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Polunin sergey mikhailovich celestial mechanics. The golden path of spiritual ascent. Transition to another Reality


- Working with children now, with their help I get to know myself more deeply.
Immediacy and naturalness are not the only things that can be done with them
learn. They can set an example of patience and listening skills for adults.

Take a look around and see that every child's day is filled with the fact that
he is continuously taught and taught by almost all the adults he meets
on a way. No adult can stand this! We do not know how to listen to what we
they say. Sometimes we don't hear anyone but ourselves. This ability to listen and
to reflect on what we have heard, we must learn from the children. Our desire to be clever is sometimes so
it is great that we deprive ourselves of the opportunity to see life as it is, and not
we feel the nature of life that is in full swing around us. Here, tell me what I am now
doing? I'm clever ...


- At Shchetinin's school, I somehow also began to be clever, to show how to do it right
somersaults, do exercises, and one kid stood up and demonstrated such
natural movements that I felt ashamed of my cleverness. I became with him
to study.

In general, if you want to learn the nature of movement, you need to look at children and
old people. Children are natural, they want to live and feel. And the old people come back
into naturalness from their impotence. They have stingy, precise movements. There you are
noticed that during hand-to-hand combat my movements are sometimes so stingy that they

In training, we do not work, we just live. We communicate, share our experience.
After a while, many of my students begin to see what will happen.
in 5 minutes, or what happens in another room. When a person enters
state of nature, he feels himself a spark of God. In a way for him
the boundaries of time and space disappear.


- Unfortunately, such abilities are revealed not only to kind people. They are
open to everyone who believes in them ...

I know people who were fluent in martial arts, skills
extrasensory perception, hypnosis, etc. When they start using it in
selfish purposes, then after a while they get drunk, end up in a psychiatric hospital
or become victims of an accident.

They did not understand that all the talents and gifts that God gave them can be used
only for good purposes, only for the good of people. So when you teach someone,
it is important to convey not only skills, but also a kind view of the world. If there is no peace and
kindness in the soul, all (even the most enormous) power will go away, like water in


- It is important that good comes from us, then the world will be good to us. If in the shower
evil, anger and resentment, but we repeat about love, then deceive ourselves and others. At
At birth, the soul chose some lessons, now a person goes through them. With us in life
what we have already chosen will happen - we will not change that. But we can
change our attitude to what is happening if we bring good to the world and

To change the world, you need to change your consciousness. For every person
there is only one true story - the one he writes for himself. IN
it we prescribe people and events that are ready to let into our Universe.

Remember the words of the Little Prince of Saint-Exupery: “I woke up - bring me to
order your planet. " Our planet is everything that is around us, and in
our thoughts first.

Start each morning with the words: “Hello, Sun! Hello, new day! "
Walking down the street, mentally say hello to the trees, flowers, the sky, look,
how your mood changes, there is a desire to live, smile and help


- I come to the realization that all people are connected with each other. If alone
it hurts, it necessarily affects others. Some wonder why teach
others and help someone? But, first of all, each person is an individual,
which was created once in eternity, and it is important to preserve it. And secondly,
remember, “No one is saved until everyone is saved”! Therefore, if you want to
the whole world was saved, start with yourself, and then be sure to go to help others.


- I began to consciously engage in wrestling at the age of 15, then I began to think about
the laws by which all events take place around us. Great value for
of my development had communication with the legendary Alexei Alekseevich Kadochnikov,
who did a lot for the development of Russian hand-to-hand fighting and my
world perception; Alexander Ivanovich Retyunskikh, author of the book “Russian style
hand-to-hand combat "; Evgeny Ivanovich Miroshnichenko, who created an information
hand-to-hand combat model; Sergey Stanislavovich Makarov, head of the club
"SKARB" (Cossack hand-to-hand combat system); writer Sergei Alekseev,
the author of the book “I know God” that shocked me.

Many are surprised how you can help people come to the light by teaching them hand-to-hand
battle. But there is no contradiction here. Our today's seminar is called "Hand-to-Hand
battle as a way of knowing the world. " The world can only be known through the knowledge of oneself
yourself, your capabilities, abilities. Looking at hand-to-hand combat as a way
self-defense programs the ability to attack. I teach children nothing
program, but just live. Do not study, do not prepare for something in the future, but
live here and now. Now no one will attack me in the alley, because in
my soul has no evil. They attack those who are struggling with something in themselves or in
others. I just live. Life is the most beautiful thing on earth. AND
this can be learned, in particular, through the study of hand-to-hand combat.


- At birth, each of us has all the necessary knowledge. If a person
believes that he is the spark of God, he gets access to this knowledge, if he does not believe -
forced to get them again.

Human harmony lies in the trinity of physical, intellectual and
spiritual. Spiritual is faith, intellectual is knowledge that we
we receive through faith, and the physical is our body. It gives us sensations from
which knowledge about the world is formed.

In the summer, a paramilitary Olympiad was held at Shchetinin's school. The guys need
was to run, overcome obstacles, swim across the river, and at a certain stage
- quickly solve a math problem and run on. And here I am watching this
picture. Two students are standing, scowling their foreheads and counting something, kids are rushing next to
into each other with branches. Students are outraged: "It would be better if they helped!" Those laughing
give them an answer and play on. This task turned out to be easy for them, because
they are still children, they do not complicate anything, but they believe in their capabilities.


- Let me tell you a parable: “The Zen master gathered his disciples and

- Have you seen how they die lying?

- We saw.

- And sitting?

- We saw.

- And standing?

- We saw.

- And standing on your head?

- Did not see.

He stood on his head and died. When the disciples tried to put him on the ground,
nothing came of them. Whatever they did, they could not move it from
places, he stood firmly on his head. At that time the Master's sister was passing by.
Seeing what was happening, she came up and spat, said:

- Lived like a moron, and died as a subhuman.

She poked him with her finger and he fell ... "

What is the meaning of this parable? In the fact that above us only what you are
we believe. The disciples believed that he was a great Master, and he was for them. Sister
considered him a goon - for her he turned out to be so. We believe in goodness and love -
they have power over us, we believe in evil - we are subject to it.


“I really want to find my maternal relatives. My mother
died during childbirth, when she left with her father from Azerbaijan to the virgin lands. Grandmother
on the maternal side came and wanted to take me to her. It was very
a proud woman of some princely blood. But paternal grandmother is not
gave it away. She took offense, left and never even wrote letters. Grandfather wrote, and she

When my grandfather died, contact with relatives was cut off. I would very much like
find one of them. But I didn't suffer from being raised
grandparents. Parents strongly want the embodiment of their desires through their children,
and people of the older generation no longer want anything from children, they just know how to love.


- Children help us to feel the power of unconditional love. Love is unconditional when
you love a person not for something, but just like that, from the fullness of your heart, and you don't
it is not needed. My daughter did not always bring me joy, there were problems and
sadness, but I have always loved her. By learning to love children, you can endure it
feeling on a spouse, then on other relatives and close people, then on everyone

Unfortunately, this feeling is not always with me, sometimes there is a desire for something
demand from a person: "Well, I love you!" I think people will be happy only
when they learn unconditional love.

According to the ataman of the Cossack training center "Krechet" A.A. Martemyanov
cooperation with S.M. Polunin will be continued. In winter he will spend in Otradnoye
three similar seminars. Our Cossacks were trained in hand-to-hand fighting style before
A.A. Kadochnikov, because communication with one of his closest students -
a precious gift for them.

The ataman also expressed gratitude to the sponsor of the seminar K.E. Burnaevsky and
the management of the school №8 provided a gym.

At the base of the Golden Path is the World of People, and the ascent of a person to a Higher World or Higher Reality is possible only as a result of Spiritual Development. For this, the Gods came to the Human World and the Teachers of humanity come. These are beings of a higher order of complexity who descend for the guidance and transmission of the Higher Knowledge and Commandments. Indeed, not only he himself works on the development of the Spiritual and Mental essence of a person, but also the Universal Forces that elevate a person or retard his Spiritual and Mental development.

* World of Legs,

* World of Arlegs,

* Worlds of Aranov,

* Worlds of Shines,

* World of Nirvana,

* Worlds of Beginnings,

* World of Spiritual Power,

* World of Knowledge,

* World of Harmony,

* World of Spiritual Light,

* Worlds of Spiritual Wealth,

* World of the Law,

* Worlds of Creation,

* World of Truth,

* Worlds of Patrons

and many * other Worlds *, up to the Greatest World of Rule. Inhabitants of various Worlds and Realities are looking for the most complete correspondence of the way of Life and their own essence. So, the Spirits of Elemental Forces see happiness in gaining power and victory over the elements; The Spirits of the Stars of Knowledge understand happiness as the accumulation of Wisdom, as the comprehension of the Worlds and ourselves; for the Spirits of Death, happiness exists in the transition from Reality to Reality; The Spirits of Space are happy overcoming it.

The fullness of happiness can only be in the constant struggle with evil, which prevents the inhabitants of the dark lands, its inhabitants, from starting their ascent through the various areas of the Golden Path. This is possible only in one way: in communication with other inhabitants of your Reality, in the education of the Spiritual essence of a person to the perception of the universal life principle, which manifests itself in all areas of the Golden Path.

The instructions of the Highest Carriers of Spiritual Fortune, carrying the Divine Light to the inhabitants of all Realities, are united in their basic positions. For ascent, it is only important to realize your unity, indissoluble Kinship with other entities, putting love for equals and compassion for the lower forms of Life between themselves and them.

Some of the Highest Bearers of Spiritual Wealth in our Universe, by their goodness, descended and placed their Worlds between the Worlds of Arlegs and Arans, in order to position their camps closer to those in need of help. The worlds located along the Golden Path are those that are spoken of in the Ancient Vedas.

If the World of People is four-dimensional, then the Worlds located along the Golden Path have the following number of dimensions: World of Legs - 16, World of Arlegs - 256, Worlds of Arans - 65.536, Worlds of Lights - 655.362, World of Nirvana - 655.364, Worlds of Beginnings - 655.368, World Spiritual Power - 6.553.616, World of Knowledge - 6.553.632, World of Harmony - 6.553.664, World of Spiritual Light - 65.536.128, Worlds of Spiritual Property - 65.536.256, World of Law - 65.536.512, Worlds of Creation - 655.361.024 , World of Truth - 655.362.048, Worlds of Patrons - 655.364.096.

There are also Worlds in between: five, seven, nine, twelve and smaller in terms of the number of dimensions.

