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Interview with Nikita Kurakin - the founder of Expert Holding. Nikita Kurakin: “No matter how much you earn, the main thing is not to“ star ”! Director of the Perm company Task & Solution Marketing

It is sometimes difficult for young people to find their calling. Sometimes, doing what you love and devoting yourself to it, you have to turn 180 degrees and get up on a completely different path. This is what the hero of our interview, entrepreneur Nikita Kurakin, did. He, like a locomotive, burst into the world of business several years ago with his ambitious projects. In an interview, Nikita shared a story about how a hockey player became a businessman, told if his early millions ruined him, and much more.

- Please tell us about your childhood and youth.

- I was born in Moscow, but spent most of my childhood with my mother and grandmother in the village of Zaborovye, Tver region. At school, I always studied so-so, not really straining in those subjects that were not interesting to me. The priority was not study, but sports - most of my time I spent on sports activities.

- As far as I know, you were a professional hockey player and were even invited to the Canadian national team?

- Yes. As a teenager, I moved from Moscow to Canada, where I lived for six years. There I played for the junior team of the famous academy "Notre Dame". He started out not quite successfully, but after a while he became an assistant to the captain, and then the captain of this team. Playing for Notre Dame, I achieved good results - I became the champion of Canada in its line-up. Life in this country was "tough" and seriously re-educated me. In Russia, I was a rather undisciplined person, a "freeloader" who tried to do something, but didn’t really do anything.

I came to Canada without knowing English, completely alone - I was 13 years old. After a month and a half, I already started thinking in English. Academy "Notre Dame" was located in a village located 80 kilometers from the nearest more or less large settlement. Living conditions there were harsh - somewhere 60-70% of the same young people like me, "escaped" from the academy within two weeks after arrival. Let me give you an example: for going outside with a mobile phone you could get 60 hours of work - washing dishes, mowing grass in the fields, etc.

I think that life in Canada has played a huge role in my development as an entrepreneur. There I learned what discipline is, learned to work with a team. Of course, at first it was very difficult, but I decided for myself that if I now "merge" and give up everything, then further in life I will merge in the same way and will not achieve success.

- What prompted you to go into business? Maybe an event or a specific person?

- I got my first earning experience living in the academy and selling pizza. The food ration of the students could not be called varied, and the children always wanted to eat something “tasty”, for example, pizza. But we did not have the opportunity to order it due to the remoteness of the academy from large cities.

I thought, why don't I go into pizza delivery and charge a certain percentage for it. No sooner said than done! I put a sign on the door of my dorm room stating that I accept pre-orders for pizza delivery. As a result, in three days I collected three pre-order sheets. The scheme is simple - I bought a pizza for $ 10 and sold for $ 15. The benefits were quite significant. I went for pizza in a taxi, so the costs were also certain. In this "business" I did not hold a monopoly for long - after a couple of weeks my idea was copied, and many similar schemes appeared. I started thinking about what else to do to make money.

I started selling hockey sticks on the same principle. Everything was a little more interesting here. In practice, clubs often broke, and if there was a game the next day, the hockey player could simply sit all of it on the bench simply because he had nothing to play with. Accordingly, I decided to organize the delivery of clubs - the marginality of the case was much higher. The "base" club cost is $ 200, and with my markup it is $ 250.

I got injured and realized that because of it I would not be able to continue to play hockey as intensely. Plus, I focused on my studies. In the same college, I plunged headlong into the educational process and began to devote less and less time to hockey. Since there was more energy in me, I began to look for new ways to use it. Due to the fact that I began to devote less time to hockey, there were financial difficulties.

Excess energy and lack of money are two factors that prompted me to "stir up" my first real business. The idea was formed in just a few days, I would say chaotically, and this business was cleaning apartments in Moscow. I acted remotely: I recruited personnel over the Internet, looked for clients. He did not earn much money, but he gained invaluable experience.

- At a fairly young age you began to earn a lot of money: they didn’t turn your head? Have you ever had a desire to immediately use the earned finances for various "worldly" pleasures?

- Life in Canada also influenced my attitude to money, or rather, the discipline that was instilled in me there. When you live from the age of 13 alone in a foreign country, you become a very responsible person. Roughly speaking, by the age of 20 I had formed the thinking of a 35-year-old person. I saved more than half of the money I earned, rather than mindlessly spending. Thus, at 22, I was able to buy myself an apartment in Moscow and a Jaguar.

- You have founded several companies working in the service sector - how do you manage to keep up with everything? Which companies do you currently run?

