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Convert Roman numbers. Roman numerals or how to write the date in Roman numerals for a tattoo? Information about the corrections, additions and improvements made

Roman numerals are numbers used by the ancient Romans in their non-positional number system.

Natural numbers are written by repeating these numbers: I (1), V (5), X (10), L (50), C (100), D (500), M (1000). Moreover, if the larger digit is in front of the smaller one, then they are added (the principle of addition), if the smaller one is in front of the larger one, then the smaller one is subtracted from the larger one (the principle of subtraction). The last rule applies only to avoid repeating the same digit four times.

To correctly write large numbers in Roman numerals, you must first write down the number of thousands, then hundreds, then tens, and finally units. Moreover, some of the numbers (I, X, C, M) can be repeated, but no more than three times in a row; thus, they can be used to write any integer up to 3999 (MMMCMXCIX).

The smaller figure can be written to the left of the larger one, then it should be subtracted from the larger one. In this case, only digits denoting 1 or powers of 10 can be subtracted, and only two digits nearest in the numerical row to the subtracted two (that is, the subtracted, multiplied by 5 or 10) can act as the decreasing one. Repetitions of a smaller digit are not allowed. So there is only six options using the "rule of deduction":

  • IV = 4
  • IX = 9
  • XL = 40
  • XC = 90
  • CD = 400
  • CM = 900
Convert a number written in roman numerals to a decimal number
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The Roman letter numbering system was widespread in ancient Rome and Europe for two thousand years. Only in the late Middle Ages it was replaced by a more convenient decimal system of numbers for calculations, borrowed from the Arabs (1,2,3,4,5 ...).

But, until now, Roman numerals indicate dates on monuments, time on clocks and (in the Anglo-American typographic tradition) pages of book prefaces, clothing sizes, chapters of monographs and textbooks. In addition, in Russian, ordinal numbers are usually denoted by Roman numerals. The system of Roman numerals is currently used to designate centuries (XV century, etc.), years A.D. NS. (MCMLXXVII etc.) and months when specifying dates (for example, 1.V.1975), in historical monuments of law as article numbers (Carolina et al)

To designate numbers, 7 letters of the Latin alphabet were used (the first letter of the words is five, ten, fifty, one hundred, five hundred, one thousand):

I = 1, V = 5, X = 10, L = 50, C = 100, D = 500, M = 1000

C (100) is the first letter of the Latin word centum (one hundred)

and M - (1000) - on the first letter of the word mille (thousand).

As for the sign D (500), it represented half of the sign Ф (1000)

The V sign (5) is the upper half of the X sign (10)

Intermediate numbers were formed by adding a few letters to the right or left. Thousands and hundreds are written first, then tens and ones. Thus, the number 24 is written as XXIV

Natural numbers are written by repeating these numbers.

Moreover, if the larger digit is in front of the smaller one, then they are added (the principle of addition), if the smaller one is in front of the larger one, then the smaller one is subtracted from the larger one (the principle of subtraction).

In other words - if the sign denoting a smaller number is to the right of the sign denoting a larger number, then the smaller is added to the larger; if on the left, then subtract: VI - 6, i.e. 5 + 1 IV - 4, i.e. 5-1 LX - 60, i.e. 50 + 10 XL - 40, i.e. 50-10 CX - 110, i.e. 100 + 10 XC - 90, i.e. 100-10 MDCCCXII - 1812, i.e. 1000 + 500 + 100 + 100 + 100 + 10 + 1 + 1

The last rule applies only to avoid repeating the same digit four times. To avoid 4-fold repetition, the number 3999 is written as MMMIM.

Different designations of the same number are possible. So, the number 80 can be represented as LXXX (50 + 10 + 10 + 10) and as XXC (100-20).

For example, I, X, C are placed respectively in front of X, C, M for 9, 90, 900 or before V, L, D for 4, 40, 400.

For example, VI = 5 + 1 = 6, IV = 5 - 1 = 4 (instead of IIII).

XIX = 10 + 10 - 1 = 19 (instead of XVIIII),

XL = 50 - 10 = 40 (instead of XXXX),

XXXIII = 10 + 10 + 10 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 33, etc.