At the end of the Swagi, the Frontier passes, beyond which the Greatest World of Rule begins.

In addition to the Harmonious and intermediate Worlds located along the Golden Path, there are Worlds that are out of any connection with the Golden Path.

These are the smaller in number of dimensions, incoming Realities:

- time,

- space,

- wandering Spirits,

- ever-changing images (where constant transformations take place. Here a flower can become a Scroll of Haratya in a moment, then a worm, a lynx, etc.),

- shadows,

- sounds,

- mirror images,

- digits,

- The World of Darkness, also called Inferno, an abyss where the heaviest particles of primordial darkness entered.

And all these Worlds and Realities are not at all located separately, but penetrate into each other. So, where in one Reality the great waves of the sea are raging, in another Reality the forest rustles or there are high mountains covered with eternal snows. The reason for the transition from one Reality to another, a new Reality is the change in the lines of force of the Spirits and the Law of the Goddess Karna. And the Endless Spaces, these separating Realities, are, as it were, streets in a big city, where, in their original form, the Spirits of different Worlds can meet. But then, when the Spirits enter an alien World or Reality, they must obey the Laws existing in this World.

Dark worlds

The true masters of the Dark Worlds are: Dark Legs, Dark Arlegs and Koschei - the Princes of Darkness. They arose in the primordial Darkness, when particles of Great Inglia, the Primordial Life of the giving birth Light, fell into their Worlds. But their active development began at the time of the Great Assa, in those dark Realities, where the seeds of Ancient Knowledge fell, when Chernobog shattered the Guardian Seals from the Secret Ancient Wisdom of the World of Arlegs. Having acquired the Ancient Knowledge of the World of Arlegs, some of the Realities of the Worlds of Darkness immediately began to struggle with the Darkness and Darkness and began to ascend to the top along the Golden Path. However, possessing the power and Ancient Knowledge, they did not learn to distinguish between Good and Evil, carrying in themselves the unrequited particles of the original primary darkness. The beginning of power, coercion and submission permeates all Dark Worlds and Realities.

And they tried to introduce this base form in the areas bordering with the World of Darkness, into which the Halls of Makosh, Rada and Race fell, as well as the Sleeve of the Swati Hall, where the Yarilo-Sun and our Midgard-Earth are located. All this led to the beginning of a new Great Assa. This happened because the Arans did not let the Dark Ones go to the top along the Golden Path, suggesting that they first transform into Light Ones, and for this, they held the Frontier through the Lands of the Obvious World.

During the time of the new Great Assa, the dark ones were expelled from all the Lands that were in the Halls of Makosh, Rada and Race. Therefore, the Path of dark Spirits and Souls passes only through the World of People living on the Earths in the Arm of the Swati Hall, and only through the World of People it became possible for them to ascend to the top along the Golden Path. Midgard-Earth, located in the middle between Light and Darkness, began to play an especially important role. Because of this, the Dark Forces decided to give power over people to Demons. That is why there is a struggle between Dark and Light forces on Midgard-Earth, in which people from different Clans and Nations participate.

It is necessary to properly consider the fight against evil. Evil is not absolute. Evil is just a manifestation of underdevelopment and ignorance.

Mercy and Faith in an all-healing feeling of Love and Goodness are capable of transforming even Demons in the future - these seemingly eternal enemies of the Divine Light, animals of the World of Darkness, who preach permissiveness, cruelty, greed, selfishness and the finiteness of existence among the people of the Explicit World. Demons, the lower essences of the dark World, arose at the Birth of the Worlds "in the darkness", moreover, they were similar to Legs, from which they differ only in the initial absence of Divine Light. The lower essences of the dark World are not devoid of hope for Spiritual ascent in the distant future, for liberation from dirt and anger, as a result of a long path of development, under the guidance of the Highest Spiritual Guides on the Golden Path.

The act of any Spiritual entity, first of all, affects it itself. Since any individual has absolute freedom of choice, its decision affects its structure. Her further fate depends on the choice: with some actions the developing personality contributes to her ascent up the various areas of the Golden Path, with others she burdens herself, strengthens the ties that inhibit development, or even drag her down into the Dark Worlds. This is the Law of the Goddess Karna: in case of impossibility of ascent, it becomes necessary to go through the whole Circle of Life again, but already along other Realities, in order to perform the necessary work on one's Spiritual essence.

Structure of World Realities

The worlds located along the Golden Path are more Harmonized and more complete in their manifestations than the intermediate Realities. So, although in the Reality of five dimensions there are more opportunities for the development of Spirits than in our four-dimensional World of Revelation, but, due to eternal disorder, in the Reality of five dimensions, particles of primordial darkness often explode.

The peculiarity of the World structure is that all Worlds, all Realities, regardless of the number of dimensions that determine them, are in the same place in relation to human understanding and to that Infinite isolation, while filling our entire Universe. But between the Worlds and Realities of different dimensions there are barriers, which can be overcome and join the life of another World or Reality only by receiving that number of feelings and those qualities that are inherent in such a World or Reality.

Some Worlds or Universes, with the same number of dimensions, exist next to each other, while the Realities penetrate one another. But having qualitatively different feelings or different forms and conditions of life, the inhabitants of these Realities, existing in a single dimensional-spatial structure, do not collide with each other and sometimes do not even suspect about the existence of each other. And in each such Reality there is its own Nature, its own Time flows, there are its own Laws inherent only in this Reality. Many of these Laws are difficult for the perception of a person living in our Explicit World, because they do not fit into the generally accepted framework of human perception, within the framework of this form of existence, and, as a result, a person becomes incomprehensible and the meaning of the Laws of an alien Reality.

Transition to another Reality

Cognition of the surrounding world of Nature and his inner World leads a person to the realization of himself as an integral part of the Universe. And if knowledge is supplemented by the ability to create, then this opens up for a person the opportunity to cognize not only his World of Reality, but also other Worlds and Reality, sometimes lying beyond the threshold of human perception and understanding. The transition to another World or Reality is possible, however, for this it is necessary to cross the threshold, which is associated with the loss of the body of this dimension. Such a transition in the World of Revelation is called death by people. If the Higher beings of other Worlds and Realities enter this World, then they begin to be perceived here not in their original, true essence, but in the forms of perception of this World, which are only available to its inhabitants and inhabitants.

The more complex the structure of the World or Reality in a certain area of ​​the Golden Path, the more chances for the inhabitants of this area to be reflected in the consciousness of Worlds or Realities of lesser complexity.

The ascent of the inhabitants from one Reality to a higher one does not necessarily take place gradually. If, in his development, a person gets the opportunity to join the understanding of the complexity of the nearest harmonized World along the Golden Path, then this abruptly transfers him to the Higher World, bypassing the various Worlds and Reality of intermediate dimensions. The fate of each Spiritual entity largely depends entirely on the Goddess Karna, which promotes or hinders her development and perception of fundamentally new structures and forms of the Higher Worlds.

Having freed himself from the physical body, the person chooses the Reality that is most consistent with his Spiritual and Mental development.

These Realities belong to the same Infinity as the corresponding areas on the Golden Path, but the structural forms and content are presented in them in other combinations. Nothing in the Universe prevents the ascent of the Spirit, except for himself. Getting into a certain area of ​​the Swagi, depending on his own level of Spiritual development, a person begins to live according to the Laws of the World of a given Infinity.

In primitive human perception, the Law of the Goddess Karna was reflected as the idea of ​​the Three Great Judgments after death, also called the Last Judgment. In fact, there is no Last Judgment, there is only a delay in the ascent, and even then, only temporary, because everything is subject to the Single Law of Ascent from the lowest to the highest. Evil, even if it is involuntarily created, always burdens its creator. Only where the Spiritual essences are so high that ascent is a natural condition of their life, which itself is aimed at facilitating the ascent of lower beings, there Karma, as an inevitable regularity of movement in the Spiritual World, gives way to another active principle that appears in the form of Love.

Laws of Swaga - the Golden Path of Spiritual Ascent

Throughout the entire Golden Path, the Only True and Unconditional Law of the Universe operates: Love for everything that exists and Creation, and the Birth of Love is preceded by Wisdom Knowledge. Through Love and Knowledge, each Spiritual entity develops, ascending to the Creator and gradually comprehending His creation, and having cognized, it begins to create something of its own, filled with Love. The highest manifestation of Love becomes self-sacrifice to help the lower ones. This is what the Lehi, the leading people, and the Highest Bearers of Spiritual Fortune do, who bring to people the Knowledge of the Highest, perfect Love. Love teaches understanding, mercy and sacrifice. These qualities prepare a person for serving others and for creativity, which is viewed as a struggle against evil, as complicity in the deeds of the transformation of the World.
* * *
Only a return to your ancient roots
Helps to return to the White Path.
This path, man, begins in Svarga,
And only then they get to the Explicit World.
The Mother of God Jiva gives birth to their Souls,
Granting great Wisdom for life.
Swiftly Souls fly to the Halls
And the blooming ones then fall on the Earth.

And this path is not easy, it is glorious with zeal,
By Creative Labor and Ancient Faith.
Every one who is born begins to create
Own World according to Svarog Laws.

But the Dark Worlds do not like the foundations,
By which all those born in the Light live.
They do not like the White Climbing Path,
And black Envy overshadows their whole gaze.

They declare themselves to be the Messengers of God,
But the World is brought only by Strife and Wars.
Using Cunning and Wicked Acts,
They turn the young away from Wisdom.
In idleness Idle they are taught to live,
To non-observance of the Traditions of the father.

And those who listen to the messengers from Hell,
They lose their Path and their immortal Soul.
They roam dissolute in Their World.
Only those who did not heed the hypocrites from Hell,
They will see the White Way that goes to Svarga.

Those who walk into the Darkness are in the Darkness,
Aspiring to the Light, they cognize Swarga.
Everyone who lives his Way chooses,
By his deeds he opens the Gates.
One, the gates to Svarga will be opened by God Veles,
To others, Viy will show the way to Pekla ...

