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Decorative curl drawing. Lesson in decorative painting in the preparatory group. Video: educational film "Golden Hohlima"

Abstract of a drawing lesson in the preparatory group “Golden Khokhloma. Plate painting based on Khokhloma painting "(made in non-traditional technique: wax pencils and watercolors).

The author of the work: Kokorina Tatyana Nikolaevna teacher of additional education in fine arts. MBDOU No. 202 Kindergarten of general developmental type "Fairy Tale"
Description: this summary will be of interest to educators of senior and preparatory groups, teachers of additional education in arts and crafts, as well as simply creative people.
Target: expansion of knowledge about folk craft Khokhloma painting.
- to form an idea of ​​children about the appearance of dishes in ancient times;
- to tell about the appearance of the Khokhloma painting;
- teach to consistently perform work in non-traditional technology;
- learn to beautifully arrange the pattern over the entire surface of the plate;
- contribute to the development of aesthetic taste;
- to promote the development of fine motor skills of the hands, through drawing small curls;
- to foster interest in the folk crafts of Russia, pride in our craftsmen;
- to develop an interest in drawing, through the use of non-traditional techniques.
Preliminary work: study of dishes, folk crafts in the classroom around the world.
Methodical techniques: story, conversation-dialogue, visual material, practical work.
Course of the lesson:
Educator- Every day we use different utensils: kitchen, dining room, tea room. These dishes are metal, porcelain, glass. There are dishes that we use every day, and there are beautiful festive sets that are only taken out on holidays to set the table. Do you know how the dishes appeared?
Dishes appeared a long time ago. At first, the ancient people used the bark of trees to, for example, scoop up water or the shell of nuts. They tried to gouge vessels out of stone and wood. Sea shells were used as spoons, they were convenient for scooping food. The dishes were gradually improved. People have learned to make dishes out of clay, to burn them.

And of course, since ancient times, people have tried to make dishes not only convenient for use, but also beautiful, therefore, from ancient times, various patterns have been applied to the dishes. The first patterns were simple, they were made with thin wooden sticks, these are geometric shapes, people, animals.

So there was a wooden tableware, earthenware - ceramic, and later people learned to make porcelain, which we use now.
Wooden dishes exist in our time, but now they are more often used to decorate the interior. Beautiful, bright it stands on a shelf or in a closet and pleases the eyes with its unique pattern. Whoever knows from you the name of this dish?
Children- Khokhloma.

Educator- Right. This wooden tableware is painted with floral ornaments. What does vegetable mean?
Children- this is grass, flowers, berries.
Educator- Yes, these are all kinds of plants: grass and leaves, berries, flowers with beautiful curls. According to legend, this painting was created by a talented master - icon painter Andrei Loskut. He worked for the king and he generously rewarded him for his work. But the master loved freedom most of all. One night he left the royal court and went to live in the forest. Andrey wanted to paint not only icons. He dreamed of creating something simple, necessary and at the same time beautiful, like the native nature around. This is how the first wooden dishes appeared. And since the master lived in the forest, he began to paint it with flowers, berries, leaves, twigs. The fame of the amazing master reached the surrounding lands. Many came to him to see these dishes, someone stayed forever, wanting to learn how to create the same wonderful products. Andrei Loskut passed on the secrets of his skill to his fellow villagers, his skill has been preserved, to this day, pleasing the eyes and souls of people. And since all this was in the village of Khokhloma, the painting began to be called - Khokhloma. This painting is distinguished by obtaining a golden color without the use of precious metal. Therefore, they often say "golden khokhloma".

Now we will paint our plates based on the Khokhloma painting.
For this we need:
- yellow and red wax crayons;
- black watercolor;
- wide brush No. 5 or No. 6.
1. First, with a yellow wax pencil, draw three leaves at the bottom of the plate.

2. draw three large strawberries with a red wax pencil over the yellow leaves.

3. between the berries with a yellow pencil, draw droplet leaves from smallest to largest.

4. draw curls between the lower leaves

5. add small flowers and curls at the top.

6. paint over the entire plate with black watercolor.

The plate painting based on the Khokhloma painting is ready.

Abstract of a lesson in decorative painting in

preparatory group MDOU "Rodnichok"

Educator IZOI categories

"Composition in the Ural painting"

Software content:

1. To expand the knowledge of children about the artistic features of the Ural painting: to acquaint them with different options for its compositional solution.

2. Continue to develop children's patterning skills.

3. Exercise children in the well-known techniques of painting with paints ("revival").

Enrichment of the vocabulary: scheme, composition.

Materials and manuals:

v Variable schemes of compositional solutions of the Ural painting.

v Background maps.

v Round brushes # 2.

v Products decorated with Ural painting (cutting boards, panels, etc.).

Course of the lesson


Guys, strange things started happening this morning: this folder appeared on my desk. Let's consider together what lies in it. (The teacher takes out the diagrams and shows them to the children.) Some kind of drawings! I wonder what it is? Can you guys tell me what this is? (The teacher, together with the children, examines the schemes, compares them. Finds similarities and differences in the location of the same elements of the patterns.)

I guessed it! What about you guys? Take a look at this cutting board and this picture. How are they similar? (Answers of children.)

