Planning Motivation Control

The candidate does not want to communicate in mlm. Communication in Network Marketing: The Art of Communication. benefit is experience

In this article, I want to raise an issue that worries so many Network Business Leaders. Namely - how to make your MLM partners work.

The situations are very different.

Some of the MLM partners, from the very beginning, begins to show a very violent activity, and after a while they fade out, and you can no longer swing it.

A friendly and trusting relationship has developed with someone, but in reality this is not reflected in any way. The person supports you, agrees with everything. But at the same time, it does nothing. And all your actions aimed at revitalizing your structure, giving acceleration to your MLM partners, do not end with anything.

I am very familiar with such a state when it seems that you alone only want to do something and move towards your goal. Others just don't give a damn about it.

I think you have come across this too.

So what can be done in such cases?

Is it possible to make your MLM partners work at all?

The first thing I want to tell you is that there is nothing wrong with that. All people cannot do network marketing. Very often people only think that they will be able to work in our business. And this is far from the case. It often happens that this is simply not given to a person.

And here no our efforts will be able to influence, no matter what we do.

Then let's figure out how to tell whether your MLM partner is really unable to achieve anything in the field of network marketing, or the reason is in ourselves. This will help you analyze your structure and figure out what you can do.

Categories of MLM partners

There will be several categories of MLM partners in your structure:

1 category of MLM partners

1. People who came for an unknown reason, did something in MLM and left. At the same time, they themselves did not even understand what they needed here.

These are people passing by.

Another question is that you should consider such people as a lesson.

You should be able to convey your information about the possibilities of your business and your product to such people as well. On such people, you can test your various techniques. This mainly concerns the delivery of information on the product;

2 category MLM partners

2. There is another category of MLM partners who came to your team and did not stay in it. Such people did not understand the algorithm of work in the network business. They have not figured out what they should do, how to build the structure and where the money comes from.

These people cannot understand why MLM Leaders have been working for decades, what exactly attracts them, how they can promote almost any network project.

Most likely, in this situation, your values ​​and those of your MLM partner do not coincide. We can't all be the same! Think about it;

Everyone wants to quit sometimes. The difference is that someone throws, and someone continues to fight. Continues every day.

3 category of MLM partners

3. There is one more, perhaps the most interesting category of MLM partners. These are the people who sincerely want to achieve success with your company, with you and your team, but they don't move on.

What happens in this case?

Most likely, such an MLM partner is in a situation in which he is comfortable.

You know that a person starts to move forward only if he has some kind of powerful motivation. It is either getting pleasure or avoiding pain.

There is a very appropriate saying for this case. A horse can be brought to a watering place, but it cannot be forced to drink if it does not want to.

Leave such people as they are. But in any case, do not part with them. Maintain a relationship. After all, their life situations can also change and then the motivation that they needed so much will appear;

4 category MLM partners

4. And there is another category of MLM partners who simply cannot understand the essence of network business. They came to MLM from a completely different area. They do not know what your words mean "start communicating with people ...", "make a funnel site ...", "organize a team chat on Skype ...", etc.

These MLM partners need to be taught from the very beginning. But this is a topic for a separate article.

Best regards, Vera Chernykh

Epigraph: Stop running after people, let them run after you and find you themselves. ...

To those who in MLM do not succeed in anything ...

Tell me whether there have been such cases with you when you receive VKontakte, ICQ or Skype messages from unknown people with an offer to make money in some Internet project, start some interesting and profitable business, become a distributor of some MLM company, etc. etc.? I'm sure more than once. Personally, I was already sick of it. Aren't you?

Now another option. Quite the opposite. You are engaged in some kind of business on the Internet, you participate in some super-duper Internet project, you are a distributor of some cool network company with mega-quality products, super-duper services, service, etc. In short, not the point.

You know one thing - in order to make money in your business, you need to invite people (future partners or consumers) who will invest their money in it. Yes, most of the profits on the Internet come from this. You use the product or services of some company and she tells you, recommend us to others and get%.

Let's even give an example - MLM business (network marketing). The best option!

So! Tell me, is it hard to make money in this business? You just need to tell the other person about your product, which you yourself like + about the opportunity to earn money. Everything has already been done for you, and the products and services and the remuneration plan and delivery and everything, everything, your task is to SPEAK !!! Just talk and that's it!

