Planning Motivation Control

How are birds different from other animals? Birds What distinguishes birds from other animals

Of course, first of all with feathers. After all, only birds have plumage, and without it they would not be able to rise into the air. Along with mammals, reptiles, fish, birds are vertebrates. With the presence of a spine and other features of the structure of the body, they are similar to these of their relatives. We know that birds evolved from reptiles. The bird Archeopteryx (from the Greek words archaios, archeos - ancient, pteryx - wing), which lived about 120 million years ago, was in fact a lizard the size of a dove and ran on its hind legs. She had bird feathers, a beak set with teeth, and a long tail, in contrast to a short bird's tail, consisted of 20 vertebrae. With the help of the clawed fingers that crowned its forelimbs, Archeopteryx could climb rocks and trees - he was still a poor flyer and apparently made gliding flights. Consequently, Archeopteryx is both a lizard and a bird, which proves the close relationship of these classes of animals. Among the living birds, only the hoatsin living in South America have claws on their wings.

The transformation of an ancient reptile into a bird, that is, a gradual change in the structure of its body, took place very slowly. The head, long body and tail of the lizard form one line. Her whole body is very flexible. A characteristic feature of the skeleton is a long, elongated spine, especially its tail section. The body is carried by two pairs of relatively short legs, rather far apart from each other. Their bones begin at the flat, broad bones of the shoulder and pelvic girdle that connect them to the spine. Strong muscles are not only in the legs. They also run along the entire spine, and therefore the lizards can move, easily wriggling their whole body. Their skin is covered with horny scales. By comparing the skeletons of a lizard and a bird, we can see striking differences. Why did this or that change take place? If the birds remained flexible, like lizards, the body, during the flight, it would take a tremendous tension of all muscles in the air to keep the body in the right position in relation to the wings. Therefore, the bones of the lumbar and sacral regions have grown together into a complex sacrum. A keel has developed on the sternum, and the flat pelvis is firmly fused with the spine. The shoulder girdle, pelvis and movably articulated ribs extending from the spine to the sternum, which allow changing the volume of the chest during flight, formed a short torso, similar to the fuselage of an aircraft. The elongated bones of the forelimbs formed the skeleton of the wing. The shoulder and forearm, although also extended, remained almost unchanged. Any aircraft should be as light as possible, and the bones of the birds become hollow, albeit strong. A long tail, like a flexible long body, is a hindrance in flight. Therefore, several caudal vertebrae have grown together into a short coccygeal bone, or pygostyle. Tail feathers are attached to it, so the tail of the birds has become both short and light.

The hand of the forelimb has also changed unrecognizably: in birds, it essentially consists of one long toe (in lizards, out of five). The forelimbs that have turned into wings are no longer suitable for running or climbing, but the bird can spread them during flight and wave them up and down. At rest, she folds her wings along the body. A bird, unlike a lizard, can walk or stand still only on two legs, like a person. To maintain a stable balance on two legs, the direction of the body's gravity should not go beyond the support area, as, for example, in a person whose body is in an upright position. In birds, the trunk is elongated horizontally, so the structure of the legs must have changed. In most vertebrates living on earth, the leg consists of a thigh, lower leg, and foot. In birds, a straight segment departs from the tibia - the tarsus, which is usually covered not with feathers, but with scales. At the lower end of the tarsus there are four toe joints, of which three are usually directed forward and one is directed backward. When the bird is standing or walking, thanks to the tarsus, the fingers are under the center of gravity of its body, and thus it maintains balance.

You can understand how the muscles are located on the body of a bird by straightening out a fried chicken. Many people prefer the breast - the pectoralis major muscles attached to both sides of the keel on the sternum. There are lovers of legs - muscles that stretch from the upper half of the leg and thigh to the pelvis. In other parts of the chicken's body, meaty pieces cannot be found. Weakly developed muscles on the back and wings. And you can't bite off anything at all from the lower part of the leg (tarsus) and fingers, Consequently, all large muscles are located as close as possible to the vertical that passes between the legs. When a bird flaps its wings in flight, it is mainly the strong chest muscles that work. The tendons of the pectoralis major muscles go to the humerus. Their purpose is to lower the wings down. Under the pectoralis major (subclavian) muscles, the wings lift up (their tendons pass over the head of the crow's bone, like a roller, and are attached on the upper side of the shoulder). The forearm and toes also move thanks to long tendons that stretch from the thigh to the lower leg. If the bird bends the joint between the tibia and tarsus, the toes will close as the tendons running back along the joint between the tibia and tarsus will contract. There are, as it were, notches on the tendon, which correspond to the protrusions on the tendon bag. In a bird sitting on a branch, this clamping device operates automatically and the fingers are rigidly fixed in a bent position.