You noticed correctly: the flowers in the painting on the board and the flowers in the drawing are in the same places, so are the leaves and buds. This drawing is called a painting scheme, that is, a drawing that tells the master how to arrange flowers, leaves, buds, birds and other elements of the painting.

Each pattern has elements in different ways, but they can also be the same, only flowers, leaves, buds can be drawn by the master differently, differently: they can differ in shape and color (show on objects).

Let's play: who will quickly find elements of the painting that are identical in arrangement to this scheme (the teacher offers a painting scheme with a circular composition).

Well done, such a painting on a round panel. "alt =" (! LANG: scan0004" align="left" width="349" height="475">А теперь найдите роспись вот к этой схеме (симметричная композиция «Куст в вазе» или «Куст»).!}

That's right, this bush painting fits this scheme. How are they similar?

Guys, the arrangement of the pattern elements (flowers, leaves, buds) in a certain order (in a circle, in the form of a bush) is called composition... This is the word used by artists.

And now we will have a little rest.

Physical education "Scarlet flowers"

Our scarlet flowers bloom petals ...

The breeze breathes a little, the petals sway ...

Our scarlet flowers cover the petals ...

They shake their heads, quietly fall asleep ...

(Smooth opening of fingers, waving hands in front of you and smoothly lowering them on the table). "width =" 192 "height =" 187 "> Guys, you have background map sheets and sets of cut elements (flowers, leaves , buds).

Elena Vakhrushina


1. Continue introducing subjects Khokhloma painting... Introduce the view

Khokhloma painting"grass" and her elements: Sedge, "Droplets", Antennae,

"curl", "Bush"... Give an idea of ​​the color scheme of the ornament.

Teach draw ornament"grass"... Continue to improve the way you work with

paints. Strengthen the skill paint the whole brush and the tip of the brush, adjusting it

position and force of pressure on the wrist. Introduce new in words: Sedge,

"Perpendicular"... Activate vocabulary: "bowl", "Salty", "Supplies",

"Body", "spiral", "Droplets", Antennae, "curl", "Bush".

2. Develop memory, attention, speech.

3. To cultivate a sense of beauty.


Russian folk music.

- Khokhloma dishes;

Gouache paints (yellow, red, green) ;

Squirrel brushes No. 2 and 3;

Bank of water;

Flannel napkins;

Blanks Khokhloma dishes(spoons) .

Stroke:one. Organizing time.

Guys, let's play. Finger gymnastics "Helpers":

One two three four, (Rhythmic strikes with fists and hands alternately) .

We washed the dishes: .

Teapot, cup, ladle, spoon

And a big ladle. (We bend our fingers, one for each name of the dish) .

We washed the dishes (One palm slides over the other) .

We only broke the cup,

The ladle fell apart too,

The teapot's nose broke off, (Bend our fingers again) .

We broke the spoon a little.

This is how we helped mom. (Rhythmic strikes with fists and hands alternately) .

2. Motivational target stage.

Guys, look at the table. Consider the items that stand on it.

(The teacher invites the children to consider the dishes Khokhloma painting) .

3. Learning new things.

Who knows what they are called? Where do you think they were made and from what?

(Answers children) .

That's right, they are made of wood and painted by master artists. (Slides 1-7) let's

take a closer look at these items. On round golden sides hospitable

the bowls are depicted in bright red and black blades of grass, along the body of the vase bending

delicate leaves and twigs with elastic, as if shiny in the sun, black berries

currants. On the surface, sugar bowls, salt licks and delivery - so called

a cylindrical vessel with a lid - blooming and never seen anywhere gold

flowers. The fiery red color of the dishes and golden the shining of the patterns really evokes the sensation of a hot flame, fire. And it's not for nothing that the fire turned wooden

the surface of these things in gold... Why are the subjects in question

are called khokhloma? How are they born under the hands of skilled craftsmen and how

different from other works of folk art? The answers to these questions

sound in the lines of a Russian song.

Like hop beyond the Volga

It winds over the bush.

The yar hop has turned over

To our side.

As on our side

Accommodation is rich:

Silver leaves,

Flowers gold.

How dearly you need to love your land to compose such a song! As needed

deeply feel and see everything that surrounds you in order to express it in a song and

figure. (Slides 8-13)

Walking through the forest, by the river bank, you are surprised at the abundant forbs of native meadows, above

which in the summer heat there is a sweet honey aroma and buzzing on all voices

shaggy toilers-bees. You lie down on this ground and start looking at a blade of grass

behind a blade of grass, flower by flower, leaf by leaf - how many of them are dissimilar and

similar to each other. There are curly branches of ants, and flexible sabers of sedges. Everything

they strive up towards the sun. Loving your home side with all my heart and

admiring her, the Russian people not only sang her beauty in songs and fairy tales, but also

created simple household items, decorated with bright elegant painting, in

which came alive with natural motives. True works of art

these things become beautifully shaped, easy to use, skillfully

executed. Today we will begin to learn how to transfer elements Khokhloma painting in

figure. The masters did not at all strive to show the plants exactly as

saw them in the forest, in the clearing. Khokhloma Images decorative: they are in the very

in general, they convey the beauty of living life, decorating objects with plant

ornament. This is a pattern of flowers, herbs and berries. Khokhloma artists and they say:

"I am writing with a floral ornament".(Slides 14-18) There are several types of it. Most

old and beloved by artists - "Herbal ornament", or simply "grass".

