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Open a cleaning company in the countryside. Starting a cleaning company

Almost everything is now becoming part of the business and rising to a professional level. How to open your cleaning company from scratch step by step? Today we will analyze this issue, examining in more detail the different aspects of such a case.

  • Cleaning as a business project
  • Decor
  • We select personnel
  • We buy equipment
  • We are looking for clients
  • Opening cost table
  • Estimated Profit

Cleaning as a business project

Cleaning is not just the usual cleaning for us, it is a real professional service that is registered by law, taxed, but also allows you to build a very good career for a budding entrepreneur.

That is why it is important to plan the exact steps of promoting a new business in order to get a clear and successful project. And you should start by defining your own format. You need to figure out who you will be working for.

Most often, cleaning services are provided to other companies, namely offices or hotels. You should look at the market for such services in the place where you live in order to definitely carve out your niche.

Usually, in even fairly large cities, apart from Moscow and St. Petersburg, the number of cleaning agencies is not large. So you can especially not be afraid of a lot of competition in the market. But remember that it is possible to face a small demand for services.


You will need to choose one of the legal forms: Sole Proprietor or LLC. The choice lies in the fact that the second form, unlike IP, provides an opportunity to open a whole network of agencies in the future, which will increase the turnover of services.

In addition, work with large enterprises also goes through LLC. The taxation system in this case will be simplified, which is also much more profitable in working with companies. Well, if the cleaning agency is going to work mainly with individuals, then the best option would be, of course, an individual entrepreneur. Actually, the taxation system should be chosen differently - UTII.

You will need one specific of the following OKVED codes:

  1. 70.1 - cleaning and cleaning of residential and industrial premises, equipment.
  2. 2 - cleaning and cleaning of vehicles.
  3. 3 - performance of activities for the implementation of pest control, disinfection and deratization work.
  4. 00.3 - cleaning the territory and performing similar activities.

To this, it will be necessary to register a company in extra-budgetary funds, for example, in a pension fund, and then obtain permission from the fire service, SES and other regulatory organizations.

Choosing a suitable office space

You can start a cleaning business at home, providing the first services to private individuals. Storing various equipment at your home will not be of interest to services, and you will not have to pay rent. But with the expansion, you will need to find a separate room.

The most cost-effective option is a warehouse located far from the center. Do not be afraid to rent cheap premises on the outskirts of the city or in industrial areas, the main thing is that you have the opportunity to quickly get from the office to anywhere in the city. You will need:

  • a place to store equipment and materials;
  • a separate office as the head of the agency;
  • dressing room;
  • shower room with a bathroom for employees.

The latter will be used not only by employees after a working day, but also to put tools in order. Remember, your cleaning agency does not require a special meeting room for clients, because you or hired employees will have to go directly to the meeting point to the client.

We select personnel

For a successful business, it is necessary to find the perfect balance between the minimum number of employees and the high quality of their work.

In this case, a list of the main factors to rely on when recruiting staff can help:

  1. The planned number of orders for your company's services daily.
  2. Clarity and stability of demand for services. With a sharp increase in demand, it is possible to order employees from other companies only for a certain period.
  3. The average area of ​​premises to be serviced.
  4. Experience of each individual employee. Knowledge of the purpose of bulk detergents and their correct application, an example of work at another enterprise.
  5. The personal qualities of an employee, such as good looks, courtesy, patience, attentiveness and accuracy in work.

Further organization of a private cleaning business will require an increase in staff, so you should think in advance about ways to find quality employees for vacancies:

  • Driver. Transports workers to different sites with all their equipment.
  • Admin manager. A person who oversees the work of each employee and is in direct contact with all customers.
  • Accountant. Responsible for the costs and profits of the cleaning company.
  • Lawyer. Responsible for the documentation of the agency and monitors the legality of all actions performed by the employees of the agency.

Also keep track of your employees going to develop their skills in special training courses. There they can raise their level of work and find new connections and acquaintances that can play into the hands of your agency in the future.

We buy equipment

To get started, you will need:

  1. A set of tools and detergents for cleaning windows (at least two).
  2. Vacuum cleaners for industrial cleaning.
  3. Scraper machines.
  4. Floor polishers.
  5. Dryers for industrial drying of carpets.
  6. Rotary cleaner.
  7. Water carts.
  8. Small tools like rags and sponges.
  9. Other branded detergents.

