Planning Motivation Control

A success journal and reasons to start keeping it. Joyful moments in life

Many people associate the word "diary" with either a school diary or a diary, where impressionable girls describe their emotions about love experiences.

Bodo Schaeffer, a German financial consultant, also known as "Financial Mozart", offers to keep a Success Diary. What for? In order to significantly increase your income in three months.

Should you trust Bodo Schaeffer, because now there are many other reputable financial gurus? This Bodo Schaeffer, whose credo from a young age was the words: "The winner goes first class through life," at the age of 26, he learned what a complete bankruptcy is. He owed creditors 75 thousand marks.

However, this is precisely why his recommendations are worth listening to. As the proverb says, "For one beaten, two unbeaten give." The mistakes made Bodo Schaeffer benefited: thanks to them, he realized that he needed a teacher. Why bother reinventing the bicycle that others have ridden for a long time? Athletes have coaches, so why can't he turn to the same coach, only in the field of finance!

He was mentored by an American millionaire who appreciated Bodo Schaeffer's desire for knowledge and his tenacity. In the distant past, this millionaire himself started his own business with some thousands of dollars and brought his fortune to almost a billion. He helped Bodo Schaeffer set up the firm and advised him. After 2, 5 years, a capable student earned 100 thousand marks in 30 days, and by the age of 30 -.

Now Bodo Schaeffer lives on interest from his capital, gives lectures, collecting a large number of people who want to learn from him, and publishes his own books. In particular, "Breakthrough to financial success", "The path to financial independence. The first million ”,“ The laws of the winners. Wise truths. Success Strategies ".

Financial success, which was unable to get an education in his youth due to lack of money, seems like a fairy tale. But if you study the principles of success that he developed and understand the sequence with which he adhered to them, then there will be nothing surprising in his achievements. Most people who would also dream of getting rich lack tenacity and character.

Keeping a Success Diary is an indispensable component of success, says Bodo Schaeffer. “If you don’t become lazy and write in your Success Diary every day, then in 90 days your material income will increase by at least 20%. I guarantee you that! ”He says.

Looks tempting!

How does Success Diary work?

So, the Success Diary is an ordinary notebook, where from now on every day we will write down our daily achievements - big and small. We also include compliments "earned" during the day, positive assessments received from other people, our positive impressions of the events around us.

There should be at least five such achievements. More please! The word "achievements" sounds a little pathetic. When we hear it, some global achievements with high results come to mind. In our case, we count in achievements both the early rise, which we did not succeed in any way, and the compliment received for deliciously brewed coffee, and a good purchase, and a high-quality job - everything that we did well and for which we are grateful to ourselves and today.

In the Success Diary, you can write motivating quotes, liked thoughts famous people, own thoughts and ideas.

It would seem, what is easier! Unfortunately, many start well, but after a few days they safely abandon any new business, coming up with excuses: there is no time, not interesting, stupid, does not work.

So, our actions:

  1. We acquire a notebook, notebook, diary (it is better to keep a diary in paper form);
  2. In the evening, before going to bed, we devote ourselves 15 minutes to
  3. Collect our thoughts and write down everything that we got today, for which we were satisfied with ourselves - everything that caused positive emotions;
  4. This should be done systematically, and not from time to time.

What is the secret of the Success Diary?

The point is that we devote too much time to the negative. Every day we focus our attention on unpleasant situations and failures, we remember offenses for a long time. Happy moments and all the good things that are happening to us and around us, we do not notice. And one gets the impression that our life is a chain of failures and defeats, there is no positive in it. Hence - defeatism, self-doubt, low self-esteem. Thoughts, as you know, are material. First, we program ourselves that everything is bad, and then we make excuses and blame the circumstances that prevented us from realizing ourselves.

Brian Tracy, an American expert in the psychology of success, rightly noted that people care about their physical health, so they prefer quality products. They care what they eat. But in doing so, they neglect concern for spiritual health and clog their heads with low-grade information and negative thoughts, which ultimately make them pessimists and losers.

