specialists. This risk can be mitigated by monitoring employees of schools, art, music and choreography schools, university graduates in the required specialties, careful selection of employees and favorable working conditions that can attract high-quality personnel;

    a decrease in the reputation of the institution among the target audience due to errors in management or a decrease in the quality of services. It is possible to mitigate the risk with constant monitoring of the quality of services, receiving feedback from the clients of the institution and taking corrective measures.

Summing up

Of course, opening your own private kindergarten is a rather troublesome and responsible business. It can become successful only if you plan your business competently and will “burn” with your business. Then you will be able to achieve stability and high profits. A simple pursuit of income will not bring the expected result. You can't make money quickly. This is a business for the future, involving development. Therefore, we strongly recommend: open a kindergarten if it is close to you.

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