Also, you can not do without the accompanying equipment, which will be equipped with rooms in the company's premises. It is necessary to include a high-quality shower cubicle and a toilet bowl, a comfortable armchair and a table for the office, comfortable equipment for the locker room, wardrobes, shelves, cabinets and more.

You can normally create a working atmosphere only by buying a good and fast desktop computer or a laptop, a color printer, on which, by the way, in the future you can print your leaflets and business cards, as well as a PBX. The project also needs to include the purchase of a good and roomy car. Gazelles for the transport of goods and passengers can perfectly fit this role.

We are looking for clients

It’s worth striving for the effective work of word of mouth, but first you need to earn good reviews. And first you have to call various firms, companies and hotels on your own, offering the services of a private cleaning company.

If you are settled in a big city, then even a small number of calls will be enough for the first time. Remember that you still have few resources at your disposal, so the smaller the room ordered for cleaning, the easier it is.

We develop a price list of services

An approximate list of premises that the new cleaning company is able to serve:

  • office rooms;
  • closed parking lots;
  • private apartments;
  • separate premises in the mall or TYAK;
  • warehouses;
  • catering establishments (restaurants, pubs, cafes, etc.);
  • cottages and private houses;
  • premises after renovation.

As an example: cleaning an easy chair - 40 rubles per meter, cleaning a Turkish carpet - 25 rubles per meter, washing a window on one side - 20 rubles per meter, etc. Give discounts for a large number of ordered services, for example, for a full general cleaning, take your clear price - 60 rubles per square meter.

You can download a free sample business plan for a cleaning company here.

Opening cost table

As you work, you will encounter daily, monthly and one-time expenses, all of which need to be accounted for in your business plan.

Now we will compile an approximate table of what a list of costs might look like. Let's say the agency is located in a fairly large city with a million inhabitants and from the very beginning has ties with two firms interested in its services.

Expense line Amount in thousand rubles
1 Room rental for two months30
2 Necessary equipment150
3 Special uniform of workers10
4 Office furniture with appliances80
5 Other furniture30
6 Connecting a landline phone3
7 Landline phone operation500 rubles
8 cleaner salary15 x 4
9 driver salary20
10 Detergent inventory10
11 Reserve for unplanned expenses10
Total: 423,5

Smoothing out all the errors and rounding the amount, approximately 500 thousand will come out.

Over the next few months, your costs will decrease, but some will still remain - rent, utility bills, telephone, employee salaries and additional purchase of supplies. In a month you will give about 100 thousand rubles.

Video: creating a super-profitable cleaning company with an income of $3000-7000.

Estimated Profit

You will definitely be able to recoup your own investments, however, the period for which you can do this depends only on you.

If we take a common example with constant maintenance of a medium-sized room of 2000 square meters, your average profit will be about 150-200 thousand rubles, but after all monthly expenses you will personally receive about 60-100 thousand.

Every month the agency will begin to replenish with a large number of regular customers, especially among small companies and firms that do not want to recruit their own cleaners and cleaners. This will increase the payback rate, which means that by about the sixth month you will be able to get the money invested back. In case of problems with finding customers, payback can come a year after opening, which is also not bad.

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  • Directions
  • Registration and paperwork
  • room
  • Staff
  • Equipment
  • A little about advertising
  • Expenses and income

Cleaning firms have recently appeared in the CIS countries, so this type of income can be a good start for a woman who decides to organize her own business. Moreover, its discovery and development will not require large investments, so the risk is minimal. So, how to open a cleaning company from scratch, where to start and how to succeed? We offer you a step-by-step guide to successful entrepreneurship.


The first step in starting your own cleaning company is to choose the right line of business. You must understand that small companies are reluctant to partner with cleaning organizations. Two or even one cleaning lady is quite enough for them, with whom an employment contract is concluded. The same applies to individuals, as they will need the services of your company only for general cleaning after repairs or before any important celebration. However, such one-time orders will be more expensive in price and should not be abandoned. This is especially true for those women who decide to open a business in a small town and do not have much competition. It is possible that thanks to word of mouth, you will get your first profit. The most profitable option is cooperation with large organizations, especially with shopping and entertainment centers.

Some entrepreneurs open cleaning companies that not only clean the premises inside, but also wash the facades of buildings. Such work will be more highly paid and special training of employees will be required. A safety briefing will also be required.

