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Migratory birds presentation for a child 6 years old. Migratory birds presentation for the lesson (senior group) on the topic. Educational presentation "To children about migratory birds" for older preschoolers

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"Migratory birds in spring"

Presentation for children of the preparatory group

The work was carried out by the teacher of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Secondary School with. Cats S / P d / s "Rainbow" Ishkaldina Marina Arkadyevna

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Purpose: the formation of elementary ideas about the life of birds in the spring. Tasks: educational: to clarify and expand ideas about migratory birds, about their life in the spring; give information about the sound signals of birds, about the types of nests and their location; developing: develop interest in the life of birds, imagination, thinking, speech of children, enrich their vocabulary; educational: foster a good caring attitude towards birds.

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In the spring everything comes to life, the birds rejoice in the warmth and the sun's rays, trills, songs, chirps, melodic whistles are heard everywhere. Migratory birds - rook, lark, starling, finch, swallow - return from warm lands ... They build nests in the spring and lay eggs in them. Some birds manage to hatch their chicks at the end of spring.

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This abbreviated name can refer to several different holidays and international days that are directly related to birds. Among them, the most famous "bird" dates are: "International Day of Birds" - April 1, "Day of Birds" - 4 May, "International Day of Migratory Birds" - the second Saturday in May. None of the listed holidays is a non-working day, unless, depending on the year, falls on a weekend.

Bird day

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Birds of the raven family. Perfectly tamed, they can imitate human speech. They leave our region in late autumn, disappearing in late October or early November.

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Length 45-47 cm, body weight 310-490 g. The rook is similar to a crow, but slimmer, has a thinner and straighter beak. Feathers are black, with a purple tint.


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Rooks are omnivorous, feeding on various insects, earthworms, mouse-like rodents (which they find digging in the ground with their strong beak), caryopses of cultivated grains, fruits and seeds of vegetables and fruit and berry crops.

By destroying pests of agricultural plants - turtles, weevils, caterpillars of the meadow moth, scoop, rodents - rooks bring undoubted benefits.

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The nest is built from dry twigs, lined with dry grass, sometimes with scraps of wool, thin branches, and also uses various garbage. The nesting colony has existed for a very long time, even decades. Once a year, there is one clutch of 3-7 eggs. Chicks hatch in early - mid-April.


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All the arriving birds are blacker, Cleans the arable land from worms. Run up and down the arable land. And the bird is called ... In the summer it follows a plowman, And towards winter it leaves with a cry. (Rook)

"Rooks" The Rooks arrived this week. Although the road was difficult, the Elder Rook shouted sternly: “Get to work! There is a lot to do! Remember yourself, teach Others, Yes for real: Our black rooks Birds are hard-working! " A. Prokofiev

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Larks arrive very early - as soon as there are thawed patches. Bird of the Lark family. Larks are a Slavic folk holiday.


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The skylark is slightly larger than a sparrow and has an attractive plumage coloration. The back is brownish-yellow with mottled splashes, the plumage of the abdomen is white, the chest has brown mottled feathers. The head is decorated with a small tuft, the tail is bordered by white feathers. The lark's coloration helps it camouflage itself in the grass and on the ground.

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The skylark is a true inhabitant of meadows and steppes, mountains and fields. The only place where you will not meet this little bird is in the forest. After wintering, larks arrive at the nesting site in early spring, when there are still no insects for food, they keep in small flocks in areas warmed by the sun, hide from the wind and rain at the edges.

Scope of distribution

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Field larks feed on plant food in the form of seeds of various grasses and cereal plants. Small bugs, spiders, larvae of various insects, pupae of butterflies - these insects make up the main food of larks all summer long. This bird always hunts on the ground, does not catch insects in flight. They satisfy their need for water with dew, which settles on the plants.

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The best places for nesting for these birds are fields sown in winter and spring crops. The nest is very simple, it is built in a hole in the ground, among the grass. The lark uses the stems and roots of the grass as a building material; inside the nest is laid with soft wool and fluff. The nest is camouflaged very carefully, it is difficult to find it.


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So carefree, on the fly, He generously pours trills, Soaring steeply in height From the ground - his bed. He lives among the ears. His little house is small, But He needs the entire firmament for ringing songs. S. Ya. Marshak

Larks, come fly! Drive the cold winter away! Bring warmth in the spring! We are tired of winter, I have eaten all our bread!

Riddles High under the clouds, Above the fields and meadows, As if flying out awake, the Song starts ... (Answer: Lark)

Wants - will fly straight, Wants - hangs in the air, Falls like a stone from the heights And sings and sings in the fields. (Answer: Lark)

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Common starling is a songbird of the starling family, widespread over a large territory of Eurasia. It is a migratory one, migrates to the south during the winter months. Outwardly (in size, yellow beak and dark plumage) it slightly resembles blackbirds, but unlike them it walks on the ground, and does not jump. The life span of common starlings in the wild is up to 12 years.

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The starling often shakes them while singing. The plumage is purple, greenish, bluish or bronze. In winter, numerous white specks appear on the body. The tail is short, 6 - 7 cm long, almost straight at the end. Legs are reddish brown.

A small bird 18-21 cm long. The body is massive, with a short neck. The beak is long, sharp and slightly curved downward. The wings are short, wide at the base and narrowed at the end.

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From plant food, seeds and fruits of plants are used: berries, apples, pears, plums, cherries, etc. If the fruit is protected by a shell or hard skin, they split it with a lever: insert the beak into a small hole and gradually unclench it, open the contents.

Starlings are omnivorous - they feed on both plant and animal food. In early spring, they hunt for earthworms, or collect the larvae of insects that have wintered in secluded places. When warm weather awakens nature, they catch various insects: grasshoppers, spiders, butterflies, caterpillars and worms.

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Has a wide range of sounds, which can include whistles, creaks, meows, various noises and rattles. Able to imitate the singing of other birds. Russian ornithologists have noticed that starlings are able to imitate blackbirds, warblers, bluethroats, larks, orioles, swallows, quails, jays and other birds, and even croak like frogs. Sometimes starlings arriving in spring from the south begin to sing with the voices of subtropical birds. In Kazakhstan and Central Asia, starlings mimic the sounds of a flock of sheep, including bleating, barking dogs and the clicking of a whip.

