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To have a good day. Where to start the morning so that the day is successful: advice from Natalia Pravdina. What to do if prayer to the Guardian Angel does not work

"Good afternoon!" - we hear this phrase every day and do not even think about its meaning. Sometimes we are in a bad mood and it seems to us that the day is not so good, it is just awful. This is a deep error and a gross error. The day cannot be bad, if only because we have the opportunity to live it. And all sorts of troubles are just an excuse to make us stronger, wiser and more experienced. Let's spend today in a good mood, and let the quotes and sayings from our selection help us with this!

Sometimes it seems to us that days are just gray days. In fact, everything is in our hands, and at any moment we can “paint” everyday life with colored paints. It takes very little for this. Sometimes it is enough to look out the window and admire the nature, go for a walk in the park, call a loved one or just say "I love you!" and to hear in response "I love you too!". Each new day is a great opportunity to change yourself and your life, it is a reason to become happier than yesterday.

Each person has special days, not like others, those that are remembered for a lifetime. It could be the day of our first declaration of love, prom, wedding day, baby's birthday, or just the day we discovered a new writer or tasted a special coffee that has since become a habit.


Think that this day will never come again. (D. Aligeri)

Therefore, use all the opportunities and live every day as if it never comes ...

Let the hours of oblivion flow
Eliminating sadness and joy;
The time of healing is near, -
Believe in the light of day again! (Goethe)

Believe that a new day will bring you happiness!

One day followed another, and I did not know that this is life. (S. Johansson)

Why is there a day, every minute is also life ...

If the morning was good, then the day will be successful. (G. Palych)

Wake up in a good mood and you will have a good day!

The days get better when you put on open and welcoming faces. (Kramar)

The days will get better when you want to.

Use your every day to increase love and kindness. (S. Adelaja)

Do good deeds every day, and there will be no room for evil in life.

One must look at the day as a small life. (M. Gorky)

Every day you need to love and accept the way it turned out to be.

Every day you have to do something that scares you, and you will change for the better very quickly. (Eleanor Roosevelt)

Then you will definitely become stronger!

Rejoice every day always. Anyone, as soon as the light splashes! For you never know which of them will be the last in your life. (Eduard Asadov)

Do not put off anything until tomorrow, it may not come.


Do not forget to thank the Lord for every day you live, because he does not forget to wake you up every morning!

Thank God for today, He will give you tomorrow.

It doesn't matter how many days in your life. It is important how much life is in your days.

Let not a single day in your life become an abyss.

The day you have lived can no longer be exchanged or corrected, but this is a chance to make a new plan for tomorrow ...

Every day gives us experience and gives us the opportunity to correct mistakes.

Let every day begin with a smile!
With beautiful words and the sun outside the window!
Desires, dreams come true!
Happiness and good luck come to the house!

As the day begins, so will you spend it!

Smile more often to the new day, and do not forget to tell your loved ones: "I love you!"

Meet every new day with a smile and he will surely reciprocate you!

May the new day give the sun a ray
Bold smiles, an island of happiness.
And let, one day, a gold fish
Drown your fishing float.

Each new day is a reason for the fulfillment of desires.

A day is a small life, and you have to live it as if you should die now, and you were unexpectedly given another day.

Never put off anything until the next day, do everything today!

You can enjoy life only when life itself allows. And the one who says that he enjoys life every day, either lies, or nifiga does not understand.

You don't need permission to be happy!

Remember, the past today is not subject to exchange and return!

The day lived is a part of life, and you cannot complain about it.

Sometimes it seems that life is difficult, but remember one thing: after each, even the darkest night, the day comes!

If it is difficult to live, then you live in the wrong environment ...

Each person during the day is presented with at least ten opportunities to change his life. Success comes to those who know how to use them.

A new day is already an opportunity to change something ...

A happy day is almost a miracle.

And in general, the day lived itself, whether it is happy or with a drop of sadness, is a miracle.

If you do not tune in to the fact that the day will be important, then it is lost.

