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Yip breeding of chickens. How to properly raise and breed laying hens and broiler hens. What are the costs of such a project

Breeding and raising laying hens is a stable and quite promising way to earn money. Almost anyone who owns a suburban area and free time can start a chicken breeding business.

In our previous publication, we discussed in detail the question of whether. In today's article, we will analyze in detail all the nuances of breeding and raising chickens at home. Let's determine the profitability of this area of ​​earnings and the payback of the agricultural business.

Chickens are unpretentious in breeding and keeping poultry. Even a person who is not particularly versed in poultry breeding can start this business with little or no risk.

chicken farm business plan

For the competent implementation of the idea, it is necessary to draw up a detailed business plan. You can prepare the document yourself or entrust this important matter to experienced professionals.

Why do you need a business plan for breeding chickens?

In this document, all the nuances related to business development are described step by step. First of all, it is necessary to determine the profitability of the idea. Profitability is the ratio of costs and expected profit. Having determined the indicators, you can draw conclusions about the profitability or futility of the project.

The main steps of a chicken farm business plan are:

  • Selection and analysis of the profitability of business ideas;
  • Search for start-up capital for the implementation of the project;
  • Business registration;
  • Financial expenses;
  • Premises and equipment of a chicken farm;
  • Detailed calculation of the cost of purchasing a bird, its maintenance and nutrition;
  • Sales market and business payback periods;
  • Calculation of anticipated risks that may arise during the implementation of a business idea.

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Registration of a chicken farm

At the initial stage, it is not necessary to register your type of activity. Surely you are not completely sure of the success of your business. Therefore, it is better to start breeding and raising chickens for your own purposes, and if successful, you can try to sell your products on the local market.

In the future, with the mass breeding of chickens, it is required to register your type of activity in order to be able to supply products to shops, supermarkets, restaurants.

Breeding chickens at home

As mentioned above, chickens are unpretentious poultry that are quite suitable for home breeding. Almost all villagers breed this type of bird for their needs. But few people dare to grow chickens on an industrial scale. The thing is that private poultry farms, whose products have flooded almost the entire market, are in great competition. It is quite difficult to compete with manufacturing giants, but thanks to the quality of products, it is still possible to grab a part of the market and find a profitable distribution channel.

Chicken coop scheme

First of all, it is worth talking about some of the most used methods for keeping poultry at home.

Keeping birds in cages. This method consists in arranging a chicken coop with racks for cages, equipping them with drinkers, feeders, nests for hatching eggs. A big minus is the constant cleaning in the chicken coop. You will have to spend a lot of time in order to keep clean, otherwise, the birds will get sick. In addition, the construction and arrangement of cages is financially quite costly.

Arrangement of a chicken coop

Regardless of the chosen method of keeping birds, arranging a chicken coop is a must.

The house can be rented or built independently. There is nothing complicated about this design. You can build a chicken coop from slate, boards or gas silicate blocks. The latter option is the most reliable and durable, albeit financially costly.

Inside the chicken coop, be sure to equip a perch, that is, a pole suspended 50-100 cm from the ground.

Nests. In the chicken coop, it is also necessary to equip nests for hatching eggs. Make sure there are enough of them to accommodate several birds at the same time. Making nests is not difficult; they are a shelf lined with hay or straw.

In the chicken coop, it is desirable to make small windows for ventilation. Artificial lighting should also be installed.

Acquisition of young animals for a chicken farm

If you are planning to raise laying hens for eggs as a business, then you should purchase suitable breeds of birds for rearing.

To get started, it will be enough for you to purchase a few dozen birds. You can buy young chicks or purchase an incubator for hatching eggs.

When purchasing birds, consider the area of ​​​​the chicken coop. It is worth knowing that on an area of ​​​​about 10 square meters. m., can accommodate no more than 20 chickens. Also, there should be one rooster for 10 hens.

The choice of breed of chickens for breeding at home

Having decided on the direction, you can begin to choose the breed of chickens for breeding. Nowadays, quite a lot of breeds of laying hens have been bred.

The following breeds are considered the most adapted and highly productive:

  • Leghorn;
  • Kuchinsky anniversary;
  • Loman Brown;
  • Pushkinskaya;

Naturally, the natural qualities of the breed alone are not enough, in order for the chicken to lay well, it is necessary to provide it with the necessary care and nutrition.

Care and feeding of birds

In the poultry house, a certain air temperature is required. Temperatures from -2 to +28 degrees are considered comfortable for keeping birds.

In a business plan for raising laying hens, the cost of poultry feed should be taken into account. Chickens are unpretentious in food, but still their diet should be balanced and varied. The main products that should be present in the diet of chickens: grain, millet, feed, food waste, grass, young nettles, lettuce. In addition, you should not forget about vitamins, be sure to add eggshells, sand, small shells to your food.

Buying bird food is not a very financially expensive stage of the business plan for breeding laying hens for eggs, and this is quite a significant plus of this idea.

Chicken nutrition

Costs and profits

First of all, it is worth talking about the costs of setting up a chicken farm.

Main costs:

  • Chicken coop equipment;
  • Purchase of young animals and an incubator for further breeding of chickens at home;
  • Feed costs.

Profit from the business of breeding laying hens

Breeding and raising laying hens involves receiving the main profit from the sale of eggs. On average, a laying hen per year is capable of laying about 200 eggs. The average price for a dozen domestic eggs on the market is about 50 rubles. On average, a small farm consists of 100-200 birds. Thus, a farm of 100 chickens will bring you about 20,000 eggs a year. On average, you sell them for 100,000 rubles. This is how much you earn if you only sell eggs. But you can still start breeding broiler chickens as a business and get even more profit just by breeding poultry at home.

