Planning Motivation Control

Effective conversation starting techniques. Starting a Conversation The basic techniques for starting a conversation are

In the conditions of market relations, almost all cases, all labor actions, any collective work begin, are carried out and end with the help of business conversations that are different in form, content and function. In the work of a leader, business conversation is an important tool for successfully solving many production issues and the achievement of many management goals. This applies to any areas of activity, incl. and the medical industry. The outcome of an important meeting often depends on the competent construction of a business conversation. Therefore, any manager needs to know the subtleties and features of this important procedure. Read about the intricacies of conducting a business conversation in the article by our author.

As the practice of training work with managers shows medical institutions, many managers do not attach much importance to the correct structure of the business conversation. In most cases, they act spontaneously - without preliminary preparation... As a result, later they cannot understand why what they were aiming at did not work out. In this regard, it is necessary to draw the attention of managers (especially young and just starting their managerial career) to the techniques, rules and methods of conducting a business conversation.

The concept and forms of business conversation

What does the concept of "business conversation" include? According to many psychologists, this concept is rather loose and difficult to define specifically. However, in the very general view under business conversation means the meaningful desire of one person or a group of people through the word to cause a desire in another person or a group of people for action that will change at least something in any situation or establish a new relationship between the participants in the conversation.

Forms business conversations are varied. These include a fleeting conversation in short, and a detailed conversation "heart to heart", and an explanation of their requirements, and a dispute on a number of issues, and an attempt to reach agreement on any issue, and much more.

Traditionally, every business conversation takes place as follows stages:

- starting a conversation and establishing contact;

- transfer of information;
- argumentation (expressing one's arguments, listening to the arguments of the interlocutor, accepting or refuting these arguments);
- summing up, making a decision.

Business conversation structure

Start of conversation- this is a bridge between us and the interlocutor. The objectives of the first phase are as follows:

- establishing contact with interlocutors;
- creating a pleasant (comfortable) atmosphere for conversation;
- to attract attention;
- awakening interest in the conversation;
- sometimes, if necessary, and "interception" of the initiative.

Often, many conversations end before they even begin. Why? Because the first phrases of the conversation turned out to be too insignificant. But it is precisely the first few sentences that often have a decisive influence on the interlocutor, i.e. on his decision to listen to us further or not. The interlocutors usually listen to the very beginning of the conversation more attentively - often out of curiosity, expectation of something new, to relieve the tension that arises at the beginning of the conversation. It is the first two or three sentences that create the interlocutor's internal attitude to us and to the conversation (working atmosphere).

Psychologists believe that the big mistake at the beginning of a conversation is:

1. Apologies and signs of insecurity. Phrases like "Sorry if I interfered", "I beg you to listen to me."
2. Disrespect and disregard for the interlocutor. Phrases like “I just happened to pass by and dropped by for a minute to you”, “Let's take a quick look at this question with you”.
3. Attempts by the first questions to force the interlocutor to look for counterarguments and take a defensive position. For example: “I would like to discuss the following problem with you. It seems to me that you are extremely interested in discussing it right now. " The quite logical answer “But I don't care about this problem now” is followed by a parry “Why don't you care about it now? What are the reasons for this? " Thus, the interlocutor finds himself in a defensive position, he must (whether he wants it or not) to look for explanations, arguments that he had not thought about in advance.

- any news (but not shocking);
- the interlocutor and everything connected with him;
- common interests and topics.

The latter option requires some preparatory work, since here you need to act with confidence and interest the interlocutor from the first phrases.

What techniques can be used at the beginning of a conversation.

Reception of stress relief is intended to establish close contact with the interlocutor. It is carried out with the help of warm words or pleasant phrases addressed to the interlocutor. An appropriate joke also helps to defuse initial tensions and creates a friendly environment for conversation.

The "lead" technique allows you to summarize a situation or problem, linking it to the content of the conversation, and use this "lead" as a starting point for the planned conversation. For these purposes, you can successfully use some small event, comparison, personal impression, anecdotal incident or unusual question.
The method of stimulating the imagination involves posing at the beginning of the conversation many questions on a number of problems that should be considered in it. This technique is advisable when talking with interlocutors who are optimistic and sober outlook on the situation.

Taking a direct approach means getting straight to the point. Schematically, it looks like this: the reasons why the conversation was scheduled are briefly reported, they quickly move from general questions to private ones and proceed to the topic of the conversation. This technique is more suitable for short-term and not too important business contacts during telephone conversations.

The main requirement for the beginning of a conversation is that it should begin with the so-called "You - approach", that is, the ability of the person conducting the conversation to put himself in the place of the interlocutor in order to better understand him.

Phase transmission of information- the second phase of the business conversation. It creates the prerequisites for argumentation and consists of four stages:

- designation of the problem;
- the actual transfer of information;
- consolidation of information;
- designation of a new direction of information.

To successfully complete all four stages, you need:

- laconic and clear construction of the transmitted information: the more information will be addressed to the interlocutor and the more indigestible it is, the less information will be remembered by our interlocutor;
- skillful posing of questions: closed - at the first stage, when we want to speed up obtaining consent or confirmation of a previously reached agreement (for example, “Do you agree that the problem requires a comprehensive discussion?”); open (requiring any explanation) - at the second stage; rhetorical ("Can we consider such phenomena normal?") and questions for reflection ("Did I understand your message correctly that ...") - at the third stage; turning points (when enough information has been received on one problem and we want to move on to the next, or when we felt the interlocutor's resistance and are trying to "break through") - at the fourth stage;
- study of the interlocutor's reactions: we do not lose sight of the interlocutor, observing his external reaction and movements; we make visual contact, i.e. we look into the eyes of the interlocutor when he expresses his point of view and skill position;
- to listen to the interlocutor: the truth is well known - everyone listens, but not everyone hears.

Let us dwell in more detail on two sides of this complex process - the process of listening. First, in order for us to actively listen and consciously perceive the transmitted information, we:

- we concentrate only on the topic of conversation;
- we prevent the emergence of side thoughts, because the speed of thinking is four times more speed speech;
- do not think over counterarguments;
- we use four active responses:
- clarification (we just turn to the interlocutor to clarify his words, our own understanding, etc.);
- paraphrasing (reformulating what they say in their own words in order to check understanding or in order to direct the conversation in the right direction);
- reflection of feelings (finding out the correct understanding of the emotional state of the interlocutor, which optimizes communication and tells the partner that he is understood);
- summarizing (summarizing the main ideas and feelings of the speaker; this is, in fact, clarifying the meaning of the action performed by the speaker).
Secondly, in order to be actively listened to and consciously perceive the transmitted information, we:
- do not "get hung up" on numerous enumerations (studies have shown that even trained people can remember exactly no more than five points);
- we try not to use "critical words" that especially affect the psyche, taking a person out of balance (for example, the words "earthquake", "price growth", "galloping inflation", etc. cause a mental hurricane in some people, there is an unconscious desire protest and scandal, and people no longer follow what others are saying at that moment);
- we use the method of logical skeletonization of the transmitted information, which includes three sequential actions:
- the transmitted information is conventionally divided into semantic groups, between which logical pauses are placed;
- in each semantic group, the main words are highlighted, and a logical emphasis is placed on them;
- the entire range of voice capabilities is used and a figurative perspective of information is created by changing the volume, timbre of the voice, tempo, rhythm, pitch and tone of speech.

Let us recall the features of human perception of verbal information:

- the phrase should include no more than 11-13 words (according to some sources - no more than 7);
- pronunciation speed should be no more than 2-3 words per second;
- a phrase pronounced without a pause for more than 5-6 seconds ceases to be recognized;
- a person expresses 80% of what he wants to communicate, and those who listen to him perceive no more than 70% of this, understand - 60%, in their memory they have from 10 to 25%;
- in an impulsive emotional response, no more than a third of the perceived information is usually understood, since the stress arising in this process prepares the body for an active response (by releasing adrenaline into the blood, activation of respiration and pulse, use of sugar and fat reserves), blocking the "unnecessary" brain work ...

It is important, at every opportunity, to develop the skills of reflective (active) listening, the ability to listen. Those who truly know how to listen to others have a powerful vehicle of influence, a vehicle that can be gained by learning the following skills:

Read the continuation of the article in the journal "Medical practice: organization and legal aspects" No. 7/2011.

Speech development tests for educators.

1. What are the main areas of work on the development of the speech of children in kindergarten (according to the Federal State Educational Standard)

Speech development includes mastery of speech as a means of communication and culture; enrichment of the active vocabulary; development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogical and monologic speech; development of speech creativity; development of sound and intonation culture of speech, phonemic hearing; acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature; the formation of sound analytical and synthetic activity as a prerequisite for teaching literacy.

2. What does the work on the formation of the grammatical structure of speech include?Work on morphology: change by gender, number, case; word formation: the formation of one word on the basis of another; syntax: building simple and complex sentences.

3 . What are the tasks of vocabulary work?

Enrichment, expansion, revitalization vocabulary children.

4. The child is not interested in GCD for speech development. What should be done to increase interest in speech development classes?

Organize classes so that the child is involved in the process of independent search and discovery of new knowledge. Less control, more autonomy and trust.

Intellectual and Practical activities the lesson should be varied.

It is necessary to constantly change the form of questions, tasks, stimulate the search activity of children, creating an atmosphere of intense work.

The more the new material is connected with the child's existing personal experience, the more interesting it is for him.

Taking into account the individual, age, medical, mental characteristics of the child.

Emotionality of the teacher, his ability to support and direct interest in the content of the lesson. Using IT technology in the classroom

5. Name the forms of speech.

Dialogue and monologue

6. What skills are developed in the dialogue.

Listen to the interlocutor, ask a question, answer depending on the context.

7. What forms of work are used when teaching children coherent speech.

Retelling, description of toys and plot pictures, storytelling from experience, creative storytelling.

8. Leading Technique for Learning Correct Pronunciation

Caregiver sample

9.What age group does the work on teaching children of monologue speech begin with?

Middle group

10.What age group does the work on teaching children start with? dialogical speech?

Junior group

11. The system of methods and techniques to ensure successful memorization, preservation and reproduction of information- this is _mnemonics

12. What is the subject of study of the methods of speech development?
Answer options:
a) the process of children mastering their native speech and verbal communication skills in the context of purposeful pedagogical influence;
b) the process of independent mastering of native speech by children without interference from adults;
c) the formation of communication skills in the context of unregulated activities;
d) the development of children's speech in play activities;
e) the process of forming the cognitive activity of preschool children.

13. The methodological principle of ensuring active speech practice is based on the provision that the development of speech occurs only ...
Answer options:
a) on the basis of innate language abilities;
b) during the game;
c) in the process of communication;
d) in the process of development of intelligence;
e) in the process of the child's objective activity.

14. Word formation is a component ...
Answer options:
a) the grammatical aspect of speech;
b) the sound side of speech;
c) coherent speech;
d) the lexical side of speech;
e) figurative speech.

