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Questionnaire why you have chosen the profession of a doctor. The doctor is a profession of the soul. About the reform of medical education

Hello dear accomplices.
My name is Polina, I am 24 years old, I was born and live in Moscow. Before starting a small remark: I will divide my post into two parts: you can read the first one right now, and the second - at the end of summer.

You might be surprised, but I never wanted to be a doctor. I remember how I told my mother in the 5th grade that I wanted to be a teacher, and even for elementary grades, I even remember how my mother, upon hearing this, clutched at her heart and was silent ...
I studied at a school with in-depth study of languages, in particular the same English, and then French. And it was languages ​​that I studied hard, we had an English theater, we went to England, Germany to perform. Until the 9th grade, my mother and I were sure that I would go to an injection facility, but then I switched to another English teacher, and in October of my 9th grade, my mother, taking me home by car, actually decided my fate. She suddenly began to talk about the fact that there are courses in chemistry, Russian and biology for admission to the 10th medical class at another school. I was confused and just kept silent. Then she asked me head-on if I wanted to be a doctor - and I burst into tears. After a short silence, my mother asked if I was afraid of blood. I answered “No” and we went to the courses. That's how one ridiculous question decided everything.
It is worth noting here that despite all the goodness of my language school, we had zero chemistry, they did not even explain the arrangement of electrons around atoms to us, and I practically did not understand anything. And my mother enrolled me in the RCTU them. Mendeleev to chemistry courses, from which I came with a blissful expression on my face, practically not understanding anything. But once, after being interrogated with partiality, I confessed everything, and my mother, who for many years was the head of the laboratory of inorganic chemistry at RUDN University, took over me.

Me and mom

At night we read the thick book "Principles of Chemistry" by Kuzmenko, sorting out together in molecular weights, electrons, types of reactions, types of chemical compounds. My business went much better and soon I was among the first at the RCTU, but the courses at the school let me down. It was never difficult for me with Russian, with biology too - I only had to learn, besides, in our language school we went through similar topics, and chemistry was hell. It was led by a teacher (with the initials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs), who did not explain ANYTHING and easily ridiculed your ignorance and / or stupidity, disregarding your feelings, and for a very long time I did not stick my head out, sitting in the back rows. My mother - a great fellow - suddenly began to understand the solution of problems and explained them to me until I learned the topic. Once at home we were solving a problem on a complex chemical reaction with hydrogen phosphates, pyrophosphates, phosphates and God knows what else. And I just could not understand why it turns out this way and not that way. In fact, I didn't even want to even think, when my mother brought the jar, poured water, shampoo into it, poured sugar (each ingredient corresponded to an element of the chemical equation), but this did not help, then my mother, in her hearts, poured the contents of the jar on my head and while I was washing this muck from my head, the long-awaited inspiration came :)
In chemistry, I now sat on the 2nd row and often went to the board. I usually solved my school tests, final exams, tests, laboratory work in 10 minutes for myself, the other 3 options in 25 minutes, and the rest of the time the guys copied everything from each other, and went to transfer to parallel classes during recess. Do not think, I am not bragging, I just want to show how suddenly I have moved forward sharply from absolute zero. I passed the exams at 4-5-4 and entered the 10th medical class. Our class teacher was the same Ministry of Internal Affairs, which turned out to be very cool :)
The 10th class flew by quickly, in new school, with new friends, with new, in many ways, wonderful teachers and - with additional classes in chemistry, physics and biology with teachers from the Russian State Medical University, where we were all going to enter after school. The teachers were not very successful, and every six months we passed a real session at different departments, before which we had to get credits in all school subjects and courses, and in which there were 3 exams each: essay, biology, chemistry.
And then we moved to the 11th grade, which I now remember as a real hell, because despite the advantages that medical students had during admission (namely, early exams in May before the main stream on the same conditions), it was necessary to take tutors in Russian. chemistry-biology and study, although this also did not give guarantees: the competition for a place is huge (up to 7 people in the medical faculty, a little less in pediatrics, and very small in other faculties), there is blat everywhere. And this is absolutely true.

Before a chemistry lesson somewhere in Solntsevo

I left home at 7 in the morning, and usually arrived at midnight. 4 times a week tutors for 3-4 hours (including on weekends) + teachers from the institute at school + tasks of ordinary teachers. I wrote notes at a breakneck speed and crammed them, handed them over and it is not clear how I managed everything. Again 2 sessions and a terrifying feeling of approaching disaster in the introductory. Shortly before the summer, the benefits for medical students were canceled and we became like everyone else and could only rely on ourselves. Before the medal in school, I didn’t have enough retake of one four, but I didn’t want to be sprayed.

