Planning Motivation Control

Motivation of employees: purpose, types, methods and working tips. External and internal motivation: definition, formation features and factors Internal and external levels of motivation

In life, it is very important to motivate yourself and other people. The effectiveness of educational or professional activities generally depends on this. To motivate correctly, you need to know what the external is, intrinsic motivation, features of their formation.

Definition of concepts

Extrinsic motivation is an incentive to act through external forces. That is, a person perceives the reasons for his behavior as imposed, and considers himself to be just a pawn. Such motivation is regulated by external material and psychological conditions: money, reward, and even punishment. The motivation for action is based on the incentives that follow from the current situation.

Intrinsic motivation is due to the needs for competence and personal choice, which are leading to the human "I". With this type of motivation, people understand that they are the true cause of what is being done, and perceive themselves as an effective agent when interacting with the environment. That is, in the case of internal motivation, needs, interests, intentions, goals, desires, self-confidence, the possibility of self-realization, a sense of satisfaction from work are used.

Let's consider each type of motivation separately.

Extrinsic motivation

The employees were promised a bonus, they started to work faster. They established fines and rules, people began to focus on them, whether they like it or not. Suddenly appearing makes you run home faster. The offender pointed a gun at you and demanded money - you will immediately give your wallet.

These are all examples of extrinsic motivation. As already mentioned, it encourages action through the prevailing circumstances or stimuli. In another way, we can say that these are achievements in the surrounding society. Of course, the internal one is much more effective.However, this type of influence on individual people has a better effect.

So what are the best ways to motivate you? Career, big salary, prestigious things (apartment, house, car), status, the ability to travel, recognition.

Extrinsic motivation can be constantly changing. Yesterday I had to earn money to feed my family, and tomorrow money will be needed for a new apartment, a car or the education of children. The most graphic and classic example of such motivation is the tale of the goldfish and the fisherman.

Intrinsic motivation

A small child is constantly trying something or exploring. It is really important and interesting for him. A person does not work for a salary, but because of what he loves. These are examples of intrinsic motivation. As already mentioned, it does not depend on the environment either. The very content of the activity encourages a person to do it.

What can be used as intrinsic motivation? The possibility of personal growth, a sense of being needed, self-affirmation, the realization of ideas, creativity, the need for communication, the fulfillment of dreams.

An employee's intrinsic motivation is when he views his work as a paid hobby. Perhaps, if not all, then many people would like to strive for this.

It is much more effective to use both types of motivation. The main thing is to maintain balance and balance between them.

How motivational factors work

In fact, all motivational factors can be boiled down to two ideas:

  1. Enjoy. These are positive factors.
  2. Get rid of the unpleasant. These are already negative factors.

All of them can be both external and internal. The simultaneous presence of positive and negative factors has a beneficial effect on the action. It turns out a very powerful push, a kind of push and pull. On the one hand, a person wants to receive a reward, but on the other hand, he avoids punishment.

External and internal motivation, positive and negative factors act in different ways, in different directions and always lead to unequal results. Of course, people are affected by all types of exposure to some degree. However, it can be traced that each person still prefers one direction. One needs to be constantly urged on, intimidated, while the other needs to be promised a reward.

For clarity, below is a table that can be used to motivate employees.

The ratio of factors and types of motivation

Extrinsic motivation factors

Intrinsic motivation factors

Negative motivation

Reduction of wages;



threat to health or life.


lack of communication;

feeling of humiliation;

feeling insecure;

lack of health.

Positive motivation

prestigious things;

the ability to travel;

decent aesthetics of everyday life;


Self-realization, dream;

creativity, ideas;

personal growth;

feeling of being needed;

the need for communication;


conviction in action;



An example of the application of knowledge about motivation

This story will tell and clearly show how external and internal motivation works.

Every evening a company of children gathered under the windows of an elderly woman, playing and chatting very noisily. Naturally, the old woman did not like it, but her requests and persuasions to spend leisure time elsewhere did not help. Then she decided to change the situation in another way.

Every day the woman gave the children fifty rubles for the fact that they play very well near her house. Of course, the guys liked this alignment! The old woman began to gradually reduce this amount. And at one fine moment, when it seemed to the children that they were getting cheaper, they simply refused to play under her windows and did not appear there again.

In such a cunning way, the woman solved the situation. The internal motivation of children (their own desire to play under the windows) was transferred to the external (to do it for money), but then it also disappeared.

Motivating others

People who are motivated by an upward drive do not pay attention to comfort. They are driven by the pursuit of personal interests and organizational goals. Employees who are driven by punishment will not do what deprives them of their comfort zones.

At the same time, it is very important to take into account external positive factors. These are money, reliability, conditions and safety. Internal positive factors play an equally important role. It is about achievement, growth, authority, recognition and responsibility. Only the right combination of these factors will give. In their absence, work becomes hateful and unbearable. In this regard, motivating students or schoolchildren is no different. It is important that intrinsic learning motivation prevails.