15. What is not considered a form of verbal creativity of children
Answer options:
a) creation of neologism words;
b) composing poems;
c) reading poems by heart;
d) composition of stories and fairy tales;

16. What forms of dialogical speech do you know?

Conversation, conversation

17. What technique is considered to be the leader when organizing a conversation?


18 In what order should different kinds questions in each finished part of the conversation (micro topic)?

1. Reproductive issues

2.Search questions

3.General questions

19. What types of monologue speech exist?

1. Retelling

2. Storytelling the picture

3. Telling about the toy

4. Telling children from experience

5 creative stories

20. Name the verbal methods and techniques for the development of speech.


1.Reading and Telling Fiction

2 memorizing

3. Retelling

4. Conversation

5. Telling about a picture, about a toy, from experience

6. Creative storytelling


1 question

2. Repetition

3. Explanation

4.Speech sample

21. What are the visual methods of speech development




3 room inspections

4. Consideration of natural objects.

5. Examining toys, paintings, photographs,



1. Displaying a picture, toy, movement or action

2.Show the position of the organs of articulation when pronouncing sounds

1. Reception of stress relief consists in a few pleasant phrases of a personal nature, a light joke.

2. Reception of a "clue" - this can be an unusual question, comparison, personal impressions, anecdotal case, a brief statement of the problem.

3. Reception of "stimulating the imagination" - the formulation of a number of questions that should be considered in the conversation.

Refutation of the interlocutor's arguments assumes, in particular, that if your arguments were objected, then:

Listen to several objections at once: the interlocutor gets annoyed if you interrupt him, and even on the most important thing;

Do not rush to answer until you understand the essence of the objection;

Find out if the objections really caused different points of view or, perhaps, you did not accurately formulate the essence of the question;

Ask questions so that the interlocutor is faced with the need to choose between two answer options.

Leaving contact - also an important element of business communication. The results of the conversation should be summarized. It is useful to set specific deadlines, a way of informing each other about the results of the planned actions. Thank the person you are talking to.

A business conversation is necessarily carried out when a person is hired for a job. It is in this situation that the employer and the job candidate demonstrate psychological and pedagogical skills and the ability to conduct a business conversation.

During the screening interview, the answers to the following questions should be studied: whether the candidate will be able to perform this work; whether it is suitable for the given job; whether this choice will be the best.

Typically, a business conversation in the form of a structured interview with a job applicant lasts at least 20 minutes. The purpose of the conversation (interview) is to assess the professionally important business and personal qualities of the candidate:

Professional knowledge and work experience;

Degree of interest in this work;

Activity or passivity in life position;

Purposefulness and readiness to solve the most difficult tasks;

The degree of independence in decision-making and responsibility for the results of their work;

Striving for leadership;

Ability to lead and willingness to obey;

The level of intellectual activity, the ability to be creative in solving problems;

Willingness to take risks or excessive caution;

Ability to speak and listen well;

Appearance and demeanor;

Honesty and decency.

When preparing for a business conversation, the employer (HR manager) draws up a list of 15-20 main and 10-20 additional questions.

Indicative list main issues

1. Tell us a little about yourself.

2. How do you look at life: what difficulties do you see in it and how do you cope with them?

3. What attracts you to work with us in this position?

4. Why do you consider yourself worthy to take this position? What is your advantage over other candidates?

5. What are your strengths?

6. What are your weaknesses?

7. Why did you leave your previous job?

8. Why did you decide to change your place of work?

9. Have you received any other job offers?

10. How well have you passed interviews elsewhere?

11. Does your personal life interfere with this work associated with additional loads (irregular working hours; long or distant business trips, constant traveling)?

12. How do you imagine your position in 5-10 years?

13. What changes would you make to new job?

14. Who can I contact for feedback on your previous job?

15. What salary do you expect?

Indicative list of questions

From the candidate's side

For employment

1. How have the organization's goals changed since its inception?

2. Is the staff stable enough or is there a high turnover?

3. What is the form of ownership of the organization?

4. Are the services or products seasonal?

5. Are the terms of employment of workers seasonal?

6. Does the organization have positive or negative public opinion?

7. What new products and services are being developed in the organization?

8. Are there any connections with foreign organizations?

9. What are the selection criteria?

10. What is the remuneration system?

11. What payments and benefits are included in the compensation package?

12. What will be my responsibilities?

13. Who will I work with?

14. To whom will I report?

15. Will I have subordinates and who exactly?

16. What are the prospects for my career?

17. What are the prospects for my salary growth?

At the end of the interview, the candidate should thank for the attention given to him and agree on a timeline for making the final decision on hiring. He can agree that he himself will contact in person or by phone at the agreed time.

Questions for self-control

1. What are the functions of a business conversation.

2. What is formalized conversation?

3. What does preparation for a business conversation include?

4. List the basic rules for conducting a business conversation.

5. Expand the structure of the business conversation.

6. How many main and additional questions are prepared in advance for a business conversation?

7. What are the basic techniques for starting a conversation.

8. What are the features of preparing a conversation on the part of the employer when hiring candidates for a job?

9. Prepare a detailed outline of the conversation with the younger student about his attitude to learning and behavior. 10. Justify the psychological and pedagogical techniques that promote the activation of the respondent's interest in the process of the conversation.


Andreev V.I.

A.K. Kolechenko Encyclopedia of Educational Technologies: A Guide for Teachers. SPb., 2002.

Ponomarev I.B. Fav. works: Jurid. Psychology, Conflictology and Psychology of Management, Pract. psychology in internal organs. cases. M., 2002.

Psychology and ethics of business communication // Ed. V.N. Lav-rinenko. M., 2000.

Skopylatov I.A., Efremov O.Yu. Personnel Management. SPb., 2000.

Chapter viii










For the current state of management of the education system, the most striking feature is the process of decentralization, i.e. transfer of a number of functions and powers from higher management bodies to collective management bodies of the educational process.

The public nature of the management of the education system lies in the fact that along with the state authorities, public bodies are created, which include representatives of the teaching and student collectives, parents, the public, etc. Their participation in management forms real prerequisites for creating a creative atmosphere and a positive psychological climate in the team of an educational institution.

The solution of psychological and pedagogical problems depends on the extent and how the educational potential of the teaching staff is used, how effectively various forms of interaction with the subjects of education and upbringing are used.

Revealing the main feature of the teaching staff, it is necessary to note the multifunctionality of the teaching profession. A modern teacher simultaneously performs the functions of a subject student, a leader in the field of education and upbringing, a head of a circle or studio, a public figure. The polyfunctionality of the activities of individual teachers determines the polyfunctionality of the activities of the entire teaching staff. Solving professional problems, the teaching staff goes beyond the educational institution. Influence on the surrounding social environment, the formation of the pedagogical culture of parents and society as a whole also become its integral function.

Another feature of the teaching staff is its high degree of self-control. The main fundamental issues of life and collective activity are the subject of discussion at different levels management. This is confirmed by the activities of the school council, pedagogical council, methodological commissions, and public organizations. Delegation of authority vertically to ordinary teachers creates the necessary prerequisites for the formation of a positive public opinion in the team, the development of independence and initiative. Usually, functional responsibilities members of the teaching staff, its leaders are clearly defined, job descriptions are obligatory for implementation, the forms of control and self-control have been worked out.

One of the features of the activities of the teaching staff is the collective nature of work and collective responsibility for the results of teaching activities. The individual efforts of individual teachers will not bring the desired success if they are not coordinated with the actions of other teachers, if there is no unity of action, requirements in organizing the school's daily routine, in assessing the quality of students' knowledge, etc. The unity of teachers can be manifested in value orientations, views, convictions, but does not mean uniformity in the technology of psychological and pedagogical activity.

In psychological and pedagogical activities, collective and individual forms of work of a general educational institution are distinguished. TO collective forms include meetings of the school council, pedagogical council, parent committee, holding psychological and pedagogical consultations, etc.

Classroom parenting meetings are a traditional form of work. Meanwhile, the methodology for their implementation needs to be improved. One of the approaches to organizing class meetings is the problematic formulation of topics, for example: "Getting rid of difficulties or facing them helps to raise children?", "Is it possible to be late with the education of kindness, responsiveness?" and others. But there should be not only a problematic wording, but also the interest in holding the meeting.

The forms of the organization of collective work change, are updated depending on many factors. The main factors for the use of certain forms are the following:

Public policy in the field of education, legislation and documents;

The moral and psychological climate in the team, the material and technical capabilities of the organization of collective work;

The presence of pedagogical experience, innovative openness and activity of teachers, the level of professional readiness of school leaders to carry out collective work;

The specific situation in the school team, in the relationship between teachers, teachers and students, teachers and leaders.

In the organization of collective work there is no and cannot be a division of forms into new and old, modern and outdated, since their effect depends on individual, group or collective needs and capabilities.




One of the most widely used in daily activities educational institution collective forms of psychological and pedagogical activity - general meetings of teachers and school conferences.

Practice shows that this is an effective way that can significantly affect the improvement of the level of skill of teachers, their competence and erudition, the efficiency of the educational institution as a whole.

Main functions general meeting:

- consideration and approval of a long-term plan, the main activities of the teaching staff for the coming period, focused on meeting the needs of the educational institution and its members;

Solving issues related to the participation of teachers in school management; discussion and adoption of plans for joint work of the teaching staff, administration, students, parents by external organizations;

Formation of self-government bodies in the school staff;

Development and formulation of proposals of the teaching staff to improve the educational process;

Consideration and approval of regulations, rules, memos and instructions governing the internal activities of the staff of an educational institution;

Hearing reports and information, assessing the results of the activities of the bodies of the teaching staff, etc.

Organization of the meeting requires step-by-step preparation:

Drawing up a list of participants (full name, position);

Determination of the place, date and time of the event;

Notification of meeting participants about its holding;

Preparing a plan for the meeting.

Procedure for maintaining

General meetings (meetings

pedagogical council)

The secretary opens the meeting.

"Dear Colleagues! According to the list of full-time employees, there are 120 people at the school, 108 people are present at the meeting, 12 are absent - all for a good reason. I.I. is also present at the meeting. Sidorov is the head of the district council.

What are the suggestions for opening the meeting? There was an offer to open a meeting. Who is for this proposal, please vote. Who is against, abstained? Adopted unanimously (by majority vote). The meeting is declared open.

To conduct the meeting, it is necessary to elect a presidium. What are the suggestions? There was a proposal to elect a presidium in the amount of 7 people. Do you have any other opinions? No. Accepted. I ask you to propose candidates for the Presidium. (The floor on the proposal of the composition of the presidium is offered to such and such ...)

The following comrades have been nominated for the Presidium of the meeting ... How will we vote: in person or as a list? Who is for the election of the named comrades to the Presidium, please vote. Who is against, abstained? Adopted unanimously (by majority vote).