Roman numerals



Basic Roman numerals: I (1) - unus (unus) II (2) - duo (duo) III (3) - tres (tres) IV (4) - quattuor (quattuor) V (5) - quinque (quinque) VI (6) - sex (sex) VII (7) - septem (septem) VIII (8) - octo (octo) IX (9) - novem (novem) X (10) - decem (decem), etc. XX (20) - viginti (viginti) XXI (21) - unus et viginti or viginti unus XXII (22) - duo et viginti or viginti duo, etc. XXVIII (28) - duodetriginta XXIX (29) - undetriginta XXX (30) - triginta XL (40) - quadraginta L (50) - quinquaginta LX (60) - sexaginta LXX (70) - septuaginta LXXX (80) - octoginta XC (90) - nonaginta C (100) - centum CC (200) - ducenti (ducenti) CC (300) - trecenti CD (400) - quadrigenti D (500) - quingenti DC (600) - sexcenti DCC (700) - septigenti DCCC (800) - octingenti (octigenti) CM (DCCCC) (900) - nongenti (nongenti) M (1000) - mille (mille) MM (2000) - duo milia V (5000) - quinque milia (quinque milia) X (10000) - decem milia XX (20,000) - viginti milia C (1,000,000) - centum milia XI (1,000,000) - decies centena milia (decies centena milia) "

In the process of life, from time to time we come across Roman numerals from 1 to 1000, which were once popular in the Roman Empire and the Middle Ages. They are used to denote the number of centuries or millennia, the blood group on the uniforms of the military, the number of volumes in books, the valence in the group of chemical elements, and much more. Being popular at the beginning of our era, they gradually lost the palm, and are now used sporadically, under the influence of tradition or ceremony. What are the Roman numerals from 1 to 1000, what is their feature, and why did they give way to their eastern, Arab-Indian, competitors? Let's figure it out.

Roman numerals - genesis

Roman numerals (they are often mistakenly called "Latin") are the development and heritage of the Roman civilization. The ancient Romans created them to facilitate counting, in order to make it easier and more convenient to count a variety of goods and services.

Roman numerals were widely used during the existence of a single Roman state, as well as after its split into the Western and Eastern Roman Empire. Even after the fall of Constantinople, they continued to be used in various barbarian kingdoms until the end of the Middle Ages, until they gradually lost the rivalry to the Arab-Indian figures that dominate to this day.

Representation of Roman numerals from 1 to 1000

Roman numerals are represented by seven different letters - I, V, X, L, C, D and M, each representing a number.

You can memorize Roman numerals from 1 to 1000 using the following phrase (in descending order):

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These seven letters are used to represent many different numbers, usually by summation. For example, the Roman number 2 is written as "II" (just two ones added together). The number 12 is like XII, that is, X + II. Well, number 27 is written as XXVII, that is, as a combination of XX + V + II.

Roman numerals were conveniently displayed with fingers

As you can see, Roman numerals are written from the largest digit to the smallest, from left to right. However, this is not all. The Romans really did not like 4 numbers of the same type in a row, so they developed a special subtraction system.

In Roman numerals, the number 3 is written as "III". However, the digit for the number 4 will not be "IIII", since there are four characters of the same type, and the principle of deduction must be used. In Roman numerals, the number 4 will be written as "IV", that is, the numbers 1 and 5. Since the smaller digit (1) is in front of the larger one (5), we subtract the smaller one from the larger digit, and we get 4. The same principle is used for the number "9", which is written in the Roman system as "IX" (1 and 10)

Here are six more similar examples that allow you to use Roman numerals from 1 to 1000:

  • I can come before V (5) and X (10) creating numbers 4 and 9.
  • X can come before L (50) and C (100) to create numbers 40 and 90.
  • C can come before D (500) and M (1000), making the numbers 400 and 900.

1994 is an excellent example of this rule. In Roman numerals, it looks like MCMXCIV, that is, M = 1000, CM = 900, XC = 90 and IV = 4.

Years and dates

To write the year in Roman numerals from 1 to 1000, we need large numbers. For example, we start the 2020 record with MM (2000), add XX (20) and get MMXX.

Years from the 20th century are just as easy to get. We start with 1900 (MSM), to which we add the required number of years. For example, 1985 would look like MSM (1900) LXXX (80) + V (5) = MCMLXXXV.