Signs of a motivating environment

When organizing any activity, it is important to consider several requirements. They are simply necessary to meet needs and form the right motivation:

  • The activity should be creative and varied.
  • The ability to develop while completing assignments.
  • A sense of belonging and recognition from the group.
  • The right to make decisions independently within the framework of its competence.
  • Feeling of support and help.
  • The presence of external attributes of success: praise, encouragement, compliment.
  • The meaningfulness of the actions required.
  • An opportunity to express which
  • Availability and timeliness of the information received.
  • Feedback after the work done.

If all these signs (or at least the majority) are present in the organization of activities, then we can assume that the formation of intrinsic motivation will be successful.

Self-motivation is the engine of progress

For a meaningful movement, it is important to know where and where to go, as well as to have a great desire. That is, self-motivation is needed. How to achieve it? Follow the techniques and rules listed below:

  • Set only achievable goals for yourself. Only in this way will there be a desire to achieve them.
  • Break big goals into small tasks.
  • Keep a progress diary.
  • Constantly reward yourself with rewards for completing tasks.
  • Try to use as little criticism as possible.
  • Look for like-minded people in your business.
  • Try to compete with others and become the best.
  • Surround yourself only with positive and purposeful people.
  • Read books and watch movies that motivate you.

Try to implement, if not all, then at least a few points, and you will definitely have a desire to get down to business! Remember that it is important to balance positive and negative factors, internal and external motivation in order to achieve a good result.

High staff motivation is the most important condition for the success of an organization. No company can succeed without the commitment of its employees to work with high returns, without high level commitment of staff, without the interest of members of the organization in the final results and without their desire to contribute to the achievement of the goals. This is why there is so much interest among leaders and management researchers in exploring the reasons that lead people to work harder for the organization.

Introduction …………………………………………………………………………… 3

The concept of motivation …………………………………………………… ..6
Maslow's hierarchy of needs ………………………………… .7
Internal motivation …………………………………………………… 12
The Pygmalion Effect ……………………………………………… 13
Extrinsic motivation …………………………………………………… .15
Challenges and barriers to impact on labor
staff motivation …………………………………………………………… .22

Conclusion …………………………………………………………… ... 24
List of used sources and literature …………………… .26
Appendices ……………………………………………………………… ...

The work contains 1 file





"Internal and external motivation of the organization's personnel"

Group student GP-04-07 Koltsova M.A.

supervisor Associate Professor, Candidate of Science, Sergeeva Tatyana Fedorovna.

Submitted for verification 13.11.2009
Returned for revision
Qualified for protection

Moscow 2009

Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………… 3

  1. The concept of motivation …………………………………………………… ..6
    1. Maslow's hierarchy of needs ………………………………… .7
  2. Internal motivation …………………………………………………… 12
    1. The Pygmalion Effect ……………………………………………… 13
  3. Extrinsic motivation …………………………………………………… .15
  4. Challenges and barriers to impact on labor

Staff motivation …………………………………………………………… .22

  1. Conclusion …………………………………………………… ………… ... 24
  2. List of used sources and literature …………………… .26
  3. Appendices …………………………………………………… ………… ... 27


A successful leader and leader is someone who knows how to clearly motivate and knows how to inspire other people to achieve their goals. Therefore, every leader needs to have at hand the time-tested, but at the same time progressive, well-tuned and effective tools for motivating all members of his team.

Adair D.

High staff motivation is the most important condition for the success of an organization. No company can succeed without the commitment of its employees to work with high performance, without a high level of commitment of the staff, without the interest of the organization members in the end results and without their desire to contribute to the achievement of the set goals. This is why there is so much interest among leaders and management researchers in exploring the reasons that lead people to work harder for the organization. And although it cannot be argued that work results and work behavior of employees are determined only by their motivation, nevertheless, the importance of motivation is very great.

What makes workers choose one job over another? Why do they react differently to the same stimuli? Why do they, in some cases, work diligently on the tasks assigned to them, and in others - waste time on conversations and smoke breaks? These questions are often asked by managers, and they can be boiled down to three main ones: what and why motivates people, and how to make them interested in the end results of the assigned work and to work with full dedication.

