Planning Motivation Control

Assessment of the social and economic efficiency of organizational culture. Criteria and indicators of the organizational culture of the enterprise. - People initially do not like to work and at every opportunity avoid work

The concept of organizational culture, its main elements, principles, methods of formation and maintenance. Development of measures to improve organizational culture at Irkutskenergosbyt LLC. Formation of a personnel reserve, composition and structure of personnel.

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An effective organizational culture is one that helps a company implement its development strategy and achieve its goals. Even taking into account the fact that the values, strategy, mission of the company are individual, it is believed that there are universal indicators of a well-developed corporate culture:

1. The brand of the company is easily recognizable in the market;

2. The reputation of the company is clearly formulated and unidirectional in the markets of suppliers, buyers, personnel. That is, to the question "What kind of company is this?" you get the same answer no matter who you ask;

3. Any employee of the company knows the mission, strategy, goals, values ​​of the organization. That is, you can stop an employee of any department in the corridor (including a newcomer who has worked for a month), and he will be ready not only to name, but also to comment on the main values ​​of the company, its mission and strategy;

5. High transparency of what is happening in the company (employee awareness). That is, any employee is ready to describe the latest events and / or innovations in the company (be it the dismissal of a middle manager or rebranding), and also explain their need in terms of the company's strategy and goals;

6. Employees are satisfied and proud of their work. That is, any employee is ready to tell what he does and how important his work is in the organization;

7. The company has a so-called team spirit... That is, an employee of any department is ready to help colleagues who cannot cope in their free time in organizing a minimum number of non-constructive conflicts; and those that happen are beneficial for development. People willingly and with interest participate in corporate events;

8. Employees are committed to the company and ready to meet its high standards. That is, employees do not go to competitors, explaining reasonably why they want to work here (and this causes a low level of staff turnover), they are ready to help the company in difficult times and experience it with it (including if this is accompanied by a decrease in wages and other moments reflecting on the employee himself);

9. Employees themselves strive to maintain a high quality of work. That is, the minimum number of disciplinary violations and work errors is allowed, employees are ready to accept criticism on the quality of work and give it themselves;

10. Employees are ready to change with the company. That is, any innovation is accompanied not by resistance and fears, but by the understanding and support of the staff.

It must be remembered that working with organizational culture is constant. The market is changing, the goals of the owners are changing, the company's strategy is being rebuilt, and according to it, changes in the organizational culture also take place. According to various estimates, the cycle of transformation of the organizational culture (with a conscious influence on it) is from one and a half to three years, therefore, at least once every 23 years, the following measures are planned to strengthen and maintain the organizational culture in the company.

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The main criterion for the effectiveness of the organization's culture is the extent to which the cultured organizational culture supports the business development strategies implemented by the management, to what extent it helps to achieve the company's goals. In this regard, it is obvious that the responsibility for the state of the organizational culture should be borne by managers at all levels and, first of all, by top management.

If we “shift” this responsibility to performers who do not have the levers of real power, then there is a threat to move to a purely formal performance of work that will not be able to give the desired result.

To assess the effectiveness of management of organizational culture, you can widely use the same methods as for the study of organizational culture: polls, questionnaires, the study of oral folklore, documents, established management practices. External experts or consultants can be invited to carry out this work.

The main development opportunities for many organizations lie precisely in the field of cultural policy. And those leaders who can make the organizational culture work to support and successful implementation short and long term goals of the company.

Organizational culture is inextricably linked to the concept of organizational climate. Organizational climate - This is a relatively stable state of the organization's environment, which is expressed in the emotions, moods and experiences of the organization's members and affects their work behavior.

Thus, the organizational climate is determined by the nature of people, organizational ties and connections between the head and the subordinate. These connections are determined by interactions between goals and objectives, formal and informal organizational structures, leadership style, management process, and people's behavior.

Many organizations periodically study the organizational climate in order to control the "temperature" in the organization. It is an assessment of how people's expectations about how things should work in an organization correspond to the real state of affairs. Climate assessment can be very useful for identifying reasons for low employee motivation, such as dissatisfaction with pay, growth opportunities, communication, unclear organizational goals, etc.