Take every day as important, because it is a reason to change your life for the better.

Every day, proudly wears a hat in the shape of the sun on one side.

Sometimes, it seems, the day generally forgets to wear it ...)

Every day we live is a stepping stone to the future.

In order for the future to be bright, every day you need to do this ...

The next day is the student of the previous day.

Sometimes there are intermediate days, so to speak, the time to work on mistakes ...

It takes very little for a day to go well. You need to wake up in the morning in a good mood and with good thoughts. Let's give each other smiles, compliments and support in difficult situations. Then we won't even notice how all the days will become bright and happy!

Believers thank the Almighty for the opportunity to live one more day, ask him to bless them to perform spiritual work, to do good deeds, to serve God and people. Reading prayers in the morning, the believer transfers himself and his fate into the hands of the Lord, and thereby protects himself from troubles and troubles.

How morning prayer helps

Morning and evening are the time for communication with dear people and the Creator. Just as our loved ones are waiting for greetings in the morning and wishes of good night before going to bed, the Almighty is waiting for our prayers.

The morning prayer rules are read immediately after waking up.

Reading prayers is one of the irreplaceable components of spiritual life, the path to change and purification of the soul. Turning to God, we educate our soul and walk the path to Him.

The Holy Fathers said that sincere prayer is the hardest work on earth. It takes a long time before the Lord gives grace from the reading of prayers. But every Christian must go through this difficult path. Communicating with God, a person learns to cleanse the soul from sins and thoughts from evil. During prayer, believers give praise to the Creator, give their lives to His will, ask for help and protection.

About prayer:

Important! In Christianity, there is no concept of "strong" and "weak" prayer. Every word spoken with repentance and zeal will be heard, and any prayer work is work in the name of God.

Psalm 90

Millions of Christians consider Psalm 90 to be the strongest weapon against any evil. Unfortunately, many people remember about him only in difficult times, when they want to protect themselves from trouble or cope with an illness. The Christian should read this psalm every morning. Starting the day with the reading of Psalm 90, a person reminds himself that nothing is impossible for someone who trusts in the Lord, and no evil will happen to those who have chosen Him as their defenders.

Living in the help of the Most High, he will settle in the roof of the Heavenly God. The Lord speaks: Thou art my protector and my refuge, my God, and I trust in Him. Yako Toy will deliver thee from the hunter's net, and from the word of rebellion, His splash will overshadow thee, and under His krill you hope: His truth will go around you with a weapon. Do not be afraid of the fear of the night, from the arrow flying in days, from the thing in the darkness of the transitory, from the crumbling, and the demon of the midday. Thousands of your country will fall, and tma at your right hand will not come close to you, look at both your eyes, and see the reward of sinners. As Thou, Lord, my hope, the Most High, Thou hast laid thy refuge. Evil will not come to you, and the wound will not approach your body, as with His Angel the commandment about you, keep you in all your ways. They will take you in their arms, but not when you have stumbled your foot on a stone, step on an asp and a basilisk, and cross the lion and the serpent. For I will trust in Me, and I will deliver and: I will cover and, as My name is known. He will call upon Me, and I will answer him: I am with him in trouble, I will scourge him, and I will glorify him, I will fulfill him with long days, and I will show him My salvation.

Prayer of the Optina elders at the beginning of the day

One of the best morning prayers is the "Prayer of the Optina Elders". She creates a positive attitude to do all the important things.

Interesting to know! The Optina elders are an example of true service to God. These are the inhabitants of the Optina Monastery, who abandoned all worldly goods in order to fully devote themselves to serving the Almighty.

Icon of the Optina Elders

They suggested the right path to those who had just decided to come to faith, and helped those who were in trouble. Their prayers help believers in difficult times, in times of spiritual turmoil.