At the beginning of the century, for the overwhelming majority of managers, the answer was obvious: money is the main incentive for a person in work. And today, many leaders take this point of view. Although it is known that in some cases a person can selflessly work, even if his salary is clearly not satisfactory. On the other hand, many people will not undertake any kind of work for any money. This means that in labor motivation, which determines both the choice of a place of work and the attitude to work, there is something other than money, and sometimes even stronger than money. Money is predominantly a medium of exchange that transforms work in one narrow area (for example, raising children or building roads) directly into work in other areas - food, drink, shelter and warmth - that satisfy our physiological needs. 1

« Children got into the habit of playing under the windows of the old man's house. Every evening they gathered on the lawn in front of his house, ran and made noise, which greatly disturbed his peace of mind. No requests and persuasions to play away from his house helped. And then he came up with - he went out to the children and said: "You ran very well today, frolicked and shouted. For this, each of you will receive 1 dollar today." Can you imagine the children's reaction ?! Not only did they enjoy the game, they also got money. The children were very happy. The next day, the owner of the house came out to the playing children and said: "You know, children, today my circumstances have changed and I can only give you 50 cents." The children took the money, but they played and shouted with less enthusiasm. The next day, this wise man handed out 20 cents to the children and said: "Come tomorrow, I will give you 5". To this the children replied: "Here's another! We'll run here and shout for some 5 cents!" So this old man got rid of the noise and shouting under his windows. "

VI Chirkov “External and internal motivation” [p.86]

What is this story about? It's about intrinsic and extrinsic motivations. What did this old man do? He reduced the internal motivation of children (their own emotions, the desire to play freely, "run and scream"), translating it into external motivation (money), and then removed it as well.

Intrinsic motivation- this is why we invest our efforts, why we act day after day, creating our team and our organization. We do this for the sake of changing our lives and the lives of other people for the better. Intrinsic motivation is the "fuel" that supports us and does not allow us to go out and cool down at the moment of overcoming difficulties and failures. Intrinsic motivation drives ACTION.

Intrinsic motivation is:

  • dream, self-realization
  • ideas, creativity
  • self-affirmation
  • conviction
  • curiosity
  • health
  • need someone
  • personal growth
  • need for communication

Extrinsic motivation- this is your aspiration for achievements in the society around you. Just as yin and yang flow into one another, separated by a fine line, so internal and external motivation are most effective in balance.

Extrinsic motivation is:

  • money
  • career
  • status
  • confession
  • prestigious things (house, apartment, car)
  • decent aesthetics of everyday life
  • the ability to travel

The purpose of the course work is to study the labor motivation of the organization's personnel in order to increase labor productivity and how internal and external motivation are related to the working behavior of a person.

In accordance with the set goal, the following tasks were identified:

  • to give a general concept of motivation and its influence in management;
  • to reveal the concepts of "stimulus" and "motive", "stimulation" and "motivation", "need";
  • study the available theoretical provisions on internal and external motivation of personnel.
  1. Motivation concept.

Concept motivation broader concept motive because it is something that can be applied to another person. Thus, to motivate means to give a person an incentive or motivation to perform a particular action. This initiates his actions or behavior, i.e. there is a stimulation of a person's interest in a certain action.

Motivation- this is an internal state of a person associated with needs, which activates, stimulates and directs his actions towards the goal. The main thing in motivation is its inextricable connection with the needs of a person. A person seeks to reduce the tension, expressed in a state of anxiety and anxiety, which arises in him when he experiences a need (not always realized) to satisfy any need.

Need- this is a lack of something that a person experiences, outside of him, necessary to maintain normal life. Not all needs that activate human behavior are fully realized by him. So, for example, the need for power, for independence can manifest itself in an extremely painful reaction of an employee to any pressure or to an increase in external control, although the true sources of such behavior may not be realized.

Stimulus- external motivation to work. Promotes the fact that people begin to strive for work.

Motivation makes a person's behavior purposeful. Target here - this is what can lead to the elimination of the state of need experienced by a person. Achieving the goal leads to a decrease or disappearance of tension. Achieving the goal restores physiological and psychological balance. Eating food satisfies hunger, meeting with friends helps to fill the deficit in communication. The goals in these cases are food and acceptance from other people.

The main functions of motivation are:

    • motivation for action,
    • direction of activity,
    • control and maintenance of behavior.

Motivation for action.

Motives are what makes a person act or is a stimulus to action. In this sense, a person who is actively acting to achieve a certain goal that will allow him to satisfy any need will be viewed as motivated, and passive, indifferent or inactive - as unmotivated or having low motivation.

Direction of activity.

People are constantly making decisions about how they will achieve their goals. For example, a hungry person may choose to eat lunch at home, at work, or eat outside. A lonely person may choose between different friends or different companies. An employee seeking to make a favorable impression on their manager may also choose from different options: to work especially hard on an important task, to provide a service to the manager, or to flatter him. All these actions have something in common - they represent some choices that direct a person's efforts to achieve a specific goal that allows satisfying the corresponding need.

Controlling and maintaining behavior.

Controlling and maintaining behavior aimed at achieving a goal is expressed in a certain perseverance in achieving this goal. Motivation makes a person biased, interested. So a person, whose behavior is determined by monetary motivation, striving to make money, in different situations and under different circumstances will act in accordance with this dominant. The tasks set before him or the opening opportunities he will consider mainly from the point of view of the possibility of making money.

