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Choosing a profession in physics and mathematics cycle. Professions related to mathematics. Who is "friendly" with mathematics

Mathematics is the queen of sciences that emerged from philosophy. At first glance, it seems absolutely abstract and hardly applicable in real life areas, with the exception of elementary operations.

Surprisingly, mathematics in professions occurs so often that it even became familiar. It is unobtrusive, but it describes all those actions in which there is at least some kind of logic. Let's take a closer look at such a science as mathematics. In the professions in which it is used, accuracy and calculation are important.

Justification of involvement in all sciences

Mathematics is an amazing science. For all its artificiality, it manages to describe every process that takes place with us and around us. With the help of mathematics, you can deduce the rules by which metabolic processes occur in our body, describe muscle contraction and much, much more. Also, it is always aimed at a certain result, or at proving that it is impossible to achieve a result. In other words, everything in mathematics is subordinate - it is a given sequence of actions aimed at achieving a specific goal. Sounds like work, doesn't it? The goals are the same. Of course, it is difficult to directly find areas that use pure, not mathematics. Professions are very narrow in their specifics, but we will consider below the general options. It is necessary to understand that the list is not limited to what we will tell, since any human activity, no matter how creative and abstract it may be, basically contains the simplest thing - the mechanism of action. That which can be described and decomposed step by step into mathematical formulas. Mathematics is the skeleton of any process.

Mathematics in technical professions

This is the area closest to mathematics. Engineers combine in their work theoretical and accumulated over the years. Having a clear mind and a scientific base, they create more and more new elements of our modernity, from universal household devices to spaceships. On their shoulders calculation, planning and erection of buildings, roads, bridges and so on.

Engineer is too general a name for the profession. Directly related to mathematics, engineers were divided into many specialties of narrow directions, in order to cover our today and tomorrow as fully and qualitatively as possible. Before practical implementation, all projects are endless calculations and calculations performed using special formulas that describe certain characteristics of materials in individual conditions. The laws of physics are also applied, without which there is nowhere. All of them are again written in the form of mathematical expressions.

Mathematics in the profession of an auto mechanic

At first glance, it seems strange, but an auto mechanic cannot do without mathematics, since the list of his duties includes the following items:

  • maintenance of car headlights. For correct operation, the headlight mirrors must reflect the rays in a parallel beam;
  • making the right gears: basic knowledge of geometry is indispensable;
  • correct selection of pistons to cylinders (for this it is necessary to correctly calculate the gap between them);
  • drawing up a table that indicates the maximum permissible wear of engine elements.

Naturally, this does not end with the duties of an auto mechanic related to mathematics. The topic is so deep that it can be devoted to a separate article, considering each individual case separately.

Chef mathematics

Don't underestimate this one - it's not just a person who can make sushi or dumplings quickly (depending on request). He is a creator capable of creating a masterpiece from a bunch of the simplest products, while taking into account all the errors and nature of food changes during the heat treatment process. So, some of his responsibilities:

Mathematics in the profession of an architect

By and large, an architect is the same engineer who works exclusively with projects for buildings and other real estate objects. The main task of the architect is the most complete control of construction work. He also creates a construction plan and makes adjustments to it along the way, depending on needs. All documentation that is carried out during the construction process includes mathematical calculations that describe not only the desired result, but also the characteristics of the materials used. In addition to mathematics, architects operate in such sciences as chemistry, physics, mineralogy, and geology.

Mathematics in the profession of a musician

Surprisingly, but true: mathematics plays the first violin in the professions of musicians. Sound is a natural phenomenon. Hence, it is ideally described by mathematics. A harmonious melody is impossible without the laws of numbers.

Chords and other elements are based on mathematical formulas. Also, this science is needed in order to create "correct" musical instruments - that is, those that in finished form will be able to produce the necessary, clean sounds.

Mathematics in the profession of a forecaster

When listing the professions associated with mathematics, it is worth mentioning forecasters. Translated from Greek, the word "synopticos" means "overseeing everything." In other words, forecasters are people who are similar to meteorologists by occupation, the only thing is that the latter are engaged in the study of natural processes and a more superficial primary analysis, while the main duty of forecasters is to make forecasts.

This profession is associated with constant stress, as often people's lives depend on the quality of their work. Studying professions with mathematics, it should be noted that it is not enough to be a genius theorist. You need to develop strategic skills in yourself, that is, the ability to think several steps ahead. In other words, it looks like a game of chess, only with the elements, and, depending on the region, the principle of the "game" differs. Well, what game can be more mathematical than chess?