- About six months ago, I realized that I had ceased to enjoy what I was doing. Formally, everything was fine with me - I made good money, owned several businesses, but the buzz from work disappeared somewhere. I started getting rid of my projects. He sold his drawing school, one of the largest in Russia, in December 2017. Then I sold my own call center in Nizhny Novgorod and a marketing agency, and also “scored” on a project to develop a social network. It turns out that in just six months I got rid of almost all my businesses and launched the AntiNorma project.

As part of this project, we work with entrepreneurs, take them abroad, and conduct master classes. We also built a whole village for entrepreneurs. Over the course of three days, businessmen have received a powerful "reboot" there. For the past six months, I have been really engaged only in this project. So far, this business is not super successful and even today has not yet come to a “plus”, but it brings me satisfaction, and I am interested in developing it. I believe that sooner or later "AntiNorma" will "shoot" and people will start talking about it.

- What difficulties did you face when starting a business?

- I still face difficulties, and there are more of them now than when I just started my career in business. When a person begins to engage in entrepreneurial activity early, then a very good trait is inherent in him - fearlessness. He does not think about the negative consequences that may come.

Although the absence of fear, in my opinion, more often helps than hinders. For example, when I launched a cleaning company in Moscow, while in Canada, I did not even think about the fact that for its successful development it was necessary to officially register an LLC or individual entrepreneur. I was a hockey player and did not know about such "nuances". Also, I did not think about the fact that an unscrupulous cleaning lady could steal something from the apartment. Accordingly, certain difficulties arose.

Now I have much more fears than I did several years ago, and I have become slower and more careful in my actions and decisions. The slowness of actions is now the main problem that interferes with my work. It is connected precisely with the fear of making a mistake.

Many difficulties arose when I fell ill with "star fever". Many young entrepreneurs are struggling to avoid this state of affairs. I started making good money and thought I was getting incredibly cool. My conceit and an exorbitant ego swelled up. I began to look down on people as if they were midgets, I stopped listening to their opinions.

This hit my life very hard - I closed myself off from the world, stopped studying, gaining new knowledge, lost many friends and ruined my relationship with my family. As a result, I became depressed - with money, but completely alone. From what happened, I learned a very important lesson: no matter how much you earn, the main thing is not to "star" and understand that one day you can lose everything that you have. In addition, to prevent fatal mistakes, it is important to periodically feel “stupid” and constantly strive to acquire new knowledge. For example, if I communicate with someone who is smarter than me, then I try to ask questions, write down. And sometimes I look like a poor student.

Another serious problem that I faced in the early stages of entrepreneurship is cash gaps. I just didn’t count the money and one day I was caught in the 7.5 million box office gap. This was very unpleasant. My company was growing very quickly at that time, and I began to lose sight of some important things. As a result, we produced a low-quality product, sold it, and customers began to return it en masse. This greatly affected the reputation of the company - enough negativity poured out on us.

Then I realized that I must be personally responsible for all the failures of my business. I took 2 thousand customer phone numbers, called each one, apologized, heard a bunch of profanity addressed to me and returned the money to everyone who was dissatisfied. We managed to satisfy customers and stabilize the situation at the cost of a cash gap.

- Do you plan to launch other business projects in the near future?

- In parallel with AntiNorma, I am launching a project to create turnkey restaurants. I also plan to launch a project in the near future, the essence of which is the assessment and "spreading" of the ideas of entrepreneurs by professional experts. That is, businessmen will bring their ideas to experts, and they, in turn, will critically assess them, express their opinions and give advice. The format is similar to the "Voice" show only in the field of business.

- How much money does the business bring you?

- The question is a little incorrect in relation to me personally, at least at the moment. For example, in December I went to minus seven million. In March - the net profit was 2.3 million, in April - 1.6. I am critical of myself and do not consider myself a good entrepreneur yet, just because of such instability. If I immerse myself in the project, the profit is high; if the business becomes not interesting to me, the indicators drop. It seems to me that this suggests that I am not an entirely solid entrepreneur.

- What makes you different from other businessmen? If possible, share with our readers the "chips" that you personally invented and implemented in your business?

- Most businessmen like to talk about their successes, brag about their achievements, cars, apartments, travel and other material goods. However, more often than not, this is just an illusion. In fact, many entrepreneurs cry more often than laugh in their expensive cars.