In the thoracic region and below, the spine of birds is motionless, but often their neck is rather long and can bend in all directions. When a lizard hunts, its whole body works. The bird, on the other hand, stretches forward only its neck and aims at the victim with its beak. At rest or in flight, the neck is bent in the form of the Latin letter S. For example, in a flying gray heron, the neck arches so that the head lies on its back, and in front of it only a sharp, like a peak, beak sticks out between the wings. Thus, the head is close to the center of gravity of the body.

what are the external signs that distinguish a bird from other animals? and got the best answer

Answer from Ђatiana Nuzhin [guru]
Characteristics of the class BIRDS
Birds are a class of vertebrates, whose representatives are well characterized by the fact that their body is covered with feathers and the front limbs are modified into flight organs - wings. With rare exceptions, birds are flying animals, and those species that do not fly have underdeveloped wings. To move on a solid substrate, birds use the hind limbs - legs. Thus, birds, unlike all other terrestrial vertebrates, are bipedal animals. Birds have a very vigorous metabolism, body temperature is constant and high, the heart is four-chambered, arterial blood is separated from venous blood. The large hemispheres of the brain and the sense organs, especially vision and hearing, are well developed.
From a biological point of view, the most characteristic features of birds are, on the one hand, the intensity of metabolism, the intensity of the course of life processes, and on the other hand, movement through the air by flight. These two main traits of birds largely determine their biology. It is these properties of birds that fundamentally distinguish them from other groups of vertebrates. Despite the common evolutionary origin of birds and reptiles, the biological differences between these two groups of animals are enormous.
In terms of mobility and the ability to overcome space, birds rank first among terrestrial vertebrates. Great mobility is associated with great work of the muscles, with a large expenditure of energy, which requires quick and intense compensation. Despite the fact that the lungs of birds are low stretchable and relatively small. the use of oxygen in them and the supply of oxygen to the body in birds is very intensive, which is explained by the action of the system of air sacs. The active part of the respiratory process in birds, unlike other vertebrates, occurs not only during inhalation, but also during exhalation. The significance of this for the intensification of metabolism in the body is obvious. Arterial blood is completely separated from venous blood, and the work of the heart is very energetic. In this regard, there is also an energetic work of the digestive organs: the bird consumes a large amount of food, and its assimilation proceeds quickly and very completely. All these features are closely related to the presence of constant body temperature in birds (and the latter - to the development of a heat-insulating cover of feathers). The body temperature in birds is higher than in mammals, most often it is close to 42 ° C, in a few species it drops below 39 ° C, but often reaches 45 and 45.5 ° C.
Among other very significant features of the biology and structure of birds, above mention also the features of reproduction. Compared with reptiles, there is, firstly, a weak intensity of reproduction, and secondly, the complexity of the biological phenomena accompanying reproduction, and especially the complexity of the phenomena of caring for the offspring. The latter, as it were, compensates for the low fertility. The entire evolution of birds proceeded in close connection with their acquisition of the ability to fly. The emergence of the basic biological and anatomical features of the avian organism should have occurred simultaneously with the emergence and development of mobility in them, and the improvement of their motor capabilities. Paleontological material shows that at a certain stage of evolutionary development, the ancestors of birds were terrestrial running reptiles.

Answer from Inna Kalieva[guru]
Feathers, wings, beak

Answer from Vadim Kotik[guru]
Wings, feathers and beak

Answer from User deleted[newbie]
well, firstly, feathers, secondly, beak ...

Answer from Yanina[guru]
Feathers, beak

Answer from Anyutka Ulyanova[active]
Feathers! And the platypus also has a beak, which, as you know, is not a bird

Answer from B and x p b[guru]
Wings and beak.

Answer from Igor Gosudarev[guru]
Birds do not have a penis. Seem like that ... A platypus has a beak, and someone also has a semblance of feathers, I don’t remember exactly who. Mice have wings, but they are not birds.

summaries of other presentations

"Attractions of St. Petersburg" - The Bronze Horseman. Thanks for watching. Nevsky Avenue. St. Petersburg. Sights of St. Petersburg. Summer garden. Blockade Museum. Saint Isaac's Cathedral. Smolny Cathedral. Alexander Nevsky Lavra.