I no longer go further and write about the need to work on myself, be able to speak in public, work competently with the team, motivate it, etc. etc., first we will focus on inviting people to do business. After all, to work with a team, for example, you need it to be =)

Why don't people go to your business? After all, you have such a cool company, such a cool project, the products are just super, damn it, and the benefits are the same and the opportunity to make money, and the income is unlimited. Well, what could be better than your business ???? Nothing!

You love your business, you love being surrounded by people who work with you, going to schools, developing, etc. !!! Uhhhh !!! Bliss!!! Everything is just super! “Well, why can't I invite people to this business, why don't people believe me, because my business is so cool,” you ask yourself ???

Again, an example of MLM. I have a business card site, I add money to advertising, I make calls all the time, I tried all the different options for talking on the phone with candidates, rendezvous and meetings held a bunch, I mark everyone on VKontakte videos every day, invite them to trainings, schools, seminars, etc., in short, I divide so that everyone knows about my business and all without result.

Friends laugh, parents and relatives twist their fingers to their temples, candidates do not believe ... Why do you think ??? Why, if your business is so cool, almost no one believes in it and does not want to do it ???

I thought about this for a long time, pondered, analyzed my work in MLM and identified 3 reasons why people tell you - NO !!!

1. You offer a business - you don't have to offer anything. If you offer, then you need it!
2. You let the person know that it's easy to make money in your business! Is it really easy? =)
3. Who are you anyway? Nobody knows you, where did you get such a businessman from?

This is the TRIO you must understand once and for all! Three points due to which your business and the business of novice networkers are covered with a copper basin !!! I bet that for many people who are now reading this article, some of the points will be like a blow to the head.

Someone will discover something new for themselves, someone, on the contrary, will not agree, and someone will simply say, “This is all clear anyway”. Personally, understanding of these 3 points did not come to me immediately.

Let's start with the first point. If you offer a business, then you need it. The fool understands. Personally, when I am offered something on the Internet, some kind of business project, an opportunity to earn money, etc., I think so, - "Yeah, another bastard wants to make money by making money on me or throwing me for money." Do you think I'm the only one who thinks so? =) No, almost all adequate and not naive people think so.

Bottom line: does it make sense to search for people by marking them on VKontakte videos, adding them as friends by interests, advertising your business card site on Yandex, making calls to candidates? There's no point. By the way, the question. Do you need to make calls to MLM? =) Almost 99% will say in chorus - "Yes", "Of course", "But what about", "Necessarily." =) Well, in principle, yes, this is the MLM bible. Calls, meetings, calls, meetings ... Aaaaa ... Oh my God ...

Good. Then I am that 1% - I will say NO. Calls definitely CANNOT be made !!! Friends, I am writing my truth so do not blame me. Everyone has their own opinion and methods of work. It is clear that people need to be recruited, due to calls it works well, and the more the better.

Then people need to be inspired, motivated, etc., but this is not for me. I don’t want to work in this way and do business on the principle of come dear - pay - doesn’t work? - go away, it doesn't matter if another comes. I don’t need a cycle of people, I’ve already grabbed grief with whiners and snotty, I don’t want any more.

So about the calls. Why you shouldn't do them. To begin with, you need to shake your brains well and get out of this inadequacy, which you may be in if you make calls to candidates in order to understand what I am going to talk about now. A question for you. Why are you calling? The purpose of your call, what do you want to receive when making a call?

I answer. You want to suggest something. And if you offer, then you need it, you will get some benefit from it. People feel it. Even if you just call a person and ask him why he came to your site, why he left his data, why he subscribed to some kind of mailing list, etc., it still suggests that you are interested in this person and you call him for your benefit. This is wrong??? Don't be fooled by your friends ... And if you also offer your business over the phone - it's generally tough!

Who I advise to make calls are modest, downtrodden and shy people who want to improve themselves, their communication skills. Calls will be beneficial to such people at the initial stage in MLM. There are guys who are not just afraid to make calls, they are even afraid to speak into the microphone at some team meetings, online schools, etc.

Calls can help you grow well personally, but as a business development it's not a good move. If you don't think so, then analyze your work in MLM, count how many partners have come to you thanks to calls to strangers. =)

It's strange all this, a stranger calls, is interested in me, and even God forbid, some kind of business offers. So many people on earth are looking for a good job, but here I am so happy, they call themselves and offer to earn money. =)

I repeat, calls, harassment of everyone in social networks, spam on the Internet with offers from your business is the first mistake of any networker. There is no need to offer a business. Make it so that you yourself are asked and asked to tell in more detail about what you are doing, and until you are asked, do not worry about anyone.

