Planning Motivation Control

Birds are migratory and wintering. Migratory and non-migratory birds: description and differences. Which birds are called migratory and which are not

The most interesting thing for children is to watch live birds on a walk. Often, kids have their favorite birds among the birds, to which they give names and even claim that they can distinguish them from all other birds in the yard.

Make a feeder, pour food into it. Very soon, the birds will get used to the fact that there is always food for them here, and they will begin to fly to your feeder. Watch them with your child. The most useful and most interesting thing is to make a whole series of such observations. A series of observations will give the baby much more for his mental and speech development than just reading a story about wintering birds or watching an educational film. After all, the film is likely to be quickly forgotten without consolidating and applying the information received.

In observations of wildlife, the child will learn to compare, draw conclusions, ask questions and look for answers to them, describe, find the exact words to express their thoughts.

What can we see in such observations? What should children pay attention to?

1. How do birds differ from each other in appearance? How are they similar? (They have a head, eyes, a beak to peck seeds, wings to fly, a body, paws, a tail, a body covered with feathers)

Compare, for example, a sparrow and a crow - how do they differ and how are they similar? (The crows are big. And the sparrows are small, gray-brown, they fly in a flock, nimble, jump on two legs. The crows are gray-black, a crow flies alone. A crow walks in a waddling, important, slowly). How are sparrows and doves similar and different? (The sparrow is smaller than the dove, it is of a different color. The sparrow jumps, and the dove walks. The sparrow chirps, and the dove cooes)

2. What is the difference between the habits of different birds:

  • how they peck food in the feeder (immediately sit on the feeder or be careful and first sit on the bushes, and only then fly up to the feeder),
  • whether they quarrel or not, whether they give in to each other,
  • how birds fly and walk
  • Are they close to people?
  • live alone or in flocks
  • what food do they like (titmouse and woodpeckers like to eat unsalted lard, lard can be hung on a thread to the feeder, bullfinches and waxwings - berries, seeds are eaten by all birds, but sparrows and oatmeal love oats and millet)
  • at what time of the day they arrive at the feeder (when it is light),
  • in what cases birds make sounds - they shout, call to each other, and in what cases they silently peck grains,
  • what kind of beak the birds have and is it possible to guess from the shape of the beak what the bird eats (It is possible that birds that eat insects have a thin and narrow beak, and those birds that eat grain have a blunt and thicker beak)
  • What footprints do birds leave in the snow? (try to draw them and learn to read "bird stories" in the footsteps - what birds flew in, who did they meet at the feeder, how many birds were at the feeder?). This task is very popular with children. They feel like real trackers.
  • why, when a crow flies up, doves and sparrows fly away? (The crow is large, it has a strong beak, and small birds are afraid of it. That is why it is better to feed the crow separately so that it does not take away food from small birds)

Here are some notes for observing the habits of wintering birds with children.

sparrows- nimble, cheerful, mobile, often quarrel. They are bullies, they like to snatch her seeds from under the nose of the titmouse, they stay in a flock.

Here we are tap dance. They are noisy and talk to each other. The seeds peck. Tap dances can be different. There are brown tap dances with a gray breast, and there are with a red breast. Tap dancers are our guests. They come to us for the winter from the north.

pigeons slow, calm, not so shy, come close to a person.

Bullfinches- calm, sedate birds. And the sound of their voices is special - they whistle softly (they ring like bells). If they need to fly somewhere, then they come to life, call to each other and fly away with the whole flock. Bullfinches are very fond of eating berries, grain, ash and maple seeds. They come to us from the north - they are also our guests.

Crows, magpies, jackdaws - this is all "crow's relatives". They come to us from the forest in winter. In the forest, they always fly away from people, and in the city they are less afraid of people. In the evening they fly in flocks over the city, and then they fly to the park, sit there on the branches of trees and fall asleep until morning. Ravens are smart, do not come close to a person, cautious, waddling. Magpies are large, gray, and the head and wings are black. Her sides are white. Therefore, forty are called "variegated." Magpie jumps. She likes to eat unsalted bacon on the feeder.

titmouse have a yellow chest and a black cap on the head, white cheeks. They love to peck at lard, swinging on a rope, for which the lard is attached to the feeder.

Goldfinches come in flocks. They are very beautiful - there is a red spot on the forehead, and yellow stripes on the black wings. They are very mobile - real gymnasts! Goldfinches are fidgety, noisy, constantly screaming, quarreling, making noise, crouching, eating seeds.

During the observation, you can read poems about these birds to children. Poems about wintering birds for the youngest and older children can be found in this series of articles. It is very convenient to write or print poems on cards (the size of a quarter of an album sheet) and carry it with you for a walk in a pocket or purse. At any time, you can get a card and read the desired poem or guess a riddle.

Wintering and wandering birds in fairy tales, games, stories, riddles and tasks for kids

Very often, we, adults, do not know what kind of bird it is, we cannot tell children about it in an interesting way or answer the numerous questions of our whys. Therefore, I decided to make a kind of anthology for kids and adults on the Native Path, prepared pictures of wintering birds, coloring books, games, educational stories and fairy tales, assignments, poems and riddles on this topic. This anthology will consist of several parts. and about each wintering or wandering bird you will find a separate article with fairy tales, stories, pictures and tasks, cartoons.

I deliberately did not distribute this material by age of children. You can choose the excerpts, games, tasks that you like.

Wintering birds. Pictures for children.

Compare with the baby birds in these pictures. How are the two birds in each picture similar? What is the difference?

According to such paired pictures, it is very convenient to guess riddles-descriptions of wintering birds. And all the kids love to guess riddles and invent them! You describe the bird (without naming it) - talk about what wings, chest, head it has, how it walks, what it eats, and the baby guesses who you have guessed. Then the kid will be able to guess a riddle for you by describing the bird.