Consider chicken breeding as a business: is it profitable or not to raise birds at home? The production of in-demand food products such as eggs promises to be profitable due to the constant stable demand. However, the organization of the economy will require some specific knowledge and recommendations - read them in our article.

Why is it profitable to raise laying hens

Breeding laying hens as a business can bring the owner a stable and good profit. This fact is explained by the constant demand for eggs among ordinary buyers, as well as among food producing organizations.

Eggs are considered an indispensable source of protein and amino acids for adults and children. They can be an independent food product or used to prepare other dishes, in particular confectionery. For this reason, the chicken business allows you to receive products in demand.

Not all breeds of chickens are suitable for producing eggs on a commercial scale.

What features of laying hens you need to know

Beginning poultry farmers and farmers should be aware that not all breeds of chickens are suitable for producing eggs on a scale sufficient for sale. There are special breeds bred artificially in order to increase egg production.

Such hens lay early (from 5 months) and produce 2 times more eggs: up to 300 per year against a maximum of 180 in conventional breeds. At the same time, their eggs are whiter and larger. They are “fertile”, but significantly inferior in other characteristics - they gain weight poorly (the optimal weight of such a chicken is 1.9 kilograms) and are less beautiful.

The weight of individuals has nothing to do with their fertility. Also, laying hens do not incubate eggs, so it will not work to increase the livestock in a natural way. To increase the number of birds, you will either have to hatch chickens in an incubator, or buy them from breeders.

The best laying hens - breed rating

Of course, the fecundity of chickens is directly related to the conditions of detention and especially the quality of nutrition. But not the least important is the breed of birds and the egg production indicators characteristic of it. The following breeds are considered the best for egg production:

  1. Russian white chicken. Very egg-laying birds, already in the first year of life they will produce 2 hundred white eggs weighing about 55 grams.
  2. "Hysex" - medium-sized hens with brownish plumage. They are also very prolific, as they produce up to 300 eggs weighing up to 60 grams per year. There are several varieties that differ in color, the most productive is considered to be the Highsex Brown breed. White representatives of this breed produce slightly fewer eggs (up to 280 per year), but at the same time whiter and larger.
  3. "Hi-line". Easily adapt to different conditions of detention and carry about 350 eggs annually.
  4. "Isa Brown". 320 brown eggs annually, while individuals easily acclimatize, and begin to rush after a maximum of 4.5 months.
  5. "Leggorn". A feature of the breed is high fertility in the first year of life with its subsequent decrease. In the first year, the Leggorn chicken will bring 360 eggs, but then this figure will inevitably decrease even under good conditions.
  6. "Loman Brown", 320 eggs per year during the active period (about 2 years).
  7. "Tetra". Chickens with early fertility (from 21 weeks), but fertility rates are slightly less than previous breeds - no more than 250 per year. More egg-laying is the Tetra SL variety - 310 eggs.
  8. Kuchinsky anniversary chicken. This breed of chicken is already considered suitable for both eggs and meat. Individuals grow up to 2-3 kilograms, while meat is considered more nutritious than broiler meat. Their rate is 220 eggs annually.
  9. Shaverov cross. They carry up to 320 eggs per year, while the peak of fertility occurs after the 25th week of development.

Of course, quite often the chicken business uses other breeds:

  • minorki chickens (about 160 eggs);
  • Rhode Island (no more than 200);
  • New Hampshire (no more than 200);
  • Hamburg (from 140 to 180);
  • Ukrainian earflaps (no more than 200);
  • Oryol (about 150);
  • pavlovskaya (120 eggs);
  • Pushkin striped-motley (about 200 eggs).

However, these breeds are inferior to those named above in terms of fertility, which means they promise the entrepreneur less profit. It is also important to pay attention to this fact: according to the observation of farmers, laying hens are more prolific in the area in which they were born. Therefore, if you plan to bring livestock from another region, pay attention to those breeds that tolerate acclimatization well.

According to the observation of farmers, laying hens are more prolific in the area in which they were born.

How long does a laying hen live

The maximum period of fecundity of a laying hen falls on the first year of life: it is between reaching maturity and before reaching one year that the hen will lay the most eggs. Then the indicators will steadily fall, even with good nutrition and maintenance.

For comparison, when breeding chickens for slaughter, the life span of individuals is several times shorter - about 10 weeks, more precisely until the moment of gaining optimal weight. In commercial farms, laying hens live 1-2 years, in personal ones - about 3 years.

Where to buy birds for breeding and how much you have to pay

There are currently a lot of laying birds on the market promising at least 320 eggs per year. You definitely shouldn't trust them all. Do not buy livestock from unverified sellers. The most competent option would be to purchase individuals at a poultry farm- there you will be given guarantees of the health of the birds, as well as useful recommendations regarding the maintenance.

Buying "from hands" or in the "bird market" threatens to acquire low-fertile or sick birds, which will only bring you losses.

Before buying, be sure to read the reviews about the seller and basic information about him.

Also, before buying, be sure to read the background information about the breed you are purchasing: not only indicators of egg production and weight, but also conditions of detention, useful recommendations regarding nutrition and disease prevention.

