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Code of Conduct in the Office Workplace. Code of Conduct for Office Employees. Where to leave things

The workplace, the office, often becomes our second home, and colleagues - almost like a family. And this is not surprising, this course of things is supported by our bosses. After all, it ties us to the firm where we work. But at the same time, do not forget the rules of official etiquette. Of course, the basic rules of etiquette are known to everyone, but, unfortunately, we do not always consider it necessary to adhere to them, but in vain! Knowing certain rules is good business card... After all, if you work in a reputable company and value your place, then knowledge and, importantly, compliance business etiquette, it will help you a lot not only to earn the respect of others, but also in promoting career ladder... After all, the office is not just a place where we work - it is the face of the company, where each employee demonstrates the principles to the guest corporate culture companies. Little things like a friendly smile business style clothes, literate speech are the first signs by which you can distinguish an ordinary company from a competitive, customer-oriented one.

Here are some basic work etiquette to help you look good in all situations:

♦ It is very important to always arrive at the service on time, not being late, but preferably 5-10 minutes before the start of the working day.

♦ Every working day begins with a greeting. It must be remembered that the subordinate greets first, and then the boss. The only exception is the situation when the boss enters the room where his subordinates are sitting. In this case, it is the boss who should say the greeting first. Business etiquette allows for the absence of a handshake. But if you like this ritual, then you should remember that the woman is the first to reach out to the man, but your handshake should be short.

♦ Even if your company practices a democratic principle of communication and everyone says "you" to each other, treat your boss with respect. If you have always been with him on you, but during business trip he offered to have a brotherhood drink, don't tell it in the office. Continue to contact your boss formally, unless he suggests otherwise. And do not be familiar, do not pretend that you are his best friend. Even if you communicate outside the office, and your children go to Kindergarten, at work he is your boss.

♦ And of course, appearance is very important. Do not wear miniskirts, bodycon dresses, or plunging necklines to work, or expose your belly button. All clothing should be clean and ironed. One of the basic rules of business etiquette is to look neat and smell good. Of course, extremes should be avoided here too. A heavy evening scent in a small, confined space can make your colleagues feel nauseous.

Your workplace can tell a lot about you. And no matter how much everyone around you asserts that you are free to feel at home, you should not go to extremes. You can put a photo of your family or your beloved cat on your table. But a favorite actor with a naked torso as a background on the monitor of an office computer is already overkill. Also, do not hang around the lamp with decorations and put your favorite talisman on the table. What would you think of a person whose workplace looks like a desk in a teenage girl's room? And one more thing: don't forget about order.

♦ If you need to enter the next office, the question arises - do you need to knock before opening the door? According to office etiquette, it is believed that knocking should only be done on a door beyond which there are fewer than three people. Workrooms with three or more workers can be entered without warning. After you have entered, you do not need to wait for the offer to sit down, but you should sit down on a chair only after the owner of the office has sat down.

♦ In the case when you need to introduce colleagues, partners to each other, you should know that according to the rules of etiquette, the younger by age or position are always presented to the older, by the way, they have the right to introduce themselves. However, a woman, regardless of age and position, never calls her name to a man first (this is permissible only if the man, for example, is an elderly professor, and the woman is a student).

♦ The common rules that are followed in everyday life when a man should let a woman go ahead are absent in business etiquette. Women should not only open the doors themselves, but also let others in if necessary, regardless of whether it is a man or a woman. The same goes for the elevator. If in ordinary life a man must enter the elevator first, at work it is quite acceptable, having overtaken a male colleague, to enter the elevator car before him.

♦ Do not chat on your cell phone for long periods of time . If you're talking about personal affairs, move to a secluded place. When you come to work in the morning, immediately turn down the volume. phone call, because no one is obliged to listen to the latest hit from your mobile phone while you are away from your workplace. It annoys and distracts everyone.

♦ It is recommended to pick up the office phone receiver no later than the fourth call, otherwise your potential interlocutor may think that they are not interested in communicating with him. The initiator of the conversation always ends the conversation. If the phone accidentally disconnects during a conversation, the person who dialed the number first should call back. If the phone rang while you are talking with the client, pick up the phone, apologize, let us know that in this moment you are busy with a visitor and agree to reschedule the call. If the call is too important to postpone, be sure to apologize to the client before speaking.