Speech game "Say the opposite"

In this speech game, the baby will learn to use words that are opposite in meaning to a given word (we are adults - we call such words antonyms).

Always rely on the experience of the child, inventing tasks for such games. Show the birds in the picture, photo or real birds on the feeder.

Sample tasks for children on the topic "Wintering Birds":

  • The crow is big, but the sparrow is what? (little)
  • Magpie long-tailed, and sparrow - what? (short-tailed)
  • The woodpecker is long-beaked, and the sparrow is what? (short-billed)
  • The crow's beak is big and thick, what about a sparrow? (small and thin)
  • The bullfinch has a red breast, and the titmouse has ...?
  • The bullfinch flew up to the forest, and the sparrow - ...?
  • The bullfinch is sitting on the top branch, and the sparrow is on ...?

Speech exercise "Call me affectionately"

This exercise is aimed at developing a language sense, which allows the child to experiment with the word and come up with new variants of it.

You can play this game in the "magic version". You give the child a “magic wand”, and the baby turns the big one into a small one (a magic wand is an ordinary but beautiful pen or pencil; to get a magic wand, you can wrap the pencil with foil or decorative paper). A wave of the "magic wand" - and a small bird will turn out of a bird, and a small tail will turn out of a large tail. Here are some sample words for a game on the topic "Wintering Birds"

  • bird - bird
  • Feather- ... (feather)
  • Wing - ... (wing)
  • Tail - ... (tail)
  • Beak - ... (beak)
  • Tit - ... (titmouse)
  • Chick - ... (chick)
  • Sparrow - ... (sparrow)
  • Crow - ... (funnel)
  • Dove - ... (dove)

We play hide and seek.

The game "Whose? Whose? Whose?"on the topic "Wintering Birds"

Tell your baby: “You already know many wintering birds. They decided to play hide and seek with you. Guess who hid behind a branch from you? (speech grammar game "Whose? Whose? Whose?" - we learn to use possessive adjectives - pigeon, sparrow, magpie, raven, titmouse, bullfinch, etc.). It is not necessary to use ready-made images. You can hide the pictures behind your palm, showing the baby only part of the image - for example, the tail of a bird or only the breast of a bird. And the child learns from this detail what kind of wintering or nomadic bird it is.

Here are my pictures-riddles for kids. All these pictures in good quality and resolution are in the presentation at the end of the article. The presentation can be downloaded for free.

Riddles riddles:

  1. Tail, beak and breast bullfinch. Bullfinch tail, bullfinch beak, bullfinch breast. Ask the kid how he guessed that this was the beak of a bullfinch, because other birds have a very similar beak? (for red chest)
  2. This is passerines feathers and tail are also sparrow. The sparrow is easily recognizable by its gray and brown plumage.
  3. head and beak pigeon. The dove is easily recognizable by its bluish feathers.

Game task on the topic “Wintering Birds” - “Spread out the stamps” (for children 5-7 years old)

In this game, the kid will learn to classify pictures and distinguish three subgroups in a group of birds: wintering birds, nomadic birds and migratory birds.

Tell the child a story. Explain what a stamp is and why it is needed, why a letter will not reach the addressee without a stamp. And then tell the story about the boy Vanya.

Vanya decided to collect stamps depicting various animals, insects and birds. Here are the brands.

Ask the child: "Help Vanya arrange the stamps in his album." Vanya figured it out. On one page of the album there will be migratory birds. On the other - wintering (those that live next to us both in summer and winter). On the third - nomads (our winter guests). But he is confused about which birds winter where. Can you help him figure it out?"

  • Look, here's Vanya's stamp album. This is a palm tree page. What bird stamps do you think will be on this page? That's right, there will be stamps with migratory birds that fly south and spend the winter there.
  • And here is the second page. It depicts rain and snow, summer and winter. So what kind of birds will be on it? (wintering birds that live next to us both in summer and winter).
  • And here is the icicle. This is our resort "Icicle" from a fairy tale. Here will be our winter guests - nomadic birds.

Look at Vanya's stamps. What stamps would you put on the palm tree page? What are these birds called? (These are migratory birds - swallows, storks)

And what nomadic birds are there on Vanya's stamps? (bullfinch, waxwing) On which page of the album should Vanya place these stamps?

What birds live with us both in summer and winter? (sparrow, crow). On which page of the album will we put these stamps?

You can use other options for this game:

1.Print pictures with the image of stamps and the image of the album on the printer. Then you get a sheet with a task in which the child draws lines from the bird to the desired page of the album with stamps.

2. Give the child pictures of birds and ask them to divide them into three groups.

3. If the exercise is carried out with a group of children, then you can give each child a picture of a bird in their hands. Draw three circles on the floor with chalk. In one circle put a picture with a palm tree, in the second - pictures of summer and winter, in the third picture with icicles - a sign of nomadic birds that have flown to our resort "Icicle".

Children depict birds. At the signal "day" the birds begin to fly. At the signal "Go home!" children look for their flock and run to the right circle. Migratory birds run in a circle depicting a palm tree, nomadic birds run in a circle depicting a flying bird, and so on. You need to have time to find your home and your flock of birds before the signal: "Night!". Then the birds fall asleep - each flock in its own house. At the signal “Day”, the birds begin to fly again, peck grains, and flap their wings. Then the signal “Go home!” sounds again. and the birds fly to their flocks.

You can introduce an additional character into the game - a cat or an owl, which will catch birds at night. The rule is that you can catch only those birds that did not have time to hide in their house. If the bird is caught, then it becomes a cat (or an owl) in the next game.