2. Personnel motivation management

2.1 The concept and essence of motivations

Motive (lat. Moveo - move) is a material or ideal object, the achievement of which is the meaning of activity. The motive is presented to the subject in the form of specific experiences, characterized either by positive emotions from the expectation of achieving a given object, or negative ones associated with the incompleteness of the present position. To understand the motive requires inner work.

Motivation is the process of encouraging each employee and all members of his team to be active in order to meet their needs and to achieve the goals of the organization.

The personnel motivation system in the company is a set of measures that stimulate personnel not only directly to work, but above all to special diligence and an active desire to work, to obtain high results of their activities and to the desire to improve as a professional.

It is impossible to motivate employees in a violent way. The motivation system is a special event aimed at intrinsic values ​​and needs of people working in the company.

Competently motivated staff, interested in efficient and productive work, have a great influence on the development of the company. Therefore, successful motivation and incentives increase a firm's chances of prosperity by 50%.

In most cases, the policy in the field of motivation and incentives for employees has two goals:

1) develop an employee's desire for the most effective way to achieve the goals and objectives set for him;

2) increase employee loyalty and commitment to the company.

Low employee motivation can lead to negative consequences in the company: a drop in labor productivity; deterioration of the socio-psychological climate in the team; decrease in the quality of labor; deterioration of the company's image in the market.

Knowledge of the motivation mechanism allows the manager to diversify the forms of recognition and assessment of the work of employees and to use them effectively in various situations.

2.2 Types of motivation

Positive and negative motivation... Motivation based on positive incentives is called positive. Motivation based on negative incentives is accordingly called negative.

Positive reinforcement forms an attitude in which the employee seeks to perform such tasks, to such a quality of work, through which his expectation of fair remuneration (praise) is justified. At the same time, he naturally avoids such actions that may end in unpleasant consequences. Positive measures are more effective than negative ones (negative reinforcement). But often in the work there are situations when it is simply impossible to avoid the use of negative measures. Here it should be borne in mind that such influences, applied alone with a subordinate, give a much greater result than those used in the presence of other workers.

External and internal motivation... Extrinsic motivation is associated with the assessment of the success of the employee by the company's management. The organization sets before him specific goals and prospects, creates working conditions.

Internal factors of motivation imply that the employee himself evaluates his results, and he himself realizes what tasks he must perform.

It is good if management's assessment forms the employee's self-assessment of their results. As a result, the external assessment of the management and the internal assessment of the employee will coincide. “If the management praises me, then I am doing well. If she scolds, then I am doing poorly, ”- this is how an employee will reason, for whom the assessment of the management is authoritative and meaningful.

But if the manager does not notice the achievements of his employee, this can lead to the fact that the employee's dissatisfaction will increase due to the discrepancy between his self-esteem and management's assessment of the results of his work.

General corporate, group and individual motivation... Typically, companies have developed a general corporate incentive system. However, in recent times the question of the need for individual incentives for key employees, as well as group incentives for individual groups of employees, becomes relevant. Because different employees have different needs and interests, personalized motivation for high-value employees is becoming more and more popular.

Self-motivation... Self-motivation of management and employees is based on the allocation of incentives to work that are significant for them personally. This can be interest in work, joy in the profession, recognition of one's activity as necessary for society, etc.

The self-motivation of the leader and his attitude to work affect the activities of the entire company. Middle managers, through their moods, inspire the executive staff.

Material methods of motivation. It is not always correct to talk about the priority of material motivation and its greater efficiency, in comparison with non-material motivation. Although material motivation has certain advantages. In particular, it is the most versatile, since, regardless of their position, employees value more monetary incentives and the ability to dispose of the funds received. In some cases, employees are even ready to exchange any methods of non-material incentives for their cash equivalents.

Salary. The most effective way of material motivation is to increase wages, and the most important thing is to determine the size of the change in wages. In order to get a real return from the employee, the size of the expected remuneration must be substantial, otherwise it may cause an even greater reluctance to fulfill their official duties. Some managers take the path of least resistance and periodically increase employees' salaries by small amounts, but even a one-time, but significant increase in salary is more effective for motivation.

Ideally, the decision to raise wages should be made by the employer on his own initiative, but this, as a rule, does not happen - at least in our conditions. On this basis, the demand for a revision of wages is becoming a common method of blackmail by some employees who threaten to leave their jobs. Often this method works, however, in this case, there can be no question of a significant increase in wages. For this reason, after a while, the employee again shows dissatisfaction with his salary, since there is a so-called "income addiction effect".

Prizes. Quarterly or monthly bonuses, as well as seniority bonuses, are one of the most common methods of material incentives. The main increase in the percentage of the seniority bonus falls on the first years of work in the company, when the employee works effectively for the good of the company and tries to maximize his potential. On the other hand, there is a risk that after 2-3 years the employee, for one reason or another, will want to change his place of work. The greatest stability is observed among the personnel who have worked for the company for more than 5 years, especially since by this time the seniority bonus already amounts to serious sums.