I call myself an anti-entrepreneur. My main difference from other businessmen, precisely as a person, is that I like to talk more about my mistakes than about my successes. I believe that it is mistakes that make an entrepreneur smarter and stronger. Unfortunately, it is rare for a businessman to speak openly about the realistic side of entrepreneurship. And this side is far from being rosy.

My second difference is focusing directly on the product being produced. At business trainings I often hear: traffic, packaging, sales. But no one says that the emphasis should be on the quality of the product. I believe that a truly high-quality product does not require the "make-up" in the form of tempting packaging and powerful advertising campaigns. Almost no training is taught how to make a really cool product.

I constantly communicate with my clients to find out their wishes and identify shortcomings in the company's activities. Six months ago, I ran four companies, and they were all market leaders in their field. Why? Because we created the product “as for ourselves”, and it brought success. Let's say I created an atmosphere in art school that I felt comfortable in. It turned out that others are also comfortable and pleasant to paint in such conditions.

- Formulate, please, a recipe for your success.

- I would not call myself a successful person. If we list in one sentence the qualities that are important for achieving success, then this is hard work, self-criticism, as well as the ability to work in a team, clearly formulate tasks and motivate people.

- What advice can you give to those who do not know where to start?

- You shouldn't think long about where to start. Just do what is available at the moment - even though you can sell water on the street.

If we compare a business with a lake with cold water, then a novice entrepreneur does not need to walk along the shore for a long time in thought, he just needs to jump into it with his head.

Also, I would advise to be open to knowledge - study, study and study again. Try to find yourself an experienced mentor - someone who has already achieved certain results and has experience in running a business. And the last tip - surround yourself with more successful people and communicate with them constantly.

- If it's not a secret, who could you call your mentor?

- I had several of them. The person who most significantly influenced me was Artem Mikhailovich Tarasov, the first Soviet millionaire. At one time I worked as his assistant.

- Business and personal life - are they compatible concepts? Isn't it sometimes necessary to sacrifice one in the name of another?

- I think that for a reasonable person these are compatible concepts. However, at the moment I am a little unable to combine them, and I have to make sacrifices.

- What do you associate with the concept of "thirst for business"? In theory and practice?

“For me, a good entrepreneur is synonymous with a hungry entrepreneur. Even when a person has a lack of some kind of knowledge, this very "hunger" or "thirst" gives him the strength and ability to achieve success. If an entrepreneur has a "thirst" for business, then he learns much faster and achieves the desired result in his business.

- What day of your life will you remember in the smallest detail in 20 years?

- I will definitely never forget the day of my arrival in Canada and the first goal scored there, which helped me to believe in my capabilities.

I also remember very well the day I received a letter stating that I was accepted to Oxford. I also remember the day when I realized that there were already more than a million rubles on my account.

Our dossier

Nikita Kurakin, 25 years old, Moscow

Founder of the AntiNorma Entrepreneurship Center and many other business projects

The total annual turnover of all businesses is 900 million rubles.

He is the first person in the last hundred years to receive two higher educations at Oxford, majoring in politics and economics.


The main character trait?

Hard work.

What qualities do you value in people?

Honesty, sincerity and kindness.

Sources of inspiration?

People, books and new places.

Life credo?

Never give up or be afraid of sudden changes!

Last book you read?

The film is "Moving Up" and the book is "The Green King" by Paul-Louis Sulitzer.

What is the most memorable gift for you?

As a child, my mother gave me a bicycle.

Everyone who earns more than me. In terms of personalities, these are Igor Rybakov, Sergey Galitsky and, to some extent, Oleg Tinkov.

What was the most memorable trip?

To Thailand.

In 10 years I will be ...

... be in the top 100 of the Forbes list.

The post was changed:

Interview with Nikita Kurakin - the founder of Expert Holding

Hello dear readers! Today I am publishing an interview with an interesting person. Today our guest is Nikita Kurakin, the founder of the Holding Expert. Especially for our project, Nikita told about his development from an ordinary student to an entrepreneur. The interview turned out to be useful and interesting, I advise you to read it until the very end!

Hello Nikita! Tell us a little about yourself.

Good afternoon. I was born in Moscow, but went to live in Canada, where I played hockey and received my education. Studying was always not very easy for me, but thanks to perseverance, I graduated from high school in Canada with the highest score. I have always loved sports, even now I cannot live a day without it.

Already in Canada, I took my first steps in business. As I remember now: they bought pizza for $ 5 and delivered it to the school (which was just in the field and 100 km from the nearest settlement) and at school they sold it for $ 10. We did the same with hockey sticks and more.
After Canada, I realized that I could not sit still, and decided that I needed to try myself in business.