An organizational climate assessment shows the alignment of individual and group values ​​and the culture of the organization. If employees accept and support the values ​​of the culture in the company, then the climate is "healthy". If not, then the climate is “bad” and motivation, commitment and performance can be expected to be low. If, for example, there is a cultural belief that every employee should know how their work is assessed, and the appraisal process does not provide such information, then the climate and motivation are likely to suffer.

Characteristic features of a "healthy" organizational climate:

  • employees see organizational goals as their own;
  • leadership style is adequate for work situations;
  • there is mutual trust, attention and support at all levels of the organization;
  • attention to the organization of work and the quality of working life;
  • a high degree of readiness of employees to successfully complete complex, promising and important tasks with high standards of performance;
  • fair system of rewards, recognition of merit and achievements;
  • opportunities for personal growth, career and advancement;
  • fairness and honesty in relations between management and personnel;
  • open communication channels and involving people in solving organizational problems and making decisions;
  • commitment of employees to their organization and a sense of their own need and importance for the organization.

The organizational climate can be changed and managed over relatively short periods of time. Culture is a much more sustainable education that has a longer life cycle, with deeper roots and more closely related to the organization's management system. However, an unhealthy organizational culture requires the most serious attention from senior management, more than an unhealthy climate.

Besides management organizational processes and performance, management is responsible for creating an organizational climate in which people are motivated to work willingly and effectively.

A "healthy" organizational climate is not a guarantee effective work organizations. But an organization is unlikely to achieve high efficiency if the climate does not create conditions for cooperation and encourage people to work with desire and with full dedication.

Managers in their work can, firstly, act strictly within the framework of the culture. Under these conditions, its progressiveness will ensure success, but backwardness will lead to a drop in work efficiency, for necessary changes will be ignored or blocked. Secondly, go ahead, ignoring the prevailing culture. Even if these actions are carried out in the right direction, they will cause resistance from staff and are unlikely to be particularly successful. Third, to make decisions partly within the framework of culture, but, if necessary, contrary to it. Here you need to take into account the compatibility of the changes and culture, and, if possible, not "go too far". Fourth, to take steps, if necessary, that are completely incompatible with the culture. In this case, it is required to transform the culture itself, which is not always possible, given the obstacles and difficulties along the way.

In this direction, the following options are possible: changing the content of culture without changing its external forms; changing external forms without changing the content of culture; simultaneous changes to both.

The management of organizational culture is carried out by means of such measures as control of its state by managers; promotion and training of personnel in the necessary skills; selection of personnel appropriate to this culture, and getting rid of those who do not fit into it; wide use of symbols, ceremonies, rituals, change social roles members of the organization and incentive system.

Unsuccessful actions in this direction include: substitution of real processes of change advertising campaign; superficial "cosmetic" transformations, when, but in essence, everything remains the same, especially in top management; attempts to change an entire culture in one sitting; actions for the sake of actions themselves, not leading to a certain result.

Systemic culture change entails a change in people's behavior and can bring the organization to a new qualitative level.

The ratio of the culture of work and the culture of recreation is of fundamental importance here, since these are mutually complementary concepts: well-organized work allows you to shift the reserves of time to activities that are of a cultural nature, and the higher the general culture of workers, the higher the productivity of labor. The opposite is also true: a low general culture of workers contributes to a decrease in labor productivity and labor culture in general. Unfortunately, it is precisely this development of events that we can observe today in Russian Federation... Due to the capitalist "rationalization" of culture, the majority of the population of our country was cut off from culture in the broad sense of the word: more than 40,000 drama theaters, choral and choreographic collectives disappeared, tens of thousands of municipal and factory houses of culture were closed, the houses of pioneers were redesigned, and funding of culture from the budget is below 1% (in European countries on average - 5%). Wherein budget financing covers no more than 10% of the real needs of the cultural sector.

The low everyday culture of Russians negatively affects the culture of work. According to the results of a study by VTsIOM, at least half of the employees of domestic enterprises have a degraded labor consciousness. Out of 60 million people able-bodied population about one third (20 million people) abuse alcohol, according to official statistics, 328 thousand people are drug addicts who are registered in medical institutions, 978 thousand mentally ill, 1 million prisoners. In the country from 1998 to 2005, the sale of beer increased from 408.2 to 892.1 million decaliters, wines - from 51.5 to 85 million decaliters, vodka and alcoholic beverages are consumed by Russians annually at the level of 210-220 million decaliters.