4. You can introduce a deliberate mistake into the game - for example, give the child a picture of a squirrel along with pictures of birds. When the baby begins to lay out the pictures into three groups, ask where he will put the picture with the squirrel, because she also does not live in trees? This is a problematic situation for a child, because indeed, a squirrel lives on a tree! What to do with this picture?

But does a squirrel look like a bird? Does she breed chicks? Does it have wings? How does it differ from birds? Can it be attributed to one of these three groups of birds? Not!

In such problematic puzzles, the kid learns to distinguish the main thing from the secondary, and this is very important for his intellectual development! And he also learns to defend his opinion and not succumb to provocations!

If you want to believe, you want to check.

Folk omens about wintering birds

In the following articles, you can get to know the wintering birds closer. We will talk to each of them, listen to stories about them, solve riddles and learn interesting games. On this topic you can read:

And together with the children, you can see the pictures of this article in high quality in the form of a presentation here. To view the picture in full screen mode, click the icon in the lower right corner.

Presentation for children "Wintering birds"

You can also present a presentation for children with pictures from this article in high quality for printing or showing to children on the screen, as well as in our Vkontakte group "Child Development from Birth to School" (see the group section "Documents" under community videos).


"Speech development from 0 to 7 years: what is important to know and what to do. Cheat sheet for parents"

Organization: MBDOU child development center - kindergarten No. 34

Location: Primorsky Krai, Vladivostok

During the lesson, the entire space of the group room is dynamically involved.

Forms of work: frontal, group, individual.

Lesson time: 30 minutes.

Purpose: To expand and clarify ideas about wildlife. Learn to observe, develop curiosity.

Tasks by educational areas:

Cognitive development:

Expand and consolidate children's ideas about migratory birds;

To promote the independent use of experimental actions to reveal hidden properties;

To cultivate a good attitude towards all living things in nature, a sense of responsibility for the fate of birds, to arouse a desire to take care of them.

Speech development:

Improve your question-and-answer skills;

Exercise children in the formation of diminutive words;

Activate vocabulary: wintering, migratory.

Artistic and aesthetic development:

Practice coloring without going beyond the outline.


Illustrations of migratory and wintering birds; audio recording of birds singing; medium rubber ball; 1 large magnet; magnets according to the number of children; paper clips are large; bird coloring pages for each child; sunflower seeds, pumpkins, peas, small toys, corks; 2 containers; 4 bowls; 2 symbols on stands; bird feathers.

Lesson progress:

Children are in a group with a teacher.

Organizational moment: (1 min)

An introductory sedentary round dance game "Malanya" is being held. As the game progresses, all the children become in a circle.

I. Introduction to the game situation.(1 min)

Guys, look what I found this morning when I was going to kindergarten.

(I show children the feathers of various birds).

Children: - Feathers.

Guys, whose feathers are these?

Children: - Bird.

Right. And today we will talk about the birds that stay with us in the winter, and remember those that have flown away.

I suggest you sit on chairs.

II.Knowledge actualization.(8 min)

Why do you think birds need feathers?

Children's answers.

Where can you find birds?

Answers 2-3 children. (Summarizing answers - everywhere)

Can you tell me where the birds live?

Answers 2-3 children. (I summarize the answers - they build nests)

Who's to say what birds are like?

Answers 2-3 children. (I summarize the answers - they can fly, they have wings)

Winter will come tomorrow, and many birds have flown to warmer climes. These birds are called...

Children's answers. (I summarize the answers - migratory). Fix in the speech of children - repeat 2 times.

Guys, what are the names of the birds that stay over the winter in our area?

Children's answers. (I summarize the answers - wintering), repeat 2 times.

Look how many birds flew to us (I pay attention to the board where the pictures with birds are located).

Together with the children we move closer to the blackboard. The children look at the pictures for a while.

Which of them do you know?

Children's answers.

There are many birds. The breeze accidentally mixed up the pictures of all the birds, let's figure out which of them are migratory and which are wintering.

I put two conventional signs on the holders on the floor. We discuss each sign.

Guys, look what this sign means (picture No. 1 shows the silhouettes of birds flying in a wedge).

Children: - Migratory birds.

Guys, look what this sign means (picture No. 2 shows a bird feeder).

Children: - Wintering birds.

Well done, you got it right.

Let's line up in 2 teams. Wintering and migratory birds. Take one picture at a time, look at it carefully and think about what kind of bird you have and decide which sign you need to approach.

Children name the bird in their picture and go to the corresponding sign.

For example:

Child: - I have a Crow drawn in the picture, this is a wintering bird, I will stand near the sign with a feeder ... .. etc.

All children stand near the signs.

Well done! You correctly divided the birds into wintering and migratory.

Put the pictures next to the signs. (Photo #2)

Why do birds fly south, do you think?

Children's answers. (I summarize the answers - it's cold, there is no food)

IIIThe embarrassment of the situation(1 min)

The birds will have a hard journey to the south, but in the spring they will return. I wonder how the birds find their way south and back?

Children's answers.

It turns out that they are guided during the day by the sun, and at night by the stars and the moon. And yet, scientists have found that birds feel the magnetic fields that surround the Earth. Do you want to know how it goes?

IVIntroduction of a new(1 min)

Together with the children we move to the table, on which there are magnets in a box and paper clips scattered on the table.

Our planet Earth is a huge natural magnet. A magnet can attract.

I have a magnet. (Show to the children).

Imagine that our magnet is the Earth. And paperclips are birds. What do you think will happen to the paper clips if you bring a magnet to them?

Children offer different options for the action of the magnet.

Let's try.

VInclusion of new knowledge in the knowledge system(10 minutes)

Magnet experience. Children check the action of the magnet. Explain what they see.

