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Project design: rules and stages

The design of the project is carried out according to certain rules. Separately, it is necessary to pay attention to the title page, since it, by right, can be considered any creative or project work. How is the title page of the project carried out? Let's try to find the answer to this question.

Front page requirements

First you need to choose the font size. Depending on the purpose of the project, its type, there may be some differences in the font size. The main font used is Times New Roman with size 16. The main text is centered on the page. The design rules for the project assume the placement of the full name of the educational institution (organization). The important point is setting the margins on the page. Depending on the requirements for a specific project, the size of the fields can be selected automatically, as well as manually configured.


The classical option is considered to be the upper and lower parameters of twenty mm, the indent on the right side is fifteen millimeters, on the left - thirty mm. The enlargement on the left is necessary so that the submitted work can be attached to the binder.

Then the cursor is positioned in the middle of the page, the font size changes from 16 to 24. The author indicates creative, scientific, abstract. The next line indicates the name of the work without quotes and periods, 28 font size is used.

After stepping back about six lines to the bottom of the page, you need to enter information about the author of the work, as well as about his supervisor.

The last line of the title page is reserved for indicating the year of work. This is a classic project design. A sample title page is shown in the photo.

Depending on the rules that are established by the educational institution or the organizer of the conference (competition), some nuances are allowed in the design of the title page.

Headers in the project

Requirements for the design of the project imply the writing of headings in bold. It is printed with a capital letter, at the end of the sentence, a full stop is not put. Note that word wrapping is not allowed in the headings of individual chapters of the project work. You need to indent by two intervals between the main text and the section title.

Designing a creative project involves writing each chapter on a new page. The chapters are numbered in Arabic numerals, and paragraphs are indicated by double numbering. If they have additional paragraphs, triple Arabic numerals are used.

Using design abbreviations

The design of the project involves the use of abbreviations only in exceptional cases. For example, you can use them when specifying a literary source that the author refers to in his project. When using information about co-authors, first indicate their initials, then write the person's surname.

The design of the project allows the use of economic and mathematical formulas, but they must have a decoding for each symbol.

Application design specifics

The rules developed for creative projects allow the use of sketches, diagrams, graphs, photographs, drawings at the end of the project. First, the literary list is indicated, after which the appendices are placed on separate sheets. Each of them must have a name. In the upper right corner indicate the number (for example, Appendix 1), then its name.


Accompanied by an indication of the number of each sheet. They do not put it on the first sheet, so the numbering comes from the table of contents. The classic option is the location of the number in the center at the bottom of the page.

There should not be any additional decorations: frames, changes in fonts, underlines, different colors in the design of the project work. Authors are often mistaken in this requirement.

Features of the school project

An example of project design is given below, first we will dwell on some of the features of school creative work. Its structure uses the same requirements as for scientific and design adult work. On the main sheet, indicate the name of the school, as well as information about the teacher-consultant, under whose supervision the project was made. In the main text, references are made to literary sources. The project allows the use of five applications, which are indicated at the end of the project, numbered, have names.

An example of a table of contents

1. Introduction. P. 3-4

2. Types of engines used in modern vehicles.

2.1 Characteristics of the gasoline engine. P. 4

2.1.1 Composition of exhaust gases. P. five

2.1.2 Impact of waste gases (СО / СН) on the environment and human health. P. five

2.2. Characteristics of the electric motor. P. 5-6

2.2.1 The advantages of the electric motor. P. 6

2.2.2 Environmental characteristics of the electric motor. P. 6-7

3. Experimental part of the work. P. 7-10

4. Conclusion.

4.1 Conclusions on the research problem. P. 10-11

5. Bibliographic list. P. 12

6. Applications.

Appendix 6.1. The appearance of a gasoline engine. P. 13

Appendix 2. External view of the electric motor. P. fourteen

Example of project theses

In addition to the design work itself, it is important to correctly highlight its main content using theses. Depending on the purpose of the project, there are also certain requirements for the theses. We offer a version of theses for the school project.

Let's demonstrate a variant of work on the topic: "The influence of temperament on the choice of a profession in adolescence." All information about the author must be indicated on the title:

  • last name, first name and patronymic, address, position, place of study, electronic contacts;
  • similarly, the data on the scientific supervisor are concretized;
  • do not forget that the organization is published on the main page of the project, where its demonstration or protection will take place.

It is imperative to demonstrate the relevance of the work. Using the given topic as an example, it can be clarified that the problem of professional self-determination is relevant in the modern school. Many children want to get demanded specialties, regardless of their interest in them, inclinations and abilities. Children get the desired profession, but they cannot succeed in it, realize their talents. Therefore, an important part of the profile training of students is the timely diagnosis of their inclinations, personal qualities, abilities and interests. She will help the children make the right choice of their future profession.

The final is also spoken out. Alternatively, it can be formalized as follows: "Research of the relationship between temperament and choice of profession among school students."

The tasks of the work are prescribed separately:

Study the history of the teaching about types of temperament;

Get acquainted with the methods of studying the types of temperament;

Reveal and substantiate the influence of temperament on professional choice;

Study the types of temperament in students;

To establish the relationship between a certain type of student's temperament and the professions they choose, types of professional activity;

Inform the school psychologist, class teacher, teachers and parents about the results obtained.

Theoretical analysis of psychological, methodological and special literature, observation, individual testing of the participants in the experiment, statistical and comparative analysis of the data obtained refer to the methods of performing the work.

It is imperative to highlight the main results of the work that will demonstrate its result. The wording may look like a comparative analysis of testing, which showed a single relationship between the type of temperament and a tendency to certain professional directions. This is especially important if the author was able to prove that the type of temperament in adolescence has a significant impact on the choice of a future profession.

The conclusion and possible development paths are the final part of the entire project. This section is used to write off the result of the experiment. In our example, it sounds like evidence that, having an idea of ​​the sphere of one's inclinations and interests, in adolescence, one can make the right choice of a future specialty. This will avoid disappointments in adulthood. The diagnostic options proposed by the author will help teachers and parents to identify the professional areas of schoolchildren, together to make a choice of their future specialty.

Stages of work on the project

In addition to certain requirements for the design of the project, there is an algorithm for the activity itself. First, you need to decide on a topic that will be of interest not only to the author himself, but also to the reviewers. Next, the main goal of the project is set, its tasks are determined.

At the next stage, it is supposed to review the literature on the problem that will be considered in the project. The hardest part of a creative project is the experimental one. The author, having analyzed the existing information on the topic, offers his calculations, drawings, drawings.

An important stage in the preparation of any project is the formulation of conclusions, analysis of the feasibility of introducing the results obtained into practice.

The project is accompanied by a list of references, the design rules for which were presented above. For technical work, various drawings and diagrams will act as numbered applications, and for a creative project, you can use colorful photographs, drawings, layouts.