Poor working conditions and ecology, as well as an unhealthy lifestyle lead to a decrease in the quality of "human" material: more than 1,200,000 people with disabilities are officially registered in Russia, the rate of fatal accidents at work is 2–2.5 times higher than in the United States, and countries of the European Union. According to expert data, in our country for reasons related to production, more than 180 thousand people die annually (in the USA - about 25,000 people). Loss of working time from industrial accidents in 2006 amounted to 2.3 million man-days.

  • Kostikov V. Prejudice and superstition squeeze true faith // Arguments and Facts. 2008. No. 31, p. 6.

After that, they brought out a certain amount of traits that, in their opinion, led the company to success, and identified these traits as organizationally effective. Companies that would like to be as effective as these were encouraged to copy best performance and embed them in your corporate culture.

Based on these studies, it can be concluded that culture is indeed successful company should have a number of features:

It must be valuable; and all the actions of the firm must add value to it in the form of high sales, low costs, etc .;

The culture must be rare, that is, it must have characteristics and characteristics that are not common with the culture of most other firms;

The culture must be inimitable; a company cannot achieve high success by attempting to faithfully copy the culture of another company.

The above provisions are very important. When conducting research and developing recommendations for the development of an effective corporate culture, it is possible to identify some key aspects of culture that affect efficiency; note the mistakes associated with the lack of management of culture and with miscalculations in the program of its development; indicate possible ways of changing the unfavorable culture.

There are not too many works on effective organizational culture. One of the scientific articles gives the following definition: effective organizational culture- organizational culture, which is largely consistent with the cultural, ethical and moral postulates generally accepted in society, the characteristics of the business (field of activity) of the organization, the stage of development of the organization, the existing or desired model of organizational behavior, mission, vision, strategic objectives, the dominant style of management, the nature of power and influence, the interests of individuals, groups and the organization as a whole, regulatory and internal corporate documents.

It is the author's conviction, shared by the writing team of this book, that effective organization has a direct impact on the performance and long-term prospects of a firm. Such a culture is one of the most important key factors for the success of an organization, a competitive advantage that is difficult to replicate. It also affects the moral qualities of individuals in a team, dedication, labor productivity, physical health, emotional well-being of the entire team. An effective organizational culture is the emotional fuel of an organization. At the same time, she carries out a resonant adjustment of all elements of the organization, turns work into pleasure, unites the team. It makes the organization manageable and, therefore, more agile and flexible. Builds the reputation of the organization.

The effectiveness of the organization in general view can be represented by an indicator characterizing the ratio of the result obtained by the organization to the costs in the form of production resources that caused this result.

Business ethics certainly improve employee performance by giving them confidence in choosing a particular behavior in a particular situation. The function of legitimacy is realized, from our point of view, through the function of adaptation, since the extent to which the company will be able to meet the needs of customers, and how ethically and correctly it will conduct business, and will determine the attitude of other organizations, people and society towards it. The positive image of the company is an unconditional guarantee of the success of its activities. Thus, the effectiveness of a company can be expressed in the following value terms: adaptation, integration, legitimacy, achievement of goals.

An organization is a purposeful system, the parts of which - the people - have their own goals. The quality of functioning is the effectiveness of an organization, which depends on the nature of the influence on them of people - its elements - and the systems that make up it.

The main purpose of corporate culture is to improve the efficiency of all employees of the company and the business of the company as a whole. To achieve its goals, the company not only integrates the efforts of all its employees, but also tries to adapt to the external environment in which it operates, creating an attractive image for itself among other organizations and society as a whole.

In the course of achieving the goal, an employee, for example, a sales department, constantly interacts with employees of other departments. The effectiveness of these communications determines the effectiveness of the employee's achievement of goals. commercial department, therefore, the company should pay special attention to the issue of communication between employees. To do this, each of them (with the exception of working personnel) must have a personal phone number, as well as a personal email address, company managers - mobile phones, mobile computers.

The functions of adaptation and legitimacy are most clearly traced precisely in the example of the commercial department, since its employees are in constant (most often direct) contact with external environment represented by the company's clients. The adaptation function is closely correlated with the three basic principles of behavior established for the company's employees in accordance with the corporate culture: flexibility, assertiveness, responsibility. An employee of the commercial department should be guided by these principles in working with clients, that is, be able to adapt to the needs of the client (flexibility), while taking into account the interests of the company (assertiveness) and the ethical standards of doing business (responsibility) (Figure 2.12).