Sergei Mikhailovich Polunin Russian hand-to-hand combat is considered as one of the ways of world perception and knowledge of the world, through states of Faith and prescribing space. The uniqueness of this martial art lies in the fact that by teaching the basics of hand-to-hand combat, the teacher helps his students come to the light. Returning to a person the nature of movements, a person returns to the state of a child, restores lost abilities as an image and likeness of the creator, restores his health and harmony with the world around him. Learning the SVARGA system, you can learn and regain the nature of movement, and through it, the nature of the perception of the world. To restore plasticity and flexibility to the body through the release of the nature of movements and the removal of energy-information clamps and imposed blinders. At birth, each of us has all the necessary knowledge. If a person believes that he is the spark of God, he gains access to this knowledge, if he does not believe, he is forced to obtain it anew. Human harmony lies in the trinity of physical, intellectual and spiritual. The spiritual is faith, the intellectual is the knowledge that we receive through faith, and the physical is our body. It gives us the sensations that make up knowledge of the world. The ancient sages said that the world is illusory, and nis-1 was not cunning. Everything that we see no longer exists in the understanding of the present that we are accustomed to perceive. We already see the past, and we think out the present. This is the basis of the hand-to-hand combat system taught by Sergei Polunin. “A person, having come into this world, is completely similar to him and therefore does not need protection from it. Anatomically, it is built in such a way that all its movements are natural and contribute to harmonious interaction with the outside world. Letting go of his thoughts and body, a person is able to feel energy-information flows, merging with them into one whole and drawing from them all the necessary knowledge. And only the clogged consciousness of adults does not allow him to translate knowledge into experience and skill. Our task is to return the nature of movement and, through it, the nature of the perception of the world. We consider Russian hand-to-hand combat as one of the methods of world perception and knowledge of the world, through the states of Faith and prescribing space. To know the great heritage of our ancestors, to live in harmony with oneself and the world around us, to feel and understand space, to master one's own body perfectly, to be able to protect oneself and one's loved ones always and everywhere ”. Sergei Polunin: “Only faith gives strength” ABOUT CHILDREN - Working with children now, with their help I get to know myself more deeply. Immediacy and naturalness are not the only things you can learn from them. -2- They can set an example of patience and listening skills for adults. Take a look around and make sure that every child's day is filled with the fact that he is constantly being taught and taught by almost all the adults he meets on the way. No adult can stand this! We do not know how to listen to what we are told. Sometimes we don't hear anyone but ourselves. It is this ability to listen and reflect on what we have heard that we must learn from children. Our desire to be clever is sometimes so great that we deprive ourselves of the opportunity to see life as it is, and we do not feel the nature of life that is in full swing around us. Tell me, what am I doing now? I'm clever ... ABOUT TRAINING At Shchetinin's school, I somehow also began to be clever, showing how to tumble, do exercises, and one kid stood up and demonstrated such natural movements that I felt ashamed of my cleverness. I began to learn from him. In general, if you want to learn the nature of movement, you have to look at children and old people. Children are natural, they want to live and feel. And old people return to naturalness from their impotence. They have stingy, precise movements. Have you noticed that during hand-to-hand combat my movements are sometimes so stingy that they are generally invisible? In training, we do not work, we just live. Communicate-3- we share our experience. After a while, many of my students begin to see what happens in 5 minutes, or what happens in another room. When a person enters the state of being, he feels himself to be a spark of God. In a sense, the boundaries of time and space disappear for him. ABOUT DANGER - Unfortunately, such abilities are revealed not only to kind people. They open up to everyone who believes in them ... I know people who were fluent in martial arts, psychic skills, hypnosis, etc. When they start using it for selfish purposes, after a while they get drunk, end up in a psychiatric hospital or become victims of an accident. They did not understand that all the talents and gifts that God gave them can be used only for good purposes, only for the benefit of people. Therefore, when you teach someone, it is important to convey not only skills, but also a kind view of the world. If there is no peace and goodness in the soul, all (even the most enormous) power will go away like water into sand. ABOUT THE WORLD - It is important that good comes from us, then the world will be good to us. If in the soul there is evil, anger and resentment, and we repeat about love, then we deceive ourselves and those around us. At birth, the soul chose some lessons, now a person goes through them. What we -4- have already chosen will happen to us in life - we will not change this. But we can change our attitude to what is happening if we bring goodness and love into the world. To change the world, you need to change your consciousness. For each person, there is one and only true story - the one that he writes for himself. In it we prescribe people and events that are ready to let into our Universe. Remember the words of the Little Prince (Antoine de Saint Exupery): "Woke up - put your planet in order." Our planet is everything that is around us, and first of all our thoughts. Start each morning with the words: “Hello, Sun! Hello, new day! " Walking down the street, mentally say hello to trees, flowers, the sky, see how your mood changes, there is a desire to live, smile and help others. ABOUT HELP - I am coming to the realization that all people are connected to each other. If one is hurt, it will certainly reflect on others. Some wonder why teach others and help someone? But, firstly, each person is an individuality, which was created once in eternity, and it is important to preserve it. And secondly, remember: "No one will be saved until everyone is saved"! Therefore, if you want the whole world to be saved, start with yourself, and then be sure to go to help others. -5- ABOUT MASTERS AND HAND-TO-HAND FIGHTING - I consciously began to engage in wrestling at the age of 15, then I began to think about the laws by which all events take place around us. Of great importance for my development was my communication with the legendary Alexei Alekseevich Kadochnikov, who did a lot for the development of Russian hand-to-hand combat and my perception of the world; Alexander Ivanovich Retyunskikh, author of the book "Russian style of hand-to-hand combat"; Evgeny Ivanovich Miroshnichenko, who created an information model of hand-to-hand combat; Sergei Stanislavovich Makarov, head of the SKARB club (Cossack hand-to-hand combat system); the writer Sergei Alekseev, the author of the book "I know God" that shocked me. Many are surprised how you can help people come to the light by teaching them hand-to-hand combat. But there is no contradiction here. Our today's seminar is called "Hand-to-hand combat as a way of knowing the world." The world can be cognized only through the knowledge of oneself, one's capabilities, abilities. Looking at hand-to-hand combat as a way of self-defense programs the possibility of attack. I teach children not to program anything, but just to live. Not to study, not to prepare for something in the future, but to live here and now. Now no one will attack me in the alley, because there is no evil in my soul. They attack those who are struggling with something in themselves or in others. I just live. Life is the most beautiful thing on earth. And this can be learned, in particular, through the study of hand-to-hand combat. ABOUT FAITH - Let me tell you a parable: “A Zen master gathered his disciples and asked: - Have you seen how they die lying down? - We saw. - And sitting? - We saw. - And standing? - We saw. - And standing on your head? - Did not see. He stood on his head and died. When the disciples tried to put him on the ground, they failed. Whatever they did, they could not move him, he stood firmly on his head. At that time the Master's sister was passing by. Seeing what was happening, she came up and spat, said: - Lived like a moron, and died as a subhuman. She poked him with her finger and he fell ... ”What is the meaning of this parable? That only what you believe has power over us. The disciples believed that he was a great Master, and he was for them. His sister considered him a goof - for her he turned out to be. We believe in goodness and love - they have power over us, we believe in evil - we are subject to it. -7- ABOUT THE DREAM - I really want to find my relatives on the maternal side. My mother died during childbirth when she left Azerbaijan with her father for the virgin lands. My maternal grandmother came and wanted to take me to her place. She was a very proud woman of some princely blood. But my paternal grandmother did not give it away. She took offense, left and never even wrote letters. Grandfather wrote, but she didn't. When my grandfather died, contact with relatives was cut off. I would very much like to find one of them. But I did not suffer from the fact that I was brought up by grandparents. Parents strongly want the embodiment of their desires through their children, and people of the older generation no longer want anything from their children, they just know how to love. ABOUT LOVE - Children help us to feel the power of unconditional love. Love is unconditional when you love a person not for something, but just like that, from the fullness of your heart, and you do not need anything from him. My daughter did not always bring me joy, there were both problems and sorrows, but I have always loved her. Having learned to love children, you can transfer this feeling to your spouse, then to other relatives and close people, then to everyone around you. Unfortunately, this feeling is not always with me, sometimes there is a desire to demand something from a person: "Well, I love you!" I think people will be happy only when they learn to love unconditionally. Consciousness and form, conscious movement "Consciousness is a set of conscious sensations obtained on the basis of personal experience. At the same time, having memory, figurative and abstract thinking, we can expand it, and direct our attention beyond the boundaries of our own body to any point in the conscious Universe. Therefore, it is very valuable to think about the universe, and our own substantiation of the laws of the Universe. The more we think about the Universe, the more we interact not only with the collective consciousness, but also with the Planetary, Galactic and Universal. Thus, pushing the temporal and spatial boundaries of our consciousness. if you do not include Joy and Love in this, you can expand your negative awareness and intensify the same sadness. So let the feeling of Health, Joy and Love be the main thing in this spectrum of sensations! "The world around us is harmonious and develops according to certain laws and rules. If you understand them, you are in harmony with him, if you go ahead, you get suffering. But you can just rejoice and live, enjoying every moment. And fill the lack of knowledge by working on yourself, on your development! -9- HEAVENLY MECHANICS ..... "How to understand what belongs to us and what does not belong to us? We say: my body is not me. We say: my consciousness - consciousness is not me. We say: my soul - even my soul - is not I. And who am I? I am the Spark of God - Spirit, that is, I belong to God, as a part, and everything else belongs to me.When a person begins to fully associate himself with his consciousness, I ceases to be the Spark of God. The soul is an energy-informational structure or monad that is constantly evolving, and the Spark of God, which a person is, is initially a Spirit, but I do not develop. In order for some development to take place, we are given a soul - for the development of experience in order to gain it. God does not have the opportunity to gain experience himself, He does it through us, He develops with us. Spirit is eternal from the beginning, He is infallible, there is nothing to develop there. Even the ancient Greeks argued that the whole world can be described through four elements: air, fire, water, earth. (Fig. 1) Fig. 1 - 10 - I am also interested whether the works of Professor V.A. Ganzen (Vladimir Alexandrovich Ganzen (February 2, 1927-1997) - Soviet and Russian psychologist, Doctor of Psychology, Professor of Leningrad / St. Petersburg State University, author of the methodology for the systematic description of integral objects. In the monograph "Systemic Descriptions in Psychology", published in 1984 by the publishing house of Leningrad State University, V. A. Ganzen, on the basis of his own long-term experience and search for a system of scientific descriptions, formulated the postulate: "Any reality of the observed world is described by spatial, temporal, energetic and informational characteristics." These four general scientific concepts - space, time, energy and information - after many years of searching were taken as a single general scientific basis, the need and sufficiency of a set of elements in which has an extensive empirical justification. VA Ganzen often quoted the philosophers of antiquity, and especially Heraclitus, whom he called his teacher; "I learned from nature and Heraclitus" - he liked to repeat. He paraphrased the great Heraclitean “all is one, and one is all” in “wisdom is not in multi-knowledge, but in seeing the common in different!”). Air is information. Fire is a manifestation of energy. Where there is water, everything flows, everything changes - this is time. Earth - 11 - in our understanding is space. Therefore, any phenomenon that arises can be described through these four elements, and each of them unfolds ad infinitum. (Figure 2) (Figure 2) If you superimpose the so-called golden spiral (the golden spiral is the golden ratio, the golden ratio is the Fibonacci series (- elements of the numerical sequence in which each subsequent number is equal to the sum of the two previous numbers) (when we are this the Fibonacci series is expanded, just the golden ratio is obtained). (Fig. 3) (Fig. 3) - 12 - (What is the connection between Fibonacci numbers and the golden ratio? Leonardo Fibonacci is one of the greatest mathematicians of the Middle Ages. In one of his works ―Book Calculations‖ Fibonacci described the Indo-Arabic number system and the advantages of using it over the Roman one.Definition of the Fibonacci number or Fibonacci sequence is a numerical sequence that has a number of properties. 2 + 3 = 5, etc.), which confirms the existence of the so-called Fibonacci ratios, i.e. constant ratios.The Fibonacci sequence begins like this: 0 , 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233 ... Connection of the Fibonacci sequence and the "golden ratio" The Fibonacci sequence asymptotically (approaching more and more slowly) tends to some constant ratio. However, this ratio is irrational, that is, it is a number with an infinite, unpredictable sequence of decimal digits in the fractional part. It is impossible to express it precisely. - 13 - If any member of the Fibonacci sequence is divided by the one that precedes it (for example, 13: 8), the result will be a value fluctuating around the irrational value 1.61803398875 ... and once again rising, then not reaching it. But even having touched Eternity on it, it is impossible to know the ratio exactly, up to the last decimal digit. For the sake of hardness, we will translate it in the form of 1.618. Special names for this ratio began to be given even before Luca Pacioli (a mid-century mathematician) called it the Divine Proportion. Among its modern names there are such as Golden Ratio, Golden Mean, and the ratio of rotating squares. Keplep called this relationship one of the "treasures of geometry". In algebra, its designation by the Greek letter phi Ф = 1.618 is generally accepted) Axis "X" is the feminine principle, the axis of the feminine principle (the last pair of chromosomes for the feminine principle is xx, the chromosomes for the male principle are xy), the y axis is the masculine principle. Here is the starting point (Fig. 4) (in our body (Fig. 4) - 14 is the middle - the starting point). Everything needs to be done through a reference point, through absolute zero. Information - air - the word air itself says that here the Spirit is primordial, unchanging - this is God the Father - primordial. Considering from the point of view of physics, we will see which of the elementary particles it can be? We have a + sign both on the X-axis and on the Y-axis. What comes with a full plus in physics - a proton, is denoted as an absolute plus. (Fig. 5) (Fig. 5) Moreover, the proton is written through "o", and is heard through "a": praton - originally in Russia it was: (as it is heard, it is written as well - the Russian language is originally divine and it explains every word that it really is. If we take the alphabet, then each word is an abbreviation of elementary truths). - 15 - Praton - (n - by (put, movement on the surface), p - speech (manifestation of information), a - az (initial), t - creator, o - image, n - our - According to the words of the original creator, our image ) - the original image laid down by the creator. The proton contains all the divine qualities, but they are not yet manifested, in fact, in one proton there is God - the original (in the beginning there was a word). Further along the y-axis - "+", and along the x-axis - already "-". (Fig. 6) (Fig. 6) In the beginning (when there was a word) there were no "+" and "-" - the world developed in such a way that there were so-called positrons - everything was positive. Initially (in the Bible, both Adam and Eve were in the positive - they were completely in the divine program (in the program of the absolute), until they ate the apple and there was no division into good and evil, into what is acceptable and what is not. - 16 - Where there is fire - you can write - light, but there is such a saying: "Do not rush to rejoice in the light, isn't it darkness?" (In general, what is darkness? This is a purely material person. Darkness is matter. Now, if a person is completely material, it is darkness, he is a consumer. How does darkness differ from light in physics? Darkness is absorption, light emission. Therefore, darkness is not Some kind of Satan, who came from somewhere, who leads you somewhere.) At first, the light was only light - it was completely positive - the energy of the positron filled the image - this image was absolutely positive. Initially, there was no such division (Adam and Eve were one whole, there was no minus and plus, there was only positive). Then the separation just happened and here a megatron appears (then it was replaced with another word, and it became an electron). Electron - with a "-" sign. The movement of electrons is associated with light - the Holy Spirit is already energy. Therefore, Christ said: Blasphemy against God can be forgiven. God is neutral in him, the original qualities and he is in each of us. And the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven - because this energy can strike back: it has gone from you - it can return to you - the energy, gaining a turn in a loop, returns with tripled strength in full. When a person carries gratitude in himself - gives good, then this gratitude also increases and returns to the person. Any negative thought is blasphemy. - 17 - The electron and the proton are the energy-informational layer - the upper layer, which is not manifested. If we are talking about the traditions of Vedic or Slavic culture, then where we have a proton - there will be - right (great-grandfather, great-grandmother, they are not, but information comes from them). We constantly feel this information in ourselves. The next one is - nav - this is already that energy - knowledge - power. Right - right hemisphere, nav - left hemisphere. Any superficial knowledge is a lie, and knowledge directed up to God is a positive moment. The manifestation of energy can be both positive and negative, although in itself it is neutral - it has both pluses and minuses, depending on where the person