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Download a presentation on the topic of modern youth. Lesson-presentation "youth in modern society". Lesson topic: "Youth in modern society." (Slide 2)

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The presentation on the theme "Russian youth in modern society" can be downloaded absolutely free of charge on our website. Project subject: Social studies. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you engage your classmates or audience. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the corresponding text under the player. The presentation contains 12 slide (s).

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Russian youth in modern society

Completed: student 11 In cl. MOU SOSH №38 of Ufa Khamzina Zarema

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“Youth is a generation of people going through the stage of socialization, assimilating educational, professional, cultural and other social services. functions "; "Youth is a social-demographic group, allocated on the basis of a set of age characteristics, characteristics of social status." Social stage - not yet adults, but not children either; its special lifestyle, behavior and attitude forms the basis for the formation of youth communities with their own distinctive features.

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J.-J. Rousseau, a French philosopher and educator, was one of the first to express the need for the isolation of youth as a special social group. But only about a hundred years ago, young people drew attention to themselves and made them talk about themselves. Distinctive features as social. groups: awareness of their own "I", knowledge of their inner peace, self-esteem, comparing oneself with peers; a special impulse, a feeling of great enthusiasm and strength; completion of the physiological maturation of young people; intensive degree of socialization, the acquisition of more and more social. roles; the beginning of the formation of the individual as a person associated with interaction with the environment and society.

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Today, the most acute issue is the problem of youth. As in other spheres of life, there are plenty of problems that require a special approach. But certain problems arise from one thing - the changing spiritual and moral sphere of the life of young people. The main problem, in our opinion, is associated with the reorientation of young people from collectivist spiritual values ​​to selfish and individual values. Young people, as a group that has not yet formed, are most susceptible to any outside influence. This is especially true for some negative impact Media, Western culture and commercialization.

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On the other hand, it should be noted and positive sides our Russian youth. Some of its representatives are patriotic, they believe in a worthy future for Russia, and are in favor of changes in the direction of raising the socio-economic standard of living. Moreover, often they themselves are the initiators in the development of society and invest a lot in it. Young people are easier to adapt to new economic conditions, they have become more rational, realistic, focused on sustainable development and creative work.

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In a society where material well-being and enrichment become priority goals its existence, the culture and value orientations of young people are formed accordingly. Consumer orientations prevail in the sociocultural values ​​of modern youth. The cult of fashion and consumption gradually and step by step takes possession of the consciousness of young people, acquiring a universal character. A tendency towards strengthening the processes of standardization of cultural consumption and leisure behavior, confirmed by a passive-consumer attitude to culture, begins to prevail.

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According to the results of table. we can say, as noted earlier, that there is a change in the direction of life orientations from the social (collectivist) component to the individual. Material well-being began to be valued much higher than freedom, the value of wages began to prevail over the value of interesting work. The dominant values ​​in today's youth are mainly money, prestigious education and business career, the ability to live for your own pleasure.

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According to the results of an expert study conducted in 2007 by the Pitirim Sorokin Foundation, the hierarchy of dominant values ​​of young Russians is built as follows: 1) Material well-being. 2) The value of "I" (individualism). 3) Career (self-realization). 4) Family. 5) Stability. 6) Freedom. 7) Respect for elders. 8) God (faith in God). 9) Patriotism. 10) Duty and Honor.

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At the same time, analyzing the current state of Russian society, it was noted that the place of values ​​in Russia is largely occupied by anti-values. Among the value attitudes dominating today in Russian society the experts noted the following anti-values: 1) The cult of money; 2) Indifference and individualism. 3) Permissiveness. 4) Cynical pragmatism, career cult. 5) The collapse of the family. 6) Social dependency. 7) Sexual promiscuity. 8) Bad habits: drug addiction, alcoholism, foul language.

