Planning Motivation Control

"Our helpers are the senses" presentation for the lesson on the world around (middle group) on the topic. Didactic game "On the contrary"

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Joint activities with children in the middle group in the educational field "socialization" (health). "Our helpers are the senses"

BRAIN. Our "commander". our most important organ, without which we cannot live.

Walnut looks very similar to the brain. It is hidden in a shell (cerebral cortex). The nut itself resembles a brain with various convolutions.

EYES. Our eyes are one of the most valuable human senses. All the colors of the world around us, our eyes help us to see.

In order for our eyes to see well, they need to be treated very carefully and carefully. Let's remember the rules.

Do not rub your eyes with dirty hands.

You need to protect your eyes from piercing and cutting objects

You can't watch TV for a long time.

You can't play for a long time computer games... You need to train your eyes, do exercises, look into the distance.

EARS. Hearing is a very important value in our body. In order for our ears to be healthy, to hear all sounds well, we must take care of them and take good care of them.

nose The nose helps us to recognize different smells.

Language. With the help of language, it is possible to determine what kind of product it is, if we cannot see it and cannot smell it. In our language, there are areas that perceive each of its own specific taste.

Fingers. With the help of our fingers, we can feel an object and identify it.

On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Synopsis of organized educational activities in valeology in senior group on the topic: "Our assistants are the senses." In organized educational activities are used ...

Lesson "Our helpers are the senses"

Purpose: Consolidation of children's knowledge about the sense organs, their role in a person's perception of the world around him. Tasks: Educational: - to consolidate children's knowledge about the brain, about the sense organs (hearing, sight ...

Organized educational activities with children of the preparatory group of kindergarten Topic: "Our helpers are the senses"

Organized educational activities with kids preparatory group kindergarten (section of the educational program "Cognition") Topic: "Our helpers are the senses" ...

Topic: "Our assistants are electrical appliances"


Correctional educational:

  • expand and consolidate children's ideas about household electrical appliances;
  • to consolidate the ability to select adjectives for nouns;
  • to consolidate the ability to form plural nouns in the genitive case
  • learn to coordinate words according to the type of control "Finish the sentence"

correctional and developmental:

  • develop cognitive interest;
  • develop mental activity, the ability to analyze, draw conclusions;
  • develop auditory attention and memory;

correctional and educational:

  • develop the skills of cooperation, interaction, goodwill, initiative, responsibility
  • to educate in children a sense of careful handling of electrical appliances.

Techniques, methods, teaching technologies used:

  • game;
  • verbal;
  • use of visualization;

Equipment: demonstration material, computer, piece of music, presentation, video album "Umachka", cartoon "Fixies Microwave", magnetic board, toy Piggy.

Speech material:

  • name: refrigerator, TV, vacuum cleaner, hairdryer, iron, washing machine, computer, juicer, fan, electric meat grinder, double boiler.
  • actions: clean, wash, dry, bake, freeze, store, stand, store, cool, warm, iron, clean, show, smooth.

Course of the lesson

1. Organizational moment

Game - greeting " Good morning»
Good morning Milana! (Smile and nod your head.)
Good morning, Dima! (Names are called, goes in a circle.)
Defectologist (hereinafter D.). Good morning!
Good morning sunshine! (All raise their hands, lower them.)
Good morning heaven! (Similar movements)
Accompanied by music
Good morning to all of us! (Everyone spreads their arms to the sides, then puts them down.)
Good morning, guys! We sit down in our places.
What time of year is it?
D: It's autumn time now.
What is the time of the year after autumn?
D: After autumn, there will be winter.
What is the season before winter?
D: It's autumn before winter.
What's your favorite time of the year?
D: My favorite time of the year is summer.

3. The main stage. Slide 3

D: Guys, look, Piggy has come to visit us. He learned that the children in our garden know and can do a lot. And Piggy came running to us so that we could help him. You agree to help Piggy.
D: Yes, we will help Piggy.
- Piggy was sent a letter, but he did not understand anything. Let's read it.
Hi Piggy!

Filya found a very interesting album, but does not know what the names of the items in this album are. The items are very beautiful and probably useful. Help me find them out.

Slide 4. Video album

What electrical appliances are there in the house?
Children name, and the teacher puts pictures of electrical appliances on a magnetic board (iron, washing machine, TV, vacuum cleaner, telephone, computer, tape recorder, lamp, microwave oven, refrigerator, scanner, mixer, juicer, electric meat grinder).
-Look at the board and tell me what the topic of our lesson is.
D: Electrical appliances.
So Piggy found out that these are electrical partings.
Household electrical appliances are household helpers, they greatly facilitate the life of a modern person. With the help of such electrical appliances, you can quickly complete any homework and not get tired.
- Why are these devices called electrical?
- Where and how does electricity come to our house? (from large power plants, by wire).
- Where does the electric current live in the house? (in sockets).
- Show where the sockets are in the office.
- What safety measures are needed when using electrical appliances? (do not turn on with wet hands, monitor the serviceability of plugs, cords, sockets, do not use during a thunderstorm, do not use electrical appliances without parental supervision, etc.)