Prices for birds depend on the seller, region of purchase and breed. On average, the price of a bird (adult, about 4 months old) starts at 450 rubles and can reach up to 10 thousand rubles. How many chickens do you need to buy? The answer depends solely on the capabilities of the economy.

Under what conditions should laying hens be kept - free aviary

Is it profitable to keep laying hens? These birds are quite unpretentious, so keeping them is quite a profitable business. For year-round keeping of birds you need:

  • warm room (for the cold season);
  • walking area.

Free content is considered more preferable, as it allows the birds to walk and feel free. The livestock spends the night in the chicken coop, and during the day it stays where it is more comfortable - either also in the chicken coop, or in the outdoor aviary.

A chicken coop is a room for birds where they will rush. The fertility of birds depends on how well it is organized. In principle, this is not difficult: the birds need a perch, a feeder, a drinker, as well as a ladder between the levels of the perch. The chicken coop should be covered, warm and without drafts.

The best material for a perch is wood. You need to install it at a height of 60-70 centimeters. It should be comfortable for chickens to hold on to it with their paws. The length of the perch is determined by the number of birds: one individual needs about 30 centimeters for comfortable placement. At the same time, in winter, chickens sit tighter (for warmth), and in summer, on the contrary, they are more spacious.

The aviary can be covered, but this is not necessary. Chickens do not fly well, and even a small fence becomes a significant obstacle for them. At the same time, it is important to make a canopy from the rain or provide constant access to the chicken coop so that in case of bad weather the birds hide. Poisonous plants that can harm the birds should not grow in the aviary - they will definitely taste them.

Chickens do not fly well, and even a small fence becomes a significant obstacle for them.

Keeping livestock in cages - what are the advantages

However, another option is also possible - the constant keeping of birds in cages. This method is considered even more profitable, since chickens rush better in cages and gain weight faster. By the way, it is not necessary to combine content options, since the birds get used to certain conditions, and their change causes stress, more precisely, it has a bad effect on weight and egg production.

With cage keeping, up to 8 birds are placed in cages per 1 square meter of the room. If the livestock is large, the cells are placed in tiers. Of course, funds will also have to be allocated for the purchase of cages and their installation.

What do fertile laying hens eat? The basis of the diet is most convenient to make compound feed- it contains all the necessary nutrients and vitamins for animals. In addition to compound feed, birds eat any grain, including corn, homemade vegetables (boiled potatoes, pumpkin), bone meal, flax and sunflower seeds, legumes (also boiled), cake, meal, table salt. Sometimes 5-10 grams of yeast is added to the feed.

It's important to know that birds eat, including "inedible" foods: chalk, ash, fine gravel, eggshells, fine gravel and even shell crumbs. It is important to include grass in the diet of laying hens (up to 20% of the total diet) - dried or fresh meadow herbs, clover, alfalfa, lettuce, peas, dill. Sometimes you can give the birds dioica nettle. In the cold season, coniferous needles will be indispensable - they contain a lot of carotene and vitamin C.

If the owner makes up the diet of the birds on his own, without the use of compound feed, it is important to add a sufficient amount of protein to it. Chickens are not herbivorous birds, they need animal protein. This role can be played by dairy products, meat and fish waste, including bone meal, and even earthworms.

Birds in any type of keeping (cage or aviary) are fed 2-3 times a day: full feeding in the morning and evening, and mineral and vitamin supplements in the afternoon. The serving size per individual depends on the breed, but on average it is about 100-150 grams.

Under no circumstances should chickens be fed spoiled food from the home table. Also, you should not give the birds fresh bread - it provokes problems with the intestines. Breadcrumbs are much better. It is necessary to monitor the reaction of chickens to food and their egg production, and if necessary, adjust it. Overfeeding birds is extremely harmful - the quality of the eggs will decrease.

Diseases are the main threat to the poultry population.

The main dangers for the poultry industry

Diseases are the main threat to the poultry population. Laying hens are threatened by several diseases at once, which can destroy half of the individuals, make the chicken coop and aviary unsuitable for keeping birds, and deprive the owner of the profit. These diseases include:

  1. Typhus or pullorosis. The first sign of this disease is a disorder of the digestive organs. Then the chickens become lethargic, lose weight and refuse to feed. This infection spreads rapidly within the livestock by airborne droplets and can become chronic.
    • To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to conduct a timely check with a preparation containing a pullor antigen. Sick birds are isolated and treated with antibiotics. Prevention of the disease is the constant monitoring of the condition of individuals and the timely isolation of "suspicious".
  2. Avian cholera or pasteurellosis. The disease is spread by a harmful microorganism - pasteurella, which is carried by wild birds and rodents. With avian cholera, birds also become inactive, refuse food and drink a lot, mucous secretions appear from the nasal cavity, and the joints swell and bend.
    • Pasteurellosis is treated with sulfa drugs. It is useful for sick birds to eat grass and vitamin complexes. As a preventive measure, it is necessary to isolate from wild birds and rodents, as well as completely restrict access to food and water.
  3. Salmonellosis. Most of all, young livestock are susceptible to this disease. Salmonella bacteria easily penetrate the shell, enter the feed and are transmitted from bird to bird. The most obvious signs of this disease are swollen eyelids and watery eyes, swollen limbs, and difficulty breathing.
    • As a treatment, a 10-day course of furazolidone is used, which dissolves in water. After 10 days, the course is stopped for a week, and then repeated again. There is a preventive serum against salmonellosis, so it would be a good solution to conduct preventive courses several times a year.