See how the paperclips are pulled towards the magnet. This is how the magnetic forces of the Earth work. The earth attracts birds. (Photo #1)

How about we play now? I will name the birds. If you hear the name of a migratory bird, wave your hands; if I name a wintering bird, sit down.

Great! Well done! Sit on chairs.

Shall we play?

Didactic game "call it affectionately."

I will throw the ball to you and call the bird, and you return the ball to me and call this bird affectionately.

Sparrow. Children: - Sparrows.

Tit. Children: - Titmouse.

Jackdaw. Children: - Check mark, check mark.

Crane. Children: - Crane. Etc.

Well done!

Now let's compare man, animals and birds.

Humans have babies, but birds? Children: - Chicks.

Cats have fur, but birds? Children: - Feathers.

The dog has a nose, but the birds? Children: - Beak.

Humans have hands, but what about birds? Children: - Wings.

The hare runs, and the birds? Children: - Fly.

The cow is mooing, and the birds?…..

Children make different sounds.

What sounds did you hear?

Guys, it turns out that different birds pronounce sounds differently. For example:

Geese - cackle.


Crow - croaks.

Woodpecker - knocking.

Cuckoo - cuckoo.

Owl - hoots.

Magpie - chirp.

The nightingale sings.

Dove - cooing.

Swallow - chirps.

Crane - cooing. Etc.

(You can add or remove the name of 2, 3 birds.)

And birds can hiss, whistle, rumble and even speak like a human.

Fizkultminutka. (1 min)

Let's imagine that we are different birds and each speaks in its own way, they flew after me.

Children move around the group and pronounce various sounds, simultaneously perform actions together with the teacher.

Warm-up: Birds flew, they were small.

As they flew, all the people watched. Children run and wave their hands

As they sat down, all the people marveled. Children squat down

Sat, sat, soared, fly.

They flew, they flew, they sang songs in the sky. Children run and wave their hands.

Well done!

Teamwork. (2 minutes)

Guys, do you know what birds eat?

Children's answers.

Correctly. In winter, it is very difficult for birds to find food, especially during snowfalls.

You and I must help our feathered friends survive the cold winter. How can we help?

Children's answers.

That's right, make feeders, pour food into them. I have a treat for the birds, but it seems to me that the breeze has mixed everything up again. Let's prepare food that we will take for a walk and feed the birds.

Children, together with the teacher, go to the carpet.

Here's the task for the girls' team.

And here's the task for the girls' team.

Children sort through seeds, stones, buttons, etc. treats for birds in one bowl, toys and other items in another bowl.

Well done boys. Birds will love your treat. (Photo #3)

I knew that you could handle it, and I prepared for you a poem by Alexander Yashin “Feed the Birds”.

Feed the birds in winter.

Let from all over

They will flock to you, like home,

Stakes on the porch.

Their food is not rich.

Need a handful of grain

One handful -

And not scary

They will have winter.

How many of them die - do not count,

It's hard to see.

But in our heart there is

And the birds are warm.

Is it possible to forget:

Could fly away

And stayed for the winter

Along with people.

Train the birds in the cold

To your window

So that without songs it was not necessary

We welcome spring.

Reflection. (3 min)

I also have coloring pages for you. Take your seats at the tables.

I distribute coloring books to the children. Children color the birds.

Work individually. (Photo #4)

What is the name of your bird? (Guess by the contour). Is it migratory or wintering? What color pencils do you need?

V Comprehension (Outcome)(1-2 min)

Guys, tell me what we talked about today? What have you learned? Whom did they help? (Children comprehend their actions, fix the achievement of the goal.)

- I really liked how well you worked today in teams, how well you played together.

And now

The teacher hangs the finished work on a magnetic board, asks the children to come up.

The teacher asks the children to evaluate their own work and the work of other children.

Praises children, noting interesting features of each child's work.

List of used methodological literature:

O.S.Ushakova "Development of speech and creativity of preschoolers", Sfera, 2015

O.S.Ushakova "Come up with a word", Moscow: Enlightenment, 1996

O.I. Krupenchuk "Teach me to speak correctly", Litera, 2015

O.A. Solomennikova "Introduction to nature in kindergarten", Mosaic-Synthesis, 2014

Reader for older children, Moscow, 2000 O.A. Skorolupova "Classes with children of senior preschool age" Moscow, 2016

O.V. Dybina, N.P. Rakhmanov, V.V. Shchetinina "Unexplored nearby" (experiments and experiments for preschoolers) Sphere 2016

Internet resources.

In the wild, two types of birds are distinguished: non-migratory birds and migratory ones. The latter make seasonal migrations from one place to another due to environmental or food changes. Also, the reason for flights to warm or cold regions is a characteristic feature of reproduction. At the same time, if one part of the animals prefers areas with high air temperatures, the other remains in cold regions and does not feel any discomfort from such a lifestyle.

All representatives of migratory birds are considered very hardy and mobile creatures that are able to fly thousands of kilometers, independently find a course to warm countries, and also return home without outside help.

Today we will talk about the main types of migratory birds, their external characteristics, life cycle and interesting features.

Notable migratory birds

The class of migratory birds includes only those species that migrate to warmer climes with the arrival of winter cooling. This is due to the fact that they are warm-blooded, and their average body temperature is 41 degrees Celsius, regardless of external temperature indicators. Concerning the bird can tolerate cold, but it becomes very difficult to obtain food to restore normal internal temperatures on the frozen ground cover, which is why it flies to more comfortable areas. It is for this reason that birds say goodbye to their homeland and fly thousands of kilometers to foreign countries with a satisfactory climate.

Among the most famous varieties of migratory birds are:

  • swallow;
  • lapwing;
  • song thrush;
  • lark;
  • robin;
  • oriole;
  • forest pipit, etc.