Slide 5. Ball game

This is a refrigerator.
Refrigerator (which one?) Is white, large, rectangular.
What is our friend doing? Freezes, stores, stands, stores, cools.
This is an iron. Iron (what?) What does our friend do?
This is a washing machine. Washing machine (which one?) What does a washing machine do?
This is TV. TV (what?) What is our friend doing?
This is a hairdryer. Hair dryer (what?) What is our friend doing?
This is a vacuum cleaner. Vacuum cleaner (which one?) What does it do?

Finger gymnastics

Slide 6. Hammers

Game "One - many"

Look, I have one refrigerator in the picture.
I have one refrigerator at home.
Milan, how many refrigerators do you have at home?
D: I have one refrigerator at home.
And when we arrive at the store, how many refrigerators are there?
D: There are many refrigerators in the store.

I have one color TV at home.
Dima, how many color TVs you have at home.
D: I have one color TV at home.
How many color TVs are in the store?
D: There are many color TVs in the store.

I have one small iron at home. How many irons do you have at home?
D: I have one small iron at home.
How many irons are in the store?
D: There are many small irons in the store.

I have one red vacuum cleaner at home. How many vacuum cleaners do you have at home?
D: I have one red vacuum cleaner at home.
How many vacuum cleaners are there in the store?
D: There are many red vacuum cleaners in the store.

Physical education

It's easy fun
It's easy fun -
Turns left and right.
We all know for a long time -
There is a wall, and there is a window.
(Turns the torso to the right and left.)
We squat quickly, dexterously.
Skill is already visible here.
To develop muscles,
You have to squat a lot.
Now walking is in place
This is interesting too.
(Walking in place.)

Slide 12, 13

"Complete the sentence"

Piggy, I'm very glad that I got into our class. He still has pictures and asks for your help. Let's get a look.
Let's finish the sentence.
Mom washes clothes in ... (washing machine).
Dad is cleaning the carpet ... (vacuum cleaner).
Daughter ironing clothes ... (iron).
Granny in the kitchen gets food from ... (refrigerator).
The son is talking with a friend on ... (phone).
Children watch cartoons on ... (TV).

Piggy says thank you very much. He learned a lot and will tell Fila everything. And he invites you to watch a cartoon.
Well, what are we looking at
Guys, did you like the cartoon?
What electrical appliance was described in the cartoon?
What mistake did Dim-Dimych make?
Why can't I put my plug in the microwave?

Let's remember how we should handle electrical appliances

Do not insert foreign objects, especially metal, into the electrical outlet!
Because the current, like on a bridge, will cross them onto you and can hurt you.

Do not touch bare wires with your hands!
An electric current flows through the bare, not protected by the winding wire, the shock of which can be fatal.

Do not touch switched on electrical appliances with wet hands!
You can get an electric shock because water is a conductor of electric current.

Do not leave switched on electrical appliances unattended!

Because switched on electrical appliances can cause a fire. When leaving home, always check that the lights are out, the TV, tape recorder, electric heater, iron, etc. are turned off.

4. Summing up

Guys, what electrical appliances do you remember?
D: I remember an iron, hairdryer, TV.
What electrical appliance do you have in your kitchen?
What electrical appliance do you have in your bedroom?
What electrical appliance do you have in the hall?
What electrical appliance do you have in your bathroom?
D: I have a refrigerator in my kitchen.
I have a TV in my bedroom.
I have a computer in the hall.
I have a washing machine in my bathroom.
What electrical appliance is needed to wash a dress?
What electrical appliance is needed to dry your hair?
D: Washing machine, hairdryer.
And I want to finish the lesson with a poem.
I see a socket on the wall down below
And it becomes interesting to me.
What a mysterious beast is sitting there,
Does he tell our devices to work?
The beast is called electric current.
It's very dangerous to play with him, buddy!
Keep your hands away from the current
Do not rush to poke your fingers into the socket!
If you try to joke with the current,
He will get angry and can kill.
Current - for electrical appliances, understand
Better never tease him!

The lesson is over.