V Russian companies often the practice of issuing "premium prizes" is a monetary reward received by an employee spontaneously for any success. It is believed that the effect of surprise should inspire employees even more, but this only adds confusion, since the employee ceases to understand why in one case he received an award and in another he did not. For this reason, it is better to notify employees of those specific situations when bonuses are to be issued. On the other hand, if the bonus becomes an attribute of monthly income (for example, as for workers in industrial enterprises), then this also weakly motivates them to increase labor efficiency.

There are several basic provisions on premiums that do not affect the specifics of the company and are universal. The manager should be guided by them when introducing methods of economic motivation:

· Bonuses should not be too general and widespread, as otherwise they will be perceived simply as part of the normal salary under normal conditions.

The bonus should be related to the employee's personal contribution to production, whether individual or group work.

· There should be some acceptable method for measuring this increase in productivity.

· Workers need to feel that the bonus is dependent on additional rather than normative efforts.

· The additional efforts of employees stimulated by the bonus should cover the costs of paying these bonuses.

Percent. The next method of material motivation is the most common in the field of trade and the provision of various services. This is a percentage of revenue, the essence of which is that the employee's earnings do not have a clearly defined limit, but depends on the employee's professionalism and his ability to stimulate the sale of goods or services. Some companies, which also rely on the qualifications of their employees, provide a different method as material motivation - a premium for professionalism. This incentive is awarded based on the results of attestation, which evaluates the performance of the employee and his suitability for the position held.

Bonuses. The number of material incentives includes various bonuses, but their fixed amount often becomes demotivating. A fixed payment amount does not contribute to the desire to increase the achieved result, since the amount of monetary reward will still not change. Based on this, in order to increase motivation, it is recommended to use an extensive system of payment bonuses.

For the top management it is provided additional remuneration, given out for his contribution to the improvement of general financial or economic indicators, such as reducing costs, increasing total profits, etc. Bonuses can be not only personal, but also team.

Additional payments for working conditions. Unfavorable working conditions, if it is practically impossible to improve them, must be compensated for by the employee, first of all by increasing the time of rest, additional free meals at work, preventive and therapeutic measures. Shift surcharges are established for work in the evening and night shifts. Additional payments for the level of employment during the shift are introduced mainly for multi-tool operators, adjusters and maintenance personnel. Also, additional payments are established when combining professions.

Sale of shares. If you sell a part of the company's shares to employees at a very low price, then all employees, even the lowest levels, will have an incentive to work and do everything for its prosperity.

Intracompany benefits. Also very effective means of motivation. They mean:

Payment by the company medical services;

· Insurance in case of long-term disability;

Full or partial payment of the employee's travel expenses to the place of work

· Providing its employees with interest-free loans or loans with a low interest rate;

· Granting the right to use the company's transport;

· vacation;

· Membership in clubs;

· Consulting on legal, financial and other problems;

· Food during work.

Present. The practice of motivating employees of firms with gifts has become widespread, but on condition that the gifts are consistent with their purpose. Gifts, while inexpensive, can stimulate people. They understand that the management sees in them not faceless workers, but notices the loyalty and zeal of everyone. A good incentive will be a gift dedicated to the end of work or the achievement of a goal by the team, to the employee's birthday. Gifts should not be annoying and should not involve any reciprocal obligations.

Also, the company can either provide its goods and services free of charge, or offer a significant discount for them.

Non-material methods of motivation. It should be noted that with all the effectiveness and universality of monetary incentives, limiting only to material motivation will not bring the desired result. Members of any team are people with different life values and attitudes, besides the issuance of bonuses and bonuses, it is quite problematic to promote team building. Moreover, material incentives are calculated on the basis of the results of the work performed and can vary even among people occupying the same position in the service hierarchy. All this often causes dissatisfaction and does little to create a healthy atmosphere in the team. In many cases, some kind of moral compensation and a balancing factor are simply needed, in the role of which are methods of non-material incentives.

There are many types of non-financial incentives. And the scope of this set is determined only by the desire and competence of the leader. The most commonly used types of non-financial incentives are listed below:

· Training (trainings, professional development programs);

· The possibility of self-realization and creativity (the content of the work, allowing you to go beyond);

· Stability and prestige (reputation and fame of the company itself);

· Attractive job title;

· Fixation of achievements (personal attention and encouragement from the authorities);

· Participation in decision-making (a sense of involvement of the employee himself in decision-making, for example, polls, voting, etc.);

Leadership style (the atmosphere in the boss's office, the style of meetings, the manner of communication between the boss and his subordinates)

To methods intangible motivation can be attributed to the creation of optimal working conditions for employees: the installation of new computer equipment, the creation of comfortable working areas for staff, improvement of the design of premises, the installation of modern air conditioning and heating systems, etc. The most important tool of non-material motivation is corporate events, especially with the involvement of family members of employees.