In addition to the group discussed above, in our regions there is also a sedentary one. Its representatives stay for the winter in their native lands, and the main reasons for possible migrations are associated with the lack of a food supply or the breed characteristics of nesting.

When do birds make seasonal flights?

It is important to pay attention to the fact that birds fly away to warm lands gradually. First of all, those species that feed on insects and are distinguished by excellent singing abilities leave their native land. After doing many studies and ornithological expeditions managed to determine an interesting pattern: the season of flights is opened by such birds as:

  1. swift;
  2. martin.

After them, wild waterfowl, including swans, leave their native lands. This is not strange, because with the advent of frost, water bodies are densely covered with an ice curtain, and the natural habitat of such animals is significantly reduced. When September comes, the cranes are preparing for the flight, and then the rooks.

Close seasonal migration in warm regions geese and ducks. The latter fly away later than all the others. In addition, there were cases when this waterfowl did not leave its home and stayed to spend the winter on the pond. True, this happened very rarely, when in winter the reservoirs remained open and did not freeze. For this reason, people began to say that ducks carry a frosty winter and a blizzard on their tails.

Nomadic and migratory birds - what is the difference

Representatives of the migratory group will leave their native area, regardless of environmental circumstances. At the gene level they have an instinct for self-preservation, which implies a seasonal change of home. Like it or not, you can't interfere with nature.

Migratory birds include:

  • capercaillie;
  • pika;
  • woodpecker;
  • hazel grouse;
  • crossbill;
  • jay;
  • titmouse, etc.

On cancellation from migratory individuals, nomads leave their natural place of residence only after an independent assessment of the situation. Before making a decision they study weather conditions and forage base. In the event that winter does not portend severe frosts, siskins, smurfs and bullfinches do not refuse the opportunity to spend the winter at home. But if the birds feel the approach of severe cold, they will leave their homeland without hesitation and move to warm countries.

The rapid development of ornithology and science in general made it possible to highlight a lot of amazing facts about bird flights. Now we know how birds can navigate in the air and form thousands of flocks for such long journeys.

The absolute navigation of the aforementioned creatures is provided by the magnetic field of our earth. For example, the starling finds its way from the southern regions to the north only due to an innate understanding of the direction of the north magnetic pole. In addition, it quickly determines its current geolocation and creates a route to return.

When forming a large flock, birds are guided by the dynamics of its light and dark elements. Birds maintain a certain level of density, which allows them to accurately collect the necessary information from relatives through various gestures and actions.

The most famous migratory bird is the rook.

Among the many greatness of migratory birds rook is considered very popular. Many people still call it the "herald of winter", because the bird leaves its native area only at the end of autumn (usually at the end of October or mid-November). The bird returns home in the first days of March, depending on the climatic features of the region where it lives.

Ornithologists single out one unique ability of this bird - it can imitate human speech no worse than the famous parrots. An adult bird grows up to 45 centimeters with a mass of 310 to 490 grams. Outwardly, the rook is not much different from the crow, and the main characteristic features are pronounced harmony and the surface of the feathers, painted black with a purple tint.

The rook has a thin but very straight beak. With its help, the animal obtains food from the most inaccessible sources, for example, from underground. The bird is unbiased in the choice of food. The diet can include earthworms, rodents, and vegetable food.

Rook plays a very important role for flora and fauna, because they eat a wide variety of forest pests , among which:

  • bedbugs;
  • caterpillars;
  • rodents, etc.


Another very famous migratory bird is the swallow. In the absence of facts and scientific evidence, probably no one would have believed that such a fragile and tiny bird could fly thousands of kilometers from its home. But the bird does make seasonal migrations twice a year. True, during such a procedure, many individuals from the flock die and do not reach the specified place. Cases of mass extinction of an entire flock are not excluded, which is associated with weather changes.

The external features of the swallow look flawless. The bird has elongated wings and a clear cut tail. She practically does not walk on the ground and spends a significant part of his life in flight. It is important to note that even sleep and mating take place in the air.

In the wild, there are about 120 varieties of swallows. Due to unpretentiousness to the conditions of detention, swallows can live almost everywhere. Today they are absent only in Antarctica and Australia. As bird food they use only insects, which they get out of the ground or look for in the bark of trees.


Even a child knows about this amazing creation. He is popularly known for his magnificent singing features and amazing appearance.

Over the years ornithologists did not know why the nightingale makes such beautiful sounds and sings for most of its life. As a result of long research, it was possible to determine that when singing, the bird does not pay attention to the dangers that surround it. She humbly lowers her wings down and continues to get incredible pleasure from her favorite pastime. It would be great if people treated art the same way.

With the advent of winter cooling, the nightingale moves to North Africa, but returns home in mid-April. Already during this period you can hear the first delightful songs of this tiny creature. As soon as insects are born, the life of a bird beats with a new key.

Names of migratory and wintering birds.

They all lead a similar lifestyle, but some of them fly away to warmer climes with the arrival of cold weather, while others quietly remain in their chosen territory and wait out rain, snow and frost in a secluded place. In our article, we will try to understand in more detail the behavior of birds, and also tell which of them are migratory and which are wintering.

What is the difference between migratory birds and wintering birds: presentation for preschoolers

slide number 5

Above you can see a presentation from which you can find out how migratory and wintering birds differ from each other. In addition, you will learn what one and the other species eat, and in what nests they live. Our presentation will help you get a complete picture of the life of the birds living in our territory, as well as see how they look in nature.

Migratory, nomadic birds: a list with names, photos

Goldfinch. This bird has a rather bright color, making it noticeable even among the green foliage. Her feathers are white, yellow, red and black. In size, the goldfinch is even smaller than a sparrow, but its briskness and endurance allow it to easily cover long distances, practically without taking long breaks. Most often they settle in gardens or deciduous groves, where they breed their offspring.

