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Environmental disasters and their causes presentation. Ecological disasters of the second half of the XX century

Environmental disaster - irreversible change natural complexes associated with the mass death of living organisms.

I have collected recent global and local environmental disasters in 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 that occurred in Russia and around the world, their causes and consequences for nature, as well as large and small man-made disasters, ever happened on the planet, about which at least something is known. Many could have been avoided. Unfortunately, these tragic phenomena have left a deep imprint not only on the fate and lives of many people, but also on the natural environment, and therefore, their consequences cause harm for a long time.

Bromine leak in Chelyabinsk The accident resulting in a bromine leak occurred on September 1, 2011 at a railway station in the city of Chelyabinsk. From the moment of the accident and in the next few days, the local population had to be content with conflicting and inaccurate information about the disaster that had happened. According to some reports, an explosion and fire were known, while other sources reported a leak of only a few tens of liters of bromine, without a fire or explosion.

Fukushima NPP 1 accident in Japan (2011) One of the largest accidents in recent years happened in nuclear power plant Fukushima in Japan. The disaster took place on March 11, 2011. According to official data, it is known that the accidents were assigned the 7th level on the INES scale (International Nuclear Event Scale - the international scale of nuclear events). This is a terrible example of the misuse of natural resources and the neglect of the safety of the population not only of one particular country, but of humanity as a whole.

Bhopal Catastrophe No one could have predicted that the winter night of December 2-3, 1984 will be one of the most tragic for India and the whole world. The Bhopal catastrophe, like many others, broke out out of the blue. According to official figures, 3787 deaths occurred on the day of the accident alone. To these figures should also be added more than 16 thousand people who died from the consequences of the accident in the following weeks and years. More than half a million people were left to live with injuries and serious chronic diseases.

Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico On April 20, 2010, one of the most serious environmental tragedies in the history of the region occurred in the Gulf of Mexico. As a result of the explosion on the BP oil platform, 11 people were killed, and 17 others are known to have been injured. In addition, scientists have identified an increased content of toxic substances in the blood of birds that spend the winter on the coast near the bay, and in the blood of sperm whales, which often swim to the place where the accident occurred, an abnormally high content of chromium and nickel - metals that have a destructive effect on cells.

Canadian ecological disaster in Ontario It happened in Canada, in the province of Ontario. This environmental pollution happened in 1970. The main pollutant was mercury, which entered natural systems due to the illegal release of the Dryden Chemical Company industrial facility. Mercury entered the natural environment at a rate of over 600 grams per hour. About 10 tons of mercury were dumped into the English River between 1962 and 1970.

Environmental hazards are environmental factors that interact negatively on organisms (lethal, limiting, mutagenic, carcinogenic.) It follows from this definition that an environmental catastrophe is the strongest impact of environmentally hazardous factors on the environment.

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Purpose of the work: to show in sufficient detail the ecological disasters of the second half of the XX century; identify the causes of environmental disasters. Tasks: get acquainted with the literature on this topic; identify the causes of environmental disasters.

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Throughout its history, mankind has repeatedly faced catastrophes - unexpected, destructive events that brought death to people, destroyed their cities and crops. They were caused by various natural phenomena - volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, tornadoes, epidemics. Until recently, it seemed that the main culprit of unexpected disasters is the unreasonable element. What are the causes of environmental disasters in the second half of the 20th century? construction.htm

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From 4 to 9 December 1952 - in London from acute bronchitis caused by heavy smog, approximately 3,500-4,000 people died, mainly the elderly and children.

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1957 - explosion of containers with nuclear waste, which led to strong radioactive contamination of a large area and to the evacuation of the population (Kasli, Chelyabinsk region, USSR).

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1953 -1960 - a plastics plant located in the Minamata Bay area, about. Kyushu, Japan, dumped industrial waste containing mercury into the sea. 43 people died due to mercury poisoning.