How long have you been in business? What prompted you to create your own business?

I have been in business for 2 years. I would not say that there was some kind of impetus, it was most likely some kind of “inspiration”. I just started to read abruptly, watch videos, listen to everything related to entrepreneurship, and from April to July I was engaged in only one thing - I studied how to start my own business. And already in July I did it.

Who was your inspiration or what inspired you, such as a book, a movie or a specific person?

There are three people who inspire me - Oleg Tinkov, Evgeny Chichvarkin, Pavel Durov. If we talk about the book, after reading the books: Atlas Spread His Shoulders and The Green King, my thinking became global, I stopped being afraid, I started taking risks, and a lot began to work out.

Many young people have long dreamed of starting their own business, but year after year, the dream remains a dream. They don't have the courage to make up their minds, that's why they work as hired employees, dreaming of a better life. What should these guys do?

I would like to recommend the book that I have already mentioned above - "The Green King". This state of “fear” is experienced by almost everyone, and I had it. But the main thing here is to start. Read this book and start choosing your business, the business to which you have a heart.

Some entrepreneurs, having achieved their first successes, and blinded by large incomes, begin to spend their finances for other purposes: cars, vacations, clubs, various purchases, go into debt. Has this happened to you? And how can you resist the temptation not to let go of everything you've earned?

Of course, it is important to understand one banal thing here: “It does not matter how much you earned, it is important how much you saved”. I like to spend money, I can't live without it. But I found a solution - to open an account where you will transfer at least 30% of your salary, and from which you can withdraw only after 1 year. Thus, as much as I would not like to start spending money from there, I understand that I cannot do this in any way.

Have you ever encountered a misunderstanding of others? Give examples, if any?

This happens almost every day. This was when I left for Canada, where I was professionally involved in sports. Almost everyone said to me: “It's too early, wait,” but my heart pulled me, and after my departure I realized that it was the right decision that changed my life!
When I opened my own business, everyone told me “Early, get your education first”, “You have no experience, you must first work somewhere, and then someday you will open a business.” I believe that you need to live every day as if it were the last, because one of them will turn out to be like that. When you start living in this direction, you understand that in one day today you have done as much as you usually did in the whole week.

Has this happened to you, for example, something does not work out or goes wrong. At such a moment, the thought came to give up everything?

This happens to me, of course. Yesterday, for example, I came home. And I realized: now again here - the salary; here - to pay for that office, this one; pay for advertising; buy furniture, because my team was mistaken, saying that the office is given with furniture; figure out what the problem is with the departure of the marketing head, and so on. At this time, you want to give up everything, leave, run away. But no, you need to fight, do as much as possible, get up at 7, and like now - start with a new mood and charge to solve not such big problems as they seemed yesterday.

Nikita, tell us about your daily routine?

I don't have a standard routine, everything is different, for example, here is my today:
7.00-9.00 - Sports
9.00-10.00 - Breakfast
10.00-12.00 - Training Alexander Franchisee
12.00-13.00 - Conversation Andrey ROP
13.00-14.00 - Conversation coach Ekaterina
14.00-15.30 - Meeting Artur ROP
15.30-17.00 - Conversation Alexey ROP
18.00-20.00 - Meeting Yuri VK Moscow City
20.00-22.00 - Meeting Nastya assistant.

Yes, today is not a very standard day, usually there are 1-2 hours for a break in the evening.

How do you prefer to relax? How do you spend your free time?

The best vacation I have with my relatives, with my family, and it does not matter where it takes place. Although we usually go somewhere out of town.

For fruitful work, you always need to develop and learn something new. In this case, what methods do you use?

What motivates you to create new projects, ideas?

My main motivation is that life is limited, I'm not sure that I will have it tomorrow, because of this, a lot needs to be done today.

Most children after grades 9-11 cannot decide where to go to study, what profession to choose. What advice can you give them? Can you start a business or continue your studies?

I would suggest doing both. Yes, now many will say, “Of course, I will not have enough time for this and that,” this is ridiculous to hear. Yes, you will play Fifa and Counter Strike less, but this time will be spent in a useful business, which:

  1. Will bring you much more pleasure
  2. Money

And it's important not to forget about your studies.

How old do you think it is to start a business? And what is the first thing you need to do in order to become a successful businessman?