Used Books

  1. Arefieva L.N. Lexical topics on the development of speech in children 4-8 years old, M., 2005
  2. Leonova S.V. Psychological and pedagogical correction of stuttering. Stuttering of preschoolers, M., 2004

We have to make inquiries: - chronological - biographical; Prepare for: - abstracts - essays - messages In the process of studying, and indeed throughout life, we have to meet with: - unfamiliar concepts - terms - names -geographic names

Historical background In Russia, dictionaries of "incomprehensible words" appeared in the 13th century, and from the 16th century the dictionaries switched to alphabetical arrangement and were called ABC books; In the 18th century, real (historical, geographical, etc.) dictionaries appeared. Among the encyclopedias of the 19th century, the "Desktop Dictionary for References on All Branches of Knowledge" deserves attention. - the first edition of TSB in 66 volumes

Let's start our acquaintance with dictionaries. Their family is huge. The benefits they bring to people are invaluable. Poet Y. Kozlovsky ends his poem "Russian speech, the sovereign, nicknamed the dictionary" We respect the sovereign, nicknamed the Dictionary, Even Pushkin, I am telling about this for certain, I have not once consulted the dictionary for advice. He will bind new and old And you, as a friend, are always ready to render the service of Russian speech. Sovereign Nicknamed Dictionary!

A dictionary is a collection of words arranged in a certain order, mainly in alphabetical order, with an explanation or translation into another language. The French writer A. France called the dictionary "the universe in alphabetical order." He wrote: "Think that the words put together are the creation of the soul, flesh and blood of our homeland and all mankind."

A dictionary that interprets the meaning of words is called an explanatory dictionary. Such dictionaries exist so that we often think about the meanings of the words that we use. After all, some words have several meanings - When I use a word, Humpty Dumpty said in a rather contemptuous tone, it means what I want it to mean - no more and no less. “The question is,” said Alice, “is it possible at all to make a word mean so many different things. - The question is, - said Humpty Dumpty, - who is the boss here, - that's all. Alice was too puzzled to say anything ... L. Carroll

The history of the appearance The genus of explanatory dictionaries is one of the oldest among dictionary families, because the need for the interpretation of words appeared among people a very long time ago. First big dictionary Russian language appeared at the end of the 17th century and included more than forty-three thousand words (43,257 words). In the 19th and 20th centuries, a large number of dictionaries appeared. The most significant of them is "Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language" by V. I. Dal, which includes more than 200 thousand words and is a true treasury of Russian folk speech. Other explanatory dictionaries were also published, for example, under the editorship of D.N.Ushakov, A.P. Evgenieva. In the last, 9th edition, about words

Explanatory Dictionary of V. Dahl In the second half of the 19th century, the famous 4-volume “Explanatory Dictionary of the Great Russian Language” appeared. Scientist, physician and writer V. Dahl collected 200 thousand words, 30 thousand proverbs and sayings. This is a real encyclopedia of Russian life, mentality and character, which have found their expression in speech

A dictionary that will tell you how to spell a word is called spelling. The Institute of the Russian Language of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR published the "Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language", which contains words

Dictionary of Foreign Words - a linguistic explanatory dictionary that explains the meanings of foreign words and terms learned in Russian. Contains about 20 thousand words and terms. Most of these words are common to many languages ​​of the world.The first interpretations of foreign words are found in the earliest dictionary works, for example, an explanation of many Hebrew, Greek words was given in a dictionary appended to the Book of Pilots back in 1282. Dictionaries of foreign words proper appeared in Russia by the beginning of the 18th century. They were first handwritten and then printed

Reference books are books that collect the necessary information on a specific subject, branch of knowledge For example, a Handbook of chemistry A handbook of physics A handbook of a radio amateur References are used to quickly find an answer to a question of interest

Practice Activity Find Answers to Questions 1. Why is there hail? 2. Which ocean is the deepest? 3. Find information about the traveler N. M. Przhevalsky 4. Find in the DE information on how to remove rust? 5. What is the story of the uprising of English peasants in the 16th century under the leadership of Wat Tyler

Victoria Proshkina
The project "Our helpers-electrical appliances"

Topic: « Our helpers - electrical appliances

A type the project: Research, creative

View: short-term.

Participants the project: children of the preparatory group (5-6 years old, parents of pupils, educators.


Joint activities of children and adults in this helps the project connect learning with life, develops the cognitive activity of children, teaches them to act independently, observing safety rules when in contact with electrical appliances. IN project children study the object with different sides, all its characteristics, that is, a holistic vision of the picture of the studied object is formed.

Problem: Together with the children, we decided to figure out: is it really so necessary in modern life human electrical appliances, is it true that it can replace people in household affairs?


Which of the curious kids is not interested in various subjects? They are interested all: hygiene items, dishes, furniture, etc. - they look at them and manipulate them like adults. But there are objects in the house that pose a danger to the life and health of children.

We are talking about household electrical appliances. Often, ignorance of the rules of safe use leads to tragic situations.