gives the direction of his activity. An electron, being in chaotic motion, is also chaos. First comes the image - air (spirit). Where there is air, our breathing is sure to turn on, then we turn on the movement. The movement should always begin from the moment of exhalation or inhalation, and when the exhalation is going on, everything is compressed and twisting along a golden spiral, when there is an inhalation, this spiral simply unfolds. - 18 - (Fig. 7) Our time contains a quantum (aqua is water), and a quantum is time. Due to the quantum wave, the electron begins to move in a certain way around the proton (on certain shells, with a certain amount). When the word is, the conditions are created, there is a manifestation here, where the conditions - it will be - glory - in another way it is called love (people who know God) - people who not only know God, but who took him into themselves, transformed and created conditions, for this God to manifest, it is love. If a person creates a devil in himself, then this is already an antipode. Water - Virgo - Feminine - Mother of God. Quantum creates conditions for us to have an element called an atom (sun). One is macro, the other is micro. The concept is the same - it is the manifestation of God in matter. - 19 - Atom - (A - primordial, T - creator, O - images, M - thoughts or matter). (fig. 8) (fig. 8) In this case - the original creator in the material image. Jesus Christ is the creator in the material image. Besides Christ, there were many manifestations. Every man is a manifested God, in a material body (Christ said: "You say that I am God - you are all Gods"). Any manifestation of the divine in the material is a Savior. We have all the original qualities of God. In Slavic terminology, it is (reality) - in charge. For the first millennia, Christians did not wear a cross, but this sign - in Sanskrit means four, and it describes this entire quaternary. If you put everything together (Fig. 9), then the air (information) sector is an involute 0-1, the fire (energy) sector is an involute 1-1, the water (time) sector is an involute 1-2, the earth (space) sector is involute 2-3. - 20 - (Fig. 9) If we take chemical elements, the involute 0-1 is hydrogen, 1-1 is oxygen, 1-2 is water, then nitrogen, carbon are added to the water, and as a result there will be an organic compound. This is a scheme for the development of everything. In the same way, the universe, a person, any company, family, country, whatever develops - this is a celestial mechanic, it is applicable to everything. If on the involute 0-1 - we have a proton, on the involute 1-1 - photons already appear, when the photons interact, arcs-quanta appear between them, and when the quanta and photons interact, such a component as time arises. When time and energy interact with each other, space appears. Further, this space is filled with a new image and the unfolding of the golden spiral proceeds. - 21 - When we exhale and make this exhalation consciously, the air is in the unconditioned sector (and this unconditionality is developed in a person up to 3 months). If we look at the development of a person, then again it turns out interestingly - the Fibonacci series only reveals the Russian language to the end. It seems to be two units, but only in the Russian language there is a concept like “one and” and “one” (God was like that), and so, only in the Russian language there is “zero - one - one - two”. Moreover, two (maiden - feminine), 3 - torus, tera - earth - this is in the sector from 2 to 3. Therefore, if we combine all seemingly incompatible things - these are the images of letters, and the Fibonacci series, and the Quaternary of Hansen - we connect everything with the knowledge that is set forth in the Bible - we get such a simple picture through which everything can be described, and this helps to live correctly, to perceive something, to be aware of, etc. When we move correctly along the golden ratio, we are initially protected, that is, God created us in such a way that when we do something right, everything that surrounds us helps us. When struck, what happens? His consciousness, launched through his hand, wants to interact with mine, which is in the jaw. Why? Because the threat is coming, and we - 22 - immediately defend ourselves with our consciousness, we are used to defending ourselves with our consciousness - not moving in the light stream of consciousness, but defending ourselves, i.e. expose it and hide behind it. When we do this, we get a blow. If I begin to control the consciousness, then nothing happens. There is no magic, no magic, I just move correctly. Question from the audience: Do you hold the image of an ascending - descending flow? - The fact is that when we work out through exercises, consciousness begins to move correctly, then I do not hold any image, on automatism. Moreover, this happens when I unite the hemispheres. When the right and left hemispheres are combined along the golden ratio and this part is launched (the feminine principle, the left side) and only then the right side is turned on - this is the masculine principle (the involute goes 0-1, 1-1, 12 and only on the involute 2-3 there is direct work, and before that I just work in the golden ratio). Through this scheme, one can learn to launch consciousness simply, before doing anything. A properly launched image builds everything around. By suppressing another, you are always pushing yourself. It is impossible to put pressure on another person without putting pressure on yourself, you first put pressure on yourself, and then on him. You can only transfer to another person what you yourself have. First, you must learn to work with your consciousness through movements at the level of the physical body. Our consciousness can be in a golden balance, when the correct 80%, and this golden proportion applies to everything. 80 to 20 or 1 to 4. In war they say - if you want to win for sure when you attack or attack, you must have a fourfold advantage. Whatever you do, you must have an absolute advantage, then you really get an absolutely positive result. I make the correct movement, in my movement at least 80% correctness, for him the opposite effect - he has 80% incorrectness, i.e. he simply has no chance. When a person does not live in the golden proportion, his consciousness lags behind the action by 250 ms, hence the constant tension, i.e. when our consciousness lags behind the action, we have a constant tension. When you start your consciousness forward, through the action, before starting the upward flow, you need to slightly suppress the downward flow. On exhalation - a descending flow, while inhaling - an ascending one. When you go somewhere, you first start the descending flow, and then start the consciousness as an ascending flow. The whole world begins to cooperate with you, to interact 24 - to act. First, you must learn to work with your consciousness through movements, at the level of the physical body. Because Consciousness is a set of conscious sensations obtained as a result of individual experience. Those. we must definitely get a sensation - these are both physical sensations and spiritual sensations, social, energetic, etc. Another important point is time. In order for the right action to take place, the time must go right. We have what it turns out - the future for us has not yet been determined, and it strains, our left hemisphere is responsible for modeling the future (the left hemisphere goes to the right hand of the opponent). The left hemisphere is constant tension. In the left hemisphere, all programs and the program of fear, including (moreover, a very powerful program that is located there is a program that most of us received at the moment of birth - when a person takes the first breath - oxygen, getting into the lungs, burns them, muscles are reflexively clamped and due to this, exhalation occurs - a program is recorded in a person - "the tension on inhalation saves life"). All programs that we receive during our life are programs of the left hemisphere - nav - skills that we receive from our experience. - 25 - In the right hemisphere, the programs are unconditional - the original images inherent in us. The person has already received the program - I strain during inhalation - everything I do - I do through tension. The second program - a person starts to be beaten so that he starts breathing - pain saves a life - a person starts looking for pain throughout his life. The skill gives only a sequence of movements, and no techniques. Only exhalation is done from the mind, everything else goes instantly - unconsciously, integration into the situation happens by itself. When we start to include some techniques, then this is already a sport - it does not work in battle. In battle, only spontaneity and naturalness work, when a decision is made in hundredths of a millisecond - since the action is ahead of consciousness by 250 ms. If we try to act consciously, we are 250ms behind the actual action. In battle, this is death. In life, these are problems that in some ways can be fatal. If, when a problem arises, a spontaneous solution comes, we must release it in time - and time and water have the same physical properties. Kozyrev proved that the present, the past and the troubled - all at once - are proven empirically. We only determine where we are now. - 26 - If a person begins to plan something for himself, then this is already the past. The entire history of the universe is eternity and instant at the same time. Everything is going to a point - everything comes out of a point: eternity in a moment - an instant into eternity. We can realize a moment both in the past, future, present, and in eternity, this moment is very interesting. We determine with our minds where we are - this is the so-called assemblage point. The assemblage point is your associative perception of what is happening in the universe and eternity. Moreover, eternity is multivariate. (Academician Bolotov created a cold fusion reactor while in the zone). The future is informative, but variant. Fifteen degrees is our operational vision, in the present we define ourselves through these 15 degrees - our left hemisphere. Our circle is 360 degrees - the so-called (colo). Dividing 360 by 15, we get - 24 - these are the 24 hours that we live. In total, we get at least 24 options. It is impossible to turn on this program without movement - that's why we are talking about the nature of movements - through the nature of movements, you can return a person to the nature of world perception, and discover a choice of 24 options. According to this scheme, you can practice independently, when - 27 - anywhere and anywhere. When a person turns on this, only then the only prayer that Christ brought - "Our Father" is turned on. "Thy will be done on earth as if in heaven" - it must be transferred into (reality) - through what to transfer - only through the feminine principle, through time and water, and water is life. Everything is from the Mother of God. The Mother of God is any woman who is able to give birth - to create matter from information. A man can give this information through sperm, give his energy. But only the Mother of God can give birth. As soon as people understand that a woman is the Mother of God, and the woman understands this and begins to fulfill her destiny of the Mother of God, and not a business woman, she will come up with her own version. When we do everything in due time - no effort is needed for this. When the information has come, it is necessary to release it in time, then act, and then be aware. When a child is born, you say not to go there, because it is hot there, he goes and tries - the action has taken place. Realization has gone - no matter how much you tell him that it is hot - it will be useless, Where there is action - there is experience. We always act first, and then think. Now in Russia a scheme is being imposed on us: think - do - a person becomes squeezed in his actions - time is compressed, which ultimately leads to suicide. For example, the Japanese have a leftist perception of the world. They move in the other direction. When we drive a car, our left eye works on the right hemisphere - forever, it doesn't bother us. With another version of the movement, the left hemisphere will constantly be loaded, creating tension for the entire human body - leading in the future to suicide. The original Prasanskrit is the Russian language. The scheme of human development In the section from absolute zero to "times" (up to three months) (involute 0-1), the unconditional program of God is being injected. A child, by nature, should not be born at nine months, but at twelve, as it happens in animals. Twelve months is a complete cycle of fetal development. A child, appearing at nine months, the remaining three should, as it were, be in the womb. (Children who come at 12 months of age are the so-called teachers - their mothers die, sacrificing themselves to give birth to a teacher: this is how Koleta, Buddha and many others were born). When a child is born, at nine months, for the next three, he should be next to the mother's body, therefore, earlier mothers tied the child to themselves, doing some kind of work. - 29 - When downloading an unconditional program, the right hemisphere is developing. If in a given period of time, the child, for some reason, was excommunicated from the mother, then the development of the child, as well as his Divine program, is violated. On involute 0-1, God's unconditional program ends (up to 3 months). Next comes "one", i.e. Image of Good Yin. (Evolvent 11). At this time, another program is already being downloaded: Day - development of the left hemisphere. Here are the months remaining this year. Before "one" is his first year of birth, which expands into three and nine months, so the left hemisphere program is uploaded in the remaining nine months. It is at three months that the child begins to grab with his right hand. Up to a year, there is feeding in the sector of "energy", "consciousness", and the child begins to realize the world through grasping actions. Therefore, at this time, he needs to be allowed to grab onto something, the child's arms should be free. There is a mastering of fine motor skills, which develops the left hemisphere, through this he learns the world. The projection of the left hemisphere goes to the right hand. All conscious movements then go through the left hemisphere, then the left hand turns on, etc. - 30 - This is a sector of logical thinking that is already developing. From one to two years - this is the sector of love, society, embedding, from one to two years it should be in an atmosphere of love, moreover, in an atmosphere of love between parents. (Evolvent 1-2). Those. from one to two years, the child should be in an atmosphere of love, and the love of parents among themselves. Until a child is one year old, the first dynamic is I and God and no one else. From a year to two, the second speaker turns on - me and my parents. (A child is sick here only if the relationship between the parents is "sick", that is, misunderstanding, etc. Until the age of 21, the child does not get sick by himself, he only mirrors and reflects what is happening around, in the first place between the parents. If the child's father has bad thoughts, then the child shows the dad that he is not going there. A man - a father during this period has heaps of such thoughts due to the fact that from a year to two the child is in the sector of the feminine principle, under the auspices and energy of the Mother of God and is completely nourished by her. Therefore, when the husband comes, the place is occupied. During this period, the woman-mother does not want to enter into an intimate relationship. Hence the frequent divorces, in the period from one to two years. But if initially there was love, and mutual, then this period passes normally. Many marry "by flight" or by calculation, and the calculation can be different 31. It will be good only where there is a state of love. When a loving man does not require attention to himself e, but joins the process, helping the spouse. From two to three years old, the child passes into the masculine principle - the father's energy is being pumped out, and here the mother must show understanding. The child takes energy from the man (atom, sun). If the baby, at this time, is brought up by the grandmother, it is very good, because only they really love and the child bathes in this love until the age of 6). Physical development goes from two to three. The child begins to move more, run. Cognition of the world goes through action, movement. Evolvent 2-3. (Limit the movement of the child and there will be no knowledge of the world, as an example - children in orphanages). Until one year old toys should be "specific", such as a pistol, a machine gun, and from one year to two - soft, because here is the sector of love and relationships. Plasticine, soft toys that you can touch are suitable. Two to three are preferable to toys that lead to action. Children at this time take a spatula, begin to clean something, pick, help dad. If you have a grandfather, that's great. From three to five, the child begins to create. (Evolvent 35). But as soon as you sat him down at the TV or computer, his creative development collapses, because after the child everything turns out to be solved, as a result, the consumer grows. The child must create a picture of the world by himself, he must learn to create himself. During this period, the child is a co-creator to his mother, grandmother, who reads fairy tales, they catch fabulous images. He reproduces them, he creates a picture of the world, learns to create. The creator grows - God is manifested in him. Parents should start a co-creator in a child (mom, dad, grandmother), after which he begins to co-create directly with God. He can sit alone and create with himself in his worlds. If, instead, they put him at the TV, the computer, he stops creating. The co-creator disappears in him. Everything that is inherent in childhood, up to 5 years old, will still manifest in us. From 5 to 8, you need to develop logical thinking, childhood ends during this period. Here you need to develop logic, you need to read meaningful, write, draw, add cubes, and the girl should already help to sew, cook, etc. Actions should be accompanied by tasks. From the age of 8 we again find ourselves in the social sector. Until 8 years old, it would be better that the child does not even get into society. From 8 to 13 years old - this is the state of water, the state of society, the state of love, so the child must be surrounded with love, in no case should there be rivalry - there must be cooperation. - 33 - There shouldn't even be a comparison. The teacher should say: "Guys, you are all co-creators, let's get together." From the age of 13 to 21, physical development takes place, the complete formation of your physical body. Until the age of 21, you can not drink, smoke, enter into intimate relationships, so at 21 you come of age. So, if something happens here, then the spiral begins (diagonally, involute 5-8) to fold, and does not unfold further. Moreover, this applies more to men, because women are slightly ahead of physical development and at the age of 18 they can already get married, have children, but a man cannot. (If a violation occurs on one of the turns of the spiral, then folding occurs on the turn located diagonally. It can be straightened). From 21 to 34 years of age, spiritual development should go on, a set of information (through work with society (diagonal)). From 34 to 47 years, there is an awareness of this information through action. (A daughter teaches love, only a daughter can teach a father to love, only she and no one else. A wife cannot teach, there is a struggle, but a daughter can teach. A son can teach a woman. - 34 - In general, if you take the energy component of love - this is the interaction of two energies that come into resonance and generate new qualities - this is love: L - fret (people) Y - this is the soft control of B - divine O - image C - knowing b - designation of soft divine energy (feminine principle)). As soon as we begin to consciously control the breath, everything else works unconsciously, in eternity. The unconscious is actually divine, because consciousness is not present. Through the nature of movement, it is possible to return to a person the nature of world perception. Example. A man put a knife here - my consciousness immediately goes to the point of pain - of possible damage, if my consciousness remains here - it will simply pierce me, and if I launch it along a golden spiral, then it will not only not - 35 - pierce me, I will also I will complete the task of freeing the knife, etc. Therefore, exercises with knives allow you to learn how to work with your consciousness in extreme moments, because learning to work with your