Not everyone wants to do MLM, become successful and rich, not everyone wants to do Internet business, personal growth, etc. Not everyone is like you and wants to make money. Everyone has their own favorite business. Look around. If everyone does MLM, the world will collapse. Who will work?

Scientists, doctors, builders, programmers, firefighters, welders, car mechanics, accountants, carpenters, lawyers, etc. Thanks to them, today you have everything that is around you and the fact that they have chosen this profession does not mean that they are not purposeful, that they do not strive for something in life, that they do not set goals, do not act, do not develop, etc., but the poor go to work stupidly and life for them is one darkness !!! Not at all! To each his own as they say.

How many times have I noticed phrases like “The poor are looking for work, the rich are building networks” on the pages of networkers, “The rich communicate with rich and successful people. The poor communicate with the poor and the losers "or just statements like" People, hiring you will not lead to anything good, MLM is super "=) well, in short, and so on. Did you understand. Hiring shit? and MLM is the path to financial freedom. =) Yeah. Show me these free ones! Where are they?

I work in the fire brigade, I love my profession, I just like it, I studied for it for 3 years and continue to study, next 2012 I will already receive the captain's shoulder straps. Yes I am employed, now what? What of this? I like you, you know, but who thinks I don't care.

Yes, I wake up at the alarm clock, yes I am going to WORK, yes I have a boss, so what? I like!!! I am not a poor, unfortunate hard worker, who in the future has only a beggarly pension and nothing else ... And there is no need for some son to tell me that employment is a road to nowhere.

It all starts with her! I will repeat the phrase of Confucius - "Do what you like to do and there will not be a single working day in your life."

So! The result of all of the above. There is no need to offer business to people, not all people are suitable for MLM business, employment is not hell and darkness !!! A person who offers business to those people who do not need it is the same as a little boy running to a flock of pigeons to feed them, and they fly away.

Develop, improve your skills and qualities and people will ask you about your business.

The second point because of which people do not go to your business - you let the person understand that it is easy to make money in your business! This is true? Easily? Yes? Are you already rich?

Well, you didn’t offer anything to anyone, so some person found you on the Internet and asks, “Please tell me more about your business”. What will you tell? I don’t want to talk about everyone now, but the majority of networkers make another gross mistake when recruiting - they say that MLM business is simple. This is wrong. Business MLM hemorrhoids are still the same. You need to plow like the damned, not even, as the damned is still easily said.

What do inexperienced networkers do? They do not say this because they are afraid that the candidate will be afraid of all this tin and will not come into their business. =) Better to say that everything is easy and simple here, that you can earn a lot of money lying on the couch, that he will be helped and supported, that his sponsor (not me) earns almost a cartoon of dollars a month, etc. In short, you need to tell about the business so that the person likes everything and he immediately subscribes. =)

It is not right. all those who come for free will merge in the very first months. If you are a networker and are reading this article now, then you have an assignment: How would you answer in one sentence the question "What are you doing?" (in the form of business), if you were asked by someone you don't know? Can you answer right now? Don't think, answer.

After you answer, analyze what you said and think - will an ordinary person understand it? I remember laughing to tears at one of the ISIF events, when Andrey Vedeniev, one of the leaders of the company, talked about how not to invite people to business. He gave an example.

The networker receives a VKontakte message with the question "Tell me what are you doing?" He replies, “Hi. I develop my business on the Internet, I am engaged in self-development and personal growth, I study the topic of money and financial independence, I help other people in this "

Answer: "I see, I'm going to wash myself in the bathroom." =) =)

Everything!!! The man is gone! Before him, these words like self-education, personal growth, financial independence are incomprehensible. This is a different conversation among us networkers, but when you explain to an ordinary person what you are doing, speak Russian, he does not understand the language of aliens.

Anyway. The bottom line to all of the above is that it's not easy to work in the MLM business, the MLM business is not easy and you don't need to present it as a freebie and an easy way to make money. Say it as it is. “You will plow, work day after day, you need to do this, this and this, it will be very difficult” ...

Trust me, it works several times better. Freeloaders will immediately merge realizing that here you need to work, and they do not want to work naturally. But serious people will think! You need serious people, don't you?

Every day on the Internet VKontakte, on Skype, by mail, etc., I receive several different offers of earnings from all sorts of freaks. By the way, these geeks often call themselves business coaches, coaches or coaches of financial success. =) It's funny ...