Mathematics in the profession of a navigator

When figuring out which professions mathematics is needed in, it is necessary to mention the navigators. They have a huge responsibility. The general definition is that a navigator is a specialist who plots courses, drives ships and the full degree of seriousness is already visible here.

This profession is as old as the first attempts to move a person over long distances. Ancient caravans would not have been able to fulfill their missions without competent "guides". Infrastructure as such did not exist, but the world was nevertheless cognized and cognized - piece by piece, continent after continent. Then the navigator was guided by the stars and the first navigation devices, but now devices and maps corresponding to the spirit of the times have been created for his work. It is impossible to work with them without knowledge of mathematics. And, in principle, the main task of the navigator is to find the shortest way to pass some points. This goal is fully consistent with what relates to the course of higher mathematics.

Mathematics in the profession of analyst

Mathematics in professions related to analytics is necessary and important, and in all its diversity. These people work with information. Their responsibilities include:

The second point is entirely based on mathematical calculations. In the course of mathematical analysis, there exists and is actively developing such a field as mathematics in economics. It allows you to collect efficient portfolios of stocks based on the laws of mathematical statistics. Specialists in this industry are now at their peak of popularity, they are appreciated and expected in companies conducting financial transactions, insurance firms, banks and other organizations that manage "dynamic" money.


Asking the question what role mathematics plays in my future profession, young minds should understand that it will be everywhere they set foot. Independently or in symbiosis with other sciences, it forms the foundation for new achievements.

Many people remember from high school, as well as from the time of university and secondary specialized education, the lack of understanding why children are taught such a large number of "unnecessary" subjects. Very often students, entering a particular specialty, wonder why they are studying psychology, if they need a programmer's diploma and vice versa. Why, for example, does a biologist or geographer need applied mathematics?

In the field of medicine, knowledge of applied mathematics will be useful in genetic engineering, medical instrumentation, and biotechnical systems.

Useful Science

Applied mathematics is a field of mathematics that deals with the use of mathematical methods and algorithms in other scientific and practical fields. Examples of such applications are very diverse - they are numerical methods, linear programming, mathematical physics, optimization, operations research, analytics, biomathematics, bioinformatics, game theory, information and probability, statistical analysis, as well as financial mathematics, insurance theory, and much more.

On the one hand, it is impossible to say exactly what applied mathematics is. But one thing is clear - this subject finds its application in many modern spheres of activity and science.

Who is "friendly" with mathematics

One of the most, where one cannot do without applied mathematics, is. In the work of a programmer, applied mathematics is used for linear programming, information theory and software optimization processes. This one is gaining more and more popularity, as the work with computer equipment becomes more widespread and applied than, for example, 10 years ago.

Another no less interesting and necessary profession, which requires knowledge of the methods of applied mathematics, is a systems analyst. This field of activity involves working with large amounts of data, as well as models of real objects, their analysis and the application of the obtained calculations in practice. For these purposes, operations research, statistical theory, optimization of models and methods that are used at economic objects are used.

In astronautics, all the achievements of mathematics and technology are used, therefore, it will not be possible to work in this area without mastering applied mathematics.

And of course, one should not forget about such a necessary profession as an accountant. Here applied mathematics also found its application. It is needed to solve problems in statistical theory, financial mathematics, and operations research. This profession is extremely important for any enterprise, since without balance control, even the most successful idea will fail at the beginning of its existence.

Specialties: mathematics, physics, mechanics and cybernetics, astronomy

Specializations by fields of science and selected topics (nuclear physics, laser physics, computational mathematics, astrophysics, etc.)

Required education (level of education, type of educational institution):

Higher (research assistant in the specialty) - physics and mathematics, mechanics and mathematics, physics departments of academic universities

Specific abilities required for successful mastering of the profession:

Introverted personality, love of reading popular science and scientific literature, mathematical ability, ability to easily solve physical and mathematical problems, interest in purely mathematical and physical problems and problems.

Major subjects of the school curriculum:

Mathematics - geometry, algebra, physics, astronomy. Foreign languages, primarily English.

The nature and content of the work:

Experimental work, execution of work and development of individual projects under contracts, writing articles and reviews, teaching is possible

Obvious pluses

High social prestige of the profession, the possibility of realizing creative abilities, work in a highly cultured and creative environment, work abroad in Russia as part of international scientific groups.