Last bell and graduation

It was very scary: not to pass, not to enter, upset my mother after so much effort invested in this business ... left the exam crying, and the next half hour home was the worst of my life. At home, I changed my mind and realized that instead of 1.9888, the answers should have turned out to be 2.0, and I calmed down. They gave me 5. If I had a medal, it would all be over, and so there was an essay and biology ahead. On the essay, I chose the topic on "Dead Souls", a similar one I wrote quite recently and remembered the text almost word for word with all the quotes and commas. I was upset when I got 4, although I knew that 5 was not given to everyone and rather by agreement. I came to the biology exam at 8 in the morning, and until 15.15 I sat in a stuffy auditorium, waiting for my turn. When I finally got the ticket, I didn't care what they got. They put 5, and I went out, staggering, counting the points. 14 out of 15. The passed was 12.
Now, looking back at that summer, I understand that I could never repeat this in my life, but the deed was done - I became a student Faculty of Medicine 2nd Medical University and there were 6 years of study and more specialization ahead.
The study itself was difficult: anatomy began from the first days. From the first days we were given real bones, and our teacher put two's to the right and left, if it was not possible to answer his questions, and he asked me to conduct classes instead of him, which was a very interesting experience. Once he gave me a skull, with which I rode on the subway, examining every hole and every bump. Then he was fired, and he gave me a souvenir bag containing a femur, a dwarf's femur, a collarbone and a box with a baby's cervical vertebrae.

On anatomy with the same teacher. I have a pelvic bone in my hands (real)

Already in the 1st year we worked with corpses. I remember we were all waiting, but they did not bring them, but one day we saw something wrapped in a bag in a strange hall, and shouting "Hurray, the corpses were brought!" the whole group rushed to their hall. I didn’t grind my teeth, didn’t faint (although there were some who fell with enviable constancy), I didn’t feel sick or vomit, I didn’t think that once “this” was a person - such thoughts simply cannot be allowed when you study. And I always liked to dissect, except for the moments when, due to formalin, it was impossible to approach the corpse closer than 2 meters.

On anatomy with another teacher (heavenly kingdom to him). A piece of corpse is visible in the corner of the photo.

Everything spun very quickly: colloquiums-tests-tests-exams-automatic you, I studied perfectly (diploma with honors), I could not and did not want to do otherwise. But for each exam (especially for 5-6 courses) I went, knowing how many people paid for "5" and "4", and what might not be enough for the rest. But now I know for sure who I won't go to for treatment :)
In fact, we were “forced” to study and take everything only in the first 3 courses: they demanded to memorize the Krebs cycle or be able to write huge formulas of all vitamins from memory. I still don't understand why. Then, when the clinical disciplines (such as ENT, therapy, surgery, oncology), which we passed in hospitals, began to "freebie", if you want - you teach, if you don't want - no one will teach and will not force. And starting from the 2nd year, every summer, for one month, we underwent practical training in hospitals and polyclinics: sanitary, nursing, subordinate, medical (polyclinic). After them, I was able to change a dozen beds in 15 minutes, clean the floors, inject injections and put on IVs, take out ducks and rehabilitate grandmothers, because any practice, if I could choose, I took place in the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics. If you ask why - I will not answer. It was a second inspiration that did not let go for many years.
It turns out that we started working with people in the 3rd year, when we learned to interrogate them, examine them, listen to them, probe, probe, when we wrote the first case history. It was not scary, but it was then, entering the ward in a white coat, that I began to feel a bit like a doctor. In my last year during polyclinic therapy, when we had to go to calls as therapists, I started to have a real panic, because I had chosen a surgical specialty and had very few drugs in my memory, and I had to be sure of the diagnosis and my recommendations. by 99.9%. There was no way to get away, but already when I entered the first apartment to see a man with a cold, I realized that the jitters were passing and the sobriety of thought returned, like in an exam. And one patient even asked for my name in order to continue calling me.
And the most difficult cycle of all time, I consider psychiatry, which is fundamentally different in its approach to the patient, disease and treatment. In a psychiatric hospital, at first it seemed that there were normal people around, then it became funny when they told you that some psychic Gromov was sitting in the bridge of his nose and put thoughts into his head, and then it became scary.
If you remember how I got into the medical class, it might be interesting if I was satisfied with my choice of profession. I never regretted, never wanted to quit, on the contrary, every year I realized more and more that it was my vocation, to help people, although our doctors receive little, they are sometimes even less respected, and the equipment in hospitals is for the most part poorly and does not allow the development of science and practice. Only in the 6th year, when I was face to face with the disorganization of our dean's office on the issue of postgraduate education, bureaucracy, hassle and 8-hour sitting at the institute, to see the lists of enrolled, I wanted to quit everything, because I got sick of being rejected for person. But, overpowering myself, I finished my studies, received my diploma with honors and entered the residency in the desired specialty, which I will finish in the summer and will then be no longer just a doctor, but a specialist.