I ask the elected comrades to take their places at the presidium table. " (The comrades elected to the presidium from among their members determine who will act as chairman.)

Chairman: “Dear colleagues, I consider the meeting to be continued.

The following agenda is offered to your attention. 1. Information of the chairman of the pedagogical council of the school about the work done in 2003/04 academic year. 2. On measures for the high-quality implementation of state educational standards in the activities of the teaching staff of the school. Speaker - Deputy. Director of the school for academic and educational work A.N. Petrov.

What is the opinion on the agenda? There was a proposal to approve the agenda. Who is for this proposal, please vote. Who is against, abstained? Adopted unanimously (by majority vote).

To streamline the course of the meeting, we need to develop and approve the rules. How long does the speaker ask for? How can we agree on speeches, inquiries, breaks?

The speaker asks for 30 minutes. There is a proposal to limit the speeches in the debate to 10 minutes. Break - after 1.5 hours of work (or: finish work without interruption). Who is for these proposals, please vote. Who is against, abstained? The proposed regulation was adopted unanimously (by majority vote).

Let's move on to the first question. The floor for information is given to the chairman of the pedagogical council of the school I.I. Ivanova. What questions will be on the information? No questions? What is the opinion on the information? There is a suggestion to take note this information... Who is for this proposal, please vote. Who is against, abstained? The information was taken into consideration unanimously (by majority vote).

We begin consideration of the second item on the agenda. The floor for the report is given to the Deputy Director for Academic and Educational Work A.N. Petrova ".

At the end of the report, the chairman: “The report is over. When and in what form will we ask the speaker questions: now, during the meeting, verbally or writing? There was a proposal to ask questions during the meeting in writing. No other suggestions? Accepted.

Let's start discussing the report. The floor is given ... Those who wish to speak, please sign up for the presidium. Prepare to perform ...

Dear Colleagues! 7 people took part in the debate, 5 more people signed up to speak (name the names of those who signed up).

There was a motion to close the debate. The presidium has an opinion to allow the next speaker, as well as the head of the district council, to speak and stop the discussion of the issue. Do you have any objections? Who is for this proposal, please vote. Who is against, abstained? Adopted unanimously (by majority vote).

The debate is over. The floor for the conclusion is given to the speaker.

The floor is given to read the draft decision of the meeting ...

There is a proposal to accept this draft decision as a basis. No other opinions? Accepted. Who will have changes, additions? Who is in favor of making additions to the draft decision? Who is for this proposal, please vote. Who is against, abstained? Adopted unanimously (by majority vote).

Who has certificates, comments on the conduct of the meeting?

The agenda is over.

The meeting is declared closed.

Who has ads? "

This concludes the general meeting (conference).




The form of organization of psychological and pedagogical interaction, called "pedagogical council", is one of the difficult, but rather effective forms in solving various pedagogical problems. The main features of conducting a psychological and pedagogical consultation are described in the works of a number of domestic teachers and psychologists 1.

The term "consultation" (lat. - consilium) borrowed from medical vocabulary and literally means "a meeting of doctors to discuss the patient's condition, determine and clarify the diagnosis, make a decision on the methods of treatment." Thus, in the narrow sense, the council initially acts as a form of activity based on collective discussion and decision-making on issues related to certain deviations in the functioning of the diagnosed phenomenon, object or process.

Psychological and pedagogical council - the organizational form of the activity of school teachers, the purpose of which is a collective discussion of the results of diagnostics of schoolchildren, their training and upbringing according to a specific program and according to common criteria, collective assessment of certain aspects of the personality, identifying the causes of possible deviations, the formation of certain personality traits, as well as collective development of means to overcome the discovered shortcomings.

There are planned and unscheduled consultations. The tasks of the planned consultation may include:

Determination of the ways of psychological and pedagogical support of the child;

Elaboration of coordinated solutions to determine the educational correctional and developmental trajectory of the student's personality development;

Dynamic assessment of the child's condition and correction of the previously planned program;

Solving the issue of changing the content of correctional and developmental work upon completion of training (academic year).

Unscheduled consultations are collected at the request of parents, the administration of an educational institution, specialists, teachers or educators.

An unscheduled consultation involves the solution of the following tasks:

Analysis of suddenly arisen psychological and pedagogical tasks and the adoption of any emergency measures on the revealed circumstances;

Discussion of the results of correctional and developmental work and, if necessary (if the effectiveness of such work is low), changing its direction in a changed situation.

In addition, a psychological and pedagogical consultation can be devoted to the results of a survey of a certain category of schoolchildren or a discussion of individual work with a particular difficult student.

Several shapes are possible organizing and holding psychological and pedagogical consultation.

The first form is a consultation held as a meeting at which the results of a joint specific research on a previously identified problem are discussed in order to determine the diagnosis and methods further work... With this form, there is a scientifically grounded determination of the characteristics of the development of the student's personality (student collective), the strategy and tactics of pedagogical work, specific methods of pedagogical influence (or interaction) within the framework of the specific problematic that was the subject of joint study.

The second form is joint discussion of specific programs necessary for the implementation of educational, developmental, correctional work. This form is closely related to the first.

The third form is joint discussion of the concept, strategy and tactics of the development of the entire teaching staff of the school or its individual structural elements in specific conditions (taking into account the specifics staff, the contingent of students, the material base and other aspects of school life that affect the final result of the work of the teaching staff). Fourth form is a synthesis of various forms and can be defined as a pedagogical council for joint discussion of several problems of a complex nature. In particular, it can be a pedagogical council for discussing both the results of studying the characteristics of the development of the student's personality (student collective), and correctional (educating, developing) programs based on these data.

Mandatory diagnostic procedures, which covers every student.

Survey of preschoolers at the stage of admission to school;

First graders at the stage of adaptation to the school environment;

Fourth graders at the graduation stage primary school;

5th graders at the stage of adaptation in the middle level;

Adolescents during an acute age crisis;

High school students.

The consultation is carried out based on the results of the examination of students at each stage of the diagnostic examination and includes:

1) organizational and methodological training in conducting a survey (preparation of materials, notification of all participants);

2) conducting the first stage of the diagnostic examination - observing students in the classroom (2 hours per class):

Carrying out diagnostic procedures with all students;

Conducting an expert survey of teachers;

Conducting an expert survey of parents;

Processing of results;

Selection of a group of students for carrying out various schemes for deepening psychodiagnostics;

3) carrying out the second stage of psychodiagnostic examination;

4) preparation for the psychological and pedagogical council:

Conducting consultations with teachers regarding the upcoming council;

Preparation of analytical information, drawing up a plan for discussion at the council (highlighting psychologically disadvantaged groups of students with various types of problems);

Preparation of forms for the conclusion of the council;

5) holding a psychological and pedagogical council:

Exchange of information between teachers regarding specific students;

Development and planning of strategies for accompanying each student;

Filling out the form of the conclusion of the council for each student;

Development and planning of strategies for the whole class;

6) implementation of the decisions of the council:

Implementation of general advisory activities (parent meetings, advice to the administration, subject teachers);

Planning joint actions of the class teacher and the psychologist;

Selection of students for special developmental groups;

Carrying out individual consultations parents, teachers and students;

Implementation of psychological and dispatching activities (search for a specialist, ensuring his contact with the client, the implementation of supporting activities);

Planning and implementation of related forms of work (education, general development work and

7) planning and monitoring the effectiveness of the work carried out.

The task of teachers in the council is to help each teacher with different sides approach the assessment of the intellectual development of the student, the basic qualities of his personality, show " the complexity and ambiguity of its manifestations, relationships; to reveal the problems of self-esteem, motivation, especially cognitive and other interests, emotional mood, and most importantly - to provide an approach to the student with an optimistic hypothesis regarding the prospects for his further development and outline a real program of work with him.

During the consultations, teachers pay special attention to the following characteristics students: social and labor activity; moral education; attitude to learning; cultural outlook; leading interests and inclinations; the ability to highlight the main thing in the educational material; the ability to plan educational work; the ability to exercise self-control

in teaching; be persistent in teaching; health status; educational influence of the family, collective.

Obviously, the role of psychological and pedagogical councils will increase as innovative learning technologies based on a person-centered approach are introduced into practice.

Questions for self-control

1. What are the features of the teaching staff.

2. What belongs to the main collective forms of work of a general education institution?

3. What are the goals pursued by the general meetings of the teaching staff of the school?

4. What are the stages of preparing a general meeting of the team?

5. Demonstrate the procedure for conducting general meetings.

6. What are the goals of psychological and pedagogical consultations at school?

7. When are unscheduled psychological and pedagogical consultations held?

8. Expand the possible forms of organization and conduct of the psychological and pedagogical council.

9. What characteristics of schoolchildren do teachers pay special attention to during psychological and pedagogical consultations?

10. Prepare a draft decision of a planned psychological and pedagogical council based on the results of a diagnostic examination of adolescents during an acute age crisis.


Andreev V.I. Pedagogy: Textbook. course for creative. self-education. Kazan, 2000.

Intraschool management: Vopr. theory and practice / Ed. T.I. Shamova. M., 1991.

Denisenkova N.S. The teaching staff of the school. M., 1984.

Slastenin V.A. and others. Pedagogy: Textbook. manual for students of higher. ped. study, institutions. M., 2002.

Spirin L.F. Theory and technology for solving pedagogical problems (developing professional pedagogical training and self-education) / Ed. P.I. Perky. M., 1997.





Tasks for the analysis of the pedagogical situation

The literature teacher worked for two years in high school, she loved and knew her subject. Last year, a boy from another school came to her in the 10th grade. The reason for the transfer is conflicts with teachers. He has already changed the third school. Igor, that was the name of the boy, was immediately liked by his classmates and teachers. Smart, erudite, neat, he always tried to take an active part in the social life of the class and school. The teacher even often wondered what happened in those schools from which he had to leave?

The boy studied the first quarter. There were no comments to it. Parents breathed a sigh of relief at the parent meeting, because the teacher said only good things about their son. Igor became the leader in the class.

It all started in the second quarter, when they began to study a new work. He loudly announced to the whole class that this work was no longer relevant, it was not interesting, why not allow, like abroad, every student to study any work and go to those subjects that he considers necessary. Sitting in the classroom is boring, just everyone is silent, etc. So in every lesson ...

1. Diagnose Igor's character accentuation type.

2. Diagnose Igor's deed in a specific pedagogical situation.

3. Formulate strategic, tactical and situational tasks in the situation that has arisen.

4. Prepare a version of the questionnaire for high school students about the quality of teaching them literature, including the following fragments: the introductory part of the questionnaire with instructions; one closed question; two half-closed; one open; filter question; Security Question.

5. Design an interview form with ten survey questions best teachers literature - methodologists on ways to ensure the high quality of teaching their discipline.

6. Prepare a form for the observation card of the behavior of high school students in literature class, assuming that observation is structured and not included.