consciousness when you are sitting on the rug and nothing bothers you ... - you control your consciousness on the rug, but as soon as you went out into the street ... (Meditation - medita "Thought is the good of the original creator. Tziya is the action of myself. Meditation should be dynamic - the coolest thing is to gnaw seeds. Dynamic, is the presence in what you do - walk - breathe and, like an outside observer, watch your breath - you do not control it, but observe.) My consciousness is where my attention is - immediately my left hemisphere completely went here. I must first remove my consciousness, but not just remove it, but remove it correctly - in a downward flow. We interact at the level of consciousness, our body is only an instrument of our consciousness and nothing more. I have a downward stream of consciousness. I control not his hands, but his consciousness, because his hands are controlled by his consciousness, everything is controlled by his consciousness. I work at the level of consciousness. In general, the world is arranged so that any more expanded field structure eats up a smaller field structure, at the level of plasma entities. Here there is an interaction in society - a greater consciousness attaches itself to itself (moreover, that which is attached, seemingly, out of friendship). I go up to say hello .... (video find) if I give a movement through the elbow there, he already perceives me as a friend - this is called joining. (Joining at the level of consciousness, and the consciousness of society is also consciousness, moreover, a good leader - he controls the consciousness of society, he connects it. From the moment of the impulse to its awareness, it can take up to 30 seconds (not 250 ms, when action and awareness) but up to 30 seconds.) - 37 - Principles of movement in eights Through the mathematical coordinate axis (which reflects - masculine and feminine beginnings) - 2 eights - "vertical" (it moves only in this direction and only in it turns correctly) and "horizontal" eight (it moves in this direction and is also able to expand and unfold.) (Fig. 10) Fig. 10 What is happening here? The initial image (proton) - what we are living on now, on what we are trying to correct the situation, what is happening - the impulse has gone down (Fig. 11) - 38 - Fig. 11 What is a plus? These are two minuses (on the x-axis and on the y-axis) - masculine and feminine principles. In this sector - water - aqua - quantum-wave. And the cons here are wave (Fig. 12) - this is not a minus or a plus. Fig.12 Then this wave is launched upward ("horizontal eight") (Fig. 13) - 39 - Fig.13 And only here we have a minus - an electron. Moreover, this wave - creates the conditions for the appearance of not only the minus itself, but also creates the conditions for the appearance of the orbital direction and the electron begins to move around the proton. When electrons begin to move around a proton, an atom appears. (Fig. 14) Fig. 14 - 40 - And after the atom has arisen - it must again receive an image of further movement - it again goes into the sector of the unconditional. (Fig. 15) Fig. 15 This is the so-called “ material figure eight "(fig. 16) fig. 16 Ie. matter is created. An atom is an elementary particle of matter. When an atom passes in the sector of the unconditional, it receives an image and passes into the sector of time, and here already, according to these wave interactions, these atoms begin to interact, combining into molecules. (fig. 18) fig. 18 When they combine into a molecule, there is no more energy release and these molecules go to the sector of space (Fig. 19) and here (instead of an atom) the molecule passes into the energy sector. (fig. 20). Fig.19 Fig.20 There is an awareness of this interaction as a result of awareness of this interaction from these molecules appear - 42 - different substances (this goes again on the horizontal figure eight). And so it is endless. At first, a person, too, like matter, in the womb - after being born (Fig. 21, a), he begins to interact with society (Fig. 21, b), receives experience (Fig. 21, c), then realizes this experience (Fig. .21, d). fig.21 Through this scheme, you can fully describe our world, understand how it works. fig. 22 - 43 - (fig. 22) If you take the first syllables of the words - nav and right - it will turn out - direction - this is already a conscious direction, after awareness has occurred. The direction - gives consciousness - is purely masculine (for example, in a family - a man gives a direction, and a woman then controls). Further, we have reality - the God of Matter; where nav is the God of consciousness; where he rules - the Absolute God; where there is glory (love (Love is the condition for the manifestation of divine qualities in a person)) - God of control. From minus to plus - there is an action (from the “time” sector to the “space” sector) - it is the potential difference here (in the “space” sector) that creates the action; in the “energy” sector - the potential difference creates energy (here there is no action itself - here the condition of action); in the “information” sector, a mode of action. (fig. 23) fig. 23 Through this scheme, you can create anything you want, something to plan. When you plan something, you have to give information (for example, tomorrow will take place - 44 - seminar) - time (what time? At 11 o'clock) - energy supply (money is the equivalent of energy. (If you do not pay - you steal - in word for free - the demon pays)). Many live in the opposite direction, i.e. they do not even launch, do not turn on the "society", do not launch the "experience", but try to immediately realize (but this direct awareness was blocked when the separation began under Adam and Eve). Direct awareness leads to negative consciousness and an attempt to direct awareness, when we receive knowledge directly - through books, through something else, we get direct. An attempt at direct awareness. And then the figure eight begins to move in the opposite direction, to contract along this spiral. Moving the figure eight in the right direction (each movement) will expand me, if I move in the opposite direction - each movement will break me. Therefore, when I just move correctly, this movement expands me, and the opponent narrows and breaks. - 45 - Movement in "eights" Movement of the "horizontal eight" (this is a movement with a checker). When moving along the "horizontal eight" you create material (physical) - this is the feminine principle (mother is matter (therefore, matter is important for women)). When embedding is turned on (“love” sector), love creates a condition under which a resonance arises with the person with whom I interact. Movement along the "horizontal eight": Fig.24 This is the difference - we are initially taught to fight this world - not to enter into resonance, to fit in, but to fight. From school they tell us: “Think and do it!”. And if we remember the proverb: "The morning is wiser than the evening"? - sleep (turn on the unconscious), and then do it. Then everything far-fetched will go through the right - you - - 46 - right - and will be correct. Our Russian proverbs and sayings are of great importance. For example, you launch your image (or desire) into society (or time) - this is a sector of society and a sector of time (Fig. 24, 2). Time has a certain structure, let's say, and everything moves along a wave, in a circle ("everything returns to normal"), the so-called rotational moment or circular wave moment is turned on. Then it enters the energy sector (Fig. 24, 3) and only then does the material action take place (Fig. 24, 4). In order to receive something, material, as a result, we launch desire in time (Fig. 24, 2) (moreover, this is the left side, the feminine principle, this is the past, eternity, etc.), then, having worked out the past , we enter the energy (Fig. 24, 3) (this is also the sector of the left hemisphere - negatrons - negative, but it is the negative consciousness or electrons that give the energy that materializes your desires). That is, if a person is spiritual, he does not need this eight at all. He immediately enters this state of rule, he lives happily, everything around him is at the behest of the pike. The more we include "time", the less "energy" is needed in order to get a certain result. If you do not include this sector, the sector of "time" (society, heart), then you need much more energy to get the same result. - 47 - Movement along the "vertical eight". 1. 2. 3. 4. Unconditional Embedding Action Awareness of fig.25 "Vertical eight" allows us to create a spiritual image. When we move - we move from the "horizontal eight" to the "vertical" and vice versa - we create a talisman around ourselves - protection (energetic and physical). The "Vertical Eight" allows one to be aware of this world and to transmit the experience of this individual consciousness to subsequent generations. This experience preserves the feminine principle. A woman's experience is always distorted by her material identity, i.e. if this experience has not passed through matter, it will not accept it. A man does not need a woman to prove her love, and a woman needs a material confirmation of love. Moreover, not once a year, but every - 48 - day. Signs of attention (where our attention is, there is our energy). Through signs of attention, you direct your energy to her. Having received signs of attention (your experience of understanding the world), it accumulates it and produces a result that allows you to bring matter into your life. Therefore, if you do not include the feminine principle, you are a dreamer. It is the feminine principle that accumulates our dreams and desires into matter. Example Downward flow - Exhalation (Head - Shoulder), (fig. 26, 27) fig. 26 - 49 - fig. 27 - Elbow, Thigh (fig. 28, 29) fig. 28 Upward flow: - Knee - Left thigh - Left elbow - Right shoulder - 50 - fig. 29 Kettlebell Exercise Raise a two-pound kettlebell. How does consciousness work? If I start my consciousness before lifting something, my muscles start to work in harmony, they are harmonious, i.e. I harmonize the left and right hemispheres. I launch my consciousness and can lift this weight from morning to evening. With my consciousness I am not here. If I am here in the weight, there will be tension. My consciousness is ahead of the action. I already perceive it as raised and begin to turn on both hemispheres. In order for some muscles not to interfere with others, we must necessarily have both hemispheres turned on. As soon as I look with operational vision, some muscles begin to interfere with others (If you look in the 15-degree sector - this is operational vision, you only have the left hemisphere, where doubts and so on. Consciousness raised higher than 15 degrees from the horizon, enters the horizon of positive events As soon as we enter the horizon of positive events (in this way) - the world changes, it becomes more positive). The field structure is a sector of "consciousness", if I work at the level of consciousness I can work with this field structure. If the speed of consciousness is high, and what determines the speed of consciousness? We perceive 98% of information with the right hemisphere and 2% of the total - we process it with the left. If we connect 98 and 2, then everything is multiplied, i.e. 2 increases 98 times - perception, speed of consciousness, and then we already begin to react differently. And the right hemisphere (98%) is a projection onto the left eye, i.e. , elementary, if you look not with your operational vision, but with your lateral vision, you already perceive everything much faster. Right eye (or left hemisphere) - it is 250ms behind the action. The left eye perceives information at least 47 times faster. The person always hits with the left hemisphere (makes conscious movements). We do not have an unconditioned attack reflex - we only have an unconditioned defense reflex. He attacks with his left hemisphere, and there is only 2%. When there is an attack with the right hand - he threatens me (when there is a threat to the left hemisphere - an attack of fear) - I have to switch. Switch my attention to something that does not threaten me. Why is there no competition in aikido? Because the one who attacks with the left hemisphere loses. The right hemisphere is turned off when you are imagining something (images), when you look with your left eye and into the horizon of positive events. "Horizontal eight" in the golden ratio. What does the revealed golden ratio resemble? Question mark. Those. downstream is the question. If you go backwards, the answer is. The answer is always to the question. As soon as I run this state, I get all my questions answered. What are questions? This is the situation that squeezed us (life poses us questions, situations that need to be resolved) and so on. If this situation pins us down, we just let go. The movement is going in the right direction - we are giving the answers. As soon as we give an answer, the situation changes, everything starts to work for us. But in order to give an answer, you really need to let go (but if you just let go without creating a downdraft, letting go of the muscles - you will simply collapse). Therefore, you have to start the downdraft and then let go. Then you will not just - you will not collapse - you will expand. Movement (Fig. 30): 1. The "air" sector turns on - Breathing turns on - I exhale. (Fig. 31, 32) 2. The involute 1-1 turns on - foot movement (projections of the cerebral hemispheres come out on the hands and feet) - I gain energy 3. Resonance turns on - Evolvent 1-2 - I build in, start a wave, turn on time (time is a condition for the emergence of energy) 4. Involvent 2-3 - I perform an action. - 53 - Fig. 30 Fig. 31 Fig. 32 - 54 - Fig. 33 Fig. 34 Fig. 35 - 55 - Example in pairs. We begin to exhale and connect the sector of "unconditioned" with consciousness, we begin to move consciousness along a descending stream: - head (right hemisphere) - the flow goes to the left shoulder - to the left elbow - to the thigh - to the knee) and then we start the ascending flow: - knee - thigh - elbow - shoulder - head His consciousness begins, moving in a spiral, to pull it out by itself. Those. I don't do anything, I just start working with my consciousness. I let go of my body and its consciousness begins to move along a golden spiral (if I switch my consciousness to the foot (and the projections of the hemispheres go out not only to the hands, but also to the feet) and make a movement along the involute 1-1 - with the heel, remaining on the toe - 56 - I completely switch his consciousness or capture - his points of support, which were in his hand, are removed and his consciousness begins to move in a golden spiral. Example in a pair. If the enemy presses on you (the situation presses). - Press! Here is the situation pressures. I I squeeze the spring even more (I just start the descending stream of consciousness as I exhale), and then let it go.That is, the person just has no desire to press (I give the answer to his question, nothing more, as soon as I gave the answer - the whole situation changes.) That is, while the spring is not compressed - the potential energy exists, but it does not work, in order to work - you need to squeeze, then release - then it splashes out. Working with images and working with situations. Close your eyes and imagine yourself with a problem , which was - and now the desired image. After we have created a negative image, with the problems that were - I give the command "wave" (reverse question mark) - and you enter the desired "I - image" (without any problems). Then you open your eyes and fix at what distance the desired image is from you. We work until it merges with you. - 57 - When he already enters you, you need to say that he is desired, be that way and that's it. Thus, it turns out that you squeeze the problem, and then let it go - and you enter the horizon of positive events. In the horizon of positive events, nothing threatens you. Why is it a female eight? Women are more material and they enter the right through matter. Therefore, a woman is a mother - she is the only one who can materialize something - give birth to a child. A man cannot, therefore he is not material. A man is, constantly, a little, in the left hemisphere and he, a little, always in the future. Woman - she is not in the future, she is here and now. The fact is that in women, the right hemisphere is initially turned on, the feminine principle is connected to the right hemisphere (if a woman does not completely go to the left hemisphere, her right hemisphere works). When connecting the left hemisphere with the right, we live in the present. To live in the here and now, you just need to turn on both hemispheres. (There are many exercises for developing the hemispheres.) It is by the sign of the answer that you enter the "horizon of positive events" and then you receive answers. - 58 - To change something, I must first go to the "right hemisphere" (and the projection of the right hemisphere goes to the left hand), then simulate something in the left hemisphere, and then only in the present. If we move in the opposite direction - we begin to think about our future, and then we move (still in a circle) then we begin to return through the past. So, in order to change something in the present, you need to return to the past (the right hemisphere is the past), changing something in the past, to model in the future what you want (the associated image of you with the problems that were, and then the desired "I am the image" without problems). And we are often told: "You must create this image in the future and then it will come to you" - and it will go through the past - and in the past the experience is negative. So, first remove in the past (i.e., the horizon of negative events turns into a horizon of positive events) and only then we release ourselves there - in the present - then this image will come. Consciousness as a set of conscious sensations Our consciousness is where our attention is. You need to learn how to properly control your consciousness, not to let it go somewhere, but to be always in harmony with it, and consciousness should outpace action. - 59 - For you to learn how to control your consciousness, first learn to control your consciousness in your own body, then go to another level. Exercise on the floor With the help of this exercise, you must learn to live in the here and now - to be present. From a sitting position - in order to roll over, you need to remove consciousness in the foot. I just let go of the body behind my consciousness. If you try to control your movement, then your consciousness lags behind the action and a blow occurs. To prevent this from happening, you let your consciousness forward actions, and then the body begins to work on-line - to live here and now. Our left hand accepts, our right hand gives. We accept everything through the past, give - the future, and let go of the body in the present. Initially, when a child is born, unconditioned reflexes are activated. So, when we work, if we are talking about the nature of movements, we must begin with an unconditioned reflex. When we already had a certain experience (Fig. 36, 3) and we realized this experience (Fig. 36, 4), then we have more faith. The more faith, the more confident we - 60 - feel, the easier it is for a person to integrate (Fig. 36, 2) into society. rice. 36 First, I turn on my thought. Second - I give a defensive reflex (shrank a little). Then I exhale and turn my right hand. In the first stage, I consciously combine two things: voluntary movement and involuntary. How can I connect this - through breathing. If I voluntarily begin to exhale, then I turn on the unconditioned reflex. At first I have to go through all these stages slowly, in order to realize all these stages. After each round of awareness, I have more faith, more confidence, I fit in better, i.e. I have no tension. To work without stress, I must be sure that this is so. And for this I have to repeat these - 61 - turns to such an extent that I was sure that this is so. To do this, I must definitely go through 3 people of different masses, different heights, with different strengths in order to be sure that this is so. Therefore, if you do not turn on the right hemisphere (this is exhalation) and then do not turn on the embedding, then you are working only 2%. The right hemisphere can be turned on by exhaling nothing else (there is also a digestive reflex, but we cannot control the stomach). Undoubtedly and conditionally, we can only control breathing. Breathing is the divine key that God himself has given us. If we first turn on consciousness, and then action (techniques are worked out first), we turn on a reverse spiral. Therefore, there is constant stress, injuries in sports, etc. You need to learn not to fight and win. This is a completely different logic. - 62 -