Gold medalist, master of sports in artistic gymnastics Lydia Dorofeeva the doors of any universities, both Samara and Moscow, were open. Having weighed all the pros and cons, the girl chose the profession of a doctor and entered the Samara State Medical University. Today Lydia is already a second-year clinical intern at the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery with a degree in neurology. She successfully combines her residency with the work of a nurse in the neurological department for patients with acute cerebrovascular accidents at the Samara Regional Clinical Hospital.

- Why did you decide to become a doctor?

- In general, I am an inquisitive person, I have always really liked to study. Natural sciences - biology and chemistry - were of particular interest to me. Therefore, there was a desire to enter medical school... In addition to medicine, I also studied biology and was interested in philology.

I realized that the profession of a doctor is very responsible, very difficult, that they study at a medical university for a long time and, in comparison with other universities, it is quite difficult to study there. In general, there was no one to tell me - there are no doctors among my relatives. Therefore, we can say that I made the decision on my own. I thought it over and decided that there was nothing to be afraid of: if you are strongly interested in something, then it will definitely work out. I went to enter a medical school, did not even begin to spray and waste energy on others. I submitted documents to only one and immediately entered.

- What motivated you the most in choosing a profession?

- I thought that doctors are special people, with some kind of mentality. A doctor's job is an unusual job, such as that of a office workers where, in my opinion, everything is rather monotonous, the same gray days. And here - constantly something new, constantly some kind of thought process in the head. And yet - this is an opportunity to bring great benefits to humanity. To truly help and see gratitude in the eyes of patients after you have helped them - it gives strength, brings great satisfaction.

- Who supported you in choosing a profession? How did your parents feel about the choice?

- My parents reacted to this very well, approved, helped me. We began to think with them how to enter the medical university, what knowledge to gain. Signed up for additional courses. In graduation classes, I did a lot to go to university, I studied practically seven days a week.

- To what extent did your experience of studying at the university coincide with your expectations? How did you study?

- Everything was very interesting and exciting, from the first to the last course. Every year, every day I thought - what a blessing that I study at the medical university. The study fully met my emotional expectations. I have two sisters-students, we communicate closely, and I could compare with how the education is going in different universities. I understood that what I was doing was to my liking - constant practice, communication with patients, practical healthcare.

And if we talk about the initial courses, then we recall the basic fundamental sciences, the same chemistry, for example: when you see some kind of chemical reaction, how a blue solution turns red, and you still don’t quite understand why this is happening, then it gives great joy and desire to understand. And this is always the case in medicine - the slightest impact has enormous consequences. And the further, the more exciting and interesting to understand all this.

- Has it ever happened that some difficulties made you doubt your choice of profession?

- No never. I knew in advance about the difficulties, and everything turned out exactly as I imagined. Studying at a medical school is a titanic work. Gigantic, very hard work. Many of those who enter medical schools are not ready for it. But to quit university and do something else - I never had such a desire. Despite the fact that there were really very hard times. I remember the third year, the last exam in physiology - my nose is bleeding from mental strain, from not sleeping at night and getting ready. But to quit - no, I never thought. Probably, it also depends on human qualities: I am a purposeful person, and if I have planned or planned something, I will definitely do it.

- How would you rate the quality of your education? How much of the knowledge gained at the university is enough for you now?

- Our Samara State Medical University is among the leaders among other medical universities in Russia. And my teachers were just wonderful - strong, making great efforts to give us knowledge. Of course, they taught us a lot. Most of them left very warm feelings in their souls. All of them are outstanding doctors whom we students have looked at with big naive eyes full of admiration. And they dreamed of being the same.