Each has its own age. I do not think that everyone needs to start a business at 15, it depends on the person, and when he was ripe for this. You can be ready to start your own business at 15, and you can at 40, so this is for each individual. And so, of course, the sooner the better! To begin with, you need to define your highest goal, it can be - doing charity work, becoming a president, discovering your potential that God has given you, and so on. Once you understand your goal, you must choose a niche for yourself that will help you achieve your goal.

If a person has found his niche, his favorite business, for example, a shoemaker, he opened his own business: the clientele grows, does not cope with the work, hires more assistants, but clients only go to him. What about such specialists who have found themselves in a narrow specialty?

I never understood such an example, since any good shoemaker can train his assistants and they will start doing much the same, so I don't think that will be a problem. You can't do everything yourself. And if this is a very narrow niche where it is impossible to educate and train anyone at all, it is impossible to delegate your powers (although I cannot even think of such a thing), then you need to increase the price until you have only the flow that you can serve.

Nikita, in your VKontakte posts you share your experience of how young people to open a business with minimal investment and become a promising person. Do you plan to open a school for children in the future to teach children financial literacy from childhood? And how do you feel about adding a subject like financial literacy to the main subjects in schools?

Opening schools, perhaps, is not my task, my task is to modernize what we have. And yes, I am planning to implement our programs and some of the courses in current schools.

How do you feel about competition?

If you follow three simple rules, you won't have the word “competition”.

  1. Increase the uniqueness of your product (make your offer something different from the mass and, by the way, prices are a bad difference, look for something else).
  2. Add value to your product (make it more useful and valuable to your customers).
  3. Reduce costs.

Nikita please tell me if you have a goal that could change the world for the benefit of people?

Specially for the portal Moneymaker Factory Nikita Kurakin (Expert Holding) spoke about his path of becoming, having only 5,000 rubles as an entrepreneur. in the pocket.


  • Start in business: 2013 (at age 19)
  • Initial activity: Marketing agency
  • Starting capital 5,000 rubles.
  • Place of business: Moscow
  • Current activity: Holding Expert
  • How to become successful:

"Never be afraid of anything, do not listen to the opinion of others, read the book" The Highest Goal "and understand your purpose, develop it! ...."

Nikita, tell our readers a little about yourself, what does your company do?

Hi, my name is Nikita, I am from Moscow, temporarily living and studying abroad. In the past I was a professional athlete, but I had to retire from the sport.

I could not sit still, and a year and a half ago I opened a marketing agency ExpertMarketing. Later, he began to open more companies that were also engaged in the service sector.

To date, we have formed a small Expert Holding consisting of 9 companies: Marketing, web studio, call center, sports programs, coffee shops, a drawing studio, training companies and so on.

How did you decide to become an entrepreneur? Why business, and not a job as a manager in the same "Gazprom"?

I didn’t have such a thing that I said to myself “I will open my own business”. It was just extremely boring for me to always look at the comfort of the sausage-television world, have a boss over me, get up at the same time, wait for a vacation, leave and come at the same time. It's boring for me. So I started my business. There was almost no money, because of this, investments were initially only enough for a remote business.

You are 19 years old, and you have already organized several companies, how did you manage it? My personal opinion is that in order to be successful leaders need to have experience and significant professional knowledge in their field. Let's say that at 19 I was not ready for leadership. To be honest, if I see / read about very young entrepreneurs who have organized several companies, first of all I think that their relatives helped them.

Now it's already 20.

Regarding the money, no - here I will not agree. It doesn't matter how old you are. A person may be 16 according to his passport, but his head is already 30, and vice versa. So anyone can open a business, and small investments are needed here. For example, I started my business without parental help, I had less than 5,000 rubles in my pocket. It was difficult, but it disciplines you well.

Tell me, how do you think anyone can become an entrepreneur? Or is there a set of criteria that a person who wants to start a business must meet?

No. Everyone has their own talent, first of all, I strongly discourage everyone from becoming entrepreneurs, since everyone has their own inherent potential. You must understand what you are intended for, first of all, you must be happy with what you are doing. You need to develop your potential, and not what the crowd says "fashionable" and "necessary." Someone sells well, someone heals, and all these people are needed and talented in their essence.

Tell us about the role of the Business Youth in the development of you as an entrepreneur?

I had a desire, perseverance, but something was missing, I would say - it was knowledge in business. There they put everything in place for me (and for free - video on YouTube). I am grateful to this project for business training.

What is the most difficult thing in entrepreneurial activity in your opinion?

Find a good team of professionals. Understand your management style. Colossal responsibility to your team and customers.