Lord, give me peace of mind to meet all that the coming day will bring me. Let me completely surrender to the will of Your saint. For every hour of this day, instruct and support me in everything. Whatever news I receive during the day, teach me to accept them with a calm soul and a firm conviction that everything is Your holy will. In all my words and deeds, guide my thoughts and feelings. In all unforeseen cases, do not let me forget that everything has been sent down by You. Teach me to act directly and reasonably with every member of my family, without embarrassing or upsetting anyone. Lord, give me the strength to endure the fatigue of the coming day and all the events during the day. Lead my will and teach me to pray, believe, hope, endure, forgive and love. Amen.

Prayer rule of Seraphim of Sarov

Seraphim of Sarov proposed the following prayer rule at the beginning of the day for the laity, who for some reason are limited in time.

Read about the saint:

Icon of Seraphim of Sarov

  • First, it is necessary to read "Our Father" three times;

Our Father, Who art in heaven!

Hallowed be thy name,

Thy kingdom come,

Thy will be done,

like in heaven and on earth.

Give us this day our daily bread;

and leave us our debts,

as we also leave our debtor;

and do not lead us into temptation,

but deliver us from the evil one.

For yours is the kingdom and power and glory forever.

  • Then the prayer "Virgin Mary, rejoice" is repeated three times;
Virgin Mary, rejoice, blessed Mary, the Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, for you have given birth to Christ the Savior, the Redeemer of our souls.
  • The "Symbol of Faith" is read once.
I believe in one God, the Father, Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, all visible and invisible / And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Only Begotten, from the Father born before all ages; Light from the Light, the true God from the true God, born, uncreated, a being with the Father, through whom everything happened. For us, for the sake of man and for our salvation, he came down from heaven and incarnated from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, and came about as a man. Pontius Pilate, who suffered, and was buried, and rose again on the third day according to Scripture. And he ascended into heaven and seated at the right hand of the Father. And suddenly he will come with glory to judge the living and the dead, but his Kingdom will have no end. And he spoke through the prophets in the Holy Spirit, the living Lord, from the Father [and the Son], with the Father and the Son equally worshiped and glorified. .In one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. I confess one baptism for the remission of sins. I tea the resurrection of the dead and the life of the century to come. Amen.

Prayer for the beginning of every business

It happens that an important event is planned for the coming day: an exam, a check at work, an important meeting, and so on. If a person is worried about the good outcome of the day, in addition to the usual morning rule, a prayer should be read at the beginning of any business.

Morning Prayer Cleanses the Soul of a Christian

To the Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of truth, Who is everywhere and fulfill everything, Treasure of the good and life to the Giver, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save our souls, Beloved.

Bless, Lord, and help me, a sinner, to complete the work I have begun, for Thy glory.

Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of Thy Originless Father, Thou art Thou most purely Thy lips, as without Me you cannot do anything. My Lord, Lord, by faith the volume in my soul and heart spoken by You, I fall to Your goodness: help me, a sinner, this work that I have begun, do it about You, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, through the prayers of the Mother of God and all Your saints ... Amen.

Short prayers at the beginning of the day

The modern rhythm of life dictates its own rules, and in the morning there is little time for full-fledged communication with God. For these cases, there is a short prayer that can be said even while in bed.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Thy Most Pure Mother and all saints, have mercy on us. Amen. Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

After her, read the main prayer for all believing Christians - "Our Father". Every person knows her, in whose heart faith in the Lord lives.

In prayer, the believer finds support and comfort

Throughout the day, the soul of any Christian lies in wait for temptations. In order not to succumb to temptations and meet them with dignity, in the morning believers turn to the Mother of God, with a request to protect their souls from evil spirits.

Oh, Merciful Lady! Protect me from evil demons tempting me, and from wicked people, and let me understand their wickedness. Amen.

With a request for parting words and protection, you can turn to the Guardian Angel in the morning.

Angel of God, my holy Guardian! For observance given to me from God from heaven, I diligently pray to Thee: You enlighten me today and save me from all evil, instruct me to a good deed and direct me to the path of salvation.

One should not forget to turn to the Lord during the day with the words: “Lord, have mercy”, “God, bless”, “Glory to Thee, God”.

How to pray correctly

In Christianity, there are no strict rules that would regulate communication with God. We have been learning to pray ourselves all our lives. As we read church texts compiled by the saints, we gradually learn how to pray.