"Types of mushrooms" - If the fungus is red. What will be discussed. Wearing a pink hat. Zelenushki. Boletus. The most coveted mushroom. Mosswheel. Remember the rules. There are no mushrooms more friendly than these. Greenfinch. Proverbs about mushrooms. Pod birch. What kind of mushroom we are talking about. Magpies. Amanita. Quiz. Very friendly sisters. Magpie. White mushroom. Butterlets. Mushrooms. Volnushka. Oyster mushrooms. Honey mushrooms. Death cap. Toxic substances. I am growing up in a red cap.

"The World Around Us" - As the author calls Russia. There is a common floor under your feet. We have one lamp and a stove for all. Earth. Coat of arms. World around us. My native country is wide, there are many forests, fields and rivers in it. Topic. During the classes. Our country is Russia. Flag. A common house with the beautiful name Universe. We live on different continents and in different countries. Why is our Motherland getting prettier. Russian anthem. We have a common roof over our heads. State symbols.

"Animals of the Red Book of the World" - The largest donkeys in the world. One of the rare animals in the Red Book. Poitou donkey. Red Book. Red warns. Is on the verge of extinction. Black rhino. Deforestation leads to a decrease in their number. Each person is obliged to protect nature. Cuban cracker. Okapi. One of the rare species of animals in the Red Book. Madagascar aye. Rare and endangered animals of the Red Book.

"The season is spring" - Spring is a description of the season. A small flower has grown on a forest thaw. March. Spring is coming. Riddles about spring flowers. April. Riddles about spring. The garden has tried on white, the nightingale is singing a sonnet. Spring. Spring folk signs. May.

"Plants and Animals of the Red Data Book of Russia" - Red Data Book of Russia. May lily of the valley. Bell. Beaver. Reindeer. Silkworm butterfly. Gray dolphin. Hedgehog. We are the masters of our nature. Amur tiger. Demoiselle crane. Red is a signal of danger.

Lyudmila Vyatkina
Summary of GCD "Let's talk about birds" (preparatory group)

Lesson objectives:

Deepen and expand children's knowledge about birds of our city;

Explain the reason for the flights birds(migratory, wintering, nomadic);

Learn to distinguish birds from other animals;

To enrich and activate the speech of children;

Foster a caring attitude towards birds; desire to help birds in a difficult period for them.

Preliminary work:

Observing birds for a walk;

Examining the illustration with birds;

Learning an outdoor game « Birder» ;

Reading fiction about birds.


Demo material « Birds» ;

Models - diagrams for comparison birds with other animals;

Several feathers birds;

Scissors, cups of water;

Didactic game cards "Where do they winter birds;

Feeders and various food for birds.

The course of the lesson.

Educator: Hello guys! Autumn has come. What changes have occurred in nature?

Children: (lists the signs of autumn).

Educator: why is it not enough birds?

Children: insects disappeared, and birds that feed on insects flew to warmer regions.

Educator: guys, what is the difference birds from other animals?

Children: (answer, relying on models - schemes).

Educator: what birds you know?

Children: (list birds) .

Educator: where do they fly away birds in autumn?

Children: South.

Educator: what is the name of birds who flew south?

Children: migratory birds.

Educator: what flight do you know birds?

Children: …

Educator: with the onset of cold weather in the fall, the flight begins birds, this is how it is written in the poem by E. Blaginina:

White blizzards are coming

Snow will rise from the ground.

The cranes flew away, flew away, flew away.

Do not hear the cuckoo in the grove,

And the birdhouse is empty

The stork flaps its wings -

Flies away, flew away.

Patterned sheet sways,

In a blue puddle on the water.

Rook walk with black rook

In the garden, along the ridge.

Crumbled, turned yellow

Rare rays of the sun

Rooks fly away, fly away, fly away.

Guys, what about birds is a poem?

Children: about migratory.

Educator: the swift-winged ones fly away from us first birds... These are swifts, swallows, starlings, larks. They fly away at the end of August, as many insects disappear. These birds feed on insects, they are called insectivores.

And now you have a task, find the insectivores birds?

On golden autumn days, the cranes gathered for departure. They circled over their native swamp, gathered in shoals, stretched to distant warm countries. The strongest - the leader - flies ahead. Wild geese and ducks fly away later than all - when rivers and lakes freeze. These birds waterfowl are called.

And again you have a task, find the waterfowl birds?

Flocks fly high birds, from the sky we hear their farewell clicks. As if they shout: “Goodbye guys, see you in the spring! We will definitely come back to you! "

Now I propose to play a game “Arrived birds

Have arrived birds:

Doves, tits,

Flies and Swifts ...