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1962 - The Koine Dam was built in India to supply water to Bombay. As a result of the filling of the formed reservoir with water, the enormous pressure of water on the ground brought the underlying rocks in a stressed state, and on December 10, 1967 there was an earthquake with an amplitude of 6.3 on the Richter scale. As a result of this earthquake, 177 people died and 200 were injured.

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October 9, 1963 - 240 million m3 of soil slid from the slope of Mount Tok in the Italian Alps into the reservoir behind the Vajont Dam. The dam withstood, but a wave of 100 m high swept over its crest and completely washed away the village of Longarone, as a result of which 2,500 people died. Longaron before the disaster.

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January 28, 1969 - oil was released from an oil platform in the Santa Barbara Canal (California, USA). In 11 days, about a million liters of oil spilled into the sea, causing enormous damage. This is a map of the largest oil emissions in history.

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June 2, 1969 - Fish begin to die in the Rhine. Two years earlier, two 25-kilogram canisters with the Tiodan insecticide had fallen into the river. The disaster caused a pest of several million fish.

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June 1, 1974 - An explosion at a chemical plant in Flixboro (Lindsay, UK) killed 55 people and injured 75. This plant produced caprolactam. Last day of the Flixboro chemical plant.

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Mid-October 1974 - in the newspapers there was a report that the American tanker) "Trans Heron", which had on board 25,000 tons of oil, lost control and ran into reefs off the coast of India in the area of ​​about. Kannanur. 3500 tons of oil leaked out of the holes in the first week alone! A huge oil slick with an area of ​​several tens of square kilometers slowly moved to the coast of the South Indian state of Keraha, threatening the death of marine life.

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July 10, 1976 - An explosion at a chemical factory in Seveso, Italy, emitted a toxic cloud of dioxide. The entire population was evacuated two weeks later. The city was uninhabited for 16 months. Dioxin disaster in Seveso.

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In early 1976, off the coast of Brittany, the supertanker Olympic Bravery with a displacement of 275,000 tons was wrecked - the property of a company founded by the Greek tycoon Onassis. Up to 5 tons of fuel oil were poured out of the holes into the open sea every day. A monstrous mazut mess flooded the shores of the once picturesque French island of Ouessant. The government was forced to bring in naval forces and sapper units to clear the coast of the island.

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In March 1978, 96.6 km off the coast of the Brittany Peninsula, France, a tanker belonging to the Amoco company Cadiz crashed, spilling 220,000 tons of oil. Tanker Amoco Cadiz ran aground on March 16, 1978 ...

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March 28, 1979 - the most severe accident in the United States at the Trimile Island reactor in Middletown (Pennsylvania, USA).

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April 1979 - anthrax spores were released at the Institute of Microbiology and Virology in Sverdlovsk. The Soviet government denied the fact of the catastrophe. According to independent sources, a region within a 3 km radius was infected, and several hundred people died. ..the release of anthrax from the 19th military town in Sverdlovsk.

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June 3, 1979 - an accident at the Ixttock-1 oil platform in the south of the Gulf of Mexico, 600 thousand tons of oil were released into the sea. The Gulf of Mexico has been an ecological disaster zone for several years. .1979. - an accident at the Ixtok-1 oil platform.

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December 3, 1984 - A methyl isocyanate spill occurs at a pesticide plant in Bhopal, India. The disaster, according to official figures, claimed the lives of 3.5 thousand people, but human rights activists estimate total amount victims of 25 thousand people. Thousands of people have become disabled. isocyanate

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April 26, 1986 - the worst accident in the history of mankind happened on Chernobyl nuclear power plant(Ukraine, USSR). As a result of the explosion of the fourth reactor, several million cubic meters radioactive gases, which many times exceeded the release from nuclear explosions over Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The winds carried radioactive substances throughout Europe. A complete evacuation of residents was carried out from an area with a radius of 30 km from the exploded reactor. Accommodation is prohibited. Many years will pass before the whole horror of the Chernobyl disaster, its terrible consequences for humanity will be known and comprehended.