Registration and paperwork

Of course, if you want to open a cleaning company correctly, you cannot do without legal registration of your business. What documents are needed for registration and what should be studied before starting work? To open a cleaning company, you will not need to obtain a license, but the activity must comply with GOST R 51870-2002: “Household services. Services for cleaning buildings and structures.

You will also need to decide on the legal status for opening a cleaning company. For cooperation with large organizations, it is better to register and formalize an LLC with a general taxation system. If you still want to open a company that cleans private houses, then feel free to register an individual entrepreneur with UTII taxation. After registration and registration of the organization with the tax authorities, it will be necessary to obtain permits for the premises from the SES and state fire supervision.


In some cases, when you are planning to open a small cleaning company, you can even do without renting a room. The dispatcher will take orders at home and contact the cleaners to transfer information about the place and specifics of cleaning. Equipment can be stored in your garage. This option is acceptable at the very beginning, when the business only needs to be developed and the search for the first customers is underway. However, we still advise immediately, even before the opening, to look for a suitable building. A small room of 20-30 sq.m., divided into the director's office, a room for staff, a room for inventory, equipment, household appliances, overalls, etc., will be quite enough for you. In the future, when you can promote the company well, you should think about renting a large office building.


As for the personnel, in order to open a good cleaning company, it will be necessary to try and select qualified employees. You must take into account that you are not hiring a simple cleaner, but a cleaner, i.e. a person who has received special training, knows how to use sweeping machines, understands chemicals for removing dirt and is able to perform large volumes of work.

The number of cleaners depends on the orders, so for the first time, 2-3 good employees will be enough for you. Be prepared for the fact that the job of a cleaner is not in demand, so a high turnover of staff is possible. Most likely, shortly after the opening of the company, you will have to hire a recruiting manager if you do not want to search for new employees yourself.

To open a successful cleaning business, you need to pay attention to all the little things. Take care of creating your own logo and original name, which will be on the overalls for cleaners. This will make a good impression on customers.

In relation to other employees, everything is individual and depends on your desire, professional skills and how large a company you want to open. You can easily refuse any of the following positions and take over all its functions (or do without it at all). To open a quality cleaning company, the following employees are usually hired:

  • advertising manager;
  • purchasing manager;
  • manager for attracting and working with clients;
  • quality control manager;
  • accountant;
  • driver;
  • administrator.

And cleaning seems to be the most interesting option for you, here are a few things that you need to understand and where to start your business.

When it comes to starting your own business, cleaning can be divided into different areas, the easiest is to work with residential buildings, and serious business involves residential buildings and commercial organizations.

And when we talk about the cleaning business, let me tell you, it's not that easy. General cleaning of an apartment requires a lot of hard work, patience and the desire to become a successful entrepreneur. However, if you are willing to work hard, here are some tips to start your own cleaning, dry cleaning and laundry business.

Develop your skills

There are certain qualities and skills that you need to build on to start a small cleaning business.

Physical training A: First things first, since cleaning is a physically active job, you need to be in good physical shape. Work on your stamina and prepare your body for the long, vigorous activities that cleaning will require of you.

Communication skills: To start your own business, a very important skill that you will need everywhere is communication. You have to speak, speak well to convince people to invest in your business, find new customers, keep old customers happy so they come back to you, good communication skills will be required at every turn.

Accounting Skills A: Some basic financial and accounting skills are a must in order to grow a business day in and day out. Today you can find courses where professional cleaners are trained. Thus, you can attend such courses to improve your own perspectives. If you feel like you have all the necessary skills, the next steps come into play.

Organize your finances

Any kind of business does not give immediate profit. It will take up to several months before you can benefit from the project. Thus, if you are organizing a small business on your own, in order to get into a secure position, you must have enough funds to support the business for at least six months. It's a good idea to keep your full-time job at first and run the business part-time so you don't have to worry about financial independence.

Enter your business name and account

Give your business a professional, high-profile name. This name will identify your business, therefore, it is not a sin to spend a few days thinking about it. Make sure that you complete all legal formalities regarding the business and city authorities. Open an account for your business at a local bank. You can consider a business loan from a bank.

Take care of your inventory

The next step will be the purchase of detergents and professional cleaning equipment. Visit a few hardware stores and get help from the best quality cleaners for the best results. Today, natural, pleasant-smelling cleaning products that are devoid of harsh chemicals are popular.