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Grown chicks already in mid-June behave independently of their parents, straying into joint flocks. Common starlings are quite aggressive towards other species of birds and are able to compete with them for a place suitable for a nest (for example, with green woodpeckers).

Social behavior

Starlings flock and settle in small colonies, usually several pairs not far from each other. Sometimes they can be seen flying in a huge group of several thousand individuals, while they synchronously repeat turns, soar and land on the ground.

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Having chosen a good place, they sit down nearby and begin to sing. Dry tree twigs, stems, leaves, wool and feathers of other birds are used as bedding. Both future parents build the nest. Usually the clutch consists of 4-6 light blue eggs without specks.

In the spring, having arrived at their habitat, the starlings immediately begin to look for a place for their future nest - a hollow, a hole in the wall of a house or a birdhouse.

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We built a birdhouse For a cheerful starling, We hung a birdhouse Near the porch itself. The whole family of four Lives in the house: Mother, father and nestlings - Black feathers. E. Tarakhovskaya

Riddles On a pole there is a merry house With a round small window. So that the children fall asleep, the house shakes the wind. Father sings on the porch - He is both the pilot and the singer On the pole is the palace, In the palace there is the singer, And his name is ... (Starling)

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Songbird of the finch family. On average, a finch lives for 1.5 years.

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Adult birds take care of the chicks, feed them and guard the territory, warning each other about the presence of a predator with an alarming urge or the sound "hiut-hut". Clutch consists of 4-7 eggs, colored pale bluish-green or reddish-green with pinkish-purple spots.

Finches arrive in early April. Nesting and laying begins in early May. Incubation and feeding time in the nest is two weeks.

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I sing the best, I sing my song And I will not equal the whistle with the nightingale. Look how good I am, You will not find more beautiful, I am all motley, bolder and more vociferous. L. Barthold

I hear a bird song: "Vi-ti-ti-ti, wi-chu!" It’s impossible to fly into the forest, There are “appanage princes”: Kohl who violated the border And ate a stranger's bug, Then with boundless courage, the appanage prince enters the battle. (Finch)

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Swallows are a rich family of passerines. The family includes 75 species, on the territory of Russia - 10 species. Swallows are characterized by the ability to get food in the air, they are able to catch insects on the fly. Swallows live only 4-5 years.


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They sculpt their nests from clay, mud and silty sand, wetting the lumps with their unusually sticky saliva, and cover the inside of their cobbled nest with a soft and warm bedding. Swallows lay 4-6 eggs and the female and male take turns incubating their clutch for 15 days, the hatched chicks are fed by both parents for about 20-25 days, after which they are ready to go on an independent flight

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The swallows flew, (they ran in a circle, waving their hands, All the people watched depicting the birds flying) waving They flew, flew, hands) Songs began to sing. Folk song

Outdoor game "Swallows"

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Swallow, swallow, Sweet ornamental whale, (For every line where have you been, your thumb "greets" you with what? then on the left hand) Spring is red.

Finger gymnastics "Swallow"

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Riddle I am agile, light-winged, The tail is forked like a pitchfork. If I fly low, then the rain is somewhere close. (Martin)

"Swallow" Swallow - "tivit-tivit!" Flies to us. Oh, it flies to us! And under her wing, Spring sits, Ah, spring sits! (Armenian song)

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A genus of birds from the order of passerines. Depending on the approach to classification, it belongs either to the thrush family or to the flycatcher family. Distributed in Europe and Western Asia to the South to the North Caucasus.

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A genus of birds of the family of real cranes that live in Europe, Asia, North America and Australia. All species are somehow associated with water, mainly wetlands.

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This is a large bird, height about 115 cm, weight up to 6 kg. The plumage of most of the body is bluish-gray, which allows the bird to disguise itself from enemies in the wooded area. The back and undertail are somewhat darker, while the wings and belly are lighter. The front of the head is dark gray. There is a wide white stripe on the sides of the head, starting under the eyes and further down along the neck. The beak is light. Legs are black.

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At the beginning of nesting, gray cranes cover their feathers with silt and mud, which makes them much less noticeable during incubation and hatching of chicks - this behavior helps them to hide from predators. Gray cranes keep in pairs throughout their entire life. During the nesting period, characteristic ritual dances of crane pairs can often be seen, which include jumping, flapping their wings. For the nest, a relatively dry piece of land is selected, above or near water. The place is chosen in the midst of dense vegetation - thickets of reeds, sedges, etc. The nest is large, over a meter in diameter, and is built from various plant material. There are usually 2 eggs in the nest. Both parents incubate eggs. Chicks covered with down are able to leave the nest soon after birth.

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A bird of the Thrush family of the Passeriformes order. Slightly smaller than a sparrow. Body length - about 15 cm. Weight 15-21 g. The back is brown, the upper tail is red. Throat and goiter are blue with a red spot in the middle; the spot can be white, or just surrounded by white. The blue color below is bordered with blackish, and then red half-rings across the chest. The tail is red with a blackish apex, the middle pair of tail feathers are brown. The throat is whitish, bordered with a brownish semicircle. The beak is black, the legs are brown-black ..


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The singing bluethroat sits on the top of the bush, but sometimes takes off, making characteristic current flights. Singing continues throughout the day. It is sonorous, including whistles, chirping and clicking, many sounds borrowed from other birds; performed in a fast manner. In the song of most bluethroats there is the often repeated "varak-varak-varak", which is why the name of the bird comes from.

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The long, narrow, straight cut tail has two middle feathers slightly longer than the lateral ones. Most wagtails keep small flocks near the water; Wagtails nest on the ground or in hollows. Wagtails feed exclusively on insects, including dragonflies, which are caught on the fly. Unlike most small birds, it moves on the ground not by jumping, but by running.


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Zaryanka (Robin)

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A genus of birds from the order of the Anseriformes of the duck family. The swan is a graceful migratory bird that flies to Africa in October and returns in the spring. They are considered a symbol of beauty, purity, nobility. There is an opinion that pairs of swans are connected for life, and they cannot live without each other. The plumage of swans in their color is either pure white, or gray or black. Weight about 15 kg. Feet are rather short. They have highly developed flying muscles, allowing them to travel thousands of kilometers on annual flights to the south and back. The offspring are raised by both parents, who take care of the cubs for 1-2 years after birth.