A person who keeps a Success Diary will become a habit:

  • Become more motivated. He will learn to notice the positive moments, and every day he will have more and more reasons to praise himself;
  • Say goodbye to depressive thoughts. He simply will not have reasons for depression. The same wrote that “our consciousness can hold in itself only one thought at a time - positive or negative. And what it will be - we choose. " With the help of the Success Diary, we will make this choice. If suddenly depressive thoughts take possession of us, we leaf through our Diary of Success and understand that there is nothing to grieve about;
  • He will be able to control his path to the goal. Most people plan their day mentally: in the morning they remember what they have to do during the day, and in the evening, before going to bed, they summarize. However, some cases remain unfulfilled: they either forget about them, or postpone them until tomorrow. With the help of the Success Diary, it is much easier to control yourself, and therefore to organize;
  • He will become more self-confident, because the Success Diary will clearly confirm that he has something to be proud of.

In doing so, we considered a very effective the system, and found a rather interesting version of the reference. Now let's take a closer look at what daily entries should be made in the diary.

Keeping a personal diary it helps, firstly, later to better analyze the days lived, to understand whether we are going in the right direction, to reveal sore problems. In the diary, you can write down goals and plans for the future. Keeping a journal helps you choose the right priorities.

Decisions made on the basis of the entries in the diary will be much more meaningful than if you just sit and come up with something. The entries in your personal diary are your many days of experience, which can be rethought with great benefit for yourself.

Also, keeping a personal journal trains the brain and is a good psychotherapeutic tool. Having written about the events that occurred during the day, and not yet cooled down from the emotions that they caused, you can later re-read it all, already in a calm state, and, perhaps, you will see that the problems that caused the violent reaction are actually not the same and significant. This will help you develop a more balanced and meaningful outlook on life.

So how do you keep a personal diary? What should be recorded in it? Let's try to figure it out.

Personal thoughts and emotions

First, it is worth writing down your experiences in a personal diary. When you experience anger, resentment, envy, melancholy, despair, joy, disappointment, passion, love - you become aware of your feelings, and at the same time, you get rid of negative feelings and reinforce positive ones. If these are negative feelings - it becomes easier for you, if positive - you realize them more deeply.

Subsequently, after reading your notes, you understand how all this was momentary, or vice versa, deep, you see why certain decisions were made, and how justified or erroneous they were.

Thoughts and quotes, ideas

It is very useful to write in your personal diary excerpts from the books you read, while describing your thoughts. Also, if you have any ideas, or you make some decisions, write about it, along with the rationale for these ideas. Very often in our life we ​​are faced with a choice that subsequently affects our whole life. Writing down decisions taken, we realize what moments in our life were key, and what the decisions we made led to.

Goals and objectives

You can also write down your goals, and then - whether you managed to achieve them. The habit of doing this teaches us to self-control.

Impressions of watched films, read books, listened to music

What we watch, listen to, read, affects us much more. than we think. Writing down our thoughts, we once again reassess what we have learned, read, and seen. In addition, later looking at our recordings, we may want to review the movie or book we liked again, listen again good song or a melody.

Places you have been, meals you ate, activities you did

It is also worth describing your impressions of travel, trips, new hobbies and hobbies, delicious dishes. Do not write everything in a row - it makes sense to write down only what interested, especially liked, touched, hooked.

Joyful moments in life

Write about all the good things that happened to you - perhaps these will be the most valuable entries in your diary. It is from such joyful moments that our life consists - what we later recall with pleasure.

Memories of such pleasant moments in life, perhaps, will save us from rash steps that can at one moment destroy everything that has already been done and throw it back, after which we have to start all over again.

Success Diary

Basic rule of conduct Success Diary- write down at least five pleasant moments that happened over the past day. If it doesn't work out, then you have to create these moments yourself. It can be some little things, the main thing is that they bring you moments of joy and pleasure. Subsequently, when you feel bad, lonely, uncomfortable - open your personal diary and re-read the entries. They will fill you with confidence, energize you.

A person is so arranged that he no longer notices his achievements, but his failures. But what we pay more attention to comes true.

It has been noticed that when people start keeping a Success Diary, they have much more joyful and happy moments in their lives than before.

Even in negative events one can find the good side using the technique " but". For example:

  • I was not hired, but I will be able to devote more time to studying the possibilities of making money on the Internet.

Almost all people who have reached significant heights in life kept personal diaries. Moreover, they began to lead them much earlier than they achieved success.

Success depends a lot on motivation and self-esteem. Watch Bodo Schaefer's video on keeping a Success Diary. He claims that journaling increases income at the very least. twice. Try to find out from your own experience if this is so.

Bodo Schaefer's video on keeping a personal diary

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Today I want to talk to you about why you need to enter your Success diary? What is the use of it? And is it even necessary to lead it?