Large Roman numerals

Since the digit M (1000) is the largest in the Roman numeral system, and we can only use three of the same characters when creating a number, the maximum number represented in the Roman system is 3999 (MMMCMXCIX). However, we can write large numbers, you just need to draw the upper line over the numbers to multiply them by 1000.

For example, the Roman notation for 5000 (5 * 1000) is written as

1 million (1000 * 1000) is written as

Accordingly, 1,550,000 is written as

As you can see, everything is pretty simple.

Table of Roman Numerals from One to Thousand

Below I have inserted a table of Arabic (Russian) numbers ranging from 1 to 1000 and the corresponding Roman numerals.

Arabic numerals

Roman numerals


The specification of Roman numerals assumes the use of only seven letters denoting round numbers from 1 to 1000. Despite the former widespread use, the principles of addition and subtraction of such numbers are inconvenient for the reader, as a result of which the system of Roman numerals lost the competition to the more perfect Arabic model. Nevertheless, we can find Roman numerals in sports, military, scientific and other fields, therefore it is important to know the features of their display and application.

Roman numerals are often a problem for us.
But it is them that are customarily used when numbering centuries and book chapters, when designating clothing sizes and steps in music.
There are Roman numerals in our life. So it's too early to give them up. Easier to learn, understand and learn. Moreover, it is not difficult.
So, to designate numbers in Latin, combinations of the following 7 characters are accepted: I (1), V (5), X (10), L (50), C (100), D (500), M (1000).
Why were Latin letters chosen to represent the numbers 5, 50, 100, 500 and 1000? It turns out that these are not Latin letters, but completely different signs. The fact is that the basis for the Latin alphabet (and, by the way, it exists in several versions - 23, 24 and 25 letters) was the Western Greek alphabet.

Thus, the three characters L, C, and M ascend to the Western Greek alphabet. Here they denoted aspirated sounds that were not in Latin. When the Latin alphabet was drawn up, it was they who turned out to be superfluous. And they were adapted to represent numbers in the Latin script. Later, they coincided in writing with the Latin letters. So, the sign C (100) became similar to the first letter of the Latin word centum (one hundred), and M - (1000) - to the first letter of the word mille (thousand). As for the sign D (500), it represented half of the sign F (1000), and then it already looked like a Latin letter. The V (5) sign was only the upper half of the X (10) sign.
In this regard, by the way, the popular theory that the name of the church office of the Pope (Vicarius Filii Dei), when replacing letters with Roman numerals, adds up to the "devil's number", seems funny.

So how do you figure out Latin numbers?
If the sign denoting a smaller number is to the right of the sign denoting a larger number, then the smaller is added to the larger; if on the left, then subtract:
VI - 6, i.e. 5 + 1
IV - 4, i.e. 5-1
LX - 60, i.e. 50 + 10
XL - 40, i.e. 50-10
CX - 110, i.e. 100 + 10
XC - 90, i.e. 100-10
MDCCCXII - 1812, i.e. 1000 + 500 + 100 + 100 + 100 + 10 + 1 + 1.

Different designations of the same number are possible. So, the number 80 can be represented as LXXX (50 + 10 + 10 + 10) and as XXC (100-20).
Basic Roman numerals look like this:
I (1) - unus (unus)
II (2) - duo (duo)
III (3) - tres (tres)
IV (4) - quattuor
V (5) - quinque
VI (6) - sex (seks)
VII (7) - septem
VIII (8) - octo (octo)
IX (9) - novem (novem)
X (10) - decem, etc.

XX (20) - viginti (viginti)
XXI (21) - unus et viginti or viginti unus
XXII (22) - duo et viginti or viginti duo, etc.
XXVIII (28) - duodetriginta (duodetriginta)
XXIX (29) - undetriginta
XXX (30) - triginta (triginta)
XL (40) - quadraginta
L (50) - quinquaginta
LX (60) - sexaginta
LXX (70) - septuaginta
LXXX (80) - octoginta
XC (90) - nonaginta
C (100) - centum
CC (200) - ducenti
CCC (300) - trecenti
CD (400) - quadrigenti
D (500) - quingenti
DC (600) - sexcenti
DCC (700) - septigenti
DCCC (800) - octingenti
CM (DCCCC) (900) - nongenti (nongenti)
M (1000) - mille (mille)
MM (2000) - duo milia
V (5000) - quinque milia
X (10000) - decem milia
XX (20,000) - viginti milia
C (1,000,000) - centum milia
XI (1,000,000) - decies centena milia (decies centena milia) "

Elena Dolotova.