(children clap)

Educator: What's wrong?

Children: flies.

Educator: And who are the flies?

Children: insects.

Educator: you're right. Well, let's continue.

Have arrived birds:

Doves, tits.

Storks, crows,

Jackdaws, pasta.

(children clap)

Educator: start again ...

Have arrived birds:

Doves, martens.

(if children do not pay attention to martens, then the teacher announces the account)

Educator: one zero in my favor. Martens are not at all birds... Continue ...

Have arrived birds:

Doves, tits,

Lapwings, siskins,

Check marks, swifts,

Storks, cuckoos ...

Even scoops are scops owls ...

(children clap)

Educator: what? Not buns, but scoops - scopsies!

Have arrived birds:

Doves, tits,

Lapwings, siskins,

Jackdaws and swifts

Mosquitoes, cuckoos ...

(children clap and say that mosquitoes are insects)


Have arrived birds:

Doves, tits,

Jackdaws and swifts,

Lapwings, siskins,

Storks, cuckoos,

Even scoops are scops

Swans, starlings ...

All of you are great!

Educator: Guys, and all the birds have feathers, each feather has a rod, and if we put the feathers on the table and the breeze blows on them, what will happen?

Children: feathers will fly, they are light.

Educator: if the feather shaft is cut, we will see that the inside is empty, so the feathers are very light.

Dip a feather in a glass of water, is the feather wet, has the feather changed?

Children: no, the water rolled down in droplets.

Educator: feathers protect poultry from water and dampness.

Think about why you need birds big feathers?

Children: to fly.

Educator: what do they need little feathers for?

Children: for warmth.

Educator: now consider the coloration of the feathers. What can you say?

Children: Feathers are different in color. They decorate birds.

Educator: you can often find very beautiful birds.

(the teacher demonstrates birds with bright plumage)

Educator: you are probably a little tired, so I suggest you play an outdoor game « Birder» .

The players choose their names birds whose cry they can imitate. They stand in a circle, in the center of which - birder blindfolded. Birds walk circling around birder and pronounce:

In the woods, in the woods,

On a green oak tree,

The birds are singing merrily.

Ouch! The birder is coming!

Birder claps his hands, the players stop in place, and the driver begins to look for birds... The one he found imitates a cry birds which he chose. Birder guesses the name of the bird and the name of the player.

The player becomes birder... Players should not hide behind objects on the way. Players are required to stop in place exactly at the signal.

Educator: Not all birds fly away, there are those who stay with us for the winter. What are their names?

Children: wintering, sedentary.

Educator: what do you know wintering birds?

Children: (list the wintering birds of our land) .

Educator: I suggest to play the game "Where do they winter birds

Here are cards with a snowflake on the left and the sun on the right. Your task is to put out of the proposed small cards on the left side of the wintering birds, and where the sun is - migratory.

(the teacher checks the assignment with the children)

Educator: Well done, guys, they coped with the task.

Why do they say that winter is a difficult time for birds?

Children: (speak up).

Educator: how can you take care of them in winter?

Children: …

Educator: what can be used as feed for birds in winter?

Children: …

Educator: indeed, winter is a difficult time for birds, especially if it is frosty and snowy. Can not found birds under the snow feed... Hungry bird suffers greatly from cold. The winter day is short, and in order to survive without freezing, you need to eat much more food than in summer.

Need to support birds, make feeders for them and do not forget to bring food to them. This is a very useful business.

Some guys with their parents and you and I also made feeders. And now we will go outside together and hang them on a tree in front of your windows, and you promise that you will take out food every day and observe what birds arrive at your feeders.

Educator: but before you do this, remind me which of birds stays for the winter in our republic?

Children: …

Educator: what do you remember the flight birds?

Children: …

Educator: how birds different from other animals?

Children: …

Educator: for what birds need large feathers? And the little ones?

Children: …

Educator: thanks, you did a good job today. Here is a feeder and food for you, feed and take care birds.

1-2- 3, look at the teacher!