♦ In the office from time to time there are birthdays of employees and other "significant dates", respectively, there are problems with gifts for colleagues or bosses. colleague or boss. Of course, personal items such as a tie, tights and perfume should be banned. It is better to opt for a neutral gift. It's good if your souvenir has something to do with work. Therefore, all kinds of pens, diaries, organizers, books will always be appropriate. In any case, the gift should not be very expensive, especially for the bosses, otherwise the gifted person or your colleagues may regard your surprise as sycophant. You can embarrass a colleague with an expensive gift: a person will feel obliged to make a gift of no less value, which may not be appropriate for him.

♦ Don't talk about your personal life. You can tell your close friend about your troubles, but do not tire all your colleagues around with stories about your mom’s stomach problems or your yesterday’s scandal with your husband.

♦ Do not ask for a loan. Even if you and a colleague are good friends, it is still best to avoid this.

♦ Do not dine in the workplace, especially if customers can see it. Take a break, go to the dining room or a designated eating area. An unwritten, but obvious rule of official etiquette: we do not take sandwiches with onions and garlic to work!

By observing all these simple rules, you can not only avoid ridiculous situations, but also earn the respect of your management and colleagues at work.

For various reasons, offices are often not bought from us, but rented. Of course, it is more convenient not to waste your precious time on independent searches for an office, but to turn to professionals who will save you from sometimes unsafe, exhausting searches for premises. Where to go in order not only to promptly receive truthful information about the availability of the premises you need, but also to find an office, the lease of which will be profitable for you and will not present unpleasant surprises. It is better if it is a real estate agency that has many years of experience in the commercial real estate market and has established itself only with better side... The main criteria that need to be guided in choosing an agency are professionalism and high efficiency of the company's specialists, the presence of pre-checked objects, legally competent conclusion of transactions, no prepayment for agency services, as well as for providing information and displays. In this case, renting a room will not only not cause you any trouble, but will also save your good mood and energy for the future fruitful work of the rented office.

If you want to be on good terms with employees at work and be praised by management, you must know how to behave correctly at work. Here are 10 examples of things to avoid.

- Avoid gossip. One thoughtless phrase can ruin a relationship with a valuable employee.

- Don't bring your personal problems to work. Firstly, despite the ostentatious feelings of colleagues, in fact, nobody is interested in your personal affairs, and, secondly, there is no need to give a reason to go personal.

- If you have access to confidential information, have the restraint not to disclose what only you know, even if you really want to. This information also applies to the amount of your salary.

- Do not allow yourself to "hang on the phone" all day, discussing a lot of news with your friends. If you have any personal problems, try to solve them quickly and get back to work.

- Will not do you honor and harsh abuse at the workplace.

- Do not spoil, so hard acquired, reputation by flirting with employees or bosses.

Don't let bad mood drive you. Try to always be in good location spirit.

- In no case do not hysteria. Work is not a place for emotions. Your ability to control yourself will be appreciated here. You've probably noticed that one of the requirements for office workers is stress resistance.

- Try not to give a reason to be harassed by members of the opposite sex. But, if someone still dared to "roll up" to you, immediately make it clear that you value your reputation and do not intend to start a love relationship at work.

Do not discuss with your colleagues your superiors under any circumstances, not at work or not. It could cost you your job and your career. Try to subtly or humorously avoid such conversations or questions.

Of course, this is not the whole list of tips. It is simply impossible to fit everything in one small article. Observe the most successful people in your firm. Perhaps you will learn something from them for yourself.

Sometimes there are situations in which we do not know at all how to behave at work and in the office. I want to look like a well-mannered person in the eyes of others, but instead we make ridiculous blunders. And for this you just need to know the rules of official etiquette.

Office etiquette - behavior in the office and at work

We are working more and more. The place of work has already become our second home, and our colleagues are almost like a family. And this is not surprising, this course of things is supported by our bosses. After all, it ties us to the firm where we work. But at the same time, one should not at all forget the rules of official etiquette.

Don't be fooled by the appearance of comfort. Work is work, and knowledge of official etiquette is just as important as your qualifications. Therefore, it is worth knowing how not to get lost in the more often unwritten office rules of good form.

Office etiquette: what is appropriate and what is inappropriate in the workplace

As at school, the appearance of the diary speaks about the student, so now - your workplace can tell a lot about you. And no matter how much everyone around you asserts that you are free to feel at home, you should not go to extremes.