  1. Try to involve the audience in the story, set up interaction with the audience with the help of leading questions, a game part, do not be afraid to joke and sincerely smile (where appropriate).
  2. Try to explain the slide in your own words, add additional Interesting Facts, you don't just need to read the information from the slides, the audience can read it themselves.
  3. There is no need to overload your project slides with text blocks, more illustrations and a minimum of text will allow you to better convey information and attract attention. The slide should contain only key information, the rest is better to tell the audience orally.
  4. The text should be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information being presented, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to make out at least something, or will completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  5. It is important to rehearse your presentation, think about how you greet the audience, what you say first, how you finish the presentation. All comes with experience.
  6. Choose the right outfit, because speaker's clothes also play big role in the perception of his performance.
  7. Try to speak confidently, fluently, and coherently.
  8. Try to enjoy the performance so you can be more relaxed and less anxious.
  • "Young people are happy that they have a future" N. V. Gogol
Round table work program:
  • Who is considered young?
  • What does civil majority mean?
  • The process of socialization of youth.
  • Teenager's problems.
  • Youth subculture: to be similar or different?
Young Citizens
  • Many sociologists refer to youth as a group of the population aged
  • from 14-16 to 25-30 years old.
Youth in terms of legal status
  • Minors -
  • Adults -
  • Citizens from 14 to 18 years old.
  • They have partial legal capacity.
  • Citizens over the age of 18.
  • From this age, a citizen of our state can exercise his rights and obligations in full.
How do young people feel about serving in the army?
  • Mandatory -55%
  • Optional -45%
Paid education in Russia: pros and cons.
  • “For” - 33%
  • Against -67%
Teenager's problems
  • Data sociological research show that today's youth are putting their health at greater risks than their peers a decade ago.
Teenager's problems
  • Health problems:
  • Smoking
  • Alcohol
  • Addiction
  • Extremist youth movements and subcultures
  • PROFESSION 73% 33%
  • MATERIAL 80% 22%
  • FAMILY HEALTH 40% 11%
  • NO NEW GADGETS 20% 12%
  • EXAMS 40% 100%
  • OTHER 40% 40%
  • Problems of concern to young people
Youth culture
  • A young person entering adulthood will have to master what was created by previous generations, learn and accept the established norms of social life. However, this process is not straightforward. By no means all of the values ​​to which the older generation, is perceived by the young.
youth subculture
  • This is partly due to the inherent high criticality of age, the idea that "history begins with us." It also affects the fact that young people by their nature are aimed at transformations, creating something new.
The main features of the youth subculture:
  • Challenge the values ​​of adults and experiment with your own lifestyle;
  • Inclusion in various groups peers;
  • Peculiar tastes, especially in clothing, music;
  • It is more of a culture of leisure than work.
  • Bikers
  • Rappers
  • Goths and Satanists
  • Skinheads
  • Punks
  • Rastamans
  • Frikki
  • Graffiti artists, etc.
  • Bikers Are one of the few for whom the words “one for all, all for one” are not an empty phrase, but a lifestyle. A biker is a motorcycle driver. They have evolved from savage hordes traversing the country roads of endless America to an elite, tough, big-money organization that enveloped the planet.
  • Rappers and Hip Hopers
  • Pros: A man-rapper not only goes in for sports (which is already a plus), he manifests himself creatively. And the manifestation of talent always leads to the growth of personality. This is a huge plus. Minuses: Everything seems to be good, but there is such a leak as "Gansta". It is here that aggressive behavior is "in vogue". Such people can possess firearms, because they believe that the world is cruel, and only they can protect themselves. They consider themselves kings and do not recognize anyone and nothing higher than themselves.
  • Pros: As a rule, Goths are people who are looking for inspiration, which means they are creative people. And their fascination with this subculture is nothing more than just a way to get saturated with energy. And their appearance (even if it is frightening for someone) is just an answer created as opposed to nothing to real glamor, in which there is emptiness behind the picture.
  • Minuses: There are also dangerous leaks here. There are Satanists. Their ideology is a rebellion against the church-traditionalist system. It is people from such a subculture who can go to the desecration of church objects, sacrifice and other actions based on worship of Satan.
  • Goths and Satanists.
  • Pros: Of course, this cannot be called the main advantage, but the idea of ​​skinheads - Only the strong can live. Therefore, you need to be strong, and not only in body, but also in spirit.
  • Minuses: There are many more cons. They take their idea too literally. It is for skinheads that seizures are often noticed without causal aggression towards other people. They are not at all afraid to kill “not their own,” and even to some extent strive for this.
  • Pros: Personally, as a person, I do not see them.
  • Minuses: Where punks appear, there are fights, robberies, violence with the aim of abusing a person.
Rastamans (Rastafari)
  • Pros: Quite calm culture and harmless to society. As the saying goes "whatever the child is amused ..."
  • Minuses: In fact, their occupation is idleness, such a person is unlikely to become someone big in social life.
  • Pros: There is no negative attitude towards the world and towards “not your own”. There is nothing that they vehemently oppose.
  • Minuses: It is their freedom that is their main disadvantage. She gives them everything, while they themselves cannot be influenced from the outside, i.e. if so far it is harmless and fun, then who knows what it will result in then ... And no one can stop them.
  • Graffiti- Italian, and originally means "scrawled".
The reasons for the emergence of informal youth associations are:
  • 1) Challenge to society, protest.
  • 2) Challenge to the family, misunderstanding in the family.
  • 3) Unwillingness to be like everyone else.
  • 4) Desire will establish itself in a new environment.
  • 5) Attract attention to yourself.
  • 6) The undeveloped sphere of organizing leisure activities for young people in the country.
  • 7) Copying Western structures, trends, culture.
  • 8) Religious ideological convictions.
  • 9) Tribute to fashion.
  • 10) Lack of purpose in life.
  • 11) The influence of criminal structures, hooliganism.
  • 12) Age hobbies.
  • Homework:
  • Write an essay:
  • “Young people are happy
  • that she has a future "N. V. Gogol

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Slide captions:

Youth Youth as social group The main social roles youth The role of youth in society Youth subculture The main directions of youth policy in the Russian Federation

Statements of different people about youth. Our young people love luxury, they are badly brought up, they mock the authorities and do not respect the elderly in the least. Our children today have become tyrants, they don't get up when they enter the room old man, contradict their parents. Quite simply, they are very bad.