Thus, you can organize a "non-chemical" business and use this feature of your business to compete. You should also prepare business cards and a separate business phone line. Also, be sure to include the company in your yellow pages ads.

Insure and license your business

Insurance and licensing promise you a successful business. Cleaning is a type of service that is subject to scrutiny by a potential buyer, especially if you are in the commercial cleaning industry. The license and insurance will dispel the client's suspicions about an outsider in the home or office, thereby contributing to the development of the business.

Getting the first few customers can be a daunting task for any business. Cleaning is no exception, business advertising plays a crucial role. For residential cleaning, flyers and advertising poles become a suitable medium for advertising in the surrounding area. However, if you want to get commercial clients, you will need local newspaper ads and your own website. Meet contact persons at different offices, inform them about your business, leave a business card, these are all good ways to find new clients.

Provide Services

The cleaning business, especially in the residential market, can grow by leaps and bounds if you rely on word of mouth advertising. As the business grows, you may want to consider hiring people to do work on behalf of your company. Offer discounts or some free services to stand out from the competition, such as cleaning parking lots, etc. This is one of the many ways to make your business stand out.

Make decisions about what can energize your business, keep an eye on what your competitors are doing and compare them to yours. They should never offer more than you, at least not initially. Although your concessions should not become too large, as you must cover your costs. Owning your own business, without a doubt, promises flexible working hours at your own pace. The income can be quite high, especially if you continue to develop and strive for customer satisfaction.

Cleaning is the provision of professional cleaning services. Cleanliness is needed always and everywhere - in the apartment, at work or in the office. But not everyone has the time and opportunity to engage in its guidance fully and regularly. That is why starting a cleaning company from scratch is always promising and profitable.

Cleaning company. Business from scratch

Like any enterprise, this also requires preliminary preparation. So, how to open a cleaning company? A business plan, drawn up competently and in detail, will help calculate all costs, payback periods and profit margins. And also to avoid unnecessary expenses and unnecessary hassle.

Has its own specifics in regards to the business plan for a cleaning company. The points that must be studied and taken into account are the following:

  • type of activity - that is, which premises are cleaned and how often you are going to carry out;
  • goal: will you work under the order with already known clients or look for them spontaneously with the help of advertising;
  • recruitment: you already have a team, and if not, where will you look for it;
  • purchase or rental of the necessary equipment and aids;
  • rental of premises;
  • methods and types of advertising, as well as competition.

All these points require detailed consideration and explanation.

Do you live in a small town? Want to start your own business, but not sure if it will pay off? Our guide will help you navigate and choose the right direction for your business!

Demand and competition

In the above list, this item is in last place. But in fact, it’s worth thinking about it even before you start working in a given direction. There is no doubt that cleaning services are in demand. For example, in the United States, a lot of large companies are registered, providing the widest range of services in this area. Their annual turnover is about 30 billion dollars, which is saying something! Russia is not America, that's clear. However, the demand is still quite high, as is the competition.

Problems with competing firms arise mainly in metropolitan areas. It would seem that there is a place to turn around here: there are a huge number of commercial enterprises, factories, cafes, clubs, shopping centers, and just private apartments that need to be cleaned regularly. But there are plenty of people who want to do this too, look soberly at reality.

Therefore, in order to cope with the competition and profit from your undertaking, you must be aware from the very beginning: everything must be at the highest level. If the staff is experienced, polite and qualified, if the equipment is modern and reliable, if the detergents are high-quality and environmentally friendly.

Figuratively speaking, Aunt Masha from the next entrance with a rag, mop and bucket will not be able to provide you with the desired level.

Another thing is remote regions and small towns, where cleaning companies are few and far between. This is not a plowed field, where, if you want to work and earn money, it is quite possible to grow your own golden tree.

Where and how to organize a cleaning business?

Choose a room

So, you have made a monitoring of the market and possible competitors, have not changed your decisions and start your own business. To begin with, you need a room - at least so that the staff has a place to change clothes, and you - to store inventory. You can take orders anywhere via telephone and the Internet, it is pointless to rent an office for this purpose alone.

your first office must have at least three rooms:

  • a room for staff with a dressing room and a place to relax;
  • small warehouse;
  • your office.

You can not do without a bathroom with a shower and, preferably, a small kitchen. The office can be located in any part of the city. As practice shows, customers rarely visit the company - on the contrary, it will be you who will visit them in order to assess the object and the scale of the necessary work on it.