These are elongated, slightly curved blades, written in three, five or more

bushes. Separate "grass" resembles sedge. One of the types of this ornament and

called Sedge. "Grass" usually written in red and black. Her

the main wide leaves are juicy, because a lot of paint is taken on the brush and it

lays down tightly. The tips of the leaves are written thinly, they curl, as if bending from

wind. "Grass"- an obligatory part of any floral ornament khokhloma.

Very often among bushes and twigs of black, red, green or yellow "Herbs"

the artist places berries, birds and fish. Such an ornament is also called

"Herbal" or the name of a berry or flower. Today we will learn paint

the simplest element of herbal ornament.

(The teacher shows the ornament) .

All elements of the herbal ornament are drawn immediately with a brush, without applying

preliminary drawing with a pencil. The brush must be held with three fingers,

perpendicular to the surface of the sheet, that is, the brush handle points upward into the ceiling. "Sediment" performed by lightly moving the tip of the brush from top to bottom. "Grasses"

are drawn smoothly, with thickening. "Droplets" drawn by all of you known trick

attachment. "Antennae" are drawn in the form of a continuous line, twisted into a spiral.

"Bush"- the most difficult element "Herbs" is performed from simple Sedge,

arranged symmetrically on paper, that is, at the same distance from each other.

And now we will take the blanks of the dishes and paint it.

(Children do work to Russian folk music)

4. Summing up.

Well done boys. Carry your work, we will make an exhibition and admire your

Khokhloma dishes... At the end of our take a look, how Khokhloma painting can decorate the modern world in which we live. (Slides 19-22

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Abstract of a drawing lesson in the preparatory group “Golden Khokhloma. Plate painting based on Khokhloma painting "(made in non-traditional technique: wax pencils and watercolors).

The author of the work: Kokorina Tatyana Nikolaevna teacher of additional education in fine arts. MBDOU No. 202 Kindergarten of general developmental type "Fairy Tale"
Description: this summary will be of interest to educators of senior and preparatory groups, teachers of additional education in arts and crafts, as well as simply creative people.
Target: expansion of knowledge about folk craft Khokhloma painting.
- to form an idea of ​​children about the appearance of dishes in ancient times;
- to tell about the appearance of the Khokhloma painting;
- teach to consistently perform work in non-traditional technology;
- learn to beautifully arrange the pattern over the entire surface of the plate;
- contribute to the development of aesthetic taste;
- to promote the development of fine motor skills of the hands, through drawing small curls;
- to foster interest in the folk crafts of Russia, pride in our craftsmen;
- to develop an interest in drawing, through the use of non-traditional techniques.
Preliminary work: study of dishes, folk crafts in the classroom around the world.
Methodical techniques: story, conversation-dialogue, visual material, practical work.
Course of the lesson:
Educator- Every day we use different utensils: kitchen, dining room, tea room. These dishes are metal, porcelain, glass. There are dishes that we use every day, and there are beautiful festive sets that are only taken out on holidays to set the table. Do you know how the dishes appeared?
Dishes appeared a long time ago. At first, the ancient people used the bark of trees to, for example, scoop up water or the shell of nuts. They tried to gouge vessels out of stone and wood. Sea shells were used as spoons, they were convenient for scooping food. The dishes were gradually improved. People have learned to make dishes out of clay, to burn them.

And of course, since ancient times, people have tried to make dishes not only convenient for use, but also beautiful, therefore, from ancient times, various patterns have been applied to the dishes. The first patterns were simple, they were made with thin wooden sticks, these are geometric shapes, people, animals.

So there was a wooden tableware, earthenware - ceramic, and later people learned to make porcelain, which we use now.
Wooden dishes exist in our time, but now they are more often used to decorate the interior. Beautiful, bright it stands on a shelf or in a closet and pleases the eyes with its unique pattern. Whoever knows from you the name of this dish?
Children- Khokhloma.

Educator- Right. This wooden tableware is painted with floral ornaments. What does vegetable mean?
Children- this is grass, flowers, berries.
Educator- Yes, these are all kinds of plants: grass and leaves, berries, flowers with beautiful curls. According to legend, this painting was created by a talented master - icon painter Andrei Loskut. He worked for the king and he generously rewarded him for his work. But the master loved freedom most of all. One night he left the royal court and went to live in the forest. Andrey wanted to paint not only icons. He dreamed of creating something simple, necessary and at the same time beautiful, like the native nature around. This is how the first wooden dishes appeared. And since the master lived in the forest, he began to paint it with flowers, berries, leaves, twigs. The fame of the amazing master reached the surrounding lands. Many came to him to see these dishes, someone stayed forever, wanting to learn how to create the same wonderful products. Andrei Loskut passed on the secrets of his skill to his fellow villagers, his skill has been preserved, to this day, pleasing the eyes and souls of people. And since all this was in the village of Khokhloma, the painting began to be called - Khokhloma. This painting is distinguished by obtaining a golden color without the use of precious metal. Therefore, they often say "golden khokhloma".