I hope you know who Bodo Schaefer is?

He is the number 1 financial advisor in the whole of Europe, a talented writer and a good businessman, a master of his craft.

When he turned 30, he was already living on interest from his capital!

Do you want to live like this too?

What is the Success Diary?

Success diary- this is your useful notebook, in which you should write down all your achievements for the whole day every day, as well as positive assessments and compliments in your direction.

One fine day you will be attacked by depression, you will lose heart ...

What are you going to do?


Will you take your Success Diary and you will reread it, and then you will understand that there is nothing to be sad for, because you are doing everything to make your life brighter and better every day!

You will become more confident in yourself! Your self-esteem will improve!

Think about it: you are now holding your fat Success diary, on each page of which there is a bunch of personal successes and achievements!

You are well done!

How can you not believe in yourself after this?

Own control over the achievement of goals!

You can always control and analyze your personal path to success!

You will give specific assessments to yourself, what you are doing right and what is not is a useful thing!

When you keep your Success Diary, you will become better at understanding your strengths, improve your own performance technique!

You will focus on personal achievement! (this is the main habit successful people.)

Let's remember the great and rich people, after their death there were always some records ... and they began to write these diary records before they became successful and received recognition!

Now sit down, concentrate and think - what did you do well today, and what yesterday ?!

If you find it hard to remember your everyday victories - you need to manage your own Success diary!

Methodology " Success diary"- this is one of the main and effective methods for achieving your goals, personal success and recognition!

And now, be sure to watch the motivational video with Bodo Shefer himself!

"Why do you need to keep a Success Diary?"

I will say about myself personally: I have been using this technique quite recently, but the pleasant changes that happen to me every day impress me ...

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German financier and trainer on the subject of money and personal prosperity for every person, Bodo Schaefer says: if you lead every day Success diary- after 90 days, your income is guaranteed to increase by at least 20 percent. Guaranteed!
Today get yourself Success diary. It could be simple notebook, where you will write everything that you did well during the day, as well as all the compliments and positive ratings that you received during the day. Every day, write down in it at least 5 things that you did well, what you achieved.
Get in the habit of writing down your progress on paper. After a while, you will feel the effect, your motivation will increase, your self-confidence will increase. Please fill out the Success Diary. This will become a powerful tool for your further development.
The Diary's mechanism is simple: our brain remembers mistakes and failures more easily than successes and achievements. Because of this, our self-esteem suffers, we simply underestimate ourselves. And our environment is happy to support this situation.
! Fact: for every 2 "yes" in our life, we hear 17 times "no"
! Fact: The brain processes all negative facts 11 times longer. That is, we greatly experience any setbacks.
But there is good news... Positive emotions, although we quickly forget about them and do not have the habit of concentrating on them and stretching these moments, have much greater strength and energy.
Thus, from childhood, we program ourselves for failure. We constantly hear in our life "no" it is impossible, do not go here.
The experience of many people has already shown that keeping a Success Diary (no matter what they call it "Prosperity Protocols" or "Achievement Journal") helps to achieve great success, both in life and in personal growth... Use this method and you.
Thanks to the Success Diary, it is also possible to fix, “catch” one's own intuitively felt skills and abilities, translate them into an understandable list of one's own assets, better understand one's strengths, and improve the “execution technique”.
Also, thanks to the Success Diary, an important habit of successful people is being developed - focusing on personal achievements. Remember the great people: after most of them there were diary entries, and they began to keep diaries long before success and recognition came to them.
Think right now what you did well today or yesterday. The less you can remember, the more you need a Success Diary.

How to do it practically?

1. Buy yourself a diary - this is the most convenient.
2. Every day, you write down 5 things you did well in your diary. What to write? You decide what to write. Anything that makes you feel good should be written down. Whether it was that you finally completed some business, helped the old woman cross the street, just decided to take some time for yourself and walked in the park, passed the test, made an important decision, etc. The five most meaningful things of the day. For myself, I do this: in the evening I write down everything that needs to be done during the day, and then I enter the results in a diary. It's more convenient for me when there is a specific goal - you know for sure whether you have achieved it or not.

3. It is necessary to write in a notebook with a pen every day! If you missed even one day, start writing all over again. Only 5 lines, is it not difficult? and will not take much time. 4. It is best to write before bedtime.