Cleaning company equipment

There is an office - now you need cleaning equipment and inventory. It is assumed that you will start small - major cleaning of offices and apartments.

For this you need:

  • window cleaning kit - about $ 200;
  • professional vacuum cleaner - $ 500-600;
  • a cart that holds a bucket with a wringer, a set of necessary detergents, a garbage bag, and other small tools - $ 200-250;
  • unit for deep cleaning of carpets - $ 200-270;
  • mop and broom - modern, about 50 dollars;
  • various disinfectant solutions and detergents.

A washing machine will not hurt to put in order the overalls of the staff and other fabric materials - covers for chairs, armchairs, curtains, etc. It will cost an additional 500-600 dollars. That, in fact, is all that you need to provide to start a cleaning business from scratch.

The total amount will depend on which brand of equipment you will purchase, new or already used. Do not forget also that at first you can save extra money by renting expensive equipment - but this is only at first.

How to recruit a good team?

Qualified staff is the key to the success of your company. You need to approach this issue very scrupulously, because reputation in your case is one of the main guarantors of the influx of regular, profitable customers. It needs to be supported from the very beginning. You need to hire:

  • two or three efficient, neat, experienced and polite cleaners. They must know their business and not be rude to customers;
  • a driver who would take them to the facilities and pick them up from there;
  • in the future - an assistant secretary who helps to negotiate with clients, monitor inventory purchases, etc.

What else needs to be considered? The driver must either be with his own vehicle, or you will have to hire a car - usually a minibus is required, there is no savings here. In good firms, it is not uncommon for staff to arrange seminars and master classes to learn how to work with new equipment and cleaning products. Keep an eye on this if you don't want to fall behind your competitors.

You can select staff through friends or on the Internet, arranging interviews. Don't be afraid to give strangers a trial period - it's your business and your money that you invest in it.

How much do you need to invest in organizing a cleaning business?

If you are starting from scratch and have almost nothing, you will need at least 150 thousand rubles. This should be enough to rent a small room (15-17 thousand rubles), purchase equipment and detergents (about 100-120 thousand rubles), advertising.

At first, you will master only the cleaning of small rooms and apartments. But over time, you will be able to expand the range of your work, staff, and raise the level of services.

However, these are only one-time costs, which you will not be limited to. Don't forget also about:

  • monthly taxes, from which it is better not to shirk (depends on the region and type of activity, method of registration);
  • payment for renting a room (also depends on the region and area);
  • payment for the Internet, telephone and advertising (at least 1000 rubles);
  • staff wages (about 15 thousand for cleaners and at least 20 thousand for a driver);
  • purchase of the necessary equipment and materials (about 7 thousand rubles);
  • other small expenses, for example, coffee and water, soap and paper for the office, etc. (from 2 to 4 thousand rubles).

All together, this will amount to about 150 thousand rubles a month, no less. This is how you calculate your profit - subtract the amount spent from the amount of concluded and paid contracts, the remainder is an indicator of the profitability of your activities. Based on this, set the price for your services.

As a rule, cleaning one square meter in an office or apartment costs from 40 to 170 rubles, depending on the region and the client's requirements. Thus, if you clean rooms with a total area of ​​​​5 thousand square meters per month at the lowest price, your net profit should be approximately 50 thousand rubles.

What are the payback periods?

With proper business management and the presence of regular customers, they will range from six months to twelve. Why from six, if, according to the above calculations, only three are obtained, subject to minimal investment? Because far from immediately you will be able to conclude contracts for the cleaning of as many as five thousand square meters. This is yet to come.

To speed up these terms and increase your income, it is important to acquire a good customer base as soon as possible and enter large facilities - restaurants, gyms, large enterprises. And this can only be done with the help of quality advertising.

How to advertise your company?

You need to start advertising campaigns even before the opening of the company. People should know that very soon a company will appear in their city, bringing cleanliness and comfort to their apartment, bar, cinema, bank, shop, etc. To do this, you can use the radio network, the Internet, the distribution of leaflets in crowded places. Don't forget about discounts and bonuses in honor of the opening!

Next, you should take care of constant advertising on billboards throughout the city. You must be everywhere, you must be remembered and advised to others. Also run demonstration campaigns, leaving for potential customers. But don't get too carried away - it's not worth cleaning half the city for free to attract customers. Like promising something you can't deliver.