Now we will paint our plates based on the Khokhloma painting.
For this we need:
- yellow and red wax crayons;
- black watercolor;
- wide brush No. 5 or No. 6.
1. First, with a yellow wax pencil, draw three leaves at the bottom of the plate.

2. draw three large strawberries with a red wax pencil over the yellow leaves.

3. between the berries with a yellow pencil, draw droplet leaves from smallest to largest.

4. draw curls between the lower leaves

5. add small flowers and curls at the top.

6. paint over the entire plate with black watercolor.

The plate painting based on the Khokhloma painting is ready.

Summary of the lesson "Magic curl of Khokhloma" in the preparatory group.
educator Feshina Elena Leonidovna
Educational area: "Artistic creation"
Topic: "The magic curl of Khokhloma"
Type: productive activity (decorative painting)
Purpose: the development of children's decorative creativity, the ability to create patterns based on Khokhloma painting.
1. Improve the ability to draw with the end of a brush, poke (with a cotton swab); perform the pattern in a specific sequence.
Expand and clarify the ideas of children about the items of folk art craft of Russian masters - Khokhloma dishes, especially its painting.
2. Develop creative imagination;
3. To foster interest in folk applied art and traditions of the Russian people, a sense of pride in their country and respect for the work of folk craftsmen.
4. To activate speech with words: curl, grass, berries, sedges.
Preliminary work.
Informative conversations about folk arts and crafts.
Consideration of the visual - didactic manual "Khokhloma", products.
Drawing elements of the Khokhloma pattern.
Reading fiction, memorizing poems.
Demonstration, handouts and equipment.
Khokhloma products, a box painted with Khokhloma painting, a didactic manual "Khokhloma", blank templates for Khokhloma dishes, brushes, gouache (red, green, black, yellow), jars of water, napkins. The course of educational activities
1. Introductory part
Psychological warm-up
Let's join hands friends
Let's smile at each other
We wish everyone well
And let's say hello sun.
Brighter than the sun's rays
Friendship in the whole world
After all, it's more fun with friends
On any planet.
Educator. Do you guys like to guess riddles? Then listen.
The branch bent smoothly and wrapped itself into a ring.
Next to a three-toed leaf is a scarlet strawberry.
She shone, rose, filled with sweet juice.
And the grass is like a fringe. What is this? (Khokhloma).
Children, look at what an unusual box they sent us! (the box is decorated with Khokhloma painting) Who do you think could send it to us? (children's answers). Guys, I think you are right - these are Khokhloma masters. Children, look, there is also a message in the box: “Hello, guys! We turn to you with a big request: we are preparing products for the fair. The fair is coming soon, but there is still a lot of work, we alone do not have time to paint the dishes. Can you help us? (Khokhloma masters)
What to do? Would you like to try yourself as craftsmen and paint dishes?
Do you know something about Khokhloma painting. What is it used for? (for painting products). Well done! Do you want to know more about her? Then sit down on the chairs and listen.
Main part
Educator (product exhibition) Look how many wonderful beautiful things are here. All this is created by the hands of masters. What products do you see? (spoons, bowls, cast iron)
A long time ago, in the vicinity of the city of Nizhny Novgorod, a folk wooden craft was born. There was a village with the cheerful name of Khokhloma, where dishes were made of soft tree species (linden, birch, alder). Since ancient times, fairs for the sale of wooden dishes have been held in this village. This gave the name to the whole trade.
Gold Khokhloma.
Like a sorceress Firebird,
Doesn't go out of my mind
The sorceress is a craftswoman
Golden Khokhloma.
And rich and beautiful
Glad to the guest from the bottom of my heart.
Cups, bowls and ladles.
And what is not here.
Look, children, how bright they are! How do they become so beautiful? Maybe some of you know?
First, the dishes are cut out of wood, dried on a machine, then covered with a layer of liquid clay and dried. Yellow metal powder is combined with oil and melted, after heating in an oven, they give the product a unique golden shine. This is where the name "Golden Khokhloma" came from. Why do you think "Gold"? (because all items shine like gold, a lot of yellow paint is used).
What color do the masters use for the background? (red, yellow, black)
What are the elements of the pattern in the Khokhloma painting? (curl, blade of grass, droplets, leaves, bushes, sedges, berries)
And what kind of berries do the craftsmen draw? (raspberries, strawberries, currants, mountain ash)
Now we will play with you. I will show you the various elements of the Khokhloma painting, and you will have to name them correctly.
Game "Guess"
Khokhloma, yes Khokhloma (hands on the belt, turns of the body to the right - to the left)
Our miracle is wondrous! (raise your hands up, down through the sides)
We draw Khokhloma (hands in front of the chest, one on top of the other)
Unprecedented beauty! (raise your hands up, lower down through the sides).
Let's draw the grass (hands in front of the chest, one on top of the other)
Sunny paint (raise your hands up, down through the sides)
Mountain ash berries (hands in front of the chest, one on top of the other)
Scarlet paint (raise your hands up, down through the sides)
Khokhloma, yes Khokhloma (hands on the belt, turns of the body to the right - to the left)
That's such a wondrous miracle! (raise your hands up, down through the sides)
Educator. Before you start decorating the dishes, listen to the sequence of work.
Explanation of the caregiver:
The work must begin with the border at the bottom and top of the product, then we will depict a curl, a curved twig. Why? (The curl is the main element of the Khokhloma painting, because all other elements are drawn on it). (Show by children)
Then we will draw large elements: berries, leaves, then - small elements: droplets, grass, curls, etc.) How do you draw grass and curls? (With the end of a thin brush, alternating colors).
What can we use to draw berries? (Brush, poke).
What colors will you use? (Red, black, green, yellow).
Each of you has several templates for Khokhloma dishes. Choose any you like. Each of you will come up with a pattern for Khokhloma dishes yourself.
Now, a little finger warm-up.
Finger gymnastics.
Here are all my fingers, turn them as you want:
And so, and like this, they will not be offended in any way (rubbing with their hands).
One, two, three, four, five (hand claps).
Doesn't sit with them again (shaking with brushes).
They knocked, turned,
We wanted to draw.
Now, young masters, you can safely get down to work! Surprise your guests with Khokhloma patterns!
(Independent activity. Children are provided with the necessary assistance on an individual basis). The teacher draws on his own
Final part
Educator Whom did we help today? How were they helped? What elements of the Khokhloma painting do you remember? (Children appreciate your work).
Consideration of 3 works. Whose work did you like and why?
Guys, let's arrange an exhibition of your work.
Children prepared poems about Khokhloma.
Khokhloma painting - a scattering of scarlet berries.
Echoes of summer in the green grass.
Khokhloma painting is like witchcraft
She asks for a fairy song herself.
And nowhere in the world are there such inflorescences
Our Khokhloma is more wonderful than all the miracles.
Guys, look at what a wonderful dish that turned out. It is no different from the work of the masters. You are true masters! These works will dry out a little and we will send them to the masters. Thanks to all!