Any bird disease is easier to prevent than to cure., as infections and bacteria are transmitted very quickly within the livestock. Monitor the quality of bird nutrition and the presence of a sufficient amount of vitamins in the diet. Chickens do not like drafts and cold. Isolate them from rodents. When the disease is detected, organize the disinfection of all premises where birds are kept.

What profit will bring the breeding of laying hens

Now let's look at how much profit is possible when breeding laying hens on the example of a medium-sized farm, where 100 healthy adult birds are kept at the same time. The average productivity of one laying hen is 250-300 eggs, which means that the entire population will bring from 25,000 to 30,000 eggs per year.

A dozen large domestic eggs are sold at prices ranging from 60 to 100 rubles. This means that the sale of 30 thousand eggs will bring the owner from 180 thousand to 300 thousand rubles. This is a good indicator, but you need to subtract from it:

  • the cost of acquiring livestock (about 50 thousand rubles);
  • the cost of food and maintenance (about 30 thousand rubles);
  • related costs, such as utility bills and transportation costs (depending on the size of the farm).


Breeding laying hens is not the most difficult type of poultry farming, while at the same time it can bring a stable profit to the owner of the farm. With a minimum investment of up to 100 thousand rubles, in a year you can get 300 thousand rubles. For breeding, it is necessary to purchase egg-laying breeds. Laying hens need to be provided with good housing conditions and preventive measures against diseases, then productivity rates will be high, and the farm will be profitable.

Breeding laying hens is one of the main branches of poultry farming. Many owners of personal farmsteads organize their own business to receive eggs for sale, because laying hens as a business are a profitable activity. But any undertaking requires a business plan and costing.

Proper preparation at the initial stage will guarantee that the laying hen business will pay off and bring tangible profits.

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The initial stage - compiling a list of costs

To implement a project for breeding poultry for eggs, you need to draw up a business plan. The plan will help calculate the initial costs of organizing your own business, help you anticipate possible risks, and show what kind of profit you can expect in the end. It is especially important to draw up a competent business plan if the farmer plans to get a bank loan.

What costs should be taken into account when drawing up a business plan:

Having detailed all the expenses, you can calculate how much start-up capital a novice poultry farmer will need. In the same way, the costs are calculated when increasing the number of livestock and expanding the farm.

Organization of a poultry house and paddock for walking

Growing laying hens is attractive because such a business can be organized both in the city and outside it. Even a small summer cottage with an area of ​​​​2 acres will allow you to equip a chicken coop and a small paddock for birds.

The cost of a chicken coop includes the cost of paying rent if there is no own site.

Building a chicken coop, ways of keeping

If the chicken coop is being built from scratch, you should calculate the cost of building materials. Typically, poultry houses are built of wood; slate is used as a roofing material. Today on sale you can find many types of inexpensive insulation for wall coverings. It is desirable that the insulation material is breathable and does not cause high humidity.

The optimal height of the house is considered to be 1.5 m - 2.0 m. A more spacious room is uncomfortable for birds, it will be more expensive to heat it. A room with low ceilings is inconvenient to clean and disinfect. The area of ​​​​the premises is calculated depending on the size of the planned livestock. The laying density is 5 birds/1 m².

Next, you need to think about how to keep chickens: outdoor or cellular. The cell method involves the purchase of cells, each of which is equipped with a separate feeder and drinker. The floor method is cheaper, in addition, chickens in natural conditions are better laid.

Lighting, ventilation, thermal insulation

The chicken coop must be equipped with a ventilation system. It is the ventilation system that will reduce the risk of diseases. In unventilated rooms, a favorable environment is created for fungal and viral infections, and the accumulation of ammonia vapors from bird droppings leads to inflammation of the mucous membranes.

The ventilation system, walking paths, vents and windows are equipped with special plugs to prevent heat loss and eliminate the possibility of drafts. To insulate the floor, straw and sawdust are used throughout the year; in winter, an additional heat-insulating material with a thickness of at least 15 cm is placed under the flooring.

In winter, you will need additional heating of the chicken coop and artificial lighting. If heaters are not available, it is advisable to include the purchase of appliances in the expense item.

Daylight hours for laying hens is about 16 hours. With a decrease in daylight hours in autumn, fluorescent lamps or infrared equipment are installed in the house, which, in addition to light, also provides warmth. Such costs are also included in the start-up capital.

Nests and perches

The chicken coop is equipped with nests and perches. arrange in darkened corners. Perches are arranged in illuminated places at a distance of 35 cm - 55 cm from one another and at a height of at least 60 cm from the floor level.

To save space, perches can be installed in steps. To calculate the number of perches, a value of 25 cm is taken - 35 cm / 1 bird.

Note! If a business is planned for breeding chickens for meat, perches are installed lower, approximately at a height of 30 cm - 35 cm from the floor. The crowding of birds on the perch is taken at the rate of 50 cm / 1 bird.

Meat chickens are less mobile compared to laying hens and have a significant body weight, which means they need more space.

paddock for walking

To build a corral, it is necessary to include in the costs the chain-link mesh from which the fence is built. Laying hens, unlike meat breeds, are extremely mobile and can have well-developed wings, so the fence must have a height of at least 1.5 meters.

The corral is built close to the chicken coop with a common entrance and exit.

If the paddock falls on a lighted place, it is necessary to consider shading, for example, with the help of an awning.

Feeders and drinkers

Feeders and drinkers are installed both in the house and on the run. To calculate inventory costs, decide on the type of feeder. You can buy industrial feeders and drinkers, but such equipment is expensive.