"Pitfalls", obvious cons

Problems of the "transition period" in relation to science: the lack of a clear state policy, insufficient funding for programs and projects in the scientific field.

Possible occupational diseases: nervous disorders, the risk of cardiovascular diseases, visual impairment and the possibility of diseases caused by systematic work on the computer, possible diseases of the musculoskeletal system, osteochondrosis, physical inactivity, ischemic heart disease, and other disorders caused by a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle.

Depending on the specific place of work, occupational diseases are possible caused by violations of safety rules and exposure to penetrating radiation, currents and high-frequency radio waves, physically and chemically active waste of experimental work, etc.

Salary fork (in rubles on average per month):

in Moscow and the Moscow region: 20,000 - 40,000

in large regional centers: from 15,000 - 30,000;

in the scientific towns of the hinterland of Russia: 10,000 - 25,000

abroad - from 2.5 thousand euros

Which of the very smart people, like the founder of cybernetics, Norbert Wiener, owns the words: "Science is a way to satisfy personal curiosity at the expense of society."

This article is devoted to three specialties at once - mathematics, physics and astronomy, because the problems of modern Russian science are of a general nature, and the fact that today you need to know about these possible areas of activity is much more in common than different. The development of science and technology has already led to the fact that it is almost impossible to undress people engaged in these types of activities. Many physical experiments are now carried out in a "test tube", more precisely, they are simulated on computers, and the preparation of such an experiment is the writing of appropriate programs. The physicist is faced with the task of successfully mastering applied mathematics and cybernetics. Even if these questions in his scientific group a specially invited specialist in mathematics is engaged. Mathematical physics is an old and well-established branch of theoretical physics. Astronomy in our time has become so much the physics of space with various subsections that this name itself has survived only for that part of physics that continues observations - electronic and optical - of the visible part of the Universe. There is already space geology, engaged in the study of the geological structure and chemical composition of the nearest planets of the solar system, meteorites and comets, as well as stars. As a rule, modern science is organized in the form of separate research teams, created from different specialists to solve certain cognitive problems. A large number of scientific discoveries are born precisely at the junction of sciences, and mathematics - as a universal scientific language - allows you to be at the right time in the right place.

How do people now get into science and what are the prospects for a successful life and a successful career in this area now?

Twenty years ago, science was organized as follows: there were academic institutes - they were part of the Academy of Sciences and were considered the place where "real science" was "done", there were departmental institutes, for example, the Ministry of Medium Machine Building - under this funny "average" structures were hidden, associated with nuclear production and nuclear weapons. There were also educational institutions, the departments of which theoretically also participated in scientific work, had to deal with their own developments. Judging by a number of positions - space, military rocketry, by a number of original developments, for example, Alekseev's ekranopolymers, and by articles in the journal Science and Life about the Bureaukan Astronomical Observatory - science occupied a rather prestigious place in the Soviet Union. Films like "Nine Days of One Year", "I'm Going Into a Thunderstorm" were filled with the romanticism of scientific research and dedication. Anyway, the idea of ​​solving scientific problems by all means and in spite of everything until 1986 seemed quite nice and fun. But with the explosion of the Chernobyl reactor, sympathy somehow evaporated. Moreover, some reports about the disaster mentioned "scientific experiments in the reactor shutdown mode."

Probably, with this catastrophe, the romantic attitude towards science also disappeared. An understanding has come that this is often a terrible and dangerous occupation, releasing the powerful energy of atoms and substances. But the idea of ​​the need for science. Its important role for society and development could not disappear. Rather, there was growing up: the attitude towards science became more pragmatic.

Recent career in science has been structured as follows.

Since the early 1970s, at the school level, various Olympiads have been held for schoolchildren - in mathematics. Physics, etc., which made it possible to identify talented schoolchildren early enough. Some of them could have enrolled in physics and mathematics schools at universities (for example, FMS at Novosibirsk State University). This was followed by studies at a promising university - as a rule, there were several such universities, of which it was relatively easy to open up prospects for interesting work and further growth. Universities in Moscow and Leningrad (St. Petersburg) - Moscow State University, universities in areas - MAI (Moscow Aviation - problems of aviation and space), MVTU Bauman (rocket direction), etc., then there were universities at well-known Akademgorodok and scientific centers: Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, etc. An important factor in this has always been the student's active position: participation in scientific circles, independent preparation of reviews and abstracts, deepening and development of knowledge, participation in laboratory work. Interest in science, shown already in the student's bench and certain successes, allowed to establish itself and be in good standing with already known scientists and recognized specialists. In this respect, nothing can change: if the desire to engage in science does not manifest itself in the student's active position, it means that the student does not really have any interest in science, and he was mistaken in choosing the path of a scientist.