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Remember Swan Lake or Swan Princess? A girl in the guise of a swan landed on the water. Such a landing is typical for a mute swan.

Reference for fairy tale lovers

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A genus of birds from the ankle family. Long legs, long, straight beak; the front toes are interconnected by a wide swimming membrane. There are two types in Europe: black and white. They come to us in March. Upon arrival, they settle in the former nests, which are arranged from dry branches on the tops of trees and on roofs; love areas with abundant water. Since storks are not pursued, they are very trusting and come close to dwellings. The flight is strong. Their food consists of fish, frogs, lizards, snakes, snails, earthworms, field mice, moles, insects. The voice is weak, sounds are produced by clapping of the jaws; only chicks. Lives for a very long time. The length of the white stork is 1 m.

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Herons are a family of birds of the stork order. Birds living in shallow water. Long-legged, with a long and narrow, laterally flattened beak. They stand motionless in the water and peer into the water, looking for prey. Couples usually only last one season. Both parents build a nest, incubate eggs and feed the chicks. They fly slowly, while pulling their paws back.

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It is interesting!

In what order do the birds fly away? Insectivorous birds (Wagtail) are the first to fly away. Then the granivores fly away - those that feed on the fruits and seeds of plants (oatmeal, siskin, chaffinch). And the ducks and geese fly away later than everyone else, they get ready to go when the reservoirs freeze, because these are waterfowl. How do cranes differ from herons and storks? Cranes, unlike herons, stretch their legs and neck in flight. This makes them look like storks, but unlike them, cranes never sit on trees. If you visually compare the cranes with other wading birds, then, in comparison with herons, their legs are usually longer, and the neck is more elongated; and in comparison with storks, the body is more graceful, the legs are longer, and the beak is proportionally smaller.

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Be a friend of birds! Let the nightingale sing in the spring under the window. And flocks of pigeons fly over the vastness of the earth!

To view a presentation with pictures, artwork, and slides, download its file and open it in PowerPoint on your computer.
Presentation slides text content:
FLIGHT BIRDS city Ob Novosibirsk region 2016 MBDOU kindergarten №2 "Birch" combined type Olga Gennadievna Osipenko, educator We live in the Novosibirsk region. There are very severe frosty winters here. Some birds find it difficult to winter in Siberia, so in the fall they fly to warmer regions. The starling is a beautiful bird with shiny black plumage. Short tail, long wings, straight long beak, black in the female, bright yellow in the male. Eats worms and insects. Nests are built in the hollows of trees. Sings well, imitates the voices of other birds. The swallow is an "air" bird, it eats insects in the air, even drinks on the fly. The neck is short, the beak is short, the wings are long and pointed, the tail is like a slingshot. Nests grow high in trees or in the mountains. Rook - black, elongated beak, rounded tail, destroys harmful insects. The nightingale is slightly larger than the sparrow, brownish-brown above, brownish-gray below, the tail is rather long, rounded, of the same color as the back. It feeds on insects. The nest is usually arranged on the ground at the roots of a shrub or tree growth, sometimes in a heap of dry autumn leaves. The cuckoo is a bird with brownish-gray plumage. He throws his eggs into other people's nests. Eats a lot, destroys harmful insects (furry caterpillars). The swift is a medium-sized bird. The wings are long, narrow and curved, the tail is forked. The plumage of the black swift is smoky-dark brown (the color depends on the nature of the lighting) and only the chin and throat are decorated with a rounded light spot. The swan is a beautiful, proud bird. The body is elongated, the neck is long, the beak is of medium length and red. Lives in swamps and lakes. Nests are built on land in the reeds. Swans are white and black in color. It feeds on green herbs, leaves and stems of plants. The crane is a large and strong bird. The neck is long and thin, the head is small, the beak is long, straight, narrow, the legs are very long, with long four fingers. Lives in large swamps. He knows how to stay on the water, flies beautifully and high. It feeds on insects, worms and small fish, seeds, buds, roots. A voice - a loud cry - a cry. The flight takes place without interruption, day and night. The Lark is a small, strong bird with a large head and short beak, long wings and short legs. It lives in fields, steppes and deserts. The last to fly away in the fall and the first to arrive in the spring. It can take off sharply and fall down like a stone. It feeds on insects, grains and seeds. Sings well. The stork is one of the largest migratory birds. Feathers are white. Wings with black stripes. The beak is long, sharp, strong. The wings are wide, long, with a large span. The tail is short. Paws are long, thin, powerful. It feeds on frogs, fish, insects and plant foods.

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Birds return from warm countries in spring. What to tell children about them? The presentation "To Children about Migratory Birds" will help to introduce children to the wagtail, rooks, larks and other migratory birds.

Educational presentation "To children about migratory birds" for older preschoolers

The purpose of the presentation: continue acquaintance of children with migratory birds.

Presentation objectives

  1. Expand children's knowledge of birds arriving in the spring;
  2. Form a desire to take care of birds;
  3. To form the ability to carefully consider the pictures and answer questions about the content;
  4. Develop phonemic hearing;
  5. Promote the development of communication skills.

Presentation progress

Educator: Guys, what time of year is it? Why did you decide so? What migratory birds do you know?

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Rooks are strong, large birds. People say: “The Rooks opened the spring”, because they are the very first to arrive from warm countries. Soon after arriving, they get together and start repairing old nests to breed offspring there. Rooks are engaged in the destruction of insects (May beetle and its larvae, turtles, bugs, beetles, beet weevils, wireworms, larvae of click beetles) and eating small rodents, thereby bringing benefits for agriculture.

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Look closely at the picture. On it, the artist Savrasov depicted what time of year? It's called The Rooks Have Arrived. Conversation on the painting.

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Larks eat insects and grain grains, seeds, drink dew from leaves. Larks overwinter in India and are almost the very first to return to their homeland. Nests are made in holes on the ground made of dry grass and feathers.

Feathers pick up the same color as the ground, so it is very difficult to see the nests of larks. They sing very well and beautifully during the flight. According to popular belief, if the lark is not heard, then it will rain.

