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Professions which a woman cannot work. How to find a job for a young mother. Metalworking and metallurgy

Women around the world continue to actively fight for their rights, proving to the stronger sex that they deserve equal rights and responsibilities. But there are still professions prohibited for women, where it is strictly forbidden to hire or even train women. Such restrictions are fully justified, since this work is physically difficult and causes irreversible harm to fragile women's health. Let's take a closer look at who a woman cannot work in Russia.

In order to preserve the function of procreation among girls, the labor code of the Russian Federation was supplemented with minor changes. For example, some professions are banned there. If you are interested in knowing where women are not hired to work? What professions are prohibited for women and why? Then you will definitely like our article!

Back in 2000, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin himself approved new changes in the labor code of the Russian Federation. Since that moment, it is forbidden to admit women to work in as many as 456 professions! The choice fell on particularly difficult activities, both physically and mentally. For the sake of women's safety and the preservation of their reproductive function, such strict changes have been made.

Professions where women are not taken:

1. Lumberjack

Driving a huge timber truck and cutting down tall trees of great thickness is not always within the power of even the male part of the population. As for the girls, it would be much more difficult for them. Indeed, besides the severity of such work, there is no comfort provided there. That is, the assigned tasks will have to be completed both in the rain and in the cold, which is extremely dangerous to health.

2. Fisherman

Of course, no one will forbid a girl from the simple joys of fishing. But now a professional career on a fishing boat will be strictly prohibited. The fact is that most fish nets are pulled by hand, and their enormous weight is impressive.

3. Captain of the ship

A famous proverb says that a woman on a ship is in great trouble. But for the post of captain or even his assistant she is not hired at all for this reason. The work of the captain requires great responsibility and immediate serious decisions that are responsible for the life of the team. Such working conditions negatively affect the female psyche and her ability to continue her own kind.

4. The driver of the electric train in the subway

Before signing V.V. Putin of the changes made to the labor code of the Russian Federation, there was already the only female brigade of female metro workers in history as typists. She consisted of four brave girls. In practice, it turned out that such work is irreparably harmful to women's health. Being constantly underground, a woman loses her function of procreation. Also, the profession of a machinist sometimes implies such difficulties that it is sometimes even physically difficult for females to cope with. For example, pull a person off the surface a short time before the next train approaches.

5. Plumber

The work of a plumber is more difficult from the physical side. In his work, he has to deal with rather heavy instruments, directly applying considerable force.

6. Slaughterhouse

Psychologically dangerous and physically difficult work at the slaughter of cattle is not allowed for female representatives. Also, girls are prohibited from slaughtering pigs in production. It is worth noting that women are much more emotional, more impressionable than men, therefore they are protected from the profession of a cattle slaughterhouse.

7. Baggage bearer at the airport

Since most suitcases, backpacks and bags are quite heavy, and sometimes reach an impressive weight of 40-50 kg, this profession is officially prohibited for girls so that they do not pull heavy weights.

8. Locksmith

A locksmith or hand metalworker is definitely not a female specialty. Constant lifting of weights, working with harmful components, all this is reserved only for men, so as not to harm the fragile health of Russian women.

9. Firefighter

There are many difficulties and even life-threatening tasks in the work of firefighters. Therefore, here, too, men protect the female half of humanity from unnecessary stress. You must have special strength, courage and even courage in order to control a large pressure of water or to save people from fire. Also, without psychological preparation, it will not cope here. Since girls sometimes put emotions in the foreground, the profession of a firefighter is definitely not suitable for them. It is important here to remain a cool-headed person while performing your duties.

10. Diver

A professional diver has to spend a lot of time underwater, experiencing its pressure on himself. In the future, this, of course, negatively affects his health. Women, as potential mothers, are prohibited from becoming divers in order to preserve the reproductive functions of their body. Also, sometimes such activities involve working with corpses, which is highly undesirable for such impressionable persons as girls. But no one has canceled the pleasure of diving, so here any woman can feel like a real diver.

The article provides examples of only ten professions forbidden for women from a long list. Similar precautions were taken by the President to prevent a potentially dangerous demographic crisis in the Russian Federation.