Experienced poultry farmers prefer to build equipment from plastic pipes and bottles, which at the first stage help to reduce the cost of arranging a chicken coop.

Breed selection and young stock purchase

The choice of the breed of the egg direction is an important point, because the profitability of the business will mainly depend on the productivity indicator. In addition, experienced poultry farmers take into account the adaptability of birds to the conditions of detention, resistance to, survival indices of chicks and adult livestock.

The most common breeds in domestic poultry farming with high productivity are:

  1. Leggorn - 300 eggs / year, weighing 55 - 63 g.
  2. Loman Brown - 320 eggs / year, weighing 58 - 65 g.
  3. Hisex - 320 eggs / year, weighing 63 - 70 g.

Less common, but no less productive breeds:

  • High Line;
  • Isa Brown;
  • Tetra;
  • Bovans.

Egg breeds are early, their first laying is given at the age of 4-5 months. In the conditions of industrial poultry farming, a complete replacement of the livestock is carried out once a year, that is, a laying hen is used only during the period of intensive egg laying.

In a private economy, chickens are kept for up to two years and the replacement is carried out partially, preparing a replacement flock in advance. However, for a successful business, it makes sense to replace the stock more often, as in the case of poultry farms.

The first livestock is purchased by young animals at the age of 3-5 months. At the age of 3 months, it is already possible to determine the sex of an individual; young animals are purchased before the start of laying eggs, that is, up to 5 months of age. Further breeding can be done by incubating the eggs. Incubation is cheaper, but not suitable for the formation of the first herd, since it is impossible to determine the sex of the embryos.

When buying young animals, make sure that there are 10 females per cockerel. In this case, fertilization occurs normally and does not affect productivity. The number of birds is calculated based on the dimensions of the chicken coop. Recall that in conditions of floor keeping, no more than 5 chickens / 1 m² are located, in conditions - 8 birds / 1 cage.

Please note that young animals must be vaccinated, and it is better to purchase individuals from trusted breeders. Only then will the livestock survival rate be high.

The most profitable breeds of chickens

Feed costs

Most poultry farmers involved in the business of growing laying hens prefer to buy feed. The cost of compound feed varies from calorie content, fraction and region of sale, on average it is 10 rubles. - 20 rubles / 1 kg. The daily intake of feed for laying hens is 110 g - 130 g, more accurate dosages depend on the specific and age of the bird.

Cereals are added to the compound feed daily at the rate of 50 g / 1 bird / 1 day. In summer, industrial compound feed is mixed with green tops, in winter boiled root crops are added. Young hens who have started laying eggs will need mineral supplements, vitamins, chalk or limestone, bone meal to replenish calcium, shell rock, salt supplements.

Please note that laying hens are not allowed to feed from food waste. An unbalanced diet causes a decrease in egg production.

Maintenance costs and possible risks

Maintenance costs are low, it is enough to disinfect the house once every 2 months.

  1. First, a thorough cleaning, change of bedding, cleaning of perches is performed.
  2. Further, the floor and the surface of the walls are covered with lime - 2 kg of lime / 10 l.

If a fungus, rodents appeared in the chicken coop, or symptoms of some diseases were noticed in the birds, special disinfectants and medicines will have to be included in the expense item. But such an unfavorable option is already considered a probable risk, and therefore it will not be possible to determine the exact amount of expenses.

Proper maintenance, timely cleaning at least once every 7 to 10 days, systematic disinfection and daily inspection of the bird will minimize the risk of disease.

The cost of getting offspring

A year after the formation of the first livestock, the farmer will have to think about its complete or partial replacement. There are several options for obtaining a new herd:

  1. Buying young.
  2. Purchasing eggs for incubation.
  3. Getting offspring in a natural way.

Buying young animals is the most expensive option, the artificial incubation method is cheaper, but it will require the purchase of a high-quality incubator with a regime to maintain optimal temperature and humidity.

If natural incubation of eggs by hens is planned, it should be taken into account that almost all breeds of laying hens have lost their maternal instinct. In addition, you need to choose hybrids that retain their generic characteristics in the offspring.

Each of the methods of obtaining offspring has its own advantages. For example, with natural breeding, the survival rate of offspring is much higher (about 95%) than with artificial incubation (80%), and this method is the cheapest.

However, you will have to think about buying meat-and-egg hens with a strong maternal instinct.

In the case of using an incubator, the costs of the apparatus itself, as well as the laboriousness of the process, are taken into account. Every day, the farmer needs to turn the eggs to prevent sticking of the embryos, monitor the temperature and humidity in the incubator. The survival rate of livestock purchased from breeders is the highest, but the cost of buying it is higher.

Calculation of payback and expected profit

Novice poultry farmers are not recommended to start a large population. It is possible to form the first herd of 50 heads, so that if successful, next year to expand its production.

To calculate start-up capital, add up the estimated cost of setting up a poultry house, take into account possible risks, do not forget to add the cost of replacing livestock and increasing production. Further, the cost for the purchase of young animals, its maintenance and feed is added.

On average, a two-week-old chick costs 100 rubles, respectively, a herd of 50 heads will need 5,000 rubles. With mixed per year, one chicken will take 35 kg - 40 kg of grain and industrial feed, which means that 1750 kg - 2000 kg will be needed for 50 heads. The average price for compound feed is 15 rubles / 1 kg, respectively, the consumption will be 26,250 rubles. - 30,000 rubles.