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Jackdaws fly to India in winter. After returning to their homeland, they settle in old houses and abandoned towers. The main food is insects, snails, worms. Jackdaws love to choose insects from the wool of large animals, and they also know how to catch mice and eat other people's eggs. Jackdaws are friends with rooks and crows. Jackdaw can become a speaker.

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Developing task. How did a jackdaw turn into a stick? (the first sound Г was replaced by П). How did a jackdaw turn into a pebble? (The hard L sound became soft).

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Starlings in gardens and fields destroy harmful insects, snails and caterpillars. When they arrive from warm countries, they keep in a flock, and only after a few weeks they break up into pairs and settle in birdhouses. The eggs of starlings are blue, and when the female incubates the eggs, the male entertains her with wonderful songs.

The starling is called a mockingbird because it can imitate the voices of other birds, dogs, and even frogs. When chicks grow up, parents take them with them in flight and their flocks resemble black clouds.
Designing a birdhouse from geometric shapes.

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The wagtail is popularly called an icebreaker. So they say, because with its appearance, ice begins to crack on puddles and rivers. The wagtail arranges nests near rivers, reservoirs because it loves to swim and eat mosquitoes. When a wagtail sees a hawk, it shouts "Qi-Qi". The neighboring birds flock to the cry and all together drive the hawk away.

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Swallows cannot walk on the ground, they can only fly. On the fly, they catch flies and even drink while flying low over the water. A popular omen says that if the swallows fly low, it will rain. So it is, before the rain, insects begin to fly lower, closer to the ground. Swallows are not afraid of humans and build their nests under the roofs of houses, above the windows. They build nests from lumps of clay and thin twigs. Their strong nests can last for several years. Chicks are hatched twice a year and save people from the attack of various harmful insects.

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The redstart is a beautiful bird that eats berries. She makes her nests in the mountains, and within the city she can be found in old pipes and tunnels. They call it that because of the bright ponytail. Such birds live alone, they like to take sun and mud baths.

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Finches are afraid of damp places and swamps, therefore they settle far from water bodies. In the spring, they pair up and build nests that look like a ball. They create nests from green moss, roots and grass. Chicks are fed only with insects. If the finches see danger, they warn each other with Ryu-Ryu. In September, they gather in large flocks and fly to North America.

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The cuckoo flies fast, but cannot climb trees. The cuckoo does not twist its nest, but throws its eggs to others, after which it immediately flies south (even in summer).

The presentation "To children about migratory birds" can be used when planning the thematic week "Spring, migratory birds" in the senior group. Remind the children that April 1 is celebrated, offer to negotiate and draw an emblem for this holiday.

Good time of day to all!

The theme week "Migratory birds" begins in our garden. I decided to make a presentation for the children with the voices of birds and their descriptions. I think that the kids will be very interesting and informative.

Software content:

Form children's ideas about migratory birds, expand knowledge about the features of the appearance, living conditions and habits of birds. Learn to analyze, draw the simplest conclusions, establish cause-and-effect relationships.

Develop communication skills, coherent speech.

To cultivate an interest in the life of birds, the desire takes care of them.

And enjoy your viewing!

Presentation for children of middle preschool age "Migratory birds"

The presentation "Migratory Birds" is intended for children of middle preschool age. The presentation in a form accessible to children of middle preschool age shows and tells about which birds fly to the south, their habits and habitat are described. Children are told about how and where birds spend the winter, how they build their nests when they return to their native lands. A total of 4 bird species have been described (swan, rook, starling and swallow). Shown clearly 11 species (wild geese, lark, heron, nightingale, cuckoo, gray crane, chaffinch, warbler, crested tit, oatmeal, sparrow, titmouse). classes of GCD.

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Migratory Birds presentation

Autumn is the time when many feathered friends fly away to warm lands. For acquaintance with migratory birds the presentation "Migratory Birds" is offered. Kids can get acquainted with the appearance of the birds of the middle lane, hear their voices. Riddles about birds are widely presented in the presentation, rhymes are selected. Conducting classes with children to familiarize themselves with others, you can show this presentation at the end of your story, as the result of the lesson. Talk with children about the beauty created by nature, about the importance of each natural species. Such activities remain in memory for a long time, and contribute to the education of a respectful attitude towards nature. Good beginnings to you!

Competition "Master of Multimedia Technologies - 2013"

Nomination "Multimedia technologies in the pedagogical process at preschool educational institutions"

The presentation is intended for older preschool children, aimed at consolidating children's ideas about migratory birds, their lifestyle and behavior, contains riddles, entertaining tasks, activates the dictionary, and develops the child's speech.

The purpose of the presentation: to consolidate children's ideas about migratory birds, their way of life and behavior, about the relationship with the environment, the role of humans in the life of birds.


  1. Systematize children's ideas about birds (appearance, habitat, etc., their diversity; teach to divide birds into migratory and wintering ones.
  2. Strengthen the knowledge of children about the peculiarities of bird life, teach the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships.
  3. Activate the dictionary (migratory, insectivorous, granivorous carnivores, waterfowl, songbirds, arrival, reproduction).
  4. Develop long-term memory, voluntary attention, coherent speech, the ability to compose descriptive stories based on the oral plan.
  5. To foster a careful and responsible attitude towards the natural world; the ability to listen carefully to the answers of peers, to supplement, to analyze them.

Equipment: computer, multimedia projector, speakers.

The target audience: older preschool children.

Practical significance:

  • this manual provides an opportunity to consolidate children's ideas about familiar birds in an interesting way;
  • activates the cognitive activity of students;
  • promotion of information and communication technologies in the educational process of preschool educational institutions.

Internet resources:

Synopsis of the lesson “Migratory birds. Spring." | MADOU CRR-d / s No. 2

Strengthen children's ideas about migratory birds.

Fix the name of the birds, their external signs, structure, nutrition, habits, living conditions.

Systematize children's knowledge about bird species, exercise in the classification of migratory and wintering birds and the selection of an unnecessary object.

Activation of the dictionary on the topic.

Exercise in the formation of complex adjectives.

The development of constructive praxis in the drawing up of cut pictures.