Abstract of a drawing lesson in the preparatory group

Abstract on art activities in the preparatory group "Decorative drawing based on Khokhloma painting"

Software content:

  • Introduce painting on Khokhloma products;
  • Learn to highlight the elements of the Khokhloma pattern (leaf, berry, grass) and see beauty;
  • Develop color perception, sense of rhythm, creative imagination;
  • To teach the techniques of drawing with a brush decorative elements of the floral pattern of the Khokhloma painting;
  • To foster love and respect for the work of folk craftsmen;
  • To form knowledge about the peculiarities of painting toys, dishes and other crafts.

Equipment: products (reproductions of products ) Khokhloma, Gzhel, Dymki; sheets of paper ( tableware silhouettes ) , watercolor ( gouache ) red, yellow, black, green colors, brushes, jars.

Course of the lesson:

Today is our special day

I invite you friends.

Are you ready to go with me?

I am calling you to the wonderful world.

Q: Look guys at these items. Which ones are you familiar with? What are their names?

D: Dymkovo and Gzhel products

Q: Divide them into groups. Look carefully, find similar ones. Show which products can be combined into a separate group. Consider products unfamiliar to us (Khokhloma ) ... What do they have in common, what unites them?

D: These products are made of wood, the same patterns: berries, leaves, decorative flowers, grass, twigs.

Q: What makes it different from other product groups?

D: Khokhloma items are made of wood, and the rest are made of clay and porcelain. Khokhloma items are decorated with patterns on black and yellow backgrounds, and Dymkovo and Gzhel items are on a white background.

Q: Look, it's like unusual wooden bowls and spoons, ladles and bowls, but gold!

Grass, leaves, flowers, leaves, fabulous firebirds, wonderful fish are painted on them. It is not shameful to put such dishes on the royal table. How did this marvelous “golden khokhloma” appear?

Q: An old legend tells: once lived in the Nizhny Novgorod forests, on the banks of a quiet river, a man. Who he is and where he came from, we do not know. The man cut out wooden bowls and spoons and painted them like that ( painted), that they seemed to be made of pure gold. The king found out about this and got angry: “Why don't I have such a master in my palace ?! Come to me! Immediately!" He banged his staff, stamped his foot and sent a soldier to bring the craftsman to the palace. The soldiers set out to carry out the royal order, but no matter how much they looked, they could not find the miracle master. He left who knows where, but first he taught the local peasants to make "golden" dishes. In each hut, cups to spoons sparkled with "gold". A lot of "golden" dishes were sold at a fair in the village of Khokhloma. This is how the name "Golden Khokhloma" was born.

Q: And making a real Khokhloma is not at all easy. Do you want to know how?

Q: First, the master carves a blank out of wood - the future bowl. Then he dries it and covers it with a thin layer of clay. Now the bowl looks like an earthen one, then it is impregnated with linseed oil. And gold for the "golden khokhloma" is not required! Instead of expensive gold, they rub the bowl with tin or aluminum powder. The bowl shines like silver. Then the artist paints an intricate ornament with a soft brush. Then the bowl is varnished and placed in the oven. Do not cook porridge, but for drying, for "hardening". And a miracle happens: the wooden bowl turns golden, with an elegant, colorful pattern!

D: Let's take another look at these products. How much heat they radiate, soft, smooth to the touch, pleasing to the eye. And how delicious it is to eat from such a fabulous dish! And even with a golden painted spoon. Khokhloma is not afraid of heat, moisture, or cold. All the same, its colors will shine, the "gold" will not fade. Because the golden hands of the masters made this miracle.