It is not forbidden to turn to God in your own words, but it is dangerous to pray exclusively in your own way, because a person needs a correct spiritual guide. When a Christian takes action consciously, puts his soul into prayer, any prayer will be correct.

To pray correctly, you need to treat the process with due attention. One should make this effort on oneself every day, remembering that the whole Christian life is an effort pleasing to God. Only those who do it can enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

Dos and Don'ts During Prayer

  • You can't skip the daily prayer rule.
  • We must not forget that the duration of the prayer should be feasible.
  • You cannot pronounce the texts of the prayers in a reverent manner, without attention and a repentant attitude.
  • It should be remembered that the main mistake is the absence of prayer at all.

Prayer is a kind of spiritual hygiene, every believer needs it. It purifies the soul of a Christian, teaches him gratitude, humility and repentance. Morning prayer protects a Christian from sins, temptations and temptations, protects him from any evil.

Morning prayers at the beginning of the day

Luck largely depends on our mood. If you start the morning correctly, then fortune will accompany every undertaking, and all plans will be successfully implemented.

Natalya Pravdina, a renowned Feng Shui master and positive thinking specialist, talked about how to start the morning so that you are lucky all day.

In fact, there are many ways to attract good luck. Everyone chooses for himself the one that is closer to him in spirit. It can be meditations, and various conspiracies that attract luck. But there are simpler ways to make your day a good one.

Where to start the morning so that the day is successful

The most important thing, according to Natalia Pravdina, is positive attitude... In the evening, before going to bed, you need to think about the day ahead and draw up a rough plan of action. Be sure to include activities that you enjoy on this list. Even if it will be a regular breakfast and aromatic coffee, you should like it. After that, imagine what emotions you will experience when you drink your favorite drink. This is called programming for success. In a similar way, you can set yourself up for good luck in all matters.

To wake up in a good mood set your favorite melody on the alarm... Let this be not an ordinary call that makes you jump out of bed, but a pleasant song that will set you in a positive mood and make you smile throughout the day.

Water is a versatile conductor and can be used in many situations. If you are used to taking a contrast shower in the morning, then you already know how much it helps to recharge and tune in to good luck.

Also, water can be used in another way. Pour water into a glass, mix it with honey and add a wedge of lemon. Now you need to take a glass in your hand, look at the water for a while and imagine how it begins to emit a golden light. After that, sip the magic drink and be sure that your day will be just great.

If you have the opportunity in the morning do exercise or take time to meditate then it will help your wishes come true much faster. Natalya Pravdina explains this by the fact that after waking up, our head still does not have time to fill with negative thoughts, so this is the best time to program ourselves for success and meditate on the fulfillment of desires.

Can make good use of the time you commute... It is great for positive attitudes, repetition of affirmations and breathing practices. Reading your favorite books on public transport also contributes to an excellent mood and attracting good luck.

Remember about the power of gratitude... Thank the Higher Forces every morning for giving you one more day of life. Be grateful for every little thing, and then there will be even more reasons for joy. And if you make a cherished wish and at the end add words of gratitude, as if it has already come true, then the realization of your dream in life will accelerate.

Make it a rule for yourself seek beauty... It doesn't matter what you are looking at - an object or a person. Try to find what you like in it. This exercise teaches us to find the beautiful, and as you know, like attracts like.

Natalya Pravdina recommends applying these tips every day for 14 days, and you will see how your life will change for the better, and luck will become your constant companion. To consolidate the results obtained, continue the exercises for 21 days. After all, this is exactly how much time a person needs to adjust to the psychology of wealth and start thinking positively. Love each other, open up to the world and don't forget to press the buttons and

16.02.2017 05:16

People often try to be more fortunate at the expense of others. They spend a lot of energy on rituals, acquire ...

Have a nice day
To a dear man of the heart!
Let the day pass not in vain
May success be in business!

Let there be no problems today
The mood will be great.
Will not be spoiled by anything
Have a day baby, great!

I wish you a good day
Let it turn out better than you expect!
You spend it with a cheerful smile,
After all, what you sow, then you reap.

May the day be pleasant, very easy,
And let time fly by at work.
Luck is near, you can believe me
She's in a hurry to see you!

As you start the day, so will you spend it,
We often hear about this,
May today bring you
Cheerfulness, energy and warmth.
Let there be a day that matches you
The same kind and good
I sincerely wish you, colleague,
Happy and good day.

Every day is like a little life
Gives something new, beautiful,
I wish all your dreams come true,
Let the sun shine on you clear.
Enjoy a beautiful day
Let the mood be great
May you be lucky
After all, you are only worthy of admiration.

The sun is gentle, shining merrily,
A good day portends everyone
We wish everyone a lucky day
And all plans will come true in full.
So that luck does not leave you,
To accompany everywhere,
So that a joyful meeting takes place,
All the best to you, success, kindness.

The day is seething with the usual bustle,
Luring you into worries nonsense.
But please don't forget about the one
Which is crazy about you

Without interruption ... My passionate hero,
My wild lion, my faithful gentle knight,
Let the mood be fighting all day
The soul sparkles with enthusiasm, joy,

Your affairs are solved at once!
I hasten to wish you big victories,
After all, I thirst for a reward to whisper an order
Under the rustle of a flowing dress.

Beautiful wishes for a good morning and a nice day

Good morning! Have a nice day,
Bright smiles and in the heart of fire,
Warm hugs, good luck in business.
The wings of success - a wide span!

Happiness, goodness to you, loved ones, this day!
Let idleness and laziness pass you by
Let the words do not disagree with the deed.
I wish you a peaceful sky!

To make your day a wonderful one,
One must very much desire this!
You need to dream strongly and carefully
And in the morning, to myself, repeat:

I wish the sun would smile at me!
Everything I would like and could!
If only everything would succeed on this day,
And, of course, it came true right away!

Let the new day send a charge of energy
Let the sun give rays of warmth
With all my heart I wish you a wonderful mood,
May everything turn out well for you.
May the day be fun and good
May luck follow you like a shadow
Pleasant emotions and positive to you,
Always be beautiful and happy.

The first rays of the earth touch
A new day meets dawn
The weather promises to be good
It's time to forget about all the bad things.
We wish you a good day from the bottom of our hearts,

The sun of good luck may shine brightly for you
Sadness-sadness may not notice you.

Have a nice day, dear man,
May luck be with you today
May all your plans, hopes, dreams,
Will be fulfilled today. Be happy!

Let my greetings fly to you with love,
And a ray of sunshine will give its light
Warmth, inspiration will fill your day
Drive away fatigue, problems and laziness.

I wish you, like a bird, to flutter
Hope, believe, love and dream
Strive forward with a beautiful smile,
Let great happiness await you.

Have a nice day my love!
Let matters easily argue.
Let everything turn out to be "five",
So as not to finish it again.

Let the time fly by quickly.
May a difficult day not tire
So that later with you we
We had a wonderful evening.

Laughter is a preparation for happiness,
Tail, buddy, hold it with a carrot,
The nose is higher, the step is firmer,
Make a relish from lemon.

Your day will be, without a doubt
Brighter than stars, tastier than jam,
Above the most sonorous notes
And fluffier than a raccoon.

Hit the top ten today
Brake the fate-horse
And riding her forward -
Luck awaits around the corner!

Nature does not have bad weather,
Every day is beautiful in its own way, it's not a secret,
Is the sun shining or is it raining
We are happy to welcome the new day.
I wish everyone a good day
May it be filled with happiness
You will succeed, no doubt
If you are in a great mood.

Beautiful wishes for a good day in verse

My half, do not sour
Do not hang in doubtful thoughts,
Let the day be joyful
Put on a cute smile!

Look around this world
Of thousands of houses and apartments
Passers-by, roads and shop windows,
Computers, letters, cars.

We have the whole world for two,
We will not let others into it,
Keeping love in your heart
Kisses, have a good day!

Drive away problems and sorrows
So that they do not upset you,
Start a new day with a clean slate
May the dream come true.
May the day give you inspiration
You are only worthy of admiration
Have a nice and pleasant day
May everything be fine with you.

I congratulate you on the birth of the day,
When the dew is washing the whole earth,
When the nightingales sing so merrily,
When you are in anticipation of a miracle.
I wish you a good day with all my heart,
May cherished dreams come true
Let the new day pleasantly surprise
Let the Lord protect you from troubles.

Let this hello fly from me
I wish you a good day
Cheerful smiles and loyal friends,
Only bright and wise, brilliant ideas.

May your day be filled with joy
Let sadness fly away and laziness dissipate
Let there be fewer problems and worries
Huge success may await you today.

May my concern warm you,
I love you, the sun, - I will say, without melting,
Let life smile, beckoning with happiness,
I kiss you and have a nice day!

Let the sun shine brightly
And caresses with the warmth of rays,
Everything goes smoothly
And nothing is annoying.

May luck smile
In everything, even in the little things,
Good day, not otherwise,
Waiting for you, meet him.

May today be a successful day
It will be filled with moments of joy.
Let not laziness work today,
To redo things without a drop of fatigue.

Let him give you the mood
The nicest, funniest and most cheerful,
Let him make you smile
Let it be light, pleasant and kind.

Start a new day with a smile
Do not think about the bad and do not be discouraged,
May the sun give a ray of goodness
And that will be the charge for a great day.
I wish you a good day with all my heart
May your dreams come true
May every moment please you
Blossom like a scarlet rose always.

Fate depends only on us.
You can easily overcome everything
If today, right now,
You will begin to look forward with hope.

Let it be a good day.
And even if the downpour, yes with a thunderstorm,
Take an umbrella and put on your raincoat as soon as possible,
But smile, rejoice and sing.

Let the hope in the heart always live
Will help you find the right path.
Well, today let him be lucky in everything,
I wish you happiness to find!

❗Added new postcards and text wishes❗

Beautiful wishes for a good day in your own words

I wish you to see exclusively positive signs in the signs of fate, to benefit from them and under no circumstances to darken your mood with sad and heavy thoughts!

I will try in my own words to wish you a good day and not get confused in my thoughts. So, never give up and don't let life's circumstances be stronger than you! Remember that you can break any problem on your knee or bypass it. Act with a cold head, but with a warm heart, and then you will succeed!

I wish you a sincere, interesting, pleasant, funny, successful, cool, exciting and good day! Let it be full of interesting and memorable events. Let all ideas and plans come true.

Have a nice day! Let the joyful events find you and happen to you! Sometimes you need to let go of control so that everything becomes exactly the way you want it!

Every new day is fraught with some zest. So let this zest always be something pleasant. If worries and problems await you today, let them be resolved in a successful way for you. Will you need to communicate a lot today? Let all conversations and negotiations be in a positive manner. Have a nice day and good mood to you!

May on this good day the sky, the sun, clouds and all nature, as well as oncoming people, animals, even insects, in general, all living and nonliving in this world smile at you, and you smile in return!

Yes, today you will have a difficult and eventful day, but this does not mean at all that it will be bad. On the contrary, having closed all the tails and completing all the tasks, you will experience incredible satisfaction. And no "if", you will do everything today, and I will help you with this!

I wish you all your assigned tasks to be carried out easily, simply, naturally and with one left heel! Make your day yourself, let it be good and memorable. Show them what you can do!

Let your day begin with a smile to yourself in a mirror image. Look how cool you are! Well, that's another matter, because you have no reason to be sad!

I wish you success in your business, pleasant companions, good mood and a good day! Let it be filled with kindness, enthusiasm, positiveness, inspiration and endless luck!

Let this wonderful morning systematically flow into an equally good day, which will bring a great mood, many pleasant surprises, funny situations, great news, and so that everything ends on a good evening and a very calm night.