Add the need to buy vitamins and get the cost of maintaining a herd of 50 individuals during the year: 28,000 rubles. - 31,750 rubles.

Now let's calculate the expected profit. One individual per year will produce at least 250 eggs, because the average productivity of egg breeds varies between 300 and 350 eggs. From 50 chickens we get 1,250 dozen. The average cost of a dozen homemade eggs, which, due to their useful qualities, is more expensive than store eggs, is 50 rubles. - 100 rubles.

This means that the possible profit from the sale corresponds to 62,500 rubles. - 125,000 rubles.

As you can see, the minimum benefit is 2 times the maintenance costs. If you take into account the cost of inventory and the construction of a chicken coop, in the first year you can get up to 25% - 50% of net profit. In subsequent years, profits will only increase and may reach 100% - 200%. Many of the expenses necessary to start a business will no longer be relevant, the main thing is to reduce the risks of diseases and the pestilence of livestock.

And finally, I would like to remind you that with the official registration of a private business, you can get certificates for manufactured products, which will increase the reputation of the product among consumers.

In this case, include paperwork and tax costs in your business plan.

Attention, only TODAY!

There is no one more successful than businessmen in our world. Many dream of becoming one of them, but not everyone takes up the job. The diversity of the market is great, so it is easy to find your own niche. Today we will talk about raising chickens as a business: is it profitable or not? We will understand the pros and cons, describe the strategy for managing finances and determine profitability and profitability.

What is this project?

We are dealing with chickens, and this bird is quite unpretentious and calm. Therefore, such business projects are considered not costly in terms of money, time and effort in comparison with other animal breeding options. Specifically, in this case, it will be possible to arrange even a business at home by installing the necessary equipment in a private house or in the country.

Preparation is still important: in order to increase potential profits and create the most favorable conditions, it is worth starting with the search for suppliers of raw materials and equipment, as well as buyers and potential buyers of products. Advance preparation will avoid problems with sales and access to a wide market.

Advantages and disadvantages

It turns out to highlight the following advantages:

  1. Small capital investment at the opening.
  2. A fairly simple technology for the production of eggs and meat and poultry care.
  3. Profitability of breeding chicken for sale.
  4. The possibility of breeding laying hens at home without renting large areas.
  5. No need to purchase expensive equipment.
  6. No business seasonality.
  7. There are great chances for the sale of poultry products not only to wholesalers, but also to individual buyers.
  8. The ability to independently provide a family with eggs and chicken meat without losing products.
  • Unfortunately, chicken eggs and meat spoil rather quickly, so you must always be able to sell the product produced.
  • The basis of this business is a poultry farm, which means that the entrepreneur is dealing with living beings that can die.
  • Despite the fact that it is extremely easy to start and breed chickens, it is important to take care of them regularly.
  • You will also have to regularly monitor the availability of profitable channels for the sale of products.
  • Such entrepreneurship is quite competitive, it is especially difficult for those who choose to breed chickens at home as a business. Accept that breaking into a big market will not be easy.

It can be seen that the number of advantages outweighs the number of disadvantages. Think carefully about how willing you are to put up with the downsides and whether a business in this area is really suitable for you. A good entrepreneur opens a new project only after carefully considering every aspect.

Start building a chicken coop

In general, the chicken coop itself is easier to rent or buy ready-made. It is possible to make your own from an unnecessary barn, if you prepare it first: insulate the walls and floor, and ventilate.

The previous options are great for cutting down on the cost of building a new coop, but some still need to build one from scratch. The construction of a new poultry house should be made from ordinary building materials such as boards or slate.

  1. In place of each of the four corners, a hole is dug for a wooden log. Logs will be able to provide a chicken coop height of two meters.
  2. The resulting racks are connected with boards or slate.
  3. After the roof is laid, it is better to make it pitched for the safety of the chickens inside in winter.
  4. Next, we begin to insulate the premises, laying out any materials suitable for this: wood sawdust, straw, coniferous needles, dry leaves, and so on. In order to rid the chickens of rodents, do not forget about mixing lime into the heater.
  5. It is allowed to insulate the floor closer to winter with the first frosts. The same budget insulation will fit here, and it should be laid out with a thickness of at least 150 millimeters. By the way, it is in winter that it is worth adding another fifty millimeters of insulation every ten days, so that by spring the floor thickness is about 50 centimeters. This will help generate its own heat due to the decay of natural insulation.
  6. The next item is the installation of artificial and natural lighting. For birds, it is important to equip at least two windows on the south side of the chicken coop. The entrance "door" for chickens, if possible, is best equipped on the east side.
  7. Do not forget about ventilation. It can easily serve as, for example, an ordinary window, as well as a special ventilation hole, reinforced and protected by a metal mesh from rodents.
  8. To start breeding chickens, it remains only to equip the nests. Egg production technology suggests that nests and perches should be located on the back side of the room at a height of about 0.5-1 meters from the floor level. On the sides of the chicken coop, it is necessary to equip places for feed and drink.

The perches themselves should be made in the form of shelves, having previously covered them with straw or other insulation. Another good idea is wooden crates. It is also important to insulate them. Remember, egg production technology suggests that nests must be matched to the number of birds so that they can lay eggs at the same time.

Content Features

There are two growing methods, and both are worth considering carefully. The first method is called cellular.

Not just boxes are placed on the built shelves, but specifically cages, each of which has its own drinking bowl and feeder. In each such cage, depending on the size, 3-6 laying hens can fit, but the larger the bird, the more often it will have to be cleaned.