2.1 Theories of motivation

From the point of view of the classification of H. Scholz, it seems appropriate to divide the theories of motivation - depending on the subject of analysis - into three main directions:

Theories based on a specific picture of the employee - these theories proceed from a specific image of the employee, his needs and motives. These include such as "XY-theory" (by Douglas McGregor), Ouchi's "Z" theory.

Procedural theories - go beyond the individual and study the influence on motivation of various environmental factors. Theories of this type include the theory labor motivation D. Atkinson, S. Adams's theory of justice, V. Vroom's theory of motivation, Porter-Lawler's theory, Richie and Martin's theory of 12 factors.

In his work "Motivation and Personality" (1954) Maslow suggested that all human needs are innate, or instinctive, and that they are organized in hierarchical system priority or dominance. This work was continued by other scientists.

Diagram of the hierarchy of human needs according to Abraham Maslow.

Steps (from bottom to top):

1. Physiological

2. Security

3. Love / Belonging to something

4. Respect

5. Cognition

6. Aesthetic

7. Self-actualization

Moreover, the last three levels: "cognition", "aesthetic" and "self-actualization" are generally called "The need for self-expression" (The need for personal growth)

Needs in order of priority:

Physiological needs. They consist of basic, primary human needs, sometimes even unconscious ones. Sometimes, in the works of modern researchers, they are called biological needs.

The need for security. After satisfying physiological needs, their place in the motivational life of the individual is taken by the needs of another level, which in the very general view can be grouped into the category of security (need for security; for stability; depending; for protection; freedom from fear, anxiety and chaos; need for structure, order, law, restrictions; other needs).

Need for belonging and love. A man longs for warm friendly relations, he needs social group, which would provide him with such a relationship, a family that would accept him as their own.

The need for recognition. Each person (with rare exceptions associated with pathology) constantly needs recognition, a stable and, as a rule, a high assessment of his own merits, each of us needs both the respect of the people around us, and the ability to respect ourselves. Satisfaction of the need for evaluation and respect gives rise to an individual's sense of self-confidence, a sense of his own worth, strength, adequacy, a feeling that he is useful and necessary in this world.

The need for self-actualization is clear that a musician should make music, an artist should paint, and a poet should write poetry, if, of course, they want to live in peace with themselves. A person must be who he can be. A person feels that he must correspond to his own nature. This need can be called the need for self-actualization. Obviously, different people express this need in different ways. One person wants to become an ideal parent, another strives to achieve sports heights, the third tries to create or invent. It seems that at this level of motivation, it is almost impossible to delineate the limits of individual differences.

You can name a number social conditions necessary to meet basic needs; improper fulfillment of these conditions can most directly impede the satisfaction of basic needs. These include cognitive and aesthetic needs.

The need for knowledge and understanding

Aesthetic needs. Aesthetic needs are closely intertwined with both conative and cognitive needs, and therefore their clear differentiation is impossible. Needs such as the need for order, for symmetry, for completeness, for completeness, for a system, for structure.

2.2 Modern methods of motivation

Among the many modern methods of motivation, we single out four main ones: coercion; reward; solidarity (identification); adaptation.

Coercion is based on the fear of being punished and experiencing negative emotions. In the material sphere, coercion is associated with fines, dismissals, transfer to another, low-paid position or job. In the socio-psychological sphere of management, the method of coercion most often uses forms associated with the fear of public humiliation, insult and / or stress. A person who is afraid of being offended or worried about his health becomes submissive.

The method of coercion does not lead to a reconciliation of the goals and interests of the organization and its employees, but only to the strengthening of their obedience. But obedience is not what it takes to be effective. Almost all advanced countries refuse to use this kind of coercion. However, American and European companies continue to use the threat of dismissal of employees, while Japan tries not to use coercive methods.

In the philosophy of universal quality, there is an extremely negative attitude towards the method of coercion based on fear, rudeness, rudeness. However, the correct application of the methods of coercion characteristic of administrative systems based on orders and orders is necessary. The methods of coercion should be “borderline” in nature, i.e. establish areas of action, which are not allowed to be overstepped. This is similar to the role of the law in the ordinary life of people. Without overstepping the boundaries of the law, a person can be sure that the methods of coercion are inapplicable to him. They may relate to production discipline, including the work schedule, compliance with the requirements of regulatory enactments (orders, orders), etc.

The remuneration can be carried out as in monetary form, and in the form of a gift, additional leave, as well as in an intangible form - a reward, gratitude, popularization of an employee through the publication of materials about him in newspapers, radio. Of course, the situation in each business (manufacturing, service or trade) is unique. This means that any employee compensation scheme will be unique to each business. At the same time, one should imagine that reward is everything that a person considers valuable for himself and for which he is ready to work. Reward should always be associated with pleasant emotions and feelings of the employee.

However, one should not forget about the limited possibilities of material incentives, in particular, take into account the concept known in economics as a function of the utility of money. Its essence is that with an increase in the amount of money available to a person, the increase in the utility of a monetary unit decreases.