It is interesting that in many European countries there are also lists of professions undesirable for women. This is due to the guardianship of the female sex, the preservation of the genus. As for the eastern countries, the choice of work for women is even stricter. Here, not only laws come into force, but also religious beliefs.

“I just can't get a job - they don't take it because they have a small child,” young mothers complain on various Internet forums and in a circle of friends. Indeed, not all employers are ready to show loyalty to an employee who has a child. But are the prospects for women with children so bleak?

Labor market on the maternity side
First you need to part with the myth that it is very difficult to find a job with a small child. According to a study by the site, only 6% of employers avoid hiring women who are married and have children. It is much more difficult for married women without children - 16% of Russian employers are not happy with them, believing that it will not take even six months for a woman to think about replenishing her family. So arm yourself with optimism and be patient - your situation is not as sad as it is commonly believed.

Fateful choice
First of all, it is worth deciding what you are ready for in order to conquer career heights? It's no secret that working eight hours a day is not enough for professional growth in a reputable company. Willingness to be in touch outside of working hours, overtime, and possibly business trips - this is what employers expect from specialists who apply for career growth and high income. And although the Labor Code is definitely on your side, it is worth weighing the pros and cons before plunging headlong into building a career. It is possible that the feeling of guilt in front of a child left to grandmothers and nannies will be stronger than job satisfaction and high wages. However, there are many positive examples when an organized mother has time to go to the office and to the kindergarten.

Option one: full-time office work
Be that as it may, it is not necessary to look for a job with the possibility of rapid career growth. It is also worth a lot to get a job in a reliable company in your specialty. Having decided who will take care of the child in your absence - husband, grandmother, nanny or kindergarten, start looking for work.

First, brush up on your knowledge of the specialty. Most likely, they are somewhat outdated while you were busy with the family. Looking through the vacancy announcements, pay attention to the new requirements for the specialists of your profile. You must have a clear idea of ​​what has changed in your area. Read special literature, communicate in professional communities on the Internet. Refresh your knowledge of foreign languages ​​if necessary.

When drawing up your resume in the column "Marital status" indicate that there is someone to look after the child besides you. Such information will put you on a par with other job candidates.

It is important to emphasize two points in the interview. Firstly, despite the forced break in work, you remained a professional - you read specialized periodicals, took advanced training courses, communicate with former colleagues, etc. Secondly, you have reliable assistants in raising your child and you will not have to often take sick leave.

Reduce travel time
You can save two to three hours a day by getting a job near your home. Today, many companies, for financial reasons, prefer to rent an office not in the city center, but in residential areas. Find out which organizations are located in your area and consider employment opportunities with them.

Be sure to include your area of ​​residence in your resume: a candidate living near the office will be considered potentially more loyal to the company. Emphasize this in the interview as well to gain an advantage over other job seekers.

Option two: work from home
If constant separation from your child is not for you, you should go the other way, that is, work at home. Remote work (the specialist is on the staff of the company, but works from home), work with flexible hours, as well as freelancing are good job options for young mothers. The benefits of these types of employment have been appreciated by many web designers, journalists, programmers and other employees, whose constant presence in the office is not necessary. True, there are also disadvantages of such work - a lower probability of career growth, a lack of professional communication, and in the case of freelancing, also the instability of earnings.

On the Runet there are many sites for finding freelance and temporary work. Keep in touch with former colleagues, perhaps they will tell you where there is a need to perform one-time work on your profile. Do not forget about the legal side of the issue: the volume and timing of the one-time work must be recorded in the contract (work contract or the provision of services), as well as the salary.

Option three: government agency
Organizations in which overtime are not the norm still exist. These are government agencies. For example, many young mothers get a job in the kindergarten that their children attend.

At the interview, answering the question of why you want to get this job, emphasize your professional interest in the vacancy and frankly say that working twelve hours a day is not for you now, but at the same time you are an organized person and manage to cope with professional tasks within regulated working hours.

Most likely, the salary in a state institution will be lower than the market average, but you will be able to leave such work at 5-6 in the evening, and there will be a calmer attitude towards periodic sick leave.

A little about rights
But whatever form of work a young mother chooses, you need to know that Russian legislation contains many rules designed to protect her interests. Thus, article 64 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation prohibits refusing to conclude an employment contract for women for reasons related to the presence of children. If this happened to you, you have the right to demand an official written refusal from the employer and appeal it in court.