Now the country's economy is going through a difficult time, but is it worth starting at the current time, or can it be better to wait for a more favorable period?

During what is commonly called the “crisis”, the profits of the Expert Holding only increased. For example, in marketing, our profits have increased 3.5 times since December. Don't wait for something, take it and do it! It won't get any better, so do it now!

For many of you, the crisis will be a time of opportunity.

How difficult is it to run your business in Russia? Do reviewers come often?

It is difficult to do business now in any country. If we talk about Russia, I would say, it is not easier than in the same England.

Observing one simple rule, we will be able to increase the number of businesses and money in the country at times - the government does not interfere and does not help the development of entrepreneurs. I am not asking for help, we do not need this. But at least don't bother us.

"Checkers-bribe-takers" come often, it is worth focusing on the second word. We always pay taxes, we work completely white, but there are always people who will find where to find fault for their own benefit.

What is your opinion that it is better to start a business on your own or use a franchise?

It depends on the person himself. It was easier for me to open mine, I wanted to go through everything myself, although it is much more difficult.

Many people just want not to waste time, get all the tools, all the mistakes and training at once, start their own business so as not to go through all the difficulties. For me, this is also quite logical, because of this it depends on the person.

What are the most promising niches in your opinion for organizing a business in 2015-2016 in Russia?

Every niche that they make with all their hearts is a promising niche. I often answer this question - marketing, consulting, PR, recruiting, and much more. And the person starts to do it. He does not succeed since he is a former artist, in his case a niche - a drawing school would be much more promising than some kind of marketing.

How do you assess the role of the Internet for small businesses? How can the internet help you do business?

The Internet is a very powerful tool, you can live anywhere, even in a village, and earn 300-400 thousand rubles per month just by working on the Internet. Let me give you an example: When I started marketing, I recruited the whole team to myself at remote work (managers, designers, programmers all worked remotely), so I opened a business without risks and without an office. At remote work, we went to 280,000 rubles, and after that I already opened a business.

What online services do you use in your business?

We probably have over 200 online services. Speaking specifically about me, I most often use the CRM system - it's like an online office, Mango Telecom, LP trucker.

By the way: useful service for retail trade: automation system for trade and warehouse Subtotal.

How many employees do you have in the company? Do you use freelancers as employees?

Now we probably have a little less than 100 people, if we are talking about the team that makes decisions with me, there are now 7 such people. Freelancers, yes, of course, half of the work can be done remotely, and there is no need to spend money on these people and put them in the office, because of this, about 40% of the remote team.

As I understand it, you went in for sports professionally, if Yandex is not mistaken, then this is hockey. How much has sports helped you in business?

Yes, everything is so. Sport is one of the secrets of success. Make it a rule to have at least 2 hours of sports every day.

What does your working day look like? How do you combine study and work? By the way, who where and who do you study for?

I am studying in London at the Royal Holloway University, I am studying to be a financier. My working day always looks different. Let's take an example from today:

  • 7.00-9.00 - Sports.
  • 9.00-10.00 - Breakfast.
  • 10.00-11.00 - Answers to interviews.
  • 11.00-12.00 - Interview.
  • 12.00-13.00 - Mail.
  • 13.00-15.00 - Interview.
  • 15.00-20.00 - Meetings.
  • 20.00-21.00 - Systematization.

What plans does your company have for the near future?

Now our most important task is to equip the entire team with professionals. Next, we will begin to scale already.

And finally, to be successful in business, what do you need?

Never be afraid of anything, do not listen to the opinion of others, read the book "The Highest Goal" and understand your purpose, develop it! Change your surroundings if they don't help you achieve your goal, but rather drag you down.

There are orders of magnitude fewer business blogs in Russia than in the West, because there are many times fewer entrepreneurs themselves, says Alexander Zhurba, co-founder of Sapfir Capital. “If in the West about a thousand people are blogging about business, then in our country there are only a few dozen,” he compares.

In our country, business blogs are just beginning to gain momentum, agrees the founder of the Like holding Ayaz Shabutdinov. The lack of competition in this field gives an entrepreneur a unique chance to become a renowned expert in his industry, he points out.

The interlocutors of Rusbase agree that the phenomenon of the business blogosphere is in the purely applied nature of content. In addition, bloggers are promoting entrepreneurship in front of a mass audience and provide a certain philosophical and inspiring component, says Alexander Zhurba, co-founder of Sapfir Capital.