Studying at a medical school and working as a doctor is a constant self-improvement and daily work over yourself as over a professional. I understand that you will always have to learn. Not only when you entered the first year of university, not only when you pass your final exams. But even when you are already working - in ten, and in twenty years.

- To what extent has the university prepared you for what awaits in your future profession? How do you see yourself as a young doctor?

- I have a good idea of ​​what awaits me. And not only because of the eighth year of study, but also because I have been in practical healthcare for many years. Since 2010 I have been working as a nurse in the neurological department, and I am very happy about this, because this is a direct meeting with practice. Nurse and a doctor is, of course, different professions, different functions, but, nevertheless, all this happens in one area, and many tasks overlap. For example, such a difficult moment, how to approach the patient correctly, start a conversation with him. We work with people, and here it is very important human approach... And this, too, must be learned, no matter how strange it sounds. I know many young specialists who, leaving the walls of the university, simply do not know how to communicate with a patient. But in order to cure a person, you need not only to feed him with pills, but also to communicate with him, to understand his problems. They say very rightly: the word heals. When you find out the anamnesis of the disease, you need to find an approach, get the patient's trust, so that he can tell you, maybe some intimate, but very important things that will affect the disease and its treatment. Therefore, I think that my job will be interesting. I know it.

I have confidence in my own knowledge, I have learned a lot. When I think about future work, I can't wait to put my knowledge into practice, test myself - can I? This is interesting, I already want to start.

Of course, I would like to have a mentor nearby, a teacher who could suggest something, so that there was someone to turn to. But I think that all people who understand, especially experienced doctors, will never refuse.

The problem of finding a job also seems to me very important in our time. Paradoxical as it may sound, given that the doctor is a demanded specialty, there is a lot of competition here. Competition of professional and personal qualities, approaches to patient management, skill levels. For doctors, for example, academic degrees are very important. I think all of this is appreciated when applying for a job.

- Do you already know where you will work?

- I'm looking for a job now. I plan both practical health care and postgraduate studies - I want to do science, because I love my business and want to develop in it more and more. That is, in my immediate plans - admission to graduate school and occupation scientific activities.

- If you were offered to try yourself as a zemstvo doctor, under what conditions would you agree?

- I know that now the corresponding federal programs are actively working, and many young doctors are interested in them. There are quite attractive proposals: young specialists are motivated both financially and professionally - they develop technical capabilities, purchase new equipment. I think this is a good option, I have a positive attitude towards these programs. But for single people, when you are not married or not married, it is not very convenient: the contract is signed for a significant period, about 5 years, and these are certain difficulties for creating a family. And if, for example, a person is already married or married, then I think this is a wonderful opportunity to go. Fresh air, home. Moreover, now everything is developing very intensively - devices, MRI, computed tomographs, etc. modern equipment... Therefore, I think for someone this is a very suitable option.

- How do you feel about professional implementation abroad? For example, go for an internship or try to work in another country?

- My attitude to this is: I am a patriot of my country and I love Russia. Despite the problems that exist in our country (and in medicine they are very acute and very noticeable), nevertheless, I think that a lot can be achieved here if you set goals for yourself and love your job, if you really work, and don't mess around. As for the internship in other countries, it's great, it is necessary, because it is an exchange of experience, an opportunity to see new technologies. It is no secret that in many ways Western experts are one step ahead of us. It is imperative to learn new things in order to come back here, and develop all this at home.

- Which Foreign experience do you consider the most valuable for Russia?

- Much in terms of functional diagnostics, diagnostics of certain diseases. Plus various technical capabilities - expensive equipment, which is not yet possible to purchase in many medical institutions... The second is medical drugs... There are a number of medicines successfully used abroad that are not registered in Russia, and for some reason it is not yet possible to import them here. And here these drugs could help specific patients.

- What are your professional dreams? Where do you see yourself, for example, in 10 years?

- In 10 years I am a neurologist, candidate medical sciences... I would like to have more professional experience. To attend various foreign internships, as we talked about. I dream of having mine customer base, that is, patients who know you. So that my name for patients was not an empty phrase, but really a hope, so that they would strive to get exactly to me as a highly qualified specialist.