Upon graduation from the university, distribution began. In fact, it was about the satisfaction of the state order for specialists from various ministries and departments, mainly dealing with applied problems and scientific developments of a military-defense nature. Physicists were needed by the nuclear and rocket industries, the physics of alloys and heat engineering were at the service of engine building, radio electronics solved the problems of detecting flying objects "at distant approaches", the missilemen had a lot of problems - from guiding missiles to flights to Mars; lasers, aviation, physics of explosions - science served the military industry, which put scientists in "sharashki", closed laboratories and entire towns. Mathematicians were needed to "calculate" all this; with the development of cybernetics, the problem of "counting" among mathematicians acquired a new and very interesting meaning. Astronomy stood apart in all this, in the ordinary view it served only to satisfy the interest in the stars. But with the development of technology, with the development of scientific concepts, which revealed interesting parallels and correspondences between the macrocosm of the Universe and the microcosm of the structure of matter, astronomy began to attract more and more interest. The ideas about what is interesting for us in space and the ideas about the people involved in it have changed. Astronomy has become the physics of space. The scientist torn from life with a telescope and an academic cap on his head has long been gone. Too many important and interesting things can be learned by studying space with modern means. And the result of the study can become the basis for interesting scientific discoveries. For example, from modern ideas about the origin of the solar system and the distribution in it of "building material" - various elements, one can draw conclusions about the composition and structure of the Earth, which are extremely important for geology.

Some kind of prospect of openness and pursuing pure science was only opening up through the institutes of the Academy of Sciences or in teaching. The majority of university graduates ended up in closed laboratories as junior research workers, the best of them “with or without discontinuity from production” entered graduate school and began writing dissertations under the guidance of their own “zavlabs” - heads of laboratories. In the end, the best of the best defended their doctoral dissertations on the topics they developed, became laborers, directors of institutes and academicians, received state awards, special rations and housing at an increased rate (the doctor of sciences had the right to an additional room in the apartment).

But this system was poorly linked to the economy. Atomic bombs, missiles, lasers and much more were made "at any cost", in the logic of survival and confrontation. There was practically no talk of a peaceful economic application of the developments. All discoveries were classified, and promising developments were assessed only from the point of view of a future war: will they be useful or not? Therefore, ekranoliters have not yet been able to find their application, and the powerful A-40 Albatross (Be-42) amphibious jet aircraft only in recent years has shown its outstanding efficiency and multipurpose purpose as a firefighter and rescue aircraft. And this project, including its various civilian modifications, was frozen due to lack of funds.

Closure led to degradation and inefficiency. At present, Russia officially has 17% of the world's scientific personnel (and this despite the outflow of "brains" that took place in the 1990s!), But at the same time the coefficient of innovation (implementation of discoveries in life) is only 1%. It can be compared: America has a GPS - a system of space orientation in the terrain, which is open (shared by the US military and everyone for a fee) and which is used all over the world by civil aviation pilots, ship captains, motorists, tourists, etc. It is enough to buy a GPS device, enter data into it and immediately find out your location on the globe with an accuracy of several meters. Thanks to this, the US Army uses this system practically free of charge, and in case of need it will simply turn off all civilians, stopping modern life on all continents. Russia has the same GLONASS for which there is not enough money. But until now, civilians have practically not been able to use it either for free or for money.

The position of today's pragmatic leaders of Russia, who are not disposed to finance science of such a degree of inefficiency, is understandable. We need points of growth, points of implementation, giving economic returns, opening up opportunities for self-financing and self-sufficiency. One of such examples can be the activity currently unfolding in the development of nanotechnology.

Today science is very much internationalized, there is a fairly large chance of being part of an international group working on some problem.

Model of the formation of a modern scientist: (1) international or Russian grant. Temporary work collective. (2) A discovery or development based on any scientific discovery. (3) Creation of an innovative company (science + implementation). (4) Organization of effective commercial use of the development. Market success. This is followed by a repetition of the cycle.

Today's generation of Russian school graduates has many chances to pursue such a career model.