II ... The stage of preparing students for the active and conscious perception of new material. Communication of the topic and purpose of the lesson

You can determine the topic of our lesson by solving the riddle:

Dreams of a spider at night
Miracle - Yudo for a bitch.
Long beak and two wings.
If he arrives, things are bad.
Who is the spider afraid of?
Have you guessed? This is …(bird ) (slide 1)- So who are we going to talk about?That's right, it is this group of animals that we will study today.- The purpose of our lesson is to repeat and generalize knowledge about birds, their structure, habits, habitat; come to understand the importance of caring for nature, in particular for birds. - As an epigraph for today's conversation, I took the lines of M.M. Prishvin and I. Druzhinin (slide 2)Fish - water, bird - air, beast - forest, steppes and mountains. And a man needs a Motherland. And to protect nature means to protect the Motherland. ( M. Prishvin)

In the forest and on the river path,
In native fields, where the distance is bright,
Do not be apart with kindness.
Do not harm nature.
... Go to earth as a good friend
Go as her protector.
So that only the singing of birds over the meadow,
So that the world and the sun are ahead.
(I. Druzhinin )

III ... Formulation of problematic questions. 1. How are birds different from other animals?2. What allows the bird to fly?3. What birds are called migratory, sedentary, nomadic?

IV ... Knowledge update stage.

Birds. What do we know about them?The owl has been a symbol of wisdom since ancient Greece.
The double-headed eagle in the coat of arms of Russia is a symbol of courage and strength.
Birds inhabit all continents and islands of the globe. Currently, about 9000 species of birds are known in the world fauna, and there are approximately 100 billion birds in the world.
The oldest known bird fossil is about 150 million years old. Scientists in the layers of the earth's crust discovered the fossilized bones of the skeleton of an unknown creature, and next to them are the prints of its feathers. They named this bird Archeopteryx, which translated into Russian meant "ancient wing."
Teacher: In the modern world, scientists who study the life and habits of birds are calledbird watchers. Ornithology is the science that studies the life and habits of birds.(slide 3)- How do birds differ from other animals? By what signs of body structure and lifestyle do we define a bird?

V ... The stage of learning new knowledge. Practical work of students A) Practical work. (slide 4)Teacher: Feathers are on your tables. How do they differ?(By shape, by color, by size)
- Each nib has a shank. Consider it.
- Place the feathers in the palm of your hand. Blow. What happened?
(Feathers are flying, they are light )
- Dip the feather in a glass of water. Is it wet?
(Water rolled down in droplets)
- What conclusion can we draw?
(Feathers protect the bird from water and moisture)
- What do birds need large feathers for?
(To fly)
- And the little ones? (
For warmth) - Now close your eyes and imagine the flight of a bird. Here the bird flapped its wings, begins to lower them, the wings repel from the air, fall again, and flap again. The bird's body has a streamlined shape, convenient for flight. The feather cover keeps warm and prevents the bird from freezing even in extreme cold.(Slide 5) Conclusion : Birds are animals whose body is covered with feathers. It consists of a head, neck, torso, limbs (two wings and a pair of legs). Only birds have a hard beak. B) Identifying birds by their voicesTeacher: Let's try to answer the second question of our lesson: What are they?What sounds do not birds make! They can sing, shout, crow, cackle, walk, hoot, cackle, cackle, chirp( The soundtrack of birdsong sounds.) (Slide 6)- What birds have you heard?(The answers of children are heard: owl, woodpecker, eagle, sparrow, crane, goose)
- What do you know about birds, their habits, habitats? (
slide 7) Birds are divided into groups according to the way of feeding:carnivorous (eagle, owl, hawk), granivorous (crossbill, bunting, nutcracker), omnivorous (crow, lark, jackdaw); insectivores (tit, cuckoo, swallow); by habitat in the environment: wild and domestic (chickens, ducks, geese) by the way of flight: migratory, nomadic, sedentaryWhat does migratory birds mean? Nameflight birds. (Lark, rook, starling, swift, nightingale, swallow)What birds come to us for the winter? (Bullfinch, waxwing) These are wintering birds.Nomadic (nuthatch, bullfinch, waxwing, siskin)What does sedentary mean? (They constantly live with us, settled in a certain place) What kind of people do you knowsettled birds? (Crow, sparrow, goldfinch, woodpecker, nuthatch, magpie, pigeon, crossbill, titmouse, jackdaw). Physical minute. Swans fly, flap their wings, They bowed over the water, shake their heads. They proudly know how to hold on straight, They sit on the water very quietly.

VI ... Stage of application of the learned.

    Guys, where can you find birds? (Children's answer options: on the street, in the forest, by the river ...) (slides 8, 9, 10)

    Very often birds are the heroes of works (in fairy tales, stories, poems, fables ..) Remember some of them.