You can put a photo of your family or your favorite cat on your table. But a favorite actor with a naked torso as a background on the monitor of an office computer is already overkill. Also, do not hang around the lamp with decorations and put your favorite talisman on the table. What would you think of a person whose workplace looks like a desk in a teenage girl's room? And one more thing: don't forget about order.

Service etiquette and appearance

Your professionalism is also evidenced by your appearance. Each firm or institution has its own rules. What is customary to wear in a private office is often inappropriate for a teacher to wear at school.

There are, however, a few basic rules of good manners. Do not wear miniskirts, bodycon dresses, or plunging necklines to work, or expose your belly button.

All clothes should be clean and ironed, and the wearer should look neat and smell good. Of course, extremes should be avoided here too. A heavy evening scent in a small, confined space can make your colleagues feel nauseous.

Office etiquette: birthdays and other holidays

It is not customary for every company to have noisy parties. If you notice that no one does this at work either, then you shouldn't stand out with your “three-course menu” for your birthday. If you wish, you can simply treat employees to chocolate or homemade cookies.

On big holidays, the most correct decision would be to throw off on the common table. Agree on a small amount that everyone will put in the common piggy bank, and appoint a person to take care of the purchases. If at that moment you did not have cash with you, ask a colleague to pay for you. However, do not hesitate to repay the debt.

If, on the contrary, you paid for someone who is in no hurry to return the money, you can delicately hint to him about this, for example, recalling the past celebration. Office etiquette does not allow borrowing money from your colleagues.

Office etiquette: greet the boss

As you know, the most important person in any company is the boss. Even if your company practices the democratic principle of communication and everyone says "you" to each other, contact your boss with respect.

If you have always been with him on you, but during a business trip he offered to have a drink at brotherhood, do not tell this in the office. Continue to contact your boss formally, unless he suggests otherwise.

And do not be familiar, do not pretend that you are his best friend. Even if you communicate outside the office, and your children go to kindergarten together, he is your boss at work.

You should be the first to say "Good afternoon" to him, despite the fact that you are a woman.

The art of official etiquette is dominated by simple rules... Whenever you are in doubt about how to behave, follow your intuition. And ask yourself what kind of behavior you would expect from employees if you were a leader.

V modern society office etiquette plays everything big role... Knowing certain rules is a good calling card. Sometimes, however, ironic comments on the topic of exaggerated politeness are heard, but it is better to overdo it with courtesy than to make a blunder.

Service etiquette trainings

It is important to know who should be the first to reach out to shake or be the first to introduce themselves, to knock or not to the closed office of the chief, as well as how to dress appropriately for a corporate party. Therefore, I recommend that you refer to various manuals on the topic or go to the training. It will boost your professional level, will help you make new contacts easier and improve your position in the team.

Office etiquette: never do this in the office

A natural question for those who work in large companies: Is it necessary to greet every person you meet in a large building? In fact, no, it is not necessary, but the rules of good manners advise us, even strangers, to at least smile - or you can slightly nod your head. If you are in the company for a long time, then you may also have a chance to work with this or that person, and it will be better for you to initially form a positive idea of ​​yourself.

Who do you greet with in open space?

Entering the workspace, you need to greet everyone at once, not each one individually. In this case, it is better to say "Good afternoon" instead of "Hello". You do not need to approach every employee: firstly, it takes a long time, and secondly, you will probably forget about someone and cheat on yours.

Where to leave things?

As a rule, in any office there is a dressing area, and this is where you should leave your outerwear, and not hang it on the back of a chair, and even more so put it on the table. Yes, it may not be very convenient for you, but etiquette does not always make life more comfortable. And by the way: they should be folded and hung on a hanger, if there is no unoccupied room where an umbrella in unfolded form will not accidentally interfere with anyone. And never place it next to your desk so your colleagues don't have to jump over it!

What should be on the desktop?

At work, you are first of all an employee, and only then a mother, daughter, sister, a lover of soft toys, embroidery and paintings. This is always important to remember when planning to bring to work some important item for yourself - for example, a commemorative watercolor or something else in a similar vein. According to it, it is appropriate to put one or two frames with photographs of loved ones on the desktop, and that's all. Hide the rest of the things in the boxes.

Is it appropriate to resolve personal issues over the phone?

If you get a call on some urgent issue and it can be resolved in less than a couple of minutes, then feel free to answer the call right at your workplace - this is quite normal. However, when it comes to longer personal negotiations, then it is worth leaving the room and, of course, one should not quarrel with loved ones in front of colleagues. And more about calls: if the conversation is working and you need to record it on a dictaphone - this happens - then, turning on the speakerphone in a secluded place, you must warn about this action, he must be aware of. Remember, for your part, you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your conversation.