The second option is more standard and less costly in terms of money, therefore it is considered more cost-effective, although it requires constant monitoring by the owner of the chicken coop. Since the bird is really strongly influenced by factors like getting sunlight and being in the fresh air, the best chicken eggs will come from chickens that have the ability to independently move and walk on the street.

In addition, it is easier for an owner who wants to expand the enterprise to keep, for example, 500 chickens in free chicken coops.


Here is a list of external signs of a chicken that you should pay attention to:

  • The head is oval in shape, medium in size.
  • Sufficiently bulging eyes with brilliance.
  • Small earlobes.
  • Slightly downward curved beak.
  • Bright red earrings. It is the brightness that affects the age and the production of chicken eggs.
  • The average length of the neck, which has a rather dense plumage.
  • Clear and prominent broad chest.
  • Remember that the bird must have a large and soft belly.
  • Really large wings that are quite tight to the body of the chicken.
  • Large length of plumage at the tail.

Of course, it is not necessary to follow this list clearly; it is more of an assistant than a dogma.

We buy a bird correctly

It is better to buy a bird when it reaches its age of 4-5 months. Only by this time, the chicken begins to lay eggs normally, and is less susceptible to various kinds of diseases.

You can, of course, get a younger bird of two months of age, then it will be possible to purchase about 200 heads more at the expense of a lower cost. In this case, you will have to carefully monitor the health of the livestock and try not to buy a rooster instead of a chicken.

We provide nutrition and care

Proper breeding of chickens at home is based on the correct care of the bird and the ability to care for the livestock. That is why it is important to be able to feed the bird, and for starters, choose the right diet. In reality, chicken is practically not picky about food, therefore various herbs, vegetable processing wastes, including tops and cereals, are perfect for livestock.

The idea with compound feed is good only for the cage keeping of heads. Here are a few tips to improve your productivity:

  1. Experienced farm owners give the chickens vitamins, chalk and eggshells as supplements.
  2. It will be possible to increase the production of chicken meat by adding root crops and vegetable tops to the chicken diet.
  3. If you decide to purchase a brood of chickens, they will have to be fed with specially purchased compound feed.
  4. Try to stock up on grass for the winter.

By the summer, it will become easier to follow the chickens: they will begin to go outside for walks and look for food on their own. Make sure that the bird does not lack thick grass. It is also important that there are small insects in it.

In addition, the technology for the production of healthy chicken eggs and meat involves regular disinfection of the chicken coop every three months. Disinfection involves covering perches or cages, as well as walls and floors, with a pre-prepared mixture of lime and water.

What are the costs of such a project?

As a model, we will take a really large chicken farm from scratch with a calculation for 500 heads aged 3-4 months.

Beginners usually take 50-100 livestock, depending on financial capabilities.

Expense Line Amount of expenses, thousand rubles
1 Construction of a new chicken coop 10
2 Purchase of the right raw materials for poultry feeding 30
3 Preparation of documents for the sale of products 10
4 Livestock purchase 100
5 Buying additional inventory 10
6 Egg packaging for sale 30
7 Product transportation 50
8 Processing of chicken meat 30
9 Unexpected expenses 10
Total: 280

Video: laying hen business.


Different breeds of chickens differ in their productivity in terms of laying eggs, but one may well carry from 200 to 400 eggs. If on average one hen yields 300 eggs, then the same fifty hens for a beginner will produce about 15,000 eggs in total. Just imagine the income generated by poultry farms per 1000 heads!

The cost of eggs on the market today is about 90 rubles per dozen, which makes it possible to make a profit of more than a million rubles a year! In addition, among other things, chickens are killed for meat, which later sells well in the markets and in private or large stores. You can also sell chicken manure.

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Home business on breeding laying hens, we earn on the sale of domestic eggs.


In the field of poultry farming, one of the most profitable areas is considered. Chickens grow very quickly and already at 5 months they begin to lay eggs. Some breeds are able to rush all year round with sufficient light and maintaining the right temperature in the house. A well-established sales market and timely updating of the number of chickens can provide a constant stable income.

Before you start breeding laying hens, it is advisable to develop a step-by-step business plan. It will help not only to foresee all possible problems in advance, but will also be able to contribute to obtaining investments or a bank loan. A well-written business plan reflects all initial costs and clearly demonstrates their payback period.

A chicken business can be built by both a villager and a city dweller. In the countryside, it is easier to find a piece of land for a poultry house and walking a bird. However, the construction of a chicken coop does not require a large area, it can be placed in a small area.

If in the future it is planned to expand the business of growing chickens, then it is advisable to officially register a farm or obtain the status of an individual entrepreneur. This will greatly simplify the procedure for obtaining certificates for products. But of course, you will have to report to the tax service in a timely manner and pay taxes.

In cells.

In this option, it is necessary to install racks for cages in the chicken coop, develop a system of feeders and drinkers. In addition, the cells must be cleaned regularly. In addition, the construction or purchase of cages is quite a costly undertaking.


Another distinctive feature of this type of content is the ability to independently prepare feed (root crops, potatoes, food waste), while chickens living in a cage are fed only compound feed.

Depending on the chosen method, the cost required for the equipment of the chicken coop is calculated. The purchase of cages, feeders and drinkers of industrial production can significantly increase the initial cost of starting a business for breeding laying hens. It will be much cheaper to install home-made options.