Observing the operation of household electrical appliances, the child expands knowledge about household assistants, finds out whether it is really so necessary in modern human life, develops attention and observation, gets to know and learns to follow safety rules, follow the sequence of actions and help adults.

Target the project:

To expand the knowledge of children about electrical appliances and the need to use them in modern human life



to form ideas about household appliances widely used at home and in kindergarten (vacuum cleaner, meat grinder, washing machine, etc.); on the importance of their use to accelerate the receipt of the result, improve its quality, facilitate human labor; cultivate careful handling household appliances, teach to come up with completely new devices, loading them with other functions; form a retrospective look at objects, form memorization skills using symbolism.


develop memory, thinking, creative imagination, interest in different types of household appliances.

develop the skills of creative, research work.


foster a sense of caution.

Implementation mechanism the project:

At the heart of the project lies an integrated approach to organization joint activities all its participants.

Children who become participants the project, realize their capabilities in different types activities: in a game dedicated to the simplest operations on safe operation electrical appliances; during conversations where children get acquainted with the purpose of electrical appliances, the speech of children is activated; in creative activity - children get acquainted with different means of embodying an artistic idea. Independent activity children is considered as a form of manifestation of the creative activity of children participating in project... Adults (teachers and parents) help, guide children, are accomplices in games, entertainment, creative and research activities.

Expected results:

1. having an initial understanding of the dangers of the home.

2. Ability to anticipate dangers from electrical appliances, avoid them and, if necessary, act with the situation.

3. Adherence to the culture of a safe lifestyle.

Product project activities:

Exhibition of children's works on visual activities at theme: "Electrical devices"

A product of joint activities of children and parents (layouts of electrical appliances for role-playing games)

Stage 1. Organizational and preparatory stage from 02.10.17-09.10.17 year (setting goals, developing plans, defining methods).

Target: organization and preparation for work on the project.


Pick up illustrations, pictures depicting household appliances, rules for using electrical appliances Pick up poems, riddles, cartoons about electrical appliances

Preparation of presentations on this topic

Development of abstracts of GCD, plot - role-playing games, didactic games

Preparing handouts for parents

Stage 2. The main stage from 10.10.17-25.10.17 year (work with objects the project) .

Target: arouse children's interest in learning about the world around them through familiarization with electrical appliances and the rules of safe use; to intensify the participation of parents in the lives of children.

Type of activity Working with children Working with parents date

Conversation « Our home helpers»

Information for parents on the topic "Dangerous Items".

Artistic creation

"The fire truck is in a hurry to help» .

Album creation "Appliances".

Story "How Appliances quarreled in the store ",

Drawing up crosswords, puzzles about electrical appliances

Modeling - experimentation

"Transparent vacuum cleaner for general cleaning".

Reading fiction

V. Chernyaeva "The cat Vasily and Appliances» ,

Conversation "How to Make Friends with Electricity",

"Careful handling of household appliances",

"How to use electrical appliances" 17.10.17

"Arrange the devices as in the diagram",

"What device did you forget to turn off?",

Role-playing game

"Shop of electrical appliances"

Conversation Memo:"Services 101,102,103,104 are always on guard" 20.10.17

Gcd "Items requiring careful handling".

Analysis and modeling of situations "How to handle household electrical appliances".

, "Sister burned her finger".

"Smoke in the apartment" 24.10.17

Reading fiction

M. Monyakova "I am not interested in sockets" Examining home encyclopedia "Appliances".

excursion Excursions kindergarten (kitchen, laundry)"Appliances".

Excursion to the electrical appliance store. A visit with a child to the city library to accumulate and exchange information about household appliances

A game "It was - is" 27.10.17

Workshop game Name and draw household appliances that run on electricity Create a collage "Appliances"

Watching a cartoon "ABC of Security", "Smeshariki". 31.10.17


Experience 1. Rub a plastic stick with a woolen cloth.

Experience 2. Comb the hair and bring the comb to the confetti.

Artistic creation

Coloring pages on the topic "Electrical devices".

Role-playing game


(layouts of electrical appliances for role-playing games)

Quiz "What where When?"

03.10.17 -07.11.17

Stage 3. The final stage from 03.10.17 -07.11.17 year (summarizing).

Target: Summarizing the project.


Joint creative activity of children and parents (models of electrical appliances for HRE);

Decor visual aid(illustrations, pictures depicting household appliances, rules for using electrical appliances);

Quiz "What where When?"

Target: consolidation of the knowledge gained by children.

Presentation the project at the regional seminar.

Informational resources:

1. NSportal. ru: presentations « Our assistants are household appliances» , "Caution electrical appliances".

2. riddles about household appliances. cartoons "Aunt Owl's Lessons in Caution".