Figure 2.12 - Value terms of the effectiveness of the organizational culture of management

For effective management requires a clear understanding of the functions of the organization in relation to its parts and the system of which it is a part, as well as its own goals. Achieving maximum consistency in the actions of members of the organization is a prerequisite for effective management. Leadership tools can vary significantly depending on the culture of the organization and the style of management adopted in accordance with it. In other words, the effectiveness of organizational culture finds its direct manifestation in the effectiveness of the management subsystem of the organization: the higher the level of organizational culture (that is, its effectiveness), the higher the efficiency of the management subsystem and the entire management system as a whole.

At the same time, the efficiency of the control subsystem (production management body) is understood as the ratio between the results of its functioning aimed at achieving the set goals, the object of management (production) and the cost of resources associated with the implementation of this functioning.

The criterion of the effectiveness of the functioning of the control subsystem in this book is understood as the degree (measure, probability) of achieving the set specific goal, which can be either the production of a maximum use value at a given cost of resources for management, or the production of a given use value with a minimum cost of resources for control ( see chapter 2.3).

In the process of justifying and choosing an indicator characterizing the level of organizational culture, it is necessary to take into account a number of requirements:

Reflection in a generalized form of the quality of production resources;

Use at the appropriate level of the production system;

Consistency between indicators different levels systems;

Absence of duplicate indicators for the same purpose;

Calculus suitability for use at all stages of production management;

Non-identity with indicators of production results, on the one hand, and costs, on the other.

Considering these circumstances, it should be noted that the control subsystem is not an independent, isolated system that provides any final result of its activities. It exists and functions only in conjunction with the controlled subsystem, as a result of which final product the entire management system (production system). Consequently, the assessment of the effectiveness of the management system (production system) to a certain extent depends on the effectiveness of the functioning of the management subsystem (including the organizational culture) and thus is a characterizing indicator of the effectiveness of the latter.

To assess the effectiveness of organizational culture, the resource efficiency indicator (resource efficiency indicator) can be fully used. It is he who most sensitively reacts both to quantitative changes in the production resources themselves, occurring as a result of the restructuring or improvement of management subsystems (in particular, organizational culture), and to their qualitative changes and thereby to changes in the value of the result obtained as a result of the use of these resources. Therefore, it is precisely with the size of production resources and the nature of their use that it is necessary to link the action of factors affecting the elements of the control system and providing one or another effect of perestroika phenomena.

Therefore, the resource efficiency indicator as a generalizing indicator of efficiency, being the most justified in theoretical and methodological terms, can be fully used for the above purposes.

Usage this indicator permissible from a theoretical point of view, both for assessing the efficiency of the entire control system, and for assessing only the control subsystem. The indicator of the efficiency of the control subsystem ( U) can be represented in general form by the formula:


where C u - overall result management, expressed as the sum of the cost of performing management functions (management's own production), rubles;

Z y- the total value of the management resources of a given organization, rubles.

Considering the fact that the organizational culture is indirectly reflected in the functioning of the control subsystem, respectively, and the indicator of the effectiveness of organizational culture ( E u org k) can be calculated in terms of resource productivity in a similar way. Using certain transformations that take into account the essence of this issue, as well as the foundations of the concept of the formation of production and economic systems, this indicator can be represented as follows:

where C u- the overall result of management, expressed as the sum of the cost of management functions performed by management personnel, in Papa's period, rubles;

∆С у- the effect of reducing the cost of management functions (tasks, solutions) in the analyzed period compared to the baseline (when options are comparable in terms of production or rendering of services) in the management apparatus, rubles;

Z f about (y), Z f op (y), Z k.u.- the cost of reproduction of management resources, respectively material revolving funds(information support materials: paper, programs, discs, etc.); fixed assets (office equipment, etc.); management personnel, rub.

K 1-the level of cooperation (the share of purchased products and materials in the cost of management);

K 2- the level of technical equipment of management (the ratio of the amount of depreciation deductions to the fund wages management personnel);

K inf- inflation coefficient characterizing the inflation rate in the analyzed period.