Arrangement of a chicken coop

Almost any barn can be quite adapted to a chicken coop by insulating the walls. In this case, the cost of its construction can be safely excluded from the business plan for raising chickens.

You can build a poultry house from boards, slate or gas silicate blocks. The latter building material is more expensive, but it will ensure the reliability and durability of the building. The simplest construction option is as follows:

  1. Four wooden logs are dug in at the corners of the future building, so that the height of the chicken coop is about 2 meters.
  2. Racks on both sides are sewn up with boards and covered with a roof. In order to avoid breaking the roof under the weight of snow, it is better to make it pitched.
  3. Insulation is placed between the boards - sawdust, straw, needles, dry leaves. To prevent rodents from settling in this nutrient mass, it is mixed with lime (in the proportion of 1 part of lime to 25 parts of insulation).
  4. The floor can be left earthen, and with the onset of cold weather, insulate it. Initially, the insulation layer should be 150 millimeters. Every 10-12 days, 50 millimeters should be added, so that by spring the thickness of the insulation is about half a meter. The processes of decay occurring in organic insulation will release additional heat into the environment.

In the poultry house, it is desirable to arrange windows and artificial lighting. In this case, it is better that the windows are located on the south side. If the layout of the site allows, then a hole for the chickens to go outside is made on the east side. A prerequisite is a ventilation device. This may be an ordinary window or other ventilation hole, closed with a mesh from mice and rats.

A perch is built along the rear side of the house at a height of 0.6-1 meter from the floor. Feeders and drinkers are equipped along the side walls. The nests in which the hens will rush can be made in the form of shelves lined with straw and hay, or wooden boxes with a similar filling can be used. There should be several nests so that several birds can lay eggs at the same time.

We buy young animals

A business plan for breeding chickens involves determining the number of heads that need to be purchased. For starters, it will be enough to buy a couple of dozen chickens. The number of young animals purchased also depends on the area of ​​​​the poultry house. So for every 10 square meters with floor maintenance, 20 chickens can be placed, and 6-7 heads can be kept in one cage. At least one rooster is required for 10 hens.

The next step is to choose a breed. So the choice of meat and egg breeds of chickens will allow you to build a business, both selling eggs and selling chicken meat. At the same time, egg breeds will allow you to get much more high quality eggs.

Reducing the cost of business development can be achieved by buying laying hens with two-week-old chicks. True, there is a small risk of buying a rooster instead of chicken, since pronounced sex differences begin to appear around 2-3 months.

It is acceptable to buy grown young animals until they start laying eggs, that is, up to 5 months of age. Be sure to study the reviews about the seller, buy chickens only from trusted people and always vaccinated.

Feeding and caring for the bird

To maintain the productivity and health of chickens in the poultry house, it is necessary to maintain a certain temperature. Permissible deviation from -2 0 C to +27 0 C.

A business plan for raising laying hens is unthinkable without taking into account feed costs. Chickens need to be fed with compound feed, selected by professionals. For adult birds, feeding with food waste, potatoes, root crops is allowed. In order for the chicken business to flourish, it is necessary to include vitamin supplements, chalk, and eggshells in the diet of chickens. In summer, birds that have the opportunity to walk on the street are able to independently find their own food. They eat insects and green grass. Greens can be prepared for future use in order to add it to feed in winter.


Breeding chickens as a business will be successful with the right choice of a laying hen, which will incubate offspring, and a rooster. Good offspring can only bring a strong and active rooster. When choosing a chicken, pay attention to its scallop. It is believed that in a good laying hen it is quite large and has a rich red color. Also important is the structure of the body and the nature of the bird. A calm hen will not often leave the nest with eggs, and a soft large belly will provide the warmth necessary for the development of chickens.

Eggs for laying choose even, clean and regular shapes. Chicks hatching from eggs must be helped to get rid of the shell, and then returned to the nest under the hen. Together with their mother, they will have to live for about 40 days if it is planned to leave them on the farm, or until the moment of sale.

We calculate the expected income

The key point of the business plan for creating a farm for raising chickens is without a doubt the calculation of profitability, payback period and possible profit.

  • The average cost of a two-week-old chicken is 100 rubles. For the purchase of fifty chickens, you need to pay 5,000 rubles.
  • On average, with mixed feeding, a chicken eats 36 kilograms of feed or grain per year. The entire livestock will take 1800 kilograms. With an average market price of 10 rubles per kilogram, the cost of dry food will amount to 18,000 rubles per year. Add here vitamin supplements and premixes. As a result, the costs will come out about 20,000 rubles.

Without taking into account the costs of building a poultry house and its equipment, an annual expense of 20,000 rubles can be included in a business plan for keeping 50 laying hens.

With proper care and balanced feeding, egg-laying breeds of chickens can be laid up to 250 times a year. From 50 birds you can get 1,250 dozen eggs. Since homemade eggs are very much appreciated by buyers, a dozen costs about 60-100 rubles.

Having established stable sales channels for eggs, you can get income from 50 hens from 75 to 125 thousand rubles a year. Accordingly, the annual profit from the sale of eggs will be 55-105 thousand rubles. An additional benefit can be obtained from the sale of chicken manure, which is a valuable fertilizer.

The business of producing domestic eggs is a very profitable niche. The minimum profitability of a business plan for keeping chickens for selling eggs is more than 200%. And given the increasing demand for organic products and low initial investment, the creation of a farm for breeding laying hens can be considered a real way to start a home business.

Interesting video: business plan for 100 laying hens.

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