The path to science begins at school. Already a student should understand and accept the idea that advancement in science is his own business, the result of his educational and cognitive activity. It begins with an interest in some scientific areas or problems and is expressed in the active position of the student on issues of interest to him. This is reading books, writing essays, being active on the Internet, developing relationships with teachers of the profile of interest, participating in various intellectual competitions and thematic Olympiads. Even at school, you can try to establish relations with the university in which it is supposed to continue education. You can also show yourself at the open day, which has become traditional in modern universities, you can try to write by e-mail, use preparatory courses to show your best side. Summer can be used to participate in the work of summer FMS, the traditions of which have been preserved by many universities.

The next stage begins at the university. The student's cognitive activity and his desire to take part in real scientific work are of fundamental importance. As a rule, the university always has time and energy to organize student research work. There are grants allocated by Russian and international organizations for such activities, there are opportunities to take part in Russian and international student symposia. Without waiting for the completion of studies already at the 1st or 2nd year, you can decide on a scientific direction, find a supervisor. Which will help to take the first serious steps up the scientific ladder, to attract to any simple work as part of a scientific team or group. Participation in student and other scientific conferences, symposia, meetings, additional study of literature and sources, practical participation in the work of scientific groups, independent work are required! Moreover, with the modern system of distribution of university graduates by specialty, successful distribution for inclusion in serious and interesting work is possible only with personal activity.

Such a position will give new acquaintances and contacts, interest and respect on the part of already established and well-known specialists. The door will open! What you will do there depends only on you in the future. Prospects depend only on your knowledge, the ability to use it and your love for solving riddles and problems that people can find anywhere - from the ground under their feet to the starry sky overhead.

Physics is one of the most important and ancient sciences. Thanks to her, there is a study of many different processes. Therefore, specialties related to physics will be relevant for a long time. Physics is a fundamental science, the application of which is used in many fields of activity.

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List of professions

  1. Physicist-engineer.
  2. Physicist-mechanic.
  3. Design engineer.
  4. Petroleum Engineer.
  5. Nuclear Physics Engineer.
  6. Specialist in computer technology.
  7. Process engineer.
  8. Architect.

About specialties


A profession associated with knowledge of physical phenomena and constant practice. In this profession, it is necessary to know all the mechanical processes, since this work is associated with equipment at various enterprises and the introduction of new technologies. In the case of the invention of a new technology in any research, incredible career growth and success awaits you. There are a lot of directions in this area, but three of the most basic can be distinguished:


A profession related to mechanical engineering and motorsport, namely the introduction of the latest engines with enormous power, technologies that help reduce air resistance, etc. Working for a large company, you can achieve real success.

Design Engineer:

The main activity of this profession is to combine the constituent parts into a complete product. This profession is required in production, where you need to create various designs, electrical circuits and mechanisms.

Petroleum Engineer:

The highest paid profession that requires serious skills. In the field of oil and gas production, new technologies and equipment are constantly needed to improve work results. And if you can help this area, a high reward will await you.

Nuclear Physics Engineer:

Applies scientific and technical data for the enrichment of nuclear energy, deals with the problem of disposal of radioactive waste. Applies knowledge in nuclear physics to create the latest technologies such as nuclear weapons, reactors and nuclear power plants. Together with atomic physicists, they study the properties of atoms. New materials are being invented, for example, new generations of superniks and various polymers.

Computer technology specialist:

At the moment, computer technology remains a relevant activity. Such specialists can be drawn into theoretical programming problems, digital data processing, and software problem solving.

Process Engineer:

A profession in which the specialty is technical, physics comes first. Here you need to know all the technical processes and keep abreast of the latest technologies. This specialist is engaged in the technical arrangement of the enterprise and the updating of equipment. He chooses the equipment and the technical mode of operation himself. A great burden of responsibility falls on his shoulders, since the future of the enterprise will depend on his decisions. And if you possess all the professional qualities of the profession, then you should definitely succeed.


A creative profession, but still related to physics and other sciences. To get this specialty, you need to understand all physical processes and possess the skills of computer modeling. But of course, to be professional, you must have a creative flair.

A little about others

Having examined the main specialties, let's move on to professions that are not as strongly associated with other sciences as with physics. The most difficult one is the scientist. The role of scientists in the world is very important. It is thanks to them that important scientific discoveries occur. There are many people who would like to make their scientific discovery, but this requires a lot of effort. To become a scientist, you need to be interested in science from childhood. You must be a genius capable of working all day, not for money, but for science and scientific achievements.