Chizh. This migratory bird is somewhat similar to the goldfinch. It also has a bright color and small size. The yellow-black color makes this bird very colorful and thanks to this it does not get lost against the background of coniferous trees, on which it most often settles. These birds do not like to sit in one place, so they are always on the move.

Martin. Another small bird that moves to warmer climes for the winter. All types of swallows have a black, almost coal-colored upper body, a large mouth and easily recognizable sharp wings and tail. This bird moves exclusively through the air, and practically does not walk on the ground. She descends to the ground only to collect material for her future nest.

Rook. Quite often people confuse a rook and a crow. Yes, these birds have the same black plumage and a similar body shape. But still, rooks have characteristic differences that help to distinguish them from crows. They are smaller and have a non-feathered focus of skin on the head.

These birds do not like noise, so they try to settle away from cities, in coniferous and deciduous forests. They eat completely different foods. Depending on the habitat and season, these can be insects or plant seeds.

Thrush. This species of birds has a gray-red color, on which there are dark spots. Most often they are located in the abdomen and on the wings. Thrushes are not very fastidious birds, so they can live anywhere there is food and shrubs in which they can nest. These birds feed mainly on worms, midges and butterflies.

Thrushes belong to those species of birds that are very attentive to their offspring. As a rule, they do not leave their chicks for a long time, and if they leave, they try to fly away at such a distance to hear their cry.

Nightingale. This small and inconspicuous bird is familiar to almost everyone, but as practice shows, most often it is recognized not by its appearance, but by its beautiful and memorable singing. Deciduous forests are considered the ideal habitat for nightingales. If for some reason they settle closer to people, then, as a rule, they choose gardens in which there are dense shrubs.

Starling. This type of migratory bird has a dark color, which changes its ebb depending on the season and age. As a rule, in summer and autumn they have black plumage with a pinkish, blue or bronze tint. In the spring, when the starlings return from wintering, they begin a period of intense molting, and the color and feathers become a little faded and acquire a slightly brown tint.

Cuckoo. It is small and grey-brown in color. Brown sometimes even the red color of plumage is more inherent in females. But the males at any time of the year remain dark gray. The only similar feature of representatives of this species are noticeable yellow paws. Cuckoos most often live in forests, but they are not tied to one place. Moreover, they even lay their offspring to other birds. Having taken care of the continuation of her kind, she immediately flies away and never returns to her chick.

Duck. This bird species prefers to live and nest away from people. As a rule, for this they choose the most secluded places near the water or on small islands located on forest swamps or lakes. Ducks feed mainly on vegetation, but sometimes they also eat small acorns.

Swift. Recently, it has become considered an urban bird that feels comfortable on the roofs of high-rise buildings. It is here that he builds his nests, lays eggs and raises chicks. With the advent of autumn, swifts leave their habitable place without regret and go with their relatives to warm climes for the winter.

Wagtail. A thermophilic bird that does not tolerate cold. That is why, with the approach of cold weather, it breaks away from its homes and goes to warmer climes. In summer, the wagtail lives in low hollows or between the roots of large trees and feeds on various midges.

Quail. Despite their small size and fragility, wild quail is also a migratory bird. As a rule, these birds return from wintering when the air warms up thoroughly and young, stable greenery appears. They usually appear in their homes in late April to early May.

Crane. Prefers to live in swampy areas away from noisy civilization. In search of food, it can fly into small towns and villages, but, as a rule, it descends to the ground only in wetlands or wet meadows.

Heron. A migratory bird that can leave their homes as early as August. Most often, she flies away so early if she feels the approach of cold weather. If the autumn is warm, then it can remain in its habitable place until mid-October.

Stork. It is a wading bird, for which it is preferable to live as close to water as possible. But since storks are very hardy, they calmly settle on the roofs of houses and periodically go hunting.

Finch. A nimble bird that feels equally good both in the city and in the wilderness. It feeds on midges, buds, seeds and young vegetation.

Lark. It prefers to live on the ground and only occasionally rises to the sky. It flies long distances only when it goes to winter. Nests in tall grass near small shrubs.

Gull. Feels great in the thickets of reeds. It prefers to nest here and raise its chicks. Both parents take care of the babies. After the chicks take to the wing, they live on their own.

Oriole. Refers to those birds that leave very early for wintering. Most often, already in mid-October, it arrives in warmer climes and settles in a new place. The oriole returns back only in mid-May.

Swan. A very beautiful bird that prefers to live away from people. Swans settle on shallow lakes, where they lay eggs and raise chicks on the shallows.

Falcon. He loves loneliness, so he tries not to let anyone into his territory. It is considered a bird of prey that preys on small rodents. It tries to nest very high, sometimes settles even on the roofs of houses.

Settled, wintering birds: a list with names, photos

Woodpecker. A wintering bird that easily tolerates cold and frost. They settle in the hollows of old trees away from noisy places. As a rule, trees are chosen that serve both as a home and provide food in winter.

Crossbill. Sometimes this bird is also called Christ. She got this name because of the peculiarly curved beak, which visually resembles an Orthodox cross. In fact, this bird has nothing to do with religion, and such an interesting beak shape helps it extract seeds from spruce and pine cones.

Another distinguishing feature of these birds is the ability to hang upside down. In this, thin tenacious paws help her, which securely fix her on branches of any thickness.

Owl. This bird is a nocturnal predator. As a rule, during the day she practically does not move and is in a calm state. The owl hunts in most cases at night and feeds on mice or mouse-like Georgians.