Can I make comments to colleagues?

If something very much annoys you - for example, a colleague uses words incorrectly, emphasizes in the wrong place, or something else - you should not talk about it in front of everyone and to your face: this way you are unlikely to achieve what you want, and even make yourself enemy. It is better to act more tactfully and raise an exciting topic during a general conversation, as if by chance, so as not to convict a person of mistakes, but to give him a “random” opportunity to find out where he made a mistake. If this does not work, then convey your thought to a colleague in private, starting with the fact that with your advice you wish him well.

Should I knock in front of my office?

If you have work space common use, then you do not need to knock before entering it - you can safely enter. But before you go to the boss, it is better to knock or when you open the door, ask a simple question - "Can I come in?" If a superior employee is on the phone and did not notice you, try again later, after 20 minutes, not earlier, so as not to seem overly intrusive.

Do I need to keep up a conversation with unfamiliar people?

If you find yourself in a meeting room alone with unfamiliar people, and the meeting still does not start, you can try to start a conversation, but try to avoid hackneyed jokes and too long and detailed stories about yourself - this will tire you and turn you into a chatterbox in the eyes of others. If a person makes contact, then you can continue an unobtrusive conversation, but if not, you shouldn't try to "entertain" him with conversations.

Can I dine at my desk?

There is not even talk here - of course, lunch is not worth it at the work table: the food smells, the crumbs fly, and this will annoy everyone around. True, you have the right to drink coffee or tea, office etiquette is not a hindrance here.

What to give to colleagues?

Do not give your colleagues too expensive or specific gifts that someone may not like: this problem, fortunately, is often solved in the office by collecting money on the occasion of some holidays. But the question with souvenirs from trips is a little more complicated: many people think that they are simply obliged to bring some trifle to everyone, although this is not at all the case - we live in open society, so travel is no longer an extremely extraordinary event that needs to be celebrated.

How to prepare for the end of the working day?

Highly important rule mainly for ladies: before leaving work, many people like to tidy themselves up right at their desk - this, of course, is wrong. However, an even more serious violation of etiquette is the application of your favorite scent in a public space - as a result, when the girl leaves, colleagues often have to open the windows to ventilate the room.

Business etiquette is perhaps the most logical type of etiquette. Everyone understands what is permissible to do in the office and what will look extremely unprofessional. In this case, simple rules are violated with regularity. Ekaterina Sartakova, an etiquette specialist, talks about her appearance, relations with colleagues and the working atmosphere.

Makeup and hairstyle

It is best to stick to the golden mean in this matter. Do not go to extremes from a complete lack of makeup to applying evening makeup that is inappropriately bright for work. Your makeup looks right if: the tonal base is elusive, smooth color transitions and blurred borders, the eyes are a little emphasized, a light classic make-up. The main goal is to instill confidence by highlighting dignity and hiding flaws. Forget about war paint or carelessness in application cosmetics... My personal advice is to take a make-up course for yourself. And remember, do not pretend to be in the workplace, there is a ladies' room for this.

As for the hairstyle, it should look something like this: clean hair, neatly styled, not overloaded with styling products. If you work in a serious company or are involved in important negotiations, then hair below the shoulders should be gathered in a bun or ponytail, with invisibility or discreet hair ties.


Your appearance testifies to your professionalism as much as your skills. Style, relevance and restraint are paramount here. All organizations have their own rules regarding the dress code of employees, and, perhaps, they are completely absent. The topic is very extensive to fit all the nuances in one paragraph. However, there are several basic rules of good manners that are unshakable anytime, anywhere, when we talk about business etiquette. Namely: do not wear mini-skirts, tight-fitting dresses, things with a deep neckline, do not expose the navel. When buying a thing, look at the quality of the fabric and how much it wrinkles. Your clothes should always be clean and ironed. As for shoes, I recommend refraining from high heels (maximum 8 cm). Shoes should always be clean, and it is advisable that you have a special replacement pair of shoes for work, which you do not wear in everyday life.


Remember, it is very easy to overdo it with perfume. When in close proximity with other employees, especially in a small room, think about how much others might feel about your perfume. If you can hear it clearly, you can be sure that others are already crazy. Stick to the less is more principle.

The scent of perfume is something personal and should only be noticed by those closest to you. Take care of your colleagues and, of course, of the clients whom you can simply push away with an obsessive scent.