To designate numbers in Latin, combinations of the following seven characters are accepted: I (1), V (5), X (10), L (50), C (100), D (500), M (1000).

To memorize the letter designations of numbers in descending order, a mnemonic rule was invented:

M NS D arim WITH full-time L imones, NS vatite V this I x (respectively M, D, C, L, X, V, I).

If the sign denoting a smaller number stands to the right of the sign denoting a larger number, then the smaller number should be added to the larger one, if on the left, then subtract, namely:

VI - 6, i.e. 5 + 1
IV - 4, i.e. 5 - 1
XI - 11, i.e. 10 + 1
IX - 9, i.e. 10 - 1
LX - 60, i.e. 50 + 10
XL - 40, i.e. 50 - 10
CX - 110, i.e. 100 + 10
XC - 90, i.e. 100-10
MDCCCXII - 1812, i.e. 1000 + 500 + 100 + 100 + 100 + 10 + 1 + 1.

Different designations of the same number are possible. For example, the number 80 can be denoted as LXXX (50 + 10 + 10 + 10) and as XXC (100 - 20).

To write numbers in Roman numerals, you must first write down the number of thousands, then hundreds, then tens and finally units.

I (1) - unus (unus)
II (2) - duo (duo)
III (3) - tres (tres)
IV (4) - quattuor
V (5) - quinque
VI (6) - sex (seks)
VII (7) - septera
VIII (8) - octo (octo)
IX (9) - novem (novem)
X (10) - decem
XI (11) - undecim
XII (12) - duodecim
XH (13) - tredecim (tredecim)
XIV (14) - quattuordecim
XV (15) - quindecim
XVI (16) - sedecim
XVII (17) - septendecim
XVIII (18) - duodeviginti (duodeviginti)
XIX (19) - undeviginti
XX (20) - viginti (viginti)
XXI (21) - unus et viginti or viginti unus
XXII (22) - duo et viginti or viginti duo, etc.
XXVIII (28) - duodetriginta (duodetriginta)
XXIX (29) - undetriginta
XXX (30): triginta
XL (40) - quadraginta
L (5O) - quinquaginta
LX (60) - sexaginta
LXX (70) - septuaginta (szltuaginta)
LXXX180) - octoginta
KS (90) - nonaginta (nonaginta)
C (100) centum
CC (200) - ducenti
CCC (300) - trecenti
CD (400) - quadrigenti
D (500) - quingenti
DC (600) - sescenti or sexonti
DCC (700) - septigenti
DCCC (800) - octingenti
CV (DCCC) (900) - nongenti
M (1000) - mille (mille)
MM (2000) - duo milia (duo milia)
V (5000) - quinque milla
X (10,000) - decem milia
XX (20,000) - viginti milia
C (100000) - centum milia
XI (1,000,000) - decies centena milia.

If suddenly an inquisitive person asks why the Latin letters V, L, C, D, M were chosen to designate the numbers 50, 100, 500 and 1000, then we will immediately say that these are not Latin letters at all, but completely different signs.

The fact is that the basis for the Latin alphabet was the Western Greek alphabet. It is to him that the three signs L, C and M. ascend. Here they denoted aspirated sounds, which were not in Latin. When the Latin alphabet was drawn up, it was they who turned out to be superfluous. They were also adapted to represent numbers in the Latin script. Later, they coincided in writing with the Latin letters. So, the sign C (100) became similar to the first letter of the Latin word centum (one hundred), and M (1000) - to the first letter of the word mille (thousand). As for the sign D (500), it represented half of the sign F (1000), and then it became similar to the Latin letter. The V (5) was just the upper half of the X (10).

That's the whole story with these Roman numerals.

Assignment to consolidate the passed material

Pay attention to the designation of the three dates. Here, the years of birth of Alexander Pushkin, Alexander Herzen and Alexander Blok are encrypted in Roman numerals. Decide for yourself which Alexander belongs to which date.