In general, this is a really profitable and promising business with a lot of advantages - you can start without an office and staff at all, taking on all the main chores and involving your relatives in this business. Over time, you will certainly succeed, and no one will reproach you that cleaning is not prestigious.

* Calculations use average data for Russia


Objective of the project– opening of a cleaning company in Rostov-on-Don. The main source of income for the establishment is payment for professional cleaning services. The cleaning company offers a wide range of professional cleaning services for commercial and private premises.

The target audience– the corporate segment, represented by shopping and entertainment centers, offices, restaurants, cinemas; private segment.

TO benefits this business should include:

Demand for this type of service;

Relatively low level of competition, low threshold for entering the market;

The predominance of the corporate segment makes it possible to conclude long-term service contracts, which guarantees a stable income.

Investment costs in the amount of 1,578,400 were used for the purchase of specialized equipment, the purchase of a car, the arrangement of a sales office and the formation of a working capital fund. Payback period of the project- 11 months. Profitability business in the first year of operation will be 12%.


The market for cleaning services in Russia appeared relatively recently - about 25 years ago, thanks to the arrival of large foreign companies. The introduction of cleaning services began in Moscow and St. Petersburg - these local markets are still the leaders of the domestic market of cleaning services and account for almost 60% of the total volume.

The activity of cleaning companies is a set of measures aimed at cleaning and maintaining cleanliness in commercial and private premises. Recently, this type of service is gaining popularity, which is due to the demand for professional maintenance of the premises, problems in organizing their own cleaning services, active construction, and outsourcing fashion.

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The annual growth rate of the Russian market of cleaning services is 30%. The Moscow market shows growth of 68% and the market volume is more than 15 billion rubles a year. The turnover of the Russian market of cleaning services at the beginning of 2016 amounted to 222.13 billion rubles. To date, about 1500 companies operate in the regions of Russia, about 700 companies in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

According to statistical studies, in 2016 cleaning services entered the top 5 most demanded services in the domestic market.

The growing demand for professional cleaning leads to a constant expansion of the client base. Maintenance of commercial real estate accounts for 80% of the entire market. To date, the main users of the services of cleaning companies are shopping and entertainment centers. But in the segment of individuals, these services are just beginning to gain popularity.

Rice. 1 - The structure of the client base of cleaning companies

The dynamics of commissioning commercial space reflects the possibility of expanding the range of potential customers. The peak of commissioned commercial space was recorded in 2014, and in the last two years there has been a decrease in the indicator. However, during the crisis, many companies optimize their costs, among which were the costs of maintenance personnel. Thus, the demand in the cleaning services market was supported by those companies that refused to hire traditional cleaners in favor of outsourcing. This step, according to experts, can bring savings of 20% for the company. Therefore, even with the advent of the crisis in the commercial real estate market, the cleaning business continues to develop dynamically. Recently, the demand for cleaning services is provided by government organizations that select cleaning companies through competitions, auctions, and so on.

Rice. 2 - Dynamics of the area of ​​commissioned commercial buildings in Russia

Competition in this market is growing very slowly, the threshold for entering the market is quite low. Statistics show that in recent years the number of cleaning companies has remained unchanged: every year new companies enter the market, but the same number leave it. The main trend in the cleaning services market is the consolidation of companies and the expansion of the range of services, due to which the market is growing. At the same time, small enterprises also survive, as they are able to flexibly and quickly respond to changes in market conditions. The profitability of this business is in the range of 12-15%.

This business plan was developed for opening a cleaning company in Rostov-on-Don, so you should analyze the local market for cleaning services. According to the results of the search query, there are 58 cleaning organizations in the city, of which the highest rating is assigned to: "CleanOffice", "Master Shine" and "Make a Wish". These companies are serious competitors. It is recommended to study their pricing policy and the list of services in order to form their own competitive advantages.

Thus, cleaning business has the followingpros:

1. The market of cleaning services is in the stage of active growth. Cleaning services have long been familiar to potential consumers and have experience of successful application in various regions of Russia;

2. The basis of the client base is legal entities, therefore, with a high level of corporate service, you can count on long-term cooperation, which will provide the company with a stable income;

3. Relatively low level of competition, low threshold for entering the market.


Potential clients of the cleaning company are both individuals and legal entities. Target audience in the segment of servicing individuals - families with an income level above 30 thousand rubles for housing cleaning; in the legal entities service segment - commercial facilities for various purposes to maintain cleanliness and care in the premises.