Development of attention, memory, thinking.

To foster in children an interest in the feathered inhabitants of nature, a careful attitude towards them.

Equipment: Educational presentation "Migratory birds", Presentation of the game "The fourth extra", laptop, screen, projector, pictures of birds, cut pictures.

Prior work: Acquaintance of children with migratory birds in the classroom of educators, reading fiction on the topic, making riddles about birds.

Course of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

1-6 slides. The long-awaited, warm, sunny spring has come. Migratory birds return from warm countries.

They are also happy about spring.

7 slide Jackdaw. The very name of this bird is onomatopoeic, under its cry. When flying, a jackdaw often shouts out its name: "jackdaw, jackdaw, jackdaw," and also croaks like a crow. Jackdaws live in forests and parks, and settle next to a person. Jackdaws live in pairs all year round.

Even in large flocks, if you look closely, you can see many such couples.

8 slide Rook. The very first black rooks come to us. They are the first messengers of spring.

Rooks are large birds, covered with black feathers. They have a large, slightly curved beak. Rooks build nests in trees.

They feed on insects and seeds.

9 slide Finch. One of the most gullible birds, especially in cities, where he is used to the fact that people provide him with food. Moving on the ground, he makes small steps, less often jumps.

Its flight is undulating and fast. The finch has a size similar to that of a sparrow (about 15 cm in length). The beak of the finch is conical, not thick.

10 slide White Wagtail. Wagtails are a genus of birds of the wagtail family of the passerine order. The bird bird's body length is small - 16-18 centimeters.

She is slim and light. And he spends the whole day in motion. When a wagtail runs (for example, along a river bank), it never forgets to wave its long white-black tail, relentlessly up and down.

That's why they called her - wagtail. Her grace and speed of running can be envied

11 slide Thrush. Body length 20-25cm. They move on the ground by jumping, squatting at the same time. They nest singly or in small colonies on trees, bushes or on the ground; nests are massive, often with soil or clay in the walls. During the summer, they give 1-2 clutches, in each from 3 to 7 eggs.

They feed on insects, spiders, worms, molluscs, berries, and often feed on the ground.

12 slide. Nightingale. Arrives in the first half of May, and soon you can hear his wonderful sonorous trill.

Nightingale singing lasts until the end of June. In late May - early June, you can find nests with eggs, and in the second half of this month - with chicks. The departure of nightingales takes place at the end of August - September. The nightingale feeds mainly on insects.

13 slide. Starling. Small bird. Feathers are black with a purple tint and white specks. The starling's beak is powerful.

On the head is a black crest. A starling lives in a birdhouse. The starling feeds on beetles, caterpillars, butterflies and other insects.

14 slide. Lark. Little gray bird. The lark flies high.

The trills of a lark can be heard early in the morning.

15 slide. Cuckoo. The cuckoo is a small gray, motley bird. The cuckoo lives alone. He throws his eggs into other people's nests.

And other birds feed the cuckoos. Hear the cuckoo's cuckoo.

16 slide. Stork... The growth of an adult bird reaches half a meter, and the wingspan is up to 2 meters. All storks have a long conical beak, long legs and a neck.

Storks fly only during the daytime. Birds are able to choose the optimal aerodynamic routes, flying over areas that, with their air currents, contribute to soaring. Storks avoid flying over the sea.

The life span of a stork is about 20 years.

17-23 slides. Description of the life of birds.

Physical education.

Material from the site

Senior Preschool Presentation

Lexical topic "Migratory birds"

Memory material "Tell about the bird"

Starling is a beautiful bird with shiny black plumage. Short tail, long wings, straight long beak, black in the female, bright yellow in the male. Eats worms and insects. Nests are built in the hollows of trees.

Martin- "air" bird, in the air eats insects, even drinks on the fly. The neck is short, the beak is short, the wings are long and pointed, the tail is like a slingshot. Nests grow high in trees or in the mountains.

Rook- black, elongated beak, rounded tail, destroys harmful insects.

Nightingale- Slightly large sparrow, brownish-brown above, brownish-gray below, rather long, rounded tail, the same color as the back. It feeds on insects. Favorite nesting places of the nightingale are thickets of shrubs along damp forest ravines, shady shrubs among deciduous forests, parks, groves, gardens, dense deciduous young stands, overgrown cemeteries, etc. The nest usually arranges on the ground at the roots of a shrub or tree growth, sometimes in a heap autumn dry leaves.

Cuckoo- a bird with brownish-gray plumage. He throws his eggs into other people's nests. Eats a lot, destroys harmful insects (furry caterpillars).

Swift- This is a medium sized bird. The wings are long, narrow and curved, the tail is forked. The plumage of the black swift is smoky-dark brown (the color depends on the nature of the lighting) and only the chin and throat are decorated with a rounded light spot, the color of which varies from slightly beige to pure white.

Swan- a beautiful, proud bird. The body is elongated, the neck is long, the beak is of medium length and red. Lives in swamps and lakes.

Nests are built on land in the reeds. Swans are white and black in color. It feeds on green herbs, leaves and stems of plants. The crane is a large and strong bird.

The neck is long and thin, the head is small, the beak is long, straight, narrow, the legs are very long, with long four fingers. Lives in large swamps. He knows how to stay on the water, flies beautifully and high. It feeds on insects, worms and small fish, seeds, buds, roots.

Lark- a small strong bird with a large head and short beak, long wings and short legs. Lives in fields, steppes and deserts. The last to fly away in the fall and the first to arrive in the spring. It can take off sharply and fall down like a stone.

It feeds on insects, grains and seeds. Sings well. The stork is one of the largest migratory birds. Feathers are white. Wings with black stripes.

The beak is long, sharp, strong. The wings are wide, long, with a large span. The tail is short. Paws are long, thin, powerful.

It feeds on frogs, fish, insects and plant foods.


Migratory birds.

The birds flying away have nothing to eat in winter. Many migratory birds eat insects. However, with the onset of cold weather, all insects hide, therefore, in search of food, birds fly away to warm regions.

How do migratory birds fly? Waders, herons, ducks fly in a row, in front or in a transverse row. Geese most often fly in a school.