Statements about youth 2. I have lost all hopes about the future of our country if today's youth take the reins of government tomorrow, for these youth are unbearable, unrestrained, simply terrible.

Statements about youth 3. Our world has reached a critical stage. Children no longer listen to their parents. Apparently, the end of the world is not very far away. 4. These youth are corrupted to the core. Young people are insidious and careless. They will never be like the youth of the old days. The younger generation of today will not be able to preserve our culture.

Authors of these statements: All these sayings about youth, about a hopeless future were greeted with applause in parliament. Then the speaker opened his cards. It turns out that the first saying belongs to Socrates, the second to Hesiod, the third to the Egyptian priest, and the fourth is found in clay pot in the ruins of Babylon, and the pot is 3000 years old.

Youth as a social group. Youth is a socio-demographic group, distinguished on the basis of a set of age characteristics, characteristics of social status and socio-psychological properties conditioned by both, which are determined by the social system, culture, laws of socialization, education in a given society.

Youth is a concept that emerged in the 20th century. The reasons for the emergence of youth: Acceleration (accelerated physiological development) Lengthening of the study period, delaying the time of entry into professional life Age limits of youth: 16-25 (30) years Childhood youth adulthood Intermediate (transitional) age

Transitional position High level of mobility Mastering new social roles associated with a change in status Actively searching for one's place in life Favorable professional and career prospects

The role of youth in society Mastering new professions, new industries. Development of new territorial-production complexes. Cultural, intellectual and informational mobility.

Worker Student Family man Citizen The main social roles of young people

Socialization difficulties mismatch high level claims and low social status of young people, which is given by their age; the discrepancy between the old style of parenting, focused on the fact that for a mother a son or daughter always remains a child, and new potential opportunities for young people associated with psychophysiological maturation; the contradiction between the increased focus on independence and the increased dependence on the opinion and behavior of peers.

When does youth end? Criteria for adulthood sociological legal psychological Independent living from parents Independent provision of means of subsistence Self-determination lifestyle 1. Achievement of full legal capacity: creating a family, voting in elections, full legal responsibility. Willingness to work and be responsible for their actions Psychological maturity Infantilism is the preservation of the physical and mental traits of childhood in an adult.

Youth subculture youth subculture refers to the culture of a certain young generation, which has a common lifestyle, behavior, group norms, values ​​and stereotypes.

Features of the youth subculture Nonconformism, a conscious opposition to the culture of adults. Experiments with your own life. Radicalism, the cult of strength. Peculiar tastes in clothing, music. Slang. A culture of leisure, not work. Creation of many informal youth associations, groups.

Typology of youth subcultures: Ingroups are groups with which a young person identifies himself. Outgroups - groups from which a young person separates himself, feels his difference. According to the specifics of the behavior of the members of the group, there are: prosocial; asocial; antisocial. - Prosocial - groups that do not pose a threat to society, bring positive and help. - Asocial - they criticize any foundations of society, but this opposition is not extreme. - Antisocial - not only criticize social order and foundations, but also seek to crush them.

A.V. Tolstykh proposed the following typology of youth subcultures: politicized subcultures - actively participate in political life and have a clear ideological affiliation; ecological and ethical subcultures - they are engaged in the construction of philosophical concepts and are fighting for environment; non-traditional religious subcultures - mainly a hobby for eastern religions (Buddhism, Hinduism); radical youth subcultures are distinguished by their organization, presence of older leaders, increased aggressiveness (criminal youth groups, skinheads); lifestyle subcultures - a group of young people who form their way of life (hippies, punks); interest subcultures - young people united by a community of interests - music, sports, etc.; the subculture of the "golden youth" - characteristic of the capital cities - is focused on spending leisure time (one of the most closed subcultures).

Professor S.A. Sergeev offers the following typology of youth subcultures: - romantic-escapist subcultures (hippies, Indianists, Tolkienists, with well-known reservations - bikers). - hedonistic-entertaining (majors, ravers, rappers, etc.), - criminal ("gopniks", "lubers") - anarcho-nihilistic (punks, extremist subcultures of the "left" and "right"), which can also be called radically destructive.

Motives for young people to participate in informal associations and groupings. social need for communication, self-affirmation, prestige, the desire to improve one's life The choice of a specific informal group is often not free, because a teenager is usually forced to join the group that dominates in the territory of his residence (socialization).

Reasons for joining the group: loneliness, lack of understanding of parents, striving for security; freedom emotional richness of communication Unification into groups is a means of releasing inner activity, realizing the needs of self-identification, self-affirmation.

The peculiarity of domestic youth subcultures is that most of them are focused either on leisure activities or on the transmission and dissemination of information. In the West, the alternative movement, which grew out of youth subcultures of the 60-70s, actively participates in social programs, helping the sick, the disabled, the elderly