It is obvious that the use in practice of the indicator of the effectiveness of organizational culture, calculated through resource productivity according to the above formula, is extremely difficult due to the lack of objective information in organizations and, in particular, when determining the overall result of management, expressed in terms of the cost of management functions. Therefore, for these purposes, the same indicator (resource productivity) can be used, but characterizing the effectiveness of organizational culture through the effectiveness of the management system as a whole, which can be determined by the formula:

where C p- a generalized indicator of the result of production at the level of the organization (firm), rubles;

Z- the cost of reproduction of resources at the level of the organization (firm) rubles;

K inf- inflation coefficient characterizing the inflation rate in the analyzed period;

C- Directly own products of the organization (firm) sold on the market, rubles;

C b, C- current costs (cost of products sold on the market) per unit directly own products sold on the market in the base and analyzed periods;

F- fixed payments of the organization (firm), rubles;

NS- the level of the average interest rate paid by the organization (firm) on its own loans;

O - total amount loans received by the organization (firm), rubles;

3 ph ob., 3 ph op, W tr- the cost of reproduction, respectively, of material circulating assets (rubles), fixed production assets(rubles), labor resources, including management personnel (rubles);

K 1- the level of cooperation (the share of purchased products, semi-finished products and materials in the cost of production);

K 2- the level of technical equipment of production;

The summarizing result of the organization's production means its own products sold on the market, calculated as the sum of its own direct products and indirect own products. At the same time, the aggregate of useful properties or consumer values ​​created by it in the objects of labor acts as the direct own product of the organization. As for the indirect own production of the organization, it is a set of use values ​​created in other organizations for consumption in this organization, but not consumed, but saved in its (organization) conditions (Table 2.4)

Table 2.4 - Key performance indicators of organizational culture



Sharing value


For a complete assessment of the effectiveness of the management system, and, consequently, the assessment of organizational culture, you can use a number of auxiliary indicators (Table 2.5).

Table 2.5 - Supporting indicators of the effectiveness of organizational culture

Indicators (designations)

Formula-method for determining the indicator


Indicator of production

connections ( P sv)

where: K oi- internal communications;

To extj- external Relations

Characterizes connections, both external and internal

Uncertainty indicator of activity ( P nd)

where: F pr- the number of non-regulated functions;

F about- the total number of functions performed by the unit

Characterizes the degree of knowledge by the executor of the final goals of the work and knowledge of his tasks to achieve these goals

In addition to these indicators, we recommend the following for use:

The ratio of the management apparatus to production personnel ( P e) characterizes the efficiency of the management apparatus;

The multiplicity of subordination indicator ( P m) characterizes the degree of workload of the management apparatus for the preparation of information;

Duplicate data rate ( P d) characterizes the preparation of the same data in different departments and the request for the same data from different divisions higher organizations;

The level of efficiency in passing information ( By) characterizes the efficiency of the management apparatus. Attitude S n /S o> 1 characterizes the loss of the speed of direct communication, an improvement in the planning and decision-making system is required; S n /S o<1 characterizes the loss of feedback, an improvement in the reporting and control system is required;

Information completeness level ( P n) characterizes the capabilities of the apparatus to make optimal decisions based on the availability of necessary and sufficient information;

The level of qualification of management personnel ( And cr) characterizes the correspondence of education to the position;

The level of generality (compatibility) of management frames ( P t) - characterizes the degree of turnover of management personnel for a certain period in connection with a particular social and psychological situation in the team;

The level of stability of management frames ( P em) characterizes the share of turnover in the total number of management personnel.

In addition to generalizing and auxiliary indicators, it is important to determine the relative effectiveness for the development of measures to improve the level of organizational culture. The fact is that the ability to measure the effectiveness of the organization's culture does not mean the possibility of shaping it towards an effective ideal.

The solution to this problem is possible on the basis of checking the conformity of the existing and desired organizational culture using a certain indicator culture index, evaluating by the correlation method the power, rules and values ​​that take place in the activities of the organization. The results of the research carried out can be presented in a matrix form that clearly demonstrates the indicated correspondence. Their analysis allows managers to make informed changes in the organization and management style and thereby raise, bringing closer to the ideal, the level of organizational culture of the company.

In modern conditions, there are processes of internal integration, differentiation and external adaptation of organizations to changing market conditions. Integration of companies generally refers to the creation of effective business relationships among departments and employees. At the same time, the emphasis is on developing measures to increase employee participation in solving organizational problems and finding effective ways of working for the company.

