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Shugaring master required

Number of vacancies in Moscow in the specialty of sugaring master for 2 months

There are 0 vacancies in all cities in the region. There are many different popular forms of employment: "full", "shift schedule", "permanent". You can often find another name for this specialization - Shugaring Master. One of the most demanded is the shugaring master. The longest list of vacant places is offered by the companies:

Median of salaries for a master of shugaring in Moscow for 2 months
  • Vybor, LLC;
  • Life Territory LLC;
Median salary for the vacancy "master of shugaring" in other cities

The region of vacancies in question is Moscow. According to our data, the three most common meanings of the form of employment are "full", "shift schedule", "permanent" (the most popular is full). The number of specialists required for employers for the position of “master of shugaring” is 58 vacancies. The Moscow region offers a large number of vacancies in the specialty of sugaring master. The statistics on the vacancy of the master of shugaring includes information data received from such cities of the Moscow region as:

  • Kalistovo
  • Ilyinskoe
  • Kashino
  • Klishino
  • Red Mountain

The average is 32,000, which is pretty good considering the national average. The list of popular professions in the Moscow region includes:

  • "Master of manicure / pedicure and eyelash extension";
  • "Master";
  • “Requires an admin, hairdresser, etc. other salary from 20.000 ";
  • "Master in eyelash extension and shugaring, depilation, epilation";
  • "Master in eyelash extension and sugaring / depilation / epilation (m.chistye prudy)";
  • "Master-wagon";
  • "Cosmetologist".

As a rule, the salary of employees for vacancies is 35,000 rubles. The specialization of the master of shugaring belongs to the following category: Beauty / Sports. At the same time, the minimum wage in the current month is 20,000 rubles. The number of vacancies in the Moscow region is 17 positions; many job seekers can find a suitable option for themselves. The number of vacancies in all specializations in the category is 8 positions. This vacancy is very popular, 0 people request this page per month. A good place It is not difficult to find jobs in the Moscow region for the specialization “master of shugaring”. Skilled specialists for the position of "master of shugaring" most often receive a salary of 35,000 rubles. Employers also offer other specializations in this category. These include: hairdresser, manicure, beautician, sports manager, pedicure. In a region like Moscow, it is difficult to find a job for more than AB for a shugaring master, but it is possible. The maximum salary for the vacancy of a shugaring master reaches 40,000 rubles. In the ranking of requests for various vacancies on the site, the total number of requests for the specialty of a sugaring master is at 0 positions. If we draw the median monthly salary for the specified specializations, then the number will be 35,000 rubles.

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Work in Moscow shugaring master

Site work Avito Moscow work fresh vacancies shugaring master. On our site you can find a highly paid job as a shugaring master. Look for a job as a shugaring master in Moscow, browse vacancies on our job site - an aggregator of vacancies in Moscow.

Avito jobs Moscow

Shugaring master job on the site in Moscow, vacancies shugaring master from direct employers Moscow. Jobs in Moscow without work experience and highly paid with work experience. Shugaring jobs for women.

Hi. If you have visited this page, then you are interested in the opportunity to become part of a team of first-class shugaring masters.
A little about our team of masters: we only do depilation and only sugaring. Why?
In our opinion, this is the most effective and high-quality way to remove unwanted hair. In order for the result for the client to be WOW, you need to shugarite professionally! What do we mean by this? Quite fast, but at the same time, comfortable time for the procedure, correct and perfected to automatism technique of work, minimal painful sensations for the client, ideal cleanliness of the depilated area, valuable recommendations for home care.

If you want to join our team, read the working conditions and requirements below:


- Provision of only sugar depilation services (all zones) + glitter tattoo
- Working time: from 10 to 22 hours
- 2x2 schedule
- Territorially: Reutov, Yubileiny prospect 60 (12 minutes walk from Novokosino m)
- Materials for work are provided by the studio
- Training under the studio work standards, continuous development and professional development
- Salary level from 50,000 to 80,000, it all depends on the season and holidays, the flow of customers is constant, you won't be able to sit and get bored
- Registration - RF
- MANDATORY CONDITION - work only in our studio, part-time work by sugaring at home or in another place - are NOT PERMISSIBLE.
- During the internship, it is possible to combine with other work.


- Girl, age 23-30
- Completed training in one of the shugaring schools with the issuance of a certificate
- Minimum work experience is required, we do not consider candidates without experience
- Citizenship - Russian Federation
- Availability of a medical record
- Punctuality, cleanliness, learnability, politeness, pleasant communication, sociability

How candidates are selected:

1) You fill out an applicant's questionnaire for the vacancy of a shugaring master (a questionnaire with general and specialized questions).

2) If we liked your profile and you fit our requirements - we invite you for an interview. The interview takes place in two stages:
The first one is communication on questions of interest to us, a story about our studio, a demonstration of the workplace and materials.
The second is a practical part, in which you demonstrate your abilities, performing the procedure of sugaring of the "deep bikini" zone on a model we have invited under the supervision of a master of our studio.

3) In case of a successful interview, we take you on an internship and train you according to the standards and peculiarities of our studio's work. During the internship, you will learn the correct technique of work, learn all the subtleties of the shugaring procedure, and greatly improve your professional level. The internship lasts 1-2 weeks, it all depends on your abilities and the speed of learning. The internship is carried out on the models we have invited. The internship is not paid. At the end of the internship, we make a decision about accepting (not accepting) you to work in our studio.

4) This is followed by a period probationary period which lasts 1 month. During the trial period, we evaluate your work, the correctness of the procedure, communication with clients, punctuality and other working moments. Probationary salary slightly differs from the basic salary.

5) After the expiration of the probationary period, you become a full-fledged master of our studio, you will be able to professionally provide the service of sugar depilation, get a decent wages(often above the market average in this area), successfully perform at any shugaring championships with our support, work in comfortable conditions!