Cognition of the surrounding world of Nature and his inner World leads a person to the realization of himself as an integral part of the Universe.
And if knowledge is supplemented by the ability to contemplate, then this opens up for a person the opportunity to cognize not only his World of Reality, but also other Worlds and Reality, sometimes lying beyond the threshold of human perception and understanding.
Book of Light.
Haratya Fourth

The evolutionary development of a person is based on the development of morality, the cultivation of all his bodies and the transfer of his consciousness into them. This opens for him the gates of the Golden Path leading to the spiritual worlds of the Light Navi, Glory and Rule. Only a moral life is capable of nurturing the spiritual body of a person, therefore, immoral people who live only according to the laws of morality and philistine ideas are not able to follow this path. The Word of Wisdom of Magus Velimudra says: “Those of the children of men who strive for another World, not knowing the Joy of creation in their World of Reveal, who have not developed their Soul and Spirit, who have not cognized the Wisdom of their Gods and Ancestors, will face disappointment and great darkness, for they are not able to see the beauty and greatness of the new World, since their Soul and Spirit are asleep. "
The Book of Light (Haratya Fourth) says: “At the foundation of the Golden Path is the World of People, and a person's ascent to a Higher World or Higher Reality is possible only as a result of Spiritual Development. For this, the Teachers of humanity have come and are coming to the Human World. These are beings of a higher order of complexity who descend for the guidance and transmission of the Higher Knowledge and Commandments. Indeed, it is not only he himself who works on the development of the Spiritual and Mental essence of a person, but also the Universal Forces that raise a person or retard his Spiritual and Mental development ...
To ascend, it is important to realize your unity, indissoluble Kinship with other entities, putting between yourself and them Love for equals and compassion for the lower forms of life ... Throughout the entire Golden Path, the One True and Unconditional Law of the Universe operates: Love for everything that exists and Creation, and Birth Love is preceded by Wise Knowledge.
The spiritual essence develops, ascending to the Creator and gradually comprehending His creation, and having cognized, it begins to create something of its own, filled with Love. The highest manifestation of Love becomes self-sacrifice to help the lower ones. "
The Book of Light (Haratya II) says: “Part of the Primordial Living Light poured out into the deep lower places and there mixed with darkness and darkness. The Primordial Flashes appeared, from which our Universe and the Universes located above were born. But everywhere, both at the top and at the bottom, like a blue river, there was a strip of Primordial Living Light, not mixing with the darkness, called the Golden Path, or Heavenly Iriy. From top to bottom in the New Reality, different Worlds were reflected from the surface of Heavenly Iriya, and in them special Realities developed, inhabited by special beings ...
The Primordial Life-Giving Light connected many Realities, giving rise to the Great Trees of Worlds. As the branches of a tree connected the Primordial Living Light Leaves-Reality with the mighty shining trunks, and the trunks of the World Trees rooted in the Infinite New Eternity, generated in the New Reality, and the Light Power of the Tree of Worlds is received from the Light Waters of Heavenly Iriy. This is how Vyri Sad was created, which occupies half of the Heavenly Svarga. "
“And there, high at the top, but far from the One whom we, people, call the Great Ra-M-Ha, where the Great Aggregations of the Primordial Living Light spilled out, there are our Highest Gods, one of whom we call Svarog, and who is the God of the Worlds and the Realities of our Infinity ... There are more Svarozhichs than there are existing Infinity in our Infinite Inglia. Those of the Light Gods who are not the Supreme Gods of Infinity dwell in the shining World of Spiritual Power.
Svarozhichi are infinitely Great and Infinitely Powerful in comparison with us: we can talk about Them as the All-Perfect, Almighty, All-Good and All-Knowing. "
“And the closer to the Primordial Source of Light these Spaces and Reality were located in various shining Worlds, the more dimensions these Greatest Spaces and Reality were filled with. And in them were born the Life-bearing Old Gods - Patrons of the Worlds and the Greatest Spaces and Realities, who, developing in the Divine Light of the Primordial purest Inglia, cognized and equip their boundless Spaces and Reality, and the more multidimensional were the Abodes of Life, the more feelings the Old Gods were gifted with ,
Inhabiting the Abodes of Life. Thus was born the Highest and infinitely multidimensional Light World of Rule ... Directing their clear gaze to the Heavens, the beings with all their Souls aspired to those distant distances, from where they stayed on Earth, located in various Realities, the Many-wise Ancient Patron Gods.
The primordial Light of Inglia developed the flight of thought, giving rise to the Great Creation in all Harmonious Light Worlds. And various forms of Life, thanks to Pure and Clear Thought, as well as the Great Creator, left the Blooming Lands and rushed to Heaven, filling new Spaces and Reality in various multidimensional dimensions. This is how the Greatest and multidimensional Spaces and Reality of the Light World of Navi were born ”.
“In our Universe there is a Golden Path of Spiritual Ascent leading upward and called - Swaga, along which Harmonious Worlds are located, and they follow one after another ... If the World of People is four-dimensional, then the Worlds located along the Golden
Paths have the following number of dimensions:

World of Legs - 16,
- World of Arlegs - 256,
- Worlds of Aranov - 65.536,
- Worlds of Lights - 65.5362,
- World of Nirvana - 65.5364,
- Worlds of Beginnings - 65.5368,
- World of Spiritual Power - 65.53616,
- The World of Knowledge - 65.53632,
- World of Harmony - 65.53664,
- World of Spiritual Light - 65.536128,
- Worlds of Spiritual Wealth - 65.536256,
- World of Law - 65.536512,
- Worlds of Creation - 65.5361024,
- The World of Truth - 65.5362048,
- Worlds of Patrons - 65.5364096.

There are also Worlds in between: five, seven, nine, twelve and larger in terms of the number of dimensions. At the end of the Swagi, the Frontier passes, beyond which the Greatest World of Rule begins ... In addition to the Harmonious and intermediate Worlds located along the Golden Path, there are incoming Reality: time, space, wandering Spirits, changing images, shadows, sounds, cyphers, the world of Darkness, also called Inferno , the abyss, where the heaviest particles of the primordial Darkness entered ... A traveler in the Otherworld can also get into the Worlds that are out of any connection with the Golden Path, these are the Reality incoming: time, space, karma, madness, wandering Spirits and the World of Darkness, also called Pekelny The world. In addition, he can get into the intermediate Realities of the Swagi, which are characterized by uncertainty, violation of cause-and-effect relationships ...
The peculiarity of the World structure is that all Worlds, all Realities, regardless of the number of dimensions that determine them, are in the same place, in relation to human understanding and to that Infinite isolation, while filling our entire Universe. But between the Worlds and the Realities of different dimensions there are barriers, which can be overcome and join the life of the World or Reality only by receiving that number of feelings and those qualities that are inherent in such a World or Reality ”.
A person who has sufficiently grown his bodies and shells can begin to ascend the Golden Path.