If at the university you show yourself as a good and capable specialist, then the university itself will be able to send you to any research center. You cannot learn to be a scientist. They become in the learning process, in the event that you really understand a certain topic and it pushes you forward.

If you want to connect your life only with theoretical physics, then you should think about the teaching profession. You will be able not only to give lectures, but also to do some kind of research, which will bring you clear benefits. But knowledge alone is not enough to become a professional physics teacher. You need to be able to communicate with your students and understand them and guide them on the right path.

Profession for girls

Many believe that girls are incapable of doing physics-related activities. But this deep delusion... There are girls who know physics much better than men and are able to work as various engineers and designers on an equal basis with men. If we approach the choice of a profession for girls, then any profession from the above list can be suitable. But most often they choose the role of teachers. There are many women scientists who also contribute to science. Do not think that physics-related professions are suitable only for men.

Do you like solving complex problems? Do you dream of making a scientific discovery? Do you like to work at the computer? After all, do you like math and physics? This means that your choice is obvious - specialties in physics and mathematics.


The main myth of modern physics is that it is too difficult (unless you are, of course, the new Einstein). In fact, this is far from the case. Of course, physics can be difficult - but no more difficult than any other science if you study it seriously. Many physicists admit that they were far from being the strongest in their subject at school. All it takes to get started is interest and motivation.

Most physicists today work in fundamental or applied sciences. The former are engaged in theoretical development, while the latter create and develop new products or processes.

A considerable number of physicists are working on the creation of sophisticated equipment that is needed in other industries - for example, laser technologies are used in surgery; microwave ovens are also an invention of physicists, as are numerous measuring instruments.

Qualified physicists can also work in areas such as testing, inspection and quality control.

A degree in physics from a leading university is an excellent training of such quality as the ability to solve problems that can be useful in business, in the civil service, in education.


The profession of "mathematician", of course, exists, but there are very few "pure mathematicians". In any case, you rarely see an ad “Mathematician Wanted”. Mathematics is the foundation on which hundreds of different professions and careers are built. This includes engineers, computer specialists, economists - all of them constantly use mathematics in their daily activities. Some professionals, such as statisticians, insurance calculators, or operations research specialists, apply mathematical knowledge from specific areas of the science. Applied mathematicians often interact actively with other people in the company to solve common problems.

Mathematics is the oldest and most fundamental of all sciences. Specialists in this field use mathematical theories, computational methods, algorithms and the latest computer technologies to solve economic, scientific, engineering, physical, and even business problems. Math graduates may find themselves in theoretical or applied mathematics, although these areas often overlap.

Theorists mostly operate with pure and abstract theories. It is pure science - the discovery of new principles, laws or methods. And although these specialists do not create a new product, their research has a direct impact on the development of many other scientific and engineering applied knowledge. Theoretical mathematicians often work in universities, doing research and teaching.

Applied mathematicians use a wide variety of theories and methods, such as mathematical modeling or computational methods, to formulate and solve practical problems in business, government, or the engineering industry. For example, they can calculate optimal flight management schemes, the effect and safety of new drugs, the aerodynamic performance of experimental car models, or the cost of new products being introduced to the market.

Here are some more popular areas in which graduates of physics and mathematics specialties work:

  • analysis of financial risks;
  • stock market analysis;
  • laser and optical technologies (telecommunications, optometry, etc.);
  • environmental sciences (weather, oceanography, emission control, etc.);
  • medicine;
  • space sciences;
  • acoustics;
  • electricity and magnetism;
  • nuclear physics;
  • materials science (semiconductors, superconductivity, biomaterials, etc.)


Separately, it should be said about nanotechnology as a rapidly growing industry that is in great need of professional physicists, mathematicians and other adepts of the exact sciences today.

Nanotechnology refers to the applied field of science and technology and operates on matter at the atomic and molecular levels, creating objects 100 or less nanometers in size.

Nanotechnology has three main sections:

  • Nanobiotechnology (integration of nanotechnology and biotechnology at the level of molecules and cells). Nanotechnology is used to study biological processes; or biological methods are used to produce technological nanosystems.
  • Nanomaterials (the creation of materials one or more atoms thick, which gives such materials new useful properties, for example, enormous strength).
  • Nanoelectronics (electronics less than one micron in size make it possible to create much more powerful and compact computers)

Communicate with university representatives personally

As you can see, there are a great many specializations and programs in this area. Therefore, it is easier and faster to decide on the choice of a future specialty by visiting the free exhibition "Master's and Additional Education" in or.