Of course, I would like to own some other additional techniques in order to work not only as a neurologist, but also to conduct various additional research. For example, USDG of the vessels of the bracheocephalic trunk, which are necessary in my specialty. I also dream of learning related specialties that intersect with neurology. And it is imperative to achieve results in the scientific field - not so that the badge has three cherished letters "PhD", but primarily for professional development... I would also be interested in working at the department, teaching students. By the way, I really like teaching activities.

- Looking back at your student years, what recommendations and advice could you give to today's applicants and students of medical schools? Wish them something.

- I would like to tell those who are considering whether to enter a medical school or not, listen to your heart. Physician is a profession of the soul, you need to follow your heart. If you really feel like this your calling, then you need to go there, and if not, then it is better not to meddle.

And second: if, after all, the answer is yes, then there is nothing to be afraid of. No difficulties that will be, no thick textbooks and multivolume monographs. And just do what you want and love. Let the students and applicants be sure: if you work on yourself, be devoted to your work, then everything will work out, you will become a real specialist.

A doctor is, in my opinion, a special person. He has a special mindset, he has a special, unusual view of the world. It is much wider than that of other people, much richer. And that is also worth a lot, in fact. That is, studying at a university will give you not only knowledge, but also a colossal positive experience - social, life, human.

Composition "Why I Choose Medicine" There is no art more useful than medicine. Pliny the Elder There are a huge number of professions in the world. When asked which profession is the most important, everyone will answer differently. And if you ask what is the most difficult and tense, perhaps, first of all, they will name the difficult male specialties, remember about firefighters, rescuers, policemen. The most knowledgeable will be called scientists, all workers mental labor ... But, in my opinion, there are people whose work combines all these characteristics. Their life's work is the most necessary, the most difficult, the most responsible, requiring constant improvement. These are people who face the most important tasks - to recognize, treat, prevent diseases, ensure the preservation and strengthening of the health and ability of people to work. And these people are doctors. For a long time, it is doctors who have been credited with extending life. At a time when devastating epidemics and wars claimed the lives of millions of people, doctors stubbornly looked for ways to get rid and protect themselves from dangerous diseases, tried to reduce complications after injuries and surgical interventions. They created all the new drugs and vaccines, often testing them on themselves so as not to endanger other people. Thanks to doctors, it became possible to prevent and treat a huge number of diseases that were previously considered deadly. Physician is one of the noblest professions on earth. But not everyone can become a doctor. For this profession it is necessary to have a special character, attentiveness, patience, calmness, kindness; and at the same time - firmness, the ability to quickly make decisions, a huge sense of responsibility. This must certainly be a person devoted to his work with all his heart; a person who realizes the importance and seriousness of this profession; one who is not afraid of dangers, difficulties, who agree to devote his whole life to people and, while working, continue to constantly learn and improve. Despite the fact that studying to be a doctor is not easy, I still decided to become a doctor. It all started in childhood. In the winter of 2009, I was scheduled for surgery. With fear in my eyes and cold feet, I entered the office. But, looking at the kind expression on the doctor's face, I thought that not everything is as bad as it would seem at first glance. During the operation, the doctor supported me all the time, and his caring, attentive eyes seemed to say: "Don't worry, everything will be fine." Indeed, the operation took place without complications. “He is an amazing and extraordinary doctor,” all the nurses said about him. And it really was. To be honest, I didn't think there were people who would treat their work with such love. After I was discharged from the hospital, I firmly decided: I would be a good doctor who would consider helping patients his duty, a duty of conscience and would put this help in the first place. After all, a person who has chosen the medical profession must be ready for self-sacrifice, for incredible physical and psychological difficulties and risks. The words "shining to others, I burn myself", by the way, are very suitable for this profession. Only I decided that I would not be an ENT surgeon, like Vitaly Igorevich, but a pediatric dentist. This profession has existed for as long as doctors in general. Even in Ancient Greece, about 2500 years ago, there were "dentists" who were engaged in the extraction of teeth. The profession of a dentist is one of the most demanded in our time. Small children are very fond of sweets: chocolate, sweets, fruits. And they eat them in large quantities. And excessive consumption of sweets is harmful not only for the teeth. That is why a child at such a young age begins to have toothache. And, as far as I know, not every child will be able to fearlessly enter the office and sit in the master's chair. For many children, going to the dentist is agony. They are terribly afraid that the "aunt in the white coat" will hurt them. And only with the help of the persuasion of the parents, the child barely agrees to go to the appointment. And in many respects the fate of the child's health will depend on how everything goes. Each of us also remembers our childhood fears about visiting the dentist, because this visit was certainly associated with pain. Therefore, I want to radically change the concept of "dentist" in children. So that they walk and not be afraid of me in a white coat, or those tools with which they have to do an inspection. Moreover, I really love children and quickly find a common language with them. A modern science and technology does everything to make people feel comfortable and cozy in the dentist's office. To forget our children's "horror stories" about the evil uncle-doctor, to whom my mother will take, if you do not obey her and eat a lot of sweets, while forgetting to brush your teeth. I hope that I will successfully pass all the exams and be able to enter the medical academy, after which I will be able to benefit not only adults, but also children. Because the future generation is the main thing. And we need to do everything to make it healthy.