Remember that an expensive scent is natural and fresh, but by no means heavy, sweet and suffocating. It may be better to use scented oils or lotions with your favorite scent if the job involves direct contact with people. Or apply eau de toilette in one of these ways: first, when you spray a little perfume in the air in front of you and pass through the cloud instead of applying it to the pulse points; the second option is to spray the perfume on the hairbrush and comb.


Your hands are an indicator of grooming and respect for customers. When people ask me what a perfect manicure should look like office worker I always say that these are short, neat nails with a solid finish. Colors: classic transparent pink, as it is the most unassuming to care for and always looks feminine and stylish; flesh tones, slightly more matte; classic red out of competition (this can include both dark red and burgundy), as well as varnishes of the color of precious metals - sapphire blue, emerald, purple-amethyst. I do not recommend rhinestones and drawings on the nails.

Have a snack?

Lunches and snacks at the workplace are a common thing. Few people think about process aesthetics, hygiene and smells. If your work is directly related to meetings and negotiations, when clients can see you, then, of course, this is unacceptable, the question of manners and elementary service is on the face. You can take a break and go to the dining room or to the designated dining area. And if there is no such room, then this good reason offer innovation to the life of the entire office. Cups of tea and coffee, plates or containers with crumbs have not yet painted any workplace, and the likelihood of getting dirty or pouring something on yourself increases by 200%. Obviously, but it's still worth saying: business etiquette and dishes with onions and garlic are incompatible things.

Topic for discussion

There are topics that should not be discussed with colleagues, so as not to worry in the future about your image in the team and avoid unnecessary stories about you, even if you think that these people can be completely trusted. In particular:

    Your promotion / absence

    The size wages

    The cost of someone else's things

    Colleagues' mistakes and gossip

    Personal topics (age, absence of children, divorce, illness)

I especially recommend refraining from talking on abstract topics when clients are nearby, as they want to see professionalism and competence in you, and laughter and conversations of employees communicating with each other can be repulsive.


Entering the premises, we are the first to greet the colleagues who are there. The junior in status / position is the first to verbally greet the senior. And the exchange of handshakes from the opposite - here the elder takes the initiative. When a customer or customer comes to you, always get up from your seat to greet them. We do not shake hands across the table, nor do we hold our hands in our pockets. In Europe, in business etiquette, the exchange of handshakes, as a ritual, is mandatory, in our country, many are afraid to do this, but in vain.

Not a woman, but an employee

This phrase contains the main difference between business etiquette and secular etiquette - a woman no longer has privileges, here she has an equal status with a man. A few examples for clarity:

  • If in secular etiquette a man opens the door, letting a woman go forward, then in a business environment the door is opened first by the one who stands closer to her.
  • At a social reception, a man pushes a chair for a woman and helps her to sit down, and at a business breakfast or lunch, everyone moves a chair for himself.
  • In ordinary life, a man always rises to greet a woman or an older person, and in business etiquette, a man and a woman always rise from a chair to greet a client or visitor, regardless of gender.
Why is it so accepted? In order not to be distracted from the main thing - from work.

Phone phone strife

If we are talking about a personal phone, then let it be on vibro or quiet melody mode so as not to distract others with extraneous sounds. Work is not the most suitable place to talk about personal matters, so we either go to a secluded place or put it off until after work. At important negotiations, business meetings in cafes and restaurants, the telephone does not belong on the table.

The use of a work phone also has its own nuances. If we call, we definitely introduce ourselves and ask if it is convenient to talk. It is not recommended to make business calls during the first and last hours of work on weekdays.

The call should be answered approximately after the third ring: the first - we distract from work, the second - we focus on the call, on the third - we think with what phrase we will answer.

If we are with someone and the work phone rings, then we always ask permission to answer and, if necessary, move away from the interlocutor, so as not to be distracted by our conversation, but no more than for 2 minutes.

Etiquette and service

Knowing the rules of etiquette in the business and service environment is very important. Service, in difficult market conditions and high competition, plays a huge role and can actively influence the image and development of the organization. Each employee is the face of the company, and it is necessary not only to know the rules, but also to follow them, to work on developing a culture of business etiquette. Remember how many times you personally did not make purchases or transactions due to the incompetence of an employee or his repulsive appearance, impolite or non-punctual? Of course, a lot depends on both the manager and each employee, as they say, "if you want to change the world, start with yourself."