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Presentation on the interior decoration of the Russian hut. "decoration of the Russian hut". "Have you achieved your goal?"

In a person's life, the house has great importance, because all the main family rituals are associated with the house: homeland, wedding, funeral. The charm of the Russian village hut consists in the feeling of the warmth of human hands, of a person's love for his home. And the interior decoration of the house is inner world person. A house is a residential building, but a house is also a homeland, family, relatives. The presentation shows the main types of peasant buildings, carpentry tools, the construction of the hut, wood lace ornaments for the pediment and many beautiful photos and sketches of "a golden log hut."



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Russian hut Izba - in it is the age-old wisdom ... Full of mysteries and simple! It is still alive, Holy chronicle of the people, purity of our Universe! Semina Oksana Anatolyevna MBOU DOD DDT No. 1 Nickel, Murmansk region, 2012

With verb, purse and timber, the house was built with a carved porch With a deliberate peasant taste And each with his own face. V. Fedotov

"Brus" - the utility part is located behind the living quarters of the four-walled, five-walled, six-walled twin hut "Koshel" - the utility part is located on the side and behind the dwelling. The main types of peasant buildings

"Verb" "purse" "brus north" "brus-south"

Carpentry tools 1 - ax and parts thereof; 2- a - plane, b - fighter, c - adze, g - hacksaw, d - line, f - scraper, g - chisel, h - drill, and - two-handed saw, k - jerk, l - spirit level, m - weight (plumb line), n - dragging, o - opalk, n - compasses, p - meter; 3 - awl, devil, saw, chisel and knives.

Hut construction plan

In ochre in a loaf in a cut in a paw felling Ways of joining logs

S. Yesenin And now, when now with a new light, And life has touched my fate, I still remain a poet of the Golden log hut. Log cabin decorated with carvings

Carved platbands.

Gable house

Sawing threads for balconies and cornices

My village ...

Just beautiful…

house of blacksmith K irillov

Sketching a house

Roof decoration sketch

Roof ridge sketch

Sketching of carved platbands and windows

Outbuildings well bathhouse mill

We construct ...

Thank you for your attention Izba is a sanctuary of the earth, With baked secrets and paradise; By the spirit of dewy hemp We learn the innermost. N. Klyuev.

The purpose of the lesson : To form in students figurative ideas about the organization, the wisdom of man's arrangement of the inner space of the hut. Introduce the concept of interior, its features in a peasant dwelling; to form the concept of spiritual and material.

Updating basic knowledge

- By what principles was decorated appearance peasant hut.

- Why did people decorate their homes.

In a low light with a casement window

The lamp glows in the twilight of the night:

A faint light will completely freeze,

That will shower the walls with trembling light.

The new light is cleanly tidied up:

The curtain of the window whitens in the dark;

The floor is smoothly stripped; the ceiling is even;

The breakup stove became in a corner.

On the walls - styling with grandfather's goodness,

A narrow bench covered with a carpet

Dyed embroidery hoop with extendable chair

And a carved bed with a colored canopy.

List of used literature:

  • Goryaeva N.A. "Decoratively applied arts in human life "Moscow" Education "2006
  • Goryaeva N.A. "First steps in the world of art" Moscow "Enlightenment" 1991
  • Goryaeva N.A. " Toolkit to the textbook "Moscow" Education "2003
  • Nemensky B.M. "Art around us" Moscow "Enlightenment" 2004
  • Nemensky B.M. “Fine arts and artistic work. Program "Moscow" Education "2005
  • Kharitonova E.D. "Perm Regional Museum of Local Lore" "Perm Art Publishing House" 1990
  • Chudakova N.V. "I get to know the world" Moscow "AST" 1996
  • (Museum - Reserve wooden architecture... Kizhi.)

Completed by: Kostromina S.N.,

teacher visual arts,

MAOU "Gymnasium No. 1", Syktyvkar

Among the fields, surrounded by forests, on the hilly banks of rivers - the oldest waterways, there are stately huts, darkened by time.

Northern huts look like stately mansions. Quite another matter - the huts of central Russia. In comparison with the northern ones, they look more squat, stunted, but they have their own special beauty and become.

Komi hut

With verb, purse and bar

The house was built with a carved porch,

With a deliberate peasant taste

And each with its own face.

V. Fedotov

Arkhangelsk hut

In the arrangement of his dwelling, a man tried to bring order, figuratively comprehend it, which meant to display, fill with images. This was done in order to attract the forces of light, goodness to the house, and to protect themselves from evil forces.

The facade of the northern hut of the 19th century.

Decorative elements of the decoration of the hut: a) a stupid horse; b) a towel; c) mooring; d) platband

Izba Volga region

Komi hut

Practical work

“With the help of watercolors or, gouache, depict a fragment of the decoration of a wooden house - a platband. Make the decoration of the platband intricate, elegant, weaving familiar images into the pattern. Try to maintain symmetry. "

"What new did you learn in the lesson?"

"What was the topic of the lesson?"

"What was the purpose of your activity?"

"Have you achieved your goal?"

"What new concept did you meet in the lesson?"

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Decoration of the Russian hut Completed by: Okhapkina Nadezhda Nikolaevna, teacher of fine arts MBOU "Secondary School No. 35" G. Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod Region

For centuries, peasants have lived in the vast expanses of our Motherland.