So that's it. Now I do not consider these proposals at all, I just send them to spam. Why? See point one - you don't need to offer a business. An experienced, professional networker will never suggest a business first. Sense of looking at offers from people who are lying?

It's not even about their project, way of making money, opportunities, etc. Here another thing is interesting, namely - who offers you this? Who is he anyway? Nobody knows him, where did he get such a businessman from? Do you understand what I mean?

Friends, ask yourself this question now. Who are you anyway? Where are you such a businessman drew from? Read this expression a few more times and delve into the words. Do you think there are many people like you on the Internet or not? Well, face the truth, on every corner in the network there are cries of "Earn", "Become rich and successful", "Become financially independent" ...

Who are these people who offer everyone their opportunity? Firstly, their cant is in what they offer, and secondly, no one knows them yet. Do you think these people will make a lot of money this way?

Definitely - NO, until they realize how to work correctly !!! OK. You are not offering your business to people. To those who ask you about your business, you do not say that it is simple, you are doing everything right, but who are you to get people to follow you? Who are you to teach other people about your business? Who are you???

Friends. People go out of business. People are coming to you. If a person sees that you are the one who can help him get what he wants, he will follow you, no matter what kind of business, project, company, etc. you have.

Just talking about your business, showing it, explaining how it works is not enough, you need more. You must become the person who can speak in such a way that your candidate's ears will be wrapped in a tube and brains boil from your clever statements. I know such people, I learn from them and I am constantly improving because I understand that there is nowhere without it.

But that's not all, many people can speak beautifully, scammers can also speak beautifully. =) Your own brand plays an important role. Brand creation and promotion is a separate topic for this post, but for now I will give you just a few tips for creating your own brand.

You have the internet today. Use it. If you are doing business on the Internet, then you should definitely have your own personal website or blog. If not, do it urgently. Today you are nobody without a personal page on the Internet.

Get yourself your own resource on the topic of your business, write articles, share useful information with other people. Your site should contain information about you, who you are, from where, where you live, it should be possible to contact you, etc.

In general, the person to whom you told about your business can simply type your full name in google search and find out about you as a person who is really engaged in some kind of business, he is not a scammer, not a scammer and not a radish ... will not find in the search - who are you then? What kind of unknown businessman is this?

But that's not all. Look who earns more in any project than others? Who? Basically, these are the guys who do something of their own. Clones have never made a lot of money anywhere. Remember, if you want to succeed, you need to make something of your own, your own branded product.

It can be some kind of video course, video training, audio podcast, some kind of e-book, or just a free mailing list. In general, it does not matter what, the main thing is that it brings benefits to people and not a little. It should be yours. Your personal creativity !!!

All successful networkers have long understood this and are acting, if you have not yet understood, understand it faster and work. First, give the person something for free. He will benefit from this and you will be the authority in his eyes!

Do not know what to do, think. It's hard to think to do this if there is no experience in some area - gain experience. Your author's product will work for you for years. Benefiting people, they will follow you ...

See this case. You told the person about your business. What will he do after talking to you? I would go to a search engine and read reviews about this miracle of business. Any ordinary, adequate, non-naive person will do the same.

As you know, the better the product, the more criticized it, and here, I do not think that people will not find negative reviews about your business on the Internet. Yeah, as soon as he finds it. Read and get scared. BUT!!! Who will he believe?

People who write all sorts of nasty things or you? Think about it! I think if you once from the heart helped a person with something, then he would rather believe you than negative reviews. Is not it?

Okay, finishing the article. I hope it was helpful to you. I would like to hear your comments on this. I am writing what I think, so I hope for your understanding. If someone disagrees with something, write. Thank you! I wish you success to networkers and newcomers to this wonderful world of Internet business!

Best regards, Alexander Borisov

In his excellent book A Brief History of Time, Professor Stephen Hopkins tells the story of a famous scientist who gave a public lecture on astronomy. The scientist described how the moon revolves around the earth, how the earth revolves around the sun and how our solar system revolves around the center of the galaxy.When he finished, a small elderly woman stood up and said, “Everything you said is nonsense. In fact, the land is flat and is supported by giant turtles. "