The complex of cleaning services should be formed based on the target audience and demand for certain types of services. According to statistics, the largest share by type of service is occupied by complex daily cleaning, in second place is cleaning of the adjacent territory, garbage collection, and cleaning after repairs.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Daily cleaning includes dusting, cleaning mirrors, cleaning floors. Cleaning of the adjacent territory involves washing windows, facades, garbage removal, snow/leaf/grass removal (depending on the season), maintaining the cleanliness of architectural elements. General cleaning is also offered, which means removing dirt from walls, washing skirting boards, removing local dirt from various surfaces, cleaning tile joints, washing windows, and so on. Particular attention should be paid to such a type of service as cleaning after repair - recently this type of service is in demand. Cleaning after repair includes: removal of construction debris, washing windows from plaque, thorough removal of dust from various surfaces, heavy dirt, washing floors, cleaning furniture, washing chandeliers, etc.

Some cleaning companies offer special programs and services. Such services may include cleaning before the birth of a child, washing advertising structures, cleaning after holidays, outstaffing (staff hire) and others. The presence of such specific types of services favorably distinguishes the company in the market. Many cleaning services are expanding their range of services by offering clients dry cleaning of furniture and carpets, disinfection of the premises or the provision of a housekeeper.

Ready-made ideas for your business

The range of cleaning services is quite wide, but limited by funds, since many services require expensive equipment. At the initial stage of creating a cleaning service, it is recommended to choose the main services, namely:

Daily cleaning of the premises - from 5 rubles / m 2

General cleaning of premises - from 50 rubles / m 2

Cleaning of furniture and carpets - from 40 rubles / m 2

Washing windows - from 20 rubles / m 2

Household assistant - from 45 rubles / m 2.

In general, the set of services is individual for each client. The contract is drawn up indicating the list of necessary services, the price of which may vary depending on the scope of work.


Marketing promotion of a cleaning service may include a number of activities aimed at different target audiences:

1. Direct marketing will be effective in the corporate segment. For advertising, you will need to prepare handouts. You can also cold call a range of potential customers.

4. Creation of a website that allows a potential client to independently study the list of services and the price list.

When planning an advertising campaign, you should consider what selection criteria are guided by potential customers. The most significant are: the cost and range of services provided, reputation in the market, staff qualifications, work schedule flexibility. These parameters should be paid attention to in presentations and other promotional materials.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Promotion tools can be different - it all depends on the target audience and the budget allocated for advertising. Most cleaning business owners agree that word of mouth is the most effective way to promote. To make it work, ask the first customers to leave a review about the company - in return, offer some kind of bonus, for example, a discount on the next visit. Loyalty programs should be worked out, involving promotions and discounts with constant cooperation. The conclusion of contracts for regular maintenance will provide the company with constant employment of personnel. Make a statement about the sustainability of cleaning products – there has been a recent trend towards “green cleaning”.

Another tool used in marketing is the analysis of the pricing policy of competitors. Table 2 presents a comparative description of three large cleaning services in the city of Rostov-on-Don. Based on the collected data, you can create your own prices for each type of service and develop a marketing strategy. For example, the Rostov market has a small share of the service "domestic helper" - to include such a service in the list, no additional costs for the purchase of special equipment will be required. And in case of low demand for this type of service, the employee will be able to perform another type of service.

Taking into account the average market cost of services and the prices of competitors, a price list was formed:

Daily cleaning of the premises - from 10 rubles / m 2

General cleaning of premises - from 70 rubles / m 2

Cleaning of the premises after construction and repair - from 70 rubles / m 2

Cleaning of furniture and carpets - from 80 rubles / m 2

Washing windows - from 115 rubles / piece

Household assistant - from 50 rubles / m 2.

Table 1 - The cost of cleaning services in Rostov-on-Don

To promote the cleaning service in the city of Rostov-on-Don, it is planned to conduct an advertising campaign aimed at informing the city residents about the opening of the cleaning service. The advertisement will be on the radio for 2 weeks. The cost of 1 minute of advertising on the radio in prime time costs an average of 3,500 rubles. The minimum number of repetitions per day is 6. The duration of one advertising message is 30 seconds. Based on these parameters, an advertising company on the radio will cost an average of 88,000 rubles.