With some forms of labor remuneration (for example, piecework and bonuses), increased efficiency is stimulated individual labor, with others - (share participation in profits and bonuses to entire groups of workers), collective labor. However, the most progressive systems of material incentives for labor proceed from the fact that the majority of workers should strive to improve labor efficiency, regardless of what the contribution of each of them is.

Meanwhile, some specialists in the field of management dispute the effectiveness of material incentive systems based on labor results, citing the following main arguments: labor results are difficult to assess, monetary remuneration is not an ideal incentive, systems of material incentives for labor results often reduce the efficiency of management, systems of material incentives for results labor absorb significant funds for their support,

Proponents of incentive incentives admit that many of these criticisms are correct, but argue that it is the inept use of incentive systems, not the concept, that is to blame.

Using the method of solidarity or identification, through persuasion, education, training, as well as by creating a certain moral and psychological climate in the organization, employees develop aspirations that coincide or are close to the goals of the company. At the same time, the motives are perceived by the employees as internal. As a result, employees begin to view the organization's well-being as the foundation of their well-being, and its successes and failures as their own.

This is a very effective modern method of motivation, which is based on knowledge of social psychology, creating an atmosphere of a united team, family style management, etc.

Solidarity, mutual assistance, friendly relations between workers, management, departments and teams of different levels are one of the main methods of motivation.

Adaptation, as a method of motivation, is most applicable for managers of the middle and even upper levels of management. It allows employees to influence the goals and objectives of the organization itself, adapting them in part to their goals. People are more willing to follow their own attitudes than strangers. The strength of this method of motivation, first of all, is that employees who influence the goals and objectives of the organization have a feeling of a co-owner, an accomplice in the most important strategic issues of the existence of the organization or their unit. This method is accompanied by extensive delegation of authority, which makes it easier for more and more employees to choose the goals and objectives of the organization. This is a powerful motive for internal alignment of the firm's goals with the individual goals of individual employees and departments.

It should be emphasized that modern methods motivations are designed, on the one hand, for well-educated personnel with high self-awareness and freedom of choice. On the other hand, training and self-training is becoming a constant part of the life of companies, whose employees must be motivated to learn. Together, this leads to the creation of a new climate and change corporate culture organizations in the direction of the formation of industrial relations based on the principles of universal quality.

In this article, we will talk about internal and external motivation. Find out how each type of motivation works. Experts will tell you how knowing your leading motive can help you manage your employees.

From the article you will learn:

Staff motivation

Test for measuring achievement motivation from the experts "Systems Personnel"

What is intrinsic and extrinsic motivation

There are several classifications of types of motivation: material-non-material, positive-negative, individual-group.

Extrinsic motivation- not related to the content of the activity, but caused by some external circumstances.

An example of extrinsic motivation

Intrinsic motivation- related to the content of the activity, and not caused by external circumstances.

An example of intrinsic motivation

Experts in the field of personnel management noticed that when solving simple tasks, when the most important thing is attentiveness and the ability to perform the same type of actions for a long time, external motivation works more effectively. The more you pay, the better the result.

When performing complex, creative tasks, extrinsic motivation stops working and can have the opposite, negative effect. You pay more - the result is worse.

No. 4. Material reward motive

Employees with this motive do business only to get rewards or avoid punishment.

How to manage: understand what exactly motivates different groups your staff - reward or punishment. Press on this motive. Reward lovers will get the results you want for a bonus or promotion. And workers who avoid punishment will try not to earn a fine and not receive a dismissal order.

How intrinsic motivation works

Internal motives are not in external circumstances, but within the person himself. Examples of intrinsic motives are self-affirmation, conviction, personal growth, curiosity, and play.

For employees with high intrinsic motivation, work is a continuation of life, it must morally satisfy them, the employee needs to feel the need and benefit of his work, to see the results of work. Let's consider the main types of internal motives and tell you how to manage employees with one or another leading motive.

# 1. The motive of the game

People who are inspired by their work are more productive than those who are tired of it. This motive is based on curiosity and a penchant for experimentation. Even senior executives love to play. The question is what games do you offer and what is the result of them.

How to manage: include a playful element in your work.


How to turn a serious task into a game and , says the expert of the magazine "Director of Personnel". The article contains many examples, cases and valuable advice from HR-s of leading Russian companies.

No. 2. Purpose motive

An employee works more productively when the performance results are aligned with his or her personal beliefs. At the same time, he may not like the workflow. The main thing is that the employee strives for the same result as the company.

How to manage: set goals wisely. They need to be big, meaningful, emotional, and logical.

Valentin Timakov, Deputy general director for the personnel of the company IBM (Russia and the CIS)

... It develops better than training!

No. 3. Motive potential

For an employee with this leading motive, the main thing is self-improvement, professional growth and realization of his potential.