The scientist smiled and replied: "What are these turtles on then?" "You are very smart, young man, very smart ..." said the elderly woman. "But the turtles to the very bottom!" We all know people like this elderly woman. So why try to convince them? If they believe that the universe is based on turtles or that all network marketing is illegal pyramids, no amount of your evidence to the contrary will change their belief. Therefore, when you build your business, do not try to persuade or persuade negative people. Sort your candidates and look for those people who are open to new opportunities. One of the biggest mistakes newcomers to this business make is that they see sponsorship as a one-act act. In fact, sponsoring is a process. You will need to spend different amounts of time on different candidates. You should not try to sell or “close deals”. Your goal should be to give the candidate enough information to make an informed decision. Unlike direct selling, where you are taught to sell and manipulate people, in network marketing we look for people who are motivated enough to take independent action. We just give them an opportunity and see if they are open to it or not. Some people are open to new concepts, while others are biased. You should look for people with an open mind and avoid the rest. This is not so much a persuasion of people or an attempt to change their faith, but rather a search for people who are open to your opportunity. This is a sorting process, divided into stages, where each applicant himself shows his level of interest and corresponding commitment. In any case, you will meet people who believe that all network marketing is one solid pyramid scheme. Why waste your time trying to convince them otherwise, when there are whole armies of people open to your possibilities? The goal of the sponsoring process should be to sort out unsuitable candidates and provide prospective candidates with the information they need to make a decision. Every person you know or meet is a potential candidate. He might be a business candidate, he might be a client candidate, or no one at all. When you understand the simple steps of sorting people, you will realize how easy it is. Here's the reality: Every Monday morning, alarms start ringing around the world. People turn them off, hoping to get at least five more minutes of sleep. They jump up at the last second, wash in a hurry, grab breakfast on the go and run to work. We know that 80% of people do not like or even hate their job, and 99.9% would like to earn more. Most of them will spend the day comatose, swallow a sandwich instead of lunch, and go home sadly. There they will lie on the sofa and stare at the TV until their eyes begin to stick together. And on Tuesday morning everything will start from the beginning ... And on Wednesday ... And on Thursday ... And on Friday they will say: "Thank God, this is Friday!" And you know why - this is the day when the salary is paid. And when, before the end of the working day, the boss calls them and issues the long-awaited checks, for one second it seems to them that this money belongs to them. In fact, they have already spent this money, but for a few moments they will think that they are holding something real. It needs to be celebrated! In America, that means going to a pizzeria where they order a pizza with a double portion of meat and cheese. And, of course, Diet Coke, because they "watch their weight." After lunch, they head to the nearest video store, where they pick up 10-15 films - enough to keep them from thinking about their quiet desperate life on the weekend. On Monday morning the alarm clock rings and everything starts all over again ... Do you understand anything? You don't need these people. It is they who need you and are looking forward to your proposal. Therefore, you should not think “Who can I drag into this?”, But “Who do I want to offer this opportunity to?”. You may think that your products are vitamins or creams, or some kind of service, but this is not at all the case. In fact, you are selling freedom. Remember this always. You offer people the opportunity to become their own masters and determine their own destiny. For most people, this will be the first unlimited income opportunity they have ever met. It is also their first chance to succeed by helping other people. Of course, the first question you will have is, "Where can I find these people?" You should start with friends, neighbors and relatives. This is the natural and smartest approach. You don't need to make telemarketers or reach out to strangers. People you know will at least share their doubts with you and look at your materials. However, there is a secret of how to work with your "warm" market ... Seek help from your sponsors and bring your people to them. People on your “warm list” are the best candidates. When you start a business, you don't have to give presentations yourself. Your sponsors should at first conduct them for you, while you study and take notes. You go to your candidates and ask them qualifying questions. Because they trust you, they will answer truthfully. For those who show interest, you provide materials for preliminary acquaintance. Let them know that this is a completely new business for you, you just learned about it, and you were introduced to it by a very smart person who helps other people to achieve financial independence. By pushing your sponsor forward in this way, you are building your candidate's trust in him. In this scenario, you increase the confidence of your “warm market” with maximum effect. And that's why… Your warm marketplace trusts you enough to agree to look at the preliminary materials and, if they find it interesting, meet with someone you recommend (or come to a home meeting). And since you said that you are still a new person in the business and advertised your sponsor as a specialist, they will hear from him what they could not hear from