When forming an organizational culture of management within the framework of a production team, the integration is based on completely different factors, such as social problems, dissatisfaction with the leadership, a single goal on the achievement of which employees concentrate all their efforts. Enterprise integration can be both formal and informal. It can be regulated by documentary or verbal orders or be carried out independently, without special control from the management. In this regard, in the formation of the organizational culture of management, the task is set to make the culture function and develop in accordance with the goals and objectives of the organization.

As part of the integration, the company's management identifies certain fundamental objects, the clear definition and functioning of which allows directing the organizational culture of the company in the right direction. These areas include: communication, power and status, reward and punishment.

One of the essential elements of communication in the design of the organizational culture of a company is e-mail. The advantage of this form of information transfer is teaching employees to formulate their thoughts in writing, which, of course, contributes to the organization of thinking and rationalization of communication processes.

When transferring information in writing, it is necessary to express your thoughts briefly and to the point, to be responsible for the information provided, since it is quite simple to verify it; there is a significant saving of time spent on business communication; existing information flows are easy enough to analyze, drawing conclusions about the effectiveness of their organization; there are additional opportunities for communication with the leadership of any rank.

In management procedures, inter-level communications are used, communications between different departments, between a manager and a subordinate, as well as between a leader and a working group. In large companies, inter-level communications and communications "manager - subordinate" are more developed. However, further improvement in order to increase efficiency in modern conditions requires the communication process "leader - working group".

An example of cross-level communication can be the daily five-minutes spent in the production department of the company. The head and all engineering and technical workers of the production department take part in these meetings. At such meetings, tasks for the current day are set, and emerging problems are solved. All this takes place in the mode of active dialogue between the head of the enterprise and engineering and technical workers.

For managers in management activities, the subjects that determine their position are important - a separate office, a personal assistant, a company car. For the Western management, these subjects are not so significant and are regarded only as an attachment to this position, while the status in the company is determined by their job responsibilities, the degree of responsibility. Research has shown that the main reason top managers have separate offices is because of frequent negotiations, which require separate premises.

When a large number of people work in one room, there are both positive and negative aspects. The positive is closer contact between employees, which contributes to the formation of a single team, acting together to achieve the goals of the company. Most of the negative phenomena relate to the ergonomics of the workplace: noise in the room, insufficient level of air conditioning.

In many organizations, issues arising from subordinates are resolved with the manager on an individual basis, which is ineffective in terms of using time resources, and also reduces the possibility of making the best decision regarding a particular problem, since there are only two opinions - the leader and one subordinate.

When forming an organizational culture, the leader must be motivating, that is, be able to inspire everyone to take actions that will create value for the business; determine your individual style of work and the degree of influence on others; attract people and inspire them to achieve high results; recognize, value and reward those who have succeeded.

The system of rewards and punishments in the formation of organizational culture in the company can be represented by rewards for successful work and punishments for unsatisfactory actions. Organizational culture of JSC "Design and Construction Association" Lenoblagrostroy "seeks to encourage employees to expand their own skills, including outside the production time. In this regard, the joint-stock company has a bonus program for the best employees. The selection of the best employees is carried out according to the established scale, which defines the nominations for bonuses, selection criteria for employees, the procedure for nominating candidates and selecting the best employees, as well as the procedure and methods of rewarding.

In the process of working on the book, we noticed that in some companies that fell into the environment of our research, there are some changes in the awarding of the best employees, which relate primarily to the number of nominations and the frequency of selection of the best employees. The selection criteria, the procedure for nominating candidates and the methodology for determining the best employees, in our opinion, should remain the same. The number of nominations will be reduced from the existing five to three, the frequency of selection of the best employees - from two times a year to one. The best employees should be selected once a year and awarded at the Company Day celebration. The selection criteria should be considered the principles of employee behavior (responsibility, aggressiveness, assertiveness). Candidates from each division are nominated by their immediate supervisors, approved by the heads of the respective divisions and submitted for consideration by the Board of Directors, where the best employees from each division are selected.

In general, the integrative function in the company can be viewed as a psychotherapeutic function, when employees, working together, create conditions for themselves in which they feel easy and comfortable.