Attracting corporate clients is planned to be carried out by showing a presentation of services at a personal meeting. In this presentation, it is necessary to reflect the main advantages of outsourcing cleaning, as well as the main advantages of your company, which distinguish you from your competitors.

It is also planned to create a website and naming for the development of a logo and company name. These costs will amount to about 20,000 rubles.

An additional promotional tool will be the distribution of leaflets and the placement of advertisements around the city. Development of the layout will be - 1000 rubles. Printing of 1000 single-sided flyers in A6 format - 3200 rubles. In total, this promotion tool will cost 4200 rubles.


To accommodate the sales office of the company, as well as to store all the equipment, it is necessary to rent a room with an area of ​​40 m 2. The cost of renting such a room in Rostov-on-Don is about 25,000 rubles.

The sales volume is calculated as the market average for a city with a population of more than 500,000 people. Based on the standards, an employee cleans 600-800 m 2 per day. With 4 employees working in shifts, the maximum workload per month is 11,250 m2 per employee or 45,000 m2 for the entire cleaning staff. The average price of the service is 50 rubles/m2. With a workload of 50%, the company's monthly revenue will be 22,500 * 50 = 1,125,000 rubles. It is planned to reach such indicators in the fourth month of the cleaning service.


To implement the project, registration of an LLC is expected. Form of taxation - USN with the object of taxation "revenue" at a rate of 6%. Types of activities according to OKVED-2:

81.1 Integrated facilities maintenance activities

81.2 Cleaning and cleaning activities

43.39 - post-construction cleaning

96.01 - washing and dry cleaning of carpets and textiles.

No license is required to provide this type of service.

Registration of all necessary documents takes up to 1 month and costs about 6,000 rubles.

To achieve the planned sales volume, a staff of 6 employees is required. Cleaning service hours from 8:00 to 22:00. The cleaners work in shifts. The payroll fund is 141,000 rubles per month, including social payments of 183,300 rubles.

Table 2 - Staff of the cleaning company and payroll

Qualified staff is the main key to the success of the cleaning service. That is why it is necessary to pay special attention to the selection of personnel. The most suitable candidates are responsible, conscientious women and a man aged 25-40. Cleaners must be interchangeable. Overalls are provided for each cleaner - the average cost of one set is 2000 rubles.

If an entrepreneur plans to expand the business, then he should take into account the cost of staff training. Currently, various cleaning courses and schools have been created in Russia, which provide training and advanced training programs for cleaning service personnel. Training of 1 person will cost an average of 3000 rubles.

It is also necessary to purchase a truck that will deliver cleaners and all the necessary equipment for the provision of services. The cost of a used gazelle will be approximately 300,000 rubles.


The financial plan includes fixed and variable costs. To launch the project, it is necessary to calculate the amount of initial investment. To do this, you need to determine the cost of equipment and machinery.

Table 3 - Initial investment

The initial investment for opening a cleaning company is 1,578,400 rubles.

Table 4 - Costs for the purchase of equipment



The cost of 1 piece, rub.

Total amount, rub.


industrial vacuum cleaner

Scrubber dryer

Professional carpet dryer

harvest trolley

Bucket on wheels

Other cleaning equipment

Detergents (household chemicals)

Set for washing windows and office equipment

Steam cleaner


Clothes for cleaners

Car GAZ Gazelle



The purchase of equipment will amount to 945,200 rubles, and the cost of equipping an office will average 65,000 rubles.

Table 5 - Monthly expenses

Thus, monthly expenses were determined in the amount of 346,348 rubles. The cost of services consists of monthly expenses and the cost of the equipment used. The average cost of cleaning 1 m 2 is 31.5 rubles. For a volume of 22,500 m 2 per month, the cost of work will be 708,750 rubles.


The payback period of the project with an initial investment of 1,578,400 rubles is 11 months. The net monthly profit of the project upon reaching the planned sales volumes will be about 100 thousand rubles. It is assumed that the achievement of planned indicators will occur in the fourth month of the cleaning service. Return on sales in the first year of operation - 12%.


To assess the risk component of the project, it is necessary to analyze external and internal factors. External factors include threats related to the economic situation in the country, markets. To internal - the effectiveness of the management of the organization.

We list the main risk factors when creating a cleaning company and how to respond to threats. External risks include:

An increase in the cost of services, which entails a decrease in marginal income. It is possible to mitigate the risk by creating a margin margin on the cost price, which will compensate for the increase in costs without increasing the cost of services;