Nikolay Mrochkovsky,

Blogs provide an opportunity to see a part of the day-to-day work of an entrepreneur. Not a finished result, by which it is difficult to follow the path in steps, and not a polished book version, but real everyday life - how a person moves step by step towards success.

This provides three important resources: motivation, successful cases that can be applied to your business, and specific tools that can often be gleaned from the notes of the writing businessman (for example, what CRM system he uses, report forms, key KPIs, etc.) ...

Rosalia Kanevskaya,

founder of the publication about PR

There is a demand for business information and manuals for solving specific problems. Business bloggers and columnists have revealed the need for applied information, which is very scarce on the Russian market. There are more than enough theoretical calculations about successful business in books, but you will not find examples of calculations, tables for solving business problems and keeping records, graphs, cases with fire during the day.

We recently published a column on how an entrepreneur can calculate the effectiveness of a PR manager. The author illustrated it with an example of a table for keeping records. Several readers later wrote to me asking me to drop this table in Excel - they found it so useful. Russian businessmen are still reluctant to share practical information - they are afraid to either jinx it or fall victim to competitive intelligence.

I think those businesses that have built a "mentor halo" around themselves - a group of fans of their style of doing business - will really prosper. After all, content is a king. Sometimes it seems to me that I even buy Splat paste only because of the letters from the CEO inside the box. What can we say about businesses that build franchise networks - such as Coffee Like. Ayaz is a real role model of a modern startup. And the blog only strengthens this halo on his head.

Andrey Pometun,

Director of the Perm company Task & Solution Marketing

The business literature looks at theory and makes little reference to the reality of business. The blog reflects the personal experience of the author, so to speak, "off the wheels." Plus, no book or business course will allow you to start a dialogue. In the blog, you can ask the author questions to decide whether to apply this experience to yourself.

In essence, a blog is a virtual consultation with those who have achieved success. Such access to authority helps budding businessmen to feel the atmosphere of entrepreneurship and quickly understand "how much is a pound of dashing."

Blogs or books?

Bloggers themselves clearly distinguish themselves from business literature, although books are often born out of blogs. For example, the head of CallbackHunter Ruslan Tatunashvili has already written his book and is actively promoting it among his subscribers.

In his opinion, books and blogs are not interchangeable and are useful in different ways - although a video blog is much more intelligible. “These are the same words from the book, but from a real person, not an editor, not a proofreader or someone else,” the entrepreneur explains. - The book is perceived much better after eye contact has already been established, when trust has appeared. We released the book when trust was already formed. And now it is not yet available anywhere, but the demand is already high. "

Business blogs tell about what is happening here and now, and not stories covered in dust, adds Nikolai Belousov, founder of the online store Madrobots.

“Some go to extremes: they only read blogs and completely forget about books,” notes the founder of the Like holding Ayaz Shabutdinov. - And this is wrong. A book is a powerful tool for self-education, a blog is a great source of inspiration and practical advice. One does not replace the other. "

“Blogs show real examples: mistakes and problems, solutions,” agrees the head of the photo school Like Galiya Berdnikova. - We just show our lifestyle, ways of making decisions, and are happy if this helps someone in life. The main thing is that the reader does not adopt the blogger's worldview by 100%, does not forget to be himself, to make his own decisions, to make his own mistakes. "

Blog like a kick

In the reviews, blog readers talk about the motivation they received, and the opinion leaders themselves talk about how many people left their jobs under the impression of their texts.

Yuri Belonoshchenko,

owner of the network of early development centers "Baby Club"

I regularly read Fedor Ovchinnikov. He has a franchise network of pizzerias, and I have a franchise network of children's development centers. Fedor writes very openly about what he is doing, and I am happy to introduce some ideas in my place. The technologies for building a franchise business are similar, and I am interested in his entrepreneurial experience.

Kirill Bigay,

co-founder and managing partner of Preply

I cannot say that I have scooped up useful technical information from business blogs. But the bloggers' texts inspire the development of the project in difficult conditions - competition, lack of money, etc. We love stories about how passionate entrepreneurs build their business not because of, but in spite of.

I remember the article by Ayaz Shabutdinov on, in which he talked about the formation of Like Hostel in Kaliningrad, and urged him to visit the western outpost of Russia. At that time, Preply's revenue was just comparable to the revenue of the hostel of the novice entrepreneur Artyom, who in a few months was going to open another one, despite the fact that Shabutdinov was campaigning to open a Coffee Like coffee shop under the franchise. The note was called "Through hardships to the stars."