Our great-grandfathers settled along the banks of rivers, lakes, in wooded areas.

The direct connection with the land nurse laid the basic traits of the Russian character: hard work, thrift, patience.

The breadth of open spaces, amazing nature gave rise to the scope and daring of the Russian character, reflected in the dissimilarity of folk crafts.

Our ancestors created their own unique way of life. Its core was - a peasant house, a home. A hut, a cage, a barn, a bathhouse - this is what a peasant estate is.

Pine and spruce were more suitable for construction: the trunks are straight, the wood is strong and reliable.

The house was for a man of a small universe, symbolizing the connection between man and the cosmos. The roof is the sky, the cage is the ground, the basement (cellar) is the underworld. Fathers, grandchildren, great-grandchildren lived together under one roof: A family in a heap - a cloud is not terrible. The houses were built large, taking into account the addition in the family, and in two floors, with a light. “A family is strong when there is only one roof” - this is what our ancestors thought. Northern huts look like stately mansions.

Quite another thing is the hut on the middle Volga, in our Nizhny Novgorod province: a small, sheathed with planks, often painted with blue paint, decorated with wooden lace. In comparison with the northern ones, they look more squat, but they have a special beauty and become.

“Without grasping an ax, you cannot cut down a hut.” Up to twenty people went out to build the estate. “The more hands, the easier the work.” Construction began with felling timber. The trunk was cleared of twigs and bark, and then, putting the log and slightly stepping back from its end, "chose" the hole. Four logs tied in a square formed a crown. This is how the crown on the crown, and they put the hut.

Harsh winters forced the peasant to combine housing and outbuildings under one roof. The residential part was called a hut. Russian huts amaze with their carpentry art: not a single nail, but they stand - do not move. A lot of patience was required to erect the roof. Planks for her were hewn with an ax. They were laid so that any could be replaced without dismantling the entire roof.

Two roof slopes from above were connected by a log, at the end of which the horse's head (ridge) was cut. The roof slopes were very much like wings. It seems that the horse-bird is guarding the hearth. The horse was the personification of strength, beauty and goodness.

The horse was often a symbol of the sun moving across the sky. Various symbols of the sun in the form of rosettes and half-sockets adorned the boards - quilts and towels. The ridge and sun signs on the towel symbolized the midday sun at its zenith. The left end of the berth is morning, ascending, and the right end is evening, setting.

You can see zigzags and various ledges in the rich decoration of the pischelins. They are complemented by small holes that look like drops. Our agricultural ancestors believed that rain is taken from some heavenly reserves of water that are higher than the sun and moon. Elegant ornamental rows are the figurative expression of heavenly water, i.e. "Heavenly abyss".

How elegantly decorated the huts of our Nizhny Novgorod region! The surface of the pediment seemed to be overgrown with bizarre grasses and flowering bushes. On the frontal board, which runs along the top of the log frame, branches of plants creep, fantastic creatures live.

The huts of our region were chopped and decorated by carvers and carpenters, who in winter time engaged in shipbuilding and ship carving. In Gorodets, whole streets of houses covered with lace carving have been preserved.

The hut had a "face" (facade) to the road or river, lake. As a rule, a porch was placed on the side southern facade of the house. It went out towards the street. It was supported by carved pillars on which the roof was attached.

The entire porch was decorated with carved openwork valances. Steps led to the porch. The porch is the "open arms" of the house. It connects him to the street, neighbors. "Living in neighbors is to be in conversations."

Windows are the "eyes" of the house. One crooked window spoils the entire facade. Above the windows were fastened visors-platbands - "eyelashes". They covered the windows from rain and snow. Later, "ruddy cheeks" appeared - overlaid platbands with shutters. Platbands with a lush top looked like a precious setting.

Shutters served another function. From the street, everyone could see: the shutters were open, which meant the owners had already gotten up, but closed meant they were still sleeping or had gone somewhere.

Here is the platband-teremok, which once adorned the window of the upper room in the Nizhny Novgorod province. The lower tier of the clypeus is inhabited by fantastic creatures: here is also a mermaid-bereginya ("pharaohs", as they are called in Gorodets) - a symbol of the water element, frightening maned lions-dogs. Fabulous and outlandish images personified the lower, underworld.

These are images of animals and birds that adorned the upper part of the platbands. The images of animals are sometimes barely guessed: they are so generalized, decoratively resolved. They intertwine and develop into a floral pattern.

How plastic is the wavy line that outlines the images of fabulous creatures on the frontal board.

In the ornamental decoration of the huts, you can see symbolic images of the sun, birds, plants, animals, fantastic creatures that personified the heavenly sphere, earth and the water element. Everything that the hand of a talented master touched acquired a festive elegance.

Our great-grandfathers lovingly hewed logs with an ax, They hammered nails hard, sang songs loudly. Patterned shutters, fine carving. What a spacious Russian hut. Others are grinning, but the hut is still standing, Not broken, not burned out, only a little old. We cherish the old days, it has become our own. Forever great-grandfathers work will delight someone.

The traditions of the old masters are still alive today. Such a wonderful city was built by modern Gorodets carpenters and woodcarvers!