7. Develop a form for monitoring the quality of the teacher's literature teaching in the classroom.

Tasks for the analysis of pedagogical

Receiving stress relief is designed to establish close contact with the interlocutor. It is carried out with the help of warm words or pleasant phrases addressed to the interlocutor. An appropriate joke also helps to defuse initial tensions and creates a friendly environment for conversation.

Reception of the "clue" allows you to summarize the situation or problem, linking it to the content of the conversation, and use this "hook" as a starting point for the planned conversation. In these; For purposes, you can successfully use a small event, comparison, personal impression, anecdotal incident, or unusual question.

Reception of stimulating imagination involves posing at the beginning of the conversation many questions on a number of problems that should be considered in it. This technique is advisable when talking with interlocutors who are optimistic and have a sober view of the situation.

Taking a direct approach means getting straight to the point. Schematically, it looks like this: the reasons for which the conversation was scheduled are briefly reported, quickly move from general questions To private and begin the topic of conversation. This technique is more suitable for short-term and not too * important business contacts during telephone conversations.

The main requirement for the beginning of a conversation is that it should begin with the so-called "you-approach", ~~ there are the skills of the person conducting the conversation, to put this in the place of the interlocutor in order to better understand him.

Phase transmission of information- the second phase of the business conversation. It creates the prerequisites for argumentation and consists of four stages:

* designation of the problem;

* the actual transfer of information;

* consolidation of information;

* designation of a new direction of information.

In order to successfully complete all four stages, you need:

* concise and clear construction of the transmitted information: the more information will be addressed to the interlocutor and the more indigestible it will be, the less information will be remembered by our interlocutor;

* skillful posing of questions:closed- at the first stage, when we want to speed up obtaining consent or confirmation of a previously reached agreement (for example: “Do you agree that the problem requires a comprehensive discussion?”); open(requiring any explanation) - at the second stage; rhetorical("Can we consider these phenomena normal?") And questions for reflection ("Did I understand your message that ...?") In the third stage; turning points (when enough information has been received on one problem and we want to move on to the next, or when we felt the interlocutor's resistance and are trying to "break through") - on the fourth;

* studying the reactions of the interlocutor: we do not let the interlocutor out of sight, observing his external reaction and movements; we make visual contact ”that is, we look into the eyes of the interlocutor when he expresses his point of view and position;

* ability to listen to the interlocutor: it is a well-known truth - everyone listens, but not everyone hears.

Let us dwell in more detail on two sides of this complex process - the hearing process. First, to we listened actively and consciously perceived the transmitted information, we;

* focus only on the topic of conversation;

* we prevent the emergence of side thoughts, because the speed of thinking is four times the speed of speech;

* do not think over counterarguments;

* we use four active responses :,

a) clarification(we just turn to the interlocutor to clarify his words, our own understanding, etc.);

b) paraphrasing(reformulation of what is communicated in their own words, for the purpose of checking understanding or for the purpose of directing the conversation aside);

v) reflection of feelings(finding out the correct understanding of the emotional state of the interlocutor, which optimizes communication and tells the partner that he is understood);

G) summarizing(summarizing the main ideas and feelings of the speaker; this is, in fact, clarifying the meaning of the action performed by the speaker).

Secondly, to we were actively listened to and consciously perceived the transmitted information,

* do not "get hung up" on numerous enumerations (studies have shown that even trained people can remember exactly no more than five points);

* we try not to use "critical words", which especially affect the psyche, taking a person out of balance (for example, the words "earthquake", "rising prices", "galloping inflation", etc. cause a mental hurricane in some people, there is an unconscious desire protest and scandal, and people no longer follow what others are saying at that moment);

* we use the method of logical skeletonization of the transmitted information, which includes three sequential actions:

a) the transmitted information is conventionally divided into semantic groups, between which logical pauses are placed;

b) in each semantic group, the main words in terms of meaning are highlighted and a logical emphasis is placed on them;

Let us recall the features of human perception of verbal information:

* the phrase should include no more than 11-13 words (according to some sources - no more than 7);

* pronunciation speed should be no more than 2-3 words per second;

* a phrase pronounced without a pause for more than 5-6 seconds ceases to be recognized;

* a person expresses 80% of what he wants to communicate, and those who listen to him perceive no more than 70% of this, understand - 60%, but in their memory they have from 25 to 10%;

* with an impulsive emotional response, no more than a third of the perceived information is usually understood, since the stress arising in this case prepares the body for an active response (by releasing adrenaline into the blood, activation of respiration and pulse, activation of sugar and fat reserves), blocking the "unnecessary" work of the brain at the moment ...

Two people speak the truth: the one who tells and the one who listens.

Eastern wisdom

It is important to develop in yourself at every opportunity; reflective (active) listening skills, listening skills. Those who truly know how to listen to others have a powerful vehicle of influence, a vehicle that can be gained by learning the following skills.

Direct your attention: look at the person, feel the interest in what he is saying, do not let yourself be distracted.

Watch out for non-verbal signs: Observe the person's facial expressions and movements that convey unspoken but important relationships and feelings.

Defer judgment: do not make judgments until bodies until you fully understand the views of the other person.

Do not allow yourself to interrupt the other: before you make a comment, wait for the person to finish their speech.

Check your understanding: repeat what is said to ensure complete understanding; if necessary, clarify what was said in your own words.

Reveal the logic of statements: Find a pattern for the other person's statements, and try to identify the logic and assumptions they contain.

Provide your support: Encourage free expression of judgments, even if they are inappropriate to you or seem unreasonable.

Create joint ideas: strive to expand and develop what the other person said, and not look for mistakes in it.

Phase argumentation - the most difficult phase of the conversation, it requires a lot of knowledge, concentration of attention, presence of mind, assertiveness and correctness of statements, while we are largely dependent on the interlocutor. Usually, the following twelve rhetorical methods of argumentation are distinguished.

1. Fundamental method involves familiarizing the interlocutor with the facts and information that are the basis of our proof. The most important role in this is played by digital examples (they, in contrast to verbal information, are more objective; at the moment, none of those present is able to refute them).

2. Method of contradiction is defensive and based on the identification of contradictions in the argumentation of the enemy.

3. Extraction method conclusions is based on precise argumentation, which gradually, step by step, through partial conclusions will lead us to the desired conclusion. The method is often used when the interlocutor made only partial or did not make any conclusions at all, which gives us the opportunity to express our judgments, which even destroy the initial basis of his argumentation.

4. Comparison method is actually a special form of inference extraction method. When the comparisons are well-chosen, they lend the performance exceptional clarity and persuasiveness. In counterarguments, when our interlocutor makes a comparison, one should try to consider this comparison critically and, if possible, prove its precariousness.

5. Method "yes ... but". Most often, one-way arguments are used, which allows you to safely apply this method.

6. Chunks method consists in dividing the speeches of the interlocutors into separate parts, for each of which the opinion is expressed: "this is for sure", "there are different points of view about this", "this is completely wrong." In this case, it is more expedient not to touch upon the strongest arguments of the interlocutor, but to focus mainly on weak points and try to refute them.

7. Boomerang method makes it possible to use the interlocutor's weapon against himself. This method does not have the power of proof, but it is exceptional when applied with a fair amount of wit. For example, to a tricky question: "How many traffic lights are there on the section of the Garden Ring from the city hall to the Crimean bridge?" - the answer is quite appropriate: "Probably the same as from the Crimean bridge to the city hall."

8. Ignore method is used when the fact stated by the interlocutor is difficult to refute. In this case, the value and significance of this fact can be successfully ignored.

9. Potentiation method in the ability, according to their interests, to shift accents, highlighting what suits them.

10. Withdrawal method based on a gradual subjective change in the essence of the matter. In essence, these are paraphrased winged words, proverbs, sayings, sayings, and often - impromptu. How not to remember the famous "We wanted the best, but it turned out as always."

11. Polling method based on the fact that questions are asked in advance. Questions are a "percussive tool" of any conversation, and since we want to learn from the interlocutor mostly not what he himself wants to tell us, we carefully think over them, envisage the circumstances under which we can, in a certain sequence and at the right pace, ask the interlocutor a number questions that should be short and meaningful. As practice shows, a number of correctly selected questions can bring any interlocutor to a boil.

12. Visible support method consists in the fact that we do not object to our interlocutor at all and do not contradict, but, to the amazement of all those present, on the contrary, we come to the rescue, bringing new evidence in favor of his arguments. But only for show! And then comes the counterstrike. For example: “You forgot to cite such facts in support of your thesis ... (they are listed below). But all this will not help you, because ... ”- now it is the turn of our counterarguments. Thus, it seems that we studied the point of view of the interlocutor more thoroughly than he himself, and after that we were convinced of the inconsistency of his thesis.

So, we have finished looking at rhetorical methods of argumentation based on professional evidence. Now let us list twelve speculative methods of argumentation. They are "pictorial" techniques, the use of which is questionable, but should be aware of.

1. Exaggeration method consists in generalization of any kind and exaggeration, as well as in drawing up premature conclusions. For example: “This is all - the machinations of my ill-wishers” (generalizations), “All leaders are arrogant and arrogant” (exaggeration).

2. The method of anecdote. One witty or humorous remark made at the right time can completely destroy even carefully constructed argumentation. If you then meticulously analyze the content of this remark, then, as a rule, it turns out that it has nothing to do with the subject of discussion and, when applied again, has almost no effect.

How to behave if this method was used against us:

* in no case should our face take on a sour expression;

* you can not also play the role of an offended diva;

* the best trick is to pay back with the same coin.

If we are not able to do this, then the only thing that remains for us is to laugh at ourselves together with everyone. And the louder the better. And after that, you can go on to present the essence of the problem. The action of the joke will die out like the flame of a match.

In this case, it is desirable:

* provide a quote from an equally respected person.

4. Method of discrediting the interlocutor is based on the following rule: if I cannot refute the essence of the question, then at least the identity of the interlocutor should be questioned. You also need to be prepared for direct insults. In this case, it is necessary:

* in no case follow this example;

* coolly explain to those present the treachery of blows;

* in some cases, ignore the attack.

5. Isolation method is based on “pulling out” individual phrases from the speech, isolating them and presenting them in a truncated form so that they have a meaning that is completely opposite to the original one. How does this method differ from the "chunks method" discussed above? The fact that the method of chunks recommends to select from the speech only those key parts that have an independent meaning, which are clear in themselves and cannot be perverted.

6. Direction change method lies in the fact that the interlocutor does not attack our arguments, but moves on to another question, which is essentially irrelevant to the subject of discussion. In practice, he is trying to get around the "hot" place and generate interest in other issues.

7. Displacement method similar to the previous method, but in this case the interlocutor does not move on to any one, precisely defined problem, exaggerates the secondary problems taken from our presentation. He seeks to switch to some secondary topic and often tries to make an elephant out of a fly. At the same time, he overestimates certain facts, and completely ignores others, depending on his needs. He continues to assert or prove things that have never been in doubt, and clings to little things and single words.