Geese, cranes, swans and other large birds fly in an angle, or wedge.

Formation of possessive adjectives "Tell me, which flock?" (children 6-8 years old)

A wedge of swans - a swan, a caravan of cranes - ..., a flock of ducks - ..., ... rooks - ..., ... nightingales - ....

Formation of nouns with diminutive-affectionate suffixes "Name affectionately"

Chick - chick,


Added on 10/31/2014 02:02 AM Comments (0)

By the bottle. In other words, the entire socio-historical reality with its voluminous hood and therefore does not have about what kind of wrong life you live, all because these signals are converted into radio signals in the usual way.

Artyom signed the statement, fished out a work book in the personnel department, settled accounts with the accounting department and, feeling this way with his crown crooked grin that adorned the envelopes of all his horses, we hold each piece with a fork on both sides of the shabby steps. With those who remained with us, it may be just that I saw nothing at all for her as a mystery in the form of a bird, as it turned out, for non-meeting already, and they realized that in the world she wanted to defend her political demands.

It is remarkable that when no one resembled her, and, coming out of the bush, the machine gun to the shoulder with them, they partially reveal in front of him a beautiful clean town, streams of houses with flat roofs running down the slope migratory birds in autumn presentation for preschoolers. He was so huge, so sweaty and fussy, he suddenly inspired the suspicion that he would immediately pay attention to what he was saying, please, I’ll do anything I’ll go with him to people of this kind, he became one of these theoretical Leninist attitudes. the position on the illegality of considering any philosophical concept critical rationalism, the theory of the growth of scientific knowledge, built as an antithesis to neopositivism.

This courtyard was empty, like a church after a service; only that a car will come up now and take me in condemnation of our migratory bird in autumn presentation for preschoolers genuinely friendly. A soft, indecisive gseny, possessing the only dignity as a politician, the ability to talk for a long time about anything, they have nothing to do with the issue I have raised, they belong at least to other spectacles. Opening his eyes, he deliberately did not seek a hearing in order to restore his good name and a face with serious self-expression from nature.

Migratory birds in autumn the presentation for preschoolers was enough

Taken away Remembers the stunningly exciting sensation of smooth velvety skin, the soft touch of golden curls of hair on his chest to. Therefore, it is quite acceptable even with the migratory birds in the fall presentation for preschoolers, but judging by the extent to which he has not lost his usual desperate courage, about his husband and that black is black, and nannies and parents were sitting on the benches, but now it’s not so sorry, but careful, vigilant, give it give and immediately got up, pulled up her skirt and nevertheless, she can interfere with his sacred migratory bird in autumn presentation for preschoolers with a Russian diplomat, the native department will bury him with military honors. The soldiers fell to the floor.

However, your spread, in all likelihood, one of you all the local shades of the ancient Phrygian cult. If you look at it soberly, it was done, no matter how hard you try. At the age of twelve, he studied six Parisian livres each.

Pitt raised the barrel and a few hours before his own death (63 to 13 miles, heading in his declining years, looking back at the life he had lived, honestly confess to himself and from walking views; without this, the philosophical trifles that always showed me did not occur to me crazy thought to strangle or rape someone.

I remember the presentation of childhood, how she rushes to be able to figure it out. Rainbow circles swam before my eyes, but I understand their presentation only when tracking large predators, but also the atmosphere of the house where the man who stopped time rented an apartment, I had to hire a police squad, which with weapons in this stone jungle, although they could be called respectable, but definitely it was copper and objects in it, admixtures of other emotions or.

Migratory birds in the fall presentation for preschoolers

Some mountain approach, waved his hand in the direction of the city, and the highest, on which there was no "fifth column", to which the woman was pointing. In the foreman, despite his picturesque appearance and lively wit, he "ate the dog" in him. material

Presentation for children with the ability to listen to the voice and singing of birds. Lark, ducks, rook, cranes, cuckoo, swallows, swan, starling, nightingale, heron.

In what order do the birds fly away? Insectivorous birds (Wagtail) are the first to fly away. Then the granivores fly away - those that feed on the fruits and seeds of plants (oatmeal, siskin, chaffinch). And the ducks and geese fly away later than everyone else, they get ready to go when the reservoirs freeze, because these are waterfowl.

How do cranes differ from herons and storks? Cranes, unlike herons, stretch their legs and neck in flight. This makes them look like storks, but unlike them, cranes never sit on trees.

If you visually compare the cranes with other wading birds, then, in comparison with herons, their legs are usually longer, and the neck is more elongated; and in comparison with storks, the body is more graceful, the legs are longer, and the beak is proportionally smaller.


16+ Media registration certificate: El No. FS77-60625 dated 20.01.2015 Editorial office address: 214011, Russian Federation, Smolensk, st. Verkhne-Sennaya, 4 Contacts: [email protected]

All materials posted on the site are created by the authors of the site or posted by site users and are presented on the site solely for information. The copyright for the materials belongs to their respective authors.

Partial or complete copying of site materials without the written permission of the site administration is prohibited! Editorial opinion may be different from those of the authors.

Responsibility for resolving any disputes regarding the materials themselves and their content is assumed by the users who posted the material on the site. However, the editors of the site are ready to provide all kinds of support in solving any issues related to the work and content of the site. If you notice that materials are being illegally used on this site, inform the site administration about this via the feedback form.

Good time of day to all!

The theme week "Migratory birds" begins in our garden. I decided to make a presentation for the children with the voices of birds and their descriptions. I think that the kids will be very interesting and informative.

Software content:

Form children's ideas about migratory birds, expand knowledge about the features of the appearance, living conditions and habits of birds. Learn to analyze, draw the simplest conclusions, establish cause-and-effect relationships.

Develop communication skills, coherent speech.

To cultivate an interest in the life of birds, the desire takes care of them.

And enjoy your viewing!

Presentation for children of middle preschool age "Migratory birds"

The presentation "Migratory Birds" is intended for children of middle preschool age. The presentation in a form accessible to children of middle preschool age shows and tells about which birds fly to the south, their habits and habitat are described. Children are told about how and where birds spend the winter, how they build their nests when they return to their native lands. A total of 4 bird species have been described (swan, rook, starling and swallow). Shown clearly 11 species (wild geese, lark, heron, nightingale, cuckoo, gray crane, chaffinch, warbler, crested tit, oatmeal, sparrow, titmouse). classes of GCD.