But for successful advancement on this Path, he still needs to learn a lot to keep his consciousness focused on the required object:
concepts, etc.
To do this, you need to discard 5 errors:
- Laziness - unwillingness to engage in contemplative concentration;
- FORGOTTENNESS - non-retention of the object of contemplation in the memory;
- Drowsiness and agitation (absent-mindedness) - interruption of contemplative concentration;
- NON-USE of drugs that eliminate drowsiness or agitation;
- EXCESSIVE USE of these remedies when drowsiness or anxiety has already been eliminated.

There are 5 remedies for discarding five errors.

Remedy for laziness:
- LEADING - awareness of the good qualities that contemplative concentration gives;
- INSPIRATION - striving to acquire these qualities;
- EFFORT - getting pleasure from practicing contemplative concentration;
- SUBMISSION of mind and body is a consequence of effort.

Forgetfulness remedy:
- ATTENTION - constant preservation of concentration on the object of contemplation.

Remedy for drowsiness and agitation:
- Vigilance - awareness that drowsiness or restlessness have arisen or are occurring.

Remedy for non-use:
- APPLICATION - using the remedy for drowsiness and agitation.

Remedy for overuse:
- ABSTAINMENT FROM APPLICATION - weakening of volitional efforts. When using these 5 remedies, five mistakes are gradually eliminated, and a person goes through 9 states of concentration:
- ESTABLISHMENT OF CONSCIOUSNESS - concentration of consciousness and directing it to an internal object, for example, to the represented image of God the Protector;
- CONTINUED ESTABLISHMENT - longer concentration on the object, in comparison with the previous state;
- RESTORATION - immediate recognition of distractions and return to the object of contemplation;
- STRENGTHENED ESTABLISHMENT - tension of consciousness for the transition from concentration on the main qualities of the object of contemplation to an increasingly stable establishment of consciousness on the secondary features of the object;
- ORDERING - awareness of the good qualities that contemplative concentration gives;
- PACE - suppression of hostility to contemplative concentration;
- COMPLETE PLEASURE - elimination by efforts of even slight drowsiness or agitation, as soon as they appear;
- NON-TRANSFERENCE - contemplative concentration that becomes permanent - so that nothing unfavorable can interrupt this state;
- NATURAL - concentration on the object happens by itself, without effort.

These 9 states of concentration are achieved through six powers:

1st state (establishment of consciousness) is achieved by the power of listening;
2nd (continued establishment) - by the power of thinking;
3rd (recovery) and
4th (enhanced recovery) - by the power of mindfulness;
5th (ordering) and
6th (pacification) - by the power of awareness;
7th (complete pacification) and
8th (inseparability) - by force of effort;
9th (naturalness) - by force of habit.

Four types of mental activity correspond to nine states of concentration, through which consciousness takes possession of the object of contemplation:
- intermittent retention, when from the 3rd to the 7th state, concentration is interspersed with absent-mindedness;
- constant retention, when during the 8th state the consciousness is able to be permanently retained on the object;
- self-sustaining retention, when during the 9th state the consciousness is by itself kept on the object.
If we cultivate serenity, correctly understand the essence, order and difference of the steps explained above, impeccable contemplative concentration can be easily achieved in about a year. Having thus acquired the ability to subdue mental changes, a person becomes able to constantly keep his thought on the Supreme and, having acquired superconsciousness, begins the Spiritual Ascent along the Golden Path.

The Santiyah Vedas of Perun (1.4) says:

Velesov book (Tablet 11.1).

Do not litter, children, the native word with the verb and adverbs of a foreign language.
Only the words of the Native live in the hearts, and other voices are dead to the Soul.
Magus Velimudr
Oh, the Russian Word, Holy!
For Better Future Times
The verb You, Life and Enlightenment.
F.I. Tyutchev

Sergei Polunin - Vice-President of the Federation of Army Hand-to-Hand Combat in Togliatti, teacher of the school of MP Shchetinin, instructor of the AA Kadochnikov Style Survival and Hand-to-Hand Combat System, a generic Orenburg Cossack, rewarded with the medal “For the strengthening of the Russian state”.

Russian hand-to-hand combat is considered as one of the ways of world perception and knowledge of the world, through the states of Faith and prescribing space.

The uniqueness of this martial art lies in the fact that by teaching the basics of hand-to-hand combat, the teacher helps his students come to the light. Returning to a person the nature of movements, a person returns to the state of a child, restores lost abilities as an image and likeness of the creator, restores his health and harmony with the world around him.

Learning the SVARGA system, you can learn and regain the nature of movement, and through it the nature of the perception of the world. To restore plasticity and flexibility to the body through the release of the nature of movements and the removal of energy-information clamps and imposed blinders.

At birth, each of us has all the necessary knowledge. If a person believes that he is the spark of God, he gains access to this knowledge, if he does not believe, he is forced to obtain it anew.
Human harmony lies in the trinity of physical, intellectual and spiritual. The spiritual is faith, the intellectual is the knowledge that we receive through faith, and the physical is our body. It gives us the sensations that make up knowledge of the world.
The ancient sages said that the world is illusory, and they were not at all cunning. Everything that we see no longer exists in the understanding of the present that we are accustomed to perceive. We already see the past, and we think out the present. This is the basis of the hand-to-hand combat system taught by Sergei Polunin.
“A person, having come into this world, is completely similar to him and therefore does not need protection from it. Anatomically, it is built in such a way that all its movements are natural and contribute to harmonious interaction with the outside world. Letting go of his thoughts and body, a person is able to feel energy-information flows, merging with them into one whole and drawing from them all the necessary knowledge. And only the clogged consciousness of adults does not allow him to translate knowledge into experience and skill.
Our task is to return the nature of movement and, through it, the nature of the perception of the world.
We consider Russian hand-to-hand combat as one of the methods of world perception and knowledge of the world, through the states of Faith and prescribing space.
To know the great heritage of our ancestors, to live in harmony with oneself and the world around us, to feel and understand space, to master one's own body perfectly, to be able to protect oneself and one's loved ones always and everywhere ”.

Hand-to-hand combat techniques allow:

  • comprehensively develop a person at a physical, creative and social level
  • achieve confident communication with people, skillfully defend their interests
  • to gain a culture of movement, flexibility, mobility, plasticity, to master your body perfectly
  • master the technique of combat, masterly wielding any subject.

Visiting Sergei Polunin

Sergei Polunin (author of the Svarga hand-to-hand non-contact combat training system) is not a frequent guest in Russia (and in Belarus as well). On one of his visits he was visited by the TV program "Morning of the province". We were interested in the report. Look!

Who is interested in the seminar of Sergei Polunin

Who will be interested in this seminar:

- to everyone who is looking for an answer to the questions of how this world works, how reality is formed, who I am and ...;

- who are interested in health-improving practices for the result (physical activity + psychosomatics + understanding of the processes);

- who is engaged in martial arts, hand-to-hand combat, non-contact techniques;

- who is interested in working with weapons (in particular, with a saber);

- who is interested in Slavic knowledge and experience of ancestors;

- who really wants to learn and understand the essence of non-contact influences,

- who is looking for interesting communication, a circle of like-minded people with whom it is possible to spend time interesting and useful;

- who is ready to travel, go to the forest, to nature and practice skills development,

- both men and women, active, interesting, engaged in self-development! Everyone!