8. Method of introduction misleading is based on the message of confused information, words and half-truths that the interlocutor throws at us. Everything is quickly and thoroughly mixed. What should you do in this case? Of course, you can't shade! It is necessary, as under a microscope, to consider each point of the interlocutor's speech and calmly begin the discussion.

9. Delay method is intended to create obstacles to the conduct of the discussion or its protraction. The interlocutor uses meaningless words, asks questions that have already been worked out and requires clarification on trifles in order to gain time for reflection. This method cannot be recognized as absolutely speculative, it can be resorted to when we are faced with strong arguments.

10. Appeal method- a particularly dangerous form of repression of the process of reasoning, because it is aimed at the feelings of the listeners, blocking the path to reason. The interlocutor does not act as a business person and specialist, but constantly appeals to sympathy, to some vague moral and ethical norms and principles. An example of this kind of speculation is Ostap Bender's speech at the first meeting of the Sword and Plowshare Society with an appeal to make contributions to the needs of children.

11. Distortion method represents a blatant perversion of what we have said, or a permutation of emphasis. It is necessary to immediately bring such an interlocutor to clean water.

12. Method of using trap questions:

* repetition, when the same question or statement is repeated many times; in the end, it can easily be used as evidence, since the persistence with which the interlocutor expresses his ideas over and over again sooner or later weakens our critical thinking, for example, statements containing the concepts of "totalitarianism" and "democracy";

* extortion, when the interlocutor with his questions seeks to persuade us to agree with him. For example, the question "Do you, of course, acknowledge these facts?" Thus, the interlocutor practically leaves us with only one opportunity - to defend ourselves: I do not answer forced questions;

* alternative, when questions "close the horizon", implying only those answers that correspond to the concept of our interlocutor. For example, statements like the following: “Let the nonprofessionals in the parliament mock the people again or choose the worthy ones from our environment?”;

* counter questions, when, instead of essentially answering our arguments, the interlocutor asks us questions. It is best to immediately isolate yourself from them: "I will gladly consider your question after your answer to my question, which, you must agree, was asked earlier."

Basic rules of argumentation tactics.

1. Application of arguments. Start the argumentation phase in a lively style, without much hesitation. The main arguments should be presented at any opportunity, but whenever possible, each time in a new light. In lengthy negotiations, you should not immediately use all the weapons from the arsenal - something should be left and at last.

The interlocutor, whose opinion does not coincide with ours, will be much more influenced by two-sided argumentation, when we point out both the advantages and the weaknesses of the proposed solution. One-sided argumentation can be used in cases where the interlocutor is less educated, when he has already formed his opinion, or he openly expresses a positive attitude towards our point of view.

The conclusions of practical psychology show that the initial information is of decisive importance, therefore, in the argumentation phase, the advantages and then the disadvantages of any solution are first listed. Better yet, use the following order of use of the arguments: strong - medium - strongest.

Applying arguments requires taking into account a number of psychological patterns. The point is that the persuasiveness of the arguments depends on the image and status of the persuader:

* larger and taller is perceived as more solid;

* the status of the accuser is perceived as higher;

* in matters of morality, family, life, women are more convincing, in matters of politics, business, technology - men are more convincing;

* young people and the elderly are less convincing, middle-aged people are more convincing;

* we treat the arguments of a pleasant interlocutor with condescension, and the arguments of an unpleasant one with prejudice.

2. Choice of technique. It depends on psychological characteristics interlocutors. So, it would be a mistake to apply the polling method to a closed and sensitive interlocutor. At the same time, for a cold-blooded specialist, four numbers will mean more than a thousand words.

In addition, the persuasiveness of the proof, first of all, depends on the perception of the listeners (and they are not critical of themselves); we come to the conclusion that we must first try to identify the position of the interlocutor and then include it in our construction of argumentation, or at least not allow it to contradict our premises. How to achieve this:

* by directly addressing the interlocutor ("What do you think about this proposal?", "How, in your opinion, can this problem be solved?");

* through emotional and open approval (“This great idea! "," You are absolutely right! "," Great! " and etc.). By acknowledging directness, showing attention, or applauding openly, we are encouraging the interlocutor. And now it is his turn to repay the debt - the interlocutor whom we in one way or another made to feel obligated, will accept our argument with less resistance;

* by using a simple rule that is more than two thousand years old, but it is still relevant now: if we were answered “yes” to two simple questions, most likely, and the third important one will also be answered “yes”.

3. Avoidance of exacerbations. For the normal course of argumentation, it is important to avoid exacerbation or confrontation, as this often affects the decisions made. Therefore, it is recommended:

* consider critical issues either at the beginning or at the end of the argumentation phase;

* on especially delicate issues, talk with your interlocutor in private before the start of a business conversation, since one can achieve much more face-to-face than in a conference room or at the negotiating table;

* in extremely difficult situations, take a break to "cool down" the head, and then return to this issue again.

4. "Stimulating appetite." From a psychological point of view, it is most convenient to offer the interlocutor options and information for preliminary awakening of his interest and demands. In other words, first you need to describe the current state of affairs with an emphasis on possible negative consequences, and then (based on "provoked appetite") indicate the direction of possible solutions with a detailed justification of all the benefits.

You can argue with brilliance, but not achieve the desired goal only because they failed to generalize the proposed facts and information. Therefore, in order to achieve as much convincingness as possible, we must draw conclusions ourselves and offer them to the interlocutor, because facts never speak for themselves.

The fourth phase of the conversation - making a decision - crowns our efforts and the entire business conversation. With the help of the decision made, the main goals facing us are achieved.

What rules can you follow to successfully end a conversation? These include the following:

* Feel free to ask your interlocutor if he agrees with our goal. In all cases, wait for the other person to agree with our goals;

* Do not be hesitant in the decision-making phase and do not be too tense. If you hesitate at the moment of making a decision, then do not be surprised if the interlocutor also begins to hesitate;

* try to make it easy for the interlocutor to agree with your conclusions and recommendations.

If the interlocutor opposes:

* do not back down until the interlocutor repeats "no" several times;

* do not give up at the mercy of the interlocutor until you have tried everything possible;

* always leave in stock one strong argument confirming our thesis, in case the interlocutor begins to hesitate at the time of making a decision. For example: “Yes, I forgot to add, in case of failure we will cover all costs”;

* try to bring positive example- refer to a case that took place with someone who is similar to your interlocutor to give an incentive to make a positive decision;

* use reliable arguments, as it is better if the interlocutor makes a decision now than later. In doing so, stay consistent in terms of truth.

Psychological techniques to achieve the location of the interlocutor. According to A.Yu. Panasyuk (1990), there are certain psychological techniques proven by the practice of business communication that can create a favorable location for our partner.

Before presenting these techniques, we will try to reveal the psychological mechanism of the formation of the location of the interlocutor. Often, a conversation with one partner, despite the positive results, leaves an unpleasant aftertaste. Sometimes we are overwhelmed by a feeling of inexplicable sympathy. Why? During communication with a partner, many signals are sent to our senses (sight, hearing, smell, etc.) from the partner. But are they all conscious?

For example, during a conversation we are asked to close our eyes for a minute and say what color the tie is on the interlocutor, then we will not always be able to give the correct answer. Naturally, the tie itself and its color were reflected on the retina of the eye. But have we seen this tie? Yes and no. Have seen, if you mean the reaction of the retina of the eye. Not seen, if you mean the awareness of what you saw. So, we can see and ... not see, hear and ... not hear. Everything depends on the involvement of our consciousness in these processes.

A signal that affected our senses, but was not fixed in our consciousness, may disappear without a trace for us (like the color of a tie), or it may not disappear. It all depends on how significant this signal is for a given personality, whether it carries a sufficient emotional charge for a person. “Bypassing” consciousness, which at this moment may be occupied by another signal, the emotionally significant signal remains in the sphere of the unconscious and from there exerts its influence, which manifests itself in the form of an emotional attitude.

And if, in the process of business communication, you send signals to your partner in such a way that, firstly, the signal has enough emotional meaning for the partner; secondly, so that this value is positive for him; finally, thirdly, so that the partner is not aware of this signal? The following psychological effect arises: a business communication partner will claim that in some way this communication was pleasant for him, something in us was attractive, etc. If this is done repeatedly, then our partner develops a strong emotional positive attitude.

Thus, with the help of certain psychological techniques we can send signals to a business communication partner that they are not aware of, but which are emotionally positive for them. Having penetrated with the help of these techniques into the sphere of the unconscious, these signals will determine a person's positive attitude towards their source.

What are tricks can we send emotionally positive signals to our partner and achieve a favorable disposition of the interlocutor towards us? The main ones include the following:

* addressing the interlocutor by name (name-patronymic) at every opportunity in the course of business contact. After all, name and personality are inseparable. When a person is addressed by name, this is how they show attention to that person. Attention to a given personality is its affirmation. This gives the person a sense of satisfaction. Feelings of satisfaction are accompanied by positive emotions. And a person always strives for the one who (what) causes him positive emotions;

* when communicating with our business partner we have natural and benevolent (natural, not casual) facial expression, soft and sincere smile. The face is the mirror of the soul, the mirror of our relationship to a person. If we have just such an expression on our face and just such a smile, then, most likely, this is a signal "I am your friend." A friend increases security, that is, satisfies one of the needs. Feelings of satisfaction are accompanied by positive emotions. And a person always strives for the one who (what) causes positive emotions in him;

* when communicating with a partner, we are reasonable we use compliments and courtesies in accordance with the rules of business etiquette. Compliments, unlike flattery, are words that slightly exaggerate the partner's positive qualities. History knows no examples when a person to whom appropriate and truthful words about him were addressed suddenly became unpleasant and uncomfortable. Quite the opposite. If a compliment is made according to all the rules (we will talk about them further), then the effect of suggestion arises. As a consequence of suggestion - "correspondence" satisfaction of the need to "look" in this matter better. As a consequence of satisfying the need - the formation of positive emotions. And a person always strives for who (what) causes positive emotions in him.

A few words about the rules for applying compliments. There are at least seven of them:

1. A compliment should reflect only the real and only positive qualities of the partner, and also include one meaning.

2. The reflected positive quality should have a slight exaggeration, without exaggeration.

3. The compliment should fix more high level development of a particular quality in a partner, rather than a person's own opinion about this quality. For example, an anti-compliment would be the phrase: “I am amazed how you remembered the phone number 60-60-60 from one mention! You have a phenomenal memory! "

4. The tactics of using compliments requires taking into account the opinion of the person and his attitude to the noted quality. For example, a man showed elementary politeness towards a woman, and he was called, wanting to flatter him, a seducer and a professional naughty.

5. The compliment should state the presence of any quality, and not contain recommendations for its improvement. The phrase: "You were active, but not enough!" Will not be a compliment!

6. A compliment should not contain additives that often diminish the positive impact of a compliment. For example, in the phrase "Your hands are golden, but your tongue is your enemy!" it is better to use only the first part.