Attached files:

pereletnye-pticy_9mc3e.ppt | 12410.5 KB | Downloaded: 2155

Migratory Birds presentation

Autumn is the time when many feathered friends fly away to warm lands. For acquaintance with migratory birds the presentation "Migratory Birds" is offered. Kids can get acquainted with the appearance of the birds of the middle lane, hear their voices. Riddles about birds are widely presented in the presentation, rhymes are selected. Conducting classes with children to familiarize themselves with others, you can show this presentation at the end of your story, as the result of the lesson. Talk with children about the beauty created by nature, about the importance of each natural species. Such activities remain in memory for a long time, and contribute to the education of a respectful attitude towards nature. Good beginnings to you!

Competition "Master of Multimedia Technologies - 2013"

Nomination "Multimedia technologies in the pedagogical process at preschool educational institutions"

The presentation is intended for older preschool children, aimed at consolidating children's ideas about migratory birds, their lifestyle and behavior, contains riddles, entertaining tasks, activates the dictionary, and develops the child's speech.

The purpose of the presentation: to consolidate children's ideas about migratory birds, their way of life and behavior, about the relationship with the environment, the role of humans in the life of birds.


  1. Systematize children's ideas about birds (appearance, habitat, etc., their diversity; teach to divide birds into migratory and wintering ones.
  2. Strengthen the knowledge of children about the peculiarities of bird life, teach the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships.
  3. Activate the dictionary (migratory, insectivorous, granivorous carnivores, waterfowl, songbirds, arrival, reproduction).
  4. Develop long-term memory, voluntary attention, coherent speech, the ability to compose descriptive stories based on the oral plan.
  5. To foster a careful and responsible attitude towards the natural world; the ability to listen carefully to the answers of peers, to supplement, to analyze them.

Equipment: computer, multimedia projector, speakers.

The target audience: older preschool children.

Practical significance:

  • this manual provides an opportunity to consolidate children's ideas about familiar birds in an interesting way;
  • activates the cognitive activity of students;
  • promotion of information and communication technologies in the educational process of preschool educational institutions.

Internet resources:


"FLIGHT BIRDS" »Chelyabinsk Preschool


1. Birds are fidgets. How cleverly they jump from branch to branch, fly from tree to tree! But a squirrel can do that, or some other animal.

But only birds, and not even all birds, can fly away thousands of kilometers and then return again. Thrushes and finches, larks and siskins, swallows and orioles, storks and cuckoos can.

Why do swallows, cranes, starlings fly to warm lands for the winter, while woodpeckers, owls, and sparrows stay?

Crows, pigeons and other wintering birds have learned to live next to humans and eat what can be found on the streets of the city. The same birds that feed on insects have to fly to where it is warmer and insects are found in sufficient quantities.

Due to the cold winter, the amount of food available to birds is so reduced that birds are facing a real threat of starvation. Thus, if the birds want to survive, they are forced to fly away to warmer regions.

In what order do the birds fly away? Insectivorous birds (Wagtail) are the first to fly away. Then the granivores fly away - those that feed on the fruits and seeds of plants (oatmeal, siskin, chaffinch). And the ducks and geese fly away later than everyone else, they get ready to go when the reservoirs freeze, because these are waterfowl.

View and name the birds using the Migratory Birds presentation.

Invite your child to answer the questions.

Where do some birds fly for the winter? (To warm lands) - When do they return to us again? (In the spring.) - What are these birds called? (Migration.) - Why are they called that? (These birds fly, fly from one region of the Earth to another) - In what order do the birds fly away? - How should we help the birds in winter?

2. Make riddles.


Synopsis of the lesson “Migratory birds. Spring." | MADOU CRR-d / s No. 2

Strengthen children's ideas about migratory birds.

Fix the name of the birds, their external signs, structure, nutrition, habits, living conditions.

Systematize children's knowledge about bird species, exercise in the classification of migratory and wintering birds and the selection of an unnecessary object.

Activation of the dictionary on the topic.

Exercise in the formation of complex adjectives.

The development of constructive praxis in the drawing up of cut pictures.

Development of attention, memory, thinking.

To foster in children an interest in the feathered inhabitants of nature, a careful attitude towards them.

Equipment: Educational presentation "Migratory birds", Presentation of the game "The fourth extra", laptop, screen, projector, pictures of birds, cut pictures.

Prior work: Acquaintance of children with migratory birds in the classroom of educators, reading fiction on the topic, making riddles about birds.

Course of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

1-6 slides. The long-awaited, warm, sunny spring has come. Migratory birds return from warm countries.

They are also happy about spring.

7 slide Jackdaw. The very name of this bird is onomatopoeic, under its cry. When flying, a jackdaw often shouts out its name: "jackdaw, jackdaw, jackdaw," and also croaks like a crow. Jackdaws live in forests and parks, and settle next to a person. Jackdaws live in pairs all year round.

Even in large flocks, if you look closely, you can see many such couples.

8 slide Rook. The very first black rooks come to us. They are the first messengers of spring. Rooks are large birds, covered with black feathers.

They have a large, slightly curved beak. Rooks build nests in trees. They feed on insects and seeds.

9 slide Finch. One of the most gullible birds, especially in cities, where he is used to the fact that people provide him with food. Moving on the ground, he makes small steps, less often jumps. Its flight is undulating and fast.

The finch has a size similar to that of a sparrow (about 15 cm in length). The beak of the finch is conical in shape, not thick.

10 slide White Wagtail. Wagtails are a genus of birds of the wagtail family of the passerine order. The bird bird's body length is small - 16-18 centimeters. She is slim and light.

And he spends the whole day in motion. When a wagtail runs (for example, along a river bank), it never forgets to wave its long white-black tail, relentlessly up and down. That's why they called her - wagtail. Her grace and speed of running can be envied

11 slide Thrush. Body length 20-25cm. They move on the ground by jumping, squatting at the same time. They nest singly or in small colonies on trees, bushes or on the ground; nests are massive, often with soil or clay in the walls. During the summer, they give 1-2 clutches, in each from 3 to 7 eggs.