If the patient after a conversation

the doctor does not become easier, it is not a doctor.

V. Bekhterev.

It seems to me that each of us in childhood wanted to become a doctor. We all wanted to wear a white coat, work in a clean office, examine people, prescribe medications for them, and help them. But we all got older. Opened for us new world, new interests, new professions and this children's profession are in the past. But not for me…

Since childhood, I have been reading books related to medicine and its branches. Starting from Tchaikovsky's book "Aibolit" and ending with Bulgakov's story "Heart of a Dog". It was while reading Bulgakov's books that my desire to become a doctor intensified with every line I read. At some point, I wanted to resemble the main character of Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov's story "Notes of a Young Doctor". I liked the dedication with which the main character helped people. It turns out that what really happened to Bulgakov was what was described in the cycle of stories "Notes of a Young Doctor". This fact struck me to the core.

I started my path to this complex and difficult profession from the eighth grade, at a time when we do not worry about control works, homework and long lessons. My path began in the summer with the botany textbook for the sixth grade. At first I didn’t like it, I didn’t understand anything. I tried to teach, but nothing worked, at some point, I wanted to give up everything. I just got up from my desk and left, but my character did not allow me to do this, I sat and taught. In the second month of my vacation, it dawned on me, but what prevents me from going to the garden (since I live in a village) and in practice begin to study what I sat and studied for a month at a textbook? And everything went much easier, it became more interesting for me to study, as it seemed to me before, this boring piece of biology. After Botany, I started reading Zoology, there were no problems, except for one. It was summer outside. Sunny, I wanted to run to the river, take a walk with friends. So all the holidays passed. Throughout the school year, I tried not to give up positions. I, just like in the summer, sat and read something extra.

Now I am in the tenth grade. I still have this childhood dream of becoming a doctor. Despite the difficulties with admission to medical schools and colleges, this profession is still in demand. I want to become a doctor because I want to help people, I want my people and my relatives to live on, not knowing any pain and terrible diseases. I want to give people hope. I believe that the feeling that we experience when we help someone is the most wonderful feeling in the world. A real doctor, in my understanding, a doctor who can come to the rescue at any time of the day or night. He doesn't have days off. The doctor takes responsibility for a person's life, the most beautiful thing that we can have. I want to give my life to serve people. Some are attracted to this profession high salary, some romantics want to wear a white coat, doctors retire early, and this is a significant increase in salaries. A real doctor must have such qualities as hard work, diligence, he has no right to get confused, must have excellent knowledge and confidence. Confidence is the main quality that a doctor should have. He must treat each of his patients with respect and awe, regardless of his social status in society. Mood. Poor or rich. The doctor is a man who does not stop at nothing. If only to save a person's life. That is why I decided to choose this profession for myself.

I dream of becoming a doctor. It is very necessary and important profession... What could be more valuable than human life and more essential health? A person simply does not have the right to be a bad doctor, since it is the doctor who is entrusted with the most important and valuable thing - health.

The profession of a doctor is very difficult, but at the same time very interesting. Many represent her only on TV shows, but in life everything is completely different. A future doctor should have such qualities as: patience, understanding, respect, mercy. Patients come across different, but you need to be polite with each person.

The work of a doctor is very difficult - every day you have to make decisions on which someone's fate depends. Therefore, it is very important to become a real professional. A doctor is pride and responsibility for people's lives.

Not everyone can be a doctor. This is truly a calling. This profession is suitable for those who sincerely love people and want to help them, who know how to empathize, those who love to work. If all these qualities are combined in one person, then he has every chance of becoming a real Doctor with a capital letter.

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