How to manage: Offer the employee the challenge and the opportunity to take responsibility for it. Give him the opportunity to improve his qualifications and acquire new skills. It has been noticed that such employees make good mentors. The best way improve skills - teach them to others.

Elena Belikova, HR Director, RED

We have formed a program according to which specialists teach beginners. We select mentors from experienced salespeople who have all the necessary competencies. At the end of the course, new employees take an exam. If the ward can withstand it well, we pay the mentor a bonus. If the beginner's level rises significantly after training, we raise the mentor to shift administrator.

Extrinsic motivation is not related to the content of the work, but is due to external factors - material incentives, power, achievement, involvement. Intrinsic motivation is tied to the content of the work itself and is supported by intrinsic factors - realizing potential, self-affirmation, curiosity, and play. Keeping a balance between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation is key effective work staff.

In a general sense, motivation is a process encouraging oneself and others to take action to achieve certain goals.

There are various factors of personnel motivation, which determine what is the most valuable and important for a person. As a rule, this is not one factor, but several, and together they make up a map or a set of personnel motivational factors. Personnel motivation factors are divided into external and internal.

Internal personnel motivation factors:

  • Dream, self-realization
  • Ideas, creativity
  • Self-affirmation
  • Conviction
  • Curiosity
  • Health
  • Personal growth
  • The need for communication

External personnel motivation factors:

  • Money
  • Career
  • Status
  • Prestigious things
  • Life aesthetics
  • The ability to travel

In addition, the motives of human behavior also differ in nature: they can be positive(purchase, save) or negative(get rid of, avoid). So, a positive external motive for behavior is a bonus that a person can receive for Good work, and negative - punishment for its failure; a positive internal motive is the fascination of the business in which he is engaged, and the negative is his routine nature, as a result of which a person, on the contrary, seeks to get rid of the occupation.

All possible motivation tools can be divided into two large groups: these are material and non-material motivators.

Material motivators of staff

The remuneration received by an employee depends on individual and group differences in the performance of the activity. This is expressed specifically in flexible pay system, variable pay system.

1. Commission... This is perhaps the simplest and at the same time the oldest motivational scheme. The essence of this motivational scheme is that the employee receives a certain percentage of the amounts that customers pay him when buying goods from him. Commissions can be used both in conjunction with the base salary, and independently of it, completely constituting wages employee. Although commissions are the most “straightforward” motivational scheme, their peak is certainly a thing of the past.

2. Cash payments for the fulfillment of the goals... This is the most common type of motivation plan. Such payments (it would be appropriate to call them bonuses) are generally made when the employee meets certain predetermined criteria. Among them there may be economic indicators, quality indicators, assessment of the employee by other persons. Each company sets its own goals of this kind, and sometimes they are quite unusual.

3. Special individual rewards as a recognition of the value of an employee. First, it can be special bonuses paid to employees for the possession of skills, acute necessary for the company at present. Secondly, it can be awards for loyalty to the company, which are received by employees who have worked in the organization for a certain amount of time. Such bonuses can also be paid to specialists whose departure is highly undesirable for the company. Thirdly, it can be awards to the "stars" of the company.

Intangible staff motivators

Intangible, or rather, non-financial motivation of personnel means all methods not directly related to remuneration that companies use to reward their employees for good work and increase their motivation and commitment to the company.

1. Benefits related with work schedule... First of all, these are measures related to the payment of an employee's non-working time. In addition, it is providing the employee flexible schedule work.

2. Material non-financial motivation of personnel. This block includes all material motivators that the company uses. First of all it is various gifts that the firm does to its employees. These can be small souvenirs, larger gifts as a symbol of the employee's importance to the company, family gifts. In addition, this also includes various financial "concessions" to employees. This is primarily the payment of health insurance, as well as loans under a preferential program and discounts on the purchase of the company's products.

3. Various company-wide events not directly related to work. These are internal company holidays dedicated to significant events. In addition, various events to which employees have the right to invite their families, country trips and excursions arranged by the company. We would also include paid centralized meals in this category.

4. "Rewards-Appreciation"... This category of non-financial staff motivation is the most significant. These are elementary compliments to employees for their work, photos best employees in prominent places, mention of achievements in the company's newspaper.

5. Rewards associated with a change in the status of an employee. This block includes not only promotion, but also training an employee at the expense of the company, inviting an employee as a speaker or lecturer, offering to participate in a more interesting or materially profitable project, as well as the possibility of using the company's equipment to implement their own projects.

6. Staff motivation associated with change of workplace... This block includes all those measures that lead to a change in the technical equipment of the employee's workplace and its ergonomics, as well as the provision of a company car to the employee.

Personnel motivation directly affects the increase in the company's income. Therefore, the motivation of personnel in the company should be regularly analyzed. For effective business management, a successful leader needs to be aware of the symptoms and weak signals of a lack of motivational management at enterprises, a comprehensive staff motivation system and be able to correctly apply staff motivators.

Training presentation STAFF MOTIVATION