Working mothers are entitled to half-hour breaks every three hours for feeding a child up to one and a half years (Article 258). At the request of the woman, the feeding time can be summed up and transferred to the beginning or end of the working day, or added to the lunch break.

According to article 259 of the Labor Code, a woman with a child under three years old can only be sent on business trips, involved in overtime work, work on weekends and holidays, as well as at night, with her written consent.

At all times, there were professions that are considered to be "male". These specialties include the work of a firefighter, miner, sea captain, military. In the Russian Federation, there is even a list of jobs that women are prohibited from performing. What professional fields are the beautiful half of humanity not allowed into, and is it generally permissible to single out "male" and "female" specialties?

Here is an incomplete list of professions in which it is strongly discouraged to use female labor (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 162 of February 25, 2000):

  • work related to lifting / carrying weights manually;
  • assembly and repair and construction works;
  • logging and timber floating;
  • production of cellulose, paper, cardboard products;
  • sea ​​transport and civil aviation.

It is noteworthy that these restrictions are of a recommendatory nature, that is, employers can take women to work from the list while ensuring safety and the necessary working conditions for them. However, women are still not hired as seafarers and fitters.

Is this restriction even legal? And what is this - an attempt to take care of women or curtail their rights?

Tatyana Gromova, a representative of the Ilim company, which deals with the pulp and paper industry and logging, argues that there really are professions in which the female sex cannot perform work efficiently due to physiological characteristics. After all, not every strong man can manage a multi-ton timber truck on a winter road, let alone a weak field.

Tatyana Trofimova, recruiting manager at the construction company Unihimtek, agrees with the opinion of the previous expert. She claims that repair and construction work requires heavy physical labor, in particular, lifting heavy loads, using multi-kilogram units, working at height or in a collector, which is extremely difficult for women.

There are no less difficulties in the work of a firefighter: a firefighting suit weighs up to twenty-five kilograms, you need to constantly be in full readiness, and the risks when extinguishing a fire are very high.

Ekaterina Kurkina, director of the Aviapersonal Group of Companies, says that aviation mechanics and technicians perform very difficult physical tasks, which is why women are rarely involved in this profession.

Tatyana Gromova tells about a woman from Ust-Ilimsk who works as a gas welder. The employee likes her profession, despite the complexity and specificity of the job. For a manager, such an employee creates difficulties associated with the volume and object of work for a woman. After all, it is necessary to select especially comfortable working conditions for her, while such a problem does not arise with men. Tatyana Trofimova mentions additional complexity in such situations: for example, there is not always a specially equipped place at a construction site for a woman to change clothes or relax. Moreover, men often use a harsh vocabulary in communication with each other, which, of course, is a problem for a woman in a male team.

Women are very emotional, so rescuing people from fire or emergency traffic situations can harm their psyche. In view of this female characteristic, not all employers accept the fair sex for "male" work, and this is not discrimination. This approach characterizes the employer's responsibility for the morale, health and life of his employees.

Is the division of professions into "male" and "female" fair in general, and can women perform hard and dangerous work at the same level as the stronger sex? This is a question that causes constant controversy in society.

Experts say that there are professions that a woman simply cannot master. For example, there are exceptions when a woman works as a miner or a submariner, but why does she need it? Why would she go to the mine and lift a heavy jackhammer or embark on a long business trip where she would have to live in unsuitable conditions and paint the walls of power plants?

Tatyana Trofimova says she is confident that women can handle any job, but she does not consider it necessary. Here, according to the expert, the Government of the Russian Federation, which has introduced a ban on the use of female labor in difficult working conditions, is absolutely right. And you shouldn't take it as discrimination, because such measures are aimed at caring for women's health. They ensure that mothers-to-be do not harm their own health and the health of their children.

On the other hand, the introduction of new technologies in production makes it possible to revise the list of specialties for which there are restrictions for the female part of society. Many jobs have become more automated and do not require heavy physical labor, so women may well master them. Moreover, recent studies show that the profession of a stewardess or salesperson, office work, is far from safe. For example, office workers are increasingly suffering from a pinched wrist nerve.