Differentiation in a company is understood as a refinement of the concept of "uniqueness", in some way it expands the concept of "specialization" within the company. If we compare a company with an organism, then it can be noted that certain organs are adapted to cope with a given function intended specifically for them. Of course, there are modes of duplication, but any of them will be less effective in terms of the successful activity of the whole organism as a whole. The corporate policy of the company, based on management standards, gives significant freedom of action to its employees by delegating significant powers. Employees have the right to determine the procedure for performing their labor functions themselves, in accordance with their goal and the timing of certain tasks. Management is based on the principle of trust in its subordinates, using results-based control methods.

Here, a number of guiding principles should be highlighted that should form the basis of ongoing changes in the organizational culture to achieve the desired level and correspondingly increase its effectiveness:

For members of the organization to want to change, they themselves must take part in defining the gap between the existing and the desired culture;

For workers to approve a series of activities aimed at achieving cultural goals, they must participate in their definition and discussion;

When first communicated, groups should clearly understand what needs to be done to change that group's behavior from existing to planned;

To consolidate the initial changes, the entire management system of the organization should be revised so that it reflects the values ​​that are generated and shared by the members of the organization.

Here are the main functions of an effective organizational structure:

Reproduction of the best elements of the accumulated culture, the production of new values ​​and their accumulation;

Assessment and normative function;

Regulatory and regulatory functions of culture, that is, the use of culture as an indicator and regulator of behavior;

Cognitive function;

Sense-forming function - corporate culture affects a person's worldview, often corporate values ​​turn into values ​​of an individual and a team or come into conflict with them;

Communication function - through the values ​​adopted in the corporation, norms of behavior and other elements of culture, mutual understanding of employees and their interaction are ensured;

Function of public memory, preservation and accumulation of the experience of the corporation;

The recreational function is the restoration of spiritual forces in the process of perceiving the elements of the organization's cultural activity is possible only in the case of a high moral potential of the corporate culture and the employee's involvement in it and the sharing of its values.

Having considered the theory of the formation of an effective organizational culture, we will analyze the main difficulties, problems and mistakes that arise in large brand client-oriented companies.

The formation of a culture is started without a prepared strategy. This is unacceptable, since it is the long-term perspective that determines the set of values ​​that are needed for this goal.

The mission, the goals of the organization and the ways to achieve them, which are not always developed, are shared by groups and team members, correspond to their interests and are correctly understood by them. The best way to achieve a common position and views on the future of the organization is to develop a long-term development strategy for the whole team. True, there are individuals who pursue only their own goals, that is, those who are consumer-related to the company and its clients, so it is better to immediately “uproot” such employees from the company.

Before forming an effective culture, you should once again turn to the analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the organization, to the study of opportunities and threats from the external environment. Understanding of these factors alone by team members contributes to both the understanding of the organization's strategy (of course, provided that the strategy is built taking into account SWOT analysis), and the growth of staff confidence in managers (“chefs can be trusted, they know what they are doing”).

Often, only the desired profile of the culture is drawn and the currently formed one is not investigated. That is, the gap between the desired and the existing culture is not defined, therefore, there is no program for correcting culture (replacing some values ​​with others).

The factors that directly influence the formation of culture are not always taken into account: the driving forces of the organization, the aspirations of the ruling bloc, the desires of employees, the moral and psychological climate of the organization, the distribution of responsibility, rights and power, ways of developing and making decisions, communications and their quality, demanded initiatives and innovations , types of control, etc.

Realizing the need to reconsider values, the leaders of the organization cannot or do not want to change themselves.

A change in value orientations and a change in the criteria for assessing success (they differ significantly in a market and customer-oriented culture) is a great stress for employees, which not everyone can withstand. Employees should not be hindered from leaving, as the interests of the company are paramount. But sometimes the leaders sin by the desire at all costs to retain the hitherto "loyal and successful" personnel, as a result of which the new culture remains unformed.

An effective culture is often built with little trust among members of the collective. With such an attitude, it will be impossible to make it effective, since it will not be possible to determine joint shared values. Therefore, it is best to first focus on building trust. Trust is the hope that the people we depend on will live up to our expectations.

The degree of trust is determined by the transparency of information for personnel on key aspects of joint activities (goals, alternatives, risks, resources, priorities, etc.), and its truthfulness. Also, trust depends on agreeing to accept the influence of other people along with their goals, methods and assessments, as well as to transfer some of your influence to them. And finally, trust is affected by control - regulation and restriction of the behavior of other people, which is expressed in the acceptance of interdependence or one-sided dependence on a certain subject.