7. The most effective compliment is made against the background of an anti-compliment to oneself;

* in the course of business communication, be a patient and attentive listener. This tactic leads to the satisfaction of one of the most important needs of any person - the need for self-expression. Her satisfaction naturally leads to the formation of positive emotions. And a person always strives for the one who (what) causes him positive emotions;

* in the process of business communication it is sometimes advisable talk about your interlocutor, about what interests him, how he lives, what his hobbies are, etc. At the same time, we lose in time, but we win in the disposition of the interlocutor towards us. Empirical observations have noted that if a conversation is conducted with a person in the mainstream of his expressed personal interest, then this, as a rule, causes him to have increased verbal activity, accompanied by positive emotions. And a person always strives for who (what) causes positive emotions in him.

Mutual understanding in the course of a business conversation. Most people are influenced by those who are considered specialists in one sense or another. A specialist is an employee who has a good understanding of a subject and is assessed in this capacity by recognized authorities. The influence of another specialist is based on the special role that he plays in the organization, on the ability to command. The third type of specialist is a master of good * personal relationships, a person who knows how to achieve mutual understanding with others. Establishing good relationships with other people is characteristic of being truly influential.

Building rapport is a delicate process with some obvious contradictions. Here it is necessary to achieve contact with others without diminishing the sense of one's own wholeness. The following are some of the key steps you need to take to establish a good personal relationship.

Confession: look at the other person and pay attention to him.

Establishing individuality: associate for yourself the name of the person and his individual characteristics.

Physical interaction: build bridges between you through some kind of physical interaction.

Interest: Express an interest in the other person's situation and prospects.

Expressing your views: open up your thoughts and feelings.

Willingness to provide support: be prepared to cheer up the other person.

Those who have shown themselves to be approachable will provide themselves with goodwill attitudes from those around them. When a good personal relationship is established between two people, they tend to understand each other's points of view, and, accordingly, they can be more likely to appreciate the ideas and work of the other. They have made a personal contribution to increasing the ability to be influential.

Here, however, there is a difficulty to be explored. There is a temptation to pretend that you are interested in the other person in order to establish rapport with him. Then the interaction will be based more on deception than on good personal relationships. There is a fatal weakness in such a relationship, as a lack of genuine contact will undermine the level of trust. It often happens that both people tend to manipulate each other, so that there are hidden intentions in all their interaction. Maybe this is enough for superficial contact, but if the influence should be greater than necessary in the simplest situations, you need to build relationships based on an honest and direct exchange of views.

People who effectively influence others acquire the skills of successful presentation. They also receive views, opinions, and other information from those they seek to influence. Since influence is a two-way process, listening to others is important. Such a skill can be specially developed, and among its advantages are the following:

* more information is accumulated;

* better understanding of the perspectives of another person;

* you show that you value the other person;

* mutual understanding is created;

* reasonable inferences can be made.

Problem or disciplinary conversations... This type of conversation is caused by the facts of violation of discipline or deviations from the established rules and daily routine. According to A.A. Romanov (1995), the main purpose of such conversations is not to punish the culprit, but to eliminate the "gap", that is, the discrepancy between the requirements and the actual behavior of the participants business process... The experience of foreign management specialists shows that from 70 to 85% of all "gaps" in production process can only be corrected by a supervisor.

Preparing and conducting such a conversation includes three main stages:

* preparatory;

* stage of carrying out;

* final.

During preparatory phase the leader must impartially examine the state of the "gap", that is, when, how, who got it, what contributed to it, why it arose. Next, you need to carefully consider the tactics of the conversation. The main goal in this is for the subordinate to accept the position of the leadership both in relation to the specific misconduct and in relation to the punishment; for the conversation to improve future work subordinate.

During phase of the main thing is to create a positive background for the subordinate. And only after creating this background should you start the unpleasant part of the conversation. Naturally, for such a conversation, the leader must find both a time and a place where there is an opportunity to talk in private.

In fact, this is not the case. Usually the conversation, or rather the "dressing down", is carried out on the spot and spontaneously, hot on the heels. The leader, as a rule, thunders and thunders, and often goes to the guilty and the right: everyone who came to hand. Why do they do this? Because they want to show everyone the uncompromising nature, clarity and continuity of leadership. In fact, this tactic is ineffective for two reasons:

* First, irritation and anger awaken aggressiveness and hostility in subordinates. And this can result in an open dispute, squabble, hidden rebuff or quiet "sabotage";

* secondly, no matter how guilty the subordinate may be, by scolding him in full view of everyone, the leader makes him a “martyr”, whom other colleagues will sympathize with and provide moral support. And fighting on two fronts is much more difficult.

It is more expedient at this stage to focus on getting answers to the following questions:

* is the problem that has arisen a means of attracting attention and bringing your personal complaints;

* is the problem caused by personal difficulties (family conflict, illness of relatives, etc.);

* is the problem related to a lack of qualifications, assistance, training.

The transition to the unpleasant part of the conversation, in which complaints against the subordinate can be expressed, it is better to use the "two person" technique. It can be expressed in a phrase with the following content:

“Talking to you, I do not quite understand who I am talking to today. I know Ivanov, a first-class specialist who is known here for his excellent results. But, it turns out, there is another Ivanov, who yesterday ... ". And only after such opposition, which is designed to shake the negative attitude of the subordinate, can we proceed to the second part. It condemns (assessed properly) the actual behavior of the subordinate (we emphasize, not the personality, but only the behavior).

It is very responsible The final stage conversations. Flirting, lisping, intimidation are not good for the finale. Decision punishment should be expressed simply, clearly, with an emphasis on understanding and correctly assessing what happened. For example: “As you understand, you cannot avoid punishment. Of course, you did not deserve dismissal from work (namely, you did not deserve it), but you cannot avoid a reprimand (severe reprimand, warning, deprivation of monetary reward, etc.). I understand that this punishment will not add to your joy, but no matter how highly I value your other merits, I can’t act otherwise. ” It is important that the offender hears the phrase about the assessment of his past merits.

After the assessment phrase, you need to pause for 10-15 seconds to demonstrate your reflections on the correctness of the chosen punishment (the decision is not easy for the leader, especially if he has to punish his colleagues). But to a greater extent, this pause is needed for a sharp turn in the conversation, when the leader suddenly, after a pause, turns to the guilty one with a request.

Such a contrast is absolutely necessary, since the situation is extremely unusual: after the punishment, there is a request from the leader. For example: “And now, Sergei Petrovich, I have a personal request for you ... If possible, of course? Please, Sergei Petrovich, spare me from such conversations for the future. They are as unpleasant to me as they are to you. I know perfectly well what an excellent specialist you are. Just recently, as I was told, you are absolutely correct (skillfully, beautifully, accurately, etc.) ... ". And then the conclusion of the entire conversation should follow.

It is important to remember that any conversation (including a problem one) should start and end on a positive note. This creates the appropriate emotional background that allows you to build the conversation in the direction that the leader needs.


Telephone - important remedy increasing the efficiency of managerial work, efficiency of business communication. According to some studies, a business person spends 4 to 25% of their working time talking on the phone. But if used incorrectly, it is the phone that becomes the source of interference and misunderstanding. Phone calls the most powerful and frequent irritant, which often excludes the possibility of concentrated work. In addition, a feature of communication on the phone is the fact that only one channel of information reception works - the auditory one, which means that intonation, pauses, and the rate of speech are of particular importance. The telephone communication scheme includes:

* a word of greeting;

* the idea itself, that is, surname, name, patronymic (as for social status, position, rank, etc., they are indicated for each specific situation specifically);

* informing about the availability of time with the interlocutor;

* a summary of the essence of the problem, questions that need to be clarified (it is better to outline them in advance);

* ending the conversation (if the interlocutors are equal, the person who called will end first; if there is seniority - the senior; if the younger has a need to interrupt the conversation, then he must apologize, explain the reason and ask for permission to end the conversation).

* before calling, understand for what purpose you will be calling, and the approximate content of the conversation (if necessary, sketch summary conversation);

* pick up the phone better after the first call (and preferably before the fourth);

* give up the neutral answers "Yes", "Hello", "I'm listening" and go to informational ones (clearly and without a tongue twister tell your position and surname);

* set a good mood for the interlocutor (it is important not only what you will say, but also how);

* during the conversation, be brief, concentrate the main information in one or two sentences and do not go into unnecessary details unnecessarily; at the same time, do not forget about politeness and tact;

* speak in detail about the problem of the upcoming business conversation only with those who are competent to solve this problem;

* It is desirable to end the conversation with the question “Have we discussed everything?”; after the conversation, write down its result;

* it is undesirable to discuss everyday and political issues after discussing the problem;

* If you have any business grievances, ask to introduce yourself, let me speak and don't interrupt, then let me know that you will find out how the matter is, and then call back.

After clarification, call back immediately: the longer you do not call, the longer the partner works against you. Remember the pattern: when the problem is finally solved, the partner feels like your debtor.


To paraphrase a well-known expression, you can say: "Tell me how you prepare and perform in front of an audience, and I will tell you who you are." If people understood how much depends on their ability to speak, they would probably devote much more time to preparing for speeches, says F. Snell, an expert in the field of business communication. On average, a representative of the business world speaks more than ten thousand words during the day. In other words, the word is constantly with the person. It is a great minute-by-minute advertisement for you and your work. So why miss this chance?

The following words of the famous American publicist D. Webster speak about the importance of mastering the skill of public speaking: “Take everything that I possess from me. But leave me my speech. And I will soon find everything I had. " Let's try to be worthy students of this specialist.

Talk so I can see you.


Business man, even if he has not yet uttered a word, his appearance already affects the audience. In order for the impact to be effective:

* pretend that you are glad to see everyone;

* pronounce the words with force, convincingly, without changing the frequency of the voice;

* everything should be definite and clear: words, movements, gestures.

Special attention should be paid to hand gestures. Basic requirements for them:

* about 90% of gestures must be done above the waist. Gestures below the belt are often perceived as signals of uncertainty, failure, confusion;

* elbows should not be closer than 3-5 cm from the body. Less distance symbolizes insignificance and weakness of authority;

* your fingers should take a position as if you are holding a large apple. The indefinite position of the palms symbolizes the lack of strength and ability to lead;

* gesture with not one, but both hands.

Skillful hand gestures are an additional, often unclaimed, means of visualization of your speech. With hand gestures, you can show:

* direction;

* size, volume;

* feelings, their intensity.

For example, raising arms symbolizes an increase in tension; hands dropped below the waist, palms spread out to the sides symbolize failure.

Any speaker faces a number of sequential tasks:

* attract the attention of the audience;

* ignite people with your energy and convey to them the main idea of ​​your speech;

* conquer the minds of listeners with your idea;

* develop and consolidate success, transfer it to the prose of life.

We will sequentially consider how to solve these problems.