Since 2000, a lot has changed in the world, the emergence of technologies that significantly facilitate not only women's labor, but labor in general, makes it possible to gradually reduce the list of prohibited jobs. Now women can easily master the work of pilots and perform it at the level of men, although it was once considered impossible. Women pilots are more and more often found in leading airlines, because high-tech airliners have appeared, the management of which does not require much physical effort, but such a profession requires a lot of psychological effort.

So, if, nevertheless, a woman is sure that the "male" profession is her dream job, then it is quite possible to find a job. After all, there are many examples of how a woman leads ships through the polar ice, saves people and conquers inaccessible mountain peaks. In Venice, not so long ago, a woman was allowed to drive a gondola, although this Italian profession has always been considered exclusively male, and a woman gas welder works in Ilim.

And yet, in the case when the employer does not dare to hire a woman because of the list of prohibited professions, one should not immediately perceive this as an infringement of rights. Most likely, such actions are just an attempt to take care of the well-being and health of the lady.

The Ministry of Labor will revise and reduce the list of specialties to which women citizens of the Russian Federation are not allowed. What professions can you find on this list?

Since childhood, Masha dreamed of becoming a captain of a sea liner. The plastic steering wheel in the baby's hands turned into the steering wheel of the ship, and through old binoculars, inquisitive children's eyes saw the shores of distant unexplored lands. Adults told Masha that her dream was impossible: “a girl on a ship means to be in trouble”, and this is not a woman's business at all, only a man can cope with such a hard and responsible job. But Masha did not give up. She also lives in Russia, where people are equal and can hold any position regardless of gender. She entered the naval school (on the third attempt, because in the previous two "girls are not taken"), she studied brilliantly and had an internship at sea. Teachers, at first constantly sighing with sadness about her difficult life and unborn children, have long ceased to perceive her only as a “girl”. The captain praised and called to work with him after graduation. Masha passed her final state exams, received a red diploma, came to her captain ... And rested against the familiar from childhood "we don't take girls." The law prohibits. The captain would be happy to help, ask for Masha, but things are too busy, soon the next flight, and so they tortured him with checks, another - additional, for Masha's sake - he will not survive. So forgive me, Masha, this is not a woman's business. Do something else.

Fortunately, Masha from our history does not exist, so there is no need to worry about her future fate. But the problem she faced is real. A woman in Russia really cannot engage in maritime professions, because they are included in a special List of professions, the path to which is closed for women.

This list was compiled back in 1974 by the Soviet government and adopted by the Russian Federation on February 25, 2000 (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 162). It contains 456 titles for "heavy work and work with harmful or hazardous working conditions, during the performance of which the employment of women is prohibited." It didn't seem to you. The list does not “strongly recommend”, leaving it to the employee and his employer the right and the opportunity to independently decide whether they are willing to take the risk. It is he who “forbids” the use of female labor in these specialties. With the help of such radical measures, the state takes care of the preservation of the reproductive functions of the woman's body, because hard work can negatively affect the ability to bear a healthy child. At the same time, there is no evidence of harm to an exclusively female body in any of the positions on this list: most of the professions on the list are equally dangerous for both women and men. However, the work ban only applies to women.

And in the neighboring European Union, for example, a woman is not so worried about. Europeans are successfully mastering professions that were previously considered purely masculine, and it seems they are not going to degenerate. Some professions in Europe have become so gender neutral that human rights defenders have stopped collecting statistics on the employment of women in the industry. No one will be surprised by a woman driving an excavator, for example.

But Russia and Europe began to fight discrimination against women at the same time, when they ratified the so-called. UN "Women's Convention" ("Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women"). The document came into force in 1981 and calls for seeking not only gender neutral attitude towards men and women, but, if necessary, take measures to change existing laws, customs and traditions that prevent the elimination of any forms of discrimination. The Convention pays considerable attention to the problem of gender equality in the field of employment, and any non-compliance with the provisions of the Convention calls discrimination on the basis of sex.

At the moment, the Convention has been ratified by 189 countries, including the Russian Federation. Its provisions are supported by other state documents, for example, the Constitution and the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. And yet, under equal conditions for the implementation of the provisions of the Convention for all countries that have signed it, Russia still has a List of Prohibited Professions, which the Ministry of Labor is not yet ready to abolish.