Sparrow. These little birds calmly get along with a person, so they can choose the roof of a house or a summer gazebo for their housing. They eat whatever. They can eat seeds, viburnum, mountain ash, grain and even waste of human food. They begin to breed in early spring, and most often they do not build their own nests, but lay their eggs in those left by other birds.

Magpie. It has a very peculiar color, which does not confuse it with other birds. The magpie living on our territory has a black back and head and a white tummy, and a barrel. Magpie can live anywhere where there are trees. Therefore, it can be found both in the forest and in the city park.

Pigeon. A very common bird species that is not afraid of people. If they live in the same territory for a long time, they do not bother with the search for food and eat everything that remains after people. In the wild, it feeds on seeds that it finds near various shrubs.

Crow. Another wintering bird that is not afraid of severe frosts. Since she is not too picky in food, with the advent of cold weather she tries to move closer to people and eat what they did not have time to hide. These birds love loneliness, so they rarely gather in flocks.

Gaitka. Refers to the type of titmouse, preferring to lead a sedentary lifestyle. But unlike the tits that are more familiar to us, they settle away from people, in dense forests where there are many berry bushes. Various berries and seeds are the main source of its nutrition.

Bullfinch. A wintering bird that tries to stay closer to humans in winter. Bullfinches live in flocks, which allows them to fend off larger and predatory birds. It feeds mainly on buds, shoots, seeds and young leaves.

Owl. Since he is a close relative of the owl, it also remains to winter. True, unlike his other relatives, he does not tolerate cold well, so he spends more time in a well-equipped hollow, from which he gets out exclusively for night hunting.

Grouse. This interesting bird lives in birch forests. She spends all day in the trees, intensively feeding on kidneys. With the onset of darkness, she sinks to the ground and burrows into the snow, making a small tunnel for this, at the end of which she equips a convenient chamber.

Waxwing. An interesting bird that spends most of its life looking for food. Almost all the time, she flies from one tree to another, while looking for something to profit from. Such gluttony leads to the fact that part of the seeds she eats is not digested by the stomach and returns to the ground unchanged. For such a feature of the body, the waxwing is called a useful glutton.

Tawny owl. This beautiful bird is a direct relative of the owl, so it also leads a mostly nocturnal lifestyle. Its only difference from other relatives is a special attachment to one place.

Grouse. It has a noticeable crest, which allows you to identify it as correctly as possible. Settles mainly in spruce forests. Since he cannot fly long distances, he leads a sedentary lifestyle.

Jay. Prefers to lead a sedentary lifestyle. Settles in deciduous or mixed forests. In spring and summer, it feeds on small overweight, and with the advent of winter, it switches to seeds and frozen berries.

Robin. The ideal habitat for this bird is a deciduous forest with moist soil. In such a place, she easily finds earthworms, snails and slugs. In winter, when all this living creatures disappear, it switches to plant food or feeds on what people have left.

Jackdaw. Quite a large bird that lives quietly near people. It can eat both plant foods and food waste. Winters, as a rule, together with crows.

Wren. A small bird that spends the summer in a coniferous forest, feeding on buds, seeds and midges. With the advent of cold weather, the kings huddle in flocks and move closer to people. During this period they live in gardens and parks.

Why do migratory birds fly to warmer climes where they spend the winter, why do they come back?

Migratory birds fly to warmer climes so as not to starve in winter

Most people mistakenly think that birds fly to warmer climes because cold weather is coming. Yes, it also indirectly affects their behavior, but still, most of them can quite easily endure the cold.

Birds break away from their homes due to the fact that in autumn and winter the amount of food is sharply reduced. Therefore, in order not to die of hunger, they have to migrate and look for places where they can eat the same way as before. Birds can winter in India, Africa, Greece, Spain, Italy or the British Isles.

Which birds are the first and last to arrive in spring?

Wagtails are the first to arrive in spring.

Oddly enough, it sounds, but the birds adhere to a certain schedule for arriving home. Wagtails are the first to return from wintering. Very often these birds can be seen on ice floes that have not yet melted. Geese, cranes, gulls and ducks return in mid-spring. In late May and early July, the most heat-loving birds, swallows and orioles, appear.

Do migratory birds nest in the south?

Migratory birds don't nest in the south

As you know, birds make nests solely in order to lay eggs and hatch offspring. And since all migratory birds breed in the very territory in which they themselves appeared, they do not need to nest in warm regions. Most of them simply recuperate during wintering in order to easily endure the return trip.

Which birds are the first and last to fly away in autumn?

Swifts fly first in autumn

Swifts are the first to be removed from their homes. This is due to the fact that they spend most of their time high in the sky. And since it becomes too chilly there with the approach of cold weather, they simply begin to migrate in order not to fall lower.

Geese and ducks are the latest to go to warmer climes. They remain in their habitats as long as there is at least minimal vegetation. But as soon as the first frost hits, they gather in flocks and go to winter.

A flock of what migratory birds promises snow?

Geese have always been considered harbingers of snow. This is due to the fact that they are the last to go to warmer climes, as if anticipating that very soon the earth will be covered with a white veil. That is why, as soon as flocks of geese appeared in the sky, people began to warm up more intensively and prepare for the onset of cold weather.

Which bird in the order Galliformes is a migratory bird?

Quail flies to warmer climes

We are accustomed to consider galliformes as sedentary birds that are incapable of long flights. But even among them there is a species that decides on such a long journey. A small and fragile quail, in order not to winter in the cold, goes with all migratory birds to warm lands. As a rule, it winters in Southwest Asia or Africa.

Video: Migratory birds. For children about birds

CHILDREN SHOULD KNOW NONS: rook, starling, swallow, swift, cuckoo, crane, geese, swans, lark, thrush, nest, birdhouse, male, female, chicks, eggs, singer, insects, larvae, plumage, flock, countries, legs , neck, wing, eyes, tail, beak, head, stork, heron.