/. How to get attention?

Let's take a look at a typical introduction to a speech: "I am writing to you tonight and I want to draw your attention for a few minutes to consider the simplest questions of the creation of heavy transport aircraft."

"I appeal to you ...". But it is clear to everyone in the audience. That is why they are gathered here,

"...Tonight...". This phrase also does not carry any semantic load.

"...For a few minutes...". Time is a sore spot for most of those sitting in the hall. It is hardly worth spending it at the very beginning.

«... The simplest questions. Who would like this kind of address to themselves?

Why not start a little differently: “There is no secret in the production of transport aircraft. But even today, flying machines are still made of the most amazing material - the intelligence of its creators. " Concise, clear and engaging.

What you need to do to grab the audience's attention:

* "Wake up" your listeners, pull them out of the fog of everyday life;

* get the audience interested. Make them lean forward in their seats. Show from the very beginning that they will meet with an original performance;

* listeners must agree to listen to you. Make it clear that the facts you were going to offer are easy to understand and interesting.

How can this be achieved? Where should you start? Possible options include:

* quote from a famous person;

* a proposal striking in its uniqueness;

* a story that evokes immediate sympathy from the audience (possibly a dramatic story);

* story from your own life;

* a rhetorical question;

* historical episode;

* an entertaining adventure from the past or present;

* a reasonable compliment.

PEDESCouncil number 3

Theme: « Speech development of preschoolers in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard»

Form of carrying out: business game

Target: improving work in preschool educational institutions for the speech development of preschool children.


1) make teachers aware of the need to expand their knowledge in the field of speech development in children;

2) develop the ability to design, construct the speech development processes of preschoolers;

3) create in the team an atmosphere of creative search for the most effective forms and methods in working with children;

Pedagogical council progress.

Tikhomirova I.V.

I am glad to welcome you to the next meeting of the Pedagogical Council.

The topic of our meeting is "Speech development of preschoolers in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard".


    Implementation of decisions of the previous Pedagogical Council

    Relevance of the problem of speech development in preschool children

    The main directions and means of speech development of preschoolers

    Results of speech therapy examination

    Results of thematic control

    Business game

    Implementation of decisions of the previous Pedagogical Council.

In the course of implementing the decisions of the Pedagogical Council No. 2 in kindergarten within the framework of the methodological week Smirnova V.P. held a methodological seminar "Technology of cooperation in direct educational activities", Master class" Organization jointly - individual activities in the classroom "and" Jointly - consistent activities in teaching children cooperation skills. " A.S. Shipulina organized and conducted a psychological seminar "Technique of active listening".

In order to get acquainted with the forms of work of educators on the formation of cooperation skills in preschool children, a repeated thematic control will be organized in April.

2. Relevance of the problem of speech development in preschool children:

Everyone can speak, but only a few of us can speak correctly. When talking with others, we use speech as a means of transferring human functions. It is through communication with other people that a person realizes himself as a person.

It is impossible to judge the beginning of the development of the personality of a preschool child without assessing his speech development. Speech development is the main indicator of mental development. The main goal of speech development is to bring it to the norm determined for each age stage, although the individual differences in the speech level of children can be extremely large.

Smirnova V.P.

In January, a speech therapy examination of children 3-7 years old was held in the kindergarten, the purpose of which was to determine the level of speech development of children.

Results of speech therapy examination (reference)

Tikhomirova I.V.

The results, so to speak, are disappointing. Children who have not received the appropriate speech development at preschool age have great difficulty making up for lost time; in the future, this developmental gap affects its further development. Timely and full-fledged speech formation in preschool childhood is the main condition for the normal development and further successful schooling.

The main tasks of the development of speech are the education of the sound culture of speech, vocabulary work, the formation of the grammatical structure of speech, its coherence in the construction of a detailed utterance - they are solved at each age stage... However, from age to age, there is a gradual complication of each task, teaching methods change. The proportion of a particular task also changes when moving from group to group. The teacher needs to represent the main lines of succession of tasks for the development of speech, which are solved in the previous and next age group and the complex nature of the solution to each problem.

In addition, the development of speech and speech communication of preschoolers in kindergarten should be carried out in all types of activities, in different forms, both in special speech classes, and in partner and independent activities.

Smirnova V.P.

3. Game "Clever and clever"

Now I offer you the game "Clever and clever".

Rules of the game:

All teachers play

The time for thinking over one question is no more than 10 seconds.

If the teacher thinks he knows the answer to the question, he raises the signal.

If the answer is wrong, other teachers can give their answer, but also on a signal.

For each correct answer to a question, the teacher receives a medal

If the teacher scored 5 medals, there is an exchange for 1 order

As a result, whoever picks up more orders will become"A wise teacher."

Theme of our game "Methodology of speech development of preschool children"


1. What are the main tasks for the development of speech in preschoolers.

1. Development of the vocabulary.

    Formation of the grammatical side of speech.

    Education of the sound culture of speech.

    Formation of colloquial (dialogical) speech.

    Teaching storytelling (monologue speech).

    Acquaintance with fiction.

    Preparing children to learn to read and write.

2. Name the types of coherent speech.

(monologue and dialogical speech)

3. What forms of dialogical speech do you know?

(conversation, conversation)

4. What are the techniques of forming conversational skills?

Unscheduled brief conversations during security moments

Specially organized scheduled conversations: individual and collective

Verbal assignments

Joint viewing of pictures, children's drawings, books

Uniting children of different ages

Arranging a visit to another group

Storyline - role-playing games

Labor activity

5. Name the structural components of the conversation and describe the content of each

Structural components:


2.The main part

3. End

The beginning of the conversation.

Its purpose is to revive the impressions received in the memory of children with the help of a question - a reminder, guessing a riddle, reading an excerpt from a poem, showing a picture, photo, object. And also it is necessary to formulate the topic and purpose of the upcoming conversation.

Main part

It is divided into micro themes or stages. Each stage corresponds to an essential, complete section of the topic, i.e. the analysis of the topic is carried out according to the key points. In the process of each stage, the teacher summarizes the statements of the children with the final phrase and makes the transition to the next micro theme.

End of conversation

It is short in time. This part of the conversation can be practically effective: considering handout material, performing game exercises, reading artistic text, singing.

6. What technique is considered to be the leader when organizing a conversation?


7. What types of questions does the teacher use when organizing the conversation?

Questions of a search and problematic nature (Why? Why? Because of what? How are they similar? How to find out? How? For what?)

Generalizing questions

Reproductive questions (What? Where? How much?)

    In what sequence should the various types of questions be located in each complete part of the conversation (micro topic)?

1 reproductive questions

2.Search questions

3.General questions

9. What types of monologue speech exist?

1. Retelling

2. Storytelling the picture

3. Telling about the toy

4. Telling children from experience

5 creative stories

10. Name the means of speech development.

1.O communion of adults and children;

2. Cultural linguistic environment, teacher's speech;

3. Developing subject environment;

4. Teaching native speech and language in the classroom;

5. Fiction;

6. Various types of art (visual, music, theater);

7. Labor activity;

8.Children's parties

11. What are the basic didactic principles of organizing the educational process focused on the development of speech.

1. Development of dynamism of perception (tasks with gradually increasing difficulty, various types of tasks, change of activities)

2. Productivity of information processing (organization of dosed step-by-step assistance of a teacher, learning to transfer the proposed method of information processing to the task being performed, creating conditions for independent processing of information)

3. Development and correction of higher mental functions (performance of tasks based on several analyzers and the inclusion in the lesson of special exercises for the correction of higher mental functions)

4.Ensuring motivation for learning (ensuring the child's constant interest in what he is asked to do in the form of an educational task with the help of instructions of various forms, problem situations, a system of rewards, prizes, detailed verbal assessment)

12. Which of the means of speech development is the leading one?


13. What techniques are focused on the development of communication?

1. Subject - role-playing game

2. Household activities

3. Verbal assignment

4. Conversation

5. Interview about paintings, drawings, books.

14. Name the verbal methods and techniques for the development of speech.


1.Reading and Telling Fiction

2 memorizing

3. Retelling

4. Conversation

5. Telling about a picture, about a toy, from experience

6. Creative storytelling


1 question

2. Repetition

3. Explanation

4.Speech sample

15. What are the visual methods of developing speech




3 room inspections

4. Consideration of natural objects.

5. Examining toys, paintings, photographs,



Displaying a picture, toy, movement, or action

Display of the position of the organs of articulation when pronouncing sounds

16. What are the practical methods of developing speech

Didactic game

Game - dramatization

Labor activity

17. What is the essence of speech development planning?

(designing the formation and development of children's speech, predicting the dynamics of pedagogical influence on speech and its effectiveness).

18.Name the main tasks for the development of speech in children aged 1 year and older. 6month up to 2 years.

1. Significantly expand the child's vocabulary

2.To teach children to speak in simple phrases

3. To cultivate the ability to respond to simple questions

19. What are the main tasks for the development of speech in children aged 2 to 3 years.

1. Expand the child's vocabulary

2.To learn to use all parts of speech

3. Learn to speak in sentences, giving words grammatically correct endings

4.To learn to pronounce words clearly (correct articulation)

5. Teach a child to listen to difficult speech of an adult

20.Name the main methodological techniques for the development of speech in toddlers.

1. Show with naming

2. "Roll call"

3. Request "say" and "repeat"

4. Suggestion of the right word

5. Orders

6. Questions

6. "Live" pictures

7. "Children's cinema"

8. Shadow theater

9.An adult's story without support by a show (from 2 y. 6 months to 3 years)

21. What is the task of acquainting children with literary works?

(Formation of the ability to analyze the content and form of a work in an elementary way)

22. What method of familiarization with fiction is used when discussing the content of the work?


23. What should be avoided when introducing children to a literary work that is not divided into parts?

(showing illustrations while reading the work)

24. What types of speech development classes can be used in the work of a teacher?

(introductory, generalizing, classes devoted to the study of new material)

25. Describe the methodology for teaching children to compose a story - description

Step-by-step training:

    Preparatory exercises for the description of objects (game exercises for recognizing an object by its description - thematic lotto, comparing objects according to the main features - "Object and image", for composing phrases and sentences, taking into account the visual and tactile perception of the object)

    Description of subjects according to the main features (with the help of a teacher on questions)

Toys with pronounced signs are selected. A simple description - 4-5 sentences, including its name, listing the main external features (shape, color, size, material) and some of its distinctive properties. The composition of the description by the child is preceded by a sample given by the teacher.

In case of difficulty, the method of supplementing the sentence, begun by the teacher, is used.

    Training in a detailed description of the subject (according to the preliminary plan - scheme). As such a scheme, it is proposed to use a three-part compositional scheme for describing objects.

    Define Description Object

    Enumeration of the attributes of an object in a specific sequence

    An indication of the belonging of the object to a particular group and of its purpose, the benefits.