    Nightingale - Andersen "Nightingale"

    Goose - S. Lagerlöf "The Wonderful Journey of Niels with Wild Geese"

    Cock - A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel"

    Swallow - G. Andersen "Thumbelina"

    Owl - A. Milne "Winnie the Pooh and everything, everything, everything"

    Swan - G. Andersen "The Ugly Duckling"

    Duck - D.N. Mamin - Siberian "Gray Neck"

    Sparrow - K. Paustovsky "Disheveled Sparrow"

    Swift - V. Astafiev "Haircut Screech"

    Crow - A. Krylov "The Crow and the Fox"

Vii ... Control and self-control stage

Let's check how you learned the topic of the lesson. Open the notebook for p .. Exchange notebooks with your neighbor. Use a pencil to mark your agreement or disagreement with the friend's answer (+ or -). (Mutual check)

Take your notebook. Who has questions about the assignment?

VIII ... Correction stage

Guys, take a look at the pictures on the next slide. What unites them?

(People should help the birds in winter, feed them).

Reading the poem by A. Yashin "Feed the birds in winter." ( Slide 11)

Feed the birds in winter.

Let from all ends

They will flock to you like home,

Flocks on the porch.

Their feed is not rich.

A handful of grain is needed

One handful -

And winter will not be terrible for them.

How many of them die - do not count,

It's hard to see.

But in our heart there is

And it's warm for the birds.

Is it possible to forget:

Could fly away

And they stayed for the winter

Along with people.

Train your birds in frost

To your window

So that without songs you don't have to

We welcome spring.

What does this poem make you think about? What important questions does it raise? (Children voice their thoughts.) How can you help the birds? (Make a feeder, do not forget to feed the birds ...)

We made feeders

We opened the dining room.

Sparrow, bullfinch - neighbor,

You will have lunch in the winter!

Visit on the first day of the week

Tits flew to us.

And on Tuesday, they looked

Bullfinches have arrived.

Three crows were on Wednesday.

We weren't expecting them for dinner.

And on Thursday from all over the world -

A flock of greedy sparrows.

And on Friday in our dining room

The pigeon feasted on porridge.

And on Saturday for a pie

Seven forty flew in.

Sunday Sunday

The spring messenger arrived -

The traveler is a starling ...

That's the end of the winter. Let's do a good deed. At home, with your parents, make a feeding trough and bring it to school. With the onset of cold weather, we will hang them on the school grounds and together we will take care of our smaller brothers.People were wasteful of nature. Plants were plucked, plowed, lands burned. Many different animals and birds were exterminated by people. Some were hunted diligently, others were not left with a piece of forest or steppe, and still others were caught by predators. In the end, people realized that if you do not help nature, the animals will die even more. To prevent this from happening, they compiled the official Red Book. The idea of ​​this book is to save the entire animal and plant world. The Red Book consists of color illustrated pages.(showing the Red Book)

IX ... The stage of summing up the results of the lesson. Let's summarize our work. Tell me, who are the birds?Conclusion : Birds are animals whose body is covered with feathers. It consists of a head, neck, torso, limbs (two wings and a pair of legs). Only birds have a hard beak.) What is the distinguishing feature of these animals? (There are feathers) Teacher: Guys, now, before summing up the main result of the lesson, let's listen to Gnetova Dasha. In the morning the sun rises
Calls everyone to the street.
I leave the house.
Hello, my Motherland!
Live on our planet
Wonderful creatures
They fly and sing
And the Earth is sacredly cherished.
Tell me children
Can you live without birds in the world?
- Why are birds needed? What is the significance of birds in human life? (object of the hunt: meat, egg, down, feather; defenders of the harvest: eat insects, destroy rodents; songbirds and ornamental birds: give pleasure.) - What happens if the birds on the ground suddenly disappear?(Answers of children are heard) - Why take care of the birds? (Birds are our friends)

Additional material. Did you know that ...

    The swan brings chicks out into the rain.

    The woodpecker has the longest tongue.

    The penguin's wings are covered not with feathers, but with scales.

    The eagle flies above everyone else.

    A hummingbird can fly tail first

    The hummingbird is the smallest bird.

    Birds ostrich, kiwi, penguin - fly.

    The largest bird is the African ostrich.

Used Books :

1. Zhirenko O.E., Lapina E.V., Kiseleva T.V. I am a citizen of Russia! Class hours on civic and patriotic education: grades 1-4. - M .: VAKO, 2006. - 160s
2. Classroom hours 1–4 grade / comp. G.P. Popov. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008. - 287s
3. What? What for? Why? Big book of questions and answers \ Per. K. Mishina, A. Zykova. - M .: Eksmo, 2006. - 512 p.