VERBS: fly, fly away, arrive, return, build, clean, lay, twist, take out, hatch, feed, grow up, get stronger, squeak, sing, coo, leave, say goodbye, gather, eat, peck, destroy, twist, pinch, glue, stick.

ADJECTIVES: big, small, singing, black, warm (edges), white, striped, caring, troublesome, spring, strangers, fluffy, voiced, field, distant, beautiful, long-legged, waterfowl, agile, vociferous.

Migratory birds are birds that fly from us in autumn to warmer climes.
These birds are insectivorous (they eat insects), feed on insects.

In autumn, insects hide, birds have nothing to eat, so they fly away.

Ducks, geese and swans fly away in a string - with a rope.

Swallows and starlings fly away in a flock.

Cranes fly away in a wedge - an angle.

And the cuckoos fly away one by one.
In the spring migratory birds come back to us.

Birds have a head with a beak, a body with two wings, two legs with claws, a tail and plumage.

Magpie, crow, titmouse, swallow (swallow is a migratory bird, the rest are wintering).
Lark, sparrow, rook, starling.
Crow, duck, dove, sparrow.
Rook, tit, swallow, cuckoo.
Magpie, sparrow, woodpecker, swift.
Dove, swan, heron, crane.

Beetle, butterfly, chick, mosquito
(chick is a bird, other insects).

Cranes - cranes.
Rooks - rooks.
Geese - goslings.
Starlings - starlings.
Ducks - ... .
Cuckoos - ... .
Swifts - ... .

Whose beak?
The crane has a crane.
The goose has a goose.
The duck has...
The cuckoo has...
At the rook - ....

Cuckoo - cuckoo.
Crane - cranes.
Starling - starlings.
Nightingale - nightingales.
Lark - larks.
Swan - swans.
Rook - rooks.
Duck - ducks.
Swallow - swallows.
Rook - rook.
Stork - storks.
Gosling - goslings.

Cuckoo - cuckoo.
Swallow - chirps.
Starling - sings.
Crane - cooing.
Duck - quacks.
Goose - cackle.

Wintering or migratory bird?
Why are they called that?
Appearance (tail, head, wings, torso, beak, feathers, colors ...)
What does it eat?
Where he lives - a hollow, a birdhouse, a nest ...

The rook is a black bird with a white beak. The rook has a head, body, wings, tail, paws. The whole body of the bird is covered with feathers. In the spring, rooks arrive from warm countries, build nests and hatch chicks - rooks. Rooks feed on insects, worms and plant seeds. In autumn, when it gets cold, rooks gather in flocks and fly to warmer countries until spring. Rooks help people, they destroy insects and caterpillars - pests of fields and gardens.

The grass is green, the sun is shining
A swallow with spring in the canopy flies to us.
With her, the sun is more beautiful and spring is sweeter ...
Chirp from the road hello to us soon.
I will give you grains, and you sing a song,
What did you bring with you from distant countries?
(A. Pleshcheev)

On the pole is a palace, in the palace is a singer, and his name is ... (starling).

The nightingale is a nightingale.
Crane - crane.
Swan - swan ....

The cuckoo has cuckoos, cuckoos.
The crane has a crane cub, cubs.
The starling has a starling, a starling.
The swan has a swan, swans.
The rook has a rook, a rook.
A duck has a duckling, ducklings.
The stork has storks, storks.
The goose has a gosling, goslings.

In the field I saw ... (long-legged crane). I watched for a long time ... (long-legged crane). I really liked this beautiful and slender ... (long-legged crane). I wanted to approach ... (long-legged crane). But he got scared and flew away. He flew beautifully, spreading his wings, and circling in the sky ... (long-legged crane). I told my mother about ... (long-legged crane). Mom said that you can’t approach and scare ... (a long-legged crane). I promised my mother not to approach ... (long-legged crane) anymore. Now I will only watch from afar ... (long-legged crane).

Rook flew out... nests. The rook has arrived... a nest. The rook flew up... to the nest. The rook is circling ... in a nest. The rook sat down... on a branch. Rook walks ... arable land.


The rooks have arrived.
The rooks arrive first. There is still snow all around, and they are already here. The rooks will rest and begin to build nests. Rooks make their nests on top of a tall tree. Rooks hatch their chicks earlier than other birds.

Which birds arrive first in spring?
What do the rooks immediately start doing?
Where do they build their nests?
When do they hatch chicks?

Harbingers of spring.
The cold winter has passed. Spring is coming. The sun rises higher. It heats up more. The rooks have arrived. The children saw them and shouted: “The rooks have arrived! The Rooks Have Arrived!"

What was the winter like?
What comes after winter?
How warm is the sun in spring?
Who arrived?
Who did the children see?
What did they scream?

Sasha decided to make a birdhouse. He took boards, a saw, sawed planks. From them he made a birdhouse. The birdhouse was hung on a tree. May the starlings have a good home.

There is a nest on the tree, and on the trees ... (nests).
On a branch of boughs, and on branches ... .
There is a chick in the nest, and in the nests - ....
There is a tree in the yard, and in the forest - ....

Without hands, without an ax
Hut built.

Appeared in a yellow coat
Farewell, two shells.

On the sixth palace
Singer in the yard
And his name is...

White-billed, black-eyed,
He importantly walks behind the plow,
Worms, finds bugs.
Faithful watchman, friend of the fields.
The first herald of warm days.

We even got up at night
Looking out the window into the garden
Well, when, well, when
Will our guests arrive?
And today we looked
A starling sits on an alder tree.
Arrived, arrived

Finally arrived!