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November 1, 1986 - as a result of a fire in a warehouse pharmaceutical company Sandoz (Basel, Switzerland), there was a release of 1,000 tons of chemicals in the Rhine. Millions of fish died and drinking water was contaminated.

From February to October 1994 the ruptured pipeline spilled thousands of tons of crude oil onto the pristine Arctic tundra in the Komi Republic (Russia). It is estimated that the amount of oil spilled varies between 60,000 and 280,000 tons. As a result of the disaster, an oil slick covered an 18 km long section. 2110 ha apical. tyndpy in the republik Komi (Russia), square, plain ...

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The conclusion suggests itself: the main cause of environmental disasters in the second half of the 20th century is Human intervention! Earthquakes and floods, droughts and explosions of underground gases - a person put his hand to all these destructive events in one way or another.

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The causes of environmental disasters in the second half of the 20th century: neglect of safety measures, negligence of enterprise personnel, political and administrative ambitions, greed, thoughtless pursuit of cost savings and misinformation or complete withholding of information about the catastrophe.

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Chemistry. Project activities students / author-comp. N.V. Shirshina. 2nd ed., Stereotype. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008. Internet resources

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Ecological disasters.

Environmental disasters are different for example: Water pollution! Often people wash their dogs, their cars in the lake, this is very harmful to creatures that live in the water, including us because we come to relax on the beach and swim !!!

here! Due to the large amount of garbage, fish die.

But now they have begun to install water filters and purification stations. It helps purify the water and save the life of the creatures in the water !!!

Another environmental issue: It's air pollution.

Factories are the first to harm air pollution.

Cars are also harmful.

Fires are also harmful.

Pollution of nature is also an ecological problem!

Often people leave the forest and leave a pile of rubbish there. I left one, the second, and it turned out to be a dump in the forest (or in the park.)

Soil pollution!!!

Soil contamination by an oil pipeline, (oil products.)

Soil contamination with heavy metals ...

Take care of yourself from fire !!!

Fires in the forest. (Ecological catastrophy)

There are fewer forests due to fires! And many animals die in a forest fire !!!

Do not ruin nature, but take care! After all, you also live here and this is your home!

On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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"Environmental problems of the Earth" - Uncontrolled deforestation. How to help you, Earth. Water pollution waste water and household waste. Desertification of lands. Sterlet. Bustard. Lily of the valley. Water lily. An endangered species of leopards, the snow leopard, has become a symbol of the 2014 Sochi Olympics. Poaching with nets. Crafts from waste material.

"Global environmental problems of mankind" - Countries had to completely stop the production of freons. Ecology. Global ecological problems of mankind. Population of the Earth. Use land wisely. CIS countries. Fresh water. Contamination problem. The phenomenon of regular hole formation. The science. Environmental crisis. The cost of one nuclear test.

"Possible ways of solving environmental problems" - The prospect of overcoming the environmental crisis. I am part of this nature. Forest and plants. Ecology. The ecological situation in Russia. World Water Day. Paper. Water pollution. We can do something to change the life around us. Environmental problems... We are the common life of the grain. Life around.

“Main ecological problems” - Acidification of water bodies. Indirect influence. Soil erosion. Soil pollution. Major environmental problems. Acid rain. Global environmental problems. The death of flora and fauna. May lead to global climate change. Extermination of animals. Human influence. Today the ecological situation in the world can be described as close to critical.

"Prevention of Environmental Disasters" - Tornado in the USA. The danger of a global catastrophe. Environmental problems. The reasons for the destruction of the environment. Earthquake in Japan. Destruction of humanity. Sustainable development. From environmental crises and disasters to sustainable development. Explosion of storage of radioactive materials. Protection of the atmosphere. Major environmental crises.

There are 29 presentations in total