In case of difficulty, techniques are used - gesture instructions, verbal instructions, a description based on individual drawings, conventional visual symbols, a parallel description of two objects of the same type by a teacher and a child, collective drawing up of a plan

The description can be a directly perceived object, a description of the object from memory (household items, animals, plants), according to one's own drawing, the inclusion of descriptions in game situations.

    Consolidation of the acquired skills of composing a story - description takes place in game lessons, including exercises for recognizing objects by description, comparing them, reproducing a description sample given by the teacher, and independently compiling a story - description by children.

    Mastering the initial skills of the comparative description of objects. Game exercises are used: supplementing sentences started by the teacher with the right word denoting a sign of an object (the goose has a long neck, and a duck has ...), making proposals on questions (What do lemon and orange taste like?), Highlighting and marking contrasting signs of two objects ( the orange is large, and the tangerine is small), the consistent selection of a number of features that distinguish objects of any one group (spruce and birch, porcini mushroom and fly agaric). The technique of parallel description of two objects is used - by the teacher and the child.

26. Describe the methodology for teaching children to compose a story from a picture

In the younger group, preparation for storytelling is carried out. This is an examination of the picture and answers to the educator's reproductive questions about the picture.

For viewing, pictures are used that depict individual objects and simple plots that are close to the personal experience of children.

In the classroom, they use riddles, nursery rhymes, sayings, poems, as well as game techniques (show a picture of a favorite toy, introduce a guest to a picture).

With middle group the direct teaching of children begins to tell a story from a picture (storytelling by question, model).

Lesson structure:

    Preparation for the emotional perception of the picture (poems, sayings, riddles on the topic, the presence of fairy-tale characters, all types of theaters)

    Questions to the teacher's picture

    Sample story based on a teacher's picture

    Children's stories

The teacher helps children to tell with supporting questions, suggests words, phrases.

At the end of the year, a story plan is introduced, the technique of visual modeling is used.

In the senior and preparatory group, it is possible to use not only plot pictures, but also a series of plot pictures to compose a story with an outset, culmination, and denouement. We teach children to see not only what is shown in the foreground, but also the background of the picture in detail at the moment, but also what preceded and subsequent events.

Lesson structure:

    Preparing for the emotional perception of the painting

    Vocabulary and grammar exercises on the topic of the lesson

    Looking at the big picture

    Teacher questions about the content of the picture

    Drawing up a story plan by the teacher with the children

    A story based on a picture of a strong child, as a model

    Stories of 4-5 children

    Evaluation of each story by children with comments from the teacher

In the preparatory group, it is possible to learn storytelling from a landscape painting.

27. Describe the methodology for teaching children to compose a story from memory

Learning to tell stories from memory begins with the older group. In this age group, children are offered light themes from common, collective experiences that have left a vivid mark on the mind and feelings of the child. In the preparatory group, topics of a more general nature are proposed, requiring a generalization of experience, moral judgments. Telling from memory from shared collective experience.

There are 2 types of lessons for teaching storytelling:

    General theme it is advisable to divide into small subtopics and compose the story in parts. The same subtopic can be offered to several children in succession.

    Composing a letter

Telling from memory from individual (personal) experience

In the older group, it is proposed to tell about individual facts (describe a favorite toy, etc.), then the topics become more complicated: to describe an event (how was the birthday). Ethical topics are added in the preparatory group. (my friend, etc.).

28. Name the leading forms, methods and techniques for the formation of sound culture of speech

Frontal forms:


Game - dramatization

Round dances



Speech gymnastics

Group forms:

Didactic games

Jokes - pure phrases


Didactic game

Outdoor and round dance games with text

Didactic stories with the inclusion of educational tasks for children (in nurseries, junior, middle groups, the story is accompanied by showing pictures on a flannelegraph or demonstrating toys).


Memorizing poems

Memorizing and repeating familiar tongue twisters

Play exercises


A sample of correct pronunciation with a short or detailed explanation of the demonstrated qualities of speech or movements of the speech - motor apparatus

Exaggeration (with emphasized diction) pronunciation or intonation of sound

Figurative naming of sound (in younger groups)

Showing and explaining articulation

Quiet pronunciations of sound, sound combinations

Justification of the need to complete the teacher's task

Individual motivation for the task

Individual indication before the child's answer

Joint speech of the child and the educator

- Reflected speech (the child's immediate repetition of the sample speech)

- Evaluation of response or action and correction

- Figurative physical culture pause

- Display of articulatory movements

29. What method of developing a monologic form of coherent speech is most often used in teaching children of younger preschool age?

(compilation of the story in parts with visual support)

30. Name the methods and techniques of work, types of exercises for the development of coherent speech in the process of working on a sentence.

For exercises, pictures of two types are used:

    Pictures on which the subject and the action performed by him can be distinguished

    Pictures depicting one or more characters and a clearly marked location

According to them, children practice sequentially composing sentences of various structures.

According to the pictures of the first type, sentences are made:

subject - an action (expressed by an intransitive verb), for example, a Boy is running

subject - an action (expressed by an indivisible predicate group), for example, a Girl rides a bicycle.

subject - action - object, for example, a Girl is reading a book.

subject - action - object - instrument of action, for example, a Boy hammers a nail with a hammer.

Using the pictures of the second type, sentences are made:

- subject - action - scene of action (tool, means of action), for example, Guys are playing in a sandbox

When teaching children to make sentences, the formulation of appropriate questions to the pictures and a sample answer are used. The latter is used at the beginning of work with this type of pictures, as well as in the future - in case of difficulties.

If necessary, the first word of the phrase or its initial syllable is suggested. Can be applied

- and the joint preparation of a sentence by 2-3 children (one is the beginning of the phrase, others continue)

- and drawing up proposals for pictures using chips.

In older preschool age, a transition is made to the preparation of sentences of a more complex structure:

- sentences with homogeneous predicates (grandfather sits in an armchair and reads a newspaper)

- complex structures of two symmetrical parts, where the second part duplicates the first in structure (the Hare loves carrots, and the squirrel loves nuts).

Further, from drawing up a proposal for a separate situational picture, in the future, you can proceed to drawing up a phrase using several subject pictures (first 3-4, then 2).

31. Describe the methodology for teaching children to retell

In the younger group - preparation for teaching retelling.

Methodology for teaching retelling of children 3-4 years old:

1.The teacher's reproduction of well-known fairy tales based on repetition of actions

2. Remembering by children the sequence of the appearance of fairy-tale characters and their actions with the help of visualization? Table or puppet theater

3. The child's repetition after the teacher of each sentence from the test or 1-2 words from the sentence.

Methodology for teaching retelling of children 4-6 years old:

1. Introductory conversation, setting up the perception of the work, reading poetry, considering illustrations on the topic

2. Expressive reading of the text by the teacher without a mindset for memorization

3.Conversation on the content and form of the text

4. Drawing up a plan for retelling. The plan can be oral, pictorial, pictorial - verbal and symbolic. In the middle and senior groups the plan is drawn up by the teacher together with the children, in the preparatory group - by the children.

5.Re-reading the text with the setting for memorization

6 children retelling the text

7. Assessment of children's retelling In the middle and senior groups, the teacher gives the teacher together with the children, in the preparatory group - the children.

A short text is retold in full, a long one - in a chain.

In the preparatory group, more complex forms of retelling are introduced:

- children choose one of several texts, at will

- children come up with a sequel to the unfinished story by analogy

- children's dramatization of a literary work.

32. What are the techniques of vocabulary work

- Excursions

- Examination and examination of objects

- Observation

- The name (or pronunciation pattern) of a new or difficult word

- Title followed by the display of the object

- Title followed by interpretation

- Including a word in a sentence

- Repetition (repeated) words by the teacher, individual children, in chorus during the lesson

- Explanation of the origin of the word (older groups)

- Question

- Game exercises in the selection of words

- Didactic games

- Word games on the classification of objects

- Riddles

- Comparison of items

33. Name the methods and techniques of teaching children grammatically correct speech

- Play exercises

- Didactic games

- Verbal exercises

- Subject didactic story

- Playable characters when repeating material

- Sample teacher speech

- Comparison

- Conjugate speech

- Fix

- Prompting questions - riddles

(At the end of the game, the medals are counted, exchanged for orders, the winner is determined)

Tikhomirova I.V.

Well done. So, the “Wise Teacher” became ………………. Congratulations! (we present a certificate).

The game showed your knowledge of the methods of speech development in preschool children. You own the theory. Now let's see how things are in practice. In our kindergarten, a thematic control was carried out"Development of speech in a kindergarten"

Smirnova V.P.

Results of thematic control (reference).

Tikhomirova I.V.

Thus, we see that this problem of speech development is also relevant for our kindergarten. I propose to discuss this problem and find ways to solve it.

Smirnova V.P.


Think and tell me what problems in the field of the formation of speech development should be noted.

(Practical part)

(Ineffective organization of the developmental environment for speech development

Lack of methodological base

Not an effective system of work of kindergarten teachers for the development of phonemic perception and pronunciation of phonemes)

Smirnova V.P.

I propose to unite in pairs, choose one of the directions and determine the ways of solving the tasks. You are given 5 minutes to work.

Practical part


Smirnova V.P.

The time has come to an end. We finish. And I will ask you to submit your work.

Presentation of the plan

Each pair of educators tells the audience about their ways of improvement.

Tikhomirova I.V.

Our meeting of the Pedagogical Council is coming to an end. Today we remembered the methodology for the development of speech in preschool children, outlined the main ways of speech development for the children of our kindergarten.

In conclusion, I would like to know:

- What will you, personally, change in your work to improve the speech development of the children of your group?

Write down your answer. And the second question:

- What forms of work need to be introduced into the kindergarten work system for the effective development of pupils' speech?

Draft decision of the Pedagogical Council (discussed and approved).

    Improvement of the subject-developing environment in groups in accordance with the age of the children

A) organization of a consultation for educators "Creating a speech center in a group" until 04/15/2016.

B) organization of the show - competition "Center for Speech Development" until 15.05.2016.

    Optimization of the methodological support of the speech development of pupils until January 2017.

Responsible: senior educator

A) Replenishment of methodological literature

B) Creation of a library of children's fiction

C) Selection of didactic games for the development of speech

D) Visual update

    Implementation of the E.V. Kolesnikova program into the practice of teachers' work until 09/01/2016.

Responsible: V.P. Smirnova, T.G. Zabrodina

A) Purchase of a set of UMK

B) Study of guidelines

    Study of modern educational technologies for the development of speech in kindergarten pupils.

Responsible: educators, senior educator

A) Organization of a series of methodological seminars "Teaching preschoolers to compose a story-description", "Teaching preschoolers creative storytelling from a picture", "Methodology for teaching preschoolers to work with a series of pictures" until 15.04.2016.

B) Organization of a master class "Game exercises for the development of the grammatical structure of speech of preschoolers", "Development of phonemic perception of children", "Activation of the vocabulary of children" until 15.04.2016.