Planning Motivation Control

Project manager is a respected profession for active people

Project manager is a new profession that is just beginning to spread in Russia. Previously, the management of all tasks, events, projects fell on the shoulders of the head. This significantly loaded people in leadership positions, and also reduced work efficiency. Therefore, in the wake of increasing the organization, the specialty "project manager" appeared. This employee can be on the staff of the company or be an invited specialist.

A project is a set of measures to achieve a specific goal in strictly defined conditions: timing, quality, budget. A project manager is a specialist who is responsible for its results. Unlike a functional manager, a project manager in each project is faced with a unique goal that requires an innovative approach and a new solution. The project manager's guidance ends as soon as the idea is implemented. The complexity and specificity of this profession lies in the fact that each new project the project manager is forced to implement with a new team, which implies building working relationships from scratch. Once a project is completed, an out-of-staff manager may be temporarily unemployed.

Each project is a test, a challenge, so the profession is well suited for ambitious, self-confident and motivated people. It assumes constantly changing living conditions.

The project manager must have a mandatory set of professional

characteristics without which his work will not be effective. For such a leader, knowledge in the field of general management is important, since he, first of all, manages people. These skills are especially important in a volatile team, whose members need to be united in a short time and direct their efforts towards a common goal. The specificity of the profession is expressed in special knowledge of projective management. In this area, a large number of practical solutions and techniques have been accumulated that every such manager needs to know. Project management requires competent handling of many categories such as time frames, finance, communications, conflict, personnel, risk, security, delivery. The work can concern any industry, therefore the project manager must be aware of all industries, i.e. have at least a broad outlook and be able, if necessary, to quickly fill in the missing knowledge.

This is a unique profession. Management requires special personal qualities from a person. Not everyone, having learned the theory, will be able to become a good manager, and especially a project manager. First of all, it is a sense of responsibility and a willingness to bear it. The project manager has personal responsibility for everything, he alone is responsible for the activities of the entire team as a whole and individual members. In the work of a project manager, there are often unforeseen situations in which it seems that failure is inevitable. But the leader must achieve a positive result at any cost and not let the project fail. Result orientation is the second essential quality for a manager. Of course, a leader must be a leader. People should follow him without hesitation, believe and trust him. And to achieve this, you need communication skills and correct skills. A project is a huge system of various interactions. In order to be aware of the status of each of the parts of the project, a project manager must be able to think systematically and quickly make optimal decisions even in conditions of lack of information.

Project management is difficult, but interesting. This is a job that is not for everyone. But those who consider themselves an energetic, ambitious, courageous person will be able to find success in this area of ​​activity.