Here are just some of the professions available, for example, to EU citizens, but closed to women in the Russian Federation:

  • A carpenter. In Russia, women are prohibited from working as a carpenter in construction, installation and repair and construction work, while in Europe there is not even data on how many women are employed in this area.
  • Slaughterhouse. What many women in the villages do cannot be their official place of work. According to the Ministry of Labor, a woman cannot lift more than 10 kg per hour. It is worth noting that 10 kg is the weight of a two-year-old child, the number of lifts of which by a mother at home at the state level is not regulated in any way.
  • Regular bus driver. In Russia, a woman has the right to work only on a bus running within the city and with a capacity of no more than 14 people. Intercity buses are still closed for women.
  • Truck driver and construction equipment driver. Even the presence of the rights of the corresponding category will not save. In Russia, a woman can become a truck driver only if she has a lot of experience (often semi-legal).
  • It is not easy for women in Russia to break into the military profession. Formally, there are no gender restrictions in the army: women in Russia can serve on the same conditions as men. True, the first tankers of the Russian Federation, for example, began to be trained in the Amur region only in 2013, before that women were only allowed to occupy non-combat specialties: signalmen, medical personnel, junior management personnel. It's amazing to meet this in the country that gave birth to the world famous Night Witches. However, the law of modern Russia does not initially imply a gender division of servicemen, therefore, it does not take into account the special conditions (sanitary, for example) necessary for women. In addition, in the army there is a priority of offering vacancies to male applicants. A vacancy will be offered to a female candidate only after a male candidate has rejected it. In Europe, women began to talk about serving on equal terms with men during the First World War, but, unlike the Soviet Union, they left the girls the right to serve on a voluntary basis, to master their desired specialties and take part in hostilities. Girls in Europe can be, for example, tankers, sappers or snipers.
  • The situation is even more complicated for the women sailors already mentioned. Maritime schools and river technical schools accept all suitable applicants, regardless of their gender, but do not warn that after graduation it will be more difficult (if not almost impossible) for girls to take a position in accordance with their qualifications. It was the seamen's trade union that began to seek a revision of the List of Prohibited Professions. Russian woman Svetlana Medvedeva, when she, referring to the state list, was denied the position of a minder-helmsman, turned to the UN for help. The commission considered the case of Svetlana discrimination, but the courts of the Russian Federation ignored this decision, stating that it "is not binding on Russia."

However, women-captains still exist in the Russian fleet, but the attitude towards them leaves much to be desired. This is how the deep-sea captain Tatyana Sukhanova told the Meduza portal about her situation: “... it is strange that in any port of the world I - a woman-captain - were welcomed much more friendly than in my native country. Even my friend from Arkhangelsk, the sea-going captain Yekaterina Nemirova, as well as the famous captain Lyudmila Tibryaeva and female senior officers note that in the Far East, male colleagues treat them incomparably tougher. Some are just trying to frame them.<…>If the foreign companies that represent these crewing found out that the captain is not hired just because she is a woman, they would lose their licenses. "

  • But with the profession of a firefighter, difficulties arise even among Europeans. There are no official restrictions on working in this profession for women in the EU, but in practice, women firefighters are still very rare. In Sweden, for example, there are only 0.6% of all firefighters in the country. At the same time, many male firefighters in the polls noted that they would not want women to work with them, as this would "violate the atmosphere of brotherhood that helps them to work harmoniously." Perhaps you can rejoice for Australia, where girls are actively recruited as volunteers to extinguish forest fires. The ceiling of a career in the Ministry of Emergency Situations for a citizen of the Russian Federation will be the position of a dispatcher. She will not be allowed to save people and put out the fire.
  • It is best illustrated by the regression of the observance of women's rights in Russia by the ban on the work of a metro and electric train typist. Women were allowed to operate the rolling stock of the subway during the Great Patriotic War due to the lack of male machinists in the city, and successfully coped with their profession right up to Perestroika. There were even special women's brigades in the metro. But in the eighties, the USSR government decided that only a man could drive an electric train, and women began to slowly survive from the subway. Now women are prohibited not only from driving a train, they cannot even hold the position of an assistant driver. The last woman driver in Russia was an employee of the Moscow metro, Natalya Vladimirovna Kornienko, who retired just a couple of years ago. Today, there are no female typists in the subway.