you. This is the secret to a successful start, and it works! Even if you have no formal education, you are a timid person and are afraid to make presentations - you can still succeed in this business. You just admit your ignorance, talk about your sponsor and bring people to him. You have as much time as you need to gain confidence and develop the necessary skills. Moreover, all your candidates will see how they get into business and learn how to run it. Anyone can repeat this. If you have people who say they don't want to talk to their immediate marketplace, there are two options. The first option is that they just don't believe it will work. They say something like, “I don’t want to talk to people I know personally yet. I want to advertise and talk to strangers. Then, when I am rich and successful, I will go to my friends. " Of course, this is crazy. If you really believed that this opportunity will give you wealth, happiness and fulfillment of desires - would you not start burning telephone wires by calling your friends and family members? These people need to be trained to truly understand the business, and they need a strict but loving sponsor to guide and even push them to be active and successful. And of course, second option it could be that your new distributor was formerly an MLM fanatic and has reached out to his immediate market twenty times. And now he is simply afraid to turn to the same people again. I personally can understand and admit it, because I myself went through it. But I found a solution to this problem ... As soon as I face a difficult choice and it seems that I have nowhere to go - I do something unusual for most people. In fact, most people find it too radical to even think about it. I am telling the truth. Imagine a phone call like this: “Rod, this is Randy. You will never believe it - you have every right to hang up - but I need to tell you something very important. I know you and I were going to make money off these vitamins, and all those propolis things didn't work out, and the everlasting nylon tights didn't work out, and I know you still have the filters I sold you - so that you have every right to hang up - but I did find something, and I think it will be different. That's why…". Now, what if Rod hangs up? This means that he is not a suitable candidate. Remember, you need yes or no. The only thing that cannot be used is “maybe”. So if Rod hangs up, you might decide to put him in the "no" category. True, it is unlikely that he hung up. When you just tell the truth, put everything out - most people listen to you. And there will be dozens more people on your list who have never joined the programs you worked with. And you meet new people all the time. You've met at least three or five other people this week. Therefore, it would be a big mistake not to even try to walk through your "warm market". Now let's talk about what you should say to the people you want to sponsor. The reason why most people in network marketing don't close high qualifications is because they don't know how to talk to people outside of their sphere of influence. They have a short list of acquaintances and need a “perfect invitation” every time, otherwise they won't even go up to people. Of course, when they have only a few people left on the list, they subconsciously try to “keep” them out of fear that there will be no one else to talk to. You need to avoid this. So let's talk about how to meet new people on a regular basis. Here is your mantra: "Two new people will bring me freedom every day without fail." Think about it and say it every morning. Stick a piece of paper with this inscription on your mirror. Then you will live with the expectation of meeting two new friends every day. Start your day with two rubles in your left pocket. When you meet someone, put one ruble in your right pocket. When you meet the second person, shift the second ruble. You may find, like most people, that you already meet new people every day. You just didn't know about it yet. Now, instead of just getting to know new people and moving on, practice the art of communication. Don't try to sell them anything, don't try to offer your business - just talk. Become their friend and learn more about them. Here are a few of my favorite questions: "Where are you from?" "Why did you move here?" "What do you do?" "Do you have a difficult job / business?" "What is the most difficult thing in your job / business?" "Are you married?" "Do you have a family?" These questions give people the opportunity to talk about their favorite topic - themselves. When I ask people where they come from, they usually respond willingly. Almost everyone comes from a different place. When I ask what brought them here, they always answer me that this is a job or a need to live closer to their relatives. In any case, they talk about family or how they live - both of these topics are interesting. Of course, when I ask if their job or business is difficult - 98% of people answer me yes. Then when I ask what the difficulties are - in most cases they give me a lot of good reasons why they should go into network marketing. Here's the key - you shouldn't be offering business to everyone. In any case, it will be inappropriate and ineffective. You just need to make two new friends every day. This will give you over 700 new friends a year! Now that you meet 700 new people a year, are there a few people among them who would be interested in your opportunity? Sure. And you will recognize these people from the conversation. Energetic, ambitious and dissatisfied with their job or business people are your best candidates - you will invite them later to the business. But before talking about it - we need to analyze two possible cases. Firstly, what if you start talking to someone you meet, and he answers you: “What is it to you? Are you writing a book? " You need to get away from this person as quickly as possible. It is clear that he is