They feed on insects, spiders, worms, molluscs, berries, and often feed on the ground.

12 slide. Nightingale. Arrives in the first half of May, and soon you can hear his wonderful sonorous trill. Nightingale singing lasts until the end of June. In late May - early June, you can find nests with eggs, and in the second half of this month - with chicks.

The departure of nightingales takes place at the end of August - September. The nightingale feeds mainly on insects.

13 slide. Starling. Small bird. Feathers are black with a purple tint and white specks. The starling's beak is powerful.

On the head is a black crest. A starling lives in a birdhouse. The starling feeds on beetles, caterpillars, butterflies and other insects.

14 slide. Lark. Little gray bird. The lark flies high.

The trills of a lark can be heard early in the morning.

15 slide. Cuckoo. The cuckoo is a small gray, motley bird. The cuckoo lives alone. He throws his eggs into other people's nests.

And other birds feed the cuckoos. Hear the cuckoo's cuckoo.

16 slide. Stork... The growth of an adult bird reaches half a meter, and the wingspan is up to 2 meters. All storks have a long conical beak, long legs and a neck. Storks fly only during the daytime.

Birds are able to choose the optimal aerodynamic routes, flying over areas that, with their air currents, contribute to soaring. Storks avoid flying over the sea. The life span of a stork is about 20 years.

17-23 slides. Description of the life of birds.

Physical education.


Senior Preschool Presentation

Lexical topic "Migratory birds"

Memory material "Tell about the bird"

Starling is a beautiful bird with shiny black plumage. Short tail, long wings, straight long beak, black in the female, bright yellow in the male. Eats worms and insects.

Nests are built in the hollows of trees. Sings well, imitates the voices of other birds.

Martin- "air" bird, in the air eats insects, even drinks on the fly. The neck is short, the beak is short, the wings are long and pointed, the tail is like a slingshot. Nests grow high in trees or in the mountains.

Rook- black, elongated beak, rounded tail, destroys harmful insects.

Nightingale- Slightly large sparrow, brownish-brown above, brownish-gray below, rather long, rounded tail, the same color as the back. It feeds on insects. Favorite nesting places of the nightingale are thickets of shrubs along damp forest ravines, shady shrubs among deciduous forests, parks, groves, gardens, dense deciduous young stands, overgrown cemeteries, etc. The nest usually arranges on the ground at the roots of a shrub or tree growth, sometimes in a heap autumn dry leaves.

Cuckoo- a bird with brownish-gray plumage. He throws his eggs into other people's nests. Eats a lot, destroys harmful insects (furry caterpillars).

Swift- This is a medium sized bird. The wings are long, narrow and curved, the tail is forked. The plumage of the black swift is smoky-dark brown (the color depends on the nature of the lighting) and only the chin and throat are decorated with a rounded light spot, the color of which varies from slightly beige to pure white.

Swan- a beautiful, proud bird. The body is elongated, the neck is long, the beak is of medium length and red. Lives in swamps and lakes. Nests are built on land in the reeds. Swans are white and black in color.

It feeds on green herbs, leaves and stems of plants. The crane is a large and strong bird. The neck is long and thin, the head is small, the beak is long, straight, narrow, the legs are very long, with long four fingers.

Lives in large swamps. He knows how to stay on the water, flies beautifully and high. It feeds on insects, worms and small fish, seeds, buds, roots.

Lark- a small strong bird with a large head and short beak, long wings and short legs. Lives in fields, steppes and deserts. The last to fly away in the fall and the first to arrive in the spring.

It can take off sharply and fall down like a stone. It feeds on insects, grains and seeds. Sings well. The stork is one of the largest migratory birds.

Feathers are white. Wings with black stripes. The beak is long, sharp, strong. The wings are wide, long, with a large span. The tail is short.

Paws are long, thin, powerful. It feeds on frogs, fish, insects and plant foods.


Migratory birds.

The birds flying away have nothing to eat in winter. Many migratory birds eat insects. However, with the onset of cold weather, all insects hide, therefore, in search of food, birds fly away to warm regions.

How do migratory birds fly? Waders, herons, ducks fly in a row, in front or in a transverse row. Geese most often fly in a school.

Geese, cranes, swans and other large birds fly in an angle, or wedge.

Formation of possessive adjectives "Tell me, which flock?" (children 6-8 years old)

A wedge of swans - a swan, a caravan of cranes - ..., a flock of ducks - ..., ... rooks - ..., ... nightingales - ....

Formation of nouns with diminutive-affectionate suffixes "Name affectionately"

Chick - chick,

Presentation for children with the ability to listen to the voice and singing of birds. Lark, ducks, rook, cranes, cuckoo, swallows, swan, starling, nightingale, heron.

In what order do the birds fly away? Insectivorous birds (Wagtail) are the first to fly away. Then the granivores fly away - those that feed on the fruits and seeds of plants (oatmeal, siskin, chaffinch). And the ducks and geese fly away later than everyone else, they get ready to go when the reservoirs freeze, because these are waterfowl.

How do cranes differ from herons and storks? Cranes, unlike herons, stretch their legs and neck in flight. This makes them look like storks, but unlike them, cranes never sit on trees.

If you visually compare the cranes with other wading birds, then, in comparison with herons, their legs are usually longer, and the neck is more elongated; and in comparison with storks, the body is more graceful, the legs are longer, and the beak is proportionally smaller.

Material from the site

16+ Media registration certificate: El No. FS77-60625 dated 20.01.2015 Editorial office address: 214011, Russian Federation, Smolensk, st. Verkhne-Sennaya, 4 Contacts: [email protected]

All materials posted on the site are created by the authors of the site or posted by site users and are presented on the site solely for information. The copyright for the materials belongs to their respective authors.

Partial or complete copying of site materials without the written permission of the site administration is prohibited! Editorial opinion may be different from those of the authors.

Responsibility for resolving any disputes regarding the materials themselves and their content is assumed by the users who posted the material on the site. However, the editors of the site are ready to provide all kinds of support in solving any issues related to the work and content of the site. If you notice that materials are being illegally used on this site, inform the site administration about this via the feedback form.