But European statistics show that the number of women running trains has only increased over the years. The slow growth is explained not by discrimination, but by the peculiarities of the profession: many machinists chose their specialty, following in the footsteps of their fathers, and are very reluctant to leave their places. As the transportation system develops, the number of women in the industry is projected to only grow.

A complete list of professions can be found in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 162. The list includes specialties in which brute force is needed (the girl, according to the Ministry of Labor, does not have sufficient physical abilities to work in felling), and in which there is a need to constantly keep in mind a large amount of instructional provisions while constantly monitoring the current situation (precisely according to for this reason, a woman cannot be an electric train driver).

But working conditions have changed long ago. Special equipment allows you to make a minimum of physical effort in construction work, security measures have long stopped all kinds of leaks of chemicals that are dangerous for the "female reproductive function", and numerous studies have proven that memory and analytical abilities of the brain do not depend on the sex of its owner. However, the Ministry of Labor agreed only to revise and, possibly, reduce the list of prohibited professions. The authorities are not ready to abandon it completely, despite the successful foreign experience, "at the conceptual level." So the Russian woman Masha, unlike her French friend Marie, will have to fight for a long time for the opportunity to lead her ship to distant shores.

As we all know perfectly well, in modern society the rights of men and women are equal, in our country this is guaranteed by the 19th article of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. In this regard, women have every right to choose the profession they need, in which they often show themselves no worse, and in many ways even better than men.

However, few people know that in fact women have a number of restrictions when hiring for certain types of work. And we are not talking here about traditions, sexism or inert views on "purely male" professions, in which women cannot have a place due to outdated prejudices - there is a document in our legislation that prohibits women from engaging in certain types of work.

Forbidden positions

It is called “The List of Heavy Work and Work with Harmful or Dangerous Working Conditions, in the Performance of which the Employment of Women is Prohibited”, and it was adopted back in February 2000. The people who made it up proceeded from the considerations that the life, health and work of women should be protected in a special way. It is this list that prohibits the beautiful half of humanity from occupying certain positions, even if women have the professional skills necessary for work.

In total, this list includes 456 items, and we decided to list some of them:

Metro driver - many do not even think about it, but a woman has no right to sit at the train control panel, and this applies not only to the metro. A woman cannot be a train driver at all, it is forbidden.

Bulldozer driver - very few people thought about this either, but have you ever seen a woman driving an excavator? Definitely not, since this is also a forbidden profession for women. Incidentally, this also applies to tractors.

Trucker - another completely non-female profession. It is believed that a woman cannot withstand constant long-distance travel. However, hardly many ladies are eager to get behind the wheel of a truck and drive hundreds of kilometers even for the sake of big money. By the way, this prohibition also applies to driving long-distance buses.

Sailor- also impossible. According to the old belief, a woman on a ship is already unfortunately in itself, and it is physically very difficult to serve on a ship. In addition, a woman can become neither a boatswain, nor a skipper, nor an assistant skipper: all these positions are also taboo for a lady.

Military professions: the woman in military uniform has already ceased to surprise passers-by. However, no matter how good a soldier a woman is, she cannot be a tanker, a pilot of a combat fighter, or a commander of a warship. And the submarine will not be allowed at all.

Slaughterhouse - in principle, this is not surprising. The slaughterer is a very difficult physical job involving blood and death. In addition, not even every man can pull the carcasses of cattle.

Miner- women in Russia are not allowed to do all underground work, and this prohibition is quite understandable: the work of a miner is titanic work that can be harmful to a woman's health. However, women can work underground, but only as maintenance personnel and technicians.

Firefighter is another dangerous profession in which a woman does not belong. In fact, girls can work in fire departments, but, for example, as dispatchers. They are prohibited from participating in the direct extinguishing of fires.

Explosive- Yes, yes, only men can blow up something in Russia, and preferably real ones. As much as the fairer sex does not want to smash something to smithereens with a blast wave, gender will not allow it.

Chemical production - it is simply not possible to list all the restrictions that women are subjected to in this area in one article. Working with almost any harmful substances like lead, mercury and others is forbidden for women.

Of course, you can treat this in different ways, but there is still a point in such prohibitions: women first of all need to be protected and protected from the dangers that are better for men to face.