Often times, work on the formation of an effective culture is taken at a time when panic, despondency, indifference or anxiety reign in the team. During this time, members of the organization are unable to reason about values. It is necessary first to instill in people at least hope, to give them confidence, to achieve emotional uplift and enthusiasm.

They try to form a client-oriented organization in a "sick" organization (an organization is "sick" if it has such deviations from the norm that do not allow it to achieve its goals). Below is a list of organizational pathologies.

The types of employees employed are not taken into account.

Let's see what kind of consumers employees of large branded customer-oriented organizations in the service and trade sectors deal with every day. Clients are not poor people, successful in their careers and in business, reputable, often being "opinion leaders" themselves. These are people with a sufficiently high intellect, developed speech, watching their appearance, interested in fashion, more often unusual, but "advanced" consumer behavior (price plays a far from the main role for them when choosing a product or service, searching for a product or service - extended - comparisons, many selection criteria, a large number of sources of information), demanding of service and quality, learners, in communication recognize equals, respond to prestige, value time, quality information, discipline, consistency.

It is quite obvious that the market-adhocratic culture of customer-oriented organizations requires staff to:

Significant intellectual ability in order to accurately and efficiently carry out their official duties;

High level of culture, knowledge of the norms and rules of etiquette, traditions of different nations, understanding of the values ​​of different categories and social strata to which clients belong;

Ability to collect high-quality information, filter and quickly process it, so that you can then creatively apply it in negotiations with clients, quickly adapt to different clients;

Ambition, which serves as an incentive to overcome all difficulties in order to complete commercial transactions in the interests of all parties;

High morality and tolerance, which imply the sale of goods / provision of services on the basis of agreements, and not manipulations, on the basis of respect for the values, interests and capabilities of clients, recognition of the freedom of choice for the client;

Honesty, decency, tact in relations both with colleagues and the company (when exchanging information, when making settlements), and with clients;

High self-discipline, because both the success of the transaction and the condition of the clients depend on the accuracy, composure, and balance of the employee of the company.

In addition, employees must have a good memory, good looks, attractive, non-annoying appearance, correct, informative, speech in the right tone and rhythm.

The team of “stars” firms should be formed primarily of “gamers” and “zet” employees (according to another classification - from “human capital”, “human resources” and “personnel”), who have a developed system of meta-motivators and personal values. "Personnel" for client-oriented firms are contraindicated.

However, the work on the formation of an effective organizational culture should not end with the identification of necessary and common values ​​and goals and the selection of personnel.

After identifying the basic values ​​that contribute to the development of the business and are most relevant to the interests of employees and the environment of the organization (customers, partners, competitors, other organizations with which the organization interacts, on which it depends, on which it influences), proceed to the final stage formation of organizational culture - culture is formalized as a document. The document can be called differently: the Code of Corporate Conduct, the Ideology of the Organization, the Declaration of Values, etc. It lists similar values ​​(they can be taken not only from the market or adhocratic quadrants of culture, but also from the hierarchical (for example, order and discipline), and from the clan (collectivism and mutual assistance), an explanation is given of why exactly they are shared by the members of the collective and are protected by them.

At the same time, it is advisable not to allow duplication of the organization's internal documents (regulations, instructions, orders, etc.).

Of course, the management of organizational culture is not limited to identifying its profile and formulating the ideology of the firm. The Declaration of Values ​​should not remain just paper. Its content should become the need of each member of the orgnization, its inner core.

Technology, business processes, profit ... Who can deny that all this is important for an organization? But in managing an organization, one cannot take only the rational as a basis and neglect the emotional.

In conclusion, it must be said that in order for the organizational culture to be effective, it is necessary to manage it, that is, to carry out the agreements given in determining the effectiveness of the organizational culture.

Shaw, R.B.The keys to trust in the organization: performance, decency, concern. // M .: Delo, 2000.

Prigogine, A. I . Methods for the development of organizations. // M .: MCFER, 2003. (Supplement to the magazine "Consultant" - 2003. - No. 9).

For more details see: Kochetkova, A. I. Introduction to organizational behavior and organizational modeling: // textbook. allowance. M .: Delo, 2003.