not a candidate for this business. And you definitely don't want him to be your friend. Secondly, how do you get a phone from a good person? There is a technique that makes it so easy that you will be amazed. Remember: never ask for a phone number. Most candidates get nervous and don't want to give it. Instead, use my million dollar question, which has never failed: "Do you have a business card?" Instinctively, they take out a business card and give it to you. And you will be surprised; most will even write their home phone number on it. Those who do not have a business card will let you know about it, but they will write their number on a piece of paper. If you really want to become their friend, just by trying to get to know them better, and not trying to sell them anything, they will be happy to give you their phone number. Here is the main thing... Don't look for people to sign - look for friends. And always remember your mantra: "Two new people every day will bring me freedom without fail." Now you will live with the desire to make two new friends every day. And by doing this, you collect business cards and phone numbers. When you come home, add these people to your acquaintance list. When your distribution lines develop in depth and they no longer need to make presentations, you can open new lines. Therefore, you open your list of acquaintances and decide which of these candidates is the best. I recommend contacting him by phone. This allows you to be concise, to the point, and better in control. The phone call should be something like this: “Hi Ray. This is Linda. You may remember me; we met at the department store when you were buying the phone. You are a smart guy, and from our conversation it seemed to me that you are open to new opportunities. " Usually, they ask what it is. You can answer like this: “I am in a large marketing business and am looking for several people for key positions. I can't promise anything, but it seems to me that you give the impression of a serious person, so I want to invite you for a cup of coffee to show you this business. You don't need to buy or sign anything. It only takes 30 minutes, and then you decide how much it suits you. " Of course, this doesn't have to be an exact scenario. But the key points should be: Make sure they remember you. Say you can't promise anything. Let them know they don't need to buy or sign anything. Since they remember you, you are on friendly terms and it only takes 30 minutes without any commitment - most people will be happy to meet you one-on-one. And since you meet two new people a day, you will never miss out on good candidates! If you still believe you are not meeting two new people a day, let's see where you can meet good candidates. First, we must establish in which places we should not look for candidates. For example, you won't find good candidates in nightclubs or bars. These places are for alcoholics. Look for your candidates in places where there are people with a high level of consciousness. Find some creative or thinking courses. Find courses that appeal to you and subscribe to them. People who take courses in success, meditation or yoga are looking for more in life, so they are great candidates for your business. Also, do not miss the crowded seminars. You can be sure that people attending the seminars of Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra or John Gray are looking for more in life. Just be natural, practice your socializing skills, and make new friends. Here is my "secret weapon". The best place to meet people at any time. Get ready - this is a car wash. But I'm not talking about an automatic car wash. I'm talking about a hand car wash. Do you know who is coming here? People in good cars like Porches, Viper, Mercedes and Lexus. People with these machines already know a thing or two about business. Many of them will tell you about themselves. At the hand car wash, I met several company directors (one had 47 Ferraris, a couple of Rolls' and several other cars), a famous writer, two NBA players, a priest of a church with 3,000 parishioners, and many other serious people. The secret to finding candidates well is to have a long, never-ending list of acquaintances. When you practice the strategies that we talked about, you will have exactly this - a long list of acquaintances. but list of acquaintances- this is only half the battle. The other half is yours invitations... A week of the right invitations can cost you $ 200,000 a year in residual income. However, this is the least explored area of ​​business. Most distributors focus on making good presentations or feel they can always bring their candidates to sponsors. However, they overlook the fact that without a good invitation, their candidates will never see a presentation. It is also one of the most significant reasons for going out of business. Because new distributors are not taught good invitations, they scare away their best candidates. Lacking the ability to even invite their candidates to meet with the sponsoring line, they quickly get frustrated and many go out of business without even starting it. This is unfortunate because, with the right training, inviting can be simple, effective, and even fun. Problem number one is that most people only know how to invite in person, which is much more difficult. The second problem- Most networkers know only one type of invitation, and this type of invitation does not work for 90% of the people with whom they contact. Once you have mastered these things, you will be pleasantly surprised how easy it is to invite people to presentations. Let's take a look two possible ways to invite people: Personally. By phone. This is the scenario that most people follow. They go to play volleyball with their friend, and after the first serve they ask their qualifying questions. Of course, the candidates have a keen interest, so they interview our new distributor until the end of the game:

Friends, I welcome you to my blog! Today we will cover a very important topic such as communication in network marketing. As a result, this knowledge will give you free communication not only with business candidates, but also with all the people around you.

Before starting communication, you must have the correct settings. For example, to make money in the networking industry, you must strive to make a person's life better. If you strive for this, then people will go to you.

There is an opinion in mlm that you need to position yourself as a leader, then people will come to you. This is correct, but why do we come to the MLM business? In order to make the lives of other people better, in this way we start earning.

Here's an example, two people came to a personal brand in a day, and four people came to an automatic sales funnel. They want to earn money, and your earnings directly depend on them. It turns out harmony: everyone helps each other and everyone is happy.

The same as the bees and the beekeeper: the bees need the hives, and the beekeeper needs honey, there is complete harmony, where everyone depends on each other.

It is now clear that it is important to have the intention to make the life of your candidate in business. It is intention, not desire, because intention is much stronger. By improving the lives of others, we are improving our personal lives.

All communication is based on your internal attitudes during negotiations, which is why I spent so much time explaining that you must understand that by improving the life of your candidate, you are improving yours.

Thus, when conducting negotiations, you will be aimed not at deception, but at good intentions. And people feel it well, if someone feels that you want to improve his life, then he will be friendly to you. And even if he is not your partner, he will become your friend after this conversation.

Your strategy should be to help people achieve their goals. And communication should be built on the basis of this position, and not run after people and ask them to look at the business proposal.

Communication in network marketing is built only on inner convictions. Remember your mission - it is to change the world for the better, all your actions should lead exactly to this. You need to think about this during a phone call or during personal communication with candidates.

The basic skill of a networker should be such that before making a Skype or Viber call, you remember what the reason for my call is, what I want from this person. You already know the answer, you want to help improve the quality of life of this candidate.

Based on this skill, you will build all communication. Find out what a person wants from life, even Allan Pease said it. If a candidate needs money, then find out why he needs it, what he wants to buy. Finally, suggest to the person how they are fulfilling their needs with the help of your business.

What else do you need when negotiating? Do you yourself believe in what you are proposing? Answer yourself to this question honestly, if you are in doubt, then nothing will work for you. The conversation will then not line up at all the way you want it.

The issue of faith is very important, study more information, communicate with upline partners, attend webinars. Only in this way you will have faith in your network business, you need to constantly receive recharge.

All your doubts are visible to the candidate and he will not believe you and work in your team. Create faith in yourself, do it if you want to make money. To get faith right now, call your upline partner and chat.

Go to the office of the company, find out when there will be webinars and seminars, visit them, believe me, after that faith will appear in the eyes and with such glowing eyes you can safely recruit.

I told about the correct settings. Now what are the wrong settings you might have? If you need money, sales, etc. from people. then you won't succeed. It is necessary not to take, but to give to the person so that he works.

Remember that you must have a firm position, this is the only way communication is accomplished in network marketing. You must believe and firmly be sure that you know the topic you are talking about, use this communication tool.

The position “the client is always right” is not suitable here, you know that you want to help the candidate and you know how to do it, but whether he will use it or not, this is his problem.

Another point of incorrect installation is to prove something to the candidate, to argue with him. His beliefs can only be changed by asking questions. Or maybe you don't need to change anything, leave the person alone and that's it.

And do not overload people with your presentations, as some network companies teach, if a person is not interested, then it is useless to tell him about the company. Better strike up a dialogue, chat, find out what he needs and tell him how to get it.

Remember also that the result obtained on emotions will not give you development in the future. Those. if you rush a person to register faster and invest money while the promotion is valid and he pays. Then the next day, when he changes his mind, then he will have the feeling that he was deceived and bred for money. Such a partner will not work with you in the future.

Or else there is such an installation as not to let the candidate speak, let him just listen. Even on Skype, there are such funny cases when they write to you that they want to communicate with you, the presence of a microphone is not necessary, you only need headphones! This is another nonsense, which amuses me very much, they are looking for free ears!

Our goal is to find out who the candidate is and to improve his life and it is not necessary to influence him with hypnosis techniques, this will not give you at all as a result of a long-term relationship.

The next point is the fear of rejection. If you expect to be rejected, then you get nervous, worried and you will really be rejected. What you focus on is what you get. Concentrate on only one thing - improving the quality of life, you only need this.

What is a professional communicator? - This is someone who easily knows how to conduct any business conversation, it is to lead, to be a leader in the dialogue. Communication in network marketing has this specificity.

And so, friends, we have sorted out the topic of communication in network marketing and if you follow the recommendations that I have just given you, and even use the tools that I write about in the article " how to automate invitations", then easily grasp this art and easily communicate and invite new partners to your team.

If you have not yet chosen in which network company you will build your business, then I recommend starting right now to cooperate with an advertising company, where everyone, without exception, makes money, even those who do not have more than one person in the team. And there are no purchases in this company, the money comes from advertisers, and not from product sales. Find out more in this article about earnings without investment.

And now, according to tradition, I propose to relax your head after receiving a large amount of information and go to the tab contests to play and make money right on my blog.