At that time, we had just begun to gain a foothold in the markets of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan, but I realized that Preply would move further to Poland, adjacent to the Kaliningrad region. Of course, there were many objective prerequisites for this expansion, but on an intuitive level, the idea was born, among other things, under the influence of a post about that entrepreneur.

“I don’t know for sure, but obviously more than one person quit their job under the influence of my texts,” Nikolai Belousov, founder of the online store Madrobots, answered Rusbase.

“We get a lot of feedback from subscribers,” says Ruslan Tatunashvili, founder of CallbackHunter. - I will not say the exact figure, but in the personal messages of VKontakte there are a lot of messages with words of gratitude. For this, everything was started. "

“People periodically write about what prompted my texts to do,” says Alexander Zhurba, co-founder of Sapfir Capital. - Someone bought a franchise (I remember that a couple of people bought the Dodo Pizza and Subway franchises), someone just started to move more actively. Everyone has their own business and their own problems, but the effect is definitely there. For all the time, 50 people have written. "

“Every day, readers ask me questions about starting a business in a particular niche,” says business blogger Nikita Kurakin. “I know that many have started businesses ranging from knitting to sports schools.”

The founder of the Like holding Ayaz Shabutdinov names specific people: for example, Anastasia and Fyodor Kuznetsovs from Togliatti opened 5 Coffee Like coffee shops in a year, and Elya Mikhaleva from Ufa launched 6 KidCity design sites for children in Kazan, Samara, Ufa and Moscow in six months.

Business blog as a business

Ruslan Tatunashvili,

founder of CallbackHunter

This is one of the most important ways to drive traffic. A lot of clients came from the YouTube channel. And not only clients, but also partners and even friends. For us, this is a marketing article that works in a positive way. Plus, we just enjoy doing it, which is the most important thing.

Nikolay Belousov,

founder of online store Madrobots

A blog helps open doors and find new partners.

Alexander Zhurba,

co-founder of Sapfir Capital

The advantages of a blog are PR activity: you don’t need to tell people what I do, you don’t need to remind about yourself once again. People often write in a personal message, so a certain stream of contacts comes to me through the blog.

Nikita Kurakin,

business blogger

Among the readers of my blog, I find business partners, employees and investors in my projects. But the blog was created not so much for my business as for myself - this is how I give a lot to others and feel great.

Ayaz Shabutdinov,

founder of the Like holding

Blogs are a new sphere of influence and an excellent means of communication with consumers. Readers now have more trust in blogs than in many mainstream media. “He is being led by a person like me,” this thought evokes sympathy for the blogger. Digital technology connects people to people, and when managed effectively, it can become a powerful business tool.

The blog "Goal: 1 billion rubles per year" is one of the main components of my business. The name Like was chosen by my readers, they also participated in the choice of logos. We got a business done on VKontakte. And what to hide, most of our franchisees are people inspired by the blog. Blogging provides a competitive edge, and companies should start exploring these weapons now - I'm sure most entrepreneurs will need to use them.

Who should blog?

Alexander Zhurba,

co-founder of Sapfir Capital

Everyone should probably write. In addition to quickly finding partners and solving business problems, blogging helps to structure thoughts and conduct introspection. And you need to understand that the blog will bring the desired results only in 3-5 years.

Nikita Kurakin,

business blogger

The business community niche is growing. It makes sense to create your own if you want to convey a unique idea to people, and not just sell something. First of all, a business blogger must be a businessman himself. Only those who have gone through all the mistakes and difficulties of an entrepreneur can give competent advice to people about business.

Part 2. To dream and like: what subscribers of business publics "VKontakte" dream about

In Odnoklassniki, business topics are practically not represented, on Facebook and YouTube people follow opinion leaders, but VKontakte has its own atmosphere. Here the public interest in entrepreneurship is expressed in a community format.

A search for "VKontakte" on the words "business" and "startups" gives out hundreds of thematic publics and blogs. The share of business media in this array is small. This niche is dominated by the so-called business quotation books and near-business communities. Their combined audience is in the millions. What is this crowd looking for?

Fedor Skuratov,

community management specialist

The audience of business publics for the most part is those who want to earn a lot of money, pay off loans and live no worse than those who are shown on TV. The desire is laudable, but, as a rule, is not supported by anything. The role of motivation is overestimated - such an audience most often has neither skills, nor unique knowledge, nor competencies in order to create something breakthrough, but few people know how to do their job accurately (and this applies in principle to everyone, including you and me).

Publics urge you to work for yourself, promise to reveal magic formulas and business secrets that in themselves guarantee success.