Q: Who can tell me what plant elements the Khokhloma pattern consists of?

D: Berries, leaves, curls.

Q: Look, there are scarlet bunches of mountain ash, and a ripe strawberry, and curls of herbs and leaves. And most importantly - a shimmering gold background. Today we will learn how to draw such patterns.

Q: What colors do we need for the pattern? D: Black, red, green.

Q: First, draw a curved twig with the tip of the brush. Then, berries and leaves are depicted on the branch (leaves can be painted with the end of a brush, moistening, and berries - also with the end of a brush or by poking ) ... Then, near the berries and leaves, you can draw blades of grass - with lines ( arcuate ) ... And you get a garland.

- I see you are tired. Now you can get up and we will have a little rest

Physical education.

If everything in the world were

Same color

(Rotational head movements)

It would make you angry

Or was it pleasing?

(head tilts back and forth.)

People are used to seeing the world

White, yellow, blue, red

(Hands on the belt, body bends to the left - to the right)

Let everything around us be

Amazing and different!

(Jumping in place on the left, right, two legs).

Q: Well done! Have a seat!

Children's work

Q: Guys, take a look. I have dishes here: bowls, spoons, vases. This dish has a golden yellow background.

Q: Now you will become masters - artists of Khokhloma and decorate products with patterns.

Q: What is the main rule when drawing up a pattern? D: The elements of the pattern should be placed rhythmically, at the same distance, repeating the elements evenly.

Q: Remember, guys, how to hold the brush correctly, the rules for working with paints and a brush.

D: Put some paint on the tip of the brush so that it does not spread. If you need to change the color of the paint, then rinse the brush. You need to work carefully, do not stain the table. (Children get to work)

Analysis of completed works

Q: Now look at these products and tell me what kind of mood does Khokhloma dishes evoke?

Q: Choose and display the most beautiful spoon. Tell us about it: what color it is, what colors it is painted with, what berries are on the pattern, what makes this spoon better than others.

Q: Now show the most beautiful bowl vase

Q: Guys, look, now our exhibition has been replenished with Khokhloma products.

Q: Now listen to the poem about Khokhloma:

Khokhloma, Khokhloma

You are nowhere more beautiful.

Golden leaves

Yellow flowers.

Bulk berries-

The kindness of the earth.

Khokhloma, Khokhloma

It is given to the masters in their hearts.

There is also a fairy tale

There is also a reality.

Gold dust in the cup.

Curl gold

I will write Khokhloma.

Here is a flower

Here is a leaf

Here is a tricky curl.

Black paint glitters

Red, the berry is on fire.

Take a cup in hand.

And you will freeze with joy.

We lived well in the old fashioned way,

There were wooden spoons.

No canteens, no dessert rooms,

There are no teaspoons either.

But there are many so beautiful

Wooden ones, dear to my heart.

Spoons, bowls and boxes

Painted with Khokhloma.

- These lime spoons,

Saucers, ladles, nesting dolls,

She painted it herself

Galina Dovgaleva
Abstract of the GCD for decorative painting in the preparatory group "Khokhloma painting"

Abstract of GCD

OO "Artistic and aesthetic development"

Decorative painting

in preparatory group for school

Topic: « Khokhloma painting»

Educator MBDOU d / s No. 4 "Cinderella"

Dovgaleva Galina Vasilievna

Starodub 2014

Software content:

1. Continue to introduce children to the elements Khokhloma painting -"curl" and the way it is portrayed.

2. To form the ability in a certain sequence to make a pattern from familiar elements khokhloma(berries, sedges, leaves).

3. Develop compositional skills by placing elements on the silhouette.

4. Raise interest in folk crafts.


Demonstration: Khokhloma dishes, sample items Khokhloma painting, a sheet of fashion paper drawing"curl"

Dispensing: Gouache 4 colors (for each table, paper silhouettes of dishes, tinted in black, yellow, red in different shapes, sheets of paper for training drawing"curls", squirrel brushes No. 3, paper pokes, rags, cups of water (for everyone).

What do I see! What a marvel!

How much joy is around!

Isn't it beautiful, kids?

It is already breathtaking!

Come in and see what kind of dishes we have collected here. It is not easy.

It was made by Russian craftsmen from Khokhloma.

Take a look! These things have come to visit us today,

To tell us the secrets of ancient, wonderful beauty.

To lead us into the world of Russia, the world of legends and kindness.

To say that there are wonderful people in Russia - masters!

Q: Guys, tell me, what time of year is it?

Q: What seasons of the year do you still know?

D. Autumn, spring, summer.

B. Children! Look at this dish and tell me what time of year it reminds you of!

E. The pattern on this dish is reminiscent of autumn!

Q. Why do you think so?

E. Because this tableware is bright, colorful, just like nature in the fall. Only at this time of the year do trees put on colorful outfits, a lot of yellow, red, orange leaves, berries. Autumn is called golden and Khokhloma, also called gold.

Q: Right. You look at her and remember such strings:

"Golden autumn, a scattering of scarlet berries,

Groves - copses, silk splashes,

Sunny - the honey beauty of the foliage.

Q. See if all the dishes in our exhibition are bright and colorful?

D. No, not all! There is also an unpainted one!

Q. Yes, children! The craftsmen have run out of paint to paint the dishes! Can we help them finish their work, paint the dishes?

D. Yes, we will help!

Q: But before we start paint, tell me, how is it different khokhloma pattern from others?

What background Khokhloma Do the craftsmen apply their own pattern?

D: On a yellow, red and black background.

Q: What are the elements of this murals you already know and can paint?

D: "sedge", "grass", "antennae", "droplets". "Leaves"

Q: And today we will paint the most difficult and most beautiful element khokhloma -"curl".

Look carefully.

I draw attention to how you need to hold the brush in relation to the paper (hand is over the table): with three fingers, vertically to the paper.

First we start paint with the end of the brush, stretch out a thin strip, and then press and make a rounding the strip becomes wider, again stretch and gently lift the brush and paint again with the end of the brush to get a thin strip. With the further twisting of the "curl" we release the pressure on the brush.

(After my showing, showing and explaining by a child)

Now try on your pieces of paper, practice paint"curl" (children exercise) .

And now we will have a little rest and prepare our fingers to the main work.

Here are my assistants, as you wish, turn: (look at open palms)

And so, and like this, they will not be offended in any way. (Rubbing our hands)

One, two, three, four, five. (Clap our hands)

It does not sit with them again. (Shake with brushes)

Knocked (knocking on the table) turned (circular rotations with a brush)

and wanted to work. (rubbing our hands)

They will work a little, (Clap our hands)

we will give them rest. (Put your palms together)

Knocked (knocking on the table)

turned (circular rotations with a brush)

and back on the road again. (Clap our hands)

V .: So we had a rest, and now it's time to get to work.

Go to the table and choose your blank (children choose and sit at the tables)... Let's remember in what sequence you will paint your product.

1. First, draw the curls.

2. We outline the berries and draw the berries with a poke (pay attention to the color berries: on a black background - red berries, on a yellow - red or black berries, on a red - black berries)

3. So that the pattern does not turn out pale and not bright, we need to decorate it! How can we decorate it? (draw leaves)

4. A border is drawn.

Children draw.

The teacher individually approaches all children who find it difficult to show it again on his piece of paper.

B. We finish the work, wash the brushes, blot them on a napkin and put them in place. While your work is drying, come up to me and see what kind of work did you get?

At the end, an analysis of children's work.

Who has got the roundest "curls"

Does everyone have the right berry color?

Who got the real khokhloma pattern?

V.V .: Well done, guys, we have got the real Khokhloma dishes which is so pleasing to the eye.

And when your work is dry, we will arrange an exhibition, let everyone admire.

Thank you guys for such beauty!

IN: Our activity is over. Let's say goodbye to the guests. Let's put things in order on the tables.

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Marina Mikhailova
Summary of the lesson for the preparatory group "Curl. Acquaintance with Khokhloma painting "

Target: To generalize the knowledge of children about the folk art craft of Russian masters.


to acquaint with the Khokhloma painting and its features;

teach to highlight an elegant, bright color, composition and elements of the Khokhloma pattern (curl, droplet, blade of grass) and teach to see the beauty of products;

to teach the techniques of drawing with a brush decorative elements of the floral pattern of the Khokhloma painting;

develop color perception, a sense of rhythm, creative imagination;

to develop in children knowledge about folk crafts: Dymkovo, Gorodets, Gzhel;

to cultivate love and respect for the work of folk craftsmen;

Preliminary work: Educator's informative story about Khokhloma products.

Reading. Examining the albums of decorative and applied art: "Gzhel", "Khokhloma", "Gorodets", "Dymkovo toy". Consideration of products of decorative and applied arts.

Memorizing nursery rhymes, poems about Russian folk crafts. Making riddles.

Making blanks with children - templates for Khokhloma painting. Toning templates.

Materials: products from Khokhloma, Gzhel, Dymka, with Gorodets painting, illustrations depicting products from Khokhloma, a doll in folk style, cut pictures "Folk crafts" by the number of children, ready-made spoon templates for painting, brushes, napkins, jars of water, gouache, schemes for the stage-by-stage drawing of elements and compositions of painting, a scheme for the color of Khokhloma.

Vocabulary work: khokhloma, painting, grass, elements of painting, curl, droplet, leaf, color.

Course of the lesson:

Come in guys, stand in a semicircle.

We have guests today. Let's say hello to them and not get distracted anymore. And the guests are not alone today. She came to us from the distant lands of Matryona, to look at us, to show herself, and to boast of her goods. Let's see what Matryona has prepared for us.

(children examine haze products, Gorodets painting, Gzhel)

Look guys at these items. Which ones are you familiar with?

Guys, what products of folk crafts have you seen? (children's answers)

That's right, this is Gorodets painting (put the name, and this is Gzhel (name, here Dymkovo young ladies (name ... And what kind of miracle is this?)

Look, it's like unusual wooden bowls and spoons, ladles and bowls, but gold!

And this beauty is called - golden khokhloma.

We will talk about her today, find out where she was born, what it serves, what objects are painted with this painting and how it is made.

Come in, sit down in your seats.

An old legend tells: a man once lived in the Nizhny Novgorod forests, on the banks of a quiet river. Who he is and where he came from, we do not know. The man cut out wooden bowls and spoons and painted them like that (he painted them as if they were made of pure gold. The king found out about this and got angry: "Why don't I have such a master in my palace! Come to me! Immediately!" stamped his foot and sent a soldier to take the craftsman to the palace. The soldiers went to carry out the tsar's order, but no matter how much they looked, they could not find the miracle master. He left who knows where, but first taught the local peasants to make "golden" dishes. Cup to spoon in “gold.” A lot of “golden” dishes were sold at a fair in the village of Khokhloma, and this is how the name “golden Khokhloma” was born.

And making a real Khokhloma is not at all easy.

First, the master carves a blank out of wood - the future bowl. Then he dries it and covers it with a thin layer of clay. Now the bowl looks like an earthen one, then it is impregnated with linseed oil. And gold for the "golden khokhloma" is not required! Instead of expensive gold, they rub the bowl with tin or aluminum powder. The bowl shines like silver. Then the bowl is varnished and placed in the oven. Do not cook porridge, but for drying, for "hardening". And a miracle happens: the wooden bowl turns golden, with an elegant, colorful pattern!

Algorithm "The sequence of manufacturing Khokhloma products"

1. Grinding products on the machine.

2. Putty - covered with a thin layer of clay.

3. Sandpaper - wipe with sandpaper.

4. Oil varnish - coated with a special compound for wooden surfaces.

5. Tinned - coated with aluminum powder and tempered in a very hot oven.

6. Cover the product with a special varnish.

The varnish turns yellow under the influence of temperature. Then this delicious honey-gold color appears.

Craftswomen manually painted products with an intricate ornament with a soft brush.

Khokhloma painting - a scattering of scarlet berries.

The brush is bathed in paint

Here I snuggled up once,

And a golden curl gleamed on the dishes.

Brush draws cilia

Next to that curl.

And dry blades of grass under a cheerful stroke

Turned into blades of grass

The tendril curls crawling ...

poem by P. Sinyavsky "Khokhloma"

Tell me, what colors are found in the patterns? (four colors: red, black, yellow, green)

See what plant elements the Khokhloma pattern consists of? (when the children name them, the correct name is given.)

You have listed the elements, but in the Khokhloma painting they are called differently: curl, and the leaves are decorated with liveliness, in the form of veins. There are scarlet bunches of mountain ash, and a ripe strawberry, and curls of herbs and leaves.

The curl is the main element of the Khokhloma painting.

What is the main rule when drawing up a pattern? (the elements of the pattern should be placed rhythmically, at the same distance, repeating the elements evenly).

Getting the skill of drawing elements.

Let's try with you to draw some elements of the Khokhloma painting. (a diagram with elements is exposed)

Children draw on separate sheets of paper under the guidance of a teacher with a demonstration of drawing techniques.

Guys, our guest Matryona has prepared tasks and gifts for you. Take the envelopes, open and take out the cards. Look carefully at the cards, determine where the Khokhloma painting is and bring it to our Firebird. (there is a painted bird on the board called the painting) (completing the task) Well done.

Let's take another look at the products of Khokhloma. How much heat they radiate, soft, smooth to the touch, pleasing to the eye. The colors shine so brightly

Golden khokhloma,

What's in her warm rays

We keep warm.

And how delicious it is to eat from such a fabulous dish! And even with a golden painted spoon. Khokhloma is not afraid of heat, moisture, or cold. All the same, its colors will shine, the "gold" will not fade. Because the golden hands of the masters made this miracle.

“I think that today we can also briefly turn into Russian masters and try to paint the dishes ourselves with Khokhloma painting.

And the Firebird will help us in this.

Let's say magic words with you and make magic movements, and then we will turn into masters of Khokhloma.

Physical education.

The Khokhloma bird was waving its wings (Hands to the sides, swinging)

Waving wings - scattered gold. (Mahi, shake hands)

I swung my head, swung my head to the sides (Head tilts)

Yes, I collected Russian grass from the land. (Tilts to the floor, collect)

I collected herbs, decorated the bowls, (We collect, we draw a circle with our hands)

She gave us her skill with love. (Hands to heart, hands forward.)

Well, here we are, masters and craftswomen. Let's go to our seats.

- Guys, look, what gifts Matryona brought you? (wooden spoons). And the Firebird gave you knowledge about Khokhloma and her skill. Therefore, we will now try to paint these spoons with you.

But first, look at the sequence in which we will paint them. (the teacher analyzes the sequence of the spoon painting according to the stage-by-stage development).

Doing work by children. (During the work of children, a Russian folk melody sounds quietly).

- Well done, guys, today you are real Khokhloma artists, you have painted such wonderful spoons that we will have enough for the whole fair.

Now look at these products and tell me what kind of mood does Khokhloma dishes evoke?

Choose and display the most beautiful spoon. Tell us about it: what color it is, what colors it is painted with, what berries are on the pattern, what makes this spoon better than others.

Golden Khokhloma!

And rich and beautiful

I am glad to see the guest from the bottom of my heart.

Cups, cups and ladles -

And what is there just not!

Bunches of fire rowan trees

Poppies of a sunny summer

And the daisies of the meadows,

Dawn beams of